Notes and References


1. Throughout this book 'revolution' is used in general sense of 'fundamental and far-reaching change'. Political revolution, involving the overthrow of an existing system of government, is not necessarily implied. 2. Peter Laslett, in Listener, 11 January 1962, p. 53. This was the third of three talks, all reprinted in the Listener, given under the general title of 'The Social Revolution of Our Time'. 3. This was even more true of the United States, where four million boys and girls became 18 in 1965, compared with two million in 1956. Even so, as was pointed out by an American observer in Erik H. Erikson (ed.}, Youth: Change and Challenge (New York: Basic Books, 1961} p. 133: 'At the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, half the nation was under eighteen. We do not touch this proportion today.' 4. James S. Coleman, The Adolescent Society (New York: The Free Press, 1961} p. 3. 5. Peter Wilmott, Adolescent Boys of East London (London: Routledge, 1966) p. 36. 6. Expressions such as 'his or her', 'he or she' will not always be used in this book when both sexes are implied. For ease of reading the simpler 'his' or 'he' will be used. 7. Graham Turner, 'Ladies will be Ladies', Sunday Telegraph, 12July 1981. Turner makes a very similar point in his previous article about Eton, 5 July 1981. The majority of Eton boys, he says, prefer to conceal the fact when they are with strangers. They 'reach for their camouflage'. But, he points out, 'accents can give the game away'. The boys reckon that only 10 per cent now have real Etonian accents and almost everyone seems both delighted and relieved. 'It's only grandmothers who have really awful Etonian voices', said Tony Ray, the Senior Housemaster, while Tom, who took his A levels this half (i.e. term) admits candidly that 'you keep your accent down because of other people'. 8. Angela Rippon, well known as a BBC television newsreader during the 1970s. 9. Alan S. C. Ross, in Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, LX, 21 (1954}. 10. Alan S. C. Ross, with Robin Brackenbury, 'U and Non-U Today', New Society, 22 August 1968. 11. His own analysis of his life is to be found in his autobiography, Ray Gosling, Sum Total (London: Faber, 1962}. Notes and References 125

12. Ibid., p. 53. 13. Brian Morris, An Introduction to Mary Quant$ London (London Museum, 1973) p. 7. 14. Dennis Chapman, 'The Autonomous Generation', Listener, 17 January 1963. 15. Alan Little, 'The Young Affluents', Listener, 9 May 1963. 16. Bernard Davies, 'Non-Swinging Youth', New Society, 3 July 1969.


1. Basil Bernstein (ed.), Class, Codes and Control, vol. 1: Theoretical Studies Towards a Sociology of Language (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971) 2. Ibid, p. 28. 3. Ibid, p. 28. 4. Ibid, p. 28. 5. Ibid, p. 32. 6. Ibid, p. 36. 7. Ibid, pp. 48-9. 8. Ibid, pp. 144-5. 9. Ibid, pp. 146-7. 10. Ibid, p. 147. 11. G. J. Turner, 'Social Class and Children's Language of Control at Age Five and Seven', in Basil Bernstein (ed.), Class, Codes and Control, vol. 2: Applied Studies Towards a Sociology of Language (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973) pp. 135-6. 12. George Steiner, 'In Bluebeard's Castle', Listener, 15 April 1971. 13. Bernard Rosenberg, 'Mass Culture in America', in Bernard Rosenberg and David Manning White (eds), Mass Culture: The Popular Arts in America (New York: Free Press, 1964) p. 5. 14. B. Sugarman, 'Involvement in Youth Culture, Academic Achievement and Conformity in School', British journal of Sociology, June 1967, p. 158. 15. Mary Douglas, 'Do Dogs Laugh?: a Cross-Cultural Approach to Body Symbolism', journal of Psychosomatic Research, 15, 1971, p. 389. 16. M. A. K. Halliday, Language as Social Semiotic: the Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning (London: Edward Arnold, 1978) p. 161. 17. Ibid., p. 172. 18. Ibid., p. 180. 19. Dell Hymes, Foundatz"ons in Sociolinguistics: an Ethnographical Approach (London: Tavistock Publications, 1977) p. 51. 20. Ibid, p. 4. 21. George Melly, Revolt into Style: the Pop Arts in Bn"tain (London: Allen Lane, 1970) p. 206. 22. Richard M. Owens and Tony Lane, Amencan Denim: a New Folk Art (New York: Abrams, 1975) pp. 38-9. 23. Ibid, p. 38. 24. Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media (London: Routledge, 1964) 126 Notes and References

p. 2!H. See also George Steiner, 'The Retreat from the Word', Listener, 14 and 21 July 1960. 25. Simon Frith, 'Rock Lyrics', Listener, 26 June 1980. 26. Donald Davie, 'British and American English', Listener, 23 January 1969. 27. The two vintage 'Dear Bill' letters referring to the Royal Wedding are to be found in the issues of Private Eye for 31 July and 14 August 1981. 28. John Wells, Anyone for Denis?


1. Colin Macinnes, 'Pop Music', Twentieth Century, February 1958. 2. George Melly, Revolt into Style: the Pop Arts in Britain (London: Allen Lane, 1970} p. 7. 3. For an interesting analysis of this, see Nik Cohn, Pop from the Beginning (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969) pp. 11-12. 4. Tony Palmer, All You Need is Love: the Story of Popular Music (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976) p. 159. Palmer was the Observer's music critic from 1966 to 1974. 5. Melly, Revolt into Style, p. 29. 6. For a discussion of this, see Melly, Revolt into Style, pp. 39-40. 7. Ibid., p. 46. 8. The Times, 12 December 1980. 9. Cohn, Pop from the Beginning, p. 67. 10. Quoted by Tom Nairn, 'On the subversiveness of Art Students', Listener, 17 October 1968. The author had himself been a lecturer in sociology at the Homsey School of Art. 11. Adrian Mitchell, 'Beatles', reprinted in Listener, 3 October 1968. 12. Quoted in Michael Wale, Voxpop: Profiles of the Pop Process (London: Harrap, 1972) pp. 12-13. 13. The issue of New Musical Express for 7 March 1981 had 60 pages and cost 30p. 14. Dick Hebdige, Subculture: the Mean·ing of Style (London: Methuen, 1979) p. 25.


1. J. Isaacs, in a radio talk, 'What is a Dictionary?', subsequently printed in Listener, 7 November 1957. 2. Ibid. 3. Such action is in fact illegal. The definitions in a dictionary are copyright, as if they were paragraphs in a novel. To avoid all risk of prosecution, every definition in a dictionary must be brand-new. Even the complete choice of words in a dictionary is copyright. 4. Samuel Johnson, Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language (1747) p. 18. 5. Henry Morley (ed.), The Earlier Life and the Chief Earlier Works of Daniel Defoe (1889) pp. 125-6. Notes and References 127

6. Temple Scott (ed.), The Prose Works ofjonathan Swift, DD (1907) vol. XI, pp. 14-15. 7. Benjamin Martin, Lingua Britannica Reformata (1749). 8. Samuel Johnson, Preface to the Dictionary (1755) vol. 1. 9. 'General Explanations', The Oxford English Dictionary (1933) vol. 1, p. xxviii. 10. Today they might well have written 'sub·cultures'. 11. 'General Explanations', p. xxvii. 12. Lewis Jones, 'Dictionaries', Listener, 26 December 1963. 13. Melody Maker, 24 January 1981. 14. Foreword to Collins English Dictionary (London and Glasgow: Collins, 1979) p. vii. 15. Ibid., p. vii.


1. , 14 October 1966. 2. Letter to My Guy, 1 September 1979. 3. Column heading in]ackie, 7 May 1966. 4. Jackie, 4 February 1968. 5. Private Eye, 19 January 1971. 6. Melody Maker, 29 May 1979. 7. Jackie, 7 February 1981. 8. Jackie, 11 January 1964. 9. Private Eye, 23 August 1974. 10. , Bomb Culture (London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1968). 11. Private Eye, 5 June 1970. 12. Guardian, 12 March 1979. 13. Letter to Pink, 12 May 1979. 14. Pink, 12 May 1979. 15. Jackie, 18 January 1969. 16. Jackie, 24 January 1981. 17. Daily Mirror, 22 March 1979. 18. Jackie, 9 January 1965. 19. New Musical Express, 27 July 1956. 20. My Guy, 1 September 1979. 21. New Musical Express, 13 January 1956. 22. Private Eye, 5 June 1970. 23. Nuttall, Bomb Culture. 24. Foul, June 1974. 25. Interview with pop group in Rolling Stone, 30 November 1978. 26. Daily Telegraph, 3 February 1981. 27. Foul, June 1974. 28. judy Annual for Girls, 1968 edition (London: D. C. Thomson). 29. Guardian, 13 March 1979. 30. Jackie, 24 January 1981. 31. Motor Cycle Weekly, 31 January 1981. 32. judy Annual for Girls, 1968. 33. Jackie, 20 July 1968. 128 Notes and References


1. Dick Hebdige, Subculture: the Meaning of Style (London: Methuen, 1979) p. 55. 2. Edward Bone, The Negro Novel in America (Yale University Press, 1965) pp. 53-4. This is of great value in understanding black culture in general. Its analysis and insight go deeper and wider than the title of the book indicates. 3. Thomas Kochman (ed.), Rappin' and Stylin' Out: Communication in Black America (University of Illinois Press, 1972) p. xi. 4. Kochman, Rappin' and Stylin' Out, p. 172. On this, see also J. L. Dillard, Black English in the United States (New York: Random House, 1972). 5. A summary of his findings can be found in Kochman, Rappin' and Stylin' Out, p. 172 onwards. 6. Colin Macinnes, 'Reggae', New Society, 31 December 1970. 7. Quoted in Bone, The Negro Novel in Amen"ca, p. 198. Ellison was born in 1914. His Invisible Man won the National Book Award as the best American novel of 1952. 8. Oz 21, June 1969. 9. Attila, no. 25, 23 October 1971. 10. Melody Maker, 27 January 1979. 11. Black Music, December 1979. 12. Colin Macinnes, City of Spades (London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1957) p. 41. 13. Ibid., p. 47. 14. Hebdige, Subculture, p. 45.


1. Terence Morris, 'The Teenage Criminal', New Society, 11 April 1963. 2. Ibid. 3. Ray Gosling, 'The Tough and the Tender', New Society, 18 April 1963. 4. Michael Schofield, Sexual Behaviour of Britain's Teenagers (London: Central Council of Health Education, 1965). 5. J. and S. Eppels, 'Teenage Values', New Society, 14 November, 1963. 6. Advertisement in New Musical Express, 18 July 1958. 7. Sounds, 1 December 1979. 8. , 23 February 1979. 9. , September 1979. 10. Time Out, 6 April 1979. 11. Interview with rock group in Zigzag, July 1973. 12. Spare Rib, January 1979. 13. Letter to Oz 3, 1967. 14. Spare Rib, April 1975. 15. International Times, 14 November 1966. 16. Advertisment in Sounds, 3 March 1979. Notes and References 129

17. Keith Waterhouse, Billy Liar (London: Michael Joseph, 1959). 18. Gay News, 23 February 1978. 19. International Times, 5 January 1968. 20. My Guy, 19 May 1979. 21. International Times, 28 November 1966. 22. Pop group, in New Musical Express, 6 January 1979. 23. Oz, Winter 1973. 24. Zigzag, August 1972. 25. Zigzag, August 1972. 26. Oz 18, February 1969. 27. Attila, 16 December 1971. 28. Jamie Mandelkau, Buttons (London: Open Gate Books, 1971). 29. Zigzag, August 1972. 30. International Times, 13 February 1967. Sources

What follows is not intended to be a comprehensive bibliography of the subject of this book. It refers only to the books and articles which I have found useful during my research. Many others, often with impressive titles and well-known authors, I have found of little value or originality, and I see no point in listing them here.


Chapman, Dennis, 'The Autonomous Generation', Listener, 17 January 1963. Coleman, James S., The Adolescent Sodety (New York: Free Press, 1961). Cross, William, 'Looning about on our Bikes' (London's Hell's Angels), New Society, 7 February 1980. Davies, Bernard, 'Non-Swinging Youth', New Sodety, 3 July 1969. Eppels, J. and S., 'Teenage Values', New Sodety, 14 and 21 November 1963. Erikson, Erik H. (ed.), Youth: Change and Challenge (New York: Basic Books, 1961 ). Forester, Tom, 'The Return of the Mods', New Society, 24 May 1979. Gosling, Ray, Sum Total (London: Faber, 1962). Gosling, Ray, 'The Tough and the Tender' (teenage morals), New Sodety, 18 April 1963. Hall, Stuart, et al., Resistance through Rituals (London: Hutchinson, 1976). Hebdige, Dick, Subculture: the Meaning of Style (London: Methuen, 1979). Kettle, Martin, 'The Private Worlds of the Drug Taker', New Sodety, 7 February 1980. Laslett, Peter, 'The Social Revolution of our Time', Listener, 11 January 1962. Laurie, Peter, Teenage Revolution (London: Anthony Blond, 1965). Little, Alan, 'The Young Affluents', Listener, 9 May 1963. Melly, George, Revolt into Style: the Pop Arts in Britain (London: Allen Lane, 1970). Morris, Brian, An Introduction to Mary Quant's London (London Museum, 1973). Morris, Terence, 'The Teenage Criminal', New Society, 11 April 1963. Nairn, Tom, 'On the Subversiveness of Art Students', Listener, 17 October 1968. Sources 131

Nuttall, Jeff, Bomb Culture (London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1968). Owens, Richard M., and Lane, Tony, American Denim: a New Folk Art (New York: Abrams, 1975). Reich, Charles, The Greening of America (London: Allen Lane, 1971). Robins, David, and Cohen, Philip, Knuckle Sandwich: Growing up in the Working-Class City (London. Allen Lane, 1978). Schofield, Michael, Sexual Behaviour of Britain's Teenagers (London. Central Council of Health Education, 1965 ). Sugarman, B., 'Involvement in Youth Culture, Academic Achievement and Conformity in School', British journal of Sociology, June 1967. Turner, Graham, 'Ladies will be Ladies', Sunday Telegraph, 12 July 1981. Wilmott, Peter, Adolescent Boys of East London (London: Routledge, 1966).


I cannot pretend that all the reading indicated in sections B, E and F has been wholly pleasurable. If I had not been under such a strong obligation to seek reliable information, I would not will­ ingly have immersed myself in the literature of football, drug­ taking, motor-cycling, homosexuality, nihilism and revolution. Nor would I have persevered for very long with files of teenage and student magazines, novels whose attitude to life I found either incomprehensible or loathsome, or music magazines which appeared to me like a never-ending Black Mass, a total prostitu­ tion of the God-given possibilities of music. But I can at least now say that I have done it and that the process has been enlightening and, in its way, rewarding.

Cohn, Nik, Pop from the Beginning (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969). Eisen, Jonathan (ed.), The Age of Rock: Sounds of the American Cultural Revolution, 2 vols (New York: Vintage Books, 1969, 1970). Frith, Simon, 'Rock Lyrics', Listener, 26June 1980. Macinnes, Colin, 'Pop Music', Twentieth Century, February 1958. Macinnes, Colin, 'Reggae', New Society, 31 December 1970. Mitchell, Adrian, 'Beatles', Listener, 3 October 1968. Palmer, Tony, All You Need is Love: the Story of Popuwr Music (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976). Wale, Michael, Voxpop: Profiles of the Pop Process (London: Harrap, 1972). Bwck Music. Hot Press. Melody Maker. New Musical Express. Rolling Stone. Sounds. 132 Sources


Bone, Edward, The Negro Novel in America (Yale University Press, 1965). Cashman, Ernest, Rastaman: the Rastafarian Movement in England (London: Allen & Unwin, 1979). Dillard,]. L., Black English in the United States (New York: Random House, 1972). Koc;hman, Thomas (ed.), Rappin' and Stylin' Out: Communication in Black America (University of Illinois Press, 1972). Macinnes, Colin, City of Spades (London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1957). Macinnes, Colin, Absolute Beginners (London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1959).


Bernstein, Basil (ed.), Class, Codes and Control, vol. 1: Theoretz"cal Studies Towards a Sociology of Language (1971); vol. 2: Applied Studies Towards a Sociology of Language (1973); vol. 3: Towards a Theory of Educational Transmissions (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul). Davie, Donald, 'British and American English', Listener, 23 January 1969. Halliday, M. A. K., Language as Social Semiotic: the Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning (London: Edward Arnold, 1976). Hymes, Dell, Foundations in Sociolinguistics: an Ethnographical Approach (London: Tavistock Publications, 1977). Isaacs,]., 'What is a Dictionary?', Listener, 7 November 1957. Jones, Lewis, 'Dictionaries', Listener, 26 December 1963. McLuhan, Marshall, Understanding Media (London: Routledge, 1964). Ross, Alan S. C., with Brackenbury, Robin, 'U and Non-U Today', New Society, 22 August 1968. Steiner, George, 'The Retreat from the Word', Listener, 14 and 21 July 1960. Steiner, George, 'In Bluebeard's Castle', Listener, 15 April 1971.


Foul. My Guy. Honey. Oh Boy! Jackie. Pink. Mates. Schoolkids 0%. Motor Cycle Weekly. Superbike.


Attila. Pn"vate Eye. Gay News. Spare Rib. Home Grown. Time Out. International Times. Undercurrents. 0%. Zig%ag. New Society Index

accents, 6, 8, 35 blacks - in Britain, 89-91 'A Day in the Life', 48 body language, 95 adornment - as a language, 26 bop, 39 adult pop, 37 boutique, 77-8 Aisher, Owen, 79 Bowie, David, 52 alcohol, 115 boyfriend, 81-2 amazing, 75 Bradley, Henry, 61 American culture - as an export, Brando, Marlon, 43 32-3, 43-5 Bristol, 98, 102 American ear, 31 British Medical Association, 7 Amies, Hardy, 78 Brixton, 102 Angry Young Men, 12 broadcasting industry, 43 Animals, 47 brute heroes, 43 anti-language, 25 Bum, Russell, 68 anti-literacy, 22 art schools, 47-8 caff, 78 Arts Theatre, 12 Canvey Island, 52 A Taste of Honey, 67 Caribbean, 89, 92, 97, 101 'Autonomous Generation, The', 13 Camaby Street, 13, 77 Channel Islands, 74 Bains, Alderman, 48 chap, 78 band, 75-6 Chapman, Dennis, 13-14, 15 Bastille, 12 Charles I, 12 beards, 123 charming, 78-9 Beatles, 13, 45-6, 47, 48-9 Cheltenham Ladies College, 8-9, 87 bebop, 39, 43 Chichester, Sir Francis, 49 Benn, Tony, 4 Christian names, 10 Bernstein, Prof. Basil, 17-20, 22 chum, 78 Bethnal Green, 3 cinema industry, 42-!1 Bill Haley and the Comets, 40 clobber, 79-80 black, 76-7 clothing - as a language, 26 Black Awareness, 92 CND, 13 black culture, 89, 93-4, 97-8 coarse ear- in America, 31 black language, 95 Coca-Cola, 27, 123 Black Music, 91 Cockneys, 79 Black Power, 92 'codes', 19-20 Black Pride, 92 Cohn, Nik, 47 Black Rights movement, 77 Coleman, J. S., 3

133 134 Index

Collins English Dictionary, 72 fabulous, 81 Collins, Lewis, 81 fantasies- among teenagers, 106-7 coloured, 76-7 fella, 81 comics, 44 fellah, 81 Common Man, Age of the, 1 fellow, 81 'communication', 24 Festival of Britain, 12 Conservative Party, 4 Fields, Gracie, 46 Courtenay, Tom, 46 Finney, Albert, 46 Craigie, W. A., 61 fish fingers, 4 7 'Crazy Man Crazy', 40 folk-devils, 106 cross-cultural situations, 30 Foot, Paul, 47 cultural markers, 35 Ford, 27 'formal' language, 18, 21 Daily Mirror, 83 Formby, George, 46 Daily Telegraph, 83 Franklin, Benjamin, 97 Dalby, David, 96 Freed, Alan, 40 Davie, Donald, 31 French Academy, 58 Davies, Bernard, 14-15 Frith, Simon, 28 Davis, Sir Colin, 4 Frost, David, 47 deafness - resulting-from discos, 41-2 gangster films, 44 Dean, James, 43 Garnett, Alf, 101 'Dear Bill' - series in Private Eye, Ghana, 102 34-5, 101 girlfriend, 181-2 Defoe, Daniel, 58 glamorous occupations, 106 Delaney, Shelagh, 67 glitter rock, 52 dictionaries - limitations of, 29-30, Gorillas, 52 35, 53-4 Gosling, Ray, 11-12, 105 dictionary- definition of, 53-4 grandmother's old fur coat Dictionary - Dr Johnson's, 57-9 syndrome, 71-2, 74 Dietrich: Marlene, 51 Grantley, Archdeacon, 67 Dior, Christian, 78 Greene, Graham, 51 discos, 36, 41, 97 group, 75-6 Disney masks, 48 Guardian, The, 12, 13, 15-16, 80 doctors, 6-7 Guernsey, 74 Douglas, Mary, 24 guy. 82-3 Dr Feelgood, 52 drugs, 39, 114-19 hair - as a language, 26 Hansard, 67 elaborated codes, 19-20 Haley, Bill, 40-1, 43, 44 electric guitars, 39-40 Halliday, M. A. K., 24-5 Eliot, George, 56 Hardy, Thomas, 67 Ellison, Ralph, 98 Haringey Town Hall, 48 Eppels, J. and J., 106 Harlem, 99 Eton and Harrow match, 87 haute couture houses, 77 Eton College, 8 Heartbreakers, 52 Exotic Black Man, 100-1 Heath, Edward, 4, 6, 8 Hebdige, Dick, 51-2, 89, 92, 100, fab, 81 103 Index 135

Hell's Angels, !I Lewis, 52 Hemingway, Ernest, 98 Little, Alan, 1!1-14, 15 Henderson, Dickie, 67 Liverpool College of Art, 46 heroes - to teenagers, 106 London School of Economics, 1!1 hipster heroes, 4!1 London, University of, 15, 5!1, 96 Hoggart, Richard, !16 loo, 86 homosexuals, 51, 108-14 Look Back in Anger, 12, 49 Homsey College of Art, 48 lorry drivers, 6-7 hubby, 8!1 lyrics - of pop songs, 28, 4!1 humanists, 22 Macinnes, Colin, !16, 97, 102-!1 'I am the Walnut', 48 Magical Mystery Tour, 48 idols with feet of clay, 106 Magnim's, 27 Iggy Pop, 52 Main, Graham, 68 Indians - in Britain, 91, 99, 100 Marmite, 47 Ingrams, Richard, 47 Marxism, 12 Institute of Education, London, 17 mass emotions, 44-5 International Times, 75 mass media, 23 intonation, 6, 35 McCartney, Paul, 4 inverted commas, 9, 71-!1 McLuhan, Marshall, 27-8 101-ers, 52 Melly, George, 14, 26, !17, 44-5 irony, 9 Melody Maker, 49, 50, 67-8 Isaacs, Professor J., 53 middle-class language, 17-18, 20 Isherwoo

Steele, Tommy, 38 Transport and General Workers' street gangs, 3 Union, 7 Sugarman, B., 23 Trollope, Anthony, 67 super, 88 Turner, Graham, 8, 9 Supermac, 13 Swift, Jonathan, 58 U- and non-U labels, 9, 86 Sylvester, David, 37 Uncle Tom image, 39 uniform words, 123 University of Leicester, 11-12 taboos, 114 University of London, 17, 53, 96 tape recorders, 36 tape supplements - for dictionaries, value-tickets - in dictionaries, 55-6, 35 60, 62-3 teenage delinquents, 104 violence, 119-20 teenage morals, 104-5 Teenage Movement, 2 Waiting for Godot, 12 television commercials, 47 Walker, T-Bone, 39-40 Thatcher, Denis, 34, 101, 122 Washington, George, 97 Thatcher, Margaret, 4, 6, 8 Weller, Sam, 67 That Was The Week That Was, 47 Wenner, Jann, 50 'The Chocolate Coloured Coon', 122 'We're Gonna Rock', 40 The Family, 120-1 Wesker, Arnold, 79 The Loneliness of the Long Distance West African languages, 96-7 Runner, 49 Westerns, 44 The Outsider, 12 West Indies, 89, 92, 97, 101 The Return of the Native, 67 Whitelaw, William, 4, 6, 8 The Uses of Literacy, 36 Who, The, 47 The Wild One, 43· Wilmott, Peter, 3 Till Death Us Do Part, 101 Wilson, Colin, 12 Times, The, 46, 83 working-class language, 18, 20 'tone', 31-2 trade unions, 6-7, 85 Yardbirds, 47 transistor radios, 36 'Young Affluents, The', 13