John Joseph Gotti, Jr Part 06 of 10

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John Joseph Gotti, Jr Part 06 of 10 [M A I Q A SSP / UNITED STATES DEPAR&#39;IMENIor JUSTICE ¢T»A55--&#39;-SRC&#39;D~./&#39; &#39; FEDERAL BUREAU OFINVESTIGATION SER L EEC DA&#39;1E: 1/so/89 TO: DIRECTOR, 11/7,FROH: ATTN: SS YORK 183A-3507!ADIC¬>NEWCID/OC BQ SECTION! C-16! 37C P! I SUBJECT: JOHN GOTTI; RICO A! 0: NY/BQ! HAND CARRY IN SEALED ENVELOPE. ReNYairtel to Bureau, dated 2/19/88. For the information of the Bureau, captioned matter involves the investigation into the hierarchy of the GAMBINO LCN Family. V Referenced communication served to advise the Bureau of the fact that the FBI, New York discontinued the court ordered electronic surveilla - - 0.n m ..- .- -- . - the GAMBINO crime family, FBI, 92-. 0 . &#39; on &#39; -.Ii.- 1- .-- - I 1 an - -- --- I b2 l_0¥>/ W7 - " 5/3* b3 b7E b2 92 " Bureau b7C 1 - New York GDG:ab ! .--. Q-"__;*i1i.@*&#39;¥@$*;m£~@$§?3S maimed byU33 RGQWJW2 [JJ 1 J. BQ 183A-3507 b b3 Pa b7EL &#39;9 _ ________ b7C This was also b7; T T ances o the RA - - and1 many of his camrs Ef slers. The surveiflances also showed many members and capos of other OC families going to the RAVENITE to speak with GOTTI. The number of attendees at the club averaged approximately 30 to 40 men on any given night. b b3 -2- _» Q? " J J x. BQ l83A3507 The investigation of JOHN GOTTI and the hierarchy of crimethe priority. GAMBINOLCNIE§mil2_I2main5_Lhe_tQn_NEQ_traditional_oraaized b2 b3 In conclusion, the NYO would advise the Organized Crime Section that, as the result of tremendous investigatiyez g successes, our techniques have become known to the very organized crime members and associates against whom we have succeeded. The organized crime members/associates are now beginning to utilize counter-meas &#39; &#39; _ _ PIES_IQ_IDW3II_QHI_ElECIIQDl_SDI¥elllanQ2________1 P1 b L -3- 1 - ~F; E ,»$ |, ~ 92*¢§ggg A ssr gvv:* " .» |! -~.M: I 4 ~"l, /_ _ L SROCLASSv D ;&#39;; I {;: 92 ~ _ /LJ it / 33¢SER HMEM3.I FEB 4 E &#39; -&#39; ff! "&#39;A%%%Z/ ~> +1 ~E »*92h#U ,O{§~ INBOX.35 #9379! 6§ijvkgq§K0N /vw _ I/31; ~. TEXT:&#39;VZCZCNYOl4Z /EQK RR HQ E DE my #9146 0342408 l A I ZNY UUUUU ~ 0 $321252 FEB as AITZOOCIII FM FBI NEW YORK BQ 183A-3S@7! P! T0<g1§E¬%§RJ7_ »¢ FBI/ROUTINE/2;?! BT UNCLAS A. A b7Q .51.~<=" CITE: //3541?5:36l3// yno-r|,&#39;| U§i»PASS: FORHQ <Jw suPERv1soR[:::::::::::] q,,;,12<A¢V figCOAT!ORGANI§EQ¢QRIMEBECTTON;II ~*f;>;L/Ifwk/ZCTHCCOCJOWICIfI ii SUBJECT. JOHN GOTTI; RICO A!; OO:NY BQ!. THISA SUMMARYTELETYPE: A 3,>» ON JANUARY23, 1989, GAMBINO BOSSJOHN GOTTI, CAPO,~ANGELO _ zj RUGGIERO ANDSOLDIER ANTHONY TONY! GUERRIERI,WERE ARRESTEDAT 5i§* PM BYNEW YORKCITY DETECTIVES,MEMBERS THE OF INVESTIGATIONS" A DIVISION IN THE OFFICE OF MANHATTAN DISTRICT ATTORNEY DA! ROBERT &#39; MORGENTHAUL AND INVESTIGATORS FROM THE STATE ORGANIZED CRIME TASK FORCE. AN INDICTMENT RETURNED BY A MANHATTAN GRAND JURY CHARGES THE DEFENDANTS WITH ASSAULT IN THE FIRST DEGREE AND CONSPIRACY IN THE """"" I /£3@%§E~ ,, ,7 :i%! ¢ /Q 8 T53 2.9 . >1 31/! &#39;7 i &J/@*/~ < ,,!~ Z J ~ I / 1 1 *1 </ / A . E - EDI ,* I ,,_ .1!! u ,. !~l TR &#39; 0 IQ ~ - PAGE TWO DE NY @149 UNCLAS FOURTH DEGREE IN CONNECTION WITH THE MAY 7, 1986, SHOOTING AND NOUNDING OF 49 YEAR OLD JOHN F. O&#39;CONNOR, THE VICE PRESIDENT AND BUSINESS MANAGER OF LOCAL 598 OF THE UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. O&#39;CONNOR WAS SHOT FOUR TIMES IN THE LEFT HIP, THIGH AND BUTTOCKS, IN THE LOBBY OF THE UNION BUILDING AT 165% A BROADWAY, WEST 5lST STREET IN MANHATTAN, AS HE ARRIVED FOR WORK. b7C I THESTATE TNDICTMENT CHARGES RQ§§l§RQ,AND~ GOTTI, GUERRIERI WITHcoqig;g;gG,ALoNe~wiTH6T§§§§ PUNISH To O&#39;CONNORFOR TRASHING THE RESTAURANT. THE OTHERS REFERRED TO IN THE STATE&#39;S INDICTMENT ARE THE "WESTIES GANG", WHICH IN THIS CASE HAD AN AGREEMENT TO COMMIT ACTS OF VIOLENCE FOR THE GAMBINO&#39;S. FOUR WESTIES, KEVIN KELLY, KENNETH SHANNON, JAMESMCELROY, ANDJOSEPH SCHLERETH, WERE NAMED IN THE INDICTMENT AS THE UNINDICTED COCONSPIRATORS WHO SHOT O&#39;CONNOR. GOTTI, REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL BRUCE CUTLER, WAS ARRAIGNED I £>" . "NET Q "92 PAGE THREE DE NY @149 UNCLAS EEEURE JUSTICE GEORGE ROBERTS. AFTER HAVING HEARD ARGUMENTS OF ASSISTANT DA! CHIEF MICHAEL CHERKASKY INCLUDING THE sTATE&#39;s INTENTION To TRY GOTTI URUER THE PERSISTANT FELONY OFFENDER sTATUTE WHICH CARRY A 25 YEAR To LIFE IN PRISON PENALTY, JUDGE ROBERTS RELEASED GQTTI ow $1EE,U0U BOND. ADDITIONAELY, ANTHONY GUERRIERI, THE INDICTMENT sTATEs GATHERED INFORMATION To ARRANGE FOR O&#39;CONNOR ASSAULT, WAS RELEASED AETER POSTING $5U,UEE. RUGGIERO wAs TAKEN INTO CUSTODY AT BEEKMAN HOSPITAL, WHERE HE UNDERGOING MEDICAL TREATMENT. THE CASE HAs BEEN ASSIGNEDTo JUDGE ATLAS, MANHATTAN SUPREME coURT, wao HAs SCHEDULED PRETRIAL NOTIONS FOR APRIL, 1989. THE FEDERALBUREAU OFINVESTIGATION EET! HAs BEENREQUESTED ANDIS CURRENTLY INTHE PROCESSOF PROVIDINGVALUAELE TRT§E;;sEEcE,To»THE» IEvEEf§§§1{Q§,D1v1sTeE»TU*THE6EETUEEgg HANHATTAHDISTRICT UT ATTQREEYBE To UTILIZED IN THESTATES PROSECUTION. BUREAU ToBE KEPTADVISED. &#39; y ET #6140 NNNN FD-515 Rev.5-20-87! ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT iElte;&#39;-ve0/1 /85! 1 lSubmit within3O"days fromdate ofaccomplishment! r TO: DIRECTOR, FBI ,1 r 2 Bureau FileNumber ..§ . ,e:: omeJQUlh§§_._____ F"°M= $A°- LAS VEGAS , ... K L > 4- 7 , SUBJECT:_ , Field OfficeFile Number &#39; - investigativeor Technique Auleuncethud Werect any theinvee esitance tlve techniques or below listedin used connection with eccomplistv J@Hl5§ZTT1-l St .- ~ mentclaimed? beingYes - it Yes,We rateeach usedas lollowsz I 1 = Used. but didnot help 3 = Helped,substantially _______.-/- 9 2 = Helped,but onlyminimally 4 = Absolutelyessential RICO; quad orRA Number 1. AcctgTech Eng. Sect.Rating 15. PhotographicHating 22 . Telephone Rating Assistance Rating] 8.Tape Exams Coverage Toll Recs 00:NEW Y0H37Q 2. Aircraft Assbtanco Hypnosis gents oc ecu o. 16.Poiyfwh 23 U00 Assistance Assistance Group l t92 El X it ajoint operationwith: 3. Computer ldent Div 17. SearchWarrants 24 Assistance AS8lSlBllC9 EXGCMGG UGO Groupll 4. Consensual informant Monitoring Show Money 25 UC Information Usage Other ix _ identity oi otheragency! 5. ELSUH- Lab Div Surveil. Sqd. 26 NCAVCI D X it case involves FISC Exams SOG!Asst VI-CAP corruptiona publicat 6. ELSUR- &#39; &#39;2 oicial Federal, Stateor Title ill Lab Div 20. SWATTeam 27 Visual invest- 5 c Local!. Field Support Action Analysis VIA! 1 _92 7. Eng. Sect. 14. Field Support Pen 21. Tech.Agt. or Registers Tech Equip ~ A.PrellmlnlryJudlclelooeee | Complaints| lnforr-nations indictmentsRecoveries, |O. I-testltutione,or PotentialEconomic PreventedLon PELP! Explain valuationin remarks! Number subjectljor Property PELP Tyne Recoveries &#39; Restitutions Type Potential Economic Code Code Loss Prevented |B. Arrests,Locotee. Summonuesor Subpoenas Served orNo. Subj.! $ s . S Subject Priority A Subpoenas 1 $ S $ Served is Fmmmm» ||||I 5 S $ FBI Locates- Cilmil Summons is 5 S $ Local Arrest-8*" Local Crim. $ S FBI Sub!.F-esisted S ; Armed _i summons - ls C. llsiene oi Hostagesor Children Located: Numberat Hostages or Children E. CMI Matters Government Defendant Govemment Pialnti Civil Suits l Locnted! RICOCivil - $ Hostages HeldBy Terrorists _i__.; All Other HostageSituations _i___, Convictions AmountSuit oi $ _ : _ W Missing Kidnapedor ChildrenLocated __i____ No-visvbl S°"&#39;°&#39;"*"&#39;°"""° ~ ~ ~Eatt;rmis;;.@;1tne.e ~ F.Hnal JudicialProcess: .l@cislpistrigtj _ _ , V U No. oi l Subjects &#39; &#39; " District State ConvictionPretrial or DateDiv. Sentence Date Acquitted Dismissed] Subjectl Subject Description Code Subject 3 Subject DescriptionCode- E} Felony Conviction y CombinedSentence [:1 Felony Conviction Combined Sentence ln-Jail Suspended Probation lwill I Suspended Probation Title Section Counts | j Title Section Counts Yrs j Mos l Yrs Mos Yrs j Mos El Misde- Misde- U9298IlOI&#39; YrsMos |t Yrs { MosI Yrs Mos meanorU Total &#39; l l I l iT=i?$S&#39;s $ D Plea Fines5 / D Plea ...__...i.i.iJ 3 Add consecutive sentencestogether. Add consecutivesentences together. D ma" Enter longestsingle concurrentsentence. D Trial Enter longestsingle concurrentsentence. .l D Pretrial -ii-i Do not acidconcurrent sentencestogether. [Ii Do notadd concurrentsentences together. Diversion Sentence10 yrs.-8yrs. 8USp.= 2 yrs. in-Jail. Diversion Sentence yrs.-810 yrs.susp. = 2 yrs. ln~Jeil.__ Pretrial Subject2 Subject DescriptionCode - Subject4 Subject DescriptionCode&#39;- _ _& 9292 U Felony Conwotion Combined Sentence D Felony in-Jail Suspended Probation Title Section Counts El Misde Conviction Combined Sentence . l11BaIl0r Title Section Counts Yrsin-Jail l Mos | SuspendedYrs l Mos Probation YrsMos YrsMosYrs MosE] Misde- Yrs | Mos m eanor e v Total 92y ElPlea . Fines 5 Pie ac U ma]. Add &#39; Enterconsecutivelongest concurrentsingle sentencestogether. sentence.E] rial Qigz &#39;/Jjldddzgll I LT2%TL E] Pretrial _:. Do notadd concurrentsentences together. Add conse%esentences together. ;Senience yrs.-810 yrs.susp. = 2 yrs. in-Jail. Pretrial Enter longestsingle concurrentsentence. Diversion. Do not add concurrentsentences together. Diversion Sentence yrs.-810 yrs.susp. =2 yrs. in-Jail. - 2 L&#39; ,";:;:w or-:__-__~;~-92> I Attachadditional it terms reportingtlnul judicialprocess more on thantour subjects,and submit e tineldisposition ll-84! toreach tor subject. j ,1 .1 Remarks:every Forreported subject SectionsA, inEor F above, provide B, DOB,, race-,and FOB itSSAN available.! 1 0 ,. b It.7 C Subpoena served04 l white male,DO address on 2/10/89 to appear Eastern 1-> are a C/..t. a//</%@e Property Type Codes Potential Economic Loss Prevented PELP!
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    Journal of Catholic Legal Studies Volume 44 Number 1 Volume 44, 2005, Number 1 Article 13 Gotti, Mob Funerals, and the Catholic Church Patrick J. Gordon Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Catholic Studies Commons This Note is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at St. John's Law Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Catholic Legal Studies by an authorized editor of St. John's Law Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. GOTTI, MOB FUNERALS, AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH PATRICK J. GORDONt INTRODUCTION The American mafia has had a long and scandalous history. Glorified in the movies and television, and with names such as "Sammy the Bull," "Bugsy," "Fat Tony," and "Dapper Don" reach- ing household variety, the mafia history will seemingly live on forever. When John Gotti passed away from throat cancer in a prison hospital on June 10, 2002, one might have expected the scandal that trailed his storied life to have died along with him. His funeral procession, however, was proof to the contrary. It could have been the throngs of onlookers, the string of black Cadillacs, or the helicopters flying overhead. Or maybe it was the federal agents working surveillance out of the white van and the heavyset "companions" of John Gotti paying their respects.' Needless to say, John Gotti received more attention in death than he had in the last two years of his life, which he spent locked up in the United States Medical Center for Federal Pris- oners in Springfield, Missouri.
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