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CUCSSN87130023.Pdf (5.171Mb) I Eight Screaming Pages-No Extra Charge To You! Nowhere but•.• The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Adler Opens President's Series Course Evaluations On Hold by Trent Strauss present evaluations are as good by Susan Keeley beings are created equal means New Faculty Course Question­ as any on other campuses and Mortimer Adler, a nationally that no one person is any more naires (FCQ's) will not be for­ UCCS probably couldn't come known educator and constitu­ or less human than another," mulated until the faculty are up with a better one, Burkhart tional scholar, spoke to a full said Adler. "Our common hu­ unified on whether or not to said. auditorium Sept. 9 in the first of manity, though, is the only change them, said Professor The evaluations are used to the University of Colorado Presi­ respect in which everyone is James Burkhart, Chair of the determine pay raises, promo­ dent's Lecture Series. equal," he noted. Teaching and Learning Commit­ tions, and tenure. Laurel Ben­ The lecture was held in the Sci­ Rights inherent in humanity tee. nett, co-executive of the Student ence Building Auditorium on the are not granted by manmade Burkhart said the committee Government, said many students UCCS campus. "The University law, and therefore cannot be im­ asked the vice chancellor to ap­ don't realize how important the is a forum for the expression and peded by manmade law, ex­ propriate $10,000 to make a new evaluations are and they don't discussion of ideas, and the Pres­ plained Adler. ''Our rights are FCQ. But, he said, "other peo­ take them serious enough when ident's Lecture Series will allow the means of the pursuit of hap­ ple tell her (Joan Klingel, Vice filling them out. for the system-wide sharing of piness," he said. "It is important Chancellor, Academic Affairs) In order to comply with re­ ideas," said CU President Gor­ to note that the Declaration we like the form we have, and we gents' mandate, the committee don Gee. The series will bring recognizes our right to pursue probably wouldn't be able to de­ set up a system where the sum­ each lecture to at least two CU happiness, not to obtain it. The velop a better form. So what is mary page of each FCQ is put in campuses, he added. pursuit of happiness means liv­ she going to do with that kind of a volume and this was put on The presentation was titled, ing a morally good human life, information coming in, nothing. permanent reserve in the library. "The Two Bicentennials." "The not a hedonistic one." And that's exactly what she's Burkhart said this will enable birth of this nation was not in Happiness must be coopera­ done." everyone to see how teachers 1776," said Adler. The signing of tive, not competitive, said Adler. Over a year ago the regents have performed. "If a student is the Declaration of Independence "Mine can't interfere with, but mandated that all teacher evalua­ unsure about taking a class, they signified only the colonies' seces­ must assist, yours." tions must be posted so everyone can look up the past evaluations sion from Great Britain. "April, Adler believes that democracy can see them. They didn't, how­ and see how othei st~dents rated 1789, when Congress met and is a product of this century, and ever, say what kind of evalua­ that teacher,'' he said. George Washington took office that true democracy won't be ob­ tions should be used. In their report to the vice chan­ under the Constitution, is when tained until economic equality is It was this decision that cellor, the Teaching Committee I believe we should date this dealt with. , "Twelve to fifteen prompted the Teaching Commit­ recommended other areas of country's bicentennial," he percent of the people -in this tee to ask for the funding to evaluation should help determine asserted. Mortimer Adler lectures on the US country are fundamentally de­ come up with an FCQ for raises and promotions. Instead Adler traced the roots of con­ Constitution recently at UCCS. prived-they do not have the UCCS: They are currently using of using only the FCQ's, the ad­ stitutional government from an­ -photo by Wes Safford things that people need to live," the same ones that Boulder uses. ministration could use peer eval­ cient Greece, England's Magna he said. "Our baseline should be Burkhart said the $10,000was uations and self-evaluations by Carta of 1215, and the constitu­ that everyone is a 'have' and for release time for two teachers the teacher. tions of some American states statement "_of, by, and for the there are no 'have-nots,' though to research the formulating of Burkhart also said he would under the Articles of Confedera­ people'' is the essence of just some will have less, according to new FCQ.'s. like more student input on how tion in 1783-87. "Although constitutional government, he differences in ability and con­ Many faculty members don't the current evaluations could be England has no written constitu­ added. "The word of means it is tribution.'' like the present FCQ 's because changed. He feels if they can get tion, they have a much older and the people's government. Wash­ "American schools are not the questions are very ambiguous enough students who want to see longer history of constitutional ington D.C. is merely the admin­ teaching children how to be and difficult to interpret. They the current evaluations changed, government than we do," said istration of the government-re­ responsible citizens,'' said Adler. also feel the present evaluations they could probably sway the Adler. sponsible to us," Adler stated. "Citizens are the government, measure how well students like a vice-chancellor to allocate the The Gettysburg Address, the ''Citizens are the permanent and and our future lies in properly particular teacher, not on how money needed for coming up Declaration of Independence, principle rulers of this country." preparing future citizens.'' good the teacher was. with new evaluations. and the preamble to the Con­ Adler believes in the existence ''With the establishment of Other faculty members feel the stitution comprise what Adler of a "morally good human life." economic quality and the proper calls "The American Testa­ Life, liberty and the pursuit of schooling of our young,'' Adler ment " "Lincoln is the president happiness are inalienable rights, concluded, "I believe that true .who best understood the prin­ granted to all human beings by democracy will come to the ciples behind the Declaration and virtue of being human, says the United States in the next cen­ ' -CONTENTS~ the preamble," said Adler. The Declaration. "That all human tury." Kwame Ture To Speak . ......... page 2 Colloquium To Focus On Health Care . Chancellor Search. page 3 Senate Spots Open . page 4 by Trent Strauss quium in the history and phil­ sity in Israel. An annual lecture series titled osophy of science. Sassower said Sassower said the lecture will Sports/Happenings ............. page 5 "Colloquium in Science, Theo­ he attended that school for his focus on the social and political National Guard. page 6 logy, and Society" sponsored by graduate training and they of­ aspects of medicine and give an Anti-AIDS Book. page 7 . the Philosophy Department is fered a weekly lecture series. account of how medicine is being inaugurated the year with When he brought that idea to viewed in a democracy. Cramming For Exams . .......... page 8 the topic "Foundations of UCCS, however, funding limita­ Following is a .list of the Call Us With News Tips . ....... 593-3469 Health Care Practices." tions only allowed for monthly scheduled speakers and when The year-long series will fea­ presentations. they will appear. All sessions will ture a different speaker each Funding has been provided by ,be held in the Brooks Room month, and is intended "to show the President's Fund for the from 7:30-9:30 p.m. For more cal Center nologies: What About the Chil­ to what extent philosophical re­ Humanities, the Office of the information contact Sassower or DECEMBER 3- dren? by Michael Grodin, M.D., search is applicable to various­ Chancellor, the Dean of the Col­ Ormiston at 593-3151/3244. Seduction_in Tongues: The Re­ Pediatrics & Social and Behav­ fields, in this case health care," lege of Letters, Arts and Sci­ SEPTEMBER 22- construction of the Field of ioral Sciences, Boston University said professor Raphael Sassower, ences, and the Beth-El College of How Can Medicine Be Demo­ Metaphor in the Treatment of Schools of Medicine and Public who is organizing the event with Nursing. cratized by Joseph Agassi, Ph.D. Schizophrenia by Nathaniel Health professor Gayle Ormiston. Sassower is hoping the lectures OCTOBER 20- Laor, M.D., Ph.D., Child Psy­ APRIL 14- The speakers that will be fea­ and speakers "will show that our Expanding Health Consumer chiatry Center, Yale University Litigating Life and Death by tured are experts from around campus can be an intellectual Roles: Can It Be Done? by FEBRUARY 11- Nancyu Thoden, J.D., School of the country and around the center" for the community. Marilyn L. Stember, Ph.D., Humanizing Health Care Law, University of North Caro­ world, Sassower explained. He The first of the planned lec­ Associate Dean for Research, Practices Through A Humane lina said they represent a wide variety tures "How Can Medicine be CU-Health Science Center Technology of Concepts by MAY 5- of backgrounds and diverse opi­ Democratized?" will be held on NOVEMBER 17- James Dickoff, Ph.D.
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