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Provisional List of Participants Liste Provisoire Des Participants Lista Provisional De Participantes UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD Forty-seventh session Geneva, 9-20 October 2000 10 October 2000 ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH PROVISIONAL LIST OF PARTICIPANTS This list is based on communications received to date. The format and data of the entries in this list are as provided to the secretariat. A final list of participants will be issued in due course and, to facilitate this, delegations are requested to give corrections or additions in writing to the secretariat in the conference room or in room E.3061. * * * * LISTE PROVISOIRE DES PARTICIPANTS La présente liste a été établie d’après les communications reçues à ce jour. La présentation et le contenu des renseignements sont reproduits tels qu’ils ont été communiqués au secrétariat. Une liste finale des participants sera publiée en temps opportun; à cette fin, les délégations sont priées de communiquer toute correction ou addition par écrit au secrétariat, soit dans la salle de réunion, soit au bureau E.3061. * * * * LISTA PROVISIONAL DE PARTICIPANTES Esta lista está basada en las comunicaciones recibidas hasta la fecha. La forma y los datos de las inserciones en la lista son los facilitados a la secretaría. Oportunamente se distribuirá una lista definitiva de participantes y para poder hacerlo con mayor facilidad se ruega a las delegaciones que proporcionen a la secretaría sus correcciones o adiciones por escrito en la sala de conferencias o en el despacho E.3061. TD/B/47/Misc.1 GE.00-52553 2 MEMBERS AFRIQUE DU SUD H.E. Mr. Sipho George NENE, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Xolisa MABHONGO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Lindiwe LUSENGA, Labour Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva ALBANIE H.E. Mr. Ksenofon KRISAFI, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mrs. Adriana CIVICI, National Co-ordinator, World Trade Organization Mr. Genti BENDO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Agron AGALLIU, Secretariat, World Trade Organization Issues Mr. Adrian MARA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva ALLEMAGNE H.E. Mr. Karl Walter LEWALTER, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mrs. Iris HENSELER-UNGER, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Mr. Thilo KÖHNER, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Eberhard VON SCHUBERT, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Hans Peter HOFMANN, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Norbert SETZKORN, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Ms Heike HOLZHAUSEN, Permanent Mission, Geneva ANGOLA S.E. M. M. Jaoão Felipe MARTINS, Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Genève M. M. Amadeu Leitão NUNES, Représentant Commercial, Mission permanente, Genève AUSTRALIE H.E. Mr. Geoff RABY Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Phil SPARKES, Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Bronwen CLARK, Research Officer, Permanent Mission, Geneva AUTRICHE H.E. Mr. Harald KREID, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Herbert KRÖLL, Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Gudrun GRAF, Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Peter STORER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva AZERBAIJAN H.E. Mr. Isfandiyar VAHABZADA, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Mir-Anar MAMEDOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva BRESIL H.E. Mr. Celso AMORIM, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Carlos Alberto Simas MAGALHÃES, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Jorge Geraldo KADRI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva 3 BULGARIE Mr. Dimiter GANTCHEV, Minister Plenipotentiary, Chargé d’Affaires a.i., Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Ludmil KOTETZOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva CAMEROUN S.E. M. François-Xavier NGOUBEYOU Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Genève M. Jean-Paul SIMO NJONOU, Attaché/SG/PRC, Suppléant M. Richard AMBASSA NTEDE, Chef de Service du Mouvement des Non Alignés au MINREX M. Hamidou HASSANE, Administrateur Civil, Chef de Cellule de la Coopération Commerciale, Ministère du Développement Industriel et Commercial M. Raphaël OWONA-ETENDE, Premier secrétaire, Mission permanente, Genève M. Félix FOTSO, Directeur du Commerce CANADA Mrs. Adair HEUCHHAN, Permanent Mission, Geneva CHINE Mr. LONG Yongtu, Vice-Minister, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Mr. LI Enheng, Deputy Permanent Representative, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. LIU Jianhua, Division Director, Department of Trade and Economic Affairs Mr. ZHAO Zhongyuan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. LI Qiang, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. ZHANG Bin, Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. HUANG Fan, Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva COLOMBIE S.E. Sr. Camilo REYES RODRIZUEZ, Embajador, Representante Permanente, Ginebra Sra. Fulvia Elvira BENAVIDES COTES, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra Sr. Camilo RUIZ BLANCO, Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra COSTA RICA S.E. Sr. Ronald Saborio SOTO, Embajador, Representante Permanente, Ginebra COTE D’IVOIRE S.E. M. Saint-Cyr DJIKALOU, Ministre du Commerce S.E. M. Claude BEKE DASSYS, Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Genève M. Jérôme Klôh WEYA, Premier secrétaire, Mission permanente, Genève M. Adrien KOUADIO KOUAKOU, Conseiller Economique et Commercial, Mission permanente, Genève CROATIE H.E. Mrs. Spomenka CEK, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Claude BRBESA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva 4 EGYPTE H.E. Mrs. Fayza ABOULNAGA, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Mahmoud Ali TALAT, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Sherif KAMEL, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva ETATS-UNIS D’AMERIQUE H.E. Mr. George E. MOOSE, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Peter HAYMOND, Deputy for Economic Affairs, Office of Economic and Development Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State Mr. Douglas M. GRIFFITHS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Eric FABIAN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Anthony CHAN, Chief of Policy Division, Agency for International Development, Cairo Mr. Brian FRANTZ, Economist, Agency for International Development, Cairo Ms. Lisa ORTIZ, Economist, African Bureau, Agency for International Development Mr. Jerry WRIGHT, Economist, Agency International Development, Cairo ESPAGNE S.E. Sr. Joaquin PÉREZ VILLANUEVA Y TOVAR, Embajador, Repesentante Permanente, Ginebra Sr. Antonia LFERNÁNDEZ TRIGO, Subdirector General, Relaciones Económcas Multilaterales y de Cooperación Aérea, Marítima y Terrestre, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores Sr. Antonio Luis BULLÓN, Representante Permanente Alterno, Ginebra Sr. Nicolás LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, Representante Permanente Alterno de Asuntos Comerciales, Ginebra Sr. Joaquín BELLMUNT ROIG, Consejero de Asuntos Comerciales Agrícolas, Misión Permanente, Ginebra Sr. Fernando JIMENEZ-ALCARAZ, Agregado, Misión Permanente, Ginebra ETHIOPIE H.E. Mr. Fisseha YIMER, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Mussie DELELEGN AREGA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Woinshet TADESSE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva FEDERATION DE RUSSIE H.E. Mr. V. SIDOTOV, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Y. AFANASSIEV, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. V. KOLMAKOV, Senior Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. KOCHEVOI, Counsellor, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Mr. M. FALEEV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. V. PAZUKHIN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. S. KOGALOV, Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva FINLANDE H.E. Mr. Pekka HUHTANIEMI, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva H.E. Mr. Martti ISOARO, Ambassador, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, (Multilateral Trade Policy Questions) Ms. Pirjo VÄLINORO, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Johanna KARANKO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Anna SALOVAARA, Attaché, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, (Multilateral Development Affairs) 5 GHANA H.E. Mr. Kobina WUDU, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. L. SAE-BRAWUSI, Minister Counsellor (Commercial), Permanent Mission, Geneva GUATEMALA S.E. Sr. Antonio Arenales FORNO, Embajador, Representante Permanente, Ginebra Sr. Ivan Esapinoza FARFÁN, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra Sra. Carla RODRÍGUEZ, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra Srta. Stephanie HOCHSTETTER, Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente, Ginebra Sr. Carlos ARROYAVE, Tercer Secretario, Misión Permanente, Ginebra Sr. Jean Marcel PHEFUNCHAL, Asisstente HONDURAS Sr. Gracibel BU FIGUEROA, Consejero, Encargada de Negocios, Misión Permanente, Ginebra Sr. César Enrique LÓPEZ ESCOBAR, Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra INDE H.E. Mrs. Savitri KUNADI, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Ms. Homai SAHA, Minister (Economic), Permanent Mission, Geneva INDONESIE H.E. Mr. Susanto SUTOYO, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Slamaet HIDAYAT, Director of Multilateral Economic Cooperation, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sugeng RAHARDJO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Ade PETRANTO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Tika WIHANASARI, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs IRAN (REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D’) H.E. Mr. Ali KHORRAM, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva H.E. Mr. Ali Ashraf Mojtahed SHABESTARI, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Mostafa SARMADI, Head, International Affairs Division, Ministry of Commerce Mr. Mohammad Hassan ABBAS-ZADEH, Economic Advisor to the Minister of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce Mr. Mahdi MIR-AFZAL, Head of the International Economic Affairs
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