Annual Meeting Key
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ANNUAL MEETING KEY 1. WHITE HOUSE 7. DEPARTMENT OF STATE 2. U.S. CAPITOL 8. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 3. WASHINGTON MONUMENT 9. NATIONAL ARCHIVES 4. LINCOLN MEMORIAL 10. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 5. ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY 11. SUPREME COUR1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 6. JEFFERSON MEMORIAL 12. ^W/ THETMF MALLMAI I 11J k 2 A J 10 4s30 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF RELIGION SOCIETY OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE SOCIETY FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSORS AND RESEARCHERS IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION THE RELIGIOUS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION 24-27 OCTOBER, 1974 THE WASHINGTON HILTON, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009 THE WASHINGTON HILTON Connecticut Avenue at Columbia Road, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009 Telephone 202/483-3000 CONTENTS General Information 4 Society Information and Officers American Academy of Religion 6 Society of Biblical Literature 8 Society for the Scientific Study of Religion 10 Religious Research Association 1 1 Association of Professors and Researchers in Religious Education 11 Program Digest 12 Hotel Floor Plans: Lobby Level 17 Hotel Floor Plans: Convention Level 18 Program AAR and SBL 20 SSSR, RRA, and APRRE 74 Scholars' Press 93 Society Membership and Publications 99 List of Exhibitors 102 Advertisements 103 Index 125 Order Blank for AAR Program Papers 132 Reservation Form for Breakfast Discussions 132 Registration Form Final Page Application for Membership Form Final Page Hotel Reservation Form Final Page Information/Registration Inside Back Cover GENERAL INFORMATION each of the Societies. Each registrant will receive a copy of Registration the Book of Abstracts of the Society to which he or she The Registration Area for the Annual Meeting will be belongs. Additional copies of the volumes will be on sale in located on the Convention Level (two floors below the the Registration Area. Lobby), and will be open most hours during the Meeting. Please register as soon as possible after checking in at the hotel. Seminars Membership in AAR and SBL Seminars and similar If you have pre-registered you will need to pick up groups is by invitation upon application to the Chairperson. your name badge at this area. The official Annual Meeting Auditors are welcome at all sessions so far as space permits. Badge is used to admit you to the Annual Meeting. Partici¬ pants are requested to wear the Badge throughout the AAR Program Papers Meeting. In the AAR program there are asterisks (*) beside the titles of papers that have been preprinted. The books of Meeting Rooms preprinted papers are listed on the last page of this program Meeting rooms for each session are designated with a and can be obtained by use of the order form provided prefix indicating the floor of the Hotel. Solar suites are there. Sessions having preprinted papers will often presup¬ located on floors one through five. pose prior reading; those planning to attend these sessions L = Lobby level are encouraged to order the preprinted papers before the T = Terrace level Annual Meeting. C = Convention level Rooms on the Lobby and Convention are levels shown SBL Seminar Papers on the floor plans on pages 17-19. Except where otherwise indicated, papers discussed but not read at SBL Seminars and at some Group seminars and Exhibits Consultations are printed in the books of Seminar Papers. Exhibits are located on the Convention level near the These have been distributed to registered Seminar members. Registration area. Exhibits will be open during the follow¬ Additional copies are on sale at the Scholars' Press booth. ing hours: Thursday, 24 October — 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Friday, 25 October — 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. TOI L/Placement Saturday, 26 October — 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. An office for placement notices will be maintained in the State Room on the Terrace level. Publications of CSR Societies will be available in the The October issue of TOIL (Teaching Opportunities Exhibit Hall. Information Listing) will be available at the Meeting. Candidates seeking interviews and Institutions with job Abstracts openings are encouraged to leave messages in the TOIL Papers on the Program are identified as follows: A = office. No interview facilities are available in the office but AAR, R = SSSR, S = SBL. Abstracts of papers read in ample space will be provided for posting notices. Section meetings will be found in the books of abstracts of 4 Message Board AAR and the American Society for Reformation Research, A message board will be located in the Registration the session will focus on the theme, "Perspectives on Area throughout the meeting. The location will not be Calvin." staffed, but all are invited to leave messages there, and participants are urged to consult the board regularly. Where to Eat The Washington Hilton features the well known Four PERSC Consultation II Oaks restaurant as wefl as a coffee shop, both on the Lobby Nicholas Piediscalzi of the Public Education Religion Level. A list of eating places in the vicinity will be distri¬ Studies Center a will conduct consultation for workshop buted at the Annual Meeting Registration Desk. A special and teacher education program leaders on Wednesday, snack bar will be in operation on the Terrace Level through¬ October 23, 7:30 - 10:00 p.m., and Thursday, October 24, out the meeting. 9:00 - 11:30 a.m., in L Olympic (356). The first session will be entitled "Review of Teacher Education Programs, Certif¬ Sightseeing ication Programs, and Workshops," and the second "Pros¬ Washington abounds with places to visit. The Gray pects and Resources for Teacher Education Line Programs and operates sightseeing buses, with ticket offices and Workshops." departure locations on the Terrace Level of the Washington There will be a registration fee of $5.00. Hilton. Interested persons should write for details to Nicholas Piediscalzi, Public Education Religion Studies Center, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio 45431. Breakfast Discussions Close to 80 breakfast discussions are planned by AAR and SSSR. Each breakfast group is limited to 10 persons, including the author of the paper. Seats may be obtained on a first come, first served basis (see pre-registration form on p. 132). Tickets may also be obtained at the meeting but choice will inevitably be limited. If you have paid for your ticket in advance and have also pre-registered, your ticket will be handed to you upon registration. Printed copies of papers to be discussed will be available only if furnished in quantity by the author. Folger Library Session A special session, including a reception, will be held at the Folger Shakespeare Library on Friday from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. (see page 47 below). Jointly sponsored by the 5 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF RELIGION NATIONAL OFFICERS PRESIDENT Christine Downing Douglass College, Rutgers University PRESIDENT-ELECT The American Academy of Religion is a society of William F. May college and university professors and others engaged in Indiana University teaching and research in the field of religion. Its purpose is VICE-PRESIDENT to stimulate scholarship, foster research and promote learn¬ Preston N. Williams ing in the complex of disciplines that constitute religion as Harvard University a field of inquiry. SECRETARY Publications of the Academy and the convening of Jill Raitt annual national and regional meetings implement these Duke University aims. Publications include the quarterly Journal of the TREASURER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR American Academy of Religion, Journal of Religious Ethics, Robert A. Spivey monographs in the Studies in Religion Series, and the Florida State University Dissertation Series. The structure of the Annual meeting ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS of the Academy reflects the varied scholarly concerns of James Burtchaell, University of Notre Dame its members and provides for the development of both Robert S. Michaelsen, University of California special interests and cross-disciplinary conversations in the at Santa Barbara general sessions, sections, groups and seminars. These pro¬ Charles Long, Duke University, gram units, formed in response to interests of the members, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill change to keep pace with movement in the field of religion. CHAIRMAN, RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS The Academy is also a professional society keeping its COMMITTEE membership informed of developing programs, newly avail¬ Giles Gunn able materials, and opportunities for study grants and re¬ University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill search funds. The Academy is affiliated with the Council on EDITOR, JOURNAL OF THE AAR the Study of Religion and cooperates in the publication of Ray L. Hart its Bulletin, a professional news magazine, and also in the University of Montana publication of a job registry in the field of religion. EDITOR, STUDIES IN RELIGION SERIES In addition to those whose interests are in the area of Stephen D. Crites religion, many members whose primary professional identi¬ Wesleyan University fication is with societies serving other disciplines find EDITOR, JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS ETHICS membership in the Academy important in maintaining Charles Reynolds cross-disciplinary communication and an over¬ in providing University of Tennessee view of the field of religion. 6 EDITOR, DISSERTATION SERIES 19th CENTURY THEOLOGY H. Ganse Little Claude Welch, Graduate Theological Union Williams College RELIGION OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN DELEGATES, COUNCIL ON THE STUDY OF Joseph Epes Brown, University of Montana RELIGION AMERICAN RELIGION William A. Clebsch, Stanford University Edwin S. Gaustad, University of California, Riverside Margaret Farley, Yale University William A. Clebsch, Stanford University CHAIRMAN, NOMINATING COMMITTEE PSYCHO-SOCIAL INTERPRETATIONS IN THEOLOGY James Wiggins Roger A. Johnson, Wellesley College Syracuse University Walter Lowe, Emory University RELIGION AND ECOLOGY Gustave SECTIONS Todrank, Colby College ART, LITERATURE AND RELIGION Giles Gunn SEMINAR University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill MYTH Lee W. ASIAN RELIGIONS/HISTORY OF RELIGION Gibbs, Cleveland State University Harry Partin, Duke University W. Taylor Stevenson, Marquette University BIBLICAL LITERATURE Fred 0.