Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 107Th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 107Th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2001 No. 137 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, October 15, 2001, at 3:30 p.m. House of Representatives FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2001 The House met at 9 a.m. and was world. Your Word is heard and we are PLEDGING SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL called to order by the Speaker pro tem- brought to new life and a new aware- (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- pore (Mr. LAHOOD). ness. In You our cause will remain mission to address the House for 1 f right, our ways just. In You anger is minute and to revise and extend his re- transformed to commitment. Confessed marks.) DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER vulnerability forms solidarity. In the PRO TEMPORE Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today depths of new found freedom, You lead in the wake of disturbing reports. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- us to greater creativity. First, the Associated Press reported in fore the House the following commu- Your Spirit within us strengthens us newspapers around America yesterday nication from the Speaker: for the task ahead. You alone can take that the State Department is preparing WASHINGTON, DC, the diversity of our opinions, our tech- to pressure our friends in Israel to October 12, 2001. nology, our military, our willingness, make territorial concessions including I hereby appoint the Honorable RAY and our alert and bring forth goodness yielding part of Jerusalem to the es- LAHOOD to act as Speaker pro tempore on upon the Earth and equal justice for this day. tablishment of a Palestinian state. all. This morning in Israel there are re- J. DENNIS HASTERT, To You and You alone be glory, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ports that 2 weeks prior to the attacks honor and power both now and forever. f on the United States of America there Amen. was an agreement signed by the State PRAYER f Department and the administration of The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. Saudi Arabia to do just that, pressing Coughlin, offered the following prayer: THE JOURNAL Israel back to its pre-1967 borders. Mr. Speaker, I stand today to urge Lord of history and Guide of nations. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the administration and the State De- Yesterday, Members of this House Chair has examined the Journal of the partment to clarify the unqualified gathered for a memorial service at the last day’s proceedings and announces support of the United States of Amer- Pentagon, that 5-pointed star of shin- to the House his approval thereof. ica for Jerusalem as the inviolate and ing military power. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- eternal capital of Israel; and that the There, moved not by force or might nal stands approved. of Earthly making, You touched the United States of America, Christians Nation by the sincerity of prayer and f and Jews and all of Americans stand the revelation of Your silent Spirit for the territorial integrity of Israel working within us. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and so should this Congress. As we saw new resolve in the unified The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the f precision of united human forces and gentleman from New York (Mr. REY- we heard the call raised in the song of SUPPORT FOR THE PATRIOT ANTI- NOLDS) come forward and lead the TERRORISM BILL true freedom, we know it is You who House in the Pledge of Allegiance. strengthen us, as we prayed for our Mr. REYNOLDS led the Pledge of Al- (Mr. KELLER asked and was given fallen brothers and sisters of differing legiance as follows: permission to address the House for 1 age, race, creed, language, and ethnic I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the minute.) background. United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Lord our God, You take our diversity lic for which it stands, one nation under God, today as a supporter and original co- and bring about greater unity in this indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. sponsor of the PATRIOT anti-terrorism b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6705 . VerDate 13-OCT-2001 03:28 Oct 13, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12OC7.000 pfrm01 PsN: H12PT1 H6706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 12, 2001 bill. Recently, President Bush told our sider a report from the Committee on Rules this. While we believe the President Nation that our citizens should take on the same day it is presented to the House should have the tools he needs to fight their families on a vacation to Disney is waived with respect to any resolution re- this war against terrorism, we cannot World in Orlando, Florida. I have the ported on the legislative day of Friday, Octo- give up the role of Congress in doing ber 12, 2001, providing for consideration or happy privilege of representing Or- disposition of the bill (H.R. 2975) to combat so. lando. terrorism, and for other purposes. The majority has usurped a commit- Since we have a tourism-based econ- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- tee’s jurisdiction and has therefore set omy, my district has been uniquely back the hard-won bipartisan efforts of tleman from Georgia (Mr. LINDER) is hurt by the tragic acts of September recognized for 1 hour. a committee not known for working in 11. Specifically, because so many peo- Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, for the such a collegial and bipartisan manner. ple have been afraid to fly, theme park purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- Both Chairman SENSENBRENNER and workers, convention workers, hotel tomary 30 minutes to the gentlewoman Ranking Member CONYERS presented to workers, and cab drivers have lost from New York (Ms. SLAUGHTER), pend- the House a fair and balanced package their jobs. ing which I yield myself such time as I designed to give the administration It is critical to the people of Orlando may consume. During consideration of what it needs to ferret out the terror- that we pass this anti-terrorism bill to this resolution, all time yielded is for ists among us, and they are to be com- give our citizens a sense of confidence the purpose of debate only. mended. But to undo their work is un- and security that our skies and coun- Mr. Speaker, H. Res. 263 waives fair and unbalanced. try are going to be safer. This anti-ter- clause 6(a) of rule XIII, which requires Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of rorism bill which passed the Com- a two-thirds vote to consider a rule on my time. mittee on the Judiciary unanimously the same day it is reported from the Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, I reserve deserves our support. It is a powerful Committee on Rules. the balance of my time. piece of crime-fighting legislation. It This waiver will be applied to a spe- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I gives FBI additional tools to go after cial rule reported on the legislative yield such time as he may consume to terrorists. It creates criminal penalties day of Friday October 12, 2001, pro- the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. for people who harbor terrorists, and at viding for the consideration or disposi- MURTHA). the same time it respects the civil lib- tion of the bill, H.R. 2975, to combat Mr. MURTHA. Mr. Speaker, I wonder erties of our citizens. terrorism and for other purposes. if I could ask the gentleman from Geor- I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ I urge my colleagues to support the gia a few questions here. I have not on the PATRIOT anti-terrorism bill. passage of this rule which will enable seen a copy of the bill, and nobody on f the House of Representatives to debate this side has been able to explain to me what is in the bill. I know in an hour RECESS and consider the President’s antiterrorism package later today. that it would be very difficult to ex- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of plain the intricacies of a terrorism bill ant to clause 12 of rule I, the Chair de- my time. which would last for some period of clares the House in recess subject to Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I time. the call of the Chair. yield myself such time as I may con- Could you tell me the difference be- Accordingly (at 9 o’clock and 7 min- sume. tween the bill that the Committee on utes a.m.), the House stood in recess Mr. Speaker, the Committee on Rules the Judiciary reported out and this subject to the call of the Chair. met at 8 o’clock this morning to begin particular bill that we are talking f taking testimony on the antiterrorism about here? legislation. While the Committee on Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, will the b 1100 the Judiciary had reported a truly bi- gentleman yield? AFTER RECESS partisan bill by a vote of 36–0, which is Mr. MURTHA. I yield to the gen- The recess having expired, the House somewhat miraculous, 2 weeks ago, we tleman from Georgia.
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