NAVYFOMBHED Truly Blodgett J Boy Scout L SPEED and ACTION Trains
10.000 WITHOUT FEAR READERS OR FAVOR EVERY WEEK Vol. 60. No. 18 SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1941 Price Four Cents l BX ""THE STAW NAVYFOMBHED Truly Blodgett j Boy Scout Four Men in Tuesday's Contingent Pass gyim SPEED AND ACTION Trains Americans in! Court of Honor The second World War and Am- Army Tests; One Selectee is Rejected erica's preparedness program have proved a Godsend for orators who FOR ARCHIE POHL Canadian Army! Was Held Here are now giving forth at commence- Was Also Celebration of Local ment exercises of high schools and Passes Enlistment Tests and Is"Now at Molton Field Where 900 colleges all over the land bent Immediately to , „, . , o, . ..•i.» Troop's 25th Anniversary Impressive because of their repu- Newport, R. 1. j Students Study Military j tations and degrees, these commen- * ! Aviation Recently in the Hoffman High cement speakers mount the platform Per a long time, i School auditorium, the spring Court Archie Pchl. son ^ Hitler's aviators, may soon oi H nor was held by the Southern and with a learned ,air proceed to I District, Boy Scouts The.affair was tell what America shauU have done of Mr. and Mrs.ifur: a themselves corLfraitlng airmen held on the 25th annlveisA of Troop and what the future holds for the Bernard P0J1I of Trultraines d by an aviator of this section, J whole world, America included. Dur- M™ Washington Blodgett, a man with a long 91. To commemorate thf| occasion, ing all tills they exhude the belief ,,...,,. r.r,i«i .a.
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