Mallams Oxford Paintings 26th February Covers.qxp_Layout 1 19/02/2020 11:27 Page 1 MALLAMS Mallams 1788 The Picture THE PICTURE SALE Sale Wednesday 26th February 2020 at 11am WEDNESDAY 26TH FEBRUARY 2020 WEDNESDAY Mallams Oxford Paintings 26th February Covers.qxp_Layout 1 19/02/2020 11:27 Page 2 FURTHER CONSIGNMENTS lake street street lake 4RP OX1 INVITED south oxford community centre south oxford community Modern British & John Piper (1903-1992) ‘Bastle House, Post-War Doddington’,1975, mixed media Art £3000-5000 22 May 2020 From OXFORD the Pits to Paris The art of George Bissill (1896–1973) Saturday and Sunday 21–22 and 28–29 March, and Friday 3 April, 2–6pm All enquiries to
[email protected] NEW For enquiries please contact Max Fisher HINKSEY T: 01865 241358 or E:
[email protected] SOCA ARTS Mallams Auctioneers, Bocardo House, St Michael’s Street Mallams Oxford OX1 2EB 1788 Reg. charity no. 304351 Mallams Oxford Paintings 26th February Pages.qxp_Layout 1 19/02/2020 11:28 Page 1 The Picture Sale Wednesday 26th February 2020 at 11am Oxford Order of Sale Prints 1-96 Maps 96A-113C Watercolours and Oils 114-452 Miniatures 453-464 Frames 465-488 Viewing Saturday 22nd February 9am to 1pm Monday 24th February 9am to 5pm Tuesday 25th February 9am to 5pm Morning of the sale from 8.30am IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING FRAMES As a general rule works are sold as framed unless the term ‘unframed’ appears in the catalogue description.