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Farm, Garden and Household, Iceland and America. The old story of the discovery of Ameri- Two Kinds of Farmers. ca by Norsemen, long before the days of Columbus, is told anew with enthusiasm Forrest Moreland, of N. lleuvelton, Y., and confidence Mr. Anderson ot the Uni- in to the by writing Country Gentleman versity of Wisconsin. His book, “America says: not Discovered is an his- file farm of the by Columbus,” careless, slothful, ig- torical sketch of the earlv to ami norant farmer, is voyages separated from that of from Iceland, it is and viva- Ills more interesting intelligent neighbor by bounda- cious, with sonic ineleganeesol ries ni«,re than line Republican expression plain fences'! Mr A Journal. which set in to mark a foreigner who has while driving a poor team attached to an VOLUME 45. not quite mastered English Mr. Ande rson inferior by a BELFAST, MAINE. OCTOBER NUMBER drag malicious harness, THURSDAY, 20, 1874. 17. lias the most ardent praise for everything which had already taken its rev0110*0 on Icelandic, even so tar as to say that tie animals How to Fatten Cattle. going poor by in numerous The Undiscovered So she sat and tlie literature of Iceland is to galling Country. still, watching waiting that I gained a deal so she's early equal p laces, strikes a great by making up ladylike and refined and delicate; affection for herself. Carry eoiud remem- suddenly stone and breaks The ol' cattle fattened for market lor an opening, and meanwhile such my mind that of ancient and that while lit- price < ouId we but know doing beforehand.” just like one of the tall tree-ferns we. ber very little of her former life. She Greece; ‘‘rao >in