Double Tie In Three Leagues An Article Lost In Public Is Sure To Be Found! Advertise For It Through Democrat Want- HILLS AND TRIBES KEELEY EXCELS AS CARD pwm DEALT PERFECT BRIDGE HAND — Mra RECREATIONS WIN; Buffalo, N. Y„ -(UP) • WE HAVE ONE GAME BEHIND George C. Lehmann was dealt a perfect bridge hand la a recent KACEYS SET BACK game with her husband and two LEADERS r. other LEAGUE g. ab. h. pet. players. Moved to 26 Union St. D. Hearsgears 1 111— ...- II .117 Mrs Lehmann a CHEVROLET ROADSTER Brlottl, kept straight July 25th. the Cut Rate Wall W. 1* 4« 7 14 .660 Charley Keeley, eouthpaw _ 1939 Business .(199 Beginning Monday. Paper Three a brief fraeaie of Klelty, G'gers face when picking up her cards upsets, & B.A.C.. 10 46 • VS .648 ball artist of the Recreation pitch- THE BLUB RIBBON OARAOE, INC. Shop will be located at 2S Union St. in the store now Penn, _ and with no trace of emotion bid knuckle throwing and continual J. DeVito, S.A.C. 10 46 10 II .647 ed and batted Bob Kiersted’S team 428 West -Main SL Dial 3-5179 occupied by the Union Plate * Window Glass Com- a grand slam at no trump to the O Dvellskls, Hrts • 66 3 It .343 to a 4 to 0 victory ovef "Hank” pany's paint department, with whom we have merged. wrangling with the umpire# Howard’s team astonishment of the other BARGAINS GALORE!—Good used J. Gilmore, Hrts. I 31 I 16 .666 __ for Johnny Venalow’e Cube players. In our new location We will be better equipped to marked the Amateur League Brooklyn yeeter- The unusual hand contained cars at low Easiest of City (Include Yesterday’s Games) yesterday and after grounding up at Fulton prices. sell the public a complete line of high palnta and day afternoon Park, terms. Erwin M. Jennings Co., Inc. grade at Hamilton Park drove over to Brookfield to play every Ace, King and Queen In the — that are games yesterday striking out eight batten and pol- Hudson A Essex Sales A Service. wail papers at cut prices prices positively Dunn the town team there In the deck, together with one Jack. The with Injured Again. with out a run and in lower than those of New York or Boston. We cannot afternoon. Tribune#, He ing home single 488 Watertown Ave. Dial 4-5787. Bari selenski batsmen, Harold Dunn, the classiest short- Western Connecticut league. three official times at the bat, bat- be undersold by any paint or wall paper store In New fannfng%19 is too fast for Doran will be eligible Id in the regulation contest, de* stop in the league, and “Raaor" In all his team's runs. The 1981 PLYMOUTH 2 door sedan, 8125. England for high grade merchandise. the Bast Bndera In ting feated the Sacred Hearts 1 to 2, in his weak feet. Trouble always to play with victory enabled the Rees to tie the NOTICE J. J. Collins, Inc. DeSoto A Plym- We will continue to operate undfer the firm name comes in bunches to his peppery the third round. outh, 38 Willow St. 11 frames. The Washington Hill#, Thomaston Kaceys, who were set- SEWER ASSESSMENTS of the— ; markers in Inflelder who was carried off the pushing across two back at Waterville by Dorsey Jen- ROADSTER — With field In the third Klles Coming Along THE BOARD Or COMMISSION- 1927 BUICK their last of the ninth setback the again yesterday kins’ Colored Elks 7 to C, for first Rumble seat. condition after ERS OF PUBLIC WORKS, of the Very good Cut -Rate Wall Thomas Club, 12 to 11, while the Inning with a sprained ankle Johnny Kerwin, Tribe pilot, has place in the Public Parks circuit. throughout. Price reasonable. F. Paper Shop second base. AS City of waterbury, at a meeting Brookiyns registered six runs in stumbling over a find in young Karl Kiies, cocky The box score: A. Emmons, Super-Service, Inc., Now Located at 26 UNION ST. It held July 19, 1932, made assess- their last bate to down the Gara- soon as “Harp” left the lineup. second baseman who has yet to Recreation, Oldsmoblle Agency. General Tires, r from ment for sewer purposes on prop- 398 Dial 3-4197. gers, 8 to 7. seemed the spirit was gone reach his 18th birthday. If Kiies, ab. h. o. West Main St. erty and owners held the Hearts to the Tommies who finally wound the Art Shires of the Church Conway, cf. 4 1 1 against property Selenski on 2b .. 4 * • Bonalr Avenue, from Mel- 29 BUICK 4-PASS. COUPE—Fine three hits, one an infield, one by up on the short end of a one-run league, could get rid of his “I,” Barrone, Business Service Stewart, 2b 3 0 S bourne Terrace to Cooke Street, to condition. A bargain. Wensel A Lewis, which “Goggy” hargln with the Hills. "I” lingo, he would have countless Charley Perrin, ss 2 1 3 the amount set to their respective Collins, Inc., 14 Grove SL WILBUR SAYSt Bowen was slow at fielding. The more friends than he has at the 4 0 # Staff. Sullivan, c names, as follows, to wit:— 50 Painting, Paper Hanging “The answer to bringing down Hearts pushed across their sec- Fryer Showing present time. Yesterday he stepped Shea, If 2 0 5 South R. Roberts, DEPRESSION PRICES that ond tally in the eleventh to go Jimmy Fryer, Bespectacled up to the plate with the tying run Sloes, rf 2 1 0 Side:—Ray overhead expense—is Hill has Anna L. Roberts, $96.35; Mary I. '29 Reo Flying Cloud Brougham ahead, 2 to 1, when Joe Cosgrove Washington outfielder, on base, and drove out a long Burns, lb 2 1 4 — And Boylan, $125.00; Minnie ‘30 Austin Coupe PAINTING paperhanging. to the brook with one out. shown considerable improvement home run which decided the Keeley, p 3 2 1 Prescott, Rooms 12.50. For tripled Elizabeth ’30 Chevrolet Conv. Coupe papered, good With two since he in the outer him one Bernier, lb 1 e 0 $125.00; May Funk, work and reasonable rates Dial STORAGE Johnny Gilmore fanned. patroled Hearts fate and netted ’29 Ford Del. Roadster he Flnkenseilar, rf .. 1 • « $250.00; William H. Burt, $125.00; strikes on "Turk" Flaherty, Cossy works with Crosby. Yesterday of those French 'kisses from Man- ’30 Pontiac Roadster 4-2858. For rates and particulars first in- Isabella M. Van Horn, Geneva Sport stole home, knocking over Flaher- threw Hdmlck out in the ager Kerwin. '30 De Soto 6 Sport Roadster Totals .23 3 27 Van Horn, Car- who failed to move. The Tribes ning with a beautiful toss from $125.00; Ralph '29 Hupmobile 8 Conv. Coupe ty Brooklyn Cube. Frances 60 was but left field which Patty Slattery rington, Carrington, '30 Hupmobile 6 Sport Roadster Printing. Jobbing. Stationery Dial 3-3070 argued that Flaherty out, deep ab. h. o. received without With the Hoben Is There $125.00; Alice Anna Carter, '30 Whippet Sport Roadster to no avail. In their last bats, moving. rf. 4 1 Col- Dattelll, $155.00; Elsie Lelsring, '30 Chevrolet Panel \-ton Truck the inning fly- sun in his eyes, Fryer nailed What a difference Johnny Hoben If 3 4 $130.13; THH ARROW PRINT SHOP Fitzpatrick opened Penlkas, Anna Cooke Anna ’32 Auburn Conv. Coupe out to Ho- vin’s long fly, in the senventh in- makes behind the bat for the Tri- 2b 3 4 Faber, .$500.00; JOB PRINTING, INVITATIONS Larson ing Flaheijty. Johnny Rossi, Cobke ’29 Dodge Std. “6” Cdupe Storage Co., hen sharply to left. As ning while sitting on the ground. bunes! He upholds Earl Selch- Stanley, rf 4 1 Faber, $625.00. 235 NO. MAIN. DIAL 1-4224 singled North Side:—Thomas P. Don- 50 Other Bargains. 1 to 2 Years INC. Selenski fanned Hoben stole sec- The Tommies claimed he dropped skl’s fast ones and curves In an en- Malario, ss. 4 0 Rose to Pay. Easy Terms. the but Will Stanton which means a lot to Forte, c 4 7 Ion, V. Donlon, $201.00; 808-318 NORTH MAIN £t. ond. Young Carl Klies, Crosby ball, Umpire viable style, 64 and Jacarusso, 3b .... 4 1 James C. G. 329 NORTH MAIN STREET Pressing Tailoring school second baseman, drove didn’t agree and two Tommies died Selcnski, although a lot of fans Maxwell, $125.00; high DIBlase, lb 2 I Abram Paul- evenings till 9 and all of Tocchio’s balls on the paths. ride the former Yale signal caller. Hengeveld, $125.00; Open one Charley high DIBiase, lb 2 • day Sunday. Dial 3-3347 after blame ine H. Olcott, $125.00; Viola Wen- and to deep left field. Flaherty, In a way you can’t' them, Venslow, p. 3 0 CLEANING, Pressing Repairing zel, $125.00; Elizabeth of the kind, work called a long run, got his hands on the This and That for that tickles on his upper Up Kallch, If 1 0 Hengeveld, better for $125.00; Helen and delivered. Mosel, It Abbott ball, but the pellet got away from Bellev* it or not, but the huge Is enough to get anybody in a Chesinas, x 1 0 Marshall, $125.00; 14 Service Stations. Repairing Merida C. A vs. Dial S-0342. him, Hoben scoring and Klies com- throng which witnesses yesterday’s humorous mood. Robinson, $168.00; A. Finn, the circuit. interesting triple bill donated a Totals .33 5 24 Mary $208.15; Edward N.
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