CA BRI GES I E, Jls an inland county, bounded on the north-west by the counties ofNorthamptan~ Huntiugdon and Bedfflltd'; on the south by and Essex ; ou the east by Suffolk ; on the north-t>ast by Norfolk, aud on the north by Lincolnshire. Its greatest length is nearly fifty milPs, and its breadth at the- south and widest ex­ tremity above twenty-five; in circumference it is one hundred and thirty miles; and contai-ns 439,040 statute acres of land. Its limits for all the northern half are rivers, and t»eir communieating branehes, so intermixed as with difficulty to be traced; the southern half has an indented and undistinguished boundary line on the adjacent counties. Its figure somewhat resembles that of the ha man ear, the county of Huntiugdon cutting deeply into its western side, by a circular projection. During the heptarchy this county composed part of the kingdom of East Anglia; the Devil's ditck, which runs across Newmarket heath, in a· straight line for seve­ ral mil~!! to Rea<·h, (where the fens were anci£'ntty marshy and impassable), Camden mentions to have be£'n one of the boumlat·ies of that kingdom. Tlie t'arth that. was dug out of the tr£'nch is thrown UJl, and forms a high bank on the east side, which is that next to the tens. Ely and its district, fr9m its situation, has fre­ quently held out a long time against foreign and domestic foes ; and particularly, was the last: place in th2 kingdom which submitted to William the Conqueror. SoiL, PRODUCE and CLIMATE.-Notwithstanding the immense expense and labour which has heen be­ stowed in drainiug the fens, there is still a large extent in a waste and unimproved condition. In this part the application of the land is varioll&; where the soil is preserved from the floods, or only subject to occa­ sional inundations, it has all the fertility of water-meadows. The crops of oats are particularly abundant~ the produce beiug frequently fwm 50 to 60 bushels per acre. On the western side of this district, many thousand act·es are laid out in pasture. The fenny country extends south of the Onze, and runs up to the neighbourhood of Cambridge. The south-westem part of the county is the most agreeable, beiug raised in its surface and watered by the Cam. Some ''ery fine butter is made on the dairy farms in this district; and the vicinity of Cottenham (a village near Cambridge), is famous for a pe(:uliar kind of new cheese, of a singularly delicious flavour. The superiority of this cheese, is not ascribed to any particular mode in the management of the dairies, but solely to the nature of the herbage on the commons. In this part of the county many calves are suckled for the London markets. In some of the parisht-s bordering on Essex, saf... fron is cultivated ; and hemp and flax are produced in other parts of the county. The south-eastern division, reaching from Gogmagog hills to Newmarket, is bleak, heathy and thinly inhabited; being connected with that vast tract of land, which extending southwards into Essex, and northward across Suffolk into Norfolk, forms one of the largest plains in the kingdom, The sou them parts of the county, consistffig chiefly of elevated land, exhibit a remarkable contrast to the north division, and are productive of fine wheat, barley and oats; though thP. heaths and commons that intersect these districts, furmsh sustenance to many thonsantl sheep. The number kept in the county may be averaged at 153,000. The valley through which· the CaiB flows from Steeple Morden to Walton, is called the ' Dairies,' from being almost wholly appropriated to dairy farms. The quantity of wood land is not very considerable, the whole extent of timber scarcely amounting to 1000 acres, and these principally scattered through widely sundered parishes.-The smL is diversified, con­ sisting principally of a mixture of day and sand, and in the feus of a strong black mould and gravel. In general the air is pure and healthy, excepting in the more northern parts, which are rendered damp and unhealthy, by the vast tracts of fenny ground; these havt-, howeYer, been considerably drained of late years, and though much remains to be done, the impurity of the air has been greatly diminished, and the climate happily and materially improved.-MANUFACTURES are scarct"ly known in this county, with the exception of a smt of white bricks for cleaning iron, brass, &c. and the making coarse pottery ware. RIVERs.-The principal rivers of Cambridgeshire are the Ovzs and the GRANTA, or CAM. The former enters the county between Feu Drayton and Earith: thence it runs eastwar·d through the fens ; and after­ wards taking a northerly direction, passes Stretham, Ely and Littleport, and flows into Norfolk. The Cam has three branches, the chief of which t·ises near Ashwell,Jn Hertfordshire, and enters this county to the west of Guilden l\Iorten ; thence flowing to the north, it receives several rivulets, and near Grantchester its sister streams; and hence taking a uorth~rly course, the (;;am glides through the walks of science, oma­ mcnting the grounds of the principal colleges at Cambridg~t, aod falls into the Ouze, ueat· Thetford. Cambridgeshire is in the dioce~e of Ely; and included in the Not·folk circuit. It ill divided into seventeen Jmndredll, viz.-ARMlNGFORD, CAMBRIDGE, CHESTERTON, CnEVELY, CHILFORD) FLEI'O'DISH, LoNGSTow, NoRTHSTow, PAPWORTH, HADFlELD, 'fAINE, STAPLOE, 'l'HRIPLOW, WETHERLEY, WHtTfLESFORD, Wis­ llEACH, and W!TCHFOR~. lt contains one city {Ely,) one county and borough town (CambridgP,) nine other market towns and 163 parishes. It sends six members to parliament, viz.-two for the University, two for the town of Cambridge, and two for the county. 'l'he present representatives for the shire are, Lord C. S. Manners and Lord F. G. O:;b01·ne. PoPULATION.-Accor·ding to the cemnts of 1821, there wer·e houses inhabited in the county, 20,869; un;n­ habitt-d, 247; and houses building, 217. The number of families then resident in the county was 25,603; comprising 60,301 males, aud 61,608 females; total, 121,909: and by a calculation made by order of govennneut, which included persons in the army and navy, for which was added after the ratio of about one to thirty 1)rior to the year 1811, and one to fifty fur that yt•ar and the census of 1821, to the returns made from the several districts ; the population of the county, in ronud numbers, in the year 1700, was 72,009-in 1750, 76,000-iu 1801, 92,300-in 1811, 104,500-and in 1821, 124,400. The increased population in the fifty years, from the year 1700, was 4,000-from 1750 to 1801, the increase was 16,300-fmm 1801 to 1811, the increa~e was 12.200>--and frnm 1811 to 1821, the augmented uumber of persons was 19,900: the grand total increase in the population of the cou-nty from the year 1700 to the censllS of 1821, being aoou t 52,400 persons. Index of Distances from Town to Town in the County of Cambridge. "fhe names of the respective towns are on the top and side, and the square when• both meet gh·cs the di~tance • .Distance from London. Ctlmbridge ...... 51 Chattf'ris •••.• , 28 Chatteris • . • . • . . . • • • ...... • . . . • . • . . . . . • • • . • • . • 71 Ely ..•.•••.••. 16 121Ely ..•.•.•• (by way of Cambridge) •••.•••••... 67 Linton •••••.•• 11 33 21 Li11ton...... • . . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . . • . 48 l\.1 arch •••••••••• 32 8 19 36 :1\'larcll. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 79 Newmarket •••. 13 25 13 14 26 Newmarket ...... 60 Royston •••••.•• 13 3'2 30 15 39 26 Royston • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . . . . . 38 So ham ••••.••. 19 181 6 19 25 ! 32 So~~m. . • . • . . . • • . . • . • • • . • . . . • . • . . . 70 11w_rney..••••.. 40 18 32 50 14 4a ~-t 39 l horn~y ..•..•..•.•...... •.••.. 86 1 W_htttlesca•..... · 30 15,~7 41 11 1 ~? 1 39 33 5\Wiuttl~sea ...... • . • . • • • . i8 W1sbeach ...... 43 l9j31 50 11 1 39 5133 14 19 I W1sbeach...... • . . . . • • . 90. 99 r splendour. De MotJtmorency, purchased by Hugh De Balsam, a sub-p.-ior of Ely, in the reign of William Rufus, put both the town and who, in 1284, obtained a charter of incOI'poration, and county to fire and sword, in revenge of an affront given tmdowed the collt>ge with lands; and at his death be­ him by that monarch. In ll74, the town was nearly queathed 300 marks tor its further eolargemen£. Since reduced to ashes; 'friuity church, and several other the demise of the original founder, the rcn:nues of churches, together with most of the houses, were to- this college have been con:::iderably augmented by nu­ tally consumed. Jul630, a dreadful plague raged in it, merous l"tenefactions. In the list of benefactors is and carried off about 400 of the inhahitants: during I~ady Mary Ramsey, who is reported to have offered a the continuance of this scourge, the University was very large pt'operty, nearly equal to a new foundation, closed, and the students retired to their homes ; the to this college; but, requiring the change of its name assizes, which should have been held }n Cambridge at into P~ter and Marg's, as an indispeniiabfe condition, the time, were removed to the town of Royston. To was thwarted in her intentions by Dr. Soame, the then enter into minute details in the description of the nu- master, who said-• Pt'tet ltas been too long a bache­ merous stmctures formed for education and piety, in lor to think of a female comrade in his old agt' t' 'a t.his ancient artd venerable seat of learning, would far dear-bought jest for so good a benefactress,' obsenes exceed the limits necessarily adopted for a work of this Fuller, who relates the story; 'fur Lady Ramsey, dis­ nature; brief must be the account of them-refPrring gusted at his refusal, tul'lled the sneam of her benevo­ those who may demand more elaborate particulars tn fence into a different channel.' The present building a perusal of' the Cambridge Guide,' an accurate little consists of three c:ourts, divided by cloisters. The work; and for a more detailed account, either of the chapt>l is a very handsome structure, 55 feet long and studies or ceremonies of the University, to' the Uni- 27 in breadth; and the hall and library are two noble versity Calendar,' and r.he Rev. L.Wainewri~ht's 'Li- rooms. CLARE HALL was founded, in 1326, by Dr. terary and Scientific Pursuit!'! of the Uni,·ersity of Richa•·d Baden, the then chancellor of the U nh·erllity; Cambridge.' The origin of the University is so em·e- 16 yeat•s after its ert'ction, it was consumed by fire; loped in the obscurity of earlier ages, that the most but, throu!!h the assistance of the Lady Elizabeth, eo­ diligent researches of the antiquary have amounted to heiress of Gilbert, Earl of Clare, it was re-built, and little more tl1an conjecture. It is generally supposed denominated Clare Hall. It is a handsome building, to have been founded by Sigebert, a king of the .East of Ketton stone, and a court with two por~ Angles, about the year 630; it originally consisted of ticos. In 1763 the chapel was re-built; it is a ntat hired halls or hostels for the studeuts, who boarded and elegant edifice; the }Jail, combination-room. and and lodged with the townsmen. During the strug~les library, are spacious and handsome. PEMBROKE HALL of succeeding ages, it suffered ~reatly; yet, at the time was founded, in 1343, by the Countess of Pembroke; {)f theN orman conquest, it had attained to a consider- it is situated on the east side of Trumpiugton-:strect, able celebrity. The fir~t college was erected by Henry and comprises two spacious court~ of equal dimeu­ Ill, and in process of time the whole system of edu- sions. The chapel was consecrated in Septem btr, 1665, cation wai materially improved; the only relic ofthe and is from a design by Sir C. Wren. Gosvn.LE and {)riginal University, now standing, is what is denomi- CAIUS CoLLEGE was founded by .Edmund Gouville~ nated ' Pythagoras' school,' situatedfon the western rector ot'Terrington, in 1348: he dying before the plan t:~ide of the Cam ; it is now used as a barn. The pre- was etft'cted, John Caiu~, physician to Queen 1\lary, in sent V niversity c:ornprises 13 colle~es and four halls, 1557 obtained a charter of iucorporation, and, in con~ [see alphabP.ticallist of them aa denominated, with the 11equence, the college took its present name. The date of their foundation, officers, professorships, ~c. at building is entered by three gates, impressive:: from the cpnclusion of this article] consistin~ of a Chancel- their several inscriptions, to vhtue, wisdom, humility lor, Vice-Chancellor, the Masters m Heads, Fe!Jows and honour. The chapel is handsome, and beauu­ ot colleges, scholars and student~, amounting to about fied with an altar-piece, represeuting the Annunciation. four thousand se\·en hundred membt:rs; and is iucor- TRINITY HALL was fotwded inl351, hy Wm. Bateman, porated as a society fur the study of all the liberal arts of Norwkh. CoRPUS CHRIST! CoLLEGE was and sciences. Each college or hall is a body corporate, founded in 1351, by two S(Jcieties of the town, under and bound by its own statutes; but is likewise con- the protection of the Duke of Lancaster: it comprises trolled by the paramount law of the University, the a square court, on the sides of which are the master's executive branch of which is committed to the follow- lodge, and apartments for the fellows and studrnts; ing officers :-a CHANCELLOR, who is usually a noble- in the library is the original manuscript ofthe 39 arti­ man; a HIGH STEWARD, who is allowed a deputy; a des. This college has been re-b11ilt; and, fmm the VICE-CHANCELLoR, who is the head of some college extent and tn

SussEX CoLLEGE 1 founded in 1594, on the site of a motely connected with the University; excepting 1 hat, mona~tery of grey friars, was ori!linally intended for being the county town, and owing its ad\·antageou~ a master, 10 fellow-5 1 and 20 scholars; benefactions l'ituation un the head of the inland navigation from have raised the endowments, aud the e&tablishments Lynn, it unavoidably secm·es an extensive trade ht have been increasrd to a number considerably above coals and cnrn, particularly oats and barley. A great the original. Some few years since it received a quantity of butter is likewise com·eyed weekly throuiZh new front, and several other imprO\'ements have here, from Norfolk and the Isle of Ely to London, been made. DowNING CoLLEGE wa§ fonudl>rl in where it ohtains the name of Cambridge butter. pursuance of the will of Sir George Downing, Bart. The corporation of Camhridge com.i:sts of a mayor, 10 1717: the validity of the will became the subject a high stt-ward, a recorder, 12 aldermen, 24 common of Jegal inquiry; and, after lJrutracted litigation, council men, 4 bailiffs, a town clerk, and other officers. it was finally approved by his Majesty and the privy The choice of sending representatives to parliament council, in September, 1800. Tl:e cerrmony of laying is vested in thP mayor, bailiffs, and frermen not re.. the foundation-stone took place on the 18th of Mav, ceivin~ alms. in number about 230; tile mayor is the 1807; the building is now nearly completed, and tlie returning officer. Thr present representative:!! are college has been some time opened for the admission Colonel Frerlerick William French, aud the Righ' of students. Hon. James 1\larquis of Graham. Two are also cho- Cambridge is divided into four wards, viz. 'Bridge', sen hv the U ni,·ersity; the electors are the sellate, in ' Market', • High', and ' Preachers' wards; these number about 1900, and the vice-chancellor is the contain fourteen parishes (enumerated in a statement returning officer. The present mcmhers are Lurd of the ~lOpulation), each of which, with one exception, Palmerstou and Sir N. C. Tyndal. The police i!l has its church. Nearly all the livings are in the ~ift tormed jointly by the lJniversity and the town! the of thl! several colleges. Of the chua·ches, Ga·eat Saint vice-chancellor bein~ always a magi:,frate by virtue ol Mat·y,Saint SepLtlchre,anrl All Saints,alone present ob- his office. The assizes, countv courts, qnarter ses­ jects of sufficient importance for observation. St.l\lary•s sions for the county, and al~o 'fm· tile town, are held is situated in the middle of the town, and to this in the ~hire hall, a handsome building at the end church the Univt-rsity resort on Sundays and holidays of the market. There are also numeronli courts held to hear sermons, but it is also free to the public. It under the manorial lords, and consi,tory courts and consists of a nave, chancel, and side aisles. This visitations by the , and other8 by the church wa3 erected by contribution, and was neady chancellor of the U nivet llity, relating to matters con­ one hundred years in being completed. It is adorned nPCted with that body. Tile town and county gaol~ with a haud~ome tower, and lofty pinnacles. Saint are commodious buildings, well anrl suitably con­ Sepulchre, or the round church, is a venerable and structed for the purposes tor which they are erected. singularly constructed pile of building; it is after a The inns in this town are of the very first flrder of model of the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jeru- respectability. The inhabitants here are highly pri­ salem, and is supposed to have been built by the vileged in their walks, having those belonging tu s~­ Cr·oisaders. All Saints church claims the stmoger's vera! of th~ uoh·ersitif'l5 thrown OJ)eu for their use; attention, as possessing within it a fine specimen of most of which at·e lined with lofty trees, whilst others the sculptor's art, in a monument by the celebrated are upon the "erda11t banks of the pellucid Cam, which Chantrey, to the late Henry l\1rk~ White; erected at i" crosJed by many bridges. The n1arket is ht'ld every 101

• • ' ~amllrU.tgt~fJfrt. CAl\IBRIDG E, &c. Uigot St Michael. · · · · • · · · · · · 379 out by the villagers for their Cambridge vh-:itants. The St. Benedict ...... 967 St. Peter ...... _...... 481 · h h' l · I · · 1 • fl · h ._. d St• B ot oI p h ••• , • • • • • • • 716 St, S epu I c h re ...... 645 ans , w IC 1 IS rat 1er extensn'e, IS c ne .v m aultt' St. Clement ...... 772 The Holy Trinity ...... 1793 Cy fanners; and it is in this district that are situate!} St. Edward ...... 810 some of the best dairies in the county. The pari:;h St. Giles ...... 1635 Total.. .• 14,142 contained, in 1821, 1,137 inhabitants. POS'l' OFFICB, Green-street, 1\lr. James Brown, Post lllaster-Letters from LoNDON, Rovs­ ToN, HERTFORD and the south, aJTivf! every morning at a quarter-pa!'t two, and are dt>spat.::hed every 11ight at tweh·e.-Letters from NEWMARKET and all parts of NORFOLK and SuFFOLK arrive by mail cart, from NEWMARKET, evt'ry morning at a quarter-past one, and are despatched at the same hour.-Letters also for HuNTINGDON and the north are received and despatched at the same hour (the mail carts pa~sing between HUNTINGDON and NEWMARKET meet in CAMBRIDGE.)-Letters trtJm LUTON and SAFFRON WALDON arrive every evening at half-past seven, and from ELY at half-past eight, and are de!'ipatched to all these places every morning at half-pa~t six. Offic·e hours; the office opens for the delivery of letters every morning at half-pa~t seven, from the 6th of April to the 5th of October, aud at eight during the other part of the year; and closes at half-past nine at night; after which hour uutil ten, lette1·s are received by payiu~ uue penny with each ; and after ten until half-past (when the office closes for the night) by paying ~ixpence with each. UNIVERSITY. Chancellor-His Royal Highness the Duke of Glouces- 1724 Botany-John S. Ht>nslow, M. A., F.I•• s. t~r, K. G., D. c. L., F. R. s., F. A. s. 1683 Casuistry-Francis Barnes, D. D. High Ste-wurd-The Earl of Hardwicke, K. G., D. c. L., 1702 Chymistry-J. Cumming, M. A., F. R. s. F. R. s., F. A. s. 1540 Divinity, Regius Profe.,sor of-Thos. Turton,D D. Commissary-Frederick Pollock, e!lq. M. A., F. R. s. 1502 Divinity, Lady M argaret's Professor of-H erhert Deputy Hig/1 Steward-John Lodge Huhbersty, M. D. Marsh, Lord Bishop of Peterboro'. D.D.,F. a.s. 4ssessor to the Clwncetlm·-William Hunt, esq. M. A. 1768 Divinity, Norrisian Professor of-J. Bankes Holliugworth, D. D. [Thos. Starkie, M.A. FouNDED. Names of Colleges. 1800 Englatld, Douming Pt·ofessor of the Laws of- 1348 CAIUS CoL.-l\lartin Davy,D.D.,,.ll/astr 1724 Geology, Woorlwardian Professor of Adam 1475 CATHARINE HALL-Joseph Procter, D.D . .lllaster. Sed~~;wick, ~1. A., F. R. s., M. G. s. 1505 CHRIST CoLLEGE-Lord Bishop of Lincoln, D.D., 1540 Greek, Regius Professor of-J a8. Scholefielrl, M .A. F. R. s , lliaslPr. 1540 Hebrew, Regius Professor of-Henry Lloyd, D. D. 1326 CLARE HALL-Wm. Webb, D.D., F. L. s., llfaster. 1724 History, Jllodem-Wm. Smyth, M.A. [u.c.L. 1351 CoRPUS CH RJSTI CoL.-, D. D.Mastr 1540 Law, Civil, Regius Professor of-G. W. Gddart, 1800 DowNING CoLLEGE-Wm. Frere, D. c. L.Master. l6fi3 11/athemntics-Charles Babbage, M. A. 1584 EMMANUEL CoL.-Rht.Towerson Corv,D.D. .ll/as. 1800 Medicine, Downing Professor of-Cornwallis 1496 JEsus CoLLEGE-WiHiam French, D:D . .lllaster. Hewett, M. D. 1441 KING's CoL.-G.Thackeray, D.D., t'.L.s.,Provost 1808 Mineralogy-, M. A. 1519 MAGDALENE CoLLEGE-Hon. George Neville 1684 Jllusic-J. Clarke Whitfield, MUS. D. Grt'uville, M.A.lllastpr, [Master. 1783 Pkilosopl1y, Natuml and E,vperimental, .Jacl- 1343 PEMBROKE HALL-Rev. G. Ainslie, D. n., F.A.s., sonian Professor of-Wm. J<'arish, B.D., F. A. s. 1448 QuEEN's CoL.-, D. D., P1·esident 1540 Physic, Regius Pmjessor of-J no. Haviland, ~J.a. 1511 ST. JoHN's CoLLEGE-James Wood, D. D. .lllaster. Public: o,·atm·-Ralpb Tat ham, B. D. 1257 ST. PETER's CoLLEGE-Fs. Barnes, D.D. 11/a.Yter. University Officers. 1598 SJDNEY CoLLEGE-William Chafy, D.D. lllaster. Lzfrarian-John Lodge, M. A. 1546 TRINITY CoL.-Chr. Wordsworth,D.D.llfa.fter. 1350 TRINITY HALL-Ts.LeBlanc,D.c.L., F.A.s.,lllastr Appraiser-Elliot Macro Smith. Registrary-William Hustler, M. A. Professorships. Senate-house and School ¥eeper-John 'faylor. li07 Anttlomy-William Clark, ~l. A. lllarskal-Thomas Jobnson. 1632 Arabic-Samuel Lt>e, B. D., F. R. s. L. Yeoman Bedell-William Jiggins. Arabic·, the Lm·dAlmonm·'s Projesso1· of-Thos. Library Keeper-John Bowtell. l\J ""grave, m. A. Assistant Library Keepl'r-Richard Rowe. 1704 and ExperimPtttal P!tilosophy, Plu- Curntor of Rotardr: Garden-Arthur Biggs, F. L. s. miun Professor oj:._G, B. Airy, M. A. Keeper of Fitzwilliam 11/useum-William Key. 1749 Astronomy and Geometry, Lowndean Professor Assistant Keeper-Thomas Ridgcway. oj-William Lax, l'I.A., F. R. s. Organist-John Pratt. Clerk-John Smith.

NOBILITY, GENTRY AND Bond Rev. William. Bene't place Cotton SirSt.Vi ncnt,hart. M adin~lv CLERGY. Bone!! the Misses, St. Andrew st Cmmpton Re,·.'fh:s.Park hs,East rd. Atleane Henry J uo. csq. Babraham Bottomley Mrs. Mar~t. 22 Crescent Crosier Joseph, gent. Regent st AiJ·y G .B. M.A. ( profsr) Observatory Bowyer Mrs. M ary, Regt>n t st Cnmmiug Rev.--, M. A., F. R. s. Andrew Jas. L.L D. St. Andrew st Browne Rev.Geo.Adam,Che~terton (professor) RhadeJ.(und building'l Apthorpe Mrs. Aun, St. Botolph la Buxton l\IJ·s. Ann, Gonville cottage Dickea~on J uo.gcnt.East rd.Barnwl Armstroog Rev. Wm. Cottenham Cautley Rev. Thos. Belmont place Domford M1·s. Esther, Peas hiil Banks l\1 rs. l\lary. Sun st.Barnwell Chevallier Rev. Temple, Hill's road Duffield Rer .Rich.S£.John's college Barnes Rtv. Franci:s, D. D. (profes- Clarke Lady, Hegent st [way Eadsou Miss Elizabeth, Brunswi<·k sor) St. Peter's college [well Coc AldermanWin. 3Maid'scaust'- place, Bamwell Barron Mrs. Cat h. Eden ter, Bam- Coe Capt.T:s. R.N.5l\Iaid'll causeway Edmonds Rev.'fhs. Clark,Regeut st Bennettl\11·s.Hebecca,Corouation st Coe Tbomas, esq. Regent st tdwat·ds Mrs . .1\lartha, Bruu8wick Benson the l\Iisses, Chesterton Cotton Fras. esq. Rhadegund bldgs walk, Barnwell Betton Capt. Chas. Gloucester ter Cotton Fs.C. ~ent. Rhadegund bldgs Eiger 1\lrs. Susanuah,St.Andrew st

.His hop Mrs. CathtTine, Brunswick 1 Cotton Lady, Madingley park Evan~ Mrs. Sarah, Regt'nt st place, Baru well 1Cotton Rev. Alexander, Gil ton Farddl Rev. Henry, Waterbeach 102 il!Jirtctot.JJ• CAL\IBRIDGE, &c.

Fanlell Rev. Thoma11, Milton Sedgwick Rev. Adam,M. A., F. R. s., Read Lydia, (girls) St. An drew st J:c'arish Rev. Wm. B.D., F.A.s. (pro- M. G. s. (professor) Trinity coll Redman Margaret, Chestertnn fessor) Northampton st Sharp Fredk. gent. Trumpington st Robinson John, (gent.'s hoarding) Faulkrwr Rev. R. R. Grautchester Sharp Mrs. Amelia, Silver st Che~tt'rton [wick pl.Barnwell l<'ield John, gent. Re~ent st Sh.oar Rev. Jas.East road,Barnwell Smyth Wm.(day& boarding) · Foster Richd. esq. Thompson's la Simeon Rev. Chas. King's college Sutton Mary, (~iris) Regent st Fysh Mrs. H.E.A.St.Peter house pl Skelton Gen. Sir John, Regent st Thody Maria, (girls) Regent st Geldart Re\". G. W. D. c. L, (profes- Smith Mrs. Anne, Maid's causeway Wentworth Sarah, (girls) Jesus la. ~or) Trinity hall Smith Rev. Chas. St.Peter's college Winn Jane&Harriet,(giris)Jesusla. Haggerston .l\lrs. Eliz. Jesus lane Smith Rev. Henry, Dry Drayton Wray Elizabeth,(girls) Petty cury Haggitt Re\', John, Ditton Smyth Rev. William, M. A. (profes- APOTHECARIES. Hailstou Hev. Saml. Trumpin~ton sor) St. Peter's college (See nlso Surgeons.) Hardwicke Right. Hon.PhiJip Yorke Sparrow Mrs. E!inor P. Jesus lao.-! Chapman William, Sun st, Barnwell Earl of, Wimpole Spencer John, gent. Annesley place RelhamRichd. SL.SepulclHe's passge Hat·wood Lady, Regent st Spilman John, gent. Brunswick Wt·ay David, sen. St. Peter st Hat·wood l\1 rs. An ne, Willow walk walk, Barnwell [bttildings ARTISTS. Hatfield Wm. gent. Deuney abbey, Spiueto the Marquis, Rhadeguud LANDSCAPE,PORTRAIT,&c.PAINTERS Barn well Starkie Rev. Thomas, M. A. (pro- Harraden Richard B. (landscape) Havilanrl Mrs. Trumpington st fessor) Downing college rrrumpingron st [cury Hayles Mrs. Jane, Peter hottse pl Stevenson Rev. Jus. Downing terr Laporte Chas. (portrait, &c.) Petty Haylock Anuesley cottage Stimmersgill Mi..;s Cath. Trinity st Laporte ~eo.Heury,(horse;ortt·ait) Haz~wd Henry, gent. Bridge st Stttton Rev. Robt. 'frumpiugton st Petty cmy Headly Mrs. Mary, Annesley place Tal bot Nelson pi, Barnwl Storer James and Ht>nry Sargant. Heckford Mrs. Mary, New square Tat ham Rev. R. B.D. St. John ·s coli (landscape, &c.) l\1 aid's causeway Hemiugton John, esq.Trumpington Taylor 1\iiss Cath. Willow walk ATTORNEYS. Henslow Rev.John S. M. A, F. L. s. Thackerav l\lrs.l\1. E.St.Andrew st Marked thus "' are Solicitors in thtt {professorj Regent st Townley Richd. G. esq. Fulbourn Insolvent Debtors' Court. Herrick Mrs. Freeschool lane Turton Rev. Thomas, D. D. (pro- Ad cock Step hen, St. Mary st Hewitt Rev. Geo. Queen's wllege fessor) Annesley place Ashton William Gm·fit, Bridge !lt Hickman Rev.Thos.Trumpington st Ventris Rev. Erlwat"tl, Hobson st Hays Geo. Henry, Brunswick plact.>. Hind Rev. John, Trumpington st Wale Gen.Sir Chas. Little Sbelford Barnwell (passage Hodson walk,13rnwl Wallis l\Iis!i Sarah,Sun st,Barnwell C.esar Chas.Angustns, St.Edwanl'IS Hollingworth Rev.Archrlt:acou,D.D. Walsh Mt·s. l\Iargaret, Regent st Chevell Aaron (&coroner) Bruns- Regent st Wedd Mrs.Peter,2 Maid's causeway wick place, Bamwell Hopwood Rev. William, Regent st Wentworth M •·s. Fr. Cht'sterton rd Fetch Joseph, Peas hill Hovelll\lrs. Rebecca, Regent st Wheelwright l.\1 rs. Cat h. Newnham Fu:oter Ebenezcr, jun. Trinity st Hubbersty John L.M.D.Queen's coil Whewell Rev. ·wm. M.A.(profcssot·) Gee Robet·t, Freellchoollane Hugbes Rev. Thomas Smart, Rha- Trinity college [Barn well Gunning l<'rancis John, Brid~e st deguud buildings [causeway Willson Wm. gent. Blucher row, Harris Chas. Pestell, St. Andrew st Humphreys Miss Elizabth, 8 Maid's Woollard l\lrs. Mary, Jesus lane lngle John (and coroner for the H nnnybun James, gent. Chesterton county) Jt'sus laue ACADEMIES1 SEMINARIES Pemberton, Fi:ske and Hayward. Hunuybun Mrs. Mary, Brunswick AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS. I place, Barnwell [lege Not otherwise described are Day Schools. Trumpington st-(i\lr.Perubertou, Hunt Wm. esq. M. A. Queen's col­ AshbySarh.&Susan (girls) Wray's yd clerk of the peace and receiver lngle William, gent. Hill's road Banham Ann, (girls) Petty Cury gl'neral) [st James John, esq. Little Shelford Harber Thomas, (day & boarding) Rand all Edwd. & Son,Trumpington 'Kelty l\1 iss l\lary A. 6 Downing ter Prospect row, Ba1·uwell ~Robinson John Edwd. Brunswick Knight Samuel, esq. Impington B erna1· d J ane & l.\1 ary A nn, J esus l a. Place.. Barnwell · Lattc1· .Mrs. Julia, Regent &t BrewerSarah,(girls)5Downingter. «-'Iabram Richard, St. Andrews st Lanndy Samuel, gent. Che~terton Brown John, East road, Barnwell 'fwiss George Joseph, l.\larket st Lee Rev. Samuel, u. D., F. R. s. L. ChapmanEliz.(day&brding)Barnwl Went worth James, Chestertou road ~proft>ssor) Regent st [well Clay John, (boys) Peas hill White George Busby (and town Let:ding Ths.geut.Burleigh st,Barn­ Crisp Mrs.Geo. (girls) Fitawilliam st clerk) St. Andrew st Lowe Miss Ann,Gloucester terrace DennyThomas, ( boys)4 Sidney place AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS. Lyon l\lrs. Mary,8Downiugterrace Edwards Wm. George st, Barn well Marked thus • are Appraisers only. Maiden Henry, esq. Emmanuel hse }<'ranks Mary, (day and boarding) Cole William, Market hill Rh d db ·1 · «-Hunt William, Sidney st Martin James, esq. Quy a egun 1 dmgs Maile Edmund (& sheriff's officer) FREE GRAMMAR° ScHooL, Free 1\lathews .Mrs. Elizabeth, Hill's rd Brunswick r:alace, Barn well Mills Mrs. Eliz. l\laid's causeway Schoollane-James Bailey, M. A. ,.. Mortlock Alderman Wm. Bene't st head master; Francis Revdey, «-Metcalfe James, Trumpington st Musgra\·e Rev. Thos. M. A. (pw- B. A. under master [ton st Rowton William, Downing st fessor) Trinity college Gotobed Maryand Ann, Trumping- Smith &lliot Macro (and appraise1· Neale M rs.Elizbth. Brunswick ball, Greene Henry, Regent terrace to Uuiversityj Trinity st Barn well Gurford Mary,(girls)Tmmpingtu st *Smith John, Wheeler st Oliver .1\Jrs. Jane, Regent st HouldenAnne,Eden walk,Barowell Swan John, Sidney st Osborn Lord Francis Godolphin, INFANTS' ScHOOL, King st-Abra- Wentworth Joseph, Bridge"st ham Newland, master BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Gogmago~ hills Marked thus "' are also O.ealers in Gm- Owen Rev. Francis, Hill's road JNFANTS' ScHOOL, Union road- c:eries and Sundries. PalmerWm. gent.Eden terr,Barnwl Elizabeth Nuun, mistress «-Apthorpe Jas. Maid's cause~ay Peacock the .Misses, Barnwell INFANTs' ScHOOL, Gas laue, Barn- Apthorpe William Heury, Burleigh Pearce 1.\1 rs. Sericold, Beue't place well-, master street, Barn well Pearce Rev. Harry, Chesterton rd Jvitt 1\Iary, (girls) Jesus lane *Arhurn John, Princess st Peppe1· Wm. gent.Eastrd,Barnwell Johnwn Thos. (girls) Willow place Asplen Thomas, Petty cury Peyton Rev.Algernon,Ling Stanton Johnson William, (classical and Bays Charles, Chesterton Prest Saml. e~q. Stapleford I way commercial gentlemen's board- Beales William, Ba-idge st Pulling Rev.Wm.M.A.l\laid's cause­ ing) Llandaft· bouse, Regent liit Bebee William, Rt>gent st PurchasAidermanJ uo.St .An drew st Judd Jarnes, (day and boarding) Beldam Samuel, Sussex st Purcha!! Capt. Wm. J. R.N. Hill's rd Brunswicl~: place, Barnwell Blinkhorn .Mary, Bridge st Rayner 1\lrs. Sarah, St. Andrew st Leyburn Peter, (boys) lTnion road Bowbank Henry, Sidney st Richmond 1\lr:.. Downing st M ayes Sus an, East road, Barn well Sullen Frances, George st .BarnwelJ Safford Thos. gent. Regent terrace NATIONAL ScHOOL (boys), Pound Bullock Samuel, St. Andrew st Salmon Thomas, gent. Annesley pi hill-John Downton, ml\stPr Byford John, Bene't st Scholefield Rev. James, M. A. (pro- NATIONAL ScHooL (girls), King st Chapman Joseph. Annesley place fessor) Peter's field [way -Catherine l\larlow, mistress Cooke William, Sun st. Barowell Scultborpc 1\lrs. Anu,Maid's cau~e- Oldham Mrs.& 1\liss,(girls) New sq. I Crawlcy Robert, St. Andrew st .103 CAl\fBRIDGE, &c. Ut got & C!ro. '~ BAKERS &c.-C<>ntinuel Muncy David, Newnham Smith Richard Jas.1'rumpington sli Ct·awley Willian1, Tnnnpiugton st Paxman Thos. George st. Bamwell Spaldiu~ James, 3 CrPF.cent Ct·isp William, Green st Pryke Benjamiu, Hyde park corner BREECHES MAKERS. Dearl~ John, St. Mary st · Whitehead Edwaru, Chesttrton (See also 'J'ai!m·s.) '~~'Diver John, Sun st. Rarnwell st Wonfor William, Ca!'tle st Brown Thomas, Sun st. Barnwell Dockrell John, Wellington row, BOAT BUILDERS. Oavies Johu, St. Jobu st Bar mv-e ll Cross John, Chesterton Ransom George, T1 inity st Driver Heury, Coronation st King Charles(from London)Bruus­ Stuart Joseph, Trinity st Elbon1e Sarah, jun.Trumpington st wick walk, Baruwell BREWE QS & MALTSTERS. Emmerson i.\lary, Warwick st BOOKBINDERS. (See at~o 111altsters,Irmsl![ Taverm) Fortin John, Castle st (See also Booksellers 8( Statio-ners.) Berry & iieales, (brewers) Magda- '~~'Gal'ller John, Gt'Ol'!(e ~t. Bannvell Alien Charles, Green st len street Go11de Sarah, 9 Crescent Bowtell John, AH Saints' pass::~~e Bullen Mark, Chesterton toad Greenwood Thomas, Butchet· row Lawrauce William Heury, St. Ed- Casburn William, Quay side Harris Mary, Bririge st ward's pasl'age Fo~ter Hichd.& Son,Thompson's!a '~~'Hovell Jame!ii, Geor~re st.Barnwell Nichols William, nlackbear vard Gotnbed Jas.& Son,TrUOJ!IiiJgtou st Hunt John, Northampton st Wisemau Heury Richard, Tduityst Hopkius and Broadl!elt, SlanAhter• Johnsoll Ann, St. Andrew's hill Wootton William, Pembruke lit house lane [Chestertnu Knightly Wm. Trumpington st BOOKSELLERS&: STATIONRS. .Meadows .Ed wd. (victualler) Sluice, J~awrence Thoma!l, Magdaleu st Marked tbus «- are also Ci.loulatiDf Nash Tbos. & Co. ~t. Audrew st Libnries. Lewis Willi:m1, Market st Nuttet' Jas.&Ths. St. An drew' M hill Livermor~Thomas, Trumpington st Barraclough George, Triuity st Steward,Cotton&Co.Trumpingtn st Lh•ermorc William, Union st Barrett Mary Ann & ~on,Trinity st Twiss James, East road Lusher Wm. King st [Barn well Deighton J. & J. J. (&publishers & agents totheUniversity)TrinHy st SREWERS-·RETAIL. 1thrfleet Franc!I,Staffordsbire place, G1·een Rube1·t, King sa l\1oyse John, King st *Gee& Bridges ( &hiudrs) 1\Iarket hll Gntnt Wm.Peter, Trinity st [ton si Ind Sarah, Warwick st M ug~~;letnn Jas. George Fourth st J acksnn Henry ,Gold st, Barnwtll 1.\'lustill William, Sidney st '* Hall_J uo. ( & pub1_bher)'frumpiug· Hankm Jas. ( & bmder) Petty cmy King Thomas, Castle st Parket· Tho!l. St. Sepulchre passl'lgf J\lason Henry-, East road, Barnwell Parsley John, King st lliHatt John (anll binder) Peag hill Hntt Richd. (&binder) 18 Crescf:nt Ridrlel Thomas, Magdalcn ~t Rayment Elizabeth, Bntcht'r row 'l'hcobalds Wm. Burleigh st,Barnwl ""Roberts 1\lichl.East road ,Barn well Johnson Elijah (and puhlbhf'r) Siducy st LT• iuity 1'1. Wagg Rohert, Eden walk,Barnwell Rolfe Thos.(biscuit only)St.John st White Thom<~.s, Green st Rnshbrt>ok Jeremiah~ Bl"idge st Newby Richard (and publisher} Rutherford Waiter, Union t·oad Page Martha ( & bh:der) l\Ia1 ket l!t BRICKLAYRS & PLASTERERS Saudifer Mary, Free Bcfwol lane (See also Builders.) Squires William, Green bt Bradwell David, New square '~~'Stearn J oseph, King- st Smith Wm. Haddou, 7 Cresceut Stratton Wm. Willow place,Barnwel 41'8teveu!lonThs, ( &bindt:r) Trinity st Bmba~e George, St. Andrew st Wallis Hemy,Sidney st [Barn well Hall Pell, Pound lane Swann Thomas, King st Harris John, Sussex st Thom pson William, Blue her row, Waters Elijah, Adam and Eve row, Wright Edward, l\Jarket st Turner John, Maid's causeway Barn well Turner William, Thompsou's lane "fuffil and Purchas, Chesterton BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. BRICK MAKERS. Pfunwell John, Trumpin~ton st AtkinN Thomas, Chesterton Bt'nstead John, Trumpington at Asby Wm. & Chas. Trumpington s& Vaughoo William, jun. St. Peter st Clabbon Sarah, Trumpington st •wallis Richard, Castle st Beutky John, Triuity st Waiters Hen . .l\hrket st fBarnwell Bond John, l\laJ·ket hill l\l ason Henry, East road, Barnwell B1·ett Francis, Magdalen st Thurston Thoma:s, Paradil!e cot- Ward James, Adam and Eve I'OW, tage, Barnwell Ward Richard, Ahbey st. Barnwe.ll Butterfield William, St. l\1ary st Watson John, Castle st Butteri~s Joseph, Sidney st BRUSH MANUFACTURERS. Wilderspiu Thomas, Gre-en st Currie William, Snssex st Cooke Simon, Sun st, Barnwell Drirer William, Princess st Youn~ Andrcw, Occupation road, Feaks Juhn ShaHow, Trinity st Barn well Gray Ward, Su~sex st BUILDERS. BANKERS. Harvey John, Bl"idge st Marked thus* are 11lso llricklayera, &e. Haylell John (wholesale and retail) and thus+ are aho Joiners & Carpenteu. Barkt>rField D.Triniry sr;-{draws •Asby Wm.& Chas.Trumpington st on SirWm.Lubbock & Co.London) Wat·wick st );<"i:;her Thr.iS. & Sons, Petty cnJ·y­ [l'1on John, St. Andrew st tBarber Richard, Nt'w square tBell William, Ca~>tle st ( draw on Cunies, Railt, Baruwell .1\litchell Juhn, Brid~est CLOTHES DEALERS. Rogers John, Magd~tlt'-n .st Ncwmau WiHiam, King st Battell Edward, l\larket st COPPER~PLATE PRINTERS• Papworth Ann, King st Bicheno John, Bene't Rt (See also Engra'Cers.) Pi,er G.eo. Burlei~h st, Bai'Owell Jnhnson Susannah, Sidney l't Colllden Samuel, Hi Ct·eseent Reeves George, New st, Barnw.ell Nixnu Richard, G1eeu st feury M~tcalfe ~Villiam, (& Htlmgraphic) Hichardson John, Castle st Simpso11, Adams & Simpson, Petty l'rumpwgt-on st Robinson Elizabeth, Market hill Smart Joel, Bridge st Nichols William, Black Bear yard Seabrook Richd. S1m st. BarnweH Smith James, Sidney st Roe Robert, Trumpin~tun st Skinner Aaron,George st, 13arnwell Smith Jnhu, Union st CORN & SEED DEALERS.· Spet1cer Jo!iieph, Market hill Taylor Robert, Market st (See also Corn tt Seed Alerchants.) Swayne John, Sun st, Barnwell COACH BUILDERS. Newby Thorna8, Bene't s& Swayne Richard, St. An drew st Hunnyblln & Vendeu, (&. han1ess Sha\v William, Cook's yard Watson Robet·t, St. l\iary st makers, Siduey st "'n1yth Sarah, Bridge st {well Weldon Elizabeth, Petty cury Smyth Samuel H. Regent st Thurston Thos.Par,adi~e ~ott.Bam- Willimott John, l\1 ark et hill coAL & CORN MERCHANTS· CORN & SEED MERCHANTiji. Willimott Thomas, Market hill (See also Corn ~Seed ~llerchants.) (See also Coal ot Com JUercnant~, CABINET MAKERS1 UPHOL­ Beales !:)ami. P. & Son, Newnha.rn (Jfld altfJ Seed8men and Florists.) STERERS & PAPER HANGRS. Ausell William, Fitzwilliam st B-ell John Gillam, Peas hill Beales Saml. P. & Son, Newut1am Bro\VD & Robinson, Small bridge, Bell John Gillam, Peas hill Burba~e Grain, St. Andrew st Cole Wm. (upholsterer) Market hill Silver ~treet Browo & Robinson, Small bridge, Harraden Jahez, St. Mary st Carter J ames Swann, Sicluey st Silver street Hunt William, bidney st Carter John, Uniou road Casburn Williaro, Quay side Metcalfe Jame8, Trumpington st Casburn William, Quay side Clarke Robert, Bridge st 1\lillt>r Nathan, (upholsterer) Kings! Clarke Richard, Bridge st Comiugs Richard, Brid~e st Salmon Samuel, Sidney st. Cla~·don John, Sun st, Bm·uwell Eaden John & Son, Bridge st Smith Elliot Macro, Trinity st Collin William, l\lagdalen st Foster Ebene7er, Mill lane Comings Richat d, l\1 ill lane l\farkham Thos. S. Bridge st -8ttmmers James1 Wheeler st Swan Jolm, Sidnt:y st Eadn1 John & Son, Bridge st Newman Philip, Bridge st -'f'hom!!oh William, Magdaleo st Foste1: Ehenezt-r, Mi}llaue • • Nutter Thos. & Sons, Magdalen st Tofts William, Butcher row Franc1s Good man & fbos.Bndg.e st Sparrow Robt.'t·t, Quay side WentwOl'tb JosP,ph, Bridge st Furbank John, St. An drew et Wheeler Saml.& G~o. K. Wbeek'l' st Ynrke Samut-1, Trumpington st Hall William, 1.\JagdaJeu sr CURRIERS AND LEATHEK .CARPENTERS &; JOINERS. Moor John, King st CUTTERS • (See also lJ~ilders.) Monle John~ Regent st Balls Hy. ( currier) Trumpington $f; Alder ton Philip C.Ea~t rd, Bllrnwell Newhy Wilharu, Green st lngle John, Ma1·ket street ApthOrfJe William, Newnhan• Nutter Jas.& Son, Trumpington st Page Het1ry, SiJney st [sex st Cartec James Swann, Sidney st Nutter Thos. & Sons, l\lagdalen st Trundle Edm. (leatLer cutter) Sus- Chamberlain Di:wn,Sun st,aarnwl Poole Jamel!, King st White Thoma", Grten st tChapman William, Free~choollane Smith Hannah, Slaughterhouse la Whitebead John & Co. Ca1'tll• st Cotton Henry~ Ninepin cou1·t Sparrow Robert, Quay side CUTLERS-WORKING. :Green lsaac, Chesterton Surry John, Sidney pi fBarnwell Bar:ker John, Tl"inity :st Jarvis Samud, Bridge st Thur~tonThomas,Paradise cottage, 'Peten Henry, Siduey st Kidd John, King -st Vaughan Wm. St. Peter st DRES$ MAKElUJ. Lu~her William, King st Wall-is J ames, George st, Barn well (See alsu J11illinersl!( Dress 111akPI'~) Page WHiiam, Sun st, Barnwell Warwicker Jacob,Suu st, Barn well Abbott Sophia & Haniet, Trinity st Rose Waiter, East road, Barnwell Watts Thomas, Trumpingtn st Atherton Sarab, 2 Cre~cent i!iava~e George, Green st Wheeler Saml.& Geo.K. Wheeler st Edwards ~arah, 2 Sussex st Sruitb l\lichael Joseph, Sidney st Wiles Robt. East road, Barn well Jobnson Mary, St.Edward's passage Tbeohalds Jess.Burleigh st,Bat·nwl COLLAR MAKERS. Langhton l\l~utha, Market hill Tomkins James, Slaughterhouse la F orrl ham Peter, ( & cuacll haruef!s) i\1 'lntosh Rachael, Green st Woolley Geo. St. Edward's passage Bridg-e st , Nicholls Ann & 8arah, Market l1ill CARVERS & GILDERS. Peppercorn William, l\Iagdalen st R~adbead Harriet & .1<:. St. .l\1arfs st (See also Printselle1·a.) CONFECTIONERS & Flt.UIT- R1ckwood Sarah, New ~q. LweU Brad well David, juu.St. Audrew st :t:RERS. Shareman Mil'ses,Burleigh st,Barn- 1\larked thus • are Confectioners only. l\l.. Regent terrace ~t ht"ridge 'l"llos. ( carvt.'l') 81augh~ Stiuntott ry, terhnuse lane (See also Fruiterers.) Thompsnu Rebecca, St. Andrew st Johusou Thomas, Union st Becl{et Aun, Trumpiugton st 'f!lrner Haniet, Maid'~ causeway Jones William David • .Market hill Binder Will.ia.m, TrumpiJJgton st DYERS AND SCOURERS Smith l\licbael Joseph, 8idney st *Bvford John (and pastry cook) Overtun Thomas, t.Iarket hill Smith Wm. Haddon, 7 Crescent Beue't street Pont Thomas, Petty cm-,· CHEESEMONGERS. Cl~me~1ts 'flms. All Saint~ passagf' 'ifhurstow Williaw, Sussex st Francis Richat·d, Sidnev rot Cn~p Edw<,l.&. Son, Trumptllgton st EN-GRAVERS. Marshall Henry & Son, Peas hill Crisp Willi~m, Gt·een st (See also CopJ)'r-plate Printera.) Rutledl{e John, 'frutupingtou st Edward~ R1chard Henry, ( & pastry Coulden Samuel, 15 C1·escent ~ook) Trum,pington st R')e Robert, Trumpington st CHINA1 GLASS & EARTHEN- WARE DEALERS. EmmeJ~OH Mary, Warwick s~ Storer Jilrnt'8 and Henry Sargant1 B:nrett George & Hobt't·t, Market *Grmde Samh, 9 Crescent l\lahi'R causeway hill and St. Andrew'a; hill *Jones \Villiam, ~idney st FIRE, &o. OFI'JC:ES & AGENTS, B.rnwne Mnses, Trinity st *La"Ktnll William, l\l.arket st HRtTISH, J ames Burbage, Sussex st Dt'e Wm. Henry,(gla8s) 4 CreFcent Litchfit>ld Edwd. All Saints passage Com._rr, Gee& Bridges,Market hll Pa~e Henry, SilVN' st rwell Nixon Tbs.( & tea (lt·.alr) Petty cury CRoWN, Geo. Jos. Twiss, Market st PointonThos. (earthenware) Baru­ Pag-e Henry, Sih·er st EssEx & GENERAL CouNTRY (fire) Ridgley Thoma~, Bridge st *Parsley JoJm, Kin~~: ~t Juhu Swan, Siduey st [ney st Rmw Henry, S.idn~y st Peacock Funmley, Sidney st EuRof'EAN (li~), John Swau, Sid- Wonlhtrd & Barton, 'friuhy st Rutledgt: Johu, Btme't ~t GuAn~IAllf, f..Jw.Feltou, .Petty rurv CHYMJSTS & Dlt.UGGISTS. Seabom Thomas;, 21 C1·escent HERTI.>, CAMBIUDGE.SJJIRE &.GENE: Brewt--tet· Willia.m, Sidu.ey .st *~myth :\'hu·y, Hyde park COII,ler ltAL CoU)ITRY, :Richard .Newhy, De(•k h

FIBE, &c. OFFICE AGTS-Contd. HAT MANVFACTVltERS AND '*Thrower Stephen,St.l\1ary pas11ago PHt Batron Willidm, Butchet· row Glasscock Johu, Trumpington 11t 'futin John, Market st Browning Hen. George st, Bamwell Howlett John, New st, Ba.rnwell Warwicker William, Trinity st Faulkner John, Bridge ~t Styles Fdk.(& wild-fowl).Markethll INNS AND HOTELS. Friend Ephraim Alt'red, Regent Tillet Jt'rederick, Petty cury Bird Bolt, Thos. Lee, St. An drew st cntta~e, Park et's piece FRUITERERS. Bleler st Sun (fan:ily and commerciaL hotel Martin William, Sidney Nt 'fhomton Mary, Slaughterhousela ar.d posting house) William .Mason Samuel & Frederick (&hop GAS FITTERS. Ekin, Trinity st dealers) Petty Cury Gardnt'r \Villiam (& tinman) Bur­ Wrestlers (excise office) San1l. and Nutter Thos. & Sons, 1\lagdalen st lt>igh st. B~1·u well Frederick l\l;lson, Petty cm·y MILLERS. .Pri11ce Thomas ( & bra!'s manufac­ IRON FOUNDERS· Anderson William, Newnharu turer and finisher) King st Finch Charle~ aud Sou, Marke st Arburu John, Princess st Juler John, Kin!:!' ~t Foster James, Dittou, Barnwell 'GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. IRON MERCHANT. Foster William, Hauxton mills {See also Shopkeepers, q-c. artd also Uoe William Freeman, Sidney st Nuttt'r Jas. & Son, Trumpington st Linen Drapers-Travelling.) IRONMONGERS-FURNISHNG Richardson Stepheu, Chestt!rtou Allen Robert, King ~;t Bot·dell Samtwl & Son (and dealer~ Thurual William, Hnmfrey's mill, Anthouy Thomas, St.. Mary st in platt>d ware) Bridge st Barn well •Bara1e~ John, St. Audrt:w st Christmas Tlwmas, Pea~ hill MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. J3ell Edwa•·d, Tl'llmJ>ington st Coe and Co. Siduev st (See (t/so Dress ~lakPrs.) Bodger Robert, 8. Crescent Finch Charles and.Son, Market st A hbott Sophia & Harriet, Trinity st .Bond Joseph, Bndge st Heildly Robert, l\larket hill A~plen Mary, 2 Crescent Brimley and Etlis, Market hill Kittou Samuel, Sidney st Baker Ann (aud child bed linen) Brow ne .Mose11, Trinity st Paul Gem·ge, Bl'id~~;e st lJ nion street Cory l\largt. &Son,Trumpington st Thring Maria and Sou, Siduey st Coopet· Sarah, 11 Cresct•nt Fowell Joht1son, :rrurup-iugton st LACE DEALERS. lnd .Bridget (milliner) Sirlucy st Fua·bank John, St. Andrew st Holmes HenryGale ( & wholesale, & Ingle Frances, 20 Cresreut Hallack Thomas, Butchet· row dealer in child bed linen) Market st Laughton l\lartha, Market hill Kimpt()n Edward, 'frumpington st Jacksou William, Siduey st Nicholls Misses, Market hill rst Lyou John Konald, 1\Iark{"t hill · LINEN DRAPERS • Shippey Ann (& haberd~hr) .Market .Mal!on James, Magdalen ·hill Marked thus* are also Silk 1\lercet'l<. Welsfurd Jaue, St. Audrew va~sage Miller John, Siduey 11t ( SeP·alao Linen Drapera-1'ra velling) MUSICAL INSTRUMENT ' Page Henry, Silver st «·.-\lien Edmund, Sidney st MAKERS. Piggott William, Bridge &t Aaker William, Union st Last Brad bury, Su~sex !-lt Potttrton Jo11eph, Petty cury Barrett J!lhn, i\lar•ket st Vincent Jobu (organ builder) Mag­ Ridgley Thoma!l, Bridge st '*Deunis John, Siducy st dalen street Rowe Henry, Sidney st E~ar John ( & woollt>u) Magd;\}en st MUSIC AND MUSICAL IN- Smith and Beecheuo, Sidney st *Ellistou William, Market hill STRUMENT SELLERS. '.fall H an·iet • Silver st Het>hlewbite Overton, Market hill Adcock James, Market st ~J'hriug Henry, Sidney st H ovdl and l<:adt>n, 1\1 ark et !lt l3m·ker William, Bene't st Twiss J ames Petersou, Market bill ln!lram and i.\leeking (& woollen) Gifford Jilhn, Trumpingtou st W m·ren George & \~. Bridge :;t 16 Crescent Nicholls, Wm.Gradf, St. Audrew st Wo.,dley'J.'hnmas, Petty cm·y Judd James (&woollen) Bridge st Wood Thomas, Market st Wo~llard and Barton, Trinity st *Livett Geo.(& woollen) Petty cnry NEWSPAPERS. GUN AND PISTOL MAKERS. Lunn Edward and Co. (woolleu) CAMBRIDGE CHRONICLE (Ftiday) Bordell Saml. and Son, Bridge st V nion street -James Hodsou, Trinity st · Evaus Samuel, TriuHy st Rowell Thomas, 1\lagual<.'n st CAMBRIDGE iNDEPENDENT PRESS Gallyou William, Greetl st "Spoouer William, St. Mat'}' st (Sat.) M.We:stonHatfidd,Siduey .st 106 iJh·rctorn. CA:\IBRIDGE, '&c.

NURSERYMEN, Smith John (U uiven;ity printing J udd WiUiam, Snn tst, Barn well (See Seedsme11 and Florut1.) office) l\1 ill lane Lee John, New st, Barn"'ell Talhot and Laddo:, Sussex st l\1a:5on H eru·y, East road ,Barnwt>U OIL & COLOURMEN. Hm·ell and Eadeu, Market st Wilson Samul:'l, Bridge st l\lasters Jas. Wellington rd,BarnwL Lyon John Ronald. Market hill PRINT SELLERS. Moden Rt. Stafford!!hire pl,B.trnwl Harradt>u Richd. b. Trumvingtoust Mudd Philip, Burldgh st,Baruwl'l~ PAINTERS-HOUSE1 SIGN~ &c. l\Jarked thus* are also Glafl.:iers. Jones Wm. David, Market hill Mutimer Esau, Abbt·y ~t, BlmlW'!ll. 1\1 a:~ou William, St. 1\lary pas~age Papworth Thnmas, Cheste11ou (See also Plumbers and Glazim·s.) Roe Robert, Trumpington Kt PriUJe John, 'l'rumpiugtou :St •Built'\,. ,lames, Suu st, Barnwell Smith William Haddon, 7 Cr·escent Read Jonab, Bridge st •Ciarli John, Bnrleigh st, Batnwell PROFESSORS & TEACHERS. Reevt:s James, King st Favell Elizabeth & Son, Petty cury Marked thus ""are Teachers of 1\lusic. Reynolds Jos. Burleigh st,Bamwell Goode Johu and Son, Bridge st *Adcock James, Markt"t st Rix Robert, George st, Baruwell Gray EdmunrJ, Kiug st •Barker William, Bent''t 11t Shareman J rw.Bnrleigh 11t. Barnwel Hawk Joseph, Short st Crooll Jo11. (Hehrew) Willow walk Simpsou John. Sun st, Baruwell •Hutton James, Christ lane de Boetticlwr Frederick (Italian, Southwell Sarah, Queell i!lt l\Jiller Joscph, St. Andrew st Spanish, French, German, D11tcb Sprig-gs William, Bridge st Pedley James, St. Audrew st and Russian) Willow walk Thring Josepb, Petty cury [well •Phillips Geor~e, Georg-e Fourth st "'Gilford John, Trumpington st Waters Johu,Adam & Eve pl,Barn­ Scott J uo. (herald paiutr) St.John st Gou:o;ilel Jean Baptiste (French) Watts Thos. Bluchcr row,Barnwell "l'empany AnrJrew John (and oil & Emmanuel st Woods Samuel, Trumpiugton st «'Oiour & white lead dt•alr) King st "'Hig-uell Sarah, St. John st Wratteu John, Chester ton •Whybrow Ts. East road, Barn well Leo Chri:;topher (German and He­ Young I~aac, New ~St, Bnrnwell PAPER HANGERS• hrt'w) St. Mary st SILVERSMITHS & JEWELLRS (See also Cabinet lllnkers and Up- Nicholls Wm.G.(flnte)St.Andrewst Oimmock James, Siduey st halste1't>rs.) Oppt>nheim Ht>nry Daniel (French, Oonagon William, 10 Cre~ceut Drh·er James, Bridge st German & Hebrew) Market hill Emanuel Ahm. (travelling) Kiug st Hawk Joseph, Short st Pinel Monsieur (French) Market st l\larriott Wm. All Saints passage Tempauy Audrew John, Kingst "-'Pratt Jno. (&organist) Jesus lane Net>p William EdwardJnn. (\\ork. PAWNBROKERS. *Tapfielrl Sand. Tennis court road in g) Trinity st Rutherford Charles, A uneslcr place *Venua Robt'rt (violin & dancing) Peters James, St. Mary st Smith John, Greeu st Rhadpgu11d buildings Sadd Rob~rt, Trumpiugton st Spanton Sarah, Bridge st Wagstaff Williaru, Brunswick walk, Watson Chas. Sparlte!l, Siduey st PERFUMRS & HAIR DRESSRS Barn well Watson Joseph, Market hill Marked thus • are Hair Dressers only. •wood Thomas, Market st Wilson Thomas, (and optician and Briggs Charle.-, Petty cury ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS, ml\thematical, &c. mstrumeul •Burnett William, Petty cury Bowd Robert, New st, Bal'llwell maker} Petty cnry Dim mock J ames, Sidney st Walker John, Castle end SLATERS. JJonagan William, lO Crescent SADDLERS & HARNESS Lloyd Dav. Adam & E,·e pl,Barnwl Faiers John, St. l\lary's passage MAKERS. (See also Collar Makt!J·s.) Rust John, 1'hompson's laue Hankin James, Bene't st Webster Edwd. 7 Downing terrace •Hawkit!s Richard, Bene't st Baxter James William, Trinity st King William, Bene't stt·eet Goodman GeorgP, Jesus lane STAY & CORSET MAKERS. Medlicott John, Petty «'ury Haslop John, Trnmpington st Aspleu 1\lary, 2 Crescent Pratt & Hart, Trinity st [bldgs Lamb Thomas, Markt'r hill Kimpton Mary, Fret'srhoollane Richardsnn Sa m l. 1 Corpus Christi LawrenC'e Joseph, Brid~e st Smith Wm.(and ladies• shoe ware- Sadd Robert, Trumpingtnn st Lon({ Samuel, Sidney st house) l\Jarket hill •sharman J a mer&, Pe m bro'k e st Warwicket· Jacoh, Snu st,Bamwell STONE & MARBLE MASONS. •Sharmau John, B:-idge st SEED CRUSHERS. Claytou Thomas, Cook's yard ""She! dun William, I\ I agdalf'n st Fost£>r Wiiliam, Hauxton mills Gilbert Jolm, Brunswick pi,Barnwt Smith William, Bridge !lt Nutter Jas. & Son, Trumpiugton st Swinton A rchibald, St. Peter st Winu John S. & Sou, Trinity st Thurnal William, Humfrey's mill, Tom~on Thomas, Trumpington 8t B'lrnwell PHYSICIANS. STRAW AND LEGHORN HA'l' Ha\iland John, Castle end SEEDSMEN & FLORISTS, MAKERS & DEALERS. .1\Iarked thus"" are also Nurserymen. Abbott & Unwin, Sidney !it Roberts John B. Regent st *Brewer i\licha<'l, Trumpington rd fl'hackeray Frederic, St. Andrew st Abbott Sophia & Harriet,Triuit}" r.& Catlin Edward, St. Peter's st Edwards Sarah, Sussex st PIPE MAKERS-TOBACCO. Dobson Josephj Richmond garden lngle Franccs, 20 Crescent Balls William, Georgc st, Barnwell "'Pleasance Wil iam, Barn well Lh·ett George, Petty cury Moule Thos. George &t, Barnwell Stoaklev John, Uniou road Saul Jnlm William, Sidney st 1\l'lntosh Rachael, Green st Wilson ·-, Chenington road Rickwood Sarah, New sq [well PLUMBERS & GLAZIERS. SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS .l\larktd thus • are also l'ainters. IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Shareman.Misses,Burleigh st,Balu­ (See also PaintersJ (See nlso Bake,·s, q-c.) Shippey Ann, Marke~ s~ Warwick l.,;aac & W1lham Atkin­ Austin WOliam, King :o;t Aikin J<~lizabeth, King st Austin William, jun. King st Arnold .John, Cambridge plare son, Market hill ~Oee William Henry, 4 Crescent Baker William, Thomp~on's lane SURGEONS, Ellis Robert, St. Sepulchre passage Barke Thot-1. E<~~t road, Barn well (See also AplJthecarie8.) Favell EdwarrJ, Petty cury Barron Mary, George st, Barn well Ahbott A lex. S. All Saints pa~sage lll'J:<'elton Edward, Pettycur-y Be{·sley William, King "t Catty Fredk. Adam, 17 Crescent FreestoneJohn, Abbey st,Barnwell Bidwcll Sarah, ~un .st, Barnwell Cribb John Jenning:o~ Siduey st Frohock James, King st 11lott Thus. George st, Barnwell Farish & l<'awcett, 5 Corpus Christl Greef Thomas, Trumpiugton st Brctt James, Georli(e st, Barnwf'll bni ldi n I!;S •Hunt Alfred, Ca:;tle st Brown Peter, Georgc st, Baruwell Ficklin Thomas John, Petty cury J a~:kson George, l<~itzwilliam st Carter John, New st, Barnwell Headly Henry, Jesus lane Jerwld Heury, Kiug !'t Cbapman Geo. George st, Barn well Lestourgt>on Charlell, Bridge st Mill.s James, Burld~h st, Barnwell Coxall Wm. Blucht'l' row,Barnwell Newby Chal'le!l, Green st 1\lills Joseph, S~. Andrew st Daffen John, New st, Baruwell Okes John, Triuity st •stone John, St. Botolph lane Deeks W ru. Gt>orge st, Barn well Standlev and Went worth, (& apo­ •wetenhall Henry, St. John st Disbury Geo. Burlei!!h st, Bamwell thet:ai·y) Peas hi:t •Willis Samuel, Fitzwilliam st Ellis Annt>, Stafford~bire pl,Bamwl Thurston Francis, Trump'ington st PRINTERS--LETTER-PRESS. Fen ton George, Gas lane, Baruwell Wiuterboru Benjamin, (and apo­ Hall John, Trnmpiugton st Few William, Petty cm·y thecary) St. Mary st [Barnwell Hatfield Weston. Sidnt>V st Ginu J uo. Dowuin~ st [Barn well Wray Dtwid, jun. Brunswick plac.:tl, HorJson James, Gnndennug-h William, Blucher row, SURVE-,t"ORS. l\1 etcalfc William, Trumpiugton st Ha~cl J ohn1 Cc11·onntioa! st D1aJ,;e John,( of taxt:s) 7 Pantonpl 107 {!Al\IBRIDGE, &c.

SURVEYORS-Cuntintt,ti. Duke of GlauceBter, John Steam, Pros­ TOBACCONISTS. Hollingsworth Thos. (of buildi11gs) pect row, BarnweU Bacon James, Bene't- s~ near Regent terrace Duke of Sussex, Jas. Burba~re, Sussex st Bacon William, Sidney st D~ke o( York, Robert Smith! Trump- Hnmfrey Charles, Sb. Ane' hill ~h~p, Stephen Fullstone, Mitllane Wilson Thomasj Petty cnry TALLOW CHANDLERS. Sh1p, lames Palmer, Quay side Wright William, St. Anrit·ew tn Brimley & Ellis {and soap manufac- Sir John BHrley Corn,James Green, Bur· WHEELWRIGHTS. tm·ers) Market hill leigh street, Ilarnwell Day Jo~eph, East road,. Baruwell Fut·bank John, St. Andrew st Star, Elizabeth Cornwell, Jesus lane Manning- Samuel, Barn well Sun, Willi~m Bird, Peas hill Hallack Thomas, Butcher row Sun, Riohd. Chapman, Snn st, Baruwell Morley Wm. Spittal house end Headley Robt>rt, Market hill Tailors' Arms, Thos. Ratnett, Jesas lane Pamplin Thomas, Castle st Lyon John Ronald, Market hill Three Archeu, Joseph Hitzman, St. An- Smith Thomas, Chesterton TAVERNS&: PUBLIC HOUSES. oirew street [John's st Smith Wm. and Sous, Magdalen st Anchor; Thos. Ilurrage, Near Market pi Three l\'lerry Boys, James Newman, St. WHITESIVIITHS AND BELL Anchor, Wm. Howard, Quay side Three Swans, Thomas Ivatt, Mhgtlalenl!t HANGERS. Barley Mow, William Todd, Bridge st Three Tuns, John, Union st Three Tuns, John Why man, CastW. st Rt·own William. King st Bee Hive, Robert Green, Kiog st Coe and Co. Sidney st Bee Hive, WilliamHunt, Northampton st Three Tuns, Ann Wonior, Chesterton .Bell,.)n. Boatwright,George st,Barnwell st Town Arms, William Hazlewood, near Coleman .John, Siduey st Bell, Samuel Bowtell, St. Botolpb l9.1Je Market place fuller James, Bent't st Bell, Charles Neve, Peas hill rton st Unicorn, John Cross, Petty cury lngle William, 20 Crescent Bell, ChristophPr Thurston, Trumping. Union, James Maclarl~ne, Quay side Wagl(on and Horses, Henry Kmg, East MooreAnthony,Brazert George yard .Bel',John Ward, Northampton st Peacock Samod (bell hanger) St. Bell & Crown, Edmund Wells, Bri<¥;e st road, Bdrnwell [Market st Bird Bolt, James Preston, George street, Waggon and Horses, Robert Moden, Andt·ew•s hill llarnwell street [street Wellington, Thomas Badcock, Welling- Salford Thomas, jun. (church and .Black-a-Moor's H ead,FrancisBell, Bridge ton row, Barn well house clock and smoke jack 1na• Black Lion, Wm. Boy, Silver 11t (well Wheat Sheaf, John Haycock, Silver st unfacturer, aud bell fouudt>J') Wh~te Bear, John Man8er, Mae;dalen st -Black Lion,Mary Moule,George st, Barn­ Downing street Black Swan, Mary Crackling, Bridge at W,h~le Bull, James, Bridge st .Black Swan, Jose ph Smith, J:Sutcher row. \\b~te Hart, W'!l. Utckm~on, King st 'fompson Jo:s-. Abbey et, Barn well Bleeding Heart, lidwd. Peck, Chesterton \\ h1te Horse, Ehzabeth Shuker1 Castlest Wood Daniel, Brazen Gem·Ke yard BlueCock, J os h. DayTitr hmarsb,Gt een ~>t White Hor.e,Wm. Walker, CoroBation st WINS & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Blue Lion, John Smith, St. Andrew st White Lion, John Dring, Trumpington st Barker & Eadeu (wine) i\larket hill Boar's Head, Riehd.Frt>eman,Market hill Wh~te Swan, James Ratty, Petty cury White Swan, Herbert Riseley, Castle st Barker Ed ward J ames I British Bowling Green, Ann Pryor1 Chesterton TIMBER MERCHANTS· wine) Mat·ket bill Br~zen George, Wm Nunn, ~t.Andrew st Barker Field , Mark,!t hill Bncklayers' Arm~ Joseph Millage, St. Beales Sanmel Pirkeriug and Son, . A ndrew ~ treet [sex st Newnham · .Berry John Robe1·t, .Market hill Bushel & Strike, F1anees Lambert, Sllll· Brown & H.obinson, Small bridge, Burbage James (spirit) Sussex et Castle, John A~res, Castle st FosterRichd&Son,Thomp:~on's lane Castle, Thomas Christmast Butcher row Silver !'trt·et Bun-age Thus. Ea5t road, Barn well Gurfnrdl\lry.( wine )Trumpington s& Chip Axe,JamesLow, Near Marketplace Ind 8arab (spirit) Warwick l:lt Coach and Horses, Muy N ormington, Carter James SVIann, Sidney st Ptltty Cury Cas burn William. Quay side lnd William, 6 Crescent Coach & Horses, Wm. Rossel, N~:wnhsm Collin Wi lliam, l\1 al!dalen st Lawrence Sarah (~pirit) Bridge st Cocl•, Thomas Bailey, Sun st, Barnwell Miller Richard, .Market st .Cock, Thomas Burkitt,St. Andrew's hill Coming~ Richard, l\Jilllane Denni,; ''· East road, Barnwell Nash Thomas and t:o. (spirit) St. Cock, John Frisby, Silver st Andrew street Eaden John and Son, Bl'id~~:e st Cow & Calf, William Pigney, King st New by Thomas, Behe't st Crane, William Bri~ gs, Market st foster r: henezer, M ill lane- Crown, Edwmrd Harris, Jesus lane Hall William, l\1agdalen st 8caplehorn Roberr, Trinity st Crown & Anchor, Elizth Jarrold, ~ilver st l\lonle John, Regent st St~~ard,. Cotton and Co. (~pirit) Crown & Compasses, Thomas Gotobt>d 1 rumpmgton st Trumpin~:;to11 st [pas~a"~ Wallis Jamt>~, Georgc st. Barnwe11 Dog & Duck, William W1ight, St. }la~y Warwicker Jacob, Sun st. Barnwell WOOLLEN DRAPERS • 1 .l)tl1phin, Jotlathan Plumb, Coronation ~t Watts Tboma'l, Trumpington st (See Linen Drapers~ also Tmlor~.) 108 CAl\IBRIDGE, &c. C!ramb rtttgtfbtrt.

Miscellaneous. the Eal'l De La Waa-rf¥. H. s.; the call at the Hoop. Jnu at ene ill the J\bbs Warner William, trunk ancl box Rt:v. George Jenyfls, M. A., I'.H.S. ~raoon ; both go thro' Newmarket, maker, Sidney st [Gree11 st 'lreasurer-William Seatle, e!lq, .Brandon, Swaffham, Derebam, & Holl. Argent Humphrey, piano forte tuner, To HUNTING DON, the Blue/m-,. from .Beekett Edward, clerk of Trinity parish, Honorary Secretarv-WiUiam Gar­ the Sun Inn and King's Head, enry Sidney street tit Ashton" esq. afternot>n at two. Brown James, coroner, Green st [st STAMP OFFICE_, To LEICESTEK, the Welli11gt~ fro• Carter Rbt. clerk of All Saints parish, King BB'N g.•T·STREET. tbe Sun Inn. and Blue Boar, every Driver John, provision dealer, Sussex st ( Op~!11 duil!f from Nine until Si.r.) morning at seven; goes threugh Hunt­ Ellis Robert, clerk of St. Clement's ingdoa, Stilt011, Stamford, a11d Uffing· parish, Castle st [parish, St.John st WiHiam :\lortlock, e:oq. distribtiter ham, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Flftek Waiter, cferk of St. Sepulchre'& EXCISE OFFICE,. Fridays ; and thro' Oakham and Mel· Foster James Michael, vineg-ar, mustard, PETTY CURY. ton Mowbray, &n Tuesday, Thursday and starch manuiitcturer, Magdalen st Mr. Charles Popple, collector. and SHurday. Freema.nCorneli us, Roman cement maker, Henry ~lartin Mason, clet·k To LYN N, the Unirm (rrom Lonoon)ealls Hill's road at tbe Bu~llnn, every afternoon at two· Frishy John, clerk of Little St. Mary•s goes tbrn' i<:ly, Littlepc:rt, &. Downlllam: p·nish, St. :\Iary's lane [Trinity st CAMBIUDGE GAs CoMPANY, River To OXFORD, a CIJ(JCh, from the Eagle Hardman Isaac, coffee house kPeper, lane, Baruwell-Johu GrafH>n & Inn, every Tuesday, Tbursdily, and Sa­ Harvey John, clerk of St. Beuedict's Co. proprietors turday morning at seven; goes throu~h parish-, Tennis court road CouNTY GAoL, Castle st-Robert St Neot.'s, Bedford, Ampthill, Wo\nu-a, HawkJos. 6oda water manufactr. Short st Orridge, goreJ'nor LPighton Buzzard, and Aylesbury. Hmvell William, clerk of St. Peter':! and To UPWELL, ~a Coach, from the Sun St. Gile8' parishes, 1\lltgdalen st TowN GAoL, Parker's piece-J ohu Inn, nery Tuesam John, tawer, Cambridge pla<·e To LONDON, Marsh and Swann, from Pate J11hn, poulterer, East road,Barnwell To LONDON, the RrJyal Mail (from Bos­ their warP house, Sidney st. every morn­ .l;'t'fltecost John, eating oouse, Hobson st ton) calls at the G·~cHge Inn, Bridge st, ing; (Sunday excepted) 11t p)even . Phillips William, keeper of tennis comt, every night at twelve 1 goes throu~tb To BRA]\oOON, THETFORD, NEW­ Tennis court road Melb01une, Royston, Buntingford, Poc·, NORWICH, kc. Marab Powell Henry, gl-a!IS entter, Pefty ~ury kerid~~;e, Hotldesdon. & Warr theStUT, & SwauB, from their WN"tlhoustt, every Pratt William, blacking manufacturer, from the Sun Inn, Trinity st, and Hoop morning (Sunday excepted) at nine. Wellin~ton row, Barnwell [street Inn, Sidney st, every morning at six To BURWELL, Stephen Palmer, from Rowley Ricluu:d, fell monger. Magdalen (except Monday, when it leaves at five) th-e Black Bear, Matket street, every Row ton William, commissionerfortaking -the Dejia'TIX:t', from the Black Bear, Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. special bail, Downing st Mark<>t st, eTery mornin,ll"atseven-the To ELY, LYNN 1 &c. Marsh & Sw~n~n, 1\utter W llliam, cl~rk of St. Andrew's ])ay (from Wisbeach) calls at the Hoop from thefr warehouse, every mol'llimg parish, EmmanUel street rst and Sun Inn~>, e' ery Monday, Wednes­ (Sunday excepted) al seven. Sargeant Wm.~;:un tlirrt dlr,GeorgeFourth day, & Friday noon at half-past t\velve -the Difiance (from Wisbe11ch) calls at CARRIERS. Sell Wm. fishing tackle dealer, Green st Jly Cart when not otber•iw exrm: zed. Shaooe Mary, cork cutter, .,idney st the Eagle Inn, Bene'f s t, every Toes· Smith John, clerk of Great St. Mary•s Thorsdoy, and Saturday at tw.-Jve- nncl To LONDON ,Mareh & Swann's Woggofh parish, Butcherrow [pa1ish,Green st the Union, from the Blue Boar, e..-er, from tlleir wa~house, every Monday. Squires William, clerk of St. Michael's morning at nine; all go the same route Tuesday, and Thursday afternoon at Standish J ames, machine maker and wire as the .\1ail from Hoston-the Htro four-Deacon, !\lack & ('o.'s Waggon, worker, Abbey staBarnwell rPeas hill (from FakenhamJ and the Norfolk Re­ from the Castle, St. Andrew st. every Sturgess l{d. cl.. fk St. £dward's parish, gulatrJr, call at the Hoop Inn, altem· day (Runday excepte!l)-Robert Bird•s 11' ately at half-p8.St two in the afternoon Waggon, from the Bricklayer's Atm!l, Watts l\'lary, haberd~her, St Mary 11t -and the Hy r from the Red Lion Inn. St. Andrew st. even Monday, Tburs­ Petty cury, every morning at ten; all day, and Saturday, aud Thomas Bland,. Public Btiildings, go through Chesferford, Hockerill, from the Cock, St. Andrew hill, everJ Harlow, and Epping-the Teleg1'aph, Mon<'ay morning-Day & Co.'s Wag­ . Offices, from the Sun Inn, every morning at grm, from the l'i' ew Red Lion, Hridge lit, ten-llnd the Unim (from Lynn) caJls every Tuesday and Friday rooming­ and Institutions. atthe Bnlllnn, Trnmpington st, every aDd- Benton's and - Tubb'a Wag• UNIVERSITY. afternoon at one 1 both go thro• Bark­ gons, every Thorsdoy. The Colleges, U niversity-Officet·s, WnY and Ware the 1 imes, from the To BALSHAM. - Pratt, from the­ . Professon;hips,&c.-seepage 102, E3.1:le Inn, every morning at six (ex­ Wrestlers, Petty cory, every Wedaes­ followillg the historical account eept Monday, when it starts at five); dRy and Saturday afternoon. goe~ through Wtttlesford, Dncksford, To HEDFOH.D, - Amold, from the ofthe town. Hickeldon, Chesterford, H ockerill, &o. Kin~•s Head ,Sidney st,everyWetl.lkS,.t. ADDENBROOKEIS HOSPITAL, To BIRMIJIIG HAi'f1, the Risi11g Snn, from To BIRMINGHAM, Blunsum and f:lnb­ TRUMPINGTON-STREET. tbe Sun Inn, every Monday, Wednes­ bard's Waggun, from the Cock, ever:f President-The Right Hon. Earl of day, Friday, and Saturday mornin~ at Tuesday at twelve-and Asbby & Co-'s Hardwicke, D. c. L., F. R. s., F.A.S. six; gOP-s through Huntington, Wel­ Wagg=, from the Castle, every l\1nn­ F. H. S, lingboroul);h, Northampton, Davenlry, day, Wednesday, & Friday, at twelve. Dnnehurcb, and Cot'entry. To .BLUNHAM, Sanmel Snttun, from Treas1~1·er-Alderman Purcbas To IIOSTON, tire Royal Mail (from the Wrestlers, every Saturday eYenin~ Secretarg-~lr. Samuel Peed. Lond~n) calls at the George, ever~ To BOTTISHAM, - Johnson, fmm the Resident Apothecarv-r..Ir. Charle!! mornmg at a quarter past two; goes Crown & Woolpack, Sidney ~t, everJ Dancer )' ork tbroue.h Huntingdon, IStilton, Peter· 'Wednesday and Saturday afternoon~ lllatron Mrs. Charlotte Wiiybrew borongh, Market Deeping, Spalding, - Arlams, from the Bushel and Strike, Spilsby, Louth. and Grimsby. Sui!!eX st, evi'Ty Tuesday, Wednesday. CAMBRIDGE To BURY ST. EDMUNDS, the Times, Thursd'y, Friday, &nd Saturday-and PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. from thP Sun Inn, every afternoon at James Stubbings, froiD the Wrestlers• SI DNEY -STREET. four-and a Coach, from the Blutl Boar, everv Saturda1. Patron-His Royal Highness the every morning at half-past nine; both To BURY ST. ~;DUMNDS,-Osbome. Duke ofGloucester,K. G., D. c.L., go through Newmarket. from the Black Bear, every Saturday F.R.S., F.A.S. To COLCH£STER, a CMch, from the aftemoon-Angustin Durrant. from the Vice Patrons-His Royal Highness Red Lion Inn, every Tuesday, Thurs. Cock, eveey Tuesday and Fliday morn­ day, and Satnrday morning at nine. ing at tt>n-and John Osoorue, from tbe tlte Dukt> ofSn!lsex, K. G., D. c. L. goes thro'Linton,Haverhill,& Walstead; Castle, twice a week ·The Rt. Hon. Earl ofHardwicke To ELY, the Telegmplt, frnm the Sun To CALTOJ\1, BOROUGH GREEN, & Clerk to Collector-M r. J no. Crouch Inn, every Monday, ~ ednesday, and .BRI.IIIKLEY, ~ Quy, lrom the Wre!!• · CAMBRIDGESHIRE Friday afternoon at four-a Sociable, tlers, Pverv Saturday aftenwon. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. from the Wrestlers, Pettv cury, e-very To CROYDO~, -Lyon, from the BI11e Patrmt-'The flight Hon. the Earl Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Bell, Peas hill, every Saturday aftern. of Hardwicke Saturday afternoon at half-past four, To ELY, Robt Bird's Waggcm, from th«<' and one from the Black Bear, every Bricklayer's Arms, every Monday. President-His Grace the Duke of Mon. Wed. & Sat. at the same ho1u. Wednesday, and Saturday aftem0011; H.utland, K. a., F. R. s., F. A. t!. To FA KEN H Al\1, the HPro and Not"folk &. - :&-ntc:m's Waggon, from the Ne• Yice Pre.tidents-Tht Hight Hon. Reyul!Jlor (fi"om London) alternately Red Lion, every Monday morning. 109 CARRIERS-Continued. To NORWICH, Deacon, Mark & Co.'s To SOHAM, Edward Cooper, from the T.o GODMA~CHESTER and HUNT­ Waggon, from the Castle, every day Black Bvar, every Saturday afternonn. INGVON,- Herbert, from the New (Sunday excepted.) To SPALUWICK, &c. Brunsum & Hub­ Red Lion, every Wed.& Sat. afternoon. To OUNDLE, Blunsum and Hubbard's bard's Waggo11, from the Cock-and To HAVERHlLL, Robf"rt Siggs, from Waggon, from the Cock-and Robert Robert Bird's W llfl9on, from the Brick~ the Castle, every Saturday anernoon. Bird's Wagyon, from the Bricklayer's layer's Arms, every Tuesday. To IPSWICH, Angustin Dunant, from Arms, f!Very Tuesday. To STAMFUI:tU, Hobert Hunt's Wag~ the Cook, every Tuesday and Friday To , Ashby & Co. gon, from Marsh & Swarm's warehouse, mornio~ at ten. from the Castle,eYery Mon. Wed. & Fri. every Monday and Thnrsdav-and To KETTERING, Robert Bird's Wag- To POTTEN,- Arnold, from the King's Ashby k Co.'s Wa9gon, from the Cas­ 9on, from the Bricklayl'r's Arms-and Head. every Wednesday and Saturday. tle,even 1\1 onday, ,yt>dnesday ,&Friday. Blunham and Hubbard's Waggon, from To RAMS AV, Day & Co.'s Waggon, To SUTTON, -Tubb's Waggon, from the Cock, every Tuesday. from the New Red Lion, every Monday the New He1l Lion,every Mon.mornin~. To LINCOLN, LEICESTER, &c. and Thursday morning. To SWAFFHAM, - Feak, from the Ashby & Co.'s Waggoo, from the Cas­ To RATTON, WEST,- Pratt, from the Nelson, Sidnl'y ~t-and James Hand­ tle every Mon. Wrd. &; Friday at noon. Wrestlf"rs, every Tues. Wt:dnes. & Sat. eock, from the Bell,everySa.t. afternoon. To LINTON,- Smith, from the Cr(lwn To ROYSTON, &c. John Godfr~y, from To THRAPSTON, Bluusum & Hub­ and Woolpack-and Abraham Whilfin, the Little Rose-and John Ward, from bard's Waggon, from the Cocl1-and from the Brazen George, St.Anllrew hl. the Half Moon, Trumpington stt·eet, Robert Bird's Waggon, ft•om the Brick.­ every Wednesday& Saturday afternoon. every Tues. Thurs. & Sat. aftl'rnoon. Iayer's Arms, every Tuesday. To NEWlUARKET,- Smith, from the To ST. IVES, Joseph Smith, from the To WISBEACH, Day & Co.'s Wagg011, Crown, Jesus lane, every Saturday af­ Black Bear, and -Stutter, from the from the New l:ted Lion, every Monday ternoon-Au~ustin Durrant, from the Crane, Market street, every Saturday anu Thursday morninJ;!-and - Hilhy, Cock, every Tuesday and Friday morn­ afternoon; - Gilby, from the Black from the Black Bear,everyThurs. & Sat. ing at teo-John Osborne, from the Bear, every Thursday and Saturday­ To YORKSHII{E and the .NORTH of Castle, twice a week-and Deacon, and Oay & Co.'s Waggon, from the EJIOGLAND, l\l8rsh & Swann's Ligh$ Mack & Co.'s Waggon, every morning New Red Lion, every Monday and Waggon, every Wed. & Sat. altetnoon. (Sunday excepted) at niue. Thursdav morning. ToNORTHA~PTON, Blunsum & Hub­ To ST. NEOTS,- Pye, from the Black CONVEY.d.NCB BY bard's Waggon, from the Cock, every Bear, every Wed. aftern.-Geo.Hill-!on, WATER. Tuesday-and Ashby & Co.'s Way!Jwmarket. The town boasts two very ex­ teri•; and Cam den, differing from all the otiWa 10- cellently conducted inns and posting-houses; they are rities, writes it Cheaterizh: the derivation or me the George, and the Hoi:se-and-Gate; both of which has not, however, been satisfactorily giYen y. furnish 11uperior accommodations to the traveller, at Here was formerly a convent of Benedictine monks, moderate charges. The Bishop of Ely is lord of the founded about. the year 980 by Al wen a, niece to Kiug manor, and a court leet is held by him on St. Matthew's Edga1·, and wife of Athelstan, Earl of the East _Angles., day, when constables are appointed and nuil!auces pre­ ln the reign of Henry I. the nunnery was annexed to sented. A petty sessions is held at the George inn the the church of Ely, and totally suppressed in'1538. The first Tuesday ·u every month, and a court of requests manor-house, an ancient building, stands upou the site at the Cros ys on every sixth Fri y of the nuunery. There have been mauy antiquities dug The churcn hich il!l a handsome etwith a square up here, in making excavatious for gravel: some years tower, is dedicated to St. Matthew. The prest-ut pa­ since, part of the skeleton of an elephant was found, tron aud incumhent is the Hev. Rob,ttrt.Chatfield,L.L.D.; ten feet below the surface of the ground; and in 1757 a gentleman highly esteemed, uotonly by his owu con­ sevet·al human Ekeletons were dug up here. In 1824 an gregation, h t by tl1e whole popt)lation of the parish. earthen vessel, containing about 1,000 coppel' coins, In the town e tlu·ee baptist auJI ttlro methodi;.t cha­ was ploughed up about two miles from the town; they pels; also t ee-schools, on~npon Dr. BPll's !'ys­ were of Roman origin, chiefly of the Emperors Con· tern, and the other on the Lancasterian plan. The :stantius and Coustantiue, and a few with the emblem country round here, heing fen-ground, is neither pleas­ of Rom ulus and Rem us suckled hy a wolf. l\1 r. John ing, nor at present. v~ry productive; but great impro"·e­ Swith, a respectable auctioneer of this town, ha!' some mt!nt!i are being made in draining the land, by a pro­ curious relics of the Roman nation, found at different cess called' galting,' which bids fair to render it, ere times hereabout; amon~st others, several celts and a long, highly productive, and profitable to the agl"icul­ double-ed!!ed sword, the hilt embossed with figures of turist. ln 1821 the population of Chatteris parish, men fighting: this interesting antique is in a very per· according to the census for that year, was 3,283; but feet state of preservation. it is now estimated somewhat to exceed 4,000.

POST OEFIG:£:1 High street, William Brooks, Post Master-Letters from LoNDoN, CAMBRIDGE,. ELY, and all parts of the north and south arrive by mail cart, from HuNTJNGDON, every morniu~ at half· past five, and are despatched to that place every eve mug at half-past six.-Letters fmm WISBEACH aud l\lARCit arrive by mail cart, fwm WISBEAcn, every evening at half-past six, and are dr:spatched every morniug at half past five. GENTRY AND CLEGRY. Fryer Mrs. ElizabetlJ, Wenny end Saberton Joseph, gent: Back lane Baleman ~liss .Elizabeth, High st Fryer Thomas, e1'oq. Park st St'ward Jo~t~, gent. Mill end Hell David, gent. High st Gardner Wm. Dunn, esq. l\lepal rd Seward Wilham, geu!· Sldde end B,ufit'ld Rev. Thoma~. 1\lill end Gurm·y Rev. William, High st ~keels Hemy, e.sq. ~1gb st Brook!! l\lrs. l\lary, 1\lillend Holdl>n i\liss Ann, High st 8ke.els l\Irs. Ann, l\ltll~ud Cawthoru 1\lrs. Elizabeth, New st IJett Edward, gtnt. Mill end Sm1th Jost>ph, gent-,Mlll end Cawthorn Robert, gent. High st James l\1rs. Elizaheth, High st Warth M1·s. Susau, Slade t'ud Chatfidd Rev. Dr. Hobt. Vicarage Lowe l\lrs. Elizabeth, .1\lill end ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. Cooper Michael, g-ent. High st Lyon William, gent. Sladc end Auders"u .1\lary Ross, (boardiug & Corthom .1\lrs. Elizabeth, 1\lill end Pashler l\lrs. Sarah, Mill end day) Mill end Cutteridg Robert, gent. High st Pettit Mrs. Hanuah, 1\lill end LANCASTERIAN ScHooL, New st- Edward!i Henry, gent. High st Poynder Hev. John, l\lill end Jarues Lovell, master Edwards James, gent. Hi~h !>t Richardson Fryer, gent. Mill end Lyon James, (day) l\lill end

Faulkner l\lrs. Haunah1 l\lill end Richard:wn Thnmas, gent. High !'t M'Evoy Edward Nisbitt, {boardiug fryer Daniel, esq. Park st Ruston l\ti:ss l\largaret, Wenny end and day) New l!!t Fryer J no. Psq. ( maJ.('istrate) Park st Ruston Richard, ~t'llf. \yenny end NATION 1\L l''JtEE ScHOOL, near the Fryer Miss Auu, Mill cud Ruston Hvbt!rt, gent. New st I Churth-Wm.Chamberlaiu,mastJ. 110 mtrtttorn .. CH.o\'rTERiS. Q!ambribgu>birt.'

'Seott Phrehe & Sat·ah, (bom·ding & COOPERS. Ruston Sarah, Slade end day) High st Palmer Willi.•m, High st BURGEONS. ATTORNEYS. Smith John. Hh!lt st Archer John, Manor hou~e James Henry Geura:t>, High st Stafford Jolm, Slade rnd Halhuight Joseph, High st P.trkinson John Heald, Hi~h st FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS, Sauuders Ebenezer, l\lill eud S1•well Thomas, W enny enli HERTFOIWSH IRE, CAM BltiDGE- TAILORS. AUCTIONEERS &APPRAISRS. SHIRE and GENERAL CouNTRY, 1\lat ked thus "are also Drapers. Smith & Newtou, (& e::.tate ageuts) William H ustwait, W ~nuy end Bo)ce William, High st Hkh stret't NoRWICH, Wm. Curtis, Mill eud Galla way J a me~. Slade end BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. RoYAL ExcHANGE, (fire ami life) ~Hall Edwanl, High st Cooke William, 1\liJl end Thoma~ Neal Neg-u!nd Angood Samuel, Slade end *Payton John, High st Jaken~ JoseJlh, High st Pci~e Slt'phen, Wt:>nny end Sears Joseph, Hilrh st H.nwley D.l\·id, High st Wright John, High ::.t Skeels John William, High st Stocks Htnry, Park st 'fi 1hrook Thoma~, High lilt GROCERSANDTEADEALERS Ward William Hi~h st Walker Christopllt'r, H il;h st Brook::~ William, Hi~h ~t BANKERS. Curris William, Mill end TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Black Hull, Robert M<~rriott, Smart's lane Gurneys, Birklwck and Peclwvers, Hustwait William, Wenny end Black Horse, Ann Smith, Slade end (branch of Wisbt'ach) High st­ Lamb Robert, High st Cock, James Cook, ~I ill end (draw on Barclay & Co. London) Negus Thomas Neal, (and drng~ist Cross Keys, John J.enton, High st BASKET MAKERS· and stamp distributer) Park ~t Crown & Anchor, Wm.Hudson,Hive end "Bnllard William, Slade end Fen Plough, "Villiam Seabrook,Hivt>end Ross John, Hi~h st Hed Lion, David \\ orling, !\1 ill end l\1ole 1\Jatt hew, Park st HAIR DRESSERS. Rose & Crown, Wil:iam 1\Iash, Slade end BLACKSMITHS lie FARRIERS. Bt·ittin William, Park ~t Ship, David Crashley, :Siadl" end Augood J ohu!!un, 1\1 ill end James Thomas, High st Spalle & Becket, Wm. Darlow, High st Angood Joseph, Park st INNS & HOTELS. W beat Sheaf, Stephl"n Page, Wenny end Angood William, Park st George, (commercial, family and \\bite Hart, Thomas Angood, Slade enujamiu, l\lepal (}n:eu .Matthew, Hi~;h 3t MALTSTERS. · Cuntou Rirhal'd, Hive lane Dunn Jnlm Carrington, High st 1\'liscellaneous. Lavendet· Thomas, High st Fryer Daniel & Thomas, High :st Allam Joseph, cabinet maker, Higb st Sears John, High st Bearcock John, ironmonger, &c. Park st Vip;m Beujamin#Meval NewittJohn, pa1ish clerk, Wenny end Whitehead Johu High ~t t, MILLERS, vr ade Jeremiah & Jonatban, brickl<~:yen. BRAZIERS TIN-PLATE Boufield Robeh, Hi~h st plasterers, & slaters, l'.ew st .-,vcpR ERS. Frl"eman J ames, Mill end Wright Thomas, fellmonger, Mill end Hobhs Ge~r!e', H rh st LangtiJrd 'J1JOma,, i11;h st Jakens Joseph, High st COACHES. Tomson \Villiam, Hi~h st BREWE s. To J,ONDON, the JJay (ti·om Wisbeac'h) Wright & Langman, Bousfield calls at the Horse and Gate Inn, every Dunn John Catring"'n, High st MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. 1\londay, Wednfsday, and Friday mol'll­ Fryer Daniel & TJJo~Dtls, High st ing at nine and the Defiance, calls at Smith John, (t·etai1)"11igh st Brown Rebecca, High st the George Inn, every Tuesday, Thurs­ Vipan Benjamin, Mcpal Fail Sarah & Mary, High st day, and Saturday at same hour ; botfl BRICK MAKERS AND LIME Laveurler Mary, High st go tbroogh Somersham, St. Ives, Cam­ BURNERS, Mutton Elizabeth & Sarah, High st hridge,Royston, Wades Mill, '\\are, and Cnrtis William, i\J ill t>nd Redhead Elizabeth, High st Hoddesdon. To WISBfo:ACH, the Day (from London) Lemon Thomas and Willian1, (and Rowley Sat·ah, Hh·e end calls at the Horse and Gate Inn, every !itone mason~o) High st PLUMBERS~ PAINTERS1 AND Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday even­ BUTCHERS, GLAZIERS, ing at six-and the Defiance, calls at Hall Henry, High st AllamJas.(& pa!)er hauger)Highst the George Inn, every Monday, Wed­ Smith Thomas, Hive end Evans George, High st nesday, and Friday evenin~ athalf·pa~t Tabor William, High st SADDLERS & HARNESS MKRS five ; both go through March. Wheaton Thomas, Slade eud Lavender Wil Jiam, High st CARRIERS. Young Thoma!';, High st Palmer Wiliiam, High st To LONDON, CAMBRIDGE, SOMER· CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS SHAM, and ST. IVES, Wallis and (.;lurke Robt. (& butlder} High st IN SUNDRIES, Gilb) 's Waggon, from the Hone and Gray William, Hive eud Gate Inn, every Thursday afternoon at Feast John, Mill end one, and every Suntlay morning at Nichols Thomas, Hive end Guntou John, High st eight-aJJd Day & Co.'s Waggon, f;om Porter WiHiam, High st Hall Juseph, Hive end the White Lion, every Monday and Sumner & Warwick(& millwrights) Mumby Georg~, High Rt Thursday forenoon. - Slade end Rowley David, H i~h st To WISBEACH & MARCH, Wallis Shelton Joseph, Hive end and Gilby's Waggon, from the Horse COAL MERCHANTS. and Gate Inn, every .lo'riday evevinJ!. and Dunn John Carriugton, (and corn STRAW HAT MAKERS. Tnesdav morning-and Day & Co.•a and 1wed) Hi~rh st • Lav~ndet· Mary, High st Waggon, from the White Lion, every Fryer Daniel & Thomas, Park st Newitt William, High !'it Monday and Priday morning. ELY, A CITY, and the eapital of the lsJe of its name, is embanked and drained: the venerable Bede furnishes situated ahout the centre of the county of Cam bridge; I this del'ivation ; and other etymological authorities are 67 miles from London, 16 from Cambridge, IJ from either silent upon the subject, or acquiesce in the opi­ Ncwmarket, and 6 from Subam. Its name is !'aid to nion given by this ancient wtiter. The city is erected be derived frum the immense quantity of eels forrnf'rly upon an eminence, overlooking a vast range of coun~ &aken in the low fen-grounds, pt·evious to their being try on evel'y side; and the cathedral, which has been a Ill El_, Y. ~igot & ~o.'s

most magtJi.tlcent structure, can be seen at many miles Mrs. Catheriue Net'dham, for 30 pnor boys~ who are distance. So early as the year 673, a church and mo- clothed 11unuaJiy: thh~ school is very ab!~ conducted nastery were esta~lished bere, by Etheldreda, a prin- by Mr. Edward Lutt, the prest>nt mrustt>r. 'fllt're is al~o cess of Ea~t Angha; about two centllries after the a free ~rallnnar-school, tor giving to the-sons of traMs­ foundation of these edifices, they were, tt,gether with men, beionginl{ to the city, a classical education {with the ancient monastery of Soham, six miles distant, funds for its support), wbicJ.J has of late years bt'CU reduced to ashes, and the religious massacred by the unaccOitntabl!J discouriuued, greatly to tbe dh~advan­ merciless Dane~. In 970, Ethelward, Bishop of Win- tage of the inhabitants. TIJere are als.o almo·houses chester, purchased the whole isle, and had the monas- for poor widows of the varish, and some other minor tery rebuilt, placed some monks in it, and appointed benefits arising t() the poor. The public buildiugs au abbot on:r them: from this period it pa<5sed through consist of the cathedral, and churches and chap.e!s be­ varinus hands, and was alternately demolished anrl rt'- fore named; workhouses for the two parh•hes; a gaol built, until 1541, when Kiug Henl"y VIII. gt·auted a fm· the islt- of Ely, and a bridewell; with tht' new ~;hire charter for eon~·erting it into a cathedral, to bt> dedi- halJ, a hand~ome building of stone. lu the lmll the alt­ cated 10 ~the Undivided Trinity,' which was acc.OI'd- sizes are held, and also a couJ"t ofrequeats. There are ingly done. By this charter, the e~tabli~hment was to also courts and baron held by the hi;;hnp for his consist of a , a priest, eight prebendaries, and manor; ami by the dean and chaptt'r fort he manor over rmndt·y other ministers. The present establhshment which they have jurisdiction. The bi.sboJ) }JUs powe1· comprises a bishop, eight prebendaries, faur minor ea- w appoint magist1 ate~, of which there are five clerical 110ns, eigbt Jay clerk~, and the like number of choris~ and one Jay. This is the only city in England tt'rs. The building, as now standing, is a noble and which uas tbe privilege of being un-represeuted in .elegant pile, erected at variotJs periods, and comprises pat·!iamem. a cm·inus medley of the Gothic Norman aud Saxon The district surrounding El)' city is stl'ictly alnicul­ architecture; it is 535 feet long due east and west, and tural, having rto ruatmfactures, except it•g rt>pe~makiug 1~0 north and south; its height is 112 feet-that of' aud '50nte pntteries of trifling note. Gardening is here the west tower and the spire is 270 feet. The architec. conducted to a great extent; near 20 acres of ground, ture of the interior is chaste, and highly ornament-ed; in the two parishes, are appropriated to the growth of it contain~ two chapels, which suffered much iujury that delicate vegetable, asparagus, much of which finds durin~~; the intestine broils of Charles tlite First'!! reign. its way to the London market. A conside.-able inlatld In the aisles are many ancient monuments. Trinity tmde is ca1·ried on, in com and coal, hv means of the church, formerly called St. Mary's chapel, stands a.t river Ouze. There are some excellent faiuity, commer­ the east end of the l!athedral, and indeed is now a cial aud posting inns bert>:, the principal are, the' Bell,' part of and attached to the cathedral; the interior of 'Club,' 'Lamb' and' White Ha1·t.• The towH, upon Jt has been mttst superb: the roof i~ unsupported by the whole, is well built ~Sud clean; but, t>xcept upon pillars, and was at one time painted sl;y-bJne, and the market-day, is dull, and posst-sses but little that :nuddt'd with gilt stars, to reprellent the firmament. can interest the stranger besidt'r! its cathedral. The The Rev. Philip Durham is the curate. The other market-day is 'fhllrsday, for coru, seed and cattle; the chm·ch, St. Mary's, stands a short distance fr(}m the fairs are ou the l\lollday before Whlt-Siituday, and the C'dthedral; the Rev. John CrawJey Leach is the offici- 29th OL>tober, both for the like eommodities as are ating minister of this church. The other places of brought to the market. By 1he population returns fo1· \Vorsl1ip are, a chapel each belonging to the Cah·iuists, 1821, the city and pari!Shes of Ely contained as follows: methodists and baptists. TriHity parish, 3,4:38; St. Mary's parish, 1,460; f<:}y The charitable and scholastic institutions comprise college, extra-parochial, 90; and Chettcshain chapelry two national schools, and one free-school, founded by 91 : total number of i1!habitauts, 5,079. POS'l" OPFIOB, High street, Robert Edwards, Post ;}!aster.-Lettcrs from all parts arrive by mail cart, fi"Om CAMBRIDGE every morning at nine, and at·e despatched to that town every en·uing at six.­ 'fhe office opens at nine in the morning and .closes at six in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND Stephens l.\Irs. Ann, St. Mary'11 Scott Matt'hew (and la~d ilurvey<»" CLERGY. St~vens Georgt', esq. Fore hill and estate agent) .M·arket place .Ap~ey William, esq. St.l.\lary's Tansley 1\ln>. Ann, Market place BAKERS & tLOtJK J)EALERS • .Atkiu John, !!;t!Ut. Gal~lee , !:aylor ~Iiss Mary, ~alaL-e greeu Cannel John,_.Newuhanl st Bacov ~oshu_a, gent. St. 1\Iary s I !"Hnt~lellt.Goo.N oms,R.N.Fore bJI Haylock ThqJnas., St. l\1 ary's Bagge i'rancJ!!, esq: M_arkt>t place, Waddml{ton Mrs. Agnes?St. Mary s Kemptoo TblJmas, St.l\lar~'s Beau~harup Capt. C1m:str.~t.l\Ia!·y s Watsoa Re_\· ..Thomas, LJttleport Kempton William, Fore hiH B~umngton 1\Irs. Sarah,l•ort; hill W!ltsou Wdham, gent. Bo!l lane Overland Charles, Water&ide B1dwell Chad~s. gel}t .. Fore bill Wdks ~a~s, gent. Fore h~ll . Rickwond John, Bt"Oad st Brownl\ln1, Dmn~, Htgh st Woodhme Samuel, ~t'nt. for-e hill Roads Joseph, High st Bull Mrs. Anu, ~~~h st ACADE~IES ~ND SCHOOLS, Rohiusou Juhu, fo'ore )1i!l Bull Seth, t'Sq. Htgh st :N «#t vtberw1se !kscr~ed ar~ Day<. Simson Thomas Gaol st CwpJey Georlo!e~ g-ent. St. Mary's Bland El ea nor, l' ore r. Ill ' Cutlack l\ll"s. Sarah, fore hill DosW~•ell Sophia and Eliza (ladies, BANKERS. Darby .Mrs. Elizabeth, St. 1\lary's boarding aml day) lfigh st l\lortlock and Sons, High st-(draw Durham Rev. Philip, College Gra\'eii Elizabeth, Waterside upon Smith, Payne and Smith, Genu Rubert, gent. St. Mary's Hat·vey 1..\lary, Fore hill London) .Gotobed .Mole, gent. Fore hill l\liller Elizabeth~ Fore hill BASKET MA:KERS. -Gotobed M!"b. Mary, St. l\lary'-s NATIONAL ScHOOL (boys') Galilee Adamli WilUam, Jlrta.rke& place -Griffith Rev. John, Palace green -William DunUJd Pope, master Cropley John, Church lane Hall John, 11en. gent. Broad 3t NATIONAL ScHOOL (girb) Gaol st-- Scott Richard, Fore hill Harlock Will.iaru, geut. St. l\'Iary's Frances lVlacrow, mistress Scott WiUiam, Fore bill Harwoodi\lil.'sesAun&l\lry.Back hll NEEDHAJ\t's CHARITY ScHOOL., Back BLACKSMITHS. Haylock Lavender, ~eut.St. :1\Iary's hiii-Edward Lutt, ma~ter Bland Arthur, !<,ore hill tsaacson Mrs. Elizabeth, Fore hill Trigg William (geut.'.lS boaf'diog and Bodger William, Water.~ide .JonesMrs. Mary, High st day) mgh st {l\'lary'1l Fincb John, Chequer lane Leach Rev. Wm. Crawley, College Wil~s Susau (board'in~ & day) St. King Mary, St . .Mary's fMary's .1\lillers Rev. Georl!e, Colleg-e ATTORNEYS. Ollt-y John, gent. St. l\lary's Claxton Je~se, Gaol lit Luddington John (and fal'l"ler) St. Page Jonath!to, esq. St. Mary'~ Claxton William, Ma1·ket hill Whitrow Richard, Fore hill . Page M.Js Harriet, St. Mary's Dench Luke, St. Mary's Willsou Thomas, Waterside Pond Miss Mary, .Back hill Evaus, Archer and Evans, High st BOAT BUILDERS. Pond l\lrs. Alice, Broad st Marshall Williatn, Fore hill Ashberry William, Waterside Scott Mrs. Rebecca, Fore bill Pigott Henry, Gaol st Eaves Rohl!rt, Watersidt' 'Sebbm·ue Captain Thos. St. Mary's AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISBS. Gotobed Wil1iaru Pratt, Broad ~t 'Sparke Right Rev. Bawyer Edward, Dix and 1\larshall, Fore bill Hawks Richard, Watel"l;itle D. D. (Bishop of Ely) Ely palace Legge Chri!

BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. HERTFORDSHIRE and CAMBRIDGE- MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Clements John (and printer and SHIRE GENERAL CoUNTRY, John Edwards Sarah, High n bookbinder) High st (High st Dawson Ewer, Fore hill English Mary Ann, Silver st Edwards Robt. & stamp distributer) NoRWICH, , St. Mary's Fortington Maria, High st BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS. PELICAN, Jcsse Claxton, Gaol si Hall Sarah, St. l\1ary's [High st Austin James, Waterside PHn John, Bwad st SuFFOLK and GENERAL CoUNTRY, Willson Elizabeth, jun. Fore hill Cornwell Luke, Broad st Jesse Claxton, Gaol st rst MUSTARD SEED DEALERS. Cropley William, Fore hill SuN (fire & lite)Chl'istr.Legge,High AnslowWm.(& sack d(taler) High st Denton James, St. Mary's GARDENERS &: SEEDS MEN. Pond aad Cross, Waten;ide Dolhy J ohu, St.l\lary's Cornwell Lnke, Broad st PAINTERS, PLUMBE~S AND Hall John, Fore hill Cranwell John Back hill GLAZIERS. Hall Martin, High st Cuttriss and S~ocker, Bull lane Chandler George, ~ewnh~m st Kempton Caste!, Gaol st Hay lock William, St. 1\lary's Free~an Edward, ~ or.t> lull Legge Christopher, Fore hill lngram Benjamin, St. Mary's Gotooed Jo.h~, Fo1 e htll. Sipple John, Newnham st Ingram Edward, High st Gotobed Wllha'!', Fore lull Stanford William, High st lngram Wiliiam, Broad st Palmer Ann, High ~t Topping Thomas, St. Mary's Jarman Thomas (seedsman and Sp.enceiy Robert, Highs~ Wathen William, Fore hill bird stuffer) Fore hill Wilson Thomas, Waterside BREWERS. Langhorue John, Cow lane PIPE ~AKERS-TOBACCO. Cutlack Morley Wright (and retail) Lup~:;on Frances, Bull lane L~pson Michael, Broad st Broad street i\Inuson William, Broad st Sibley Rouert, Broad st 'Hall George & John, jun.Waterside Norman John, St. Mary's PROFESSORS AND TEACHER$ HarlockWilliam & John, Waterside Palmer Thomas Broad st . OF MUSIC. . Legge Thos. (& rt'tail) Ma1 ket place Pmter William,'Gray's lane Skeats H1g.hmore (and orgamst) · BRICKLAYERS, &c. So.uthby Williarn, Vineyards hill • Gotobed Thomas, Fore hill WJlhlOn Thomas, Waterside Upchmch John, Waterside Porter William, New town GLASS AND EARTHENWARE ROD MERCHANTS. Stanford Wyatt, Newnham st DEALERS. Bull Seth, High street ~ralbut Jouathan, Waterside Bradley William, Fore hill Hall George, Waterside BRICK MAKERS. Fortington Da\·id, Hi!!h st Lutt Edward, Back hill Hall George and John (and lime GROCERS &: TEA DEALERS, ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS. hurRers) Waterside (See also Shopkeepers, ~c.) Button Stephen Sewell, Gaol s' Laytoo William, Woodhouse Auslow William, High st Haselum George, Newnham st 1\Iartin Henry, Little port Cross John, Waterside SADDLERS & COLLAR MAKRS. Page Jonathan, St. Mary's Dawson John, Fore hill Crawley Charles, Hi!!h st ' BUTCHERS. Edward~ Sar·ah,High st [High st Roper John Pigeon, Gaolst Barber Robt.(pork) Downham laue G\lrratt John (&tallow chandler) Saunders Joseph, St. Mary's Lestc•· Thomas, Fore hill Munson Thomas, St. .Mary's SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS Myrton Samuel, St. Mary's Roads Joseph, High SL IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Watson Joseph, Fore hill Ru~hbrookWm.Forehill Bartle Esther, Gaols' Watts Edward, High st WheatJey William ( & tallow chaud- Bradley William, Fore bill Worster Richard, Fore hill ler) Gaol street Chandler James, St ..Mary's CARPENTERS AND JOINERS, HAIR DRESSERS. English Ann, Cow lane Harnard William (&chair maker) Fortington John, High st Hall Thomas, St. Mary's St. Mary's [St. Mary's Toombs John, Market place Smith Thomas, St. Mary's Chambers Jas. (& cabinet maker) Toombs Richard, Market place WillsoD Eli;mbeth, sen. Fore hill Freeman Richard, Market place INNS AND HOTELS. STRAW HAT MAKERS. Gotobed Thomas, ~t:wnham st Bell (commercial) Thos. Spencely, Bridgeman A lice, NewnLam s~ Household William, Waterside High 11treet Giscard Jane, High st Lack George, Downbam lane Club, John Barnard, Market hill Scott Jane, Fore hill Legge Henry (&builder) Market pl Lamb (family commercial hotel and SURGEONS. Peckett Thomas, Market hill posting house) William Beecroft, Cole Ge-orge, St. Mary's CHY1¥1ISTS AND DRUGGISTS, High st1eet Muriel John, High st Anslow William, High st Red Lion, Varnham Coates, High st Stevens Rnbet·t, Ely Trinity Catlin~ John Donald, High st White Hart,(commercialandfamily TAILORS. Garratt John, High st hotel) Matthew Scott, Market hill Broderick William (and woollen COAL, CORN AND SEED IRONMONGERS, BRAZIERS draper) Fore hill Ml:RCHANTS, • / AND .TIN~EN: Chambers John, St. Mary's Anslow Wm. (coru & seed) High st G1sc.ard Jeremiah, J:iore.htll Cole William (and clothes dealer Hall George & John, jun.Waterside Robmsor~ John, Fo!e htll and d1·aper) Fore hill Harlock William & John, Waterside Stevens Edward, H1gh st Dearsley William, Waterside .t..awrence Henry (com and seed) Willis Charles William, St. Mary's Ellis John, St. Mary's Downham lane LINEN &: WOOLLEN DRAPERS Hardiman Thomas, High l!t Pond & Cross (&timber) Waterside HABERDASHE~S_, &c. Kempton William, Gaol st COOPERS. Butcher John, Fore h1ll . Kempton William,jun.Marketplace Knowles John, Waterside fhill Hutton Stephen Se'Yell, Hxgh st Legge Thomas, Bl'oad st Prig-g Tl10s. (& patten maker) Fore Cro~s John! Wat_erside Rick wood Richard, Gaol st Sayet· Joseph, Cats' lane Danes Davul, H1gh s~ Wathen William (and draper and Sht>phard Edward, Market place Dawson John, Fore hill clothe'S dealer) Fore hill Freeman John, High st CURRIERS AND LEATHER TAVERNS&: PUBLIC HOUSES• CUTTERS. Rickett SarJlh, Market place Anchor, J awes N ethercoat, Watenide Blakeman \Villiam, Fore hill Smith Thomas, St. Marv• ... Angel, Robert Eaves, Back hill Hattersley Mary Ann, Market hill West wood Edmund,Fore hill Black Bull, John Hunt, Waterside MALTSTERS, Black Swan, John Cranwell, Back bill CUTLERS AND GUNSMITHS, Chequer, John Finch, Chequer lane Baxter Michad. Gaol st Cross John, Waterside Coach & Horses. John Jarman, Broad st Robinson John, Fore hill Hall George & John, jun. Water~ide Coopers1 Arms, Ma.ry Parson, Waterside EARTHENWARE POT MANU- HarlockWilliam & John, Waterside Crown, Thomas Day, Silver et FACTURERS. Legge Thomas, Mal'ket place Crown & Anchor, John Ellis, St. Mary•s Luca~ Mary, Ansrlale MILLERS. Dolphin, James Beaumont, Market place Sibley Robert, Broail st Georl"e & Dragon, Jo!ll"ph Sayer, Cat•s la Lawrenre Henry, Downham lane Hi11hflyer, Martin Hodson, !'llewnham at FIRE, &:c, OFFICE AGENTS, Ri~kwood Henry, Broad :~t King•s Arms. Samuel Myrton, St. Mary•s GLOBE (tire and life) William Simson Thomas, Gaolst Maid's Head, Sarah Cole, Fore hill l\1 arshall, Fore hill Wilks Hetlry, St. Mary's Peacock, Mary King, St. Mary':s 15 113 .~amllrtbgesfJfre. ELY.

TAVERNS, &c.-Continued. Fi!'ou Robt. broker & lath dealer, Broad st hour i goes thro' Littleport and Down• Queen's Head, WilliamBodger,Waterside Fuller Johu, stone mason, Gaol st ham 1\larket. Rose & Crown, Mary Jarman, Fore hill GAOL, for the Isle of Kly, Gaol street- To UP\\ ELL, the Telegraph (from Cam. Royal Oak, Thomas Bartingale,Back hill Benjamin Barlow, governor bridge) calls at the Lamb and Belllnna, Ship, James Griffin, Waterside Goodbody John, drover, St. Mary's every Tues. Thurs. & Sat. evening at 7. Three Blackbirds, Thos. Wilkin, Broad st Hardy Geo. fellmone-er & tawer, Broad st Three Crowns, Thos. Willsoo, Waterside Harlock Robert, confectioner, Market pl CA.RRIBRS. Wheat Sheaf, Elizth. Hardy, Cow lane Harvey Mary, toy dealer, Fore bill To LONDON, l\Jarsh & Swann's Fly White Lion, Robert Griffin, St; Mary's l.angford John, town crier, Broad st Vans, from the Dolphin, every morning White Swan, George Whitrow,Waterside Ling James, clerk of Trinity church, Tri- (Sunday excepted) at seven; tht>ir Wool pack, obn Anderson, Gaol st nity parish [ness makr, Chequer la Waggons, every 1\li'Jnday and Thursday J afternoon at two-and lsaac Benton's TURNERS & CHAIR MAKERS. Newmnn Thos.R.G. coach builder & bar­ Raynor William,worsted manfr. Fore hill .lVnggon, from the Black Swan, every (See also Carpenters anrJ Joiners.) Thnrsday mornin~. WORKHOUsE for St. Mary's p~ish, St. Knights John, Market place Mary's-Thomas Rayner, fi;Overnor To LITTLE PORT, Robert Thorn hill's Cart, from the Club Inn, every after­ Raudall William, Bmad st WoR&HOUSE for Tlinity pari·h, Fore hill-William Rayner, governor noon (Sunday exyepted.) WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. To LYNN, 1\Jarsh & Swann's Fly Vans-, Gi"card John (and clothes and toy COA.CHBS. from the Dolphin, every forenoon(Sun. dealer) High st day exct>pted) at eleven. Matthews Robert, Gaol st To LONDON, the Union (from I.ynn) To MEPAL,Joseph Bell's Cart, from the Pynock William, Gaol st calls at. the l:lell Inn, every Tuesday, Red Lion, every Thmsday afternoon. Thursday, and Saturday morning at To NEWMARKET, 's WHEI:LWRIGHTS. eleven, and at the Lamb, e•ery l\lon­ Cart, from the Club Inn, every Thurs­ Austin John, St. Mary's day, Wednesday, and Friday at the day afternoon. Saberton William, Cow lane same hour; goes through Cambri!lge, To SOHA.LU, Robert Ower's Cart, from WHITI:SMITHS AND BELL Barkway, and Ware. the Club Inn, every Monday & Thur&­ HANGERS. To CAMBRIDGE, the Telegraph, from day afternoon. · Page Thomas, Chequer lane the Lamb dUd Bell Inns, every Tues­ To WISBEACH, John Eeagly's Cart, day, Thursday, and Saturday morning from theCiublnn,everyThms.afternoon. Raper Joseph, Broad st at eight-thl" same Coach (from U pwelo) WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS• calls at the Lamb and Bell Inu~, every CONVEY.A.NCE BY Hall George &John, juu. Waterside Monda.)l', Wednesday, & Friday morn­ WAT.BR~ Harlock Wm.aud John, Waterside ing at eight-and William Crabb•s So­ To CAMBRIDGE, Marsh and Swann's ciable, from bis own house, every Mon­ Boats, every :Monday night, and to Hills John, St. Mary's day, Wednesday, Thursday, and Satur. LYNN, every Saturday night. Miscellaneous. day morning at seven. To CAMBRIDGE, LYNN, NORTH­ BRIDJ:WELL, Gaol st-Rbt.Scott,keeper To L YN N, the Union (from London) calls A~IPTON, BURY ST. EDMUNDS, CarelessGeorge William,surveyor of roads, at the Bell Inn, every .Monday, Wed­ BECKFORD, HUNTINGDON, and St. Mary•s [St. Mary's nesday, and Friday afternoon at four, all intermediate plac~s, Abraham Ellis John, clerk of St. Mary's church, and 3t the Lamb Inn, every Tuesday, John son'~, William Law's, and Thomas Evans Hngh Robert, sen. coroner, High st Thursday, and Saturday at the same Smith's Lighters, occasionally. LINTON, A SMALL market town in the hundred of CJ.Jilford, wards, supported by her anchor; on one side is a .fine is 48 miles from London, 14 from Newmarket, 11 from medallion of Mr. Standley. The living is a vicarage, Cambridge, and 6 from Saffron-Walden. There were in the gift of Pemhroke college, Cambridge; the pre­ formel'ly two priories at this place: the one ~mder the sent incumbent is the Rev. Edmuud Fisher. abbey ofSt.Jacutas De Insula B1·etagne, the possession The only trade of any consequence here is the tan­ of which, on the dissolution of certain alien priories, ning and cunying of leather; the former carried on to became vested in the master and fellows of P~mbroke a very con11iderable extent hy Mr. John Kiclman, and college,Cambridge; the other was a JnioryofCrutched- the latter by Mr. Geor!-!,e Nichols. Clo~e to the town friars, situated at Bareham. Divers Roman coins have are the beautiful and extensive nursery-grounds, and been dug up in the grounds of Linton, from wh\ch it frnit and flower gardens, covering about nine acres. would appear to ha\'e been once a Roman station. The The proprietor, Mr.William Gimson, was awarded, by chtuch, which is dedicated to St. l\largaret, is a \'e~y the committee of the Cambridge horticultoral society, beautiful structure; it comprises a nave, ebancel, and the London horticultural society's honorary silver rue­ two aisles; and is adorned with a high embattled dal for 1827, for the general excellence of his several tower, which contains a set of very fine bells. Within productions within the year. The market-day is the church are se~·eral monuments, the chief of which Thursday; and the annual fair, for horses and sheep, is a haud:mme one of marble, erected in the south aisle is held on the 31st July. The pari:sh of Linton, by Pctt>r Standley, Esq. in memory of Elizabeth, his according to the parliamentary returns for 1821, con­ sistea· and benefactress; it represents Hope looking up- tained 1,519 inhabitants. POST OBFICE, William Hand, Post .lllaster.-Letters from LoNDoN, CAMBRIDGE, and all parts (e~cept Saffmn Walden) arrive every morning at half-past eight, and are despatched every eveniug at six• • Letters from SA.HRON WALUEN arrive every evening at six,and are despatched every morn. at half-past eight. GENTRY .AN~ CLERGY. Townley Charles, esq. _Hildersharu Arnold Wm. clog and patten maker Ball Mrs. Ann, Abmg-~on Watson Sir Charles, West Wraltoo Biggs Wm.joine•·, builder, building .Barker James, esq. Htldersham Wolleston Rev. John, Balsham surl'eyor and auctioneer Barnard, Cat>t. Thos. Bartlow \V right Anthony Gtorge, esq. Wal- Blackman John, maltster Batson Stanlake, eSIJ. Horse ton's park, Ashden Blackman John & Son, grocers and Bootten Rev. John, Bartlow ACADEMII:S & SCHOOLS. drapers Carr Rev. John A. H~dtlock Beeton Robert, (boys' day) Brand Richard, baker Chapman Rev: Benedtct, Ashden Copsey .1\tartha (girls' day) Brand Robt. boot and shoe maker ~ayrell Fra!lcts, esq, Camps Shudy Hopkins Thos. (~ent.'~ day & bdg) Bridge lsaac, collar maker Eye Mrs. Lmton • Howard Mary Auu (girls' day) Briggs Ann, straw h~t maker Fisher Rev. Edmund, Lmton Richardson William (boys' day) Brown Thomao;, retatl brewer Goodwin Dr. Edward, Bartlow Salt Mary (girls' day) Burro~s Joseph, tallow chandler Goodwin Rev. Charles,Hildersham INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Bnrrows Sophia, straw hat maker Ha-1.1-, esq. Weston Covell. Bell, Edward Pilgrim Chalk 'fh.m~nas Palm~re, grocer,&c. Holme James, (surgeon) Lmton Crown Ambrose Bridg-man Chalk Wliham, canter Holt Mrs. Frances, Abington Green Hill John Whiffin Chappell Thomas Hayton, station· Hopkins Rev. Thomas, Linton Red Lion "c & posting house} Land er, druggist, & plumber, painter, Huddlestone Edmund, esq.Lawstoo Nichol; a11d glazier Keen Benjamin, esq. Westow Swan, William Bird Cop.sey John, hair dresser Mortlock Thos. esq. Ahington park White Hart, Thmnas Arch Crane Robert, farrier Fearson Rev. Geo. Camp's castle sHOPK:E:EPERS & TRADERS, Day Daniel, joiner and builder and Persivel Rev.-, Horse heath Adcnck Robert, maltster firt', &c. office ageut Pigott Lieut.-Col. Graham Foster, Adcock Susan, dress maker Day Elizabeth, straw hat maker Ahington Arber Robert, land surveyor Drew Edmnnd,stationer & druggist 'frtylor Robert, gent. Linton Al'ber Robt. whiting manufacturer Eve John Disbrow, tanner 114 mtrtttorn. .. I .. INTON• «amllrtl1gt~JJtrr;, Gatward & clock makr Reeve 'fs.millcr,Hadstock watr mill COACHES. Gibson Phrehe, :.traw hat maker Rt>eve Wm. miller,Hildersham mill To LONDON, the RoyalRegulatar(ftom Gimson William, nurseryman, flo- Rice Robert, boot and shoe maker Haverbill) calls at the. Crown, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday rist and ~eed:oman Richardsou Samuel, cooper morning at nine; goes through Ash den, Glascock Beujam in, bricklayer Richanlson William, iroumonger f'a:ffron \\'alden, Quenden, Stunstead~ Hailes John, joim:r, builder and Rod well Rich d. miller ,Little Linton Bishop Storttord, Sawbridgeworth, &c. buildinl{ surveyor Salmon Edmund, gl'Ocer & draper To CAl\1BRIDGE, a Coach (from Col~ Hanunond Ht. baker & basket mkr Seaman Wm. boot aud shoe maker che11ter) calls at the Red Lion, every Havwa1·d Thoma~; baket· Searle John, cHrn and flour d(•aler Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after­ . , noon at half-past two. Howa1d Thos. telimong-er & glm•er Si~gs John, boot aud shoe maker To COLCHESTER, a Coach (from Cam­ Hymns Wm. wheelwright [rwr Smith Thomas, baker bridge) calls at the Red Lion, every Kidman Jas.bricklayer & lime hur­ Smoothy Chas. grocer and draper TuesdNy, Thursday, and Satuaday Kidman J no.tanner "& mil!eJ·,Green Smoothy Jo~Pph, butcher lJlorning at half-vast ten; goes through Lomas Wm. draper & tea dealer Starling Wm. grocer and draper Haverhlll and Walstead. To HAVE RH ILL, the Royal Regttlator 1\>1 abbert William, butcher Towus~nd John, rope, twiue and (from London) calls at the Crown, Mans field J ohll, ~rocer & drapet• sacking mauufacturt'l' every Mon. Wed. and Fri. night at nine. l\laris John, collar makea· Wakelin Wm. boot & shoe maker CARB.IBR8. l\1ason Genr~e, butcher \Veatherall James, brazier To LONDON, and all intermediate .1\lmley Charles, bricklayer Webb John, blacksmith places, William Chalk's Waggon, every l\Jm·ley Esday, and Thursday afterraoon at fiVP in the winter; goes to the Vine Payne Sar·ah, baker Wri!Zht Edward, joiner Inn, Dishopsgate strl'et. Perry James, clol{ & patten maker Wlight H.ichd. tailor&clothesdealr To CA l\1 BRIDGE, A braham Whiffin and­ Prym· Richard, juiner Wright Robert, wheelwri~ht Thos. Smith's Carts, every Sat. morn. 1\IARCII, A NEAT, respPctable and improving little market d1ildren of the poor, upon the national system. town, is a chapelry in the parish of Doddington, and The church belonging to the parish of Doddington is North Witchfurd hundred~ i9 miles from London, 32 situated about a mile from March bridge, on the Chat­ from Cam bridge, 19 from ~lr, 11 from Wisheach, and teris road ~ it is dedicated to St. Wendreda, and was fom· from Doddington. It is pleasant!~ situated on the erected about the year 1343. The edifice is of Gothic banks of the Nene, which is here navigable, and is of architecture, and coutains a nave and two side-aisles, considerable benefit to the trade of the town, facilitat- with a spire of stone at the west end : under the bat­ ing the conveyance of coal, corn, timber and the pro· tlements, on both sides of the church, the flint-work duce of the gardens (which are here numerous) to represents various grotesque figures; and beneath the Cambridge, Lyon, Peterborough, and various other belfry there is a large open arcl1, through which a foot­ place!!!. March, of late years, has greatly improved in path is made. The living is a rectory; the incumbent trade and appea1·ance; and its thoroughfare would he is the Rev. Algernon Peyton, and his curate, the Rev. much increased, if it were more generally known that. John Shaw. The baptists, Call'inists and methodists most of the fen roads, contrary to the received opinion, have each a chapd for their St'rvice, all neat buildings. are now passable at all seasons of the year. It also The poor of .March have the advantage of several va­ boasts, perhaps, one of th~:: best inns iu the county, luable charities; their objects are, the apprenticing 'the Griffin,' an excellent posting-house: this is a very children, clothing the needy, aRd perodicaly distribu­ haudsome building, and forms no in('ousiderable orna- ting of food, &c. The country a~·ound here is flat; the ment to the town. At this inn, quarterly as~emhlies land, which is chiefly appropriated to ag-ricultme, is tal•e place, which are exceedingly well attended. The productive, yielding heavy crops of excellent wheat. guildhall, situate in High-ttreet, is a modern erection, The market-day is Jo'riday; the fairs are the first 1\lon­ and a neat commodious edifice: in it the town's busi- day before Whit -Sunday, and the third Tuesday in Oc­ ness is tram;acted, and the manorial courts aud a court tobf'r. The entire parish of Doddington contained, of requests are held; in the same building are also two by the last cen~>us, 5,899 inhabitants, and March 3,850 spacious school-moms, in wl1ich are instructed the of that number. POST OFFICE, High-street, John Smith, Post Master.-Letters from Lo~DON and all part" (except Wisbeach and neighbourhood) arrive by mail cart, from HuNTINGDON, every moruing at seven, and are despatched to that town every afternoon at haif-past five.-Letters from WISBEACH, &c. arrive every afternoon at half-past five, and arc despatched every moruing at seven. GENTRY & CLER&V. Peyton Rev. Algernon, Doddington Barley Edmund, (and clerk to the Addison Christr. gent. Well end Pope John, gent. Town end [end commissioners) High st Atkinson Richard, esq. High st Pratt Wm. esq. (coroner) Whittle Matthews Richard, Bridge st Aveling l\lrs. 1\Jary, Well end Ratclitfe John, gent. Bridge St AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS. Aveling Thos. gent. Bedlam farm Sharp Edward, gent. Well end Bal'ley & Elliott, High st Booth Thomas, gent. High st Shaw Rev. John, High st Pope John, High st Burton Edrnund, gent. Doddington Smith William, gent. High st Pratt William & Sou, Whittle end CorthornThomas,gent.Churchend Wilson Robert, geut. High st BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Corthorn William, gent. High st Winterton Thomas,gent.River side Booth Edward, High st FonntaioChr.Kingston,geut.Highst Woodward John,esq. The Cottage Booth Thos.(& confectionr)Highst bolt farm ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS, Campbell John, Brid11:e st Good man J arm an, gent. Well end Not otherwise described are Day Schools· Elliott John, Wt'll end Gr·ay John, gt>nt. Bedlam tarm Cave Mary, High st Fletcher John, High st Gray l\lrs. Ann, Whittle end Clark Hewitt, (gent:s day& hrdng) Lee Isaac, Town end Gray Nathan, esq. Bridg-e ~t Whittle end [High st Pea~e John, Hil!'h st Gray Thomas, gent. Whittle end Elliott Ann &Emma,(day & brdg.) Pope Thomas, High st Grounds Mrs. Henry, Hi~h st Green Benjamin, Whittle end , Shear hod Wm.( & fruilerer) Hig-h st Household Da\·id, gent. March Harrison Azubah, Stone cross Southwelll\1atthew, Market place Johnson Hardy, gent. Hi~~;h st Jarrums Jane &l\lary, Well end BANKERS. Johnson i\1 rs. ~Iary, High st Lane Elizabeth, High st Gurney~, BirkiJeck, and Pt'ckm·ers, Lewiu Robert H. esq. Whittle end l\lichaux Waiter, Well end (branch of Wisbeach bank) Well Matthews l\trs. Ann, High st NATIONAL ScHOOL, (boys') High st end-( draw on Barclay and Co. Matthews Thomas, gent. High st -ThomaR Withuoe, master London) Orton Richard, esq. Upwell Fen NATIONAL ScHOOL, (girls') High st BASKET AND SIEVE MAKERS Orton Richard, jnn. e~q. Round -Betsey West, mistress Freeman lsaac, High st house cottage, Doddinl!'ton Pierce George, Town end White Willia•u, High ~t Orton Thnmas, e~q. Hi~h st ATTORNEYS. BLACKSMITHS. Pallatt Robert, gent. Wimblingtou Bailey Daniel, Hiah st Barley Susan, Bridge si. 115 1\IARCH. lPigot &

B LACKSMITHS-Continue!l. BRITI-SH & CoMMERCIAL, William SADDLERS & COLLAR MAKRS. Bates Charles, High st Booth, High st Amos Lewis, Bridge st Butcher Stephen, Stone cross HERTS & CAMBRIDGESHIRE, John Band James, High st Dobson Charles, High st Pope, Hi~h st [High st Coy Merchant, High st Hopper .T o!leph, Bridge st NoRWICH UNION, John Th1uhon, SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS Pooley William, Brooke's lane IN SUNDRIES. PROTECToR, Wm. Booth, High st {See also Grocers, ._1)-c.) BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS RoYAL ExcHANGE, Edward Elam, AND BOOKBINDERS. Whittle end Barker Johu, Whittle end Croft Matthew Edward, ( & printer SUFFOLK and GENERAL CouNTRY, Chapman Robert, High st and paper hanger) High st John Smith, High st English Rebecca, High .;t Sarjant Thomas, High st Leach Daniel, High st FISHMONGERS. Peggs 1\Iiles, High st Withnoe Thomas,jun. (printer and Buxton Beujamin, Well end STRAW HAT MAKERS. stationer) High st Rhodes Ann, High ~t BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Wright Richarrl, Well end Goodson Mary, High st Beeby Sat·ah, Well end GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Lay ton Mary, Whittle end Camps Thomas, High st Chapman Robert, Town end Ogden Frances, High st Golding William, High st Cornwen Thoma">, High st OJiver Caroline, Bridge st Goodson John, High st Everson Edred, Hi~rh dyke Sarjant Mary Ann, High st Jervis [saac, Hi~h st Halliday John, Well end SURGEONS. Johnson .John, High st Head David, Well end Church John, High llt Watson Thomas, Whittle end Read Stephen, Bellmetallane Culledge Charles, High st Wigstou Thomas, Whittle end Rhodes Ann, High st Wray William Hawyes, High st BREWERS. Roberts James,(& fruit) Church end SURVEYORS. Gray Nathn, (ale & porter) Bridge st Smith John, High st Jacbon Joseph, (of land, and land Phillips Thus. (retail) Well end Stratton John, Hil!'h st agent) Nor wood Pope William, Well end GLOVERS, Ogden Thoma~, (road) Town e11d 'fhurbon John, (retail) High st Graves Robert, High :st Patridge John, (laud) High :st BRICK MAKERS. Smith Charles, Hi~h st Pratt William & Sou, (of roads, & Orton Thomas, Hhrh a>t GROCERS, TEA DEALERS & land agents) Whittle end DRAPERS. TAILORS. Phillips Thomas, Well end (See also Shopkeepers, 4"t..) Woodward John, The Cottage Abbott Thomas, Town end Andrew John & Co. (aud hatters) BUILDERS. Burrows Lowder, Sumps Marked thus • are also Bricklayers, and High st Burrows Robert, High st thus +Joiners also. Booth William, High !lt Gray William, High st (See also Carpenters and Builders.) Dawbarn Thomas & Co. (and hat- Jaggard William, Well end tBeeton William, Sumps ters) Bridge st Robet·ts Thomas (&draper) High st tBodger John, Well end Elam Edwa1·d, Whittle end Smith John {and draper) High :~>t tGraves Robert, High st Patridge John, High st Smith John, jun. High st Hutchinson William, High st Pope Henry, (l!'rocer) High st Southwell Jos. (&draper) High sl tJohnson John, Bridge st Smith Johu, High st Yarrow William, Bridge st •Phillips Thomas, land stone and Thurbon J ohu, High !':t TALLOW CHANDLER. marble mason) Well end HAIR DRESSERS. Scargell Thoma8, High st *'Searle Jame~, Bridge st. Graves Robert, High st Smith Charles, Hi~h st TAVERNS &PUBLIC HOUSES. *Setchfirld Anthony, Stone cross Anchor, Garner Oliver, Well end tSh~arh•ld William, High st INNS & HOTELS, Black Swan, Edward Dring, Whittle end tSmtth Matthew, l\larket place Griffin, (cornmt-rcial and family, Boot & Shoe, George Freear, Whittle end postinl!' hou~e, and excise office) Bushel, Whenham Powers, Snmps BUTCHERS. John Iliffe, High st [st Carpenters'Arms,JamesProudfoot,Sumps Brighty Robet"t, High sr White Hart, Wm. Kirkham, Bridge Chequers, William Manning, Bridge st Chapman Robert, Town end Cock, .Matthew Beckerton, High st IRONMONGERS. Crown, WilliamJaggard, Well end Christmas Thomas, High st Bates Charles, High st Dobson Mary, Hil!h st George, Joseph Hudson, High st Beedzler Sarah, High st Green !Uan, Edred Everson, High st 'Freear George, Whittle end LIME BURNERS. Plough, Rebecca 1-ewis, Sumps • Sherhod Jonathan, Well end Phillips Thomas, Wtll eud Red Hart, Ann Rhodes, Hi~!;h st Wadlow John, High Et Smith John, High st R!"d Lion, William Bains, Hi;.;h st Waiters Johu, High st Seven Stars, John Swan, Town enll MALTSTERS. Shoulder of Mutton, J os. Hudson,High st­ CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Gray Nathan, Bridge st Three Fishes, John Ogden, Whittle end {See also Builders, and also Wheel- Smith John, High !lt VV heel, Thomas Freear, Bridge st wrigllts.) MILLERS. White Horse, Robt. Bridges, WhitUe end Bell Thomas, Whittle end Booth Thomas, High st White Lion, Thos. Christmrus, High st Graves Rt. ( & cabinet mkr) High st Green Samnel, Wisbeach road WATCH&; CLOCK MAKERS, Layton Joseph, Whittle end Harewood Edward, Well end Smith George, High st Ruff Daniel, Bridge st Matthews Edward, High 1-t Smith John, High street CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. MILLINERS &; DRESS MAKRS. WHEELWRIGHTS. Peggs 1\liles, High st l:lmton Jaue, Whittle eud Cunnington Thomas, Bridge st Pope Thomas, High st English Rebecca aud Mary, High st PopP Joseph (and joiner) High Mt Simmons Charles, High st Miller Susannah, Whittle end ShearhodWilliam, (&joiner) Highs' CHYMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Ogden Frances, Hi~h st Simmons Charles, Hrid~e st Bevill William, High st Powers Mary, Sumps Simmons William, High st Dawharn Thomas & Co. Bridge sL Rt>dhead Elizabeth, High st WHITE SMITHS, Pope Henry. High ~>t White Lucy, Hil!'h ~t Ballard David, Well end - CLOTHES DEALERS, MILLWRIGHTS. Glascock Robert, High st Beeby Sarah, Well t>nrl Beeton William, jun. Sumps 1\liller Robert, High st Roberts Thomas, High st · Bodgt~r John, Well ~>nd WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. COOPERS. Graves Robert, High st Bevill William, (spirit) High st Chapman Robert, Town end Pope Joseph, High st Dawbarn Thomas and Co. ( Hritish Tun nell John, l\larket place Ruff Da11iel, Bridge ~t wine) Bridge st [Bridge st Wright William, Whittle end Shearhod William, High st Gray Nathan (spirit and portt>r) Smith Mattht'w, l\lal'kPt placE' Pope John, sen, ( ~pirit) High st CORN & COAL MERCHANTS. PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND Pope Wm.(winc & porter)Wdlend Booth Thomas, (coal) High st GLAZIERS. Elliott Thomas, !corn) l\larket pl Gray Owen, High st Miscellaneous. Phillips Thomas, (coal) Well end Smilh William, High st Ball George, fellmonger, Whittle end Britchford Anl'l, flour dealer, High st Smith & Cule, (corn) High st Woodstock ,lames, Bridge st Cross Charles, bot1.t builder, Sumps Smith John, (coal) High 11t ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS. Friend Emerson Harrison, veterinary FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Am os Lewis, Bridge 11t surg,.on, Bridge st ATLAs, Johu Anprew & Co. High st Nightingale William, High :s• Gla5cock Robert, brass founder, Sumps 116 - iJfrtctory. 1\IARCH. f'atrid~e John, parish clerk, High st Wedne11day, and Friday morning at from the White I. ion, every Wednesday. Pratt William, sen. coroner for the Isle of eil\"ht-and the Difiance, every Tuesday, To WHITTLES EA, John Robert'sCart, .Ely, and receiver of the Eau Brink. Thursday, and Saturday at the same from the White Hart, and another Cart, taxes, Whittle end hour: both go throu~h Chatteris, So­ from the Chequers, every Friday aftern­ ~mith Eliza, stay make~, Higl1 st mersham, St. Ives, Cambridge, Roys­ noon. Smith John & Samuel, timber & iron ton, Wadesmill, Hoddesclon, & Ware. To WISBEACH, Day and Co.'s Wag­ merchants, Whittle end To WISBEACH, the Day (frorn London) yon, from the \\bite Hart Inn, every Smith Samuel, mechanist, Whittle end calls at the Griffin Inn, every Tuesday, Monday night and Friday illorning­ 'l'odd John, governor of workhouse, Thursday, and Saturday evenin~ at nnd Gilby aud Wallis' Waggon, from Eastwoods sev .. n-and the Dtjiance, every Mon­ the Chequer~. every Wednesday and Towler William, brazier & tin-plate d"y, W e>dnesday, and Friday evening Satunlay-Th<>mns Hutchinson's Cart, worker, Whittle end at half-past six. every Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur­ West Jose ph, carver & gilder, High st CARRIERS. day mornin~ at seven-and William White William, upholsterer, High st To LONDON, CHATTERIS, ST. Watson, every Wed. & Sat. morning. Withnoe Thomas, seu. clerk of court of IVES,CAMBRIDGE,&c. Day&Co.'s CONVEYANCE: BY requests, High street Waggon, from the White Hart, every Monday and Thursday morning at six WATER. CO.IlCHES. -and Gilby & Wallis• Waggon, from To CAMBRIDGE & .ELY,JohnSmith•s To LONDON, the Day (from Wisbear.h) the Chequers,everyWed.&Sat. evening. Boats, generaJJy once a fortnight; and calls at the Gritfin Inn, every Monday, 'l'o DOWNHAM, - Brighton's Cart, to LYN N, once a week. NEW~'IARKET, WITH THE VILLAGE OF BURWELL, AND NEiGHBOURHOODS. NEWMARKET is a pleasant well-built market to ratify their a~reements, or settle matches; one of town, and one of considerable thorou~hfare; 60 these is a subscription-room, the exclusive property of miles from London, and 13 from Cambridge and Ely; the jockey club; Mr. A. T. Par~ is the supt"rintendant. situated partly in the hundred of Che\·ely, in Cam- The prosperity of Newmarket, and its trade, may be bridge:ihire, and the greater portion in Lackford hun- said to be wholly dependent on affairs connected dred, Suffolk. It is also in two parishes, each having with the turf-the training race-horses (an occupa­ its church, viz. St. l\Iary's in the Suffolk part of the tion as important as it is peculiar) being a source of town, and All Saints iu the Cambridgeshire part. Both profit to numerous individuals; and it is estimated of these are handsome edifices; the former, especially, that not less than 400 horses are in the town the greater is adorned with a bt"autiful tower and spire, which part of the year; the which tend to produce material forms a very prominent ohject at a great distance from henefit to the farmers around, and also to the market. the town. The living of St. Mary'11 is a rectory, in the The Duke of Rutland is lord of the manor; and the gift of the Duke of Rutland; All Saints is a cm-acy, of government of the town is in the resident magistrates, which the Bishop of Norwich is the patmn. The rector who mee' every Tuesday. The market-days are is the Rev. James Barker, and the curate is the Rev. Tuesday and Saturday; the former for corn and vege.. Thomas Jessup Abbott. Service is performed at one tables, and the other for article~ of general consump­ church in the morning, and at the other in the afrer- toiu. There are two fdirs in the year, viz. Whit­ noon. This town was formerly attached to Exuing, a Tuesday and the 8th November, the latter being a very market town and place of considerable importance at extensive one for cattle, horses, corn, butter, cheese, one period (having a royal residence); and the market hops, &c. By the population returns ordered by is supposed to have been removed from Exning iu con- government in 1821, St. Mary'~ parish contained sequence of contagion, in the year 1227; heuce the de- 1,810 inhabitants, and All Saints, 704; total, 2,514. rivation of its name,' New-market! ln 1683 a great BuRWELL is a large and populous village and parish, part of the town was destroyed by fire: Charles II, his in the hundred of Staploe; 13 miles from Cambridge, consort and the Duke of¥1Jrk were then in Newmarket, six from So ham, anti three miles east of Newmarke~. having come down to enjoy the races; and3 in couse- This village is memorable from a dreadful event which quence of the conflagration, quitted their residence happened on the 8th of September, 1727, by the taking eight days sooner than they intended to have done; fire of a barn, in which were a~sembled a great uum­ and by that means frustrated the plot which had been her of persons to see a puppet-show. The rush to­ formed, to assassinate his Majesty, by the' Rye-house' wards the only passage of egress was as universal as c6nspirators. tremendous and de8perate; unhappily the door opened Newmarket has been long celebrated in the annals inwardly, and by the pressure of the crowd this means of horsemanship, and the race-coUI·se is perhaps the of escape was denied them; until, ultimately, the door finest in the kingdom; it is on an extensive heath, in was broken open from the outside, and the survivir1g the immediate vicinity of the town, on the L•mdon persons were dragged over the ah·ead)" dead or expir­ side. There are six regular meetings in the year; hut ing victims. Seventy-seven persons perishr-d by this those held in Easter week, and ln the month of Octo- lamentable catastrophe: thry were all interred in one ber, are the principal. At these periods, uothiug per- grave on the following day, they being so di~figurcd baps can exceed the lively appearance of tl1e town : as not to be recognized by their relatives. bustle and activity pervade the inns and taverns, where This villag-e posse~ses a very great ornament in its not a bed remaius untaken; while the numerous ama- beautiful church, which is built in the Gothic style, teurs and jockies, who throng here from all pa1·ts of and is scarcely excelled by any village church in the the kingdom, with their' high-mettled racers,' give a kinl(dom: it is dt>dicated to St. Mary; the Rev. James peculiar feature to the sct'ne. The inns here are pro- Johuson Baines is the present rector. A very exten­ verbial for their good accommodations; the principal, sive business is carried on hen' in the making of malt, 'the King's Head,' is a very superior establishment. and the timber trade is also of <:onsiderable import­ There are also two coffee-houses, conveniently fur- ance. Burwell parish contaiued, in 1821, a popola­ ni!)hed for the use of the sportsmen, where they meet tion of 1,518 iuhabitants. POST OFFICE.., George Rowning, Post ..Mnster.-Letters from LoNDON arrive every morning at three, and are despatched every night at a quarter-past eleven. Lette1 s from NoRWICH, &c. arri,·e every night at a quarter-past eleven, and are despatched every morniug at th1·ee. Letters to CAMBRIDGE• JluNTINGDON, &c. are despatched by mail cart evtry ui~Zht at a quarter-past eleven; and to LvNN, MILDEN­ HALL, BRAN DON and STOKE, every mol"lling at three.-Office hours; the office Oflcns at eight in the morniru~ and closes at half-past nine at night, but letters are recdved until ten by paying one penny with each, and till e) even by paying sixpence. POST• .BuRwELL, Letters from all parts arrive by foot post, from NEWMARKET, every day at twelve, and are despatched to that town everY morning at eight. NOBILITYJ GENTRY AND Birch Rev.Thomas, Gazeley rectory Cbapman Mrs. Sarah, Newmarket CLERGY, Bland Joseph, gent. Newmarket Church Rev. Wm. Cheveley rectory Abbott Rev. Thomas Jessup Boldero Rev. Wm. Carlton rectory Cornwell William, esq. Kentfurd AfRick Genl. Sir Jas. Dalham hall Bromley N. W. esq. Bansfield hall Crockford William, esq. Allix J. Peter, esq. Swaffham hou~e Buck pit Rev. James, Bur well Di bdin Tho~ Frognell, D. D., F. R.s, Baines Rev. Jno. Johuson, Burwell Caldecot Barnes, esq. Newmarket s. A., &c. &c. Exning. BenyonBouvel"ie, esq. Deuston hall Carey Richard, ~ent. Newmarket Doggett Jeremiah, gent. Burwell 117 NEW.l\IARKET, &c. l'tgot & (!to.'~

l'iOBILITY1 &c-Contnued. Mayhew Jeremiah, Newmarket GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Dunn .l\lrs. Ann, Burwell \Vaters Jane, Newmarket Marked thus * are also Linen Urapers. Ea ton B.ichcl. esq. Stetch worth hse BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. (See also Line-n Drapers, .'fc.) Edwards Miss Elizabeth Bames Catherine, Burwell Bayley Richard, Newmarket Godfrey William, esq. Ken nett hall Daniels Charles, Newmarket Brouk Thomas Barsham ( & stamp Green hall Rev.Hny.l\loulton rctory Godbehcar George, Newmarket distt·ihuter) Newruarlwt Gttlly John, esq., Hat·e park Hall Johu, Newmarket Brown Edward, Newmarket If;des Thomas, esq. Heningswell Hallack John, Newmarket '~~'Dawson William, Bunvell Hall Johu, e11q. Westrm Colville Hay lock John, Newmarket Eaton John, NewmarlH•t Hand Rev. Ja~. Thos. Ousden hall Howlett S,unnt'l, Newmarket toEdmund William, Bunvell Hilt Rev. Nitholas lsaac, Snoilwell Hunt John, Burwell •Everitt John, Bmwcll Hnnter Capt. John, Sixmilt> cottage iUa!-inn J ost-ph, Burwell GrangerW m .N ewm:uket; [ mon John, Newmarket Waddiugton John H.e~q. Cavenham Coach aud Horses, Johul\lerchant, WatsouSirChas.hart. W r•tttiu~ park BUTCHERS. Newmarket Weather by James,gent.N ewmarket Bloom William, Newmarket Gt·eyhound, Jolm Clark (and excise Welsmau William, gent. Keuttord ~'rancis William, BUt·well offi<'e)Newmarket [market ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Fuller Thumas, Burwl'll King's Heari, Tyn·ll Moody, New­ l\ot otherwise described are Day Schools. Goodchild William, Newmarket Rutland Arms, (commercial & tit­ Abbott Rev. Thomas Je~sup (gt-nt.'s Holmes Charles, Newmarket mily hotel & po!tiug) Wm. Ratlilf, boarding- and day) Newmarket Reed Joseph, Newmarket Newmarket rNcwmarket Bayly 1\Iirhael, 13urwell Wi~euJt Ft'ist Charles (geut:s boardi11g) Newmarket Rowuing George, Newmarket Newmarket [Newmarket Tait William, Newmarket LIME BURNERS. J oh nsou Geo. (ladies' &l(ent.'s hdng) CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Arher John, Burwell NATIONAL ScHOOL, Newmarket­ Marked thus* are also V\'heelwri;..hls. Gardner Stephen, jun. B nrwell .lohn Manning, master; Elizhth. ~~'Brirlg-eman, William, Hurwell LINEN DRAPERS, HABER• DASHERS &c. Hilton, mistress [market Clark John, Newmarket 1 Newman l\lary Aun (ladies') New- Clarke Charles, Newmarket Andrews Henry (a11d 8traw hac 'fhnrpe i\lary Ann & Catherine (la­ * Dan by William, Burwell maker) Newmarket dks' boat·ding & day) Heath house Easrwell.John, Burweil Brook Thos. Barsham, Newmarket Fairclitf William, Burwell Eatou John, Newmarket ATTORNEYS, l<'rost Charles, Newmarket Gosli11g Margaret, Newmat ket Isaac~on William Parr, Newmarket •Martin Henry, Burwell H ehblew bite Overton-(open on Seabcr Janu~s. Newmarket Tuesdays) Newmarket \Veatherby Edward, Nt:wmarket Parkinson John, Newmarket Rn8e John, Newmarket l\lartin Rich .N ewmarhet [market \Veatherby Wi Ilia m, Newmarket Westley John, Newmarket Pars Cha8. (&silk mt•tcer) New­ AUCTIONEERS &APPRAISRS. CHYMISTS & DRUGGISTS, Pratt James, Nt'wmarket Chapmau Cs.(appraisr)Newmarket Cheale William, Newmarket Rickard Sarah, N ewmat ket ha:tcson Rohert, sen. 1\loulton Hogers Robert, jnn. Newmarket Wiles Stephen, Newma1 ket BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. MALTSTERS. Andet son ThoTHas, N ewmarkt't COACH BUILDER & HARNESS Brvant \Vm.Btu·well & Newmarket MAKER, • i\ndrews Thomas, Newmarket Newman Thomas Ralph Golding, Dobede John, Newmarket Catter Olil·er, Burwdl Newmarket Dunn Salisbury,Burwell Clarke William, Newmarket COAL MERCHANTS. Foster Richard and Son, Burwell Gardner Ann, Newmat·ket ( uffices at Cambridge) l.ast George, Newmarket Ball Edwd. Burwell [market Pi1)er Stephen, Burwell and New­ Hall Jaml:'s aud John, Burwdl Newm~n John, Newmarket Moody Tyrell, Newmarket Powell Thomas, Burwell Sheh·erton William, Burwell COOPERS. Shel velton William, Burwell Smith Thomas, Newmarket MILLERS AND 1\'IEALMEN. Tebbit John, Newmarket Eaton Thomas, Bur\\ell Franks Jame~, Newmarket Carter Oliver, Bunvell BANKERS. Casbum Robert, Burwell Bryant & Sou, Newmarkct-(clraw Frank<; Thomas, Newmarket Jarvi~:~ Robert, Newmarket Danby Da\·id, Burwdl on Hanbury, Taylor and Lloyd, Shelverton William, Burwt>ll Londo11) CORN MERCHANTS. fv!ILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Eaton, Hammond and Son, New­ Ball Edwatd (&seed) Burwell Hloss .Matilda & Sarah,Newmarkct market-...-( draw on Cocks and Fisht·r Thomas, Newmarket Derisley & Foster, Newmarht Biddulpi,, Loutlon Piper Stephen (&timbt) Newmarket Gossling l\Jary and Charlotte, BASKET MAKERS. FIRE, &~.OFFICE AGENTS. Newmarket Cole John, Ncwruarktt ATLAS, (fire and life) Geo. Rowning, Jennings Susan.l\IHry&Eieanor(& Ja.n-is Ruhert, Newmarket Newmarket [Newmarket straw hat makers) Newmarket BLACKSMITHS. NoRWICH UNION, ·wm. Newman, Kates Susan ( & ()traw hat maker} Barrett Willirun, Newmarkrt PEI.ICAN (life) aud PurnNIX, (fire) Newmarket Bat·row William, Newmarket Albertus Thos. Pars,Newmarket Linnet Mr<~. John, Newmarket Jt'itches John, Burwell Rov AL Exc HAl'liGE, Rout. baacson, Pack Amelia, Newmarket Hills Georg;e, Burwell Newmarket Robson Geor~iana, Newmarket Jvcrson .f ohn, Bnrwell SuFI'OLK and GENERAL CouNTY, Rogcrt~ Anne~ Newmarket Kerry John (&farrier) Newmarket (fire) RicJ1ardBayley ,Newmarket Wiles Ellcu, Newmarket 118 mtrtctorn. NE\Vl\fARKET, &c. ~atnfatbgt~bfrt.

PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND Prince Richard, Newmarket Atllebor~mgh-the 7'eleyraph calls at GLAZIERS. Rohinsou John, Newmarket the Whtte Hart and Bottom's office every afternoon at half-rast two--and• Ho~ers Bnoty Henry, Newmarket Joseph, Newmarket the ~lagntt calls at Bottom•,., every Chappt>Il Charles, Burwell Stephenson Robert & Christopher mornmg at two; both go throu,;h Thet­ Cliu·k Thomas, Newmarket Newmuket ' fonl, Attleborough, 1ond W} mondham. Danb·i Robt. Bnnvell 'fheakstone Edward, Newmarket To STAMFORD, the 1'1mes (from Bury) Keut Samuel ( & paper hanger) New­ calls at the \V hite H drt and Bottom's VETERINARY SURGEONS. offi~e, every day (Sunday excepted) at market Barrow William, Newmarket hll;ll· past twelve; goes through Cam­ Leech William, Newmarket O'Cnnnor Charles, Newmarkt·t bndge1 Huntingdon, and Stilton Pavpe Solomon (&paper hanger) Newmarket WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. VANS. To L0?"110N, Joh~ Jennin!!:s, & Dryant PERFUMERS AND HAIR Harris William, Newmarket Katcs J ame:o~, Newmarket and Co. from theu own houses every DRESSERS, Tul'sday & Friday at noon-& Mursb Beresf01·d Michael, Newmarket Miscellaneous. & Swann {from Norwh•h) call at the Hayes William, Newmarket 'Vagi(Oil and Horses, every morning Symonds Henry, Newm~u·ket Adams Robert, glover, Burwell (Sunday excepted) at ei)!bt. Symonds Samud, Newmarket Avey Cbas. travelling tea dcaler,Newmkt To BRA!IODOI\, John Jeonings and Bottom John, livery stable keeper and Bryant & Co. from thE>ir own houses SADDLERS. general coach office, 1\ewmarket every J\1 on day & Thursday at twelve: Holland Thos. & John Newmarket Brasher Jos. furniture broker Newmarket both ~o thrnugh MildPnhall. We5tley William, Newmarket Brown William, fishmonger'& poulterer, To J:loORWICH, 1\lar~h & Swann (from Newmarket London) call at the Waggon & Horses, Wicks William, Newmarket Browne William, clerk of St. Mary's and every day (Sunday excepted) at twelve; STONE & MARBLE MASONS, All Saints' churches, Newmarket goes through !Hildenhall, Drandon~ Clamp Charles, currier & leather cutter, Watton, aiod Wymoudham. Arber Philip, N ewmarkct Newmarket Parkiuson Robert (and statuary) DuncanWm. travellinl{teadealr Newmkt Newmarket Hobbs J ames, bQat builder, Bur'well CARRIERS. SURGEONS & APOTHECARIES Hull Henry, straw hat m!lker Newmarket To LOI\ DON, 's WaggonS' Jennings Jno. iron bar merch~nt,Newmk.t (from Bury) t'all at the Crown, every Handcock Charles, Burwell Kelly J ohn,travelling tea dealer,Newmkt Tuesday, Tlmrsdav. & Saturday fore­ Norton,'faylor& Kendall, Newmkt Miller Benjamin, coal dealer, Newmarl;et n?un-George Gore's Waggons, from Peck Robt:rt James, Newmarket Norman James, collar maker, Burw.ll his house, evPry Thursday forenoon­ Pt;~rter Wil!iam, overseer. Newrudrket Arch~r Green & Co.'11 Wayyons (from TAILORS &; DRAPERS. Rtchardson Rnbert, parish •·lerl1, Bnrwell Swafi ham) call at the White lion,every Banett William, Newmarket Rol(ers Robert, seo. bookseller & printer, 1\lond;ty, Tuesday, and Friday morning (;lark Martin, N~:wmarket Newmarket at nine-James Clements' Waggon. Davey John, Burwell Rutt Thomas, coal dealer, Newmarket (from Soham) callr at the Waggon and Davey John, jun. Burwell Stofer Isaac, wheelwright, Newmarl1et Horses, ev<·ry Thursday anemoon at Suus~RIPTJON CoFFF.K RooM,(thP ex- two-William Fowell's Waggon (from Dyson William, Newmarket clusive property of the Jockey Club)­ Thetford) callR at the Waggon and Folks Joseph, Nt>wmarket Albertus Thomas Par.s, .uperintendant, Horses, every 1\Iund:ly evening· all 1(0 Gassell Joseph, Newmarket Newmark .. t through Chestl'tford, Littlebury, Hock;. Greata Anne, Newmarket Westley Elizbth. pasiry cook,Newmarket erill, and EppiPg-l\1ack. & Deacon's Horflley Robert, Newmarket l'ly Waggons {from 1\orwich) call at Le Pla William, Newmarket COACHES. the Golden Lino, every morning (Sun­ d~y excepted) at nine; go thro' Cam­ Pettit Ja~. (&glover) Newmarket To LONDON, the Royal Mail (from bndge, Royston, Buntintdord, Wad<;"s­ Webb Martin, Newmarket Norwich) calls at the Coach & Horses mill, Ware, and Hoddesdon-Edward every I!! past li-the Telegraph Wickfl Jame~, Newmarket (from I'\ orwtcb) calls at tbe White Hart J>rew•~ lVaggon (from Bury) calls at Wnolley Michael, Newma1·ket the Crown, every Tuesday, Thursday & Bottom's office, every day at half-Jtast and Saturday evenings-and "illiar~ TAVERNS&; PUBLIC HOUSES. twehe and the Magnet (from Nor­ wich) calls at the same places, every Fowell's Waggon (from Thetford) rails Anchor, Junathan Green, Burwell at the Wa_gll"on HOd Hor~es, every Mon­ Black Bear, Wm. Jennings, Newmarket eve niDI:" at a quarter past ten; all grook:, Newmarket hound, every afternoon (Sunday e:x­ and Groom, everv Thursday morning Two Old Brewel"l', Jer.Smith, 1'\ewmarket c_epted) at three-and the Times (from Stamford) calls at the White Hart and at eight-and Rohert Staples, from th8 Wag~on & Horses,.John Martin,N ewmrkt Star, everv Tuesday, Thursdav and Wellington, Mary Murrells, Newmarket Bottom's office, every afternoon (Sun­ day excepted) at half-past five ; both go Saturday afternoon. - Wheat Sheaf, Hen. Westley,Newmarket To NORWICH, Mack & Deacon's Fltf White Horse, Oliver Carter, Burwell throug-h Kentford. To CAMBRIDGE, the Royal Mail (from lVaggotts (lrom London) call nt the White Lion, Philip Arber, Newmarket Golden Lion, every afternoon (Sunday Wool pack;, John Pettingale, Newmarket Ipswich) calls at the Black Bull, every afternoon (Sunday exceptrd) at half­ excepted); go through Barton l\1ills TIMBER MERCHANTS, past four. Thetford, and Attleborough. • Ball Edward, Burwell To FAKENHAM, the Rl'gtllator and To SOHAM, James Clements' W"!fgt»>. Piper Stephen, Bnrwell Fakenl!am Hero (from London) call al­ (from London) calls at the Waggon and ternately at the White Hart & Bottom's Horses, every l\1 onday evemng-and TRAINERS OF RACE HORSES. oflice,every afternoon(Sunday eJrceptE'd) Rohert Staple's Cart, from the Star, Bloss Frederick, Newmarket at half-past two; both go thro• Milden­ every Tuesday, Thur~day & Saturday hall, .Bran don, Swaffham, and W ea­ aft~>rnoon. Boyce Richard, Newmarket To SWAFFHAM, ArcherGreen & Co.'s Carter Thomas, Newmarket senbam: and to HOLT, on Tuesday Thursday, and Saturday. ' lYaggo,ls (from London) call at the Chifney William, Newmarket To L Y 1\ N, the 2l1agnet {for outside pas­ White Lio~, every Wednesday, Tbun­ Dilly John, Newmarket sengers and parcels only) from Bottom's day, and Snnday morning at ten; go throusrh Brandon. Edwards James, Newmarket office, every ~oesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornmg at two ; goes through To THETFORD, William Fowell 's Wm,. Edwards William (to his .Majesty) gem (from London) calls at the Wavgon Newmarket Baiton 1\lills, Brandon, & StokeFerry. To r-.iORWICH, the Royal Mail (trom and Horses, every Friday evening." H owe John, Newmarket London) calls at the Coach and Horses aJ- Besides the foregoing, there are M arson Charles, Newma1 ket every mornmg. at three goes through' Market Carts which take goods and par­ Pettit William, Newmarket .Bury St. Edmunds, Thetford and cels to the surrounding villages. 119 '

• ~ambrtbgt~JJfrt. l~ttnot & (!to. 's ROYSTON, WITH THE VILLAGES O.F' MELBOURN AND BASSINGBOURNE. RoYSTON is a market town 38 miles from Lon- ture, and comprises a nave, chancel, and side aisles; dou and 13 from Cambridge, situated partly in and is adorned with a low en1battled tower at the Armingford hundred, in Cambridgeshire, and the chief wt:~tern end, which contains five bells. The Ji,•ing is portion in the hundred of Odsey, Hertfordshire. 'fhe a vicarage, in the patronae;e of Lord Dacre. In the name is generally supposed to have heen derived fmm town are two dissentiug chapel:s, and a meeting houfle Dame RoiSE or RovsiA, a lady who was held in high belonging tu the society offriends; each of the cha~ estimation about the time of the conquest; it appeat·s pels have Sunday schools attached, and there are two that this lady had caused to be erected a cross in the other small schools supported by l'oluntary contribu­ bighway, hence the place was named'' Roise's cross." tions. A subscription library was instituted in 1816, At some after period a monastery for Austin -canons which now contains upwards of 1600 volumes. Roys­ was endowed, and, for the accommodation of the reli- ton is placed in the n1idst of an immense tract of gious, houses were built, which, in process of time, downs, affurdiu~ in its licenery but small delight to increased so much in number, that it acquired the the admirerli of the picturesque, or pleastue to those 1Jan1e of Roise's Town, and afterward!:! by contraction who delight in contewplating a wdl tilled soil. The 'Royston', its present appellation. [ n 1742 some work- market, which is a large one for corn, still continues mt!n, who were employed near the market house, dis- to he holden on Wednesday: the fairs are on Ash­ covered a curious excavation, which communicated 'Vednesday, the Wednesday!~ in Easter and Whitsun­ with a subterranean oratory, 8Upposed by Dr. Stnkely weeks, the first Wednesday in July, and the first and other~ to have been executed UIJdcr the direction Wednesday after lVlichaelmas day, old style. 'fhe en­ of the Lady Roise, as an oratory and bul'ial groutJd for tire parish of Roystou contained, by the census of herself. After much labour and pains had been be- 1821, 1,474 inhabitants. stowed in clearing away the rubbish, fragments of a .MELBOURN is a thriving and respectable village, in human skeleton were found, which tended to confirm the hundred of A1·mingford, 3 miles from Royston, the above opinion ; specimens of rude sculptnrt!, of cow'li.-ting of one long street, many of the houses corn­ texts of scripture, occupy .the }(lwer part of the ora- posing which are of modern construction and well tory, which is chcula1·, and finished in the manner of built. The clmrch is an ancient respectable looking a dome. For the gratification of the curious, an easy edifice, and is dedicated to St. Thomas a Beckett i. the entrance has been made through the chalk from an living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Bishop of ~ly ; adjoining hou~>e, and f01· a small remuneration for the present incumbent is the Rev. Thomas Seymour. lighting up candles, &c. the J']erson who lives in the ln the village are two chapels belonging to the inde­ house shews the cavern to stranger!;~. The manor of pendents and baptists ; a free school, founded by the the town was first granted by Richard I. to the mo- Rev. William Ayloff, aud one upon th~ Lancasteriau 11astet·y; it has paased through va1·ious hands since system. A pleasut·e fair is held het·e on the first Wed­ his time, and is at present vested in the family of Lord nesday in July. The parish contained, in 1821, a popu­ Dacre; the prh·ilege of holding a fair annually during tion of 1,179 persons. Whitsun-week, together with a weekly market on B.\SSINGBOURNE, a village and parish 3 miles north­ Wednesday, was also granted by the Rame monarch. west of Royston, in the same hundred as 1\lelbourn, The town comprises five streets, and very considerable was formerly a market town ; constituted such by business i~ done by maltsters and corn factors, who Henry Ill, and confirmed by Edward Ill, but the are for the most part re~pectable farmers living in the market l1as long been di~;continued. The parish neighbourhood, and who ket>p malting houses and church is dedicated to our lady, and the living is a vi­ premises in the town. There is also a very extensive carage in the presentation of the dean and chapter of ale and porter brewery, belonging to Mr. J. Phillips. Westminster; the present vicar is the Rev. George The church formerly belonged to the mona!.'tery. but Pennington. A small pleasure fair is held here in soon after its dissolution the inhabitants purchased it July. The number of inhabitants in the parish in 1821, for their own use exclusively; it is a venerable struc- including the hamlet of Kneesworth, was 1,213.

POST OPFICB1 1\lelbourn-street, RovsTON-'fhomas Daintry, Post JJ[aster.-Letters from LoNDON, &c. arrive every night at twelve, and are despatched every morning at two.-Letters for CAM­ BRIDGE, &c. arrive every morning at two, and are despatched every night at twelve.-Letters from HuN­ TINGI>ON, NoRTHAMPTON, GRANTHAM, MANCHESTER, YoRK, EDINBURGH, &c. arrive every morning at half-past one, and are despatched every morning at ont". GENTRY AND CLERGY. ColbornPJno.(boys')Bassiugbourne Lucas Wm. (&wireworkt'r)Highst Beldam Cha:s. gent. l\lelbourn st Docwra Mrs. (girls') Knees worth st BLACKSMITHS. Beidam John, gent. Kneeswortb st FREE ScHooL, Melbourn-Henry Childs John, Black Horse lane Beldam J oseph, gent. near Roystou Kid man, master Dearman William, l\lelbourn Beldam Joseph, juu. banister at Johuson Chailes (boys')Mark~thill Ellls Samuel, Melbourn law, l\lelbourn st [st LANCASTERIAN ScHOOL, .Melbourn Gouldthorp John, Melbourn Bt>hlam Valentine, gent. l\felbourn Melbourn Mrs. (day and boarding) Hawes Charles, 1\Ielbourn Beldam William, gent. 1\ielbourn st Knee~worsh st Kifford James, Bassingbourue Knees worth hous. Sampsou Mary, Bassingbourne Peters John, Bassingboume Cautherley Rev. Saml. Melbr.urn st ATTORNEYS. Wallace William, Kneesworth st J<.:locktou Rev. Jona~han, Mel~ourn Nash and Wedd, High st Westerman George, Market hill BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Fonlham Edwarfl Kmg, esq.Htgh st Wortham Thomas, jun. High st Andrews William Henry, Hi~h t~t Fordham John Edward, esq. Mel- BAKERS. Wanen J no.( & printer ,&c.) High st boum Berry house Baker James, Melboum BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Furdh_am Mrs. Rose cottage Beale John, Fi~h hill Camps William, High st H~wkms Henry, esq . .l\lelbourn st BealeThos.(&confectioner) Higbst Dellow William. l\ielbourn Hitch John, esq. l\lelbourn Farr William High st Gouldthorpe Richard, .Melbourn Hitch Wort~a!l1, esq. Melbourn King Robert,'Mdhourn Procter John (shoe dealer) High st Mortlock W1lham, esq. Mddreth Lilly .John, Back street Pryor Thomas, Hil(h st Nash Wt'dd st l\laliug Thomas Symms (and con- ~hepherd Sarah, High st Nun~ Tl10mas, ~ent. Kne~s worth st fectioner) Melbourn st Webo Thomas, l\lelbourn Pennmgton Rev.Geo.Ba~smgbourue Sutton Thomas Bassinl{bourne Wedd James, Bassiugbourne Phillips Thomas, gent. High st BANKERS. W edd J oseph, Bassingboume Savage Samuel, gent. l\lelbourn FordhamJohn &Co.High st-(draw Winter Rohert, Ha~~inghnume Wortham James, esq.l\lelbourn st on Whitmore and Co. London) BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Wortham Mbses, High st Mortlock John and Sons (branch Baker Mary, HiJ!;h st Wortham Thos. sen. gent. High st of Cambridge) High st-open on F1·yer John, Market l1ill ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Weducsdays-(draw on Smith, Whitby William, Hil{h st Ashton Peter (day and boardiug) Payne and Smiths, London) BREWER. l\lelhourn st (Melbourn BASKET & SIEVE MAKERS. Phillips John (ale and porter) Can·er William (day and boarding) Good John, High st Baldock street 120 ROYSTON, &c. ~ambrtbgesf)trt)

BRICKLAYERS & BUILDERS. Red Lion (pm·ting house) Thomas Boar's Head1 Epbraim Tbeobalds, Mar.. Frt>uch William, Melbourn Watson, Hi~rh st ket bill HiU Joshua, High st Bull, Isaae Willmott, Ba.ssingbonrne [st IRONMONGERS. CatherineWheel, SarahWatson, Melbouro Jammu Jo~t'ph, l\lelbourn Baker William, Melbourn Chequers, Charles Parker, High st Warren William, High st Headly Robert (on Wednesdays) Coach and Horses, William Watson, BUTCHERS. l\larket hill Kneesworth st [Kneesworth st Manning Roht'rt, Market hill Spm·Ie William, High !lt Crown and Dolphin, Thomas Sbalklefi Mauuing Rohert,jun.Kneesworth st JOINERS AND CARPENTERS. Dolphin, J oseph Bullen, 1\'leloourn Fox & Duck, Sarah Walker, Market hill 'frustrum Edward, High st Butterfidd Jamt>s, Bassingbourne Griffin, Joseph Barker, Fish bill •rru~trum William, Bassingbourne Cole Joseph, Melbourn Hoops, Samuel Eversdon, ltigh !lt Vials Bcnjamin, l\lelbourn Fi~~is Thomas, Bassingbourne Hoops, William Moss, Bassingbourne Warrin~ton Elizabeth, l'i:sh hill Hill Ju~hua, High st Hoops, Peter Wedd, Melboutn WebbJnhn, Mtlbourn Pryor Janu·s, l\ldboutn Plough, William Wil~on, Market hill Queen's Head, John Sanders, High st CABIN'ET MAKERS AND Pryor Joseph, Melbonrn Red Lion, John Wailer, Bassingbourne UPHOLSTERERS. Stamford John, Kueesworth st Rose, George Gilbey, Melboum Ahbott William, Hi~h st Waiters William (and builder) Snn, Sarah Surridge, High st [st Stredcler Edwa1·d, High st Bassin~bourne Three Horse Shoes, Benj. Andrews, Higlt CHINA_, GLASS_, &:e. DEALERS. Warboys William, Market hill Three Jolly Butchers, J ames Smithl Hullam Joseph, High st Warren William, High st Market hill [worths l\latthews James (and stamp White Bear, William Smith, Knees­ distri­ LIME BURNERS. White Hart, Elizth. Warrington, Fish hill , buter) High st Eversdon Samuel, High st White Horse, John Wallis, Melboum st COOPERS. French William, Melbourn White Lion, Elizabeth Gosling, Hil{h st Good John (and turner) High st Hills Elizabeth, Black Horse lane Windmill, Sarah Flat, Blackhorse lane Thompson John, Melhourn LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPRS. WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. CORN AND SEED DEALERS. Butler and Pendered, Melboorn st Andrews Wm. Henry, sen. High st Fordham John (seed) Odsey Buckrnaster George, High st Johnson William (and coal & flour) Butterfield Thomas, Market hill Campkin Joseph, Melbourn Hawkins Philip, Melhourn st High street [bourn st Collins Benjamiu Bull, High st WHEELWRIGHTS. MaliugThos.Symms \corn) Mei­ Fyson John, .Bassin~rbourne Smith George (st:>ed) Market hill Hebblewhite Overton (on Wed- nesdays) Ma1·ket hill Pearman John, Bassingbourne DRESS MAKERS. Warren Benjamin, Melbourn Peppercorn William, Back st Oingell Mary Ann, High st Sanders John, High st Moule Sarah, High st MALTSTERS. Adams Samuel, Melbourn st Searl James, Basl'ingbourne Stallybrass Elizabeth, High st Wedd Ebenezer, Melbourn DRUGGISTS. Cater William, Melbourn st Collins Benjamin Bull, High st WINE AND SPIRIT DEALERS. Coy John, l\lelbourn st Johnson Josiah, Baldock st Lilley Joshua, Back st 1\iatthews James, Hi~h st Smith Margaret, Market hill FARRIERS. Moule William, Baldock st Mason John, Fish hill Phillips John, Baldock st Miscellaneous. Parkhouse Samuel, Melbourn st Piggot James, High st Baker Ua:vid, bird stuffer, 1\lelhoum Ptime Thomas, Bassingbourne Butler John, woolstapler, Back !'t Sell Tempest, Bassingbourne Cane Thomas, coach maker, Market hill Upchurch John, Kneesworth st Titchmarsl1 John, Back st Cockett and Nash, auctioneers and sur· MILLERS. FIRE1 &c. OFFICE AGENTS. veyors, High street ATI.As, James Matthews, Hi~h st Dickinsnn Thomas, Bassingbourne Dear Lydia, small ware dealer, Fish hill Farr Richard, Bassingbourne Francis Good man, brown paper manuf,.c- CouNTY, Be11j. Bull Collins, High st turer, Shepreth [Fish bill GuARDIAN, Wm. Spode, High st Filches Ann, .Melbourn Fordham Johu, Odsey Free Mary and Ann, straw bat makers. HERTS & CAMBRIDGESHIRE,Joseph Pe~:gram Thomas, currier, Market l1ill · Campkiu, 1\ldbourn, and Wm. Gorthorn Thomas, Roystou mill Stredder Edward, confectioner, High st Si mons, High st [ st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. COACHES. NoRWICH UNtON,Jas. Piggot, High To LONDON, the Royal Mail (from PHlbouru Hopkins Samuel, Ha~singbourne at two; all go tbrou;.h Buntingford, Johnson Josiah, High st ; URGEONS. Puckeridge, Ware, & tloddesdon. Luke Ahraham, High st Crespin and Pynt, Hil!'h st To BOSTON, the Royal lJlail (from Jenkins Augustns Paul, l\Jelbourn London) calls at the Post Offiee, every Parker Robert, Bas8in~bourne night at twelve; goe~ thro' M elbourn, Pt!at James, Kn(>esworth st Lovett William, 1\lelbourn st Nunn and Symons, Baldock st Cambridge, Huntingdon, Stilton, Peter­ Smith William, High st horou~h, Market JJeepin~?, Spalding, Sward Alexander (and tallow Nunn William, Baldock st Spilsby, Louth, and Grimsby. chandler) High st TAILORS. To CAI\1BRIDGE, the DejiancP (from Londou) ealls at the Crown Inn, every HAIR DRESSERS. Chapple Heury, l\1 elbourn Craft Phi lip ( & draper) Market hill evening (Sunday excepted) at half-past Wall William, High st seven-the Star (from London) calls at Warren John, Hi~h st E llis Baker, l\1 el bourn the Red Lion, every evening at stven­ HATTERS. Procter J uhn, High st and the Uni011, every afternoon at half­ Gingell George (on Wedne!'days) Pryor Johu, High st past two; all go through Melbourn. Market hill [l\Jarket hill Si mons Wm. (and draper) High st To EDINBURGH, the RoJtal.tlail (from 'fopham David (on Wednesdays) Wootton Edward, Bassiugbourue London) calls at the Post Office, every Woottou George, Melbourn morning at one; goes through Hunt­ INNS. in~don, Stamford, Grantham. l.>oncas­ Bull \posting house) , TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES, ter, Ferry bridge, Boronghbridge, Dlll'­ High strPet Angel, Robert Clark, High streM 'h!lm, Newcastlt!, and IJrr'A"ick. Crown, Josiah Johnson, Baldock st Bt-11 and Anchor, Robert l\lanning, sen. To 1\EWCASTLE, the Wt>llingttm (f'rom Market hill [lane London) calls at the Crown, every Green ~I an ( & excise office) l\Iargt. Black Horse, John Childs, Black horse evening at half-past eight; go• Smith, Market hill DJack Swan, Benj. Jt-nnings, Market hill thra' Huntingdon, Stilton, Grantham, 16 . 121 ROYSTON, &e:

Edward Docwra's Waggon (from Ba~s~ COACHEs-Continued. CA.BRIBBS. ingbonrne} every Thursday. Doncaster, Ferrybrid!;e, N orthallerton,_ Tu LONDON, - Reynold's Waggtm, To CAMBRIDGE, John Ward's Cart, l>arlin~ton, and Durham. from Back street, every Monday morn­ from Melhourn street, and John God­ To PE'I ERBOROUGH and ST.4M­ ing-James Docwra 's Waggon, every frey's Cart, from High street, every FORD, the Difiance (from London) Thursday; -Gray's and- Wallace•s Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and calls at the Crown, every afternoon at Waggons, and Edward Randal's Cttrt, Thomas Jeaves (trom Bassingbourne) one: goes thro' Huntindgon & Stilton. every Friday-a Waggon (from Wal•e• once a week. [twice a week. To WISl:IEACH, a Coaclt (from London) field) passes through daily-Wi!liam To HITCHIN, John Godfrey's 01rt. calls at the Catherine Wheel, every day Bullen's Waygon (from Melbourn) and To ST. IVES, James Docwra's Wogyou, '(Sunday excepted) at half-past twe1ve; William Elhourn (from Bassingbourne) every Saturday, and- Wallace's Way .. goes through Melbourn, Cambridge, every Tuesday morning-Geor~e Gil­ gou, once a week. St. Ive11, Chatteris, mul March. by's WaggM (from Melbourn) and To WAKEFIELD, a Wagffon daily. SQH,Al\1, FORDHAl\1 AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. SoHAM, or, as it is sometlmes called, Mottk Soham, unitarians lmve each a chapel here; and there are is a respectable and flourishing little town, in the !iome ancit>ntly founded alms-houses, and a free­ hundred of Staploe; 70 miles from London, 19 from school, endowed in the year 1664. Camhlidge, seveu from Newmarket, six from Jo~ly, aud Gardening is carried on in this neigh bourl10od to a. two from Fordbam. The town, which has little dai01 great extent, the land in this parish being as rich a~ to 1·egularity in its ~lreets or buildi ugs, is situated on any in En~land; fruit and vf'getables are sent from this the borders oftbe fens, which at one period were 1,400 place to Loudon, Cambridge, &c. in great q nantitie8, acres in ight, and are despatched to that town every aftern. at 4, GEN"'l'RY & CL_E!!-GY. Gilson William, Hall st Levet Joseph, jun. (and builder & .Rland Jos~ph, gent. B1ggm cottage Levet Elijah, {and white & general cabinet maker) Chnrchgate st Bland Samuel, gent. Ford ham smith) Churrhgate st Pechey Isaac, (and builder) White .. Dobede John, esq. Soham place .Munns Edward, Hall ~t lion street Dobede ~l~s. 1\largt. Cburchgate st Owl-'rs Edward, (and white and COLLAR, &c, MAKERS. ~unn Wilham~ esq. Ford~am general smith) Churchgate st Bartle Thomas, Churchgate st Fyson Robt. Diilamore, Fordham Rumblow Robert, Fordham Norman John, Hall st Fyson Robert, gent. Sand st BOOKSELLER, PRINTER & Rolfe Thomas Eldred, {&saddle-r) ·Gardner Wm.D.~sq.Fordham abbt>y STATIONER. Churchgate st Haggitt Rev. Gcorge, Church yard Playford William, (aud pertumer) CORN & SEED MERCHANTS Hatch.John, gent. Church,rate ~>t Pratt street 1\lalden Henry, Hall tit Hayward Robert, esq. ~'ordham BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Maiden John & William, Hall st l\1erest .lames Drage,esq.The l\loat Barrett Joseph, Church gate st CVRRIERS AND LEATHER Orman Rev. Cllas. Joseph, Clay st Finch Joseph, Bulllaue CUTTERS. ·sauudcrs Rev.-, Wicken Kidd John, Hall st Kidd Juhn, Hall st Slack Hazlewood ,gent.SohamMecr Peek Thomas, Fordham Whiting Thomas, Brook st Slack John, esq. Chnt·ch.gate st Silver Hobert, Churchgate st DRESS MAKERS. Wilkin 'fhe .l\lisses J a ne and Eliza- Turner William, Churchgate st Gi:sburne Eusabia, Pratt st beth, Churchgate .st BRICKLAYERS, &c. Ludbrook Don·as, Sand st ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS.. Barnes Frauci~, Bull Jane eud l\Iartin Ann, Chnrclu~ate st FREE ScHooL, Cross green-Wil- Bishop John, l'ordham Tebbit Mary, Chnrchgate st liam Warren, master [F01·dharn Pt>achey Samuel, Quarfen ~~ommon FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. -Gardner 1\liss {day and boarding) Warr Henry Kerley (and plasterer) NoRWICH UNION, (fire and life) ~rhomasin Matthew, Market place Churchgate st Thomas Peek, Churchgate st Woollard John, (boys') Fordham BRICK MAKER. RoYAL ExcHANr.E, (fire and life) •ATTORNEYS. Levet Jo:seph, jun. Churchgate st William Playford, Pratt st Archer James, Pratt st JJUTCHERS. SuFFoLK and GENERAL Cou2'1TRY, Wilkin Thomas, Whitelion lane Bland William, Fnrdham Charles Hills, Churchgate st Wilkin William, Churchgate st Collin William, Churchgate st GARDENERS-FRUIT A:ND :BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. l\lisuu Robert, l\larket plaoe VEGETABLE. l\linet Charles, Fordham Jo~pb, Fonlham . Brown Edward~, l.<~ordhaut Peek Thomas, Churcbgate st Staples Luke, Marliet place Brown John, Brook st Staple" Edward, Churchgate st CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Brown William, Ford ham ~taples Luke, Market place (See also l?heelw:-ights.) Cawthorne J no. Bntche1 s' cau~wy ..falbot Thomas, Churchgare st Cater John, Brook lane Chi vis Robert, Bull lane Turner Thomas, Fordham Kidd John, Cburchgate 11t Delph John, Bull lane BLACKSMITHS .Martin Charles, Fonlham Gilhy William, Clay st Firman John, Wllitdion lane .Martin John, Fordham HillsRobt, (&nur:s!!rymall)Fo•·dl_lam 122 • btrtcto1·n· ~antbrtbgesf)irt1 Kent Arthur, Cross green Martin Edward, (&china & glass Re!l Lkm (and excise office) lohn Ha-. Lcvet Jo11eph, jun. Chnrchgate at deale1·l Churchl{ate S$ zlewood, Church!!:ate st Tig,.r, William Atllesey, Soh11m Ferl l\lingay Thomas, Fordham MERCHANT-GENERAL. White Hart, John King, Church gate st Peachey William, Hall st Dobede John, Soham place White Lion, MargaretPechey,Market pt Portf"r Richd. (& sccdsmau) Pratt st MILLERS AND MEALMEN. WHEELWRIGHTS. Raukin Alt·x.ander, Clay lSt Haywood Robert, Fordham Collin Rnhert, Hall st Shin William, Fonlham Peek Thomas, Churchgare st Crwk William* Pratt st Smith Edwanl, Hall st Petit William, .1\larkct t>lace !\lartin Juhn, ~·())'dham Sumner Jeremiah, Clay st Smith Jo!l>eph, Bull lane Sau ndersChas. (.& carpenter) Hall si 1'ebbit Mary, Churchgate st Staples Edward, Church gate st Tebbit Robert, (and carpcnterl Tehbit Thos. juu. Meeting house la PLUMBERS, PAINTERS AND Churchgate st Tehbit William, Pratt. st GLAZIERS. WINE & SPIRIT MERCHAJIT. Wake Robert, rordham Catt'r James, Clmrchgate st .Maiuprice John, Market place West John, Sand st Cooper Robert, Prau st Miscellaneous. GROCERS, TEA DEALERBs & King James, Fordham Chamber~ Joel, retail brewer and timber • LINEN DRAPERS. SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS merchant, Paddock strPet (See also S!topkeepers, "'·c.) IN SUNDRIES. Crick James, cooper, Paddock st Fyson Si:z:et", veterinary surgeon, Hall st. 13rmrne Samuel, Market place Brad~haw Rohen, Churchgate st 1 Bazlewood James, solicitor's cler~ Butcher Jas.(drapet·) Chut·chgate st Cruss John, Hall st Churclu~ate street Joseph Wood, Cross green Hor:-;clcy J'!hu, Hall st Holmes William, pArish clerk, Fordbam Hills Charles, (gr!lct~r and teadea- Metcalfe Rt<'har~, Pratt st King William, druggist, Marketplace Ier) Churchgate st Peachey Jesse, Church~ate~t Maiden Edward, farrier, Chutchgate st Hull WiJiiam, Churchgate st STRAW HAT MAKERS. Peachy Robert, parish clerk of Linton• Churrb~nte st fChurch yard I,ucal.'o Thomas, Brook st Gn'en H.?th, Hmok laue Sprin~ & l'echy.auctioneers& appraisers, l\Jainprice Charlel'-, (and tallow Henley t;harlotte, Churchgate st Ta ylorJ olm,watch,&c.mkr,Cburcbgate st chandler) Fordham . ~U:RGE~NS. Warren Wm. land ~ and parish, in the advantage to the children of the labouring class of in­ hundred of Taiue; 60 miles fl'Om "London, and 6 from habitanta. 'J'he joint parishes contained, in 1821, 9i9 Newmarket; situated in an agl'icultural district, famed persons. tor the growth of red wheat. This village coutai11s two SwAFFHAM BuLBECK, in the same hundred as Swaff­ dlllrches, the one dedicated to St. Cyric and the other ham Prior, is one mile from that village, and seven to St. Mary; the latter has long bPen in ruins; they from Newmarket. It is a place of little or no trade, are both in the same church ·yard, and present a ,·ery but what is sustained by those in agricultural employ­ interesting aud conspicuous spectacle. The Ji\'ing of ment. One establishment, however, is very extensive the pal'ish is a vicaragt>, in the altemate patronage of het·e, l\Jcssrs. Giblin and Co.'s, who may be justly the bio;;hop and dean tlf Ely; the present minister is the classed amongst the fit'Rt and most res~Jertahle general Rev. Dr. Jermyn. Here are two charity-schools, one merchants in the county. This parish contained, io of wltich is upon the national system, and is of great 1821, 684 inhabitants. POST, Letters arrive at both the above places by l10rse post, from NEWMARKET, every morning at nine, and are despatched to that town every morning at ~;ix. GENTRY AND OLERGY. liLACKSMITHSe LIME BURNERS. AlixJno.Peter,esq. Swaffham Prior Fromant Richd. Swaffham Bulbeck Giblin and Co. Swaffhaw Bulbeck Alix Mrs. John, Swaffham Prior lverson Thomas, Swalfham Prior Mason Robert, Swaffham Prior Chambers Waters Thomas, Swaffham Prior MERCHANTS. Ell is J olm, gent. Swaffham Bolbeck Giblin and Co. Swaffham Bulbeck BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Giblin Chas. esq. Swaffham Bulbeck MILLERS AND MEALMEN. GibliuHeury,esq.SwaffhamBulbeck Clark William, Swaffham Prior Benson Thomas, Swaffham Prior Jenyns Re\', Leonard, vicar,. Swaff· Clarke 1\latth«>w,Swaflham Bulbeck Livermore 'fho8. ( & coal merchant) ham Bulbeck [Prior Day John, Swaffham Pl'iur Swaffham Bulbeck .Termyn Rev. Geor~e B. Swaffham Day Lewis, Swaffham Prior l\la1tin Thomas, S waffham Bulbeck 1\lulbery Mellor John, Swaffham Bulbcck ~ PUBLIC HOUSES. ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. BRICKLAYERS, &c. s A dams Thomas, Swaffham Prior Cock, John Feaks, Swaffham Prior CHARITY CHOOL, Swaffham Hul- Hunt Thomas, Swaftham Hnlbeck Horse and GroClm, William Maus­ beck-Wm. Edmunds, master fipJd, Swtdfham Bulbcck CHARITY ScHooL, Swaffham Prior Watling .John, Swaffham Print· Red Lion, Samuel Hart, Swaffham. -Silas Briukley, master WatlingWilliam,SwaffhamBulbeck Prior [Swaffham Prior NATIONAL SCHOOL,Swaffham Prior . BUTCHERS. Rose and Crown, .loseph Burge!ls, -Lydia Watliug, mhltress Gunton John, Swaffham Prior Royal Oak, Jas.Muggleton, Swaff- Sauuders Benj. (boys) Swaffham Pr. Jeffery Richa1·d, Swaffham Prior• ham Bulbc<·k [ham Bnlbeck IJAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. CARPENTERS, JOINERS & White Lion, :Edward Lucas, Swatf- Bailey Matthew, Swaffham Bnlbeck WHEELWRIGHTS. SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS Spaldiug Wm. Swaffharn Bulbeck Cook Thomas, Swaffham Prior IN SUNDRIES. Webb Richard, (and :shopkeeper) Palm by Frs.Dauby,Swatfham Prior J\sby Charles, Swalfham Prior Swaffham PJior StevensWm.sen.Swatrham Bulbcck Fromant Richd. &waffbam Bulbeck. 123 ~ambrUtgt~J)trt. SWAFFHAM PRIOR, &c. {!Jfgot St fro.''

SHOPKEEPERS, &c.-Continued Miscellaneous. M11nsfield John, boat bldr,Swaffham Pri01 Watling Wm. Swaffham Bulbeck ham Bulbeck Brinkley Silas, parish clerk, Swaffham Stevens William,jnn. parish clerk,Swaff· W et.b Thorn ss, Swaffham Prior Prior TAILORS. Clark Matthew, -watch and clock maker, C.I.LRRIBRS. Clark Jonas, Swatfham Prior Swaffham Prior [ham Prior To CAMBRIDGE, - Feak.s and- Ban. Rodwell Thos. Swaffham Bulbeck Daintry William, tire office agent, Swaff- cock's Carts, every Saturday. THORNEY, Is a beautiful and neat little town, situated on tbe • Botolph, and as it now 11tands ia a venerable and hn­ borders of Northamptonshire, in the hundred of Wis- posing structure. There is no certain endowment for beach; 86 miles from London, 32 from Ely, 7 from the officiating minister, the living being extra-episco­ Peterburough, and about 5 from Whittlesea. lt was pal; the minister receiving a stipend frnm the Duke formerly called Ankar-i.z, or Ankm·idge; (some autho- of Bedford, who is lord of the manor and proprietor rities say), meaning in the Saxon language' Thorney of the whole parish; the Rev. John Wing is in the pre­ Island ;' and others deriving its name from the circum- sent enjoyment of the living, and his cm·ate is the Rev. stance of some ancborites dwelling here, when its an- Hemy John Ell man. cient abhey existed, before the dissolution of religious Agriculture forms the chief occupation of the in ha.. houses; and which edifice was fouaded by Sesculphus, bit ants of this parish, and large flocks of sheep are or Saxulph, first , in the time kept in this district; the average number sent through of St. Elthreda, A.u. 662. In 1128 a most magnificent this town to London annually is nearly 3,000. There church was erected in Thorney, much larger than the are two or three good inns in the town; and there was present one; it is supposed tu have compTised a established, in 1823, a literary society, who have a good cross aisle, choir and tower: the greater part of this library. Thorney is en tit led by charte1· to hold a market edifice was destroyed when the abbey was dissolved, on Thursday, but the privilege is not at pre~ent exer­ in the rei~n of Benry VIII; and in 1636 the aisles wl1ich cised. There are two fairs in the year, fm· horses; one remaiced were taken away, and the nave was fitted up on the lst July, the other on Sept. 21. The population for divine service. It is dedicated to the Virgin and St. of the parish, in 1821, comprised 1,970 inhabitants. POS'I' OPPICB~ Thomas Coulson, Post .lllaster.-Letters from LoNDON and all parts of the kingdom arrive by a horse mail, from Pt:TERBOROUGH, every morning at eight, and are despatched to tha' town every afternoon at fom·. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Provost William,gent.Freach ch·ove Coulson 1\lary Ann, dress maker Bailey John, gent. Green drove Sharman Jno. gent.Thorney eseway Coulson Thos. town crier,constabJe Bailey French drove hall Sisson Muses, gent. Bukhorn road and governor of the workhouse Bayley Abrabam, gent. Single sole Slater William, esq. Thorney Crane Wright, baker and miller Beakley Joseph, gent. Thorney Southam Thos.gen t. Scolding drove Dawson Richard, grocer, draper, Reakley Jos. drove Turnell Jabez, gent. White house and glass & earthenware dealer Buclc Hart, gent. French drove Watson 'fhos. Steed, gent. Thorney Dobson Charles, blacksmith Castle Colonel John, English drove Wing Tycho, esq. (magistrate) Dodman William, butcher Cave Thomas, gent. Scolding drove Thorney Dodman William & Son,auctioneers Chettle John, gent. l''rench drove Wright; Wm. gent. New-cnt drove and appraisers Cht'ttle William,gent. Frenchdrove Wroot Robert, gent. French drove Dodman Wm. surveyor .Crane Edward, gent. Tbomey INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Fullard Thomas, corn merchant• Crane Edward, jun. gent. Thorney BlueBell,Jno.~cotnev,French drove French drove Ega1: Samuel, gent. Old wride Chequers, Thos. Garton, 'fhorney Ground Sarah, grocer and draper Ellman Rev. Henry John, Thorney Duke's Head Inn (posting house) Hardy John, bricklayer Elston John, gent. Green drove William Hamshaw, Thorney Hicks John, hair dresser Elston William, gent. French drove Geo•·ge 1nn,StPph.Sharman ,Thorny Hobbs Henry, fishmonger Gaches James, gent. Bare pasture Rose & Crown, Rbt.Sisson ,Thor e Hogg William, wheelwright Gee Thomas, gent. 'l'horney dyke Shoulder of Mutton, Wm. Dodman, Peach Robt. butcher, Three pigeona Gibbins George,gent. English drove sen. Thorney Pickering John, tailor -Goddard Mrs. Elizbth. Stone bridge White Hart, Thos.l\Iorris, Thorney Popple J amt-s, boot & shoe maker GoddardM rs.l\'lary ,Thorney cseway SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. & fanier Goodman Simon, gent. Willow hall Allcock Jeffrey, wheelwright Ridlington John and William,_ Hemmant Wm. gent. Thorney dyke Alletson Susannah, dress maker bakers and millers HcnsouJ causeway AndersonJno.saddler&collar maker Southam Edward, grocer, draper Hod son William, esq. French drove Barron Edward & Sons, carpenters and spil'it merchant Hurry John, gent. Thorney and joiners Stubbs Elizbth. boot & shoe makl't" Little George Paul, gent.Single sole Barron Mary, dress maker Stubhs Joseph, boot & shoe maker l\1 arriott Henry Walker, gent. Beard John, cooper [mistress Stubbs Robert, hair dresse1· New-cut drove Heeby Jane, drel>s maker & school­ Thompson Thomas, bricklayer i\Iaxwcll Edward, gent. Thorney Bellamy Samuel, carJJenter, joiner Watson Jas. merchant & malt11ter l\laxwell John, gent. French drove and painter rschoolmaster Whittam Robert, wheelwl'i'lht Wilson William and Francis, boot l\Iorris Capt. Georg-e,R. N. Thorney Bellamy Thomas, pansh clerk and 1\lorris causeway Bradshaw William, schoolmaster and shoe makers ParkerJohu, gent. Scolding drove Brown John, butcher CO.I.LCH. Parnell causeway Buckworth Rowland, butcher To NORWICH, the Unioo (from Stam. Parnell W causeway Cave Wm. carpenter and joiner ford) calls at the George, every morning Pears Isaac, ~ent. Tonebam Cave \Villiam, grocer and draper at a quarter before ten ; goes through Peat·s Wm. Thomas, gent. Thoruey Chambers H ugh, excise officer Wisbeacb, Lynn, Swaffham, and East Deerham. Ferkins Samuel, geut. Thorney Chal'ity John, carpenter, joiner, To STAMFORD, the Union (from Not­ Perk ins Samuel, jun. gent. ThorRey cabinet maker and paper hanger wicb) calls at the George, every afleJ• 'l>erkins William, gent. Single sole Charity Riehard, tailor noon at half-past three; goes through Provost Samuel, gent. Green drove Clapham W m.surgeon & apothecary Peterborough and Wandsford. UPWEI... L AND OUTWELL. UPWELL is a large and pQpulous village, in a pa- riod a place of some note. As regards general trade, rish of its name, ht>tween sevrn dnd t~ight miles from Upwell is of little or no importance; but it is remark• Wisbeach; partly in the hundred of Wisbeach, Cam- able, as well as Outwell, for its large J!ardeu-grounds, bridgcshire, and a smaller part in CJackclose hundred, the produce of which is forwarded to variou;; towns by 'in the county of Norfolk; and on botb sides of the river the Nene. The parish church is dedicated to St. Peter: Nene. According to doow~day-book, it bclouged, with the living is a recrory; the incumbent, the Rev. Gale Ontwell, to the abbey of Raw:sey, and was at that pc- TowJJley, and the pre:sent curate, tbe Rev. Mkhael 12-L ilfrtctorn. UPWELL, &c,

'ferry. The population of the whole parish, including once stood near the church; its site is pointed out, bul the chapelry of Welney, according to the last ct:nsus, no remains ufit are at this day perceptible. As a place consisted of ~,782 per11ons. of business, it i~ the same as U pwell, a~riculture being OuTWELL is a long, straggling village and parish, tbe occupation of the inhabitants. The church is a adjoining to Upwell, and situated similarly to that vil- handsome building, dedicated to St. Clement; the Jage, the river Nene pa!;sing through it. It was for- living, which is a rectory, is in the gift of the Bishop merly called Wylla, from its being seated on a rirer; of .t<:Jy; the Rev. Wm. Hardwick is the present rector. and in old records it is mentioned as 'the tuwue The number of inhabitants in the parish, in 1821, of Welle.' A hermitage, dedicated to St. Christopher, was 954. . POST, Letters are despatched to aud received from WlSBEACH, by foot post, daily. GENTRY AND CLERGY. COLLAR MAKERS. Palmer Mary, Upwell Aldrich R~v. Stepheu, Welney Finch Charles, Upwell Townley Ann, Outwell Hardwicke Rev. William, Outwell Watson Hichard, Upwell Wade Ann and Sarah, Upwell Hodson John, gent. Outwell COOPERS. SURGEONS, Hopkins William, gent. Upwell Burrows John, Out well Ollard William, Upwell Kishy John, gent. Outwell Duuham William, Upwell Wilkinson GeorgeAugustus,Upwell Lee Capt. Wm. Upwell fen ball DRESS MAKERS. SURVEYORS. Lee James, esq. Upwell Ci'lulson Prudence, Outwell Ward Benjamin Upwell Lee Mi:,;s Dorca::;, Upwell Curtis Mary, Upwt'll Waudby Hugh 'upwell .1\larshall_ Mr::;. Jauc, Upwell Mi_ddletou 1\Iarv, Upwell Ta'ILORS. Orton Richard! esq. Upwell fen :nor M~.~tha, Upwell Kimmons William, Upwell Pal~er Hansllp, gent. attorney, _faylor EJJzabeth, Outwell Marckley Thos. (&draper) Upwell : Upwell fownley Ann, Outwell r~pw~ll l\larriott James, Upwell Rowell J~?lm, gent. Upwell Wade Ann & Sarah (& nnlhne1s) Scott Gabriel (and draper) Upwt'll Rowell Richard, gent. Upwell GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. '1'erry Rev. Michl. rectory Upwell Atheltlm Juhn, Outwdl TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. 'f · } 0' 11 Black Bull, Thomas Clarke, Upwell f!lllhnson Jo 111~ ~ent. utwe Croft Thomas, Upwell Black Horse, William Doil Upwelll WIId.bore l\ll'S, l<:hzabeth, Outwell Loggin William, Outwell .Hridge, Richard Atcheson,'Outwe)l ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Weyman Thomas, Upwell Crown, Edward Oake~<, Outwell Not otherwise described are Day Schools, Duke's Head, Edward Edwards, Upwell Aldrich Louisa (day and boarding) GROCERS, TEA DEALERS, & Five Bells (and Excise Office) Thomas Upwdl LINEN DRAPERS. Hurst, Upwell n b ( .. ') ll (SeealsoSilopkeepers,~c.) HorseandGroom,JohnLow,Upwell B o d ge~ n~, ecca gn 1s 0 utwe nrtis Luke, Upwell Marquis of Granby James Caasady Nu- Gouldmg lhomas (boys') Upwell Eagar John, Upwell gent, Upwell ' Hills 4osefJh (boys') U pwell Fem;t Joseph, Out well Old Duke's Head, Nathan Booth, Upwen NATIONAL ScHooL, Upwell-Wm. Gouldiug Thos. (&tallow chandler Ploul!:~, William.Cbapman, Outwell - Harwin master d . h U Queens Head ~rmon Melton, Upwell • • ) U ll an Mpirit mere ant) pwell Red Hart, Wllham7 Lef', Upwell Ray Ann {day & boardmg pwe Olphin John, Upwell Red Liou, John Kimmons, Outwell Reeve Simou (boys') U pwell Os born Elizbth. and Son Upwell Ro~e &; Crown, James Turner, Upwell AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS. Trower William, Outwell White Hart, Samuel Wbyatt, Upwell Atcheson Richard Outwell HAIR DRESSERS. White Lion. Sarah Chamberlin, Upw~ll l\lote Thomas, O~tWPll Bott John, Outwell White Swan, William Townley, Outwell Tiffin Robert Outwell '1, }{ b t U 11 WHI:ELWR:t:GHTS. ·d BeilJ'am'I·n Upwell yers 0 r.r ' pwe Goulding Thomas Outwell, Wal , JOINERS AND CARPENTERS. b U ll BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS, Higglestone Thomas, Outwt'Jl Palmer ~o. ert Bailey, pwe Howard Daniel, Upwell Judd Wn\,. Outwell [Outwell West Wllham, Upwell Mayhew Thomas, U pwell Mote 'fhos. ( & lime & brick maker) Miscellaneous. 1\lole Thowas, Out well MILLERS. Coopl'r Henry, basket, &c.maker, UpweJI " BLACKSMITHS HIJrry John, Upwell French Bronks, watch,&c. maker, UpweU Andrews Robert, Upwcll • Sanders John Hopkin, Outwell H~rwin William, ]larishclerk, UpweJl 'Hartlt>y Robert Out well .;:otttllwell Robert, Up\Yell Hloes Josepb, ]lllnsh cl~rk, Outwell , ' "' J ohnson James, confechoner, V pwell ray}or George, Outwell MILLWRIGHTS. JulerJames, bricklayer, Outwell • Wluttam John, Up well Ward .Burton, Upwell Palmer Henry,chymbt &druggist,UpwelJ BOAT BUILDERS, Webber Benjamin, Upwell Relton Thomas, nurseryman, Outwell KingJames, Upwell PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND Trott.Jobn,g?_vt;,Outwell Wright John Upwell GLAZIERS. \\ ak.efield ~hl~1am, fellmonger, t{pwdl ' Ward BenJamm, brewer and fire, &e. BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Overland, Upwell office agent, Upwell · <;oop_er John, Upwell Overland William, Upwell COACH. ~ousw~ ~amuel, Outwell ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS. To CAMBRIDGE, the Telegraph, from Cox Wllham, Ontwell H.obb John, OutweJl the Five Bells, Upwell, every Monday Hai·per Hemy, Upwell Shinfield Adam, Upwell Wednesday. and Friday at half-put Kimmons Thomas, Upwell SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS five; goes through Ely. ·p~arson James, Outwell IN SUNDRIES. CARRIERS. S1lburu ltobert, Upwell Mole Joseph, Ontwell To DOWN HAM, Simon Melton's Cart StubbinsJohn, Upwell Neale Sarah, Outwell from the Queen's Head, Upwell,nefj . I BUTCHERS. Spairman William, Outwell Monday morning. Chapmau Charles Upwell Tokelove John, Upwell To WISBEACH and SOH~M, Henry · ' 1 Webb, John Bodgt>r1 and Sun on .M.,J_ D emus_ J~mes, Upwel STRAW HAT MAKERS• ton, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Kay Wilham, Out well Coulson Prudence, Ontwell Saturday, and Ann Turner, every Mon- Thomson Thomas, Outwell On:rland Elizabeth, Upwell day, Tue&day, Thm11day, & Saturday.

1 WHrrTLESEA, OR Tf/hittlesey, an ancient and re~pectable post the neighbou.·hood, and many antiquitif's of Romish town, cnce having a market, is in the hundred of origin have from time to time been discovered, when Witchford, North, in the united parishes ofSt.Andrew digging or ploughing, in sel--eral parts of the parish. and St. M ary, in the Isle of Ely; ~ituated on the bor- The land around is generally flat, and remarkably dcrs of Northamptonshire; aud is 78 miles from Lon- productive; aud the branches of the Nene, which pass don, 30 from Cambridge, six and a half from Peterbo- nor~h and south of the town, tend materially to pro­ rough, and about five from Thorney. In doomsday mote the fertility of the soil : the open fields, which • book it is called Tf7itesie, but the dt>ri,·ation of its name surround the town on the east, west and north sides, ha::; not been satisfactorily determined. That it was are continually in tillage, and never known to have nnce a !'ltation of the Rumans, little doubt can be en- been fallows in the memory of man. Tht' Earl Walde­ tertained ; for traces of a military wad are existing in grave and othen. are lords of the ::.everal wauorJl wit .biD 125 \VHITTLESEA.- Uigot & ~o. '- tbe parishes; they hold court.i leet and baron twice in (which is a vicarage) in ius gift; the prelilent. vicar of the year; and a court of requests, for the recovt-ry of tbe last-named is the Rev. Jame.:. To bias Cook. The debts under forty shillin~~, is held every third Friday other places of worship comprise a chapel each for the in the month, at 'the Falcon:' thi::~ is the principal service of Cah·inists, mdependent and Wesleyan me­ inn in the town, and it is a very respectable, well- thodists, and general baptists. Here are two en~owed conducted house. schools: one founded by a Mr. Adam Kt•lfull, HI the Each parish has its d:urch. St.l\Iary's is a Tery year 1735; the other hy John Suo bury, Esq. in 1813. haudsome structure, but molSt particularly admired A library and news-room has of late years been £stab­ fot· it5l lotty and beautiful ~quare towt•r, which is sur- lished, which is well ~ustained by ''ery respt•ctable mounted by a tapering srire of the finelit symmetry~ subscribers. The market, which wa~ formerly held on highly ornamented. St. Andt ew·~ it> al~o a handsome Friday, has bt·eu long discontinued; hut tlu! market­ £'difice, haviug a very fine square tower and tunets. llou~e, or cross, is still remaining. The entil'e parish The patroo~o~ of St. l\fary's liviug are the lot·ds of the of Whittlesea contained, by the census of 1821, 5,27() manors, and the crown has the lidng of St. Andrt•w's inhabitants. POST OPEIC E, J\larket-hill, Peregrine Rands, Post i1Juste1-.-Letters from all parts arrive by mail cart, from PETERBORo', cvt>ry morning at uine, and are despatched to that town every afternoon al three, from Michaclmas to Lady Day, find at four during the remainder of the year • • GENTRY AND. CLERGY. Dew Robert, Old Tavern st Taylor l\Iark, Whitmorest Am~er WD,l .. gent. Littie,London st :tfHarkerJohn, Delph st Tinsley William, Olrt Whittle!lea Atk~nsou Churchgt st •Hemmaut Hoyce, Gracious ~t Watson Thomas, Arnold st Atk111son Wtlham Plunuucr, geut. ,.Pickrell Willian.J, Low cross Wiggiuton WiiHam, Arnold st Cl~u,·chgate ~t~·eet . Stringer Henry, Gracious st Ynulcs John, l..ondou st At•elmg l\lrs. Altet•, Whttmore ~t Turuer William Gracious st CHINA AND EARTHENWARE A\'eling Thomas, grnt. Windmill st Whyle Tlwmas,'Churchgate st DEALERS,

Bates John, gent. Ivy lane BANKERS4 l\laniott John, Gracious st Blunt Henry Whittlesea Gumeys, Birkheck and Peck11\'ers, Heason George, Woolpack lane Blunt Jarnes, esq. London st (bra11ch of Wi~heach bank) Little Why le Jas. ( & glass) Almshouse st Bluut John, gent. Iuham's end London st-(draw on B(lrclay & Wilkinson Jolm, Almshuuse ~ Bowket· Thomas, e~q. (magistrate) Co. London) COAL DEALERS. 1\lauor house BASKET MAKERS. Goer James, Bridl(l'l{ate st Bumham John, e~q. l\larket bill Dennis R 11 llf.:rt Old Whittlesca Ground Da,·id, Delph Cook Rev. James , (magis- Howett Johi) 'windmill st Harris 1\Jary, Del ph trate) Horsegat.e st [~'t BLA~KSMITHS. Hemmant William, Delph st Croft l\l~attlu:w Henry, g~nt. Delph Bim:~ham William, Arnold st Mills Thomas, Chun:hgate st ~r~k.e F rancts, gent. Whttmore st Cam pion Charles ( & farrier) Wiml- Hussel John, Londou !it Enghsh 1\lrs. Peggy, Arnold st mill street. CONVEYANCER. Fawn Willia~, geut. Anwld st Fawn Geo. (and f<-trrier) Arnold st Peed John, (and steward of Whit- Gronnd Damel,. esq. Glasmoor Holrues William, Del ph st tlesea manors) Del ph st Ground Mrs. Ahce, ChtH·chgate st Loomel\ Edward, Chul'(·hgatt! ~t COOPERS. G•·ou11d 1\lrs.J<~lizabeth, l\Jarket hill Setchfield William WI1itmore st Rayner John, Market hill William, esq. Arnolt.l le James, Ahmhou:,e Ground st BOOKSELLERS, ' PRINTERS & Why st Hayues Henry, esq. Grove house STATIONERS. DRUGGISTS. Hay11es Miss Alire, Grac-ious st Crofr Tho 111 as, (and paper hanger) Brhnrs Jo11epll, Anwld l;t Heucry i\1 rs. ThomalSine,Aruold st Whitnwre st H t'adley PPter, Arnold st Johnson Thomas, esq. Gracious st Fountain Thos. (printer) Arnold st Plummer Ann, Almshouse st Jolmson Thos. jnu. ~t:nt. Arnold st BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Setchfield James, Whitmore &t Kelfull Thomas, get1t. Low cross Aveliug James, Little London st Wiltou Thomas, Arnold st 1 Loom('S ~dwat·d, esq. Whitmore st Baker GeOJ'ge, Old Tal'el'll st FIRE1 &_c. ?FFICE AGENTS., Moorel\hssl\laryAnn, st Beeby William, (& clotht:s dealer) BRITISH (fireJ aud WESTMINSTE~ Pedley Rev. J.l\1. Cluu·chgate st .Arnold st (life) John Peed, Delph st Pidcock Thomas,geut.Alm:-;house st Boyce \Villi am, Almshonse st NORWICH UNION, Henry John Smith Chal'lest e:sq. Anwld st Hobbs William, Arnold st Bellar~, Almsh,,u~e st Smith 1\lrs. Ann, Almshouse s.t Oakham Francis. Scaldgate Rov.\L ExcHANGE, Jas. Sctchfield, Whitmore st ACADEl:VIIES ~ND SCH~OLS. R ea d J a bez. A mo Id st FRUITERERS & TOY DEALRS l'oot otherwise descnbed are Day ::'chools. Read J aml'S, Del ph :t Gtbbf; Wtlllarn, \\ lutmore st . Hilwn 1\laria, Old Whittlesea Todd Jamell, jl'lll, SoyL"I'S lane GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. KELFULL's CHARITY ScHOOL Fal- Todd Rohen, hy laue (See also Slwpheepel·s, ~c.) con lane-John Speerhly, n~aster Todd William, Low cro~s A •:n~Jd.,. l~ohert • t:lra~wus st Morris 1\latt. (buys•) Churchgate st Weston William, Harr's lane A.\eh:l,. Ste~hen, Atuold st Peed Alin• (girls') Dclph st , BRICKLAYRS & PLASTERERS Bulll. Jona:;, Loudon st 1 d Peed Hl'nr~ Gracioug st Hurry Fanny, (~t~d tallow c 1an - Rus~el i\lai·tha and Elizabeth (la- Ashley Oa\·id, Almshouse st ler) 1\~m:ket lnll ··i~·s• dav & bnarditl .. ) Gt·act'~u st A~hley David, jun. Gracious st Read Wllham, Alm!>hou~c st u : C "' 8 Ashlev Edwd. Peterhoro' -town end Ward He my, Ch111 eh gate st S u~BUI~Y s HARITY ScHooL,l\Iar- Ashley William, Arnold st Whyle James, Almshouse st ke~ htll-:-Rev. J.l\1.~edley,master Bal;:er Jolm, Honrgate st Youd Jtlhn, Old Whittlesea Web,ter Samuel, Wlntmore ~t • BRICK MAKERS AND LIME HAIR DRESSERS Youles Thos. (boys') .Market lull BURNERS. Braltes John, Lundon sr • ATTORNEYS. A~hley William, Arnold st. Graws Edward, Old Tavem st Bcllars John & Henry John,Scald- Maker John, Horsegate st Rauds Pcregrillt', l\Jarket hill gate and AlmshLousde st Brown Hemy, Windmill st INN. Sargant Daniel, on on st Ground David, Del ph Falcon, (commercial) Mary & Aun AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS, BUTCHERS. Stimpson, London st Baker William, Almshou!'e st BalH•r .lames, Churchgate st IRONMONGERS, . Bishop Joseph, Low cross Baker William, Almshouse st Arch John, (&brazier) Arnold s& Fitzjohn William, Churchgate st Bellamy John, Gracious :lt Arnold Unhe1t, Gracious st Russel Jabez, Delph st Blunt Thoma~, Amold ,;t Hurry Fanuy, l\Jarket bill BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Briggs Thomas, Arnold st Ward Henry, (fumbhing) Church- Marked thus are • abo Millers. Coulsnn l\lary, Old Tavern st g-ntc :-;t (See also Millers.) Griggs John, Gracious st · JOINERS AND CARPENTERS. •Blunt William, Arnold st Rear! James~ Chnrchgate st Audrew William, Scaldgate Bumham William, 1\larkct hill Read John, Churrhgate st Mills Matthew, Whitmore ~t -Counsel Georgc, Almshouse st Heasou George, Woolpack lane Pedt William, London st Cwft Rubert, Londou st Searlc George, Alm!i>house st Russd Jabcz, Del ph st 126 . \VliiTTl..~ESEA"~·

J,INEK & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Hughes William, Low cross Hurry John, Old Taverns& • (See also Tailors and Drupe1·s.) Oakham Frauds, Scaldgat~ Hurry John, juu. Whitmore s~ Aiu,:(er James, Little Londoo st Rt-asou George, Woolpack lane WHEELWRIGHTS. Aveling Stepheu, Aruold st Taylor Mark, Whitruore l!t Giduings Wi•liam, Low cross llinns Jona.-., London ~t Youles Juhn, London st Hemmaut William, Delph st Chapmau Nancy, Arnold st STRAW HAT MAKERSa l\lills Matthew, Whitmore st Holloway John, Alm:;house st Dobsou A lice, London st Stallcbrass Garuer. Gracious st Read William, Almshouse st Hurry Elizabeth, Whitmore st WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Sreechly Thos. Kelfull, Low cross SURGEONS. Aingt'l" James, Little Londou st. Youd John, Old Whittlesea Boyce John & Son, Arnold :~t MALTSTERS. Boulthee & Smith, Old 'favertJ st Burnham John, (and merchant) Headley Peter, (aud apothecary) Miscellaneous. Aruold st ByattGeo.gun&white smith ,Churchgate st .l\larket hill Graves Edward, glover, Old Tavern st Johnson Thomas, G1·acious st SURVEYORS. Harpham hhma.el, cabinet maker, Gra. Read James, Churc:hgatt! st Cambers George, A~;llling's bridge cious street (Read's bower MILLERS. Peed Henry, Gracious st Read William and Son, boat builae~ Ashling William, Old Whittlesea 5meatuu J obn, Horsegate st Smith James, fellmonger, .4.mold st STAMP OFFICE, Delph st-John Peecl• Hurnham John, l\larket l1ill TAILORS & DRAPERS, distributer Lamb John, Delph st Bodger Wm. (tailor) Whitmore st Webster Samuel, bookbinder,Whitmore st Searle Thomas, Churcbgate st Darlow John, Whitmore st Youles Thomas, parish clerk, l\ hill MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. De:trlove Richard, Churchgate st CARRIERS. Bt·oderick Mary Ann,Churcbgate st 1\larriott John, Gracious st To I.ONDON, SAll\;T IVES, CAM. Cooper Naucy, l\larket hill Wiuterton Abraham, Whitmore st BRIDGE, &c. Hay and Co.'s Waggon, Driffill Elizabeth, London st Wiutertou Thoma!!, Churchgate st from the Queen's Head, every Wednes­ MILLWRIGHT AND BUILDER day afternoon. TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. To MARCH, Charles Roberts' and WiJ­ Russel John, London st Angel, Thomas Jackson, Scaldgate Jiam Mearin's Carts, every Fri. momg. PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND Black Bull, John Lilley, Almshouse st To PETERBOROUGH, Thomas Haw• GLAZIERS. Boat, Thomas Hurrell, Bridgegate st ley's ft'lail Cart, from the George and Clark William, Market hill Do~ & Doublet, Thomas Burdock., near St~r, every afternoon-and Charles H~ Hemmant Jnhn, (painter) Delph st Whittelsea (bill bert..~', William Mearin's, William Gid­ Huny James, Gracious st G ... orge and Star, Thomas Cave, 1\farket diugs', and - Stallebrass' Carts, every Setch.field Daniel, Old Tavern st Hare & Hounds, Robert Pt!lll son, Dl'lph Saturday morning. King's Kead, Susanh.Arnold, Gradoua st To RA!Ht'IAY, William Giddings' Cart • ROPE & TWINE MAKERS. Nag's Head, William Smith, Arnold st every Wednesday morning. Beaton Samuel, Little London st New Crown, William Joyce, Arnold st .8erry Samuel, .Market llill Old Crown, George Hollis, Gracious st CONVEYANCB BY Fevre Mary, Old Whittlesea Pack Horse, (and excise oilict:) Thoma• WATER. Holmes William, ( & flax dresser) Curtis, Low cross [town end To C'AMBRIIJGE, LYNN, MARCH, Plough, John Hitcbcock, Peterborough NORTHAI\IPTON, PETE RBORo> Churchgate st Queen's Head, John Martin Cleasby, RA.MSAY, UPWELL, and WlS­ SADDLERS AND COLLAR Almshouse street BEACH, James Goer's Bcat1, and,. MAKERS. Three f'ishes, James Burdock Del ph John Burgess' Boats oC('a.sionally. Beaton Samuel, (and tawer) Little Wheat Sheaf, John Holmes, Scaldgate ToP ETERHOROUGH, the Nene Pac~ London st White Lion, Roger Burgess,Bridgegate st ket (from Wisbeach) passes close to WhittlPsl'a, every Sunday& Wednesday. Berry Samuel, Market hill [~ea White Swan, J os. Bridges, nr. "'hittlesea Windmill, Ann Knight, Windmill st To WISBEACH, the Nene Packet (trorn Fevre Mary,(& tawer)OidWhittle· Pl'terborou~h) every Tuesday a[Jd Fri­ SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. day, and l\'Iary Harris' Luggage Boat IN SUNDRIES. Ashley David, Almshouse st (from Delph, Whittlesea) eve1·y Wed­ Dobson J ohu, Bridgegate st Brod~l"ick Francis, Churchgate st nesday and Saturday. WISBEACH, AND THE VILLAGES OF ELM & LEVERINGTON; WITH EMNETH & WALSOKEN (NoRFOLK.) W ISBEACH, o•· Wisbech, a larg-e and opulent mar- possessors nf freeholds of the value of 40~. a-year. The "ket town and ~ea-port, is situated in the northern ex- t.'XPcutive officer i3 the town bailiff, who has the entire t1emity of the couuty, within the hle of Ely, and in management of the estatt>s and affairs of the corpora­ tbe hundred of its name; distant from the metropolis tion, and who is one of the ten capital hurgesse~, ~0 miles, from Cambridge 43, fron1 Ely 31, and from chosen annually on the 2d of November. A general .March 11 miles. Etymolo_ll;ists are at variance in their assize of oye1· and terminer and gaol delivery, and a opinions as to the derivation of its name. It is said to cout·t of pleas for the trial of civil actions toanyamouut, have been anciently called "Ouze-beach," being the are held at Wisbeach, alternatelr with Ely, twice a beach or outfall of the river Ouze; hut 1\1 r. William year, and sessions tour times. A cout·t of requests is Watson (a resident in Wbbeach, and the talented au- held at the shire-hall, on the first Tuesday in every thor of a history ofthe town,) says that its Sax on name month, for the recovery of debts under 40s. The Lord was J7isebec, and that in doomsday-b()ok it is called Bi~hop of Ely is lord of the franchise and of the mano1·. Wisebece: he also ohset·ves, that at the foundation of Wisbeach has t(-,t· mauy years been an improving the Trinity Guild ir. 1739, the name is spelt Jf/ysbech, place, as respects its commercial importance and the and so impressed on the corporation seal. Its appel- appearance of the town ; and it may be considered lation, as now generally received, is \VISBEACH. Of now the most flourishing trading town in the Isle of the town, little is lmown before the conqnesr. Some Ely. The inhabitants, duly appreciating the advan­ time previous to that evt·nt, and in the e01.rly part of tages of a fine uavi~ation, are t'nterprising, and carry the same centmy, it is said to have been given to the on a \'cry considerable trade, \"iith London and other con'Vent of Ely, by Oswy and Leoflede, the parents of ports, in coal, corn, timber, wool, &c, The tonuage Alwyn, afterwards bishop of l<:lmham, upon his admis- 1of the port at this period is about 70,000. This town si on into the con-vent. It was a parliam~ntary bo- is not eminent as one of manufactures· the chief arti­ rongh as early as the reign of Edward I, and ever sinre des made are, sail-cloth, sackings,cordage, &c.; the1e the reign of Edward VI. has het.'n a corporate town. are also ship and boat building yatdr,, some extensive The " Trinity Guild" posse~sed estates tor piou~ and breweries and large malting concerns ; and whiting is chal"itable purpo~es; and in tht: reign of Henry VIII. it made in considerable quantities. Besides these various shared the ~eneral fate of ecclesiastical foundatior1s, articles of commerce, another branch of importance but was again restored by an act passed by Edward VI, arises, in the immediate tltighbourhood of the town, atJd renew~d January, 1610-11, at a considerable ex- ft·om the g-ardens, many of which are of great extent, pense. They were then constituted a body corporate, and all highly fertile; their produce furnishing vegeta­ by the style of the 'hnrgesses of the town of Wis- bles,fruit,~c. to the neighbouring aud di:~tant markt'ts. beach;' but the 1·ight of elcctiou of the ten men, thence- The pari~Sh church, which is dedicated to St. Peter fonva,rd named 'capital burgesses,' was limited to the, and St. Paul, is a larse handsome fabric, tl10ugh of a 127 WISBEACH, &e.

very singulat construction, ht>ing furnished with two around in all directions ; and to a port, yearly im· tJaves and two aisles; the nave~ are lofty, and sepa- proving in activity and impot·tance.' rated ft·om each other by a row of light slender pillars The market, which is on Saturday, is most plcnti­ with pointed arches. The tower is almost separated fully supplied. The fairs are, the Saturday before from the church, which gives it rat het· a singulat· ap- Palm-Suuday, and Saturday before Lady-day, for hemp pearance at first sight; in some parts it is hi2:;hly or-. and flax; a t:onsiderable horse-fair on the Wednesday namented, and is generally con~idererl handsome. The before Whit-Sunday, which is attended by numerous ltving is a vicat·age, in the !!ift of the Bishop of Ely; London dealers; ami an important fair for· cattle on the Rev. Abraham Jobson, D.D. is the present vicar. A the 12th of August. By the parliamentary returns fnr chapelofeasetotheparishchurch is nearly completed, 1821, the entire parbh of Wi!lbeach contained 7,877 and has been endowed with a landed estate for the be- inhabitants. , ne fit of the incumbent, of the value of£200. per ann. by 1 ELM is a pretty village, in a parish of its name, two the p•·ivate munificence of Dr. Jobson, above-named; miles south-east of Wisbeach. The parish church is a and the chapel itself is erected by subscription. The neat edifice, rledicated to All Saints; and is a rectory· other places of worship are for almost every sect of and vicarage, in the gift of the See of Ely: the iucum­ dissenters from the church, including methodists, bent is the Rev. Jeremiah Jackson, and his present baptists, independents, Sociuians, Johnsouians, and curate the Rev. J. R. Christophersou. 1,368 persons quakers. The public charities in this town reflect the formed the population of this parish in 1821. highf'st honout• on the inhabitants, espec:ially those LEVERINGTON, a village and parish, two miles from which are for the education of youth; amongst which Wisbl!ach, has a very handsome church, with a spire is an endowed grammat·-scbool, in the patronage and that is much admired. There are some very excellent under the supet·intendence of the capital burgesses: family residences bere; but, with the exception of the t.his school derives no little celebrity from having been church, the place contains nothing to claim particular the place at which Dr. Herring, afterwards Archbishop notice. The parish, including the chapelry of Parson of Canterbury, received his education. There are also Drove, contains about 1,500 inhabitants. two other schools one for 50 boys, and the other for EMNETH is a village and parish, in the humh·ed of 30 girls, supported hy various benefactions and volun- Freebridge-l\lar~h-land, in the county of N 01 folk, two tary contributions; and several othert:~ of a minor de- miles aud a half from Wisbeach. It contains a small scription: also various chat·itable societies, and many church, and the population consists of about 1,000 well-endowed alms-houses. The public buildings and inhabitants. institutions comprise, the custom-house, the shire- WALSOKEN, in the same hundred and counry as ball, and gaol; public baths, a literary society, a sa\'- Emneth, is a beautiful village, coming close up to the ings' bank, neat theatre, &c. The author of the his- town of Wisbeaeh, and extending to about a mile from tory of this town has said, that-' Wisbeach is a town it. 1'he walks through and around this place are the winch, though not able to boast of mineral produc- Sunday promenade of the inhabitants of Wisbeach. tions-, magnificent remaias of antiquity or works of The church bere is a handsome one, with a lofty SJJire; ntodern art, may yet ju&tly lay claim to many charita- and forms a prominent and pleasing object iB the dis­ ble foundations, of extensive aud permanent utility; tant view. The parish coutained, in 1821, a popula­ to luxuriant pastures and rich corn-fields, spreading tion of 1,240 persons. POST OFFICE1 Upper Hill stt·eet, WISHEACH, Mary Nicholls, Post .lllistress.-Letters arrive lrom all parts, by mail cart, from HuNTINGDON, every morning at a quarter-pallt eight, and are despatched' to that town every afternoon at half-past four.-Office opens at eight in the morning and closes at four in the . afternoon, until the departure of the mail to HuNTINGDON. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Haynes John, gent. Emneth Rogby l\Jr11. Rebecca, Market st .Abbott Mrs. A nu, V ppet· Hill st Herring Mrs. Sarah, North brink Schultz Lieut.George Augustus,R.N. Adams l\lrs. Sarah, North terrace Hill Miss Ann, Ely place Old market . Alteling Charles, gent. Elm Holmes James, geut. Leverington Shepherd Mrs. Elizabeth, Bridge st. Bacon Mrs. Ann, High ~t Holmes John, !{ent. Elm Smalley Mrs.Elizabeth,Union place Barker l\lrs. Hanh.Gt. Chnrch lane HolmesRev.Ts.Pattison,South brnk Smith Christophtr, gent. Elm I Batterbe Barnahas, gent. Wa.Jsoken Holmes Willia.m, gent. North brink Stautou Stephen,gent. Le\'eringtoo Bt-ales William, ~eut. Market place Jacksou Rev.JPremiah,Leveringtou Stevens l.\lrs. Elizabeth, Yorke row Bellamy John, g~nt. }<"lint house Jobson Rev. Abraham, n. D. magis- Stimson Thomas, gent. Emncth Bellamy .Mrs. Cath. Gt. Church lane trate, Vicarage Swaine Capt.Spelman,It.N.Crescent- Bird Robert, gent. Emneth Johnson George, gent. Leveriugton Taylor Mr:s. Benjamiu, Old mark~t Bird William, gent. J<~lm Johnson John, e~q. High st Taylorl\lrs.Sarh Hanneth ,Market st Slack burn J<~dward, gent. Elm Johnson John, gent. Levering ton Townlty Rev. Wm. G. Beaupre hall Black burn James, gent. Elm Johnson William, geut. Elm Wardale George, gent. South briult Black burn John, geut, Elm Kt>lk John Guy, esq. Walsokeu Warrington Mrs. Jane, Old markt:t Blackburu Joseph, grnt. Elm Kilhy Mrs. Ann, Chur{'h st Watson James, gent. South end Bletsoe l\lrs. Kesia, Walsoken Kilby Mrs. Robert, North terrace Watson William, esq. F. s. A. (ma- Bloy MissesCath.&Ann,Lwr.Hill st King Rev. Robt.Jarrold, Yorke row ~istrate) Nor:h brink Bradley Mrs. Mary, Upper Hill st Laughtonl\lr~.Mary,Gt.Church lane Wal}3hy William, gent. Elm Cauham Mrs. Margt. Lowt'r Hill st Leach Mrs. Ann, North brink Whitehead William,gent.North end Chamberlin terrace Life Mrs. Elizahdh, Ely place Whittam Mrs. Alice, South brink Cheney •rhomas. gent.Nene parade Life Richard Carter,gent. Ely place Wiles John Cott, gent. Elm Christopherson Rev. John R. Elm Littlewood Mrs. A lice, Yorke row Wiug .Mrs. Mary Ann, Crescent Clark 1\lt·s. Elizabeth, Crescent Lumpkin J.\.1rs.:;\1.Topping,Crescent Wra1~ht Mrs. l.\lary, Crescent Clarke Mrs. Ann, Mat·ket st l\Ia_ior Rev. J no. Richard:;on,Upptr Wright Gregory, gent. South end Cleeve Wm. Thos. gent. South end Hill street Wright William, gent. Walsokeu Coe Miss Jane,Market st Maniott Mrs. 1\lary, Lower Hill st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Curtis John, sen. gent. Old malket 1\IarshallJohn, esq. North brink Nototherwisede~cdbedareDaySchools. Dawbarn Mrs.Richard,North brink Marshall Joseph; gent. Elm Booth Richard (boys') Old market Dennes Mrs. Sn~an, Ely place Mason Thomall, geut. North st Clarke William (day and boardiug) Dow John, gent. El at .Moore M is~ Sarah,Gt. Church lane Market place Dow William, gent. Elm Moore William, gent. Elm Elsum Alice (girls') South brink EdwardsWilliam,~ent. Leverington Newton Mrs. Sarah, South brink FREE ScuooL, Ehu-John Gapp, l!"awssPtt l\1 isst>s Rebecca & Elizbth. Nicholls Hen. Jas. t>sq. South brink master Great Snuth st Oswin Richrtrd, gent. Cresct>nt Friend Jane (girls') l\Iarket st Foster John, gent. Levf'rington Peckover Algenwn,gut.North brink Gallaud Ann (day and boarding) .FrusherThomas, gent. Elm Pope John, gent. Church st Union place Girdlestone John, gent. Upr.Hillst Provost James, gent. Walsoken Hutcheson Mary and Sarah, Upper GHodman Nathanid. gent. Elm Redin James; ~ent. Leverington Hill street G01·den Josrph,l{ent.Old Horse fair Reeve Mr:1. Elizabeth, Southend Jarrom Sarah and Ann (day aud ~:li:uber John, gent. Market st Ripshaw Mrs. Eli:!:bth. Marktt place boarding) Market st Hardwicke Robt. esq. l\larket place Rogby Henry, g~:>nt. Lynn road Judd George, (boys'} Hogherd'.:dane 128 'VISBEACH, &c. llucft tnnbam~b t r r.

LEVERINGTON CHARITY' SCHOOL, BASKET AND SIEVE MAKE BB Jsley Wm. & Son, Church terrace Leverington-Abraham Lea hair, Bostock William, Oilmill st •Roope Samuel, Lynn road master [Castle lodge Burmau John, Yorke row *~wansbornogh William and Co. Lewis Lydia& Elith. (day& bdng) l~evitts John, Old Horse fair North terrace .Major Hev. John Hichard,.;on tday Russell John, Little South st BUTCHERS. and hoarding) Upper Hill st Waltou Wm. Norfolk !'t. West Baker Thomas, Great Church lane Miller Eliz.a Cladiel!') Old l\larket • BLACKSMITHS. Beckett Josl:'ph, Elm NATIONAL ScHOOL (boys') Chmch Bannister C~arles, l'hsher lane Be)lars Williaru, South end terrac~-Joseph Adams, master Burrows William, North eud Bowles John, North brink NATIONAL ScHOOL (girls') Lower Butcher Thomas, Emnt>.th Bream William, Upper Hill st Hill st-Elleu Lau~hton,mistress Butterworth Matthew, Lyno road Catch pole Jonas, Norfolk f.t. East New~ham Ann and Willow, Hi~hst Clar'ke William, Elm Catling Thomas, North brink Pear l\1 ary, (day and boarding) Collum Roht>rt ~ South t>nd Clarke William, Norfolk st. East Lower Hill st David~nn John, Walsoken Coleman M a_ry, l\larket plaC"e Peek Geor~e (gent.'s) Old market Elam Genrge, Lynn road Copeland Wililiam, l\Jat'kl't ~lace Reynomson Robert, Upper Hill st Friend William, Old Dlarket Coley David, Old Horse fair Smith James, Great Church laue Gall John, J<:mueth Eu~lil'h John, North tt>rrace Smith Sarah (day and bvardiug) Germa1i J onutha n, Leveri ngton Fitzl{ibhons Thos. Norfolk 5t. East Yo1 ke row [South end Hartley John, Wal~oken Frauds William, Norfolk st. East WestJane(ladies' day and boardug) Haylock Thomas, Oil mill st Goorlger John, High H ARCHITECT,- SURVEYOR & Hening Thomas, Wal~oken Grifliu Joseph Bunner, 'Valsoken CIVIL ENGINEER. Key John, Elm Hardmeat Josrph, Market place Swansborough Wm. Nol'th terrace i\lnte Thomas, Emneth Hanison John, High st ATTORNEYS. Newbound Zachariah, Leverington Hobson George, Great Church lane Curwen John Chamhet·s (&clerk to Overt or!' Edward, Cl)urch terrace Nixon George, Old Hor!le fair Pridmore Sa rune!, Old Horse fair the magbtratPs) High !>t Parker Benj~min, Little Church la GirdlestonP, Wing and Jackson, Smith John, Elm Pla"e Jol~~:, ChnrC"h terrace Lower Hill st BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Place John, jun. Elm . Jacksoo and Gave South brink- Bannb.ter Edwa:d, l\larket place Plate!' Willia.m, Norfolk 1-t. East (l\1r. Hugh Jackson,. ' cll.-rk of Fulrhet· John B. Church terrace Ratclitf Joseph, Blackfriars road a:>size anrl of the peace) Leach Henry & John, High st Rouse William, Market place Jump William, Crescent Walker Neil, Bridge 1St Self Robert, Bridge st .1\letcalfe Charle8 & Son, High st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Shepherd James, Norfolk st. East Orton William, Nonh brink Beck et t Will iam, l\1 ark et place Simpson John, Old Hot!'e fair Usill Ahraham, Crescent Boggers William, Norfolk st. East Snarey Geor~e, Corn hill Wat11ou Thomas Steed, Crescent Cott George, l\larket place White Thomao;;, North terrace Wright John, Wah.oken AUCTIONEERS & APPRA,,SRS. Cotton Thomas, Sonth Brink Mllrked thns • are Appraisers only. Crane Wiliiam, Lower Hill st CABINET MAKERS_, UPHOL- Bret.t and Nixon, Walsoken Creak J ames, Norfolk ~t. East STERERS & PAPER HANGRS. Curtis John, j u u. Corn hill Ellis Thomas, 1\lar kct place Cave George, Old market '*Curtis Thomas, Market place Fardrll David, Old Market Cmtis John, Corn hiU Day and Cave, Old market Hall John, North Brink Cnrti& Thomas, .1\J ark et place Griffin George, South brink Hanison James, Upper Hill st Harrison fiobert, Norti.1lk H. West •Hani~nn James, Lynn road Hot!;On Robert, Emueth l\lorriM Robert, Norfolk st. East · 111lsleyWilliam&Son,Church tcnace Howa1·d John, Corn hill l\1 oules Willialll, So ut b hriuk Sqnier William, High st Jinkiuson Adam, Emneth Nicholls Char·les, Little Church st BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Johuson John, Hip;h st Selfe Johu, Ship passage Kenton Robt. (and leather Arch~r Su~auoah, Canal row cutter) CHINA1 GLASS & EARTHEN­ Ashworth Thomas, Nene quay • .l\1 ark et place WARE DEALERS. Bellars William, Walsoken Liucoln William, Norfolk st. E,ast Lowe William, Chm·ch st Copeman .John, North eurl Benton Henry, Bridge st [brink England G'eorge, South eud Betht'l Glover, (gingerbread) North l\Jarrett Simon, Old Horse fail· • 1\loore Joseph. (aud leather cutt£'1') Gilbt>l't Juhu, Hiu,h st Bree John, Norfolk st. Ea~t Scate William, Norf11lk ~t. East Brewin John, Nor folk st. East Norfolk st. Ea"t Shepherd J nhu, Lower Hill !lt Bulman J<:dward (flour·) Neue quay Pacey Edward, Old Hor~e fair Plant Erlwanl, Blackfriars roild S'luthwdl James, North briuk Bulman Thos. (flour) Nort}l brink Wailer Edmund, High ~>t Pog~ou William, Norfolk st. East llurtou John, Nene parade CHYMISTS AND DRUGGIST Butters John, Little Church lane Sillmrn Samt:el, 1-li~h st Chamberlin William, North st Smithee William, Emueth Rme Robert, Great South st Dow Will iam, H i~h ~t Chance Rohert, Canal !it [lane Taylor· William, Norfolk st. East Cheetham Roht. (flour) Gt. Church Teed Henry, Norfolk st. East Dyson and Fraser; l\Jar ket place Clare John, Grt'at South :st Teed Tllnmas, Lowt'r Hill :st Grounds Thomas, l\1 itl'kt-t place Claxton John, Emneth Weaver ThonHI'-, Brid~e st Laughton EuderLy, Chrn hill Goodyer Richard, \Val:mken Wihoou Juhn, l\l»rket pla(·e Wright Thomas, Norfolk st. East Jackson Willi!im, Ship passage Yaxlt'y Martin, Norfolk st. East CLOTHES DEALERS, - Johuson 1\latthew, Union st BRAZIERS Al'lD TIN-PLATE Manning Gl'orge, i\J ar ket street 1\lorris Thos.(flnur}Norfnlk st.East WORKERS. l\ledland l\1ary, Norfolk.. st. ~C4st 1\lorton Samuel, Old market Cooch E~ward, l\larket place COACH BUU·DERS. Peck .lames, Nurfolk ~:~t. East Morliug George, Church gate Butters Edward, Market place • Peuuin~ton Charles, Matket place BREWERS. Howlett Fraccis, Great South st Soulby Heury, East st Roncher & Jeckll', Lynn road COAL DEALERS. South well Ja~;. (flour) North brink Bradley Edwarcl, Nt>ue quay (See also Merclmnt.a.) Vinct'nt George, High st Watsou & Usill, l'orth brink Aves William, 1\Jarket place WebsterJohu Wells, North end BREWERS-RETAIL. Bradley Edward, N!'rre quay Wt>st Robert, Norfolk st. East Brewiu Jolw, Norfolk st . .East Bulman Erlward, Nene quav Wilkiusou Jane (flour) North brink Crunch John, Old Horse fait· Buhnan ThoHlas, North brink Willis William (flour) South ~ud Lt-ach Mary, Ehu Eugland George, South eud . BANKERS. Ullard Heury, Little Clrurrh st Hickson 'Barnabas, Nene qnay Gm·nl'ys, Birkbeck aud Ped:ort>rs, BUILD:ERS. Howcroft Adam, Lyun.;o;rd North bdnk-(draw on Barclay Marl.."'ed thus • are also Bricklayers. Pattrick George, North st and Co. London) (See also Joiners and Carpenters.) PrPst George, Sutton Wash SAVINGs' BANK, at the Session:. •Andrews Samuel, Lynn road T£'ed John, Neue qnav House,( open on Saturaays)-M1·. •Cunnington Thos. Bedford street Willdnson Mark, (& coru) Cook's Jost•ph Adam!i, sccreta1y l Harri8on Jamcs, Lyun·road buildings 17 129 ~amllrtbgtsbirt. WJSBEACH, &c. t3tgot & ~o. '~

COLLAR MAKERS. GROCERS &• TEA DEALERS. Bntterfield Richard, Market place Bycraft Thou-~as, Nurth ttl"iuk (See also Shopkee;un, q-c.) *Chapman James, Hi~h st - Davis William, Bridl{e st Aves William, Market place *Cortborn Comelius, 1\Iarket place CONFECTIONERS, Ayers Jamt'~, Old market Crii>PS John, Com hill Cooper Ttwmas, Norfolk st. East Butterfield Richard, l\Jarket place *Dawbarn and Sous, ( & wholesall!) Dentou Octavius John,Oid market Chapman John, (al{ent to rlw Lon- M ark et place Friend & Roghy. Market place rlou Geuuint! Tea Co.) High st *Hall Thoma5, Brid~e st Linclon Daniel, Nol"folk st. East Crip~lS Jnhn, Comhill *Hardy Simou & John, Hi~h st Mackneal \\'illiam. Nnrfolk st.East Dawbarn & Snns, (and wholesale) "Harman Thomas Clarke, High st Reed Gem·ge, Church st l\Iarket place *Head Henry, Uuion st Squire Edward, nigh st Dow~on John, Market place 1\lanning Gt'orge, l\larket st CONVEYANCERS. Ground Sal'lh, (tea) Old market *Oilard & Son, H i11h st Bays WiUiam Pike, Upper Hill st Har·dy Simon & Johu, High st Osborn Matt.Hod~ou, Norfolk st.E. Poucher Joseph, Little Church st Ollarrl & Son, High ~t [:st.East *Squier William, Hi~o:h st O!olhoru Matthew Hodson, Norfolk '*StevenR William, Ymke row COOPERS. Barker John, Gn•at South st Sharpe Wiltiam, Market place LIVERY STABLE Kl3EPERS. Belamy Samut•l, Elm Squiet· Williujanrin,Little Chnt-dJ lane CURRIERS AND LEATHER GUN AND WHIT:ESMITHS. MALT & HOP DEALERS. CUTTERS. (See also Maltsters.) Amshy J no. (lrathr c·utr.) Chm eh st Chapmau John, High t-it [hri n k Abbott Juhn, Nurth brink Lawrenct>'fhomas,Little Church st Clack Bcnj. (white~mith) North Dowson John, Market place Neal Tt1owas, U ppt:'r Hill tit Clarke Rohert, Clarke'~ yard Exley William, Com hill DRESS MAKERS. Gamble William, Union st MALTSTERS. ( SPe also Milliners~ Dress Mdra.) HAIR DRESSERS. (See alsolllalt q- HopDealer3.) Ayrt•s Mary Ann, Little South st BJ"(·win George, (&watch cleaner) Wards & Co. North sL Blaclthurn Hanuah, Market place Union street Watson and U ~ill, North brink Brwth Sarah, Old nrark:>t r.ilbert John, High st MERCHANTS, Buer Hal"l"iet, Tr·afalgar row Gilbt>tt John, jnn. Hi~h st Roultbee John, Old market Cooch Ann, Norfolk st. East Lee Richard, Norfolk st. East Dawbarn and Sons,(woolandseed} Cotton Sarah, Sourh briuk i\lorling Rohert, Old market l\i.trkt't place Harrison Hanuah, Norfolk st.West Morling William, Market plaC"e Exley Williarn, Corn hill Lt>aver l\lary A u n, Great South :st Munton John, l\lar:-ohland road Hill James, jun. South hrink Levt:'rett Sophia, Black friars wad Roger~ William, Old market 1\lorton Heury, Old markt•t .Mayhew Rebecca, Norfolk st. East Sharp Thomas, High st Pate Robt. Franci" & Wm. Norlb st Speechley Mar·y, Uppet' Hill !lt HATTERS. Rayuer William, Old marker. Whitaker Rebecca, Little South st ( Sf'e also Taitm·a) Wards & Co. North st DYERS AND SCOURERS. Dawbarn & !Sons, {" holel'ale) Mar- MILLERS. Boullon Robert, Chrtrch st kt•t place [Bridge st Bonche1· and J eck~', Lynn road Chapman John, Little Church lane Loose Isaac Rob!'rt,[& manuf<1ctr.) Brewin John, Norfolk st., E~st FARRIERS. Odell Janu~s, High st Brown Joseph, Le,·eriugtou Blackbouru Jam«"s, Old mat·ket INNS & HOTELS. Clark Thomas, Lymr road Ft·ieud William, Old market Rose & Ct·owtJ, ( aud postin,&:" house Goodson Thomas, North bJ;nk 1slit' Rohert, Church terrace :md excise office) James Calver, Palm er Jas. Breckuuck ,North brink Watson William, North terrace Market place Smith Ezra, Elm Smith Joseph, Lynn road PIRE~ &"·OFFICES & AGENTS. Vine, Thos. Goodall, Old market CouNTY, William Sq niet·, High :st White Hart, (and posting house) Tinsley John, Walsohu GuAR-DIAN, WiJliam PikeBays,Up- l\lary Beck, North brink Webster John Wells, Nvrth end per Hill st WhiteLion,J s.Oldman,South lu ink MILLINERS & DRESS MAKBS, NoRWICH UNJON, (llre and life) IRO:NMONGEKS. A dams A nu, .Mat ket plare William Stevens, Yorke row, & Baxter Richard, (furui:o~hing & iron Carpenter & Anderson, l\larket pl Matthew Leach, Old market merchant) Market place Cawdell A lice, North bdnk PHa:Nrx., John Goward, Walsoken Chap man Juo. (funri~hinjr) High st Clark & Pottenger, Old ma1·ket PROTECTOR, Ambrose John~on, Cooch Erlward, Market ple~ce Clarke & M'Cormick, High st. Suuth bt·i n k [ st l\I01·ling Gcorge, Church gate Fo~ter Elizabeth, East st PRoVIDENT, William Squier, High JOINERS & CARPENTERS. Gross Su:saonah, East st Knapp Ann, East st [Hill st RovAI. ExcHANGE,Johu Chapman, (See also Builders.) l\louel Rutterford & Harriet, Upp~r Hi~h street Clarke George, Trafalgar row SuN, Geor~e Nixon, Corn hill Newmau Ann, Nortolk folt. East Colborn William, Wal~oken FLAX & HEMP MERCHANTS, Dunckley William, Gre(\t So11th st Veall Elizabeth, J.~ittle Church st Thompl)oJitJ>eter·, Corn hill . MILLWRIGHTS. Watts Robert, BriJge st Foster Samuel & Sou, Gt.Church la Harrisou James, Lyun road Cox Jonathan Bnsh, (and machin!l: FURNITURE BROK.ERS. Hart John, Oilmill ~t maker) East field Baker William, Great South .st Hines Drakr, Emneth Green James, Clm·ke's yard Clatke Massey, (:md upholsteret· & Isley Wm. & Son, Church terrace Sar~ison Robert, V pper Hill st paper hanget·) Marktt place Prudeooe Thomas, Elnl Wilkinson Jnhn, Elm Golumg Jobu, NotfiJlk st. '\-Vest Qni.ncef John, Elm PATTEN MAKERS & DEALRS. Groome EJi.zabeth, Norfolk st. East Sallahank Philip, Oilmill st Cooch Edward, .Market place Jone!i Jobu, Norfolk st. East Siddal Thomas Sue~dale, Elm Kenton Robert, 1\1 arket place Plater Elizab~th, Norfolt st. East Wilkiu<;ou John, Elm Let• Hobert, Canalst GARDENERS a SJ:BDSME:N. Mor1ing Georgt', Church gate LIME BURNERS, BRICK MA­ Bt!av:i.s John, Old Horse fair Wailer l<~dmuud, High st Birch James, Little .Church lane KERS & TILE MERCHANTS. Wilsou J ohu, l\J arkt>t place Bodger Joseph, W also ken Andrews Satnl. Lynn rnad [field PAWNBROKERS· Boyce.Richarcl, Walsokeu Cnn.ningtotl Thos. Bedford st. East FulcherJohn Briuling,Church terr. Cobbins William, T..afc~.lgar,TOW Roope Samnel,,Lynn road Reed Robert, Church tenace Cockett Johu, High st Swausborough Williarn and Co. PHYSICIANS. Cooper Thumas. Norfolk ~t. East North terrace Frast>r A lexiiuder, Lt•wer Hill st Diggens William, Great Church la LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Hardwicke H.ohert, Market place Kay James, Walsokeu Mad;.ecl thus* are also Silk J\lercers. Stuart Bute, Old market Morl'is Thomas, .:\'"orfolk st. East (See also 1'ailarG.) PLUMBERS_. PAINTERS AND Jl,ingbam William, Wabokcu Ayer~ Jarnes, Old nrarket GLAZIERS. Ward Perry, Wabok\lu BroWil Lydia, North briuk Balterbee Wn:. Great Church lane 130 i3irtctory. \VISBEACH, &c.r Qiam[lrt~gc~ birt.

Bellamy William, Norfolk_st.East SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Belverstone William, (painter) IN SUNDRIES. Admiral Nelson, Geo. Jennings, North st Church terrace Ambrose Martin, Norfolk ~t. East Auchor, Thomas Tock, Nene quay• Blinkhorn William, Bell lane Bowman Chri~topher, Elm Angel, Hobert Beckett, Elm • An~el, Rob t. Stafford, (,reat Church lane Bu1·gefr, r.; ene quay Spencer Thomas, Norfolk st. East Green Judith, 1\larket !!!t ('hequcrs, William Buck, Elm Whatten ~:d ward (paintt'r & glazier) Hetherinl{ton l\1 ichael, Elm Duke's Head, JohnMasonRevis, it only) Church ::;tt eet Hewitt l\lary, Nunh terrace Ferry House, Juhn Reeve,l'IOI·tolk. st.East \Viles William, Lower Hill st lugram Hatriet', Nene quav }'iveBelb,Ang-ebauz~Bower,l'lorfol k st. E. . Lde\·er Samuel, Emoeth • G~orge & ()rn~on,JamesCia• ke,Market pl PRINTERS-LETTER-PRESS. l\lar,;h Mary, Old Horse fair Geor~e I V, Thomas Lee, Wals ken }<'ysh Ann, Ely place Ollard Henry, Little Chut·ch s~ Glube, Elizabeth Thorn 1 ou, M<~rlu·t Jllace Leach Heury & John, High st Roper :Elizabeth, North terrae(! Goat, William, Leverington t4see'l Dragon, Thos.Boutted,i'enl' quay Walker Neil, Bridge st SkiiJpOu Wright, North briuk Griffin, Zachariah Batt.. rbee, M ark et pi PROFESSORS & TEACHERS. Trolly John, Elm Hare & Hounds, l\fary Bell, 1\orth Brink Beatlev Wm.(tlute} Norfolk lilt. East SILVERSMITHS & JEWELLRS Kiog'sfiead, WilliamAntbony ,Old market Gtlt:'St George (piano) Church st 'Lefever George, Markt't plact: Mason'sArms,Sar.lh Lentun, :"1. orth Brink Mermaid, Tho~. Graing-er, 1\Jat·ket p1ace Schultz Georl{e Aug-ustus (Freuch Mautegaui Antuuio, Uwer Hill st New Inn, Daniel Hnoton, Union st language) Old market Sanl. Saml. jun. (travelling) U}>per Plough, Euzabeth Richie, Elm QUl'Pn's Head, Philip Hopkin, F.mneth ROPE & TWINE MAKERS, H1ll street STAY AND CORSET MAKERS Red Lion, James Warden. North Brink Ahram Joseph, Old market AND DEALERS. Rising Sun, John Clar ke, l.everington Hill Hobert, Lyuu road Clare John, Little Church. st Robin Hood, Joseph Yo1ke, Marlietplace i\J'Gt•e Joseph, Lynn road Rutland Arms, W illian_f\J uncey ,Lynn road Cotrou s~rah, South brink :Ship, \Villiam Friend, Market place Wright Samuel, Lowet Hill st Fi!5her Samuel, l\l ark et place Ship Defiance, Ann Snarey, l'lorth st SACK DEALERS. Harrisnn insan, U pp et· Hill Rt Spread Eagle, Marshall Ge01ge Robbins, Exley William, Com hill :Squier Williarn (dealer) Hi~h !>.t Bridge street Viuter Wm. (d~alerJ Old market Swan, Amy Neale, Emneth Watts Rubert, Bridge st Unic111D, Jas. Shept.erd, Norfolk st. East SADDLERS AND HARNESS STONE & MARBLE MASONS. Wheat Sheaf, Robt.lslip, Church teno.ce MAKERS. Audrews Samuel, Lvun road Whrnt Sheaf, Eli;,;bth. Smithee, Emnelh Soulden Richard, South \\bite Swan, John Glover, North et Adams Ricl1ard, High st Great st Swansborough William and Co. \V bite Swan, John Sharman, Leverin~totl Nixon George, Corn hill Wisbeach Arms Tavern, Thomas Hebble- North tenace white (and wine & brandy, &c. vaults) SAIL AND TARPAWLIJol(l STRAW HAT MAKERS. Sheep market MAKERS. Howcroft Reht:cca, Market plaee TIMBER MERCHANTS. Porter John, Johnson's lane N ewby Elizabeth,Little Church lane Abbot&-Jolm, North briuk Wood·Thomas, New Inn yard Rutter 'rhos. George, 1\l ark et place Cooper Thoma.s & Johu., Oilmill st Wri![ht Samuel, Lower Hill st Spl'iugfit:'ld Elizhth & Sat·ah, High st Jecks lsaac & Charks limporters) SEED .MERCHANTS. Vinter Susan, Old market 1\j orth brink (See also Merchants.) Waltou .Manha & Nancy, Hil!;h st Prest Georgt:', Eutton wash Dawbam & Sui1s, M ark et place Waltonl\Jary Ann, Upper Hill st Sallabank Wm. Bedford l>t.East field Thompson Peter, Com hill SURGEONS. TOY DEALERS. SHIP AJoiD BOAT BUILDERS. Archbould aurl .Stear, Yorke row Friend and H.ogby, l\lat kt"t place Dean Joseph, North brink Hutchesou Jame~>, Upper Hill st Gilbet·t J()hu, ~;en. High st Johusou Jo!t place Henson John, Nene parade Rylot James, Norfulk st. East Waddingham Isaac, Nene parade Mason John l\liuitt, Walsoken Sharp Tlwmas, High st Wales William, Church s1 TURNERS. SHIP OWNERS. Weathet·head John Rose, Cresrent Marked thus* are also Ma•ters. Bray Charles (and chair maker) TAILORS. Norfolk st. East Abbott John, North brink Marked lhus "" are also Drapers and Jacksuu Wm. jun. Ship pas~age Aves William, Ma1 ket place thus *also Hatters. 11 Batty Da\·id, River side •Bonfield Edward, Soulh ht·ink Monis Rul>ert, Norfolk st. East. Short Joseph, N eue quay Baxter Robert, l\]arket place r•Cheney James, Old markt:'t llulman E.dwat·d, N ene f)Uay ! '* Cheney William Sanderson, WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. Burton John, Nene parade Market place Ambrose Martin, Norfolk st. East 'lfCampbell James, Neue parade Clark William, Old market Bree:se James, Hi_gh ~t •Collins John, North terrace '*'tCJarke Robert, l\Jarket place Brigg~ Luke, Market place •Copeman Jolm, North end •oenstou William, High st Heittman Mathias (clock) Norfolk England George, South end !*Dieppe Thomas, Market place strt'et West •Gm·den Edward, Nene parade HattstoneJames, Norfolk st. East Lefevt!r George, l\larket place •Haley George, Nene parade . Hewson JanJt·s, Norfolk lit, East Newman Edward, Nmfolk st. East Hickson Bamabas, Nene quay Le Pia Matthew, Norfolk st. East Vurley Pt'ter, High st Hick sou John, South end :.•N11ylor Srepht:'n, l\Jarket place WHEELWRIGHTS. Hickson Hichard, Nene par • Norman John, Nort!Jik st. East !*Nur!'e Samuel: High st Amos Juhu (and machine maker} •Hig-gins Joseph, Nene parade N m·t h bri u k Pratt V ri~t'i, Le\"erington Howcroft Adam, Lynn road Bradley William, Leverington Howcroft Richat·d, Wisbr-ach !«'Ree,·e John aud Son, Hich st Sallabank Philip, Upper Hill st Butrerworth 1\Jatthew, L} tm road Jecks Wm. & Chas. North llrink Culborn William, Walsoken *Mimmock Joset•h, Nt•ne parade *Simpson John, Market vtace S kippnn W right, N orr h bnu k H arrison HichaHI, Emueth l\1orton Henry, Old market Parker James, Wahwken Naylor Stephen, Market place Tr·iplow John, Great Snnth ~t !Vintet· William, Ulclmarket Prudeuce Thomas, Elm Pattrick George, North st Swarm Jam~s, Le1eriugton Pattrick Thomas, Wisbeach :•wherry and Dalt•, Bridge st \Vilson John, UtJion st Walker Thomas, Eruueth •Piuder Noah, Nene quay WaJiett Gt"orge, Elm •Rawliulo{ John, Nene parade Wilson Thomas, Norfolk st. West Southwell James, North brink Yorke Liouel, Hogherd's lane WHITING MANUFACTURERS. A udrews Sa m Ut'!, Lyun toad '*Sperrshot William, North terrace TALLOW CHANDLERS. •Tate J oseph,'er side Dowsun John, l\Jarket place Chapman John, North blink tTsill & Harley, Lower Hill st Offity~Villi am, Caual road WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Ward Robcrt, North terrace Squit>r William, High st Abbott John, North briuk [road •wood Bcnj<~.min, Nene parade Ut'ill & Harlev. Lower Hillst IBoucher aud Jeck~' (1-pirit) Lyuu • 131 ' • eamb rtlYgt~fJt rt. \VISBEACH, &c.

WINE, &c. MERCHTS--ContinMtd. Wt'dnesday, and Friday-and the lJc­ from the New lnn-11nd John .Lawsoa Hebblewhite Thomas (and London jlance, from the New Inn, Union street, from the White Hart Inn, every Satur­ portt•r,.cider, perry, and Scotch e"er'y Tuesday, Tbnrsday, and Satur­ day afternoon. day morning at sevru; both go tbrouJ!;h To LYN:N, John ~tartlet's CtJrt, from his a1e, &c.) Old market March, Cbatteds, 8omenham, St. Ives, own house, every Tuesday and FridaJ Hill Janu~s, jun. South brink Cambridge, Hoyston, Wades Mill, morni n ~ at two. Lt·ach l\1 att hew ( & London porter) Ware, en cl H oddesdo!h To MARCH, TbomasHutchinson's Cart, Ntlrth briuk To 808TON, the Jndt':ptndent, from the fr,.m thf' Green Dragon, every Tue~ Wards & Co. North st fbrink Vine Inn, 0111 market. every day (Son­ day, Thursday, and Satnrday after. day exct'ptt>d) at half-past one; goes noon-ond William Watsnn's Cart, fro111 Watson and u~ill (11pirit) North throug-h Tid-goat, Long Sutton, Hol­ the Spread Eagle, every WedneadaJ Miseellaneo1111. bach Fnrsdy~e, and Sur terton. and Saturdav afternoon. .Albins John, parish clerk, W alsokf'n To CAl\IBRlDGE, the 1'elegraph. (from To NORWICH, Isa~c Custis' Cart, from Andrew.John, W<)r•ted manftr. Market pi the Five Bells, Upwt>ll) every Monday, the Grifftn, every Saturday afternoon­ AndrewsSamul'l, bone crusber,Lynn road Wednesday, aud f'riday morning at a and John Bartlet's Cart, from his house, Aves William, wharfine:er, Market :place quartf'r before •ix (reaches ca,.brid~e evl'r~ Tuesday and f'rida y m oroing, Jlrt-am Robert, 1•arish clerk, Elm pocne before the departure of the 1'el~graplt for To SPALDltiiG, John Lawson's Cart, CullingChas. worldne cutler,LittleChurch London); goes through Welney, Little­ from the White Hart lnn,everyWednea­ CUsTOM HOUSil-Richd. AnthnnyCater, port, and Ely. dav and Saturdlly aftemnon. Esq. collector; Joh11 Hill, Esq. camp. To HOLBACH & LYNN, a Spring Car, To STAMFORD,- William~on's Cart, troller; A mry Cros•, landing and coast every morning (Snn. excepted) at nine. from the King's Head, every SatdrdaJ waiter; Robert Wilson, acti11g tide To NORWICH, the Union (from Stam­ morning at nine. survf'yor; George Patrick, harbour ford) calls at the White H11rt Inn, every To SUTTON, John Hutcbinson'• Cart, master. [Old market morning at half-past eleven; goes tbro> from t be Green Dral!on, every Wed­ Drnton Octavions John, carver & gilder, Lynn, Swaffham, and Deerbam. nesda) and Saturday afternoon. }:aster Jno. iron,&c. foundr.Oid horse fHir To STAMFORD, the Union (from Nor­ To TID-GOAT, - Robinson'a Cart, Groom J os. tanner & tawer, Old horse fair wich) calls at the \\'bite Hart Inn, every from the Admiral Nelson, every Satur­ Hous.B OF CoRRECTION, South brink- afternoon at two; goes thm• Thorney, day afternoon. Samoel Crnddock, governor Peterborough, and Wansford. To TID ST. MARY'S, John Palmer's HowelJohn, governr. ofworkhoose, Elm Cart, from the Admiral l'lelson, every H uosley Robert, p~rish clerk, l!.mneth CARRIERS. Satordav afternoon. Johnson Ambrose, board and lodging To LONDON, MARCH, CHA'I"I'ERIS, To UPWELL & OUTWELL, Henry house, Soolh brink SOMERSHAM, and ST. IVES, Wal­ Webh•s Cart, John Badger's, and Simon. :Nicholls William and Son, tobacco pipe lis & Gilby's Wagyon, from their ware­ 1\IPiton's, every Tuesday, Thursday, & makers, :New Chtlpel road house, Bridge street, e"ery... Vednesday Saturday afternoon-nod Ann Turner's Pog•on Wm. for brnker, Norrolk st. East and Saturday afternoon at two-and Cart, every Monday, Tuesday, Thurs. • PooR HousE, Sluice-R ichardAndrews· William Day and Co.'s Waggon, from day, and Saturday. go~ernor [Wilkinson, distributer their w •rehouse, every Monday and To W ALPOLE, - Leary's Cart, from 8TUIP OFFICE, Upper Hill st-Mary the Bell, every Saturday afternoon. Stanroyd Jam.-s, glover, High st Thursday morning at two. To BOSTt>N, Row>e & Warner's Cart, Tate Geor~e, fellmon~er, North brink from the Spread Eagle, every Wednes­ CONVBY.ANCB BY 'J'bornton Wm. parish clerk, Leverington day ani\ Satn rrlay nfternoon at two. Tn~tling John, supervisor of excise, WAT.E.R. North brink To DOWN HAM, John Roberts• Cart, frllm the Green Dragon, every Satur­ To PETERBOROUGH & WHITTLE­ Wi]liamson John, fishmongPr, Hi~b 11t day afternoon. Wil'wou John, parish clerk, Norfolk st. E. S I'~ A, the Nene Pack~t, from opposite To GEDNEY HILL, Thomas Lether­ the Hare and Hounds, North brink, Wright Job•, block,&c. maker,Neue quay tand's Cart, from the George, every every Wednesday and Sunday morning COACHES. Wedne!Mlay&Saturday afternoon at two. at eight-and Mary l:larris' Luggage To J,ONDON, the Day, from the White To HOLBAC H, Rnbert Blackroan'sCart, Boat, from eame place, t'Tery Su11day Hart Inn, North brink, every Monday, from the Green Dragon-John Ransom and Thursday.