~ &c. ~outfi Mtalt1l. POST OFFICE, BRECON, Mr1. MARGARET THOMAS, Post Mi6tresl, Arrival of the Mails. From London, , West of England, &c., at half-past eight morning and half-past five afternoon. From North of England, Irelalld, Scotland, Builth, , at half-past five afternoon. From Trecastle, Llandorery, 2nd Carmarthen, and , &c., at a quarter-past four afternoon, Despatches. To Sennybridge, Trecastle, Llandovey and Ca.rmarthen, at eight morning, To Abergavenny, , Newport, Gloucester, Bristol, and West of England, Hereford, Hay, &c., at half-past three afternoon. To Builth, Rhayader, Ireland, Scotland, North of England, and London, at half-past six morning and at twenty-five minutes past four afternoon. SUNDAYs.-London and all parts, at half-past three p.m. Money Order Otfice and Savings Batlk,

- 11Tobillty1 Gentry 4&. Clergy J onesRev Lewis,Abersevin,Tmllong Vaughan Mrs. -,Penymaes,Lianfilo Banks William Laurence, Esq. J.P. jones Mr~. Margaret, Greenlield Vaughan John W. E'ilq. J.P. Felyn- Puntywall, Llanddally Jones Mrs. 1\lary, Llantaes newvdd Bishop Mr. ThumC~s, Wheat st Jones Mordecai, E~q. J.P. Watton \Vatkili~ l\Jrs. Margaret A. Bulwark Breretun Capt. Willia.m R. the Jones W. Dawes, Esq. Trevinthon Watkins Rev. Thomas, Hectory, Barracks [Llanspycldid Joseph Jr~~eph Esq, (magistrate), Skethrog Briukmau 1\lr. W. E., Cefn Park, Glamorg