Present: Councillor Mrs H Griffiths (Vice-Chair)

Councillors: Mr C G Andrews Mr G Davies Mr W Hillier Mr M Jones R Shaw R Stirman Cllr J Szeliegiewicz Mrs M Thomas Mr G Walters

Apologies were received from: Cllr D T Griffiths (Chair) and Cllr Mrs D Griffiths

Also Present: Mrs A C Harris, Clerk & RFO PCSO M Rees

1 Chairman ……………………………………. Date ………………. MEETING OF COUNCIL – 16TH JANUARY 2017


The following interests were declared:

Councillor Item Interest

Mr M Jones All Matters Concerning BCBC Member

Mrs R Stirman The New Street Gang & Community Member Furniture Aid

Mr J Szeliegiewicz Vestry, Meadow Street Knows the owners of the property

Mrs M Thomas All Matters Concerning BCBC incl Member Planning


Resolved: The Minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record; with this, the Chairman duly signed the Minute Book.


Resolved: The Minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record; with this, the Chairman duly signed the Minute Book.



The crime figures for November and December 2016 were tabled in a new format which included a comparison graph and are attached to the back of these minutes for information. Many points and comments were made: the name of the new Inspector was noted, the fact that a relationship is formed with staff and then they seem to move on to other posts quickly, the problem with motorbikes going up and down Meadow Street and then up to Garw Fechan was a cause for concern and the question was asked that if there is a shortage of PCSOs why are they working in pairs?

2 Chairman ……………………………………. Date ………………. MEETING OF COUNCIL – 16TH JANUARY 2017

It was noted that the next PACT meetings would be held in on 18th January 2017, Garw on 24th January 2017 and Bettws on 16th February 2017.



Miners’ Lamp

It was noted that the lights in the lamp have worked consistently since the Christmas tree lights were switched on next to it and that indicated where the problem might lie. It would be interesting to note if removing the Christmas lights will affect the lamp.

Pontycymer Cemetery

A response to the Clerk’s calls and correspondence has now been raised urgently at a higher level at BCBC.

Camera Pontycymer Square

The Camera Control Centre have informed the Council that there has been major issues with this camera over the past year due to the age of the camera and the difficulty in obtaining parts to repair it. It has been reported to their maintenance contractor, who advised that there is now also an issue with the video bridge that is located in the primary school which the camera is connected to.

They are awaiting quotes for the repair of the camera, but would advise that currently there is no maintenance contract in place for it and BCBC would not be able to meet the cost as it was funded by Community Council. As soon as they receive quotes for repair they will inform the Clerk.

There were concerns from Members regarding the importance of the camera working to record crime in particular if a serious crime was to occur and one Member suggested that Sony, who specialise in producing cameras, may be able to help with the repair. It was also noted that if a camera is out of use it should be bagged and this is not the case.

Wind Turbines

It was noted that Huw Irranca-Davies, AM, is hoping to have an update soon on how the community could benefit from the windfarms that are visible from the valley. In addition there is a Llynfi Afan Renewable Energy Park Community Benefit Fund. There are two funds available one for the 3 wards affected by the component deliveries of the plant and another for Cymmer, Gwynfi, and Caerau. This is a Community Benefit Fund which is an annual fund of £96,000 for the local communities. It is available throughout the life span of the wind farm and looks to provide for and promote projects within the following areas:

3 Chairman ……………………………………. Date ………………. MEETING OF COUNCIL – 16TH JANUARY 2017

Charity, Environment, Education, Renewable Energy, Community, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Development and Community Amenity Schemes and Projects. The fund will become available once the park is energised and generating electricity. The Clerk had made several attempts to contact the scheme for further information but their phone is diverted instantly to voicemail and no response to messages have been received to date.

Resolved: The action and updates of the Clerk were noted. In addition the Clerk was asked to supply Councillor M Jones with details regarding the camera repair and he would take the matter further and the Clerk was asked to write to the Wind Turbine Community Benefit Fund.



The following items were not discussed due to the absence of Councillors D T and D Griffiths: Management of Parc Calon Lan, Benches Park Calon Lan, and Attendance at Events.

The Vestry at Meadow Street was not discussed as the planning application is now on hold

Garw Fechan Forestry (RS)

Councillor R Stirman updated Members on recent problems with motorbikes in the Forestry and the damage and nuisance being caused. Councillor Stirman suggested that the Council should write to Natural Resources Wales and request they put a kissing gate off Bridgend Road, between Pontycymmer and Pontyrhyl. It was suggested that this had been a problem in the past and that motorbikes will get in anywhere but that if nothing is done soon they may start entering Parc Calon Lan. It was suggested that problems should be reported each time they happened.

Resolved: The Clerk was asked to write to NRW to request a gate as suggested above.



That the report of the Clerk be accepted.

1. The Clerk presented accounts for approval totalling £9,935.00 and it was resolved that the accounts presented were approved after an initial discussion about the purchase of a Log Splitter and whether the purchase had been approved by the full council. It was reiterated that only the Clerk had the authority to make purchases after approval of the full council.

4 Chairman ……………………………………. Date ………………. MEETING OF COUNCIL – 16TH JANUARY 2017

2. The Clerk had presented Members with an up-to-date Receipts and Payments Account and explained the expenditure to date, the balance carried forward to February 2017 was noted. The various cost headings were discussed and Members resolved that the accounts were noted.

Resolved: That the action of the Clerk be noted. That the Receipts and Payments be authorised and accepted



There was nothing to report this month due to the Chair’s absence.



Bettws Ward

Councillor M Jones updated the Members on matters relating to the ward including a ward donation of £400 towards a Pantomime in Bettws Community Club that the Bettws School children had attended.


Borough and Community Councillors M Jones and M Thomas updated the Members on matters such as the start of the new schools being built in Bettws, the waste management briefing taking place shortly at BCBC and a funding day being held in Rugby Club on 10th February 2017 which Councillor Jones was attending. It was suggested and agreed that the Clerk should attend this day too. Councillor M Thomas updated the Members on the horse box causing restrictions at Heol Pandy and the damage to the grass verge caused by refuse and delivery lorries having to drive over the verge to navigate the road, the calls received regarding the safety of New Road in Llangeinor and the monitoring taking place of the fly tipping north of Pontyrhyl on the banking on the right hand side travelling up the valley.

Resolved: The Clerk to contact Chris Elmore’s office to register for the funding event.

5 Chairman ……………………………………. Date ………………. MEETING OF COUNCIL – 16TH JANUARY 2017



Huw Irranca-Davies, AM, has confirmed that he’s in the process of contacting the relevant agencies to meet with Council Members regarding the silting up of the lakes.

Vice-Chair’s Chain of Office

Further to Minute no 64/17 and the agreement to purchase a Vice-Chair Chain at the cost of £1,173 excl. vat plus carriage a written quotation has now been obtained following the completion of the design, which is much higher than the original verbal quote. The new quotation is for £2,112.93 excl. vat and carriage and the Clerk asked the Members if they were still in agreement to go ahead with the purchase at the higher cost?

The reasons for the increases are:

An increase in costs generally £ 24.93 The addition of the cost of a velvet collar £190.00 The addition of a bespoke carrying case £350.00 The cost of a one-off die charge £375.00

I have written to the supplier to ask why the cost of the case and the die charge was not mentioned in the original quotation and they have offered to look at the design to try and bring the cost down i.e. remove the one-off die charge but that will mean that the council name around the rim will be hand painted in white on blue rather than featuring metal lettering on blue and the texture underneath will be removed.

There were varying opinions on this and the Vice-Chair was asked how many events she’d been invited to in 2016 that would warrant having a chain and the answer was none. Councillor G Davies said he felt the purchase was important for years to come.

Man hole/grating Oxford Street

The Clerk had reported this matter to BCBC and it was noted that it had now been repaired.

Sandwich Board

This has now been delivered to the Warden for use when working in the community.

South Wales Police

Inspector Jason Herbert has been promoted to Chief Inspector and so the Inspector for this area is now Inspector Ross Crutcher.

6 Chairman ……………………………………. Date ………………. MEETING OF COUNCIL – 16TH JANUARY 2017

Resolved: The report of the Clerk was noted and it was agreed that the purchase of the Vice-Chair’s Chain of Office would be put on hold and deferred for consideration in the new financial year.

Warden’s Report

Photos of the repaired fence, the installation of the dog waste bag dispenser and the new slabs laid in front of the park benches were shown to the Members.

Work Undertaken

 Clearance of several windblown trees across trails in Darren Fawr woodland after periods of high winds.  Slabs laid in front of 3 benches in park area. Footed areas around the benches had become muddy when wet.  Section of clay tiles around park sculpture removed. Tiles had become broken & loose due to erosion.  Installed the Dog waste bag dispenser unit in the park.  Wooden fence repaired at Plant site behind the Co-op. Half a dozen rails were vandalised & taken earlier in the year. Replaced with new rails.  Metal gate also repaired at Pont lake.  Winter maintenance carried out on all wooden bridges from the park to Pont lake. Bridges become very slippery. Slats scraped out & a mixture of sand & salted grit brushed over walkway surface to create better grip.  Llangeinor steps (llangeinor sq.) cleaned & cleared of leaves etc.  All the usual daily/weekly maintenance of park areas & Mountain bike trails.

Other  Electrical supply to both containers completed. Cable trench filled in.  Quad bike used frequently since purchase. Very happy with it & has been very handy!! Tracker fitted to quad.  Log Splitter purchased.


It seems someone had taken it upon themselves to cut back & hack trees along the cycle path from Pont Lake to the park. Quite a mess had been left behind with discarded branches left across path & along path edge, who did it remains a mystery!

Councillor G Walters asked if a Dog Waste Bag Dispenser could be purchased on behalf of the Pontycymmer Ward and installed near the Co-op.

It was suggested that a review of the management of the Warden and the Park was needed for the next financial year and it was proposed and agreed that a meeting would be held between one representative of each ward and the Clerk to make recommendations and feedback options to the February meeting for a full council discussion. It was agreed that Councillors G Andrews, Mrs H Griffiths, Mr M Jones and Mr

7 Chairman ……………………………………. Date ………………. MEETING OF COUNCIL – 16TH JANUARY 2017

R Shaw would be the ward representatives with Councillor Shaw being the Chair due to his role as Chair of the Finance and Resources Committee.

Resolved: The Clerk was asked to purchase the dispenser on behalf of Pontycymmer Ward and arrange for it to be installed. The Clerk would arrange a meeting as agreed above.



1.Chair Tyn yr Heol Primary: an email has been received asking if the Council would consider nominating a non-council member as the community council representative on the governing body. 2.Centre Great: notification of change to bank details 3.: an email has been received from Inspector Jason Herbert informing the Council that he’s changing roles and moving to cover the Chief Inspector. The email informs the Council that the new Inspector is Ross Crutcher. In addition a further email has been received from Inspector Herbert giving an update on crime prevention during November in the valley. 4.BBC: an email has been received from a BBC Wales News Online reporter regarding information about Council meetings 5.BCBC: A copy Order and form of Notice has been received regarding the diversion of Footpath 9 with objections/representation to be received by 26th January 2017. (see attached map) 6.BCBC: a copy of the electoral register for the area is now available 7.BCBC: a Temporary Road Closure Order has been received to temporarily close a length of Coytrahen Lane from A4063 to Bettws Road – approximately 20 metres either side of the rail bridge. This is necessary to undertake vegetation removal and pointing works. 8. Mayor of Bridgend: an e-Christmas card 9.BCBC: information regarding a ‘Wartime Bridgend’ event being organised by Bridgend Town Council on 10th June 2017. 10.BAVO: Involve Winter 2016 magazine 11.A thank you email has been received for the sponsorship of the Pantomime at the Richard Price Centre 12.Clerks & Councils Direct: the January 2017 issue has been received 13.BCBC: confidential letter to request consideration by the Community Council to provide a small contribution to the future costs of operating a service in the County Borough. (see attached copy) 14. Garw Valley Railway – an email updating the Community Council on the repair of the Community Path crossing gates at Braichy Cymer and a case of fly tipping on the Community Route.

The email from the Garw Valley Railway was noted. Councillor R Stirman said she’d spoken to the Park Warden about the Community Path and that he’d said he’d cycle the path in his own time and make a note of what needed doing so that they could both liaise with the Railway group on the way forward. It was noted that Councillor W Hillier

8 Chairman ……………………………………. Date ………………. MEETING OF COUNCIL – 16TH JANUARY 2017

did not approve of the Warden carrying out this work as he is paid to work for the Council. Councillor G Davies said he was not happy that Councillor R Stirman had been speaking directly to the Warden about this matter or about Council business, he said she had no business doing so and expressed his annoyance. Councillor M Thomas and the Chair, Councillor H Griffiths, explained that Councillor R Stirman was acting, as agreed previously, on behalf of the Council in liaising with the Warden about the path. The Clerk reminded the meeting that this had been approved and minuted in minute no 90/17 following a meeting between the Chair, Councillor M Thomas, the Clerk and the Group.

Resolved: That the action of the Clerk is noted and the information provided above is accepted. There were no objections or observations to the diversion of Footpath 9 or the temporary closure order for a length of Coytrahen Lane, and it was proposed to donate £25.00 to the request for a small contribution to the future costs of operating a service in the County Borough. It was decided that the Clerk would reply to the Chair of Governors of Tyn yr Heol Primary informing her that the Community Council would be unable to supply a governor and that they recommend she co-opts a member of the community onto the Board.



Reference Proposal Location Applications: A/16/56/ADV Replace existing Richard Price Centre noticeboard with new at Bettws Road same location. Llangeinor Application by GVCC CF32 8PF A/16/55/ADV Sign showing the GVCC Pandy Road (junction of) logo and the words Llangeinor Daffodil Display provided CF32 8RA by the GVCC P/16/1001/FUL Change public house into Braichycymmer Arms residential dwelling Pleasant View Pontyrhyl CF32 8BJ P/16/988/FUL Retention of caravan and Ocean Farm (off David building work Street) (conservatory and Blaengarw decking) Bridgend P/16/945/RLX Remove condition 19 of Betws Primary School P/15/791/BCB Betws Road Betws CF32 8TB A/16/56/ADV Replace existing Garw Valley Community noticeboard with new at Council at

9 Chairman ……………………………………. Date ………………. MEETING OF COUNCIL – 16TH JANUARY 2017

same location Richard Price Centre Llangeinor A/16/55/ADV Sign showing GVCC logo Garw Valley Community and words Daffodil Council at junction of Display provided by the Pandy Road GVCC Llangeinor Decisions: None to date

Resolved: The Clerk was asked to write an objection to application P/16/988/FUL on the grounds that these items were not aesthetically pleasing.



Proposed newsletter (MJ)



The next Ordinary Council Meeting will take place on Monday 20th February 2017 at 7.00 pm at the Blaengarw Workmen’s Hall.

With there being no further matters to discuss the Chairman thanked Members for their attendance and closed the Meeting at 8.41 pm

10 Chairman ……………………………………. Date ……………….