Tie In Three Leagues An Article Lost In Public Is Sure To Be Found! Advertise For It Through Democrat Want- HILLS AND TRIBES KEELEY EXCELS AS CARD pwm DEALT PERFECT BRIDGE HAND — Mra RECREATIONS WIN; Buffalo, N. Y„ -(UP) • WE HAVE ONE GAME BEHIND George C. Lehmann was dealt a perfect bridge hand la a recent KACEYS SET BACK game with her husband and two LEADERS r. other LEAGUE g. ab. h. pet. players. Moved to 26 Union St. D. Hearsgears 1 111— ...- II .117 Mrs Lehmann a CHEVROLET ROADSTER Brlottl, kept straight July 25th. the Cut Rate Wall W. 1* 4« 7 14 .660 Charley Keeley, eouthpaw _ 1939 Business .(199 Beginning Monday. Paper Three a brief fraeaie of Klelty, G'gers face when picking up her cards upsets, & B.A.C.. 10 46 • VS .648 ball artist of the Recreation pitch- THE BLUB RIBBON OARAOE, INC. Shop will be located at 2S Union St. in the store now Penn, _ and with no trace of emotion bid knuckle throwing and continual J. DeVito, S.A.C. 10 46 10 II .647 ed and batted Bob Kiersted’S team 428 West -Main SL Dial 3-5179 occupied by the Union Plate * Window Glass Com- a grand slam at no trump to the O Dvellskls, Hrts • 66 3 It .343 to a 4 to 0 victory ovef "Hank” pany's paint department, with whom we have merged. wrangling with the umpire# Howard’s team astonishment of the other BARGAINS GALORE!—Good used J. Gilmore, Hrts. I 31 I 16 .666 __ for Johnny Venalow’e Cube players. In our new location We will be better equipped to marked the Amateur League Brooklyn yeeter- The unusual hand contained cars at low Easiest of City (Include Yesterday’s Games) yesterday and after grounding up at Fulton prices. sell the public a complete line of high palnta and day afternoon Park, terms. Erwin M. Jennings Co., Inc. grade at Hamilton Park drove over to Brookfield to play every Ace, King and Queen In the — that are games yesterday striking out eight batten and pol- Hudson A Essex Sales A Service. wail papers at cut prices prices positively Dunn the town team there In the deck, together with one Jack. The with Injured Again. with out a and in lower than those of New York or Boston. We cannot afternoon. Tribune#, He ing home single 488 Watertown Ave. Dial 4-5787. Bari selenski batsmen, Harold Dunn, the classiest short- Western Connecticut league. three official times at the bat, bat- be undersold by any paint or wall paper store In New fannfng%19 is too fast for Doran will be eligible Id in the regulation contest, de* stop in the league, and “Raaor" In all his team's runs. The 1981 PLYMOUTH 2 door sedan, 8125. England for high grade merchandise. the Bast Bndera In ting feated the Sacred Hearts 1 to 2, in his weak feet. Trouble always to play with victory enabled the Rees to tie the NOTICE J. J. Collins, Inc. DeSoto A Plym- We will continue to operate undfer the firm name comes in bunches to his peppery the third round. outh, 38 Willow St. 11 frames. The Washington Hill#, Thomaston Kaceys, who were set- SEWER ASSESSMENTS of the— ; markers in Inflelder who was carried off the pushing across two back at Waterville by Dorsey Jen- ROADSTER — With field In the third Klles Coming Along THE BOARD Or COMMISSION- 1927 BUICK their last of the ninth setback the again yesterday kins’ Colored Elks 7 to C, for first Rumble seat. condition after ERS OF PUBLIC WORKS, of the Very good Cut -Rate Wall Thomas Club, 12 to 11, while the Inning with a sprained ankle Johnny Kerwin, Tribe pilot, has place in the Public Parks circuit. throughout. Price reasonable. F. Paper Shop second base. AS City of waterbury, at a meeting Brookiyns registered six runs in stumbling over a find in young Karl Kiies, cocky The box score: A. Emmons, Super-Service, Inc., Now Located at 26 UNION ST. It held July 19, 1932, made assess- their last bate to down the Gara- soon as “Harp” left the lineup. who has yet to Recreation, Oldsmoblle Agency. General Tires, r from ment for sewer purposes on prop- 398 Dial 3-4197. gers, 8 to 7. seemed the spirit was gone reach his 18th birthday. If Kiies, ab. h. o. West Main St. erty and owners held the Hearts to the Tommies who finally wound the Art Shires of the Church Conway, cf. 4 1 1 against property Selenski on 2b .. 4 * • Bonalr Avenue, from Mel- 29 BUICK 4-PASS. COUPE—Fine three hits, one an infield, one by up on the short end of a one-run league, could get rid of his “I,” Barrone, Business Service Stewart, 2b 3 0 S bourne Terrace to Cooke Street, to condition. A bargain. Wensel A Lewis, which “Goggy” hargln with the Hills. "I” lingo, he would have countless Charley Perrin, ss 2 1 3 the amount set to their respective Collins, Inc., 14 Grove SL WILBUR SAYSt Bowen was slow at fielding. The more friends than he has at the 4 0 # Staff. Sullivan, c names, as follows, to wit:— 50 Painting, Paper Hanging “The answer to bringing down Hearts pushed across their sec- Fryer Showing present time. Yesterday he stepped Shea, If 2 0 5 South R. Roberts, DEPRESSION PRICES that ond tally in the eleventh to go Jimmy Fryer, Bespectacled up to the plate with the tying run Sloes, rf 2 1 0 Side:—Ray overhead expense—is Hill has Anna L. Roberts, $96.35; Mary I. '29 Reo Flying Cloud Brougham ahead, 2 to 1, when Joe Cosgrove Washington , on base, and drove out a long Burns, lb 2 1 4 — And Boylan, $125.00; Minnie ‘30 Austin Coupe PAINTING paperhanging. to the brook with one out. shown considerable improvement which decided the Keeley, p 3 2 1 Prescott, Rooms 12.50. For tripled Elizabeth ’30 Chevrolet Conv. Coupe papered, good With two since he in the outer him one Bernier, lb 1 e 0 $125.00; May Funk, work and reasonable rates Dial STORAGE Johnny Gilmore fanned. patroled Hearts fate and netted ’29 Ford Del. Roadster he Flnkenseilar, rf .. 1 • « $250.00; William H. Burt, $125.00; strikes on "Turk" Flaherty, Cossy works with Crosby. Yesterday of those French 'kisses from Man- ’30 Pontiac Roadster 4-2858. For rates and particulars first in- Isabella M. Van Horn, Geneva Sport stole home, knocking over Flaher- threw Hdmlck out in the ager Kerwin. '30 De Soto 6 Sport Roadster Totals .23 3 27 Van Horn, Car- who failed to move. The Tribes ning with a beautiful toss from $125.00; Ralph '29 Hupmobile 8 Conv. Coupe ty Brooklyn Cube. Frances 60 was but left field which Patty Slattery rington, Carrington, '30 Hupmobile 6 Sport Roadster Printing. Jobbing. Stationery Dial 3-3070 argued that Flaherty out, deep ab. h. o. received without With the Hoben Is There $125.00; Alice Anna Carter, '30 Whippet Sport Roadster to no avail. In their last bats, moving. rf. 4 1 Col- Dattelll, $155.00; Elsie Lelsring, '30 Chevrolet Panel \-ton Truck the inning fly- sun in his eyes, Fryer nailed What a difference Johnny Hoben If 3 4 $130.13; THH ARROW PRINT SHOP Fitzpatrick opened Penlkas, Anna Cooke Anna ’32 Auburn Conv. Coupe out to Ho- vin’s long fly, in the senventh in- makes behind the bat for the Tri- 2b 3 4 Faber, .$500.00; JOB PRINTING, INVITATIONS Larson ing Flaheijty. Johnny Rossi, Cobke ’29 Dodge Std. “6” Cdupe Storage Co., hen sharply to left. As ning while sitting on the ground. bunes! He upholds Earl Selch- Stanley, rf 4 1 Faber, $625.00. 235 NO. MAIN. DIAL 1-4224 singled North Side:—Thomas P. Don- 50 Other Bargains. 1 to 2 Years INC. Selenski fanned Hoben stole sec- The Tommies claimed he dropped skl’s fast ones and curves In an en- Malario, ss. 4 0 Rose to Pay. Easy Terms. the but Will Stanton which means a lot to Forte, c 4 7 Ion, V. Donlon, $201.00; 808-318 NORTH MAIN £t. ond. Young Carl Klies, Crosby ball, Umpire viable style, 64 and Jacarusso, 3b .... 4 1 James C. G. 329 NORTH MAIN STREET Pressing Tailoring school second baseman, drove didn’t agree and two Tommies died Selcnski, although a lot of fans Maxwell, $125.00; high DIBlase, lb 2 I Abram Paul- evenings till 9 and all of Tocchio’s balls on the paths. ride the former Yale signal caller. Hengeveld, $125.00; Open one Charley high DIBiase, lb 2 • day Sunday. Dial 3-3347 after blame ine H. Olcott, $125.00; Viola Wen- and to deep left field. Flaherty, In a way you can’t' them, Venslow, p. 3 0 CLEANING, Pressing Repairing zel, $125.00; Elizabeth of the kind, work called a long run, got his hands on the This and That for that tickles on his upper Up Kallch, If 1 0 Hengeveld, better for $125.00; Helen and delivered. Mosel, It Abbott ball, but the pellet got away from Bellev* it or not, but the huge Is enough to get anybody in a Chesinas, x 1 0 Marshall, $125.00; 14 Service Stations. Repairing Merida C. A vs. Dial S-0342. him, Hoben scoring and Klies com- throng which witnesses yesterday’s humorous mood. Robinson, $168.00; A. Finn, the circuit. interesting bill donated a Totals .33 5 24 Mary $208.15; Edward N. pleting l in 9tb. T. 1 Prior Coaching » few cents shy of $80. The Tom- x-Batted for Mariarlo Faber, $125.00; Mary Fleming, BATTERIES—13 plate, guar. yr.: Selenski Sets Record 33.75 Batteries recharged 50c. the ninth Selen- mies batted around in the eeventh $125.00; Edward fj. Faber, up In the last of Somma Battery Ser„ 234 E. Main. Rooms, Board, Hotels more to chalk Recreations 000 202 00 x—4 $625.00. ski came near winning his own inning, Howie Colvin flying out Only 19 Dial 3-5905. record. EXEMPTIONS game and would have had no and singling In the same frame.’ up to Selenskl’s Burns. Er- R. 67 Rooms AMI Board dumb Leo Bradley "Unex” Capuano, Hills Sixteen of them were in the regu- Runs—Sloss, Keeley 2, Ray Roberts, Anna L. Rob- coaching by afdent — ror— Malario. Runs batted in erts, 75 Thomas P. ruined his chances. With one out rooter, was calling George Casey lation nine innings, setting a 1932 feet: Donlon, Keeley 4. Home run—Keeley. Stol- V. left center and under the sun for al- Amateur league record. Rose Donlon, 75 feet, and Mary BOARD AND ROOM AT he tripled to deep everything City en bases—Perrin 2, Shea, Stanley. Employment tells me A. Finn, 75 feet. instead of being held up there, lowing "Red” Crichton to remain Charley Tocchio “Shorty” Sacrifice—Stewart. Left on bases— a The above assessments become 28 TO 210.5(1 PER WEEK sent him in. “Skeets” in the box as long as he did, but Qugllelmo who failed to make Recreation 7, Cubs 68. Bases on Bradley due and ( throw was in the hands when the Hills across the lrt heven tripB to the plate in balls—oft Venslow 3. Hit payable, Monday. August Carroll’s pushed Keeley 1, 17 Men Wanted uovS' CLUB, Cottage Place—Nice left this circuit who has failed to Venslow (Shea, Sloss 1. 1932, at the office of the Col- of "Foots” Lacllla in short tying and winning run in the last and by pitcher—by rooms all home Con- Struck out—by Keeley 8, lector of Taxes, City Hall. Water- swimming pool, wh# pegged accurately to Cos- Inning, the Italian mouthpiece reach first yet in the Western Burns), cooking. Reception room. Moderate in Venslow 6. Balk—Keeley. Umpire— bury, Conn. grove’ to retire the Tribune south- was the first over to Casey, seek- necticut league, couldn’t hit 30 CREW . With Catholic price. George Croceo. Time of game—1:40. Attest: JOHN DI CORPA, New cam- paw sensation. The box score: ing a ride home. a Packard. Magazine experience. 7-26-2t Clerk. paign. (807) 216 Tremont St, Bos- Tribune*. Colored Boys Surprise. ton, Mass. b8 Rooms For Honskeeping ah. h. o. a. The Colored Elks pulled the big- MEN to conduct world re- 2b « 1 2 0 gested mirprise yesterday defeating wanted KlUs, ■T.JL Home Service Keating;, lb 4 1 7 0 Harry Lynch’s Kaceys. Their win- nowned Rawleigh FURNISHED—Apartment. 216 Hill- 0 NOTICE business in cities of side avenue. 2 rooms with If .... 3 1 ,1 Waterbury, kitch- Cavanaugh, ning marker was registered in the To all whom It Doyle,' rf 5 1 1 0 may concern: Meriden, Southington and Bristol. enette and bath. Dial 3-7768. seventh on Graves and E. Jenkins From this day can start Bowed, 3b 4 1 0 0 forth, July 25, 1932, Reliable hustler earning singles and Taylor’s infield oUh I will not be responsible for any and Increase THREE Well fur- Egan, of 4 1 1 0 THE BROADWAY 335 weekly rapidly. cozy rooms. 1 3 Earl Hunter and Dorsey Jenkins debts contracted except by myself. Write immediately. Rawleigh Co, nished. All conveniences. Phone Fitspatrlck, ss ... 4 0 3 1 20 1 divided pitching honors for the Signed: Dept. CU-69-S, Albany, N. Y. 4-4498. Kohen, c CLYDE C. FOWLER. Selenske, p. 5 t 0 4 winners while Knox and Ander- BUGLE son shared for the Clock ToWners. Totals .40 33 22 Situations Wanted—Women For Rent Real Estate Bow to Waterville. Hearts. Squares Sacred collect- NOTICE ab. b. n. The Waterville Crescents LICENSED hairdresser wishes po- 0 ed 19 hits oft Dom GUerrera to A on the of sition full or part time. Write Box Murphy, .. 1 0 0 DAM PARKER hearing application 12 Apartments * Tenements ii By Democrat. Cosgrave, c 4 lu defeat the Nortli Squares, 12 to 1. Wm. J. Roberts for approval certi- C-32, Ollaiore, 2 b 4 0 0 BorOway, Kraft and Oliver col- ficate to Install 2 additional pumps 8 0 APARTMENT of 3 nice rooms on Flaherty, If ...... 3 lected 10 hits between them, four In gasoline filling station at 182$ 3 0 Main Watertown. Modern Brlotti, lb 14 credited to the' first named. W. Main street will be held on street, 0 \ being A'ug. Merchandise 3b ..... 4 GUNBOAT SMITH and Yussel Jacobs are old enemies. Bight years Improvements, nice surroundings. For Rent Dvoleskis, held the North Enders 1st, 1932, at 11:30 a. m., D.S.T., in Real Estate rf 4 0 Billy Ryan Garage If desired. Inquire O. I.eWls, -while as doorman at the old Garden, Gunner heaved Yuss to five two by the Wa- Carroll, of 4 0 ago, working hits, being garnered Mayor's Office, City Hall, Hevey, Main St, Watertown. \0 r> third baseman, Shugr-ie. as I.acllla, ss 4 out on his ear when he tried to crash Speaking of Horatio Alger terbury, Connecticut, provided 72 m Tenement* 0 5 General Statute. ss flousebold Articles Apartment* Toechlo, p 3 matchmaker at Madison by # A—Nice 5 room rent, hot water heroes, wiio are bound to rise, Sam McQuade, Decides It. Rob- Hendrick’s Single Signed: heat, garage, fine location. Adults, 3 32 xl4 used to run the elevator In the old Garden 1*otalB .33 Square Garden^ Hopeville chalked up a 5 to 4 reasonable; worth seeing. Dial HIGHLAND AVE, *2—« room*, hot was the circus is from Sarasota, Fla, FRANK HAYES, n>Tvo out when winning run ert Ringling, nephew of John man, up verdict over the Colts at 3-5498. water continuoua hot waiter. the box- Hopeville FOR SALE—Upright piano, excel- heat, sewed. with a named Clift Greenwood Jim Dawson, 7-22-3t Dial 5-1217 m. and 4-1488 m. welterweight In a 10 inning contest. Ohio open- Mayor. lent condition. ?25 delivered. Lar- a. p. favorlto of literature is a bank book, is by a 192—6 ing writer, whose piece ed the tenth with a single to right, son Express Co., 245 Bank St. Dial BALDWIN ST, rooms, newly coincidence his vacation at Deposit, N. Y. Izzy renovated, all modern RANDOLPH AVE, 62—Seven rootf Sacred Hearts ..000 000 1.00 1—2 strange spending his second of the gome, and went' -7- 4-1477. Improve- and himself a former pug, is ments. Rent reasonable. Dial apartment. Inquire on premises. Tribunes ...100 000 000 2—3 Kaplan, brother of Lou Kid Kaplan, to third on Teddy Goutny’s one ORDER OF NOTICE — A-l condition. Chairs, 4-5675. balancing a mean tray In a West 65th street speak Harry Grayson, base ply to the same spot scoring PIANO CITY OF WATBRBURY, table, couch, etc, suitable for cot- on Hendrick’s single to left. “Cap” vs. SOUTH ST, 67—Six rooms, 3rd floor, Huns—Cavanaugh, Flaherty, Cos- tage. Will sacrifice. Dial 4-2373. DRAKE ST, 65—5 rooms, sun par- Cusack fanned eight of the losers EMANUEL BERGER, formerly of all improvements. Inquire oil grove, Hoben, Klies. Errors—Bow- At lor, new house, hot water heat, all VfATCH as as Jack Keefe the of now of premises. Carroll 2. Run twice many City Waterbury, improvements, garage. Reason- en, Gilmore, Flaherty. SUADO* unknown. Two base hit— RIGHT HARRY whiffed. parts 44 Articles Wanted To Bay able. Dial 6-1347. bated in—Doyle. STATE OF TENEMENTS—For rent. |15 to $46. base hits—Selenske, Boxefl- CONNECTICUT, City Doyle. Three Water- All newly papered and painted. W. Stolen Bases—Cosgrove 2, Standing) Court of Waterbury, ss. Cosgrove. 1932. FOUR and 5 room tenements, im- H. Hart. 20 East Main. Open eve-' Hoben. Sacrifices—Keating, L. Per bury, July 21, CANOE wanted. Must be in good Brlotti, f^t&tTr the of the said provements. 55 Pemberton St. Dial nines. Cavanaugh. Bases on Kaceys 6 2 .730 Upon complaint condition and reasonable. Call Egan, Brlotti, State of 4-1444. — 6 2 .750 plaintiff City of Waterbury, Dial 4-5598. balls oft Selenske 3, Toechlo 3. Recreations Gus's Garage. WELTON ST, 14—5 sunny rooms. 3 .625 Connecticut, praying for reasons Struck out—by Tocchio 8, Selenske Watervllle .5 Up to date. Also garage. 2 min- .... therein set forth for foreclosure and 19. Wild Umpire- Brooklyn Cubs 4 3 .571 FOR RENT ute* from Clock and pitch—Selenske. of \ Shop ScovlU’s. Bill Cunningham. Time of game— Hopevllle 4 4 .500 possession mortgaged premises, 61 Business Services Rendered » 5 .375 described In the return- 2:50. Colts complaint, Reasonable apartment: Cherry, WOLCOTT ST, 581— 5 rooms, mod- 6 .533 able on the 1st Tuesday of August, Tommies Tako Lead Colored Elks.3 East Main and Cooke streets; Nel- ern Improvements, Are place, pol‘ ort 2 5 .286 1932, before the City Court of Wa- WINDOW CLEANING —Tou Will one of those marked Squares son avenue and Southmayd road. lshed floors, screens furnished, la games 2 5 .286 in and for the City of Wa- If send for us to and otor Lines terbury, save money you furnace, flne condition. Garage, by continual base hits, errors and State of tesbury, Connecticut, do your cleaning. Connecticut^Win- McEVOY, INC. hen house, plenty garden land. dumb plays, the Washington Hills Roche It to and found by Co. Office, 33 Wood- ye scribe, gave himself a black eye shadow boxing Billy appearing being dow Cleaning Phone 4-5118. 51 West Main St. defeated the Tommies, in an up- a benefit card the subscribing authority, that the lawn Terrace. Dial 4-4517 brought eight boxers up to Poughkeepsie to appear on WILLOW ST, 193—4 rooms, 8nfl hill battle. The Tommies got to Only defendant Emanuel Berger, former- floor, 197 Wil- last week and found himself in the middle of a smallpox epidemic. DAVIESBATWAY to a(J Improvements, a four run lead ly of Waterbry is now of parts WE are now in a position sup- low 6 2nd Jake Vreeland for had been taken were the HIGH 82—5 rooms, dec- street. rooms, floor, all after the most rigid sanitary precautions unknown. ply coats, aprons and towels. ST, newly in the first two frames, but the furnace. In two improvement* Inquire 193 Wil* able to leave town. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, Laundered weekly. Waterbury orated, family Hills knotted it In the fourth off men 86 St. low St That notice of the pendency of saljl Towel Supply Co., 892 East Main house. Inquire High Oulmet and added five monte INTO TIE FOR Ray IF SAD SAM’Ii JONES looks a bit sadder than usual Chews- complaint be given to said defend- St. Dial 5-1377. III the fifth off Howie Colvin on LOUNSBURY 62—5 3d * day, ’twill be because It’s his 40th birthday Joe Holey nee ant Emanuel Berger, by publishing ST, rooms, 71 Business Places For Rent base hits Fryer, Roger Eve- floor. Excellent condition. Inquire bv Jimmy Boltnski of the A’s will be 34 on the same day And^m Wed- this order in the Waterbury P» Brot, Chris Hayes And Tommy LEAD ning Democrat a newpaper printed Professional Services 46 Lounsbury St. Dial 4-8036. nesday, Rube Walberg of the A’s will be 83 One of the Pitts- RECREATION i Moran. back fropi in Waterbury, Conn, three (3) days « burgh fight clubs is trying to lure George Eagel commencing on or be- Mulligan Homers successively, A with the oiler Of the of matchmaker George a red-hot finish yesterday, the PLANS—Specifications, otc. Louis In the seventh the north enders Broadway post In fore the 25th day of July, 1932. TO RENT or and develop his new up four runs J. Walsh. 57 Leavenworth St. LAUREL 22—Sir rooms and five tallies, of Vreeland doesn’t know whether to take the Job stay Oakville Davies piled ALBERT BRONSKY, ST, registered Oaut to of the Court of wash room, all Improvements. Harnick heavyweight prospect, Benny Sllverstein, six feet four In the eighth and final inning Clerk City and “Red" Crichton. Beautiful nice Professional Cen- Mike Sllverstein, Mount Vernon's ace sleuth who never misses a nose out the undefeated Reidville Waterbury. rent, neighborhood, Bldg-.—43 doubled to right as Senlch ground- STATE OF CONNECTICUT, New convenient to stores. Dial 3-4982 tral Ave. will have more cause than ever to attend ’em all when Bottlers 11 to 10 and go into a Insurance e dout. George Mulligan honiered big fight Haven County ss. Waterbury, 57 or call at 14 Lalirel St. The treated Vino Richards tie for first in the Recreation to deep left field scoring Harnick. his namesake steps out papers place July 23rd, 1932. Suites of 2 and 3 Rooms. into a as if team has now lost but was safe on Crichton’s er- rather shabbily when his half-brother got scrape, loop. Each The within and foregoing is a Martino to INSURANCE—The cost of lire second. Schofield Vince were his haif-brother’g keeper! one game out of seven played true and attested copy of the Origin- FIKB Suitable for doctor’s or ror, stopping at Insurance la only a few cents a to date. Heavy hitting on the part al Order of Notice in my hands for MANHAN 31—3 rooms, 1st dentist’s offices. scored Martino with a single day. Can you afford to go without ST, TURNOVER HITTERS ARE getting rare in baseball. The Cards of both teams gave the contest publication. to floor, all Improvements. Near Lux center. Bowen singled to right ir7 Think what It would mean Alterations to suit. have three of them in Collins, Frank Frisch and Tex Carlton a thrilling outlook from the start. Attest. If were Clock Co. Price $15. Also 3 and Santopietro scored both a Jimmy J you and your family you is woll with six runs in the WILLIAM ROACH. s, rooms in basement, $8. Inquire 27 double to left center. Colvin Harry Rosenberg, the Giants’ $40,000 bust, hitting Reidville scoring Sheriff. burned out tonight- See Inquire as four for 7-25-3t City Dial 2-8305.Hayden Manhan St. 1st floor. scored hts catcher with another Indianapolis but his/fielding is poor. Harry went to Indianapolis first two Innings, against 69 South Main St. deal Bill Terry the who later tied the single. The Tommies added two $40,000,worth of ivory in the $78,000 Koenecke ., Davies, to newspaper- count in the sixth. Magnuson. GEORGE A. JBARONIAN more In the eighth on a base on follows John McGraw’g example in refusing to divulge tells of five hits, two of balls to Colby, Harnlck's sacrifice, men the name of the pitcher who will work the next day. He with four out so the doubles took the individual Announcements 36 North Main Street. Mulligan’s single, and "Happy” the pitcher, however, and doesn’t put any restrictions on him them son of the old- batting honors, though Die Leo got f Shea's of Martino’s fly baseball writers find out anyway George Browne, from Kings- 3 out of 5 for the Bottres. TO which went for a triple. As this time Giant outfielder of the same name, often comes down Found HOW 79 Vacation Places For Rent the & Lost and stage the Hills trailed, 11 to 10. ton to see the Giants In all of his trips, he’s never seen perform. Low. | Scnlch’s should hire him as mascot. < Eagles Fly Peg Costly club lose a game. Terry who In their last bats, Chrlchton Boys Club Cadets, forgot LOST—Cameo brooch with diamond, MOMAUGUIN. and' and MAKE CONfJ.—Room filed out. “Tunk” Shea singled LEFTY O’ihOUL THINKS Lloyd Waher the greatest outfielder their protesting complex play- Wednesday evening. Valued as board on waterfront. Mrs Frank iij, ed took the North reward. O’Brien. First Avenue. to center and went to second on since Tris Speaker’s heydey and credits him with a sixth sense that baseball instead, keepsake. Liberal Ives, End over-the jumps 9 to Dial 4-2281. brother Joe’s single off, Colvin’s tells him just where a batter is going to hit The big-hearted Eagles 6 in a The game MONEY WALNUT BEACH—Large, airy, fur- Here Marlani replaced Col- Robins concede that Lon Warnecke of the Cubs is the best young rlgh- nine inning game. I glove. nished rooms for rent. Location of the was real tight until the seventh vin and was greeted by a single to hander in the league this year, putting him above Huck Betts N Jt Ices rates very reasonable. when the Cadets counted five and «% Special Ideal, Inq. ctenter by Debrot scording T. Shea. Braves Sukeforth, Dodger catcher, who Inhaled a load of 92 South St, Waterbury. Dial 4-7725 Clyde was ice. The lined to Senlch will hunt for the ball game on WITHOUT evenings. Write 12 Laurel Jimmy Fryer out, buckshot while on a trip last off-season, nothing Ave* hunting — I however, CARNET at second who had an easy double the was asked what Eagles kept coming, DOCTOR Optometrist. Walnut Beach. Mrs Tracy. but a next winter Babe Phelps of Dodgers — Job scoring in both the eighth and Eye troubles need glasses? Low- play at first, but instead .of taking in his name stood for. “Jes’ ‘C’,’’ drawled 177 Bank the middle initial, “C", ninth innings, but not near enough est prices. Eyes tested. his time for the throw pegged "Jes’ no Cuthbert? After wasting 100 grand St Tel 4-7478. Babe. ’C\” What, runs to tie the score, getting 14 WORKING wildly pas Mulligan as “Happy” effort to find an outfielder, on Ike Boone and Denny Sothern in their hits to 10 for the winners. Tone, Real Estate For Sale Shea registered the winning run. That the Human Brooklyn picked up Danny Taylor for r. song ("Was Camarado, R. Longo of the Eagles It was the Hills fifth consecutive ■ —.— Thing to Do?”) and he’s filling the bill much more acceptably featur- FOR IT! * and now boast of a win and Pugliese of the Cadets 'Automobiles victory Max tried to Sothern back, back to Baltimore but the Carey peddle back, ed with the willow. over team in league. life!’’ I 86 Houses For sale the reply was: “Who Sothern? Northern your Hlllies Rose’s Triple Does It Pryor held the Raymond • Autos and Trucks For Sale the in the to four hits, while his mates, the Brooklyn won game CASEY WHILE manager of the Toledo Mudhens, STENGEL, East End Bears got a dozen off eighth as Jack Mahaney started the the hens peddled $420,000 worth of ball players to majors, pulling the to win 5 to 4 E. Kurtz AUTO BUYERS! THREE FAMILT HOUSE for sale. off with an Infield hit. Lyons ran Bakers out of the mud. Then a bank blew up and, as Casey would put it, LOOK AT THESE- On corner lot, five minutes from for the Brooklyn catcher. Ray and Hayes hit well for their teams. sperled everything Asked what Steve swetonlc, the Pirates’ pitch- 1926 Ford Roadster — Runs Exchange Place. All rents paid Daly beat out a hit over second. until Modern ing ace,. had, Cy Moore replied laconically, “The Waner boys" The Stand Inc good .$16.00 August 1st. improve- Mullen singled to right, fill- ments. A sacrifice at 35343. Rea- Larry Incidentally, Steve is a native and a Pittsburgh V grad Babe W. X,. Per. 1923 Bulck Coupe .$25.00 ing the bases. Johnny DeVito 1 .857 sonable amount down. Act quick- Herman's son Bobby, a mere shaver, peddles popcorn at Redland Reldville ..*.6 Good Dodge Truck .$65.00 singled to left scoring Lyons. Oakville 8 1 .857 Good Truck .$75.00 ly on this bargain. field. Babe is no chances that it will be a mild winter, it appears Federal Sammy Fenn fouled out to Kane. taking Cadets 4 8 .571 1929 Harley-Davidson Motor- mark suffered on the western trip because J P. BANKS, Bethlehem VlcRadzevtch singled to left, scor- Billy Terry’s batting Bears 2 4 .533 cycle .$75.00 lionre hag fans were concerned over Hughie Simple! Every surplus Tel. Woodbury SO. ing Daly and Mullen. DeVito and of his managerial worries Oiant Hlllles 2 5 .288 100 Others. Late Models. Term* and the the season. enough, 0 6 .000 to Suit. Rasevlch moved up on as passed Critz’s arm hitting at start of But, oddly Eagles furnishings—some article or ar- heaved a ball. “Broadway” Rose tripled to egad, Hughie has smote the apple right smartly and his ATWOOD BROS. INC. in his 3-3256 ticles which are valuable but DeVito an Radze- creditable onion but has fallen oft in his fielding Early 249 No. Main St Phone right scoring Phone 4-6460 vlch, Percy Atwood then relieved baseball career, Johnny Manlon, catcher for the Reds, was beaned. IN 487 Meadow St. never used. It may be a suite of George Bunn oh the mound for Ever since he has hit with one foot in the bucket, as the saying is. HEARTS BACK furniture packed away In the THOMAS HALLINAN the Mechanics. Atwood uncorked in 1928 Packard Conv. Conpe Rose to THOUGH THE PIRATES find base stealing a big Help or It a wild pitch allowing 1930 Packard 5-Pass. Sedan storeroom, may be only a REAL ESTATE Mil games, Bill Terry has Ignored the ns a count with the winning run, Ly- winning CATHOLIC LOOP 1931 Paokard Sport Coupe and the Giants’ his men are too slow. Bill might chair. Perhaps It’s a desk, a ward- ons and A. Michigan went out on part of attack, feeling 1931 Pontlao Coupe GENERAL INSURANCE strikes. Shanty Hogan with a couple of Wasp motors and give it a 1931 Conv. OFFICE 43 EAST MAIN 8T. equip The Sacred Heart entry have Chrysler Coupe robe, or oven a gas oven. No homo The Giants are about ready to grab Walter Beck, the try been reinstated Into tho Catholic PACKARD-BRIDGEPORT MOTORS DIAL S-021S STANDING slde-wheeler, and also a sandlot third baseman named INC. is complete without these tuckcd- Memphis Parish baseball league, It was an- W. L P.C. Chuck W’eimer from Middletown, Ohio, Calirley Root’s home town 37 Cottage PI. Wtby. Dial 4-6109 nounced this morning by Secre- In-the-corner-of-the-storeroom ar- Garage 6 4 .600 the American league was willing to help, -the Na- Though tary McGrath, and will play Thomas Club 6 4 .600 to loan to the Cotton States Henry ticles. Why not sell them through tional circuit refused 17,500 lielp the Blessed Sacrament nine tonight BUY WITH CONFIDENCE—Used Tribunes 6 6 .600 no end the action league carry on. Branch Rickey was peeved by at 8 o’clock at Waterville park. cars with an "OK" that counts, at the classified columns of The Washington Hills ... 6 6 .600 of of his ... A from the University Washington Loehmann-Chevrolet Co.. 379 West Hearts 4 6 .400 league youngster Their $35 entry fee has been paid. sacred named Art McLarney, works out dally with the Giants. Main St Democrat? What you have and Financial iirooklyn A. C. 4 6 .400 The remainder of to-night’s can’t someone else Kid schedule follows: BUICK 1928 Coach. Mechanically use, la looking BROOKLYN'S BIGGEST mobster has a hunk of Chocolate, of St Margaret vs Our Lady brand new tires; car kept Ino Tim Mara is bartering for the services of Ernie PInckert. perfect; for and will pay a price for It. •s Money Loaned :R!ARS BEAT DE MOLAYS Lourdes, Hamilton park. Diamond In excellent condition by original Southern California star, for his Giants Sammy Taub, wh'o grid No 1. Umpire, Cunningham, scorer, owner Price $325. Phono Water- hundreds of In as a was one of the Every day people used to be the late Bat Masterson’s office boy kid 3-8006 or 3-7952. lu one of the most long drawn O’Connor. bury Plaoed—Insurance burled the writer's widow re- this rid their homes of fur- Mortgages at two mourners when they great sports Sts Peter and Paul vs St Joseph, city General Finance A Realty Co. Ine. iut ball gumes Fulton park Sat- with Adv. cently. The fight mob forget quickly Davis Walsh is back Hamilton Diamond No 2, f5I8 NASH 5-pals Brougham. 415 North Main St. Dial 3-2*75 ii day afternoon, the Putsio Friars park, Finish maroon with built- nishings which Just take up space the I. N. S. sports staff Why won’t A1 Lacey work behlpd Ernie Burke. “6”. Open Evenings lefeated the DeMolays, .18 to 17. Umpire Stanton, scorer, in trunk. Excellent condition Schagf? The Garden blew live grand on the Chocolate-Berg flop at and collect dust. Just call dial n a contest marked by erratic and St Michael vs Mount Carmel writers have to the throughout.$265 lumb playing on the part of both Under the new federal tax, sports pay govern- Pulton park. Umpire, Costaldo, 1929 PONTIAC Conv. Coupe with 4-2121 and ask for “Classifled.” ment for the of doing their work, being taxed ten per cent seat earns. The Friars held a 16 to 5 privilege scorer, Nardozzi. .rumble .$215 Industrial Loan* latest vs You’ll be at •SH Bad going Into the seventh, but on their working press seats The gossip they’re bandying St Francis Xavier St Patrick CHEVROLET Brougham .$50 pleasantly surprised about Is that if It’s up to Ed Flynn, secretary of state, to appoint a at Umpire, Rug- 1928 STUDEBAKER Comm. Sedan lucolo was replaced in the box by Washington park. the response to your ad. when and If Jim from the commission. 82TB LOANS TO Mt>»—Only charge ’rankle Day and Hennle D->pIns successor Parley resigns boxing gles. scorer. Peruginl. Other vs Sucred 28 Bargains a month balance Wa- ho threw away their big lead, Tom McArdle will get the Job ... If he does, a certain guy I hate, too, Blessed Sacrament on unpaid Mutual Loan association, uul Miller and Eddie Koslosky had better start running In .the direction of China. Heart at Waterville park. Umpire, STUDEBAKER AGENCY terbury 379 West Main St Dial 1-4188 ««» North Mala St Dial t-MIS. urled for the Dorics. f (Copyright, 1112, King Features Syndicate) Crocco, scorer, Cooke.
