TheVector Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association #246 • March/April 2006 • £ cnyr SMnTS OEOFF RYMAN IWIYIEn IAIN M BANKS Neil macleod Gai man th'OTid CHARLES Anansi UAH FOX Boys 1 HAMILTON JUDAS UNCHA’KEO JON COURTENAY GRIMWuOO JONATHAN STRANGE 1610 SERENITY M: NORRELL *7 SutiEBi Caike THE DESCENT MAGIC roRiininxKn* uuv LN Vector 246 The critical journal of the British Science Fiction Association Contents The British Science Fiction Association Officers Torque Control 3 Editorial by Geneva Melzack & Niall Harrison President Sir Arthur C. Clarke, CBE OT 4 Vice President Stephen Baxter Letters to Vector Chairs Pat McMurray & Julie Rigby Vector Reviewers' Poll 5
[email protected] Best Books of 2005, compiled by Paul Billinger Treasurer Martin Potts 61 Ivy Croft Road, Warton, Near Tamworth A Year in the Dark 10 B79 0JJ Movies of the Year by Colin Odell & Mitch LeBlanc
[email protected] The Good, the Decent and the Membership Peter Wilkinson Services 39 Glyn Avenue, New Barnet, Herts "Why, Dear Lord, Why?" 14 (UK & Europe) EN4 9PJ Genre TV of 2005, by Mattia Valente
[email protected] Best Related Relatedness 18 US Agent Cy Chauvin Claire Brialey's theories of relativity 14248 Willfred Street, Detroit, MI 48213, USA Archipelago 20 Membership fees Short stories of 2005 UK £26 pa, or £18pa (unwaged), or £28 (Joint/Family membership), Life First Impressions 23 membership £260 Book Reviews edited by Paul N. Billinger Europe £31 pa The New X 35 USA $35 pa (surfacemail) $45 pa (airmail) A column by Graham Sleight Rest of the World £31 pa (surface mail) £37 pa (airmail) Cover: Montage of some of the stuff of 2005 UK and Europe, make cheques payable to: BSFA Ltd and send to Estelle Roberts at the address above.