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CELEHRATE ANNlVJ^'KSAKY. Sunday, May I3tii, is the. anttiy'er- LEi sary of tbe Epwortb League, and MILK PRODOCERS FORM members of the iocal organizations ai'e planning to ceiebrate the occa- U LADNGRED T BEGINS LAST slon. They plan to serve a Cafeteria COW PNG CLOD Luncheon at the church on Sunday BilANCIl OF INTFIlNATIONAL W, B, I>EA\ ORGANI/iER AND APPROPRl/VTlONS MOUNT TO AJj- evening. May I3tli, at 5:30 o'clock, A,SSOCIATlON lt'ORMEB 1'O WEED DINNER CLUR ASSOCIATION. MANAGER, RlCSIGNS. MOST FORMER TOT.AL. , and tlie regular. Epworth League OUT BOARDER COWS. meeting wili be beid at G:30. Every­ Binner At Jlofcl Mit.-jon Fiidny Re- ii'reil C. l'mkcr Assnrnc.s Active Man- Many lmpoi'tant Matter.s Go Unliccd- one is invited. 'i'wcnty-sl.v Fariner.s Unite To Tost .snifs ln OrguniziiHon Of agemcnt Under Direction Of ed Wliile .Solons Cows li'cn' IJotli Yicid r.. Proniisins €l»l>. W. ,F. Prcscotl. WrangIc. LOCAL WOMION AT I'RESIlYTI'UlY. And PiH)fit. . Mrs. F. C. Ellett, Mrs. 0. II. Free- : Several yveeks ago about a dozen W. B. Dean, yvtio organized\aiid lias 'Drayving rapidly toyvards its ciosc, land and Mrs. W. H. Long attended The old brindie coyv is having a :' business and iirofcssionai men froni so successfully oiierated the Mason the I.923 session of the Michigan leg- tbe Women's iylissionary meeting of hard, time tiiaintaing her prestige I Mason yyere invited to an itttercity iCievator Co., since its inception, islature finds more than tbe usual the ljnnsing Presbytery, bel(i at 'Ie- nowadays. Time yvas yvhen if she lviwanis nieetlng at Lansing. • It/ de: iendered ills resignation to the com­ syvirl of important measures con- cuniseli. tbis yveek. Mris, lSiiett bas produced a good calf once a year, veioped afteryvtirds titat tile printe pany to take el'fect May Ist. Jylr. Dean fronting it at tbe last moment. It been president of tliis organization didn't kick the pail over more than i purpose of tbe invitation was a desire stiii retains iiis stock for the present looks as though' the layvmakers yvbo- for five years. At the meeting Mrs. once a yveek, and didn't jump fences, on tile i)art of Lansing IClwanians'to but yvill I'etlre, from active manage- yvore lieralded last January as tbe Freeland is scheduled for an address no questions yvei*e asked. But now nient of the company. Tbe lsbell institute a club hoi'e. Sevorai cou- most buslness-like in many years on ''Felloyvship,'' yvbiie Mrs. Long it is different. Ffrst they jab her interests of Jackson, liold a majority fcreuces resulted and at a dinner may yvind up yvitb a record lacking in will respond to a toast at? the youug with a needle to find if she has the of tbe stock and for the present W. T. R. If she hasn't they make "her served at IIotei Mason on last li'rlday real achievement. Much business people's ljanquet on the topic, ''Train­ evening enough applications imd been F. Prescott, manager of the I^eslie yvear ear rings and if slie lias then it's can be transacted in the finai days ing For Service.'' ijied to warrant tbe organizatiott of a Elevator Co., yvbicb is one of the sey'- all off yvith bossie. "Hoilerhorn'' and eral conti'olled by the lsbell interests of a reguiar session, however, yvhen ciub. Iviyvanis was started in Dett'oit "THE HOUSE OF DAVlD.'' milk fever arc no longer heard of. An will be directly responsible for tbe bills that have been pending a iong in 1315. Club number one thousand, Next Sunday at 7:30 p. m.. Dr. uli-to-date veterinarian has replaced business here. Fred C. I'arker, for time in one house or othe other are iviiich by the way was sponsored by W. B. Harlzog wiii speak at the Bap- the coyv doctor yvith his soft soap and many years bookkeeper and office passed over for finai decision and Detroit Club No. One was recently tist church on ''The HouseNof David salt remedies. Whiie these innova­ manager at the local elevator will each house is acting only on the bills chartered at Wyandotte, lt itas noyv and Other Houses.'' There is cer­ tions .are ail right as a general rule, take active charge of the plant under adopted by the other. -Siiould there become an international organization tainly a chance to say something on it is becoming harder and harder for Mr. Prescolt's dii-ection. be no time absorbing contests over yvitb ciubs in aii of the principle cities COACH mmm t(|iis subject and iie is going to say it. a cow to hang on to her job. Con- some of tiiese, t'eai speed can iie and towns in the IJnited States and When asked as to his plans for the He wili tell when and hoyv this cult tentediy chewing her cud at the shady Canada. It is tbe proud boast of the future, Bert replied that lie is going sbown in ciearing up the iast of the brookside sounds fine in poetry but ft LEAVyiGH SCHOOL started, and how it traveled from organization that no Kiyvauls Club to rai.se tbe best garden in Mason, calendar! Tbe house originally' set England to Austt-alia, and later to doesn't satisfy the farmer any more. has yet put out the light and surt-eud- Friday, April 27, as tbe day of pro- Rich miik hitting the bottom of the J\lason's popular footljall coacli and this year, and that beyond thiit, he Canada and the United Slates. Ile cred its charter. ' Continued on page three) • pall sounds better to him and he high school principal yvbo annonunces lias not come to any conciusion. yviii tcii yvbere Benjamin caine from wants it full all the year round too. At the 1922 iniernational that be yvill not remain liere after and yvii'ere be is going too. IIe yvill It's business, not poetry, yvith him. •.meeting it yvas agreed tluU. one of tlie i.iiis year, ljarger toyvns yvitb great- exiilain yvliy most of the cult leaders projects to be yvorked upon tliis year er iiossiliiiitie.'j iiave outyyeiglied the of the past and present have lieaded Tyventy-six farmers living near Ma­ was to be tlie installatioti of Clubs in urge of both scliool officials and ciii- SEASON'S BASEBALL TREASURER for the United States, and made it tbe son Inive banded togetber to search snuilier towns and conitnunities in /.ens and Van lias decided to seek bappy buutiug ground of impostors, out star boarders among tbeir lierds order tbat lCiwanis niigbt be better new lields. Mr. Vanl'utten announces and tlie fertiie field for every 'ism ind lt is said that coyv beef is likely' able to get into cio.se relation Willi liint ile lias not fully decided where scHEDyLE AGREED TO ETIRES ROAD BONDS and fake. Jesus said, ''There sliall to be qui(,e plentiful as soon as the Agricuiturai interests. The niotto of lie will go Init il will bo probably one arise false ChiIsts and false trutli is known, proiiliefs.'' Ilistory dicloses fbe fact I.Ciwanis is "We Bu'iid." lt is not in­ of sevei'ai largo niicidle yvest scliools MEETING OF DiIlIwi:OI{S AT LAIlGE' l'AYMENT ivIABi.; ON J. C. Wells of the Dairy Extension' that lie kncyv what lie yvas talking tended it yvill replace any establislted wiiicii liaye oiTered liim positions. A S'I'OCK BR IDG 'I'U ICSDA V. COVERT ROAD INDEU'l'EDNESS. Department of M. A. C. has been very about. ' ' ,5 • organization but tbat it yvill yvork multitude of friends iiero regret liis busy in this vicinity for sey'eral days yvilIiiind flirough all agencies wbicb depaiiure but will rejoice iu ills pro- AIasdn O|)ons Willi Stockbridgc On 'Dotal County liKlcbfcdncss Greatly and lust Saturday evening a group-of tend to uplift civii and inot'ai life, lt motion. Hoinc Gi'onndK Reduced lly'Rctircnrent On progressive herd oyvners organized is not religious or political but seeks AIay !i.~)tli. May I.St. the Mason-Ingliani Coyv 1'est- to j)rouiote every good tlttttg regard- Ing Association. 'I'yvent.v-six herds MISSIONARY TO I less of its-source—in fact tbe t'eai Complete sciiedule of games for tiie Holders of Coy'erL Road Bonds ai'e to be tested over a period of one purpose of ibe club is to build coni- l.OSS playing season yvas agreed upon should look them over carefully to year. An expert will be employed N munity s|)irit and friendly relatons. and approved at a meeting of tlio bote their maturity date, A iarge wlio yvill visit one herd each day, WRITES LETTER Aniong tlie ljansing menibers jire.s- League directors lieid in Stockbridge portion of file bonds now outstanding yveighing and measuring feed and 'ruesday evening. Mason plays her for this purpose were purcliased l^y yveighing and testing niilk. lt is ent to assist in tiui organization yyet'C ORATORICAL CONTES irOil,>IE|{ AIASON llOY RIOTURNS local investors and noarly hundred Ceorgo M. Coodell, who signed tlie first game on the home grounds op­ TO Ii'OREKJN claimed tbat of the !)00,000 coyvs in thousand of them inatured 9n JNlay VlKiA). .first uijplication when tbe Lansing Clio. McAIJTlIlJR WINS HONORS posed by tlie aggressive playing ag­ Michigan, about oue-tliird are fed at gregation from the soutlieast yvbo 1st. Warrants aggregating $!)9,000 a (iirect ioss to tlieir owners. It is club was oi-ganized, Deyvey A. Seely, AT IlOW10l.ilj. Mr. And Mr.s. Flo.vd Wiicox Write haii themseives as tiie amateur base­ to cover the principal and $0,008 in this factor in dairying that has eaten wlio t'uns tlte yveatiiet', attd Clen i^. Intereslingly Of iivpurieuces payment of. tbe semi-annual interest into the farmers protiis and it is i.his Munsluiw. JI. IIardy, a siullful song Wlll Now Compete At ):»tate Oiatori. ball cliaiiipions of Micbigan. So far ln China. due also on May ist, passed through factor that the enlightened farmer leader, yvbo put a lot of Pell into tbe cal Coiilo.st, 'IV) lie Hcbl During as iylason's past experiences go, tbey can keep file old title as iong as they tbe county treasurer's office this proposes to rid himself of. event in tile coniniuiiity singing attd i'»Ioiitli Of .luiic. "ICong-liyi; Kong-hyi" (good yvant to, but right now our feiioyv yveek. Botb interest and principal is J. \V. Sexton, President of i,.ansing yvishes for tile Neyv Vear) written by It is interesting to knoyv that the townsmen wiio are going to yy'ear blue payable at Capital National Bank at IviMMnis Ciub. iMr. SOxton is no A numiier of lylasoii peoide were in Mr. and Mrs. lt'loyd Wiicox, Baptist first cow testing association in the sox tliis sunimer are full of flglit and ljansing. Bonds may be presented at stranger liere, liaving addre.ssed tiie lIoyvell last li^ridny evening to attend missionaries stationed at Ningpo, United States yvas formed at Free- will liiake Stockbridge earn all the tbat bank or at any local ljank for annual nieetlng of the Booster Club tlie Second lDistric't Oratorical contest China, readied Mason fciends tliis mont, Michigan, in I905. Wisconsin bonors she gets. redemption and interest. in Marcb. Ile gave au insiiiring talk iield at tile liigh scliool building in yveek. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox are grabbed tlie idea, liowever, and forg­ along Iviwiaiiian lines yvhicii received that, city. "lled'' Spencer, formerly playing It yviii be remembered tiiat three former Mason people yvho still retain ed ahead, now liaving one hundred the closest attention of those present. The local high school yvas repre­ yvith Eaton, Rapids, has agreed to years ago the bond boiyses tried to their church connections here. Tliey fifty sucli clubs in active operation. Officers elected for tile reinaindor sented in that contest, Ceorge i\lc- come to Mason to try his skill around play a boidup game yvith road offi­ yvere home on furlough last year and No other state has as many, Michi­ of the fiscal year are President, V. J. Artliur, son of Judge and Mrs. l.,. B. the initial sack and of course there is cials and run up interest cost on have just returned to their former gan stands second yvith fifty clubs Brown; vice iiresident, J. E. Wag- McArthur having yyon first 'place in Peck, yvho has signed up to pitch. Covert, bonds. The Commissioners Ueid. Presbyterians,'Methodists, Bap ready to start business on May Ist. goner; secretary, D. C. Dart; .trcas- tiie sub-district declamation contest Jess Harkness yvill receive and Hailie toQk the matter up with local bank­ tists, ail on the field, appear to be The growtli of the idea is apparent yirer, L. R. White; district trustee, H. held a feyv yveeks ago iu Mason. This will be' on the job when Rockefeiier ing institutions with the result that yvorking band in hand to educate the when it is told that one year ago J. Bond; directors, A. B. Bail, L,.^B. entitled him to participate in the interests can spat-e him, putting them more tlian $200,000 worth of these Chinese youth for better iife and bet- there ^ere only twelve clubs in this Dean, Leo lveiiy, lSarl SalisbutT. Hoyvell contest for the honors of itc- over the fence when runs count. bonds were sold to Ingham county in­ tet- citizenship. state. The Mason Ciub is the third Harry Neel,y, .Dr. L. N. Vorkes, L. H. vestors. .They netted the purchasers claming at the state contest, Ceorge Haiiie and Jess wiii keep thetn One passage of the letter is espec­ in this county, Lansing and Lesiie ai- IIarrison. six per cent net and yvere veiy at- gave his declainatTon, "Abraham Lin­ selves In trim by playing Sunday ball ially interesting in the light of receiit ready boasting of weii organized tractive to iocal capital. As soon as the required authority coln'' and yvas awarded first place by with Pleasant Lake, ln the games deveioptnents in this great sleeping clubs. The bondtd indebtedness of this Is granted from International Head- the judges. Chester Stein of Adrain, scheduled Mason gets the-opening countt'y. Referring te the New.Year Work will be started among tbe county, never hjgh. Is greatly reduc- quarters tJie L.ansing Club will come was given second place, the subject of game and also the Labor Bay contest Day ceiebt'ation, he says: herds associated as soon as a compe­ ed by these payments. The total out- to Mason enniasse for tbe presenta­ his declamation being "Our Respon­ All games are played on Wednesday ''Like looking through a great tent man can be secured to start test­ standing obligations of the county tion of tbe cbarter. Tlie club will sibilities as a Nation." Other contes­ and Thursday, except holidays.. This black cylindrical tube with jets of ing. The expense of the undertaking now coniSist of ?I58,300 V Covert hold weekly meetings at six o'clock tants were Miss Aluriel Bovee of Ply­ makes it better for boys with jobs to light shooting into it at irregular in­ is met by a per capita assessment bonds of which $136,300 were Issued with supper served either at tbe Hotel mouth, and Alma Marie Packard of attend. tervals was this Chinese street on the atnong the farfnet-s, the cost varying by .the County Road Comtnissioners .or some other conveuient place, lts Ithaca. evening before the greatest festival according to the size of the herd from membei-ship is iimited to tbirty-five and 122,000 by the State Highway In the oratoricai contest there were day of the year. New Years Day. Al­ ?2.75 to if3.25 for each cow tested. and not moi'e than two men in the Department, These fall due serially, also four contestants, Leslie Butler though the_ weather was very cold The following officers are; Presi­ same line of business is'perniltted. BAND CONCERTS ASSURED each year, the last of them maturing of Ann Arbor, Leonat'd Hoag of Ea­ doors were opened wide and in their in 1926. dent, E. T. Rickat-d; vice president, ton Rapids, Frances Nicholsoti, Hud- very ''mouths,^' as the Chinese say, B. L. Gt-een; secretary, Alfted Allen; In addition to the Covert Bonds sou, and Leslie Oidt of St. ' Louis. hung one, sotnetimes two lighted ian- directors, E. T. Rickard, B. L. Green, there are $H,600 of Portage River First place was given Leslie Butler, terns, paper things, reinforced with Fred Furnian, Jack Eames, Alfred MASON HESIOENT SOSTAINS Drain Bonds, which are not strictly whose oration was ''America and NECESSARY FUNDS SUBSCKUllCD batnboo splints, and ted candles, Allen. France.''. Frances Nicholson won TO INSUKB CONTINUANCE. county bonds but are the obligation otnens of happiness, burning brightly BADLY FRAGTUREO SHOULDER second with her oration, "The Need of Portage River Dt'ain DisttIct is- within. So, they say, ai'e the good of the Hour.'' - • , Bandmaster Barry announces that sued by the Drain Cotntnissibners of spirits shown the way and weicotned KARL PARISH GliXfS A BAD TWIST The judges on thought and com­ the City Band will be ready to start Inghatn, Jaclcson and Washtenaw with a wat'm welcome to abide with 8DIL0IN6 AND LOAN AiiSN.- IN ARM. position were Profs, 3. Stuart ljathers the popular weekly concerts as soon counties jointly. the family for many moons. By the and F. B. McKiiy, State Not-tn.a^ Col­ as the weather is suitable./ EaiIy in Another $50,000 issue for building satne token, the evil spirits, fearful of TO INCREASE ACTIIflTIES Whlle plowing last Saturday, Earl lege and Supt. A. G. Erickson of the the winter it was announced that the tubercular hospital was approved light, and loving darkness, ate dt-iven Parish suffered a badly dislocated Vpsilanti public schools. Tbe judges these affairs which have (proved so at the last election but. the Board of away. JJNCOURAGEIMENT TO LOCAL 1N. shoulder. In raising hl.s arm,quickly on deiivet-y yvere Supt. E. J. Wtllmtiu attractive to residents of Mason and Supervisors have not yet authotIzed ''Just now China's mental doors are VE8TORS PLANNED. over his head his shoulder was of the Owosso public schools, Supt. sttrrounding coihmunities would have their issue and it is quite probable thrown out of joint and the,shoulder wide open in the darimess and ail A, O. Leonard, Farmington public to be discontinued on account of the thal,„ short titne notes will be used to At the regular dlt'ectot's' meettng of blade torn loose from the cellar bone who are bearers of Light may enter schpols and Pt'of.J. F. Batnhill of fact that several of the tnetnbers of finance this pt'oject in. order that in- the Mason Building .md Loan As^- besides ligaments being, yvrenched and abide thjre. The Light of the tli^ State Nortnal-College. the band had retnoved or engaged in terest charges may be kept at a min- elation held Tuesday evening, thX, Ioose. However pairifui, the accident Gospel is entering ntultiplying,,,doors business which tuade it inposslble to imutn. matter of securing increased funds '' did not prove serious and Mr. Parish The Mason school feels honored and there are none shut against It. attend rehearsals and concerts. to care for loan demands w^s dis- yvas abie to be at work liie flt-st of the that George held first place in the As the Good Spirit of God comes in Officers of the Booster Club got cussed. Since its organization about yveek. contest. Ho will now. compete iu the the evil spirits of superstitious fear State'Contest which wili be heid some busy and circulated a paper around AGED MAN STRUCK BOWN go out in haste, never to return. This three years ago there has been a , tim^ during tlte month of June. If is town especially atnong the tnercbants. is the way His Kingdotn is won." . steady demand for loans. iThis de-' tiot yet decided at yvhat city the con­ The result is. a sufficient sum to per­ niand.has increased with the impetus BY NEWFORD SEDAN test'^ will oceur... • • mit the hiring of outside musicians gfven to Mason real estate movement to fill in the gaps and make the con­ during the last few weeks. The of­ ceits possible. The committee has CONDITION OF ED HA/JSLTON WILIETT HOME SHOWS RARE ficers of the association are planning FOR SOUTHCAROLINA JOB not quite finished its work,but suffl- . DOES NOT IRirROVE. tneans to encourage the investment DISTIN6UISHE0 SOLDIER cient response yvas tnade to assure its of local capital In the association's BllltiDGlNG OPli) RATIONS ON BIG SPECijNjF MA6N01IA success, lt is requested that if any­ Last Thursday afternoon about prepaid stock in order to take care of DRAIN liEGlN. four o'clock, Ed Hazfelton was struck MEMORIALDAY SPEAKER one wiiom the committee has over- WILL BE IN PULL BLOOM, SUN­ the new building construction neces­ looked desires to contribute, they down at the cot'ner ofV'B'' and Oak sary to accommodate the demand for E. J. Doane with his son, Otto streets by a. new Ford sedan diIven DAY. PAST BEPART»IENT COM!«ANDEU may do so by speaking to Mr. Barry increased and itnproved housing fac- Doane and wife, plan to leave for by Ed Pilbeam. Mr. Hazelton imd W. O. JAftlES HERE MAY 30. or to J. B. Dean. ilUies. It is probable that definite South Carolina in about two weeks started across tbe street and when he Lovers of flowers will he treated to It is felt, by business men here that announcetnent will soon be made on the contract which he secured last saw th'e Pilbeam car approaching he a gorgeous display of bloom which nothing adds tnore, to the pleasure of which will be advantageous to inves-. fall for the construction of the Main Col. L. H. Ives, who was chalrman stopped in the center of the street. will be in it's full splendor by next' town and • country alike than these tors and borrowers alike. drainage channel with branches in the of the program committee for the last As Mr, Pilbeam had recently purchas­ Sunday, according to Otis F. Fuller, weekly concerts which' have contin­ Klngstree Drainage District in Wil- year's Memorial Day services, used ed the car and is yet. an inexperienced who is probably one of the ihlghest his best efforts to secure Coi. O. A. ued for several years past, , authorities in the state on florticui- llamsburg.county, that state. driver, he was unable to avoid Mf. The committee^' on Memorial Bay James, Past Department Commander ture. At the home, of Herman, Wil- The main part of the drain is twen- Hazelton. wili meet at the rest rooms ln the of Michigan, for speaker of the day. lett on '"C" street is a splendid speci­ ty-tbree miles in length with smaller court house .Tuesday evenitjg at seven:' The best that could be accomplished When the car struck lilm, be was men of Yulan Magnolia, one of a very branches making sixty-six miles in o'clock to perfect plans for Memorial was a promise that he would come "BILL" RICHARDS' FRIENDS thrown to the pavement, striking oh few of it's kind in this state, and ac- nil. The work will necessitate five Day. Delegates from the various or­ this year. Col, Ives Is in receipt of the back of his head. He was taken cording to Mr. Fuller, one of the dredges arid will take about a year ganizations in the city will attend, a letter from the distinguished vet­ to the home of bis son, N. T. Hazel­ finest specimens ever grown. This and a half for complet;ion, ^ REMEMBER HIS and at the council meeting Monday eran stating that he has, not forgotten ton, where be bas laid in a dazed con­ shrub Is more commonly, referred to Mr, Doane was the successful bid­ evening the city will undoubtedly and that he win be on band tor the dition, since, his condition not Im- as a (Thineqe' Lily. The shrub re­ der on this work at a letting held last I opposite ter of Charles Hedglln -of Dansvllte, forget we Iiave everything^ In the summer so a preUinlnary game is ar­ 6r^ in other ^orij(li;.|a6nww^ CSieyrqlet garage, Maaon;'Mich.--16t4p arid Mr. West18 a farmer. plant line. C. C. Oriffln & Sbn. It ranged for Friday evening-after sup­ •--^lllvclean;:ce8B pooIsI^aaifl^^oIpBet'' . We have lUarge assortment Of jger- per. Anyone who is Interested Is in­ draw; .away: rubbish;^; garttafl .^YeiTr•special-prices oft Sateen>nd r tlrieri^SuUiug^yard wide, 89c. A aniunts andlporch box plaritB,'. Order Porter's Pain King: is for pale at vited, to bring his hefrseshoeB - and aljheB. ; iB; A. Reedy, both ^ Llnget'te blboiherB.at.P 0. C, Grlftln & Son. ,18wl I Young's store at Dansvll?e. wlp meett atJthat the CitCityy parpark aatt 8:308:30.; ' ' ' .. 1 Page Two INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1923

Pin tbjr fatth to no Writ* it on ronr IMUt To know mui'l ilccve; bait tbou tlikt *verr day is tb* bwt •ot two erei of thtm

Doll Patterns INGHAM TY NEWS

FublIiIifd ntrf Thandar afttmeon in tht CKr af MaHn, Canntr Stat af Iiifliam Coantr, Uicblfan. I — I VEKNON J. BBOWN, Publlihtr . ^

SUBSCBIPTION BATES (ParabIi in Advanct) Ona T»ar (In Ingham conntr) •»»•;• Mz MontIiB (fn Ingham county) i " Thraa Monlhi (in Ingham coiintr) ••> ••* Bhigl* Copici • • -M OaUide Ingham conntr In U. 8., ona rear I.M AII papera mailed outilda tha U. S.. one raar ~. ADVERTISING BATES . Dl.plar Bdvertiiing ralea on application. BuilncM local! and reading notice! on flrat and local pagea, 15e a Ihia. No reading or bu!lneii advertlalng Ic!! than 26 cent!. ' Card of Thanii! one cent a word. ,/ Obitunrr notice! of 12S word! free, more than 125 wordi or obitaarr poetrr, ana cent » word. No charge! for birth, death or marriage nottcei, notlece of reunion. Alt Supper, and enlcrlatninenti where admlaiton ii charged, or anr plan deiigned te mnlie money mu.t be paid in odvance at regular ratei. Entered at the Po.totllce at Maion, Michigan, ai 'lecond-cla!! matter.


This community is to be congratulated upon being received into the A Ilemitiful Timuglit Also a Beautiful Doll Given Away Free to the girl who feiloyvshlp of Kiyvanis lnternatienab To those who do not undet'stand Its If every great promiser also was a great performer, most of us would be purpose, many queries as to its piace among the other elements of our so- makes the best Doll Dress from the pattern she receives mllllonalt'es, ciety yvill present tbcmscives. That there is a place for it in every wcil —! f !— On the Following Conditions: regulated community is evident from the things which have been, accomp- Itlinor Musings ' iisbed in otber toyvns. 'S peculiar, but a childish man Only girls from 8 to 12 years old can enter this contest. All dresses must be in never has a boyish disposition. Organizing and tlostering potato clubs in one piace, furnishing milk to \ —! ! !— our store by Monday. May 14th. There Will be two judges Who Will decide on Unless a pleasure-lover is also a babies in another, promoting .summer camps, providing hospitai care to the dresses, as to stitching and Workmanship. crippled cbiidren, ileiping Boy Scouts in otjiers. Marking higbw.iys in one work-lover he isn't iikeiy to have place, nuking a road bee at another, financing a highschooi band at another, much pleasure. The Doll will be Given Away Saturday, May 19, at 4 p. m. ; I f I providing drinking fountains at still another are some of the activities re­ There are as many ungrateful par­ cently noted. It is the province of Kiwanians to search out the thing need­ ents as ungt'ateful cbiidren. ed to bo done in their respective communities and then to get solidly behind —! ! !— Our Book Department that thing until it is accompiisbed. Jesse H. Binford of Richmond, Va., has It's .IB right for every dog to have covered it yvcii in bis article, "Iviwauis and the Higher Call.'' his day but yve object to every cat's Is complete with the liewest and latest popular bOOks fOr yOuBg and Old. having bis night. "Kiwanis lnlernational and local promotes friendship and social inter­ I I I course. The reserved business man, entering our club, becomes a youth If you are rich you won't necessar­ In spite of the high priced sugar we are selling Candy at 20c per pound again, fans out of bis dignity, loves bis feiioyv Kiwanians and calls tbem by ily be happy, but If you are happy you their Christian names, just as ho did as a lad yvhen life yvas free and gen­ can't help being rich, for there is no LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN otber riches that equals happiness. uine. That I.Clyvanls can take the calculating econonilc uian, striving seifisb- —! ! •!— iy for success, and liglit again in his soul the sacred fires of friendship marks Your ability may not be measured it as a great fraternity. But Kiwanis docs more tlian this. by your income, but your ability to Bazaar and Dry Goods Klwanls also believes in promoting the business success of Kiyvani.ms. ceep tile yvolf ayvay is generally meas­ It calls every Iviyvanian to be a leader in liis special iine of yvork; for the man ured that yvay. I I ; yvbo by energy, ability and integrity builds up a successful business is tbere- One yvay to rest the ''tired busi-. by prouioting tbe yveifarc of iiis coramuuity. But Iviyvanis has a higher call. ness nmnU is to ieave hini off commit­ The true l'Ciyvaniau yvili look beyond the menibers of his oyvn group and tees and permit him to remain ayvay Earl Nibart, Lansing 30 Clin West, Dansvilie 20 Freddie Alexander, Lansing 24 see the good in aii classes of citizens. The farmer yvho by the syveat of bis from dinners. Mildred Moore, I^ansing 17 Alta Hedglen, Dansville_i 18 Alberta R. Mixtor, Lansing 21 broyv supplies us yvitb our daily bread, tlie coal miner toiling in tbe earth .—! ! !-- Harvey T. Syveet, Lansing 22 Tliere's a full tyvelve inclies in the Denver Uran, Lansing 2l Elmer A. Squires, Lansing 22 tbat tbousands of factory wiieels may ruu, the newly arrived immigrant un- Wilma W. Baker, Maple Rapids_.LI9 Golden ltule. , Theo Worfb, Lansing 17 Laura Tayior; Lansing ID abie to explain in our liJuglisb tongue Uio yearnings that brought him to our —! ! !— Eniil Daiues, Lansing 43 Charies O. Spencer,-Lansing 25 Orai E. Cage, Lansing 21 shores—yve are brotbers aii and must all together build the America of to- To he a reaHy successful salesman Alice Dunn, Lansing -42 Maud B Fisher, Lansing 21 Louise M, Meissner, Lansing 21 morroyv. And there is the age-long appeal of childhood, ln every commun- you ought to be able to sell yourself, Franklin B Lamb. L.ansing- 26 Vei'non J. Roach, Lansing 23 Bert E. Miller, Lansing 43 lty are cbiidren beaten before tbey enter the battle of life—children who are but a good many yvho try it merely Ada Frakes, Lansing 26 Rutlj T. French, Lansing_ 23 E. Mae Williams, Lansing 40 give themselves away. missing tbe chance for happiness and for giving to society the ability and Frank Tyier, Wiiiiamston 19 Simeon Dunlap, Lansing 43 Cbas. Thayer, Lansing 2S Ruby Arnoid, Willi.aniston .19 ICfite Dodge, Lansing ; 40 Irene Parks, Lansing 2'6 genius witb yvhicb nature endowed them but yvbich is undeveloped because You may not be as young as you of unfavorable envit'oument. used to be, but do you know anybody Harry P. Johnson, Lansing 20 who is? Ruth Thompson, Lansing __20 If membership in ICiyvanis does not broaden your sympathies, eniarge —! ! !— Richard U. Jenkins, Lansing 30 your vision of civic responsibiiity and iead you into a fuller effort in build­ A discreet young man before ask­ CatTie Logan, Lansing 25 ing a better world, then you have missedthe higher International." ing for her hand usually finds out Randolph Cromyveii, Lansing _22 whether there is a chance of getting Marian Broyvn, Lansing 19 ',. —0— the gate. Carl Plank, Holt 24 _i I I Fords oiv Myrtle Foier, Lansing : 19 Commencement A book is your best fiIend. It never wants to borrow anything. diaries R. Riley, Lansing 23 During the month of May this year, as in other years, all over this land, I I I Lillie V. Little, I^nsing 18 schools wiii obseiwe what we have been pieased to caii Commencement When a man gets along in. yeat's l^leivin T. Turner, Lansing '. 23 Week. High schools, academies, colleges and universities alike join togeth­ he is likely to think that the yvlsdom li)ot-otby W. Noelp, Lansing 19 of age is the wisdom of the ages. er in a great outpouring of those yvbo bave flnisiied prescribed cotirses, have l2arl P. Edmiston, Lansing '. 31 Heien R.Ivi'uger, vJackson 19 met the test of class room and examinations, and who avoyv themselves as The mtrin thing wrong with society ready to face neyv (Iclds—either those of higher education or business or is that yve are not able to own as e.x- Fred A. Neyvman, Lansing 23 Mildred-Densmore, Alma 23 professional undertakings. i pensive a car as our neighbors. I t j Ivan Chui'ch, Lansing .1—22 America.founded upon tbe tbeory of mental developmetit coupled yvlth There isn't Iikeiy to be much the Madge Ciickner, Leslie :_18 spiritual freedom and groyvtb, is prideful of its educational institutions. No matter with the citizenship .of the Merritt E. Dean, Lansing 23 country on eartb bas ever dared to do so nutcb to make universal education man yvho puts out a family garden. Helen•C'owden.Mt. Pleasant 23 I I ! possibie as bas tbis of ours. Not content yvith piacing schools yvitbin reach Floyd A. Wing, Lansing ___30 of all, yve bave'gone furtber and noyv insist that every chiid be educated to Safety first. Don't meddle yvith Demi T. Burgette, Athens 23 the other man's yvife or the other a certain age if not to a certain degree. Illiteracy in most of the better Fred Voder, Lansing 27 man's religion. Ethel Moistead, Lansing 21 states is beconiing rare and-education the common practice. Tbe hoy or —t ! !-- , girl wbo undertakes to face the problems of life in this country without edu­ More'men overwork others than Oian Smith, Lansing 24 Viola Broyvn, Lansing- 18 cation is facing a tremendous, if not an impossible task. It Is unfortunate overyvork themselves. —! ! !— Wiiliam Penrose, Lansing ^_23 tbat yvben most of us think of education we think of schoois. Greatness often is a matter of dis­ Virginia Wardwell, Lansing ^18 The best a school can do is to give us a scheduie by which we may plan tance. Big men never appear big A. Chester Barker, Liansing .30 our education. Tbe school can help us to organize our study, to train our until they move away. Marguerite Duniay, Lansing • 20 minds to function, to hold our attention to a fixed line. But if we do not —! ! !— desire to iearn, the schooi can teach us nothing. You never hear the grocery deliv­ ery boys objecting to women's paint­ One does not have to go to schooi to become educated. ing and powdering. The boys"* see Life itseif is an education. « them in the mornings. The man who is really alive knows more today than he knew yesterday. The chief value of a school education is that it relieves oi)e of a false sense of inferiority. In other words it proraotes confldence. II GOOyRIEND Some of the biggest fools in the world are so-called college men. Some of the least educated men in the world have their walls lined with college A good friend stands by you when ! diplomas. They were exposed to education but it did not take. Notwith­ in need. Mason people tell how standing their years in high schooi and college tbey have remained unedu­ Boan's Kidney Pills have stood the CM cated. Graduation from school is simply the point of embarkation. .The test. Jared B. Smith, retired farm­ most a school can do is to give one a taste, an appetite, for the better things er, of West North St., Mason, endors­ of life. ed Boan'ls many years ago and again It can teach us how to study, how to read, how to analyze. But it can­ confirms the story. Could you ask not teach us conciusions nor can it give one that rare quality called for more convincing testimony? ; judgment. ''I have used Doan's Kidney Pills lI7H0EVERuMi Yet it wouid be the utmost of folly to suggest that good schools are not and gladly recommend them,'' says TTtIiem Icnowa good investments. A multitude of comparisons, already made ;hetween the Mr. Smith. ''I had kidney trouble earnings of illiterate and schooled persons, have proved the high money for years. My back got lame and I the quality of Good- value of school education. Parents should give their children all the school­ couldn't rest nights and my kidneys yearTire*. Iielmowi ing they can afford—or all the childt'en will take. acted too frequently. I used several the greater mileage This Astounding Low Price Yet no one is excused from leaning back and attempting to justify bis remedies for tbis complaint and found lack of pt-ogress by tbe lack of schooi education. The real source of educa­ they give ia a part of Doan's Kidney ills the best I could is the final answer to the high cost of fanning tion lies chiefly in written words and in observation, get. l have used them on .several oc­ Goodyear quality. probteros. v Abraham Lincoln was unschooled-but he was educated. A wise selec­ casions since and they relieved the He knowa their finei ./J tion of the right kind of hooks, coupled with the determination to acquire acres and pains in my back and regu­ troublefree per­ With a Fordson qne man can do more work learning and knowiedge led,him to the very pinnacle of high thought and lated my kidneys.'' (Statement given balanced judgment. With alinost no schooling, he learned' to speak and April 28, 1909). • ' formance it only efllsier, and ^t less expense than two men can do •write so well that his letter to the. widowed mother of six sons killed in war On October 14, 1920, Mr. Smith another phate of with horses. is graven on the walls of a college of great Oxford University as an example said: "Boan's Kidney Pills are the Goodyear quality. of the purest and finest expression of thought in the English language. Too Wit^ a Fordson you can actually raise more same old standard remedy 'with me And he has learned many of us get the idea that we know all there is to know. .This is a mis­ and I think as highly of them,now'as crops with less work, lower costs and fewer thattheonetruetire . take. No man knows so much that he cannot learn more. No man is earn­ when I eiidorsed them before.'' ing so much that he cantyot earn more if he knows more. The man who hours of woilc. Price 60c, at an dealers. Don't economy itiGoodyear , thinks he knows all there is to know about his job is already dead. ' simply ask for a kidney* rethedy-:^get Quality and Good- , With a Fordson you tcan save money, time and He who opens his mind to knowledge is on his way to a better Job and Boan's Kidney Pills—the same that year Service. ^^odgery on every power ^ the farm—the to a lceener enjoyrnbnt.of life. If one's mind is kept open it will keep yoiing. Mr. Smith had. Fdster-Milburn Co., ixrtxrie year arouud. > A young mind begets young.bodies, thusProlonging and enriching life itself. Mfrs., Buffalo, N.'Y.: (adv) At GomUftar§ IM Btll and Smtlem neoof StaUan To those'who soon will face new worlds and confront new and graver (ha neo) Gaodymr Let as give you the proofs of the great savings made by problems these thoughts are proffered. One is judged byrones worst work. MARRIAGE LICENSES. tbePordaon. Cdl, write or phone today. Most aiiyone can turn out a good-job with fair regularity. vThls is not Jl t: ^ , . . , .-^th*r Tnadund bith J. • enough. He who riiigs the bell day after day, month aftermbnth, is the on« William Jackson, Lansing.^..:. .:26 •who reaches the top of the ladder. i ' i:.:r;^ Muriel Wright, Lansing__:____'_i20 There cpmes many tinieB;lh;every;Hte the thought that one.is getting \ DBAN'JACOBS COMPANT the worst of things. The great qtiality necessary ini any undertakifig is tliat Ned E. McDonald; LanBing.:.>....___30 A. A. HOVVXE^T & SON of determlhatioh, upheld by the ability to stand grtet; to talte punlshniient. Ethel B. Teft, LalBi»lng.|f.:_....;__.„«l ? 'V'-;^y-WE'cAN'MAKBIM The yvorld likes a fighter who can tiake putilBtament^Detemtne that you #111 Mark HoUid^y, Lan8lng.^...:_i^.:^.^26 ^ake, punisbment:; refuse to. quit,: keep' on;tiyihg, 'ahtiBIicceBB will Burely Blarjprle Beirgin,. LanBing9 Albert Sieb^ft,lAnatet_.^lj..i...20 Let Comineneement muk the biB|iilBingT>not ths eltdi BMtrice B. Otto, UiliinK.J.._^..:21 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THUFtSDAY, MAY 3, 1923 PageTlirM

$50,000 for Adrian, il5,Q0(K tot Sf.era from Lansing, wiUhoid services niitister Guiid received the Bibles Johns, ?25,000 for Charlotte, $40,000 at the Bansvitle Baptist church; Sun- which it voted some time ago to pur­ 1923 LE6ISUTURE for Holland, 140,000 for, the Benton day. May nth, at the regular service chase for general use in the church, Harbor naval reserves and $20,000 for hour: Those who do not-liearhini and-last^ Sunday tliese volumes were BEK LAST GRIND the, state's military camp at Gray­ at'e in'issing a reai treat. Ail are in- presented to the church. There at-e ling. The only item in t'be bill that vited to attend. eighteen copies of the Bible, bouudin '(Continued from page one) - may cause friction on the floor of the lnstaiiation of the O. E. S. to have cloth, with "largo print, suitable for MARTIN-SENOUR (.n..i(Mi businoss adjournmont of tho house- or senate Is $285,000 allowed been held Friday evening, lias been use in Sunday school, prayer meeting • sslon. The senate held up' this for work already done at Marquette postponed until next yveek Friday and simiiar services, I. soiution for a time and finaiiy added prison'and the I^apeer hospital. Thjs evening, lee cream, cake and wilfers . Last Sunday, aiso, a movement was inaugurated yvhereby any member of ik'litldays to it, adopting a resolution yvork yvas authorized iby the state ad- yvlii be served, ( MONARCH PAINT the Juuior Department of the Sunday cease business of tbe session on ministratlve board on the gi'ound of DHiisvilic ihipfi.st Ohnrcli. Morning yvorship ' at 10:30. At scbooi may earn a Bible by doing a •lUirday, May 5. The house was necessity during the last two years,' /0096 Pt/PE^ yvbich time Rev. Curi'y of Lansing, stated amount of memory work. A \|ioctcd to agree to this date and there being no appropriation to cover yvlil be yvitli us, and lie yvlli aiso bring scbeduie lias been iirepared sbowing • '•ry effort yvas made to have on the it. ln the state camimign last.autuiun singers yvith lilni.. i^verybody will be. tbe yvork to be done, 5 or 10 credits .i.iomlars of tlie two bouses by May Democratic attacks on the state ad­ yvelconie. Come and bear something being given for each passage uienioi- . the bills that had any cbanco of ministration inciudod crltloism of this good. izcd. / When tbe entire list, 100 •'.iMKiige. action by tbe administrative iioard. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Conie points, bas been l.earned, the pupil 'teap'portionment Not Considered. An 'important item dt'opped from- tbe, and study the word of Cod. yvill be presented yvith a leather bill yvas tbat of $212,000 to buiid the bouud gflt-edged Bible, yvitb very Olio l)ig task of tlio sesslon ap. Michlgau Training Scbool for, Wo­ readable type. Nearly all tbe Juniors ii-eiiiIy will bo left undone. Tbat is men at Okemos. Plans for tbe pro­ Holt present'last Sunday signified tbeir in- i;n reapportlonmeut of the seats In posed buildings have been dt'awn and tention of earning a Bible. Tbere is I.I I fjcnate and house on tlic basls of accepted by' tbe state. Tbe appt-oprla- no set time for learning the work, he 11120 census. Tlie state constitu- There yviU be a musical entertain- tlon yvas backed i)y the governor and any child nuiy start any time, and Hin jof 11)07 contains a mandate to ment at tbe Presbyterian cburcli on have his Bible as soon as the required tho administrative board and aiso by' legislature tliat the 1913 session l'''rkiay niglit. May 4. The musicians memory yvork 1)3 done.' All the niem- many yvouien's organizations in the imll reapportion tlie memborsbips of come from Lansing. ory yvork is taken from tbe Bibie, state. Originally Included in a separ­ ..iHi liouses on tbe l)asis of the 1910 Mr. and Mrs. James Jennings, Mr. with the exception, of the Apostles' ate biii of its own the project iinaliy ' nsus and that each tcn years there- and Mrs. George H. Kietipe and chit- Creed,, and a feyv questions .which yvas merged yvith the omnibus bill, iicrl noyv apportionments shall be dren of I-,ausing, yvere entertained at give an elementary knoyvledge of only to be rejected in its entirety'. niailo. Tbe 11)13 session dld pass a the home of Mr. and .Mrs. W. H. church government. Another rejected item was a million Bicicctt, last Sunda.v. "apportionment biii, hut it was iirnwn out by tho courts later for dollars for a new prison at Jackson, JNliss Maud Williams is yvorking for Nobody questions the power of paint to the Wolverine insurance Co; of Lati- iiHre'garding tho moiety clause in wlrlch imd the recottjmendation of protect property from decay and ruin. Gov. Groesbeck in his message at the sing. MethodlsrEp'iscoV&i Church' | . migiiing seats in the house. So the Henry Coudlw, Minister f When you place insurance you loolc into Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pitt are back in 'III apportionment remained in effect opening of this session. A total of tlie resources oF the Company. IVhcn \)0u their home again, aftei' spencjing sev­ ince then. This year Rep. Vincent $2,044,000 aslced for the state's four Auji point loolc into the ingrejieiiti thai (klirminc eral yveeks In Panama and Washing- iiicey, of Detroit, introduced a pro- normal schools was slashed doyvn to ,important Official Board meeting its potter of jcrvi'cc. within $100,000. Ypsilanti normal, ton, D. C. next Monday nigbt at 7:30 at the Few p.ople ..li for .dutler.tad Wtiile Lead • laod iiouse reapportionment iiiii wli.n Ihoy want to painl. A.li for Pure Whila which sought $904,000, was allowed Air, and Mrs. Newman are settled cburcb. Lead more conveniently prepared aqd ground iriy in tbe session. It was permit in tile new home they bought of Mr. witli a proper amount of Zinc in $8,850; lvalauiazoo asked $520,000 and The W. F. M. S. will meet Friday Pure LinimJ . il to remain in committee and after Barta. OiV—llial i. MonorcK Paint. got $2,000 allowed; Mt. Pleasant aftet'noon. May 4tli, in the churcii Zinc will matte it lait longer and tiotd iti color. I tinic a sub-committee yvas named •aslced $313,500 and got $85,100, of pariors. Mrs. W. L. lIeed wiil have The .preadinK quality of Morlin-Stncur Monarch . work out ii. new bill to be a substi- Paint 100% I'urt j. remartcablc. yvhlcli .$75,000 is for a now libt'aty. charge of the prograni and Mrs. L. 1(1 j for the Dacey proposal. The First Presbyterian Church j Peck yvill have charge of the Mystery Institutions Affected By Cut. lii-comniittee finally got a bill ready Ilov. \V. H. Long, Pastor. f Box. iiicb Increases tile Wayne connty Mncli of the interest left in tiie leg I\Irs. Charles Hodges' Sunday Salisbury's Hardware . nibcrHliip in tbe lionse to 25 seats islative session rested in the appro­ ''The Gospel of Paul,'' is tbe sul)- school class yvill have charge of tbe ..mi iiic present 1.1. 'l'lie senate priations to lie gi'anted and most of ject for Mr. l^ong's sernion next Sun- Epyvortb Jjeague devotional services 'luniitte ahont the saine time worlv- this froze up when the comnfittee re­ day morning. The choir wiil sing "o-^*- Sunday evening at 6:30. Topic, y|la>ce-a way 'arrier, ot Preaque Isle, chairman. Mrs. Irma HtdUberger, Oor. will give a lifetime of enduring charm and he| imposing total ot |8,461,390 was Start them right—keep them growing—without anjr.back- i-sked of tho legislature this year tor prove a source of ever increasing satisfaction set. PAN-A-CE-A'gives chicks goiid .appetite and good mllcllugs. Praptically every instltu* to the giver. ' digestion—gives vigor to resist disease. PAN-A-CE-A pre­ on| wanted some adtUtlons or new. Jas. Oakley of Stockbrldge, was a uil'dings and telt that Its need simply vents food fermentation—that's where most of the bowel visitor in town last week. . dj to 'be''talce& car* ot. But the troubles start. PAN-A-CE-A prevents and cures gapest.in- Grant Squires returned Monday ouse committer was deaf to their from a visit with relatives in'Kala­ digestion, diarrhea, leg .weakness. PAN-A^CE-A your cUcks^ Idtjs, It liad decided on a program mazoo. - and then watch them feather. A PAN-A-CE-A chick will tj economy and adhered to It like Mr,'*and Mrs. Arthur Curtis ot out-feather ft non-PAN-A-CE-A chick every time. damant. When the so-called omnl*. Mason, were week end visitors at Ben Ford Aseltine Dr. Hess Poultry PAN-A-CE-A makes chicks grow. jtBJ appropriation bill was reported Curtis'. .;the house the total of eight mil­ Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Otis are both led dollars rettueeted bad shironk) liok In be4 vlth the fln. (626,620 ot approved retjueBts,, - ;B;red CotiWin is taking his vacation Longyear Bros., Masoir ! than ono-tourth ot the tavored: this week. Geo, Vogt is driving )hi8 Bare; for armories, the, total at. mall rente. Fred war teken sick BA}tOT;M»^vmOK beingMonda tMj^y nigb t and is' aulte.. aiok at page Four INGHAM COUNTY NEWS. MASON, MICH., THURSI)AY, MAY 3,1923

day Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Momer famlly spent Sunday evenlng at C. F"edet'ation. Mrs. Costigan served a Word has been received here of the Taylor, Social 'hours were foUoyved Bretlner's. • lunch and the club will meet May 9, serious illness of Mrs. Henry Manley, by dainty refreshments, . ftlr. and Mrs. Floyd Donald and yvith Mrs. Barney to sew carpet rags: at the home, of lier daughter, Mrs. Mt-s. Jennie Knauff was a guest of Mr. aiid Mrs. Floyd Backus and Mrs. Lida Sutherland's house and Albert Stockman, near Grand Ledge. LESLIE J. R. Linsley of Eaton Rapids, and daughter spent Sunday at B. Backus'. contents yvere entirely bui'ned to the Born to Alr. and Mrs. John^Suther- family, recently. Mrs. Nathan Weston yvas iii Mason ground late Friday afternoon. Sparks land of lSvergreen avenue. East Lan- Mrs. Mary Covett is vet'y side at Saturday. We are pleased to see from the chimney set the I'oof on tire. sing, .a^daughtcr, Saturday, April 2l. ,hcr home on West Bellvue. , V Mrs. Weston out again after her long Miss Eveline Banks, Miss Liiaii Both yvere former residents of this The following program was given stay in with a dislocated hip. Siaght, Miss Norene Trumble, Victor community. at the No. 9 L. A. S. at the home of Banks, /Hoyvard Siaght, LaVerne Mrs. A. Got'itz has returned from Mr. and Mt's. Morpice Cocht'an: ''The f- Shultz, Sheldon Parker and Gerald spending the yvinter in Cailfornia, Lucius llwight PassMl To llost. Dangerous Man,'' by Mt-s. Clyde Bur- vAureUus Steyvart spent Sunday with Miss with her daughter, Mrs. Anna Smith. Mr. Dwight yvas born in York State, fee; "ls Marriage a Failure,'' Mrs. Hilda Gilmore of JSagle. Mrs. E. F.,Hoague and.Mrs. John August 9, 1844. He came with his Lester Gordon; ''When Jacob Admon­ Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Trumble and Daniels spent Tuesday yvith Mrs, H. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dlsenroth at­ parents to Lesiie toyvnship at the age ished. His Son,'' JVlrs. Anna Hill; son Stewart spent Tuesday in Mason. Hiel of Williamston. tended the yvedding last Ftiday night of two years, where they settled in ''When Father CJirved The Buck,'' The last of a series of four benefit of the latter's sister. Miss Lita Rod­ the wilderness to endure the hard­ Roscoe Miners; ''My Little Pony,'' parties giyen by Forest Social Club man to Donald Davis, both of Jack­ ships of the eariy pioneers. He is Dorothy Cocht'an. After this pro­ was held at t.he home of Mrs. E. W. son. Merrill lIodman acted as best survived by his wife and two sons and gram was given, a very delicious sup­ Banks Friday evening, AptIl 20th. A man and announced his marriage to m.any friends. He passed to rest per was served. large crowd was present and a good The Secret of The the bridesmaid. Miss Selys Gardenet'. Aprii 26, I923. The funerai was held The Royal Daughters of the Con­ time yvas' had by all. Mrs. Sollic Confessional at his iatc home Sunday afternoon at gregational church will meet Wed- Mrs. Dora Thayer and Mrs. Alice Schnepp of Island Corners held the 2 o'.clock. llev. O. E. Thurston offi­ ttesday afternoon at the home of Mr. Hitut of Mason, spent a few days last lucky number that drew the quilt. ciated with' burial at Woodlawn and Mrs. Will Prescott on Chui'ch week with friends in this viclnlty. J15.90 yvas cleared. The four par- Ilearn the facts as they are! cemetery. ' ^ street. Mr. n,nd MVS. Geoi'ge Dlsenroth will lles netted them $120.69. Thls they entertain the L. A. S. Wednesday, Information free on requiest— A grade and weight Congregational Nof«s, Mrs.E. A. Bates has been enter­ are very proud of, as its the first un­ M.'iy 9th, for supper. A cordial invi­ dertaking by the club and considei'- Address Room 14, 1427 W'ash- Rev. Thurston yviil deiiver the ad­ taining her daughter, Mrs. Olive for every purpose tation is extended to all. • lng hoyv small the club is, means dress Sunday morning. The topic, Beyo, and daughter Elsie, of Mason. ington BlVd., Detroit, 16-4p quite a hit for thdm. The club takes "The Man in tbe Man.'' Mrs. John Gibbs spent Tuesday in Carey roofing is made in Union SCITicCs. Jackson on business. this means to thank all those yvho helped in evei'y yvay to make their several styles and weights The union services wiil be held at Lewis.lCnaufC of Jackson, spent the Maple Corners 1 tlie Congregational. church Sunday week end with his parents, Mr. and parties such a complete success. to fit your exact needs at. evening. Rev. Thurston yviil give Mrs. Will linauff. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hoague spent Robert McGowan of Lansing, spent the lowest cost. the address. Special music w'iil Dorothy, the three year old daugh­ the yveek end with her parentstn Bat­ the week end with Gilbert Putman. Dead Animals feature the services. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Collins, has tle Creek. Diivid Beatty and Lewis Hughes of Forgct^Me.Not Society, been.very sick, but is a little better Little Altna Widman of Lansing, Detroit, spent the week end with the The East Rives Cemetery Associa­ at pt'esent. spent a feyv days last yveek yvith bet' Removed FREE of charge former's mother, Mrs, C\eo Beatty, tion wiii meet at the cetneteiy Fri­ Mrs. Emily Anderson of Lansing, grandmother, Mrs. >forris Evers. Geo, Traver, Sr. and family entet-- day, May 4th, for an ail day meeting. spent the week with relatives in Les­ Mrs. Evers and Mrs. Cochran spent CALt tained company fi'om Lansing, Sun­ The road will be cleared of ail ob­ lie. Friday with the latter's mother in day. structions and arranged for parking. Shaftsburg. ' Pregulman. Refining The 'grounds will be cleaned for Dec­ Mrs. Susan Rouse, who has been Al Siaght and family ride in a new »- spending the past few yveeks yvith. her oration Day. A co-operative dinner MeadsviUe Ford touring car. Works "A Roof tot Every Building" wiii be served. Thisjdevoted band of daughter, Mrs. C. J.- Portet', is mov­ women have redeemed the old neg­ ing into her new home on West Grand Lansing, Micii. Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin and River street in Williamston, recentiy PAIjL CROSS, Distributor lected burial grounds and they are LADIES ONLY Ciiz. 3727 letf Bell 302 Ernie Monroe and family were visi­ purchased of A. Hardy. the equal of any city cemetery. Any "How To Bress Bocomlngly'' tors at Norman Shoyvers last Sunday. Frances ' McGowan of Lansing, L. A. S. or other society yvishing to A very remarkable book that simpli­ Dan Patrick and family are enjoy­ spent the week end with Catherine learn of this work can coinmunicate fies the secrets of harmony—tells ing a new Ford touring car. Traver. with Mrs. Beile Lumbard, Lesiie, R. exactly how correct gowning will give Miss Lorena Ncitbammer spent Mrs. Beulah DcLong of the St, F. D. No. 2. Mack Abbeyway of you an ideal flgui-c. Order your copy Rives Junction is the caretaker. the week end yvith friends at May- Layvrence hospit.il of Lansing, is direct from publisher, now. Only Eiiwiird Brunt Passcii Away. bee. spending a feyv days at the home of 25c (coin). 9wl0 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Patrick visited her grandfather, Geo, Traver, Sr. Edyvard Bnintj yvas born in Lan­ Oxer Pub., Dunkirk, N. Y. sing eight years ago. Mrs. Brant Roy Deitz .and famliy near Lansing, The L. A. S. met yvith Mrs. Hat'- jnoved to Leslie yvhere she married last Sunday. riett Sims last Thursday. The May New Battery Shop Mr, Ilarry Iiieniaus, yvho has been a Bonnie Budd entertained Miss De- meeting yviil be with Mrs. Viola Geer. very devoted stepfatbcr to him. The yvitt of Dansviiie, over Sunday. Mrs. Cleo Beatty is having her little boy lias been sick for over a Mrs. Crdelia Halladay remains house finished yvith a rough centent year, and lie passed iiyvay Tuesday about tbe saiue. finish. morning at S;30, May 1st. He leaves Ijawrence lt'ink of Stockbridge, vis­ Rebuild and Recharge Batteries to mouru tliGir loss, bis mother, Mrs. ited his uncle, Clias. Nelthammer, Harry Blemens, a stepfatlier and one and family, recently, Southeast Locke sister, and many otber relatives, and Mr. and Mrs. l3ert Norl;on and a very large .circle of friends and daugliter, Mrs. Myrtle Bott, and babe scboolniates. of Stockbridge, yvero callers at Be- Mr. and Mrs. R,ay .-Mien spent Sun­ day yvith tbeir sister, Mrs. C. Smith l'or.sonal.s. nona Hallad.ay's, recently. We Sell New Batteries .md family in Cohoctah. Mrs. lDlsie Phillips of Jackson, vis­ Mr. iind Mrs. Ellas Budd visit;ed Mr. and. Mrs. P. T. Haley and ited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. tbeir son. Clarence Budd, and fam­ ily list Sunday, daughter, Virgiline, of Ckemois, called . J. S. Sweezy, of Bunkerlilll, Sunday. Ford and Chevroief Size for on their aunt, Mrs. 0. Spauldlng aud Mr. and Mrs. FvQd IIurgeth of iMa- Cluu'ley ICellogg, yvho has been vis­ family, Sunday afternoon. soil, silent Sunday yvitb Mr. and Mt's. iting at Norman Shoyvers, returned Wiii Bardig. to his home in Midland, last Tuesday. Alice and Mildred LaRoyve spent Friday yvith their aunt, Mrs. $15 Miss Donna Mclntce- is assisting liny Aiien. Mrs. Ada Oidnian in her restaurant. Miss Neva Sleaford is working for I^SS a button and you have Mrs. Clara Evans yviil leave some Williamston Batteries and Work Guaranteed Wm. Morton's folks in Webberviiie. Pit—bright cheery light and heat time this yveok, to spend the summer Floyd Price is moving liis family for ironing. Unless you have tried •with relatives in Flint. Albert Grettenberger was called to near WiUiatnston. you have no idea how wonder- Mrs. Lena Abbey spent Monday vis­ fully convenient it is to iron with Okenios last Tbursday by the death Mrs. Addie Brown of Perry, called iting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haitz. an electrically heated iron. This is of his father, John C. Grettenberger, on Mi's. W. J. Rogers last Tuesd.ay.,, We liave a few good Lyde Sbong has been visiting, his just one of the many labor-saving aged 79. Funeral services were held Carlton Beduhn spent Sunday with parents in St. Charies, the past yveek. conveniences that are made possi- at the M. E. church in Okemos at friends in Lansing. hie for the home equipped with Mrs. George Leach entertained the 11:30 a. m. Sunday, and burial was Geo. Britten and family and Mrs Willy a Light Certified Electric "Home Guards'' little girls at her Used Ford and Chevrolet Cars made,in the South Okemos cemetery. Post of Morrice, spent Sunday with Service, lt is safe, sure and eco­ home Saturday afteritoon. A progt'am Rev. W. A. Gregory will dramatize Mi'. Britten's sister, Mrs. Fred nomical—the most dependable, •was given, after which popcorn and the most reliable individual electric Jean Valjean, by Victor Hugo, in Beduhn, and family. For Sale—Cash or Terms candy, yvas served. light and power plant you can m- Les Miserables at the M. E. church • Gerald Croope and Miss Julia Aus­ Mr. and Mt-s, Geot'ge Shong of St. staH. Let us figure your require- Sund.ay evening, tin of Williamston, were callers at F Charles, will move here soon to make menti. Tliere'a n site to fit your need.— Tuesdiiy evening. May 8th, Rev. Beduhn's, Sunday. M mucti or «> littte power at you requir* their future home with their son and Willis S. Rowc, of New York, will •sd term, to meet your coDvtnieoct. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Liege Shong. give a lecture accompanied by illus­ Mrs. Erveilia Walbrooke of Man- trations. Pictures he took himself celona, bas returned to her home to White Oak in Africa. The admission is free, at Mason Chevrolet Sales bury her husband, yvbo died several the M. E. cliurch. montbs ago and yvas placed in a pfton* Guy Litchfield and Audley Putnam Forest Felloyvs and family spent Call, IMASON, IMICH. vault. Mrs. W^ilbrooke has been here or wn/a-- j'eturtied Monday from a ten days trip Sunday in Foyvlet'ville, giiests at H. helping "to care for her niotber, Mrs. through Texas. Dr. Culver of IIowell Elliott's. Hawley Hotel Building Cbarlotte Calioyvay, wbo is quite iii. yvent with t^iem. Fred Gifford and son.'Lawton, of Mr. and Mrs. Vint Hanes and fam­ Grand Rapids, visited at N. A. Wil­ ily visited relatives in Anderson and cox's, Sunday. ' Hoyveii, Sunday. t...... p^'^yj^^y ^gj-^jt^i^ • • • • I John Francis and family of Mason Perry Bacltus is remodeling his yvere Sunday visitors at B. Parsons. home on Woodyvorth street. Abbey Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller of Bros, are doing tbe yvork. Mr. and Mrs. George Victor was in Lansing, Lansing, visited Lura McNaughton Mrs. Perry Backus yviil soon move Thursday. and f.amily, Sunday. WILLYS LIGHT hack from Lansing, yvhet-e tbey have Mr, and Mt's. Chas. Brenner and Bert Hixson and fatniiy visited at Oh Boy, Let's All Go been spending the yvinter. daughter. Myrtle, spent Sunday at Tom Utter's, Sunday. JBiMir0nd.UgAt.wMf1 (fie Qu/et Knight Mr. and Mrs. Wiil KnaufI of Les­ John Brenner's. \ , Jil^ Boyle and family of Lansing, lie, and son of Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. BUSH & KEEV.ER Mrs. Emma Lane and son spent and Mt;. and Mrs. Harold Hartsuff of THE SHOW YOU ALL KNOW Andrew lCeeder of Lansing, Mr. and Saturday'and Sunday at H. Lane's. Stockbridge, visited "at Fred Hay- f Distributors Mrs, Fred Lee of Mason, Mrs. Carrie Mr. and Mrs. Percy Foler spent hoe's, Sunday, Morrisey and fatniiy of Jackson, yvete Mason, IMieliigan A Sunday afternoon at Mrs, Godfrey licon Hayhoe was taken to Mercy Sunday callers .at the home of Mr. Q I Foler's. hospital, Jackson, Ftiday for an op­ and Mrs. Fred Reed of Bunkerhill. e.. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Shrum and eration. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Palmer and family spent Sunday afternoon at J. •'• Chas. Thombury and family visited '• Bon Vern, of Tompkins, visited their Thayer's. at Vern Dayton's, Sunday. i| daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. • Mr. and Mrs. John' Perkins and Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark of Lan Under Big Tent, Soutli B Sti^eet Peter Ellsworth, Sunday. '.'0. family attended the birthday party sing, spent the week end at James Mr.:and Mrs. Clare Bla«kmore of CO given by the sons and daughters in Wilcbx'fl. Jackson, spent the week end with honor, of Mrs. John Perkins of Wil- WIASON S. H. Williams and family and £. o I friends and relatives in.Leslie. iiamaton. m j v Stetler and famiiy were in Jackson Cti Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haltz and daugh­ Mr. and Mrs, George Shrum and 'Sunday, ONE BIG WEEK OF FUN ter, Thelraa, and Mrs, Fred Forester Mrs. Ida Backus of Lansing, is vis­ n of Tampa, Florida, spent Sunday at iting her Bister, Mrs. Lucy Wincheli, Commencing the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haltis, for a few days. and they also.visited Mrs; T. Faught Lavander Foster of Clinton, visited ONDftY, and son, Floyd, RUFTURE his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Foster, L. B. Harris of Lansing, spent the •\ ~ Sunday. week end with his son, Richard, and Harold Burnett of HoWell is visit­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harris. Expert Called to Lansing Ail New People. All llew Plays. ing his cousin, lErnie Winchell. Will Ellsworth of Tompkins, and Mrs. Mary Reinhart of Jackson, New Vaudeville. Corneil Ellsworth of Jackson, spent Seeley Cp.'s truss expert from Chi­ spent the week end at H. W. Rein- Sunday with relatives in Leslie. cago wiil be at the Downey Hotel,; hartte. Forest Haltz and daughter, Bar­ and will remain in Lansing Monday Vernon Doud and fflmily of Wil­ bara, of Jackson., spent the weels end only. May 7th. He says: "The Ladles Free Monday Night'^One Lady Free liamston, visited at Elza Miiner's, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Spermatic Shield will not only retaiii Sunday. . with each Piaid Adult Tloketi Haltz.' any case ,cif rupture perfectiy, but There will be a Parent-Teacher Mrs. Cora Oldjitan bos been the contracts the opening in 10 days on meeting at the Williams school house guest of iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. the average case. ..Being a vast ad­ Friday night. May 4. Dt\ Hartzog .Taylor, of Bay Port, for the pas.t vancement over all former methods— wiil be the speaker. . Everybody wel Admission Within Reach 0^^^^^ •week. exemplifying instantaneous effects come. Mrs. Minnie Young was a guest of immediately appreciable and wif;b- 'i ier daughter, Mrs. Belle Lumbard, standing any strain or position no re'cently, • / matter the size bV location. Large Tiref Tubes i" " 'soUil' Trowbridge'"' U\-s. Bertha Holland of Jackson, or difficuit cases, or lnclssional niptures (following operations) spec­ and her sister, Mrs. Inez Sullivan, of Accessories Lansing\ visited Mrs. Ella Haltz and ially solicited. This instrument re­ Br. Haynes and wife and son, of daughter>vMr8. Sylvia Childs. ceived the only award in England and Jackson, and Br. High of Dexter, NOW OPEN! Mr. an.dlt.Mrs. Edwin Wilcox of De­ in Spain, producing results without were callers at S.E.'Trumbie's, Sun­ troit, .Jdive been the guests of Miss surgery, injections, medical treat­ day. ments ' or prescriptions. Mr. Seeley ..!l' Mn.i'thavClatvrortby and brother, for Mrs. E. D. CoBtigan very pleasantly ,Let us put tllose bid tires in a few days., has documents from the United States entertained the Forest Social Club Government, Washington, D. C., for sliapefpr sunlnler driving Mr. and Mrs.- Paul Thurston of ^Wednesday afternoon. Twelve mem­ we do laundry wprk—except starch collars. ^ ,-.,1 i Jackson, spent the weeJt end in Les;^- inspection. Bur; representative will bers were preseitt and the afte^rnoon :.;;;:..;>j,',l be glad to :demoh8trat(B . wltliout Everything iiroihoiie soft collar to a big tv^ lie and visited Rev. O. B. Thurstoii was spent tying 2 comfortables for We Stop the Leak or tand wife, Miss Muriel Wright and W. (Charge or fit them if desired^ Busi­ the hostess. ;;MrB. Watkins aiid Mrs. :^:::^.:':/No::Pay\;v::.vV;.-^' •^Weeks'-fjlihily'wash...;:' "•••":'^^T' Graham. '-'J'^y' ness demands,prevent stopping at any Oostigan each gave I fine readliig's and m J P. G. Legg ofiJackson.jVlsited John other place in thiBBectlon. '; in a contest niiming Capitals of stateiB of the'union, ;MlrB,:G.'W. Butler won HalU, recently.,^••'^^'^-•J:^,'^• P. ;|9.~Ererr statement In thli notice Archer Whallon of JacltBon, viBit- ist price: and 'Mrs:; B; W, Ban&s the |LoW Rates iCall Citizens PhM^ 61Q hM been verlfled before' the Federal son ed hlB cbtJBin, MfB, Ella; Haiti, .the <»>nsolati6n;' f ^i>r: Blltler{jDt LanBing, md State Ooarta.r>F.'H.; Seeley, OoodWprk^l :tor;^ball; m'iiS'it.iB^^ eek end; iiiidliiiiii^k Xn.

iss»»r«sPltm« INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1923 PageFifl^

ed th'e funeral of a friend in Jackaon, Wtn. Slid spent iast Wednesday and Mesdatnes Wheeler, Mizer and Mc­ sing, spent tlie week end with their Mond.'iy. •' Thursday in Dexter. Millan were in Lansing last Thurs­ patents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keller. Misti Elft-edla Hodge, a teacher ln E. C. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. day. Sunday they all visited Mr. and Mrs. Membtr Federal Reaerve Bank the Poatlnc schools, spent the yveek Dillon; Miss Mable Miller, Guilford Mrs. Edn.T Linn and Mrs. Mabie John Exneu of North Holt. end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Every of Lansing, and Miss Marvei Collar of Aiaiedon, spent iast Friday Mrs. S. M, Mizer and Mt's. John James Hodge. Maciam of Mason, were recent caliers at Mrs. S. M. Mizer's. Wheeler visited Mrs. Edna Linn in , lvan li'Ionroe now rides In a neyv r.t G. H. Pryor's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hector of Lan- Aiaiedon, last Wednesday. Fold car.' .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Devy'itt and fam­ ily -tif Stockbrldge, visited at her YOUNG MAN brother's, Elmer Stnith, Sunday. Mrs. Hoover and Blanch, aiso Mrs. Herman Risch yvere Lansing shoppers SolBe day you expect to lBake your "mark Doiiar Day. Waiter Jones spent a, part of the in the world"; past yveek with Wesley Vines of Mar- Tires ion, Livingston county. Some day an opportunity to go in business Mrs. Donai^ visited Mrs. Elmer Hereafter we will handle the Sunoco Smith, Saturday. Accessories for yourself will come your Way. Mrs. Euiuui Iiice and Mertou visit­ Products exclusively. In order to ed witli the fornicr's brotliers in Then the vital question Wiil be whether you Battery Service Marion, Sunday. clear our) floor of stock on hand we have saved enough money to take advantage Expert IMotor Of the opportunity. « are offering our complete line of ine Lake Park 1 This Bank cannot make you save your Repair money—it can Only Offer you the opportunity Mrs. Ail)ert Iluii attended the futi- eral of her brotlier, Saturday. to do so. ' Mrs. ltoy Bennett received yvord Saturday of the death of her father Start right Bow putting your money each at Perry. Mr. Spragg, Sr. is selling his house- week into a Saviiigs Account at this Bank. hoid goods and arc going by auto to California. If ,you have money you won't have to hunt Ceo. Wever and fauiily spent Sun­ Havoline Oil for an opportunity; it will hunt for you. day yvith .Edson Crecnleaf and faniily. James Canipbeii and wife came at Monday to their cottage for the sea- son. Mrs. Jennie Northrup has been sick since last Tbursday. Wholesale Prices!

The — School began Monday in the new We have both medium and heavy, for pleasure cars consoiidateci school house. First State & Savings Herbert Edgerly recently liad an­ 'or tractor use. other severe stroke of paralysis. Bank iylaroia l^alen has bought a house at Meridian Station and will live in it. Miss May Lamb of Mason, spent Mason, Michigan Sunday at l.jeu Cudworth's. Buy It by the Barrel While it Lasts |*rtae Bank on the Corner The Topsy Turvy Social at C. N. Rix's yyas yvell attended and a success in every way. The class netted about .'{40.00. Several ladies of the Zonita Club of Jjansing lield religious services at the county farin Sunday.' Mrs. lissel- The Mason Garage st.vne gave a talk about the Good CORRESPONDENCE Slieplierd and Jlrs. C'atlicrine Moon gave two beautiful vocal solos. A. J. TORRANCE, Prop. J. C. Grcttonberger, one of our early pioneers, eighty years of age, West IVIaple Street IVIason, fViichigan was called here Tuesday, oyving to passed away Friday morning. lIc is Across the Garden (Iie illness of her father, E. J. Collins survived l)y six sons and four daugli- 1 •Tanies Iluiett and daughter attend ters. l^'uneral services yvere held ed the Farmers Club Saturday at liJ Sunday ill tile Metliodist cluirch and Glen Vincent and fainily spent Sun- M. Moore's on the Okemos and Mason were attended l)y a large number of day iu Bcllevue. road. relatives and friends. ij. Dean and fantiiy of Mason, were Mrs. Grace Weilaud yvill entertain Sunday guests of II. M. Brown and tile I. C. C. at lier lionye Wednesday Ianiiiy. May Ist. This is tile last club uiecl/ f Dist. No. 6 and Vicinity \ C,.L, Carrier and laniily spent Sun­ ing before tlio Island reunlon, yvhicli day at C. Maurer's, near Charlotte. is held at tlie scliool grounds the first Mr. and Mi;s. Bcrt Collins and Mrs. Saturday ln June. All those inter George Crosby and family of Lan­ C. M. Turner visited their mother, esled in tliis remember tlie date and sing, spent the week end with Mrs. Mrs. M. \Vard, Tiuirsday evening. be there. L. B. Gardner is president Crosby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. We Announce C. J. Ilaynes and family wei'o Sun­ and Eva Felton, secretary, this year. Lett. day guests of B. A, Marshall and IIelp to make this the most interest­ Miss Nettie Green of Holt, visited family. ing picnic ever held. her sister, Mrs. Byran Leacli,^Friday. The lBstallatloB of the most modem RefrlgeratlOB method known—the Mr. Dokes from near'.Iackson, vis­ George Mctvinney is ill with the Mrs. Etheiyn Cievinger and Miss Brunewlck system. It will now be possible for us to keep our cooling ited bis aunt, Ml's. John li'ountain, measles. Flossie Siisby yvere in Lansing, Satur­ day. and fainiiy, Sunday. Mrs. Will Perry, who has been room at a temperatuse which will be exactly correct, insuring our patrons Wili Sciiopp and family visited his nursing in Lansing, is now at home Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miiicr spent sister, Mrs. Muliholland, and family, We extend our sytnpathy to Mrs. O. Sunday with relatives in Stockbridge. of the very best of meats at all times. Sunday. Sutherland, of the Forest Neighbor­ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nimphie and three chiidren of L,ansing, spent Sat- Mrs. Frank Shopbcll Is a very little hood, who suffei-ed the loss of her home by Ot'e Friday. Fire caught ut-day night and Sunday with Mr. and Perfect refrigeration implies a perfct circulation of pure air, keeping the better at this writing. Mrs, Emmett Kurtz. from a defective chimney and nothing meat sweet and ery. Being assured of this, we can now cure our meats was saved. Mrs. Frank Thomas was called" to South AureUus and North Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rjie and phildren Wiiiiamston, Thursday by the serious longer and give to our patrons even better service than before. illness of her mother, lVIrs. A. Hale. Onondaga and Mr. and Mrs. Orrle Andrews and daughter, spent Sunday at Otto An­ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Straight enter­ drews. tained Mr. Straight's father from Come in and let us explain this fact to you. Look u^ over, back rooms John Hcnians and family now ride near Leslie, the latter part of the Mr. and MIS, Croop of Williamston, and all, or out to our killing house---everything sweet and clean. We in a liew auto. were guests at A. L. Crippen's, Satur­ week. Mcsdatnes Alice Hunt and Dora day. Mrs, Floyd Burgess and Mrs. Flos­ pride ourselves on our cleanliness and the quality of our meats. Our Thayer of Mason, visited friends here sie Lennon were In Lansing, Thurs­ prices are as low as good meat can be sold for. the first of last week. Cut Tills Out.--It 1s U'ortiL Money day. Mrs. E. E. Shaver and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Davis of Lan­ Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Eaton liapids, visited B. H. and Art sing, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Doo- Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chi- Field and families the yveek end. little of Mason, were Sutyday visitors cage, lii., writing your name and ad- Harris Hemans of Flint, visited his at Fred Brenner's. dt-ess clearly. You will receive in re- brotlier and iamily Saturday evening turn., a trial package containing Oscar Gallans of M. A. C., visited Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, his sister, Mi-s, Esther Hetiians, and for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Clarke Center tfamily the yveek end. Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Henry Schcader was at tlie U. of Tablets. Sold everyyvhere. (a4v) M. hospital in Ann Arbor, last Tues­ Mrs. Mary Rusch attended the fun- day. era! of a cousin in Lansing, Monday. Antonio Genco Ft-ank Cook and wife. Miss Maud Roy Curtice and fatnily of Lansing, Orr and Heien Otis of Mason, wet-e MiUviUe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nelson. at B. H..Field's, Sunday. Maple Street—Mason R. W.'Clark and fatnily spent Sun­ Clayton Snow and wife entertained Mrs. Almina Patrick, an old resi­ day yvith friends near Bitnondale. company from Lansing, the yveek end. dent of /White Oak, died Monday Mrs, Ben Nelson, Mrs. Jas. Abbott morning at 1:30, at the home of her and Miss Marie" SamaiT attended the son, Bert Patrick, ' ' Poverty Social at Aurellus last Wed­ Stockbrldge Tom Clements of Dart's Corners is \ nesday evening. very ill. He is under the care of Dr. Master Cecil Hartenbut'g and Alf. McICim of Stockbridge. Mr. and Airs. H. A. Thompson of Clarke celebrated their birthdays Mi.ss Annabelle Goodwi.a of Stock- Wiiiiamston, ,and Miss Florence Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. bridge, visited her mother, Mrs. J. Thompson of Ilighland Park, Chi­ Jas. Clarke. Mr. and I^rs, S. E. Coodyvin, and t'atnily last Sunday. cago, visited friends here the first of Markley, Claud Strank, Mr,,and Mrs. Neyvt Woods called on H. Graven- last yveek. Ed Ivi'onk and family and Mr. and der, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Hall of White Mi's. Will I'Linnisou and family of Val­ Ilenry Bravender called on Ci. Pox- Memorial Day! Cioud, visited relatives here recently. ley Farms and William Clarke and on, last Sunday evening. Mrs. Lou lsbeli and Mrs. Alice family yvere the guests, Miss Catherine Parish visited her Broyvnell yvere ln Detroit last week on Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Clark enter­ mother, Mrs. Alice Parish, and fam­ business. tained in honor of Mrs. Maty Rusch's ily the last of tlio week. Is fast approaching. You will want Robert Dancer and Miss Howiett of birthday, Sunday. Thirty-two sat The community will hold a Mother Gregory, yvere tnarried last week.' down to the fine dinner prepared hy and Daughter banquet at the hall Miss Myrtle of Jackson, was here the hostess to which all did ample May 18. that Monument or Marker set for that last Friday reoiiganizing her class for justice. • Music ,and converatttion the summer for musical instruction. Mrs. Maggie Burden is outertainine helped to finish a perfect day, several her tnothor, Mrs. Horwood, of Mar- Cheisea Oddteiioyvs visited Unadllla remeiribt'ances were left along with ion, for' an indefinite time. sacred day—sacred to the memory Lodge No. 40, last yveeic, the Stbclc- he wishes for many more liappy L. Procatol is moving on the farm hridge staff during work for thetn. birthdays. Irvin Rusch and , fainily be recently bought of J. B. Butcher. Fern Thompson attended a party of Battle Creek, and Borr Cady and of our loved ones. at Mrs.' Sidonek'a last Sattirday. family ot Swartz Creek, were those Mrs. Minnie Ellsworth is on her present from a distance. •way home from California. Soatli L»ro7 Instead of Mrs. ;V. Thompson it was Mrs. Iva .Thompson; wlio gave the Soutli Oellii paper "The Ministry of Music,'' at Mrs. Harwood, who bas spent some REMEMBER, WE SELL DIRECT TO THE CUSTOMER the Literary Club, recently, ' ; time with her daughter bere has gone to visit,her daughter. Mrs. G, M. Bur. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Milter and son, den, ot'Millville. Lester, Mrs. Gavin Fellows and Mrs. No agent's or middleman's profit when you buy of liland Corners Mr, and Mrs, Cley Foreman have Wm. Scarlett of Mason, were recent ihoved to their new home/ near Pol- guests of .Mrs. Chris, Parker. Jok. : •• 'f..: • The Jolly Bunch was pleasantly en- Ernest Collins is Btlll very serious- Mrs. Leota Risch has so far. recov­ tert(itned,at the home ol Br. and Mrs, ly ill with,blood poison fromlthe ef- ered irom her recent Illness to return 0. H. Freeland last.Fridayteveriiiig. ..lects of a nail wound,; recelyedtvb to her home near Webberville. A good prograni^was followed by'an months ago. Several from this vicinity attended excellent potlucit,supper. The date Mr. ;and Mrs; / Pred Wells and ,tbi8lb4tb'anniversary of the Odd and location of the next meetltigwill Mahiiffaotureri\9ff FlheM^ "daughter'atid Mr: Spau^ding; of East Fellows; at ^ebbervllle, • Wednesday be announced later, -. \ ' Ikiiising, were calltBrii at;S;;H^ evening,;where,' a banquet was; held Mls^ Vesta: Mbckrfdge and .Seward MASOJN, MICH, ^iSundayiij'r;.:;;';;^;/:?;/;:^^';^^ ttfter,Whtcha,fine,pr<]tgram:was given. Katherman: of .Lansing, ^'ispeht.the : :;Url)i;I)e,Water8 and Ge.^^^^^ attend. rale six iNGHABi COUNTY NEWSi MASON, BBCH.; THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1923 \

ONE WAY OUT. Classified Advertisements Marie, seven yeat'sold, y\'as being washed, and was uttering lier custo­ mary protests. ' For Sale 1 ','l wish," she said earnestly, "that l need never have to be yvashed TEST IN MEXICO FOR SALl3—Electric washing ma­ again." ' New, York, July 22.—The Durant chine. Mrs. Edyvard Robitailie, Ma- ''I'm afraid," replied her mother four-cylinder touring car contesting Bon, Mich., R. 7. I8wlp gentiy, ''that as long as you have.tne against 15 American and European to take care of you, you'll have to cars won over all competitors recent- FOK HMjE—Poultry house, 12x20, make up your mind to be washed ly in a road test in. Mexico the three ijoultry fencing with cement posts. thot^oughiy every day.'' li—Walnut dish cup- mart'y young."—London Answers. lioard; also good L^eonard refrlgera- The route was from Meiico City to ior, both nearly neyv; 36x72 Axtnin- Cuernavaca and return, a distance of Few acquire the knack of saving it. ister rug; good driving cart. Mrs. 100 miles. Five cars cotnpleted the WANTISD—A representative to Geo. James. Citz. 130-3L. 18w2 circuit without making stops for sell automobile Irtsurance in Mason water, tire trouble or motor diffi­ and vicinity. Our insurance, plan is Only here and there is a man who is independ­ j FOR SALl3—One work horse; two culty. The five were the Durant, two fundatnentally safe and sound, and new milch cows; also potatoes. Ai- Franklins, a Studebaker and a Styer, one that appeals to discriminating ent at sixty-five. fred Allen. 18yvlp which is a European made car. The persons who insist uI)on maximum grand prize was awarded after a one protection at minimum cost. We FOR SALl3—.Ford truck. Fred mile speed test participated in by the want a representative who measures Which way are you headed? Frye, Leslie No. 2. 3 miies south of five winners and this^was won by the up to such a proposition and who Mason, or % miie north of Eden. Durant. ^ holds, and wishes to maintain, the 18w2p The road to Cuernavaca is a moun­ confldence and respect of his fellow Will you be dependent in your old age? citizens. Give referiuces with first tain highway with a number of 17 per FOR SALE—Team biack mares, 8 letter, and any other information that cent and 18 per cent gi'ades, one of and 12 years oid; also harness and wiii assist us in determining your them 15 miies long tind continuously wagon for $200. . See Herbert Lett, Learn the art of "Keeping" qualifications. Central Mutual Auto uphill. 2 miles northeast of Hoit. wl lnsurance Co., Murphy Bldg., Detroit, ln spite of unsettled conditions in Mexico, more thati 50 Durants have FOR SAl./E —Refrigerator and jMichigan. 18w2 Save and deposit a portion of your earnings in been ^ielivered. in and about Mexico wardrobe. Glenn Helmer. . 18-tf City recently. Contania Commercial WANTlDB AT ONCE—Girl or Anahuac S. A., Durant distiIbutors at li'Oll SALE—Hatching eggs from young widow between the ages of 18 Mexico City, placed orders for 400 pure bred Barred Rocks.' M. A. C. iind 25, as maid in famiiy of young Durants immediately following the strain, 5c each. Mrs. Wm.- Palen, The Farmers Bank Detroit doctor and wife with one race to Cuernavaca. Mason Route 3. Cltz, phone. l8yv2p child. No washings. Wiii pay $12 See Sbarland & Potter, dealers in Tlie Oldest State Bank in Ingham County to ?14 a week. Dr. R. E. Ridley, FOR SAljE—0 922 Ford coupe. Ex­ Durant and Star cars, Dansviile, Mason, Michigan 1103 Marybind Ave., Grosse Point, cellent condltlon. J. E. Taylor & Michigan. (adv) Michigan, or call at this office. 18w4 Son. 18w2

FOR SAljli:—An oak bedstead and and springs; also oak sideboard in Lost and Found t IfETEMN OF TWO WARS perfect condition. ^Inquire of Miss LOST—Coid Redipoint poncii. Re- McI.,atcbie. 18wl tut-n to Pastime Theatre. lIeward. It FOR S.\l7E—Pair of horses, Qve Gl3N. EARL R. STlilWART, WllLL Mason at Home Leslie at Homo Stockbridgo at Homo Wiiiiajnsf.on at Homo nnd six yeai-s old; yveigbt 2700. F. LOST—ln Parish's yvoods, Aprii KNOWN HERE, PASSES. 1923 A. Sanford, on 'Dansvilie road, tyvo 28, a child's pet dog. White witb WedncMlay, May .'JO Wednesday, June 27 Thtirsdiiy,' Juno 14 miies east of Mason. ISyvlp black ears. Part Fox terrier. Claud Serving his country in tyvo conflicts Mason FOUR Wwlne.sday, Jniy 4 TIMirsday, Aug. J) Tliursday, July 11) Parish, Citz. phone. Mason. yvl besides serving on the Mexican bor­ Abroad Tliursday, Aug. 2;l TIini.sday, Sept. 13 , Thursday, Aug, ilo von SAljli:—5-room furnished cot- der during troublesome times of lage, complete witli boat at Pleasant STIlAYlni) OR STOLEN—1 mam- 1916, Eari lI. Steyvart rose from Tliursday, June 21 Wednesday, Juno l.'J. .Friday, l^lay 25 lake. Wm. Sbarland, Dansvilie. moutb Giant Bronze Turkey Gobbler. Leslie private to Major then to Brigadier Tinirsday, Aug. !i TOWN Wednesday, .Tniy 2,5 Wednesday, July 12 IS-tf If any one sees or hears of one yviil Abroad General of the National Guard at the Tinirsday, Sept. 0 Wednesday, Ang. 2f» Wednesday, Aug. 15 they please notify Mrs. F. C. Kend- close of the World ,War. He died l^OR SALE—Holstein cow, first- rick, Dansvilie, Mich. ISyvl Wednesday, May 2;l WC(fncsday, lay 30 yvent to France in 1918, Steyvart went AViliianiston FOR S..\LE--Pair twin heifer WHEN I'LANTING your garden, Thursday, Jtdy '20 Wednesday, Aug. S AVccincsdHy, July 4 as Major of Infantry, serving in ail Abroad SCHEDULE calves, 10 days old. lIolstcin-Jersey don't forget yve liave everything in Monday, Sei)t. it "Wcilnesday, Sept. 12 Wedn'e.sday, ..Vug. 22 the principie engagements in yvhich breed. Excellent dairy stock. F. the pi.ant line. C. C. Griffin ic Son. that famous division participated. W. Dnkin, Mnson. Iwlp lSwI Since the ciose. of the war he has During the past flfty years, 719 -li'OIt SAljli:—I bave a limited quan­ WE HAVE A LARGlD assortment served as a member of the Michig.an ily and Mrs. Cleo VanRiper and Reamer Ciine, 1900; Jessie Clark people have graduated from the Ma- tity of raspberry tips, Coiunibian aud of geraniums and porch box plants. Utilities Commissjon. daughter' of Jackson, spent Sund.ay Slooter, '01; Fr.mcis Lawrence, '01; so'n high schooi. Of these, about 60 Plum l''armer, also Palmetto aspara­ Order early. C. C. Griffin & Son. lt Gen. Steyvart is yveil knoyvn here yvith Floyd Isiiam and famiiy. Fannie E. Ferguson, '03; Fred Groh, gus roots. C. L. Bashford. l?-ff by reason of his active connection Mrs. D. Royy^en of Eaton Rapids, is or 65 are knoyvn to have passed iiyvay, '08 .and Harold Riggs, '13. The pro­ NOTlCl::—Wiii tbe person yvho witli the American Legion, 'more es- visiting.her cousin, Mrs. Doris Spring. leaving 650 people, wiiose addresses gram committee and b.anquet com­ FOR SALl^—Jer.sey coyv, yvas fresh picked up log chaie in road just south peciaiiy because of his position as Mr. and Mrs. Ray Trefry and the secretary of the Alumni Associa­ mittee of the Association are work­ March 12. L. R. White. wlp of my house Sunday morning at President of the lngiiam County Leg­ daughter Arleen, and Howard Gates tion is trying to procure. It is not ing at their'respective tasks, and the 10:30, and who iater passed me near ion Council yvhich is a body to whom' of Jackson, spent Sunday with Mr. to be wondered at that there are some invitations will soon be printed and It'OR S.^VLlC—Hinmau miiking out­ corner, return same to my premises the funds of Ingham County War and Mrs. Friink Barrett. with whom feyv Mason people have mailed. fit, good yvorking order. Aiso Lilly at once. W, H. Collar. 18yvlp Board yvere entrusted -when that St. Clair Carpenter and family kept in touch, and the following are 600-Ib. cream separator. W. F. Potter body ceased to function at the close motored to Colon, Sunday, April 29. a few concerning whom the secretaiT REACHING REAL VALUE. Dansviiie. 17-tf YOUR OPPORTUNlTY—Salesmen of the war. These funds have been Master Robert Byrum visited schooi would be glad to receive information. A Parisiaii art dealer called on ai^ wanted by one of the world's largest used as a revolving fund from which in Jackson, Monday and spent tbe day Who can tell the Association about artist, who proudljft displayed his lat­ ,FOR SALlS—Good work horse, 8 wholesale grocery houses; possibiii- loans were made to.worthy ex-service with his aunt. Miss Louise Rossman. these: Randeli P. W. Fleming, class est work. They .'discussed its fine years oid, weight about 1200. B. l. ties of eat-ning $4000.00 or more per men in distress. Mr. aiid Mrs. Kievit of L,ansing, of 1874; Rev. E. E. Dresser, '78; points and the idealer finally in­ HoBiday, 3 miies SE of Bansville. year, with opportunity to build perr spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Minnie McLearn Maxon, '81; Mattie quired as to what valuation was plac- 17-tf manent trade selling complete line of Glover. Darrow Carmine, '82; Alva F. Stev­ ed on the paintingi " groceries; a connection with a House Mrs. Herb Byrum underwent a ser­ ens, '83; Mattie,Matthews Williams, ''l value this picture at 125,000,'' FOR S;\LE—8-room house on Ash that advances its salesmen into exe­ imSIILE ious operation at the Foote Memorial '83; J. D. VanEtten, '85; Sara Sher­ declared the artist firmly. "Do you Btreet. Geo. Graham. Call Citizens cutive positions; previous experience hospital, Jackson, last week Thurs­ man Hall, '89; Stanley A. Carr, '93; not agree with me, my friend?'' 148. 17-tf seiiing groceries not necessary. P. BRINGS Mlllir BUYERS day, April 27. She is reported as Mary Thomson, '93; Edwin Meech, "Of a certainty,'' assented the deal­ O. Box H H, Chicago. ISwlp FOR SALE—Four choice O. l. C. doing nicely. , '94; Rebe Stewart Towne, '95; Faye er heartily. "Furthermore, I think COtNlT TREASURER R15CE1VES Mr. and Mrs. Polhemus and chil­ Palmer Downs, '97; Floy Eddy Ellis, I know.where I can get |40 for.it.'' sows (registered) two with 10 pigs CARD OF THANKS—l wish to MORE THAN )^10,(M)0. dren of Jackson, spent Sunday with '98; Aldrlch VanPatten and Ethel "Sold!" said the artlst.—London each, tyvo to farrow in May. J. Carl thank the many friends who so kind- Jewett. 17yv2p Chas. Porter and family. VanPatten Kingsley, '99; Florence Answers. iy remembered me during my,recent A lat'ge attendance and spirited illness, the Rebekahs for the fruit FOR SALlD—Three houses and 7 bidding featured the annual sale of floyvers and cards,.also the Hope Com­ or 8 lots. E. A. Reedy. 17-if lands delinquent for 1920 state, munity Ciub for the plant and cards. county and other faxes. More than FOR SALlr—Some good seed corn. Mrs. L. Emer Sears. 18wlp twenty-five . buyers yvere present, C. L. Bashford. 16-tf many large outside concerns being CARD OF THANKS—I wish to represetited at the sale. thank the many friends of the Cres­ FOR SALlt:—Geniiine willow baby Among the larger purchasers were cent Sunday school class for their carriage, good as new, $18. Inquire the Waterman Concern of Kalamazoo, beautiftrl piant sent to me during my H. C. Baker, A. M. Smith Co. 16-tf and W. C. Foster of Chicago, who recent illness. Mrs. R. M, Keeler.. was represented at the sale by former FOll SALE—Extra good forty acre 18wlp County Treasurer A, J. Edwards. farm. Must be sold to close an es­ Much of the property sold is city and tate. E. A. Densmore, Ex, 13-tf suburban lots. Very little farm land Businesfl Loealf Is All Gasoline was permitted to go to sale, the own­ FOR SALE-pRose Comb Rhode ers having paid the taxes before May Island Red eggs for hatching. Ex- HEADQUARTERS for eyclene in- IsL More th.an $10,000 was collect­ [ hibltion mating 13 per 15; Utility 5c •uraoee. J. H. Sliafer. . 19.tt ed by the county treasurer which will «ach. Some breeding birds to spare. be' distributed to the state and the the Same? J, E. Welsli, Mason. 15w4.p FIRE AND CYCLONE INBURANOB 0. L. Peck's tgeney. tbe oldest and different townships and cities as their FOR S.ALE—Modern bungalow on largest ia ths sitr. II«U respective interests appear, \ Columbia street. Earl King, Mason. Often you hear the remuTt, "All gaioline ia alike," Citz. phone 191-G. U-tt that "One brand ia ai good aa another." NOTICE FOR SALE—Team of good work RRE THREITENEO FIRM With many different refineriea producing gaaoHne, List your sales with me and get liorses, weight 2800, 6, and .7 years with the difference In crude oil and the varioua old. C. E. Hodge, Mason. 14.tt clean honest service for your BUItOINGS^SIIVEO, SI methoda of refining, it ia impoaaible to expect all money. FOR SALE—Adam Scttaft player The Power branda of gasoline to.be alike. C. P. DOLBEE OHEMIOALS SAVE HOME OF B. A. piano to sell on easy terms. Also The Mason Auctioneer , ANNIS, LESLIE... Behind Your Motor reed baby cab and push cart. N. N. American Gasoline it distinctiTely different. Rouse, Mason, Mich. 14-tt The B, A. Annis home in Leslie Because of the keen personal interest, vigorous co* township came near being the,scene FOR SAL&-Timothy and mixed operation and definite pride of service manifested by of a disastrous are, a few days ago. Why? bay at tbe farm, at tlS.OO a ton. B. M,/U. R. Time Table every individual responsible for the Production of Sparks from a defective furnace H. Williams, Mason. 13-tf For Lansing—A. M.: 5:20, 6:30, chimney set fire ito the roof, and when American Gasoline, it is possible and certain that 6:41; 6:69; 7:66; 9:17; ^:66; these human attributes do primarily influence its FOB SALB—Strawberry plants. discovered, had reached quite pro­ 11:17; 11:66. Senator Dunlap, Dr. Burrill, Premier, portions. character, end are responsible for the "Certified For Lansing—P. M.: 1:17; 1:66; Late Champions, Olbson, etc. C. L. Emerson Shepard, a neighbor, had Quality" of American Gasoline: 2:40; 3:17; 8:66; 6:17; 6:66; 6:20; Bashford. 12-tf purchayd two new chemical fire ex- 7:17; 7:66; 10:23; 11:30. tingulsners recently, one for'his auto, These individual qualities do not cease With the FOR SALE)—Farm in Alaiedon For Mason—A, M.: 4:30; 5:20; and one for the house. Noticing the ptoductton of the product. Each and every Amer­ 6:06; 7:33; 8:06; 8:30; 9:33; to'tniship, 13(( acres kno'ira as the S. smoke coming from the Annis home, ican representative has a personal interest in ren­ 10:05; 11:33. i he jumped into his auto, and soon R. Klng farm! good producing land. dering all patrons courteous aiid intelligent service. Br. L. D. Wheeler, Adm'r., Stodt- For Mason—P. M.: 12:06; 1:38; was at the fire with both extinguish­ You'll appreciate this service and quality excellence l)rldge, Mich. S-tf 2:06; 3:83; 4:06; 6:06; 6:30; 6:33; ers. The fire already burning through 6:06; 7:33; 9:33; 11:00. the roof, was promptly extinguished. when you purchase American Gasoline. This is the first instance where tbe For Rent APPT. op ADIM'R. OAKIN—MAT ti efficiency of volunteer fire fighters state of Michigan; Tlie Probate C^urt for armed with extinguishers has been tlie Oounty of InjiIipm. ' FOR RENT—Large slue garden, demonstrated. A disastrous fire was At a WBBton of Bald Court, held at the Pro- 1 Look for the Sign of AMERICAN Certified Quality also some sod ground. Mrs. George bate OfBce in'the City of Ma«on, In «ald coun- probably averted. " . James. Citz. 130-3L. wl tr, on the iBt day of May, A. D. 1923. Preient: HON. L. B. MeARTHUR, Judge FOR RENT—Five pleasant rooms, of Probate. • In the Matter of the Estate of JACOB Onondaga hard and soft water and inside toilet. DAKIN, Deceased. C/E. HILL/Agent Inquire of A. L. Jewett. Phone Bell Maggie L. Otli having flled In said Conrt 179, , ' 17-« her petition praying that the administration of said estate be granted (to Prank Dakln, or Lute Dwight passed away Thursday afternoon, April 26th, at his farm to some other luitable person; •allPhenaaOl v'CHixenaPh^e 107 FOB REN9^—Ground floor, 5 room It Is Ordered, That the 49th day of May, A. home, where he had lived for 76 D. 1928, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at lald apartment, with bath. Miss Jennie years. He leaves a widow, two soils nines. 17wlp Probate Office, be and ll hereby appointed for hearing.said petition; i'-.' - and many friends. ' It ll Further Ordered, That public notice Mr. and Mrs.' Russell .and Chas. thereof be given by publication of a copy of Wspted^ thlijorder, for three lucoeiilve weeks previous Hall of Aurelius, spent 'Sunday with Fedeiial Petrqleum^ to MId day of hearing. In the Ingham County Mr. at^ Mrs. Amos Hampton. WANTED^To hear from owner of News,; a newspaper printed and otrenlated In ,The Community bible class will -tttd county. • I. JACKSON,MICH.-/--:'' •,•' ^'^ good farm for sale. State cash price, , t, K MtAtemVH,hol d a baked goodil sale at Rosen- '.(A true eopy.)^ I \ Judte of^robat*. full particulars. D. P. BUBh.iMlnne- RlJTH^Ii. OILLtSPai, ^ brook's store Saturfiay, Hay 6. apolii. Minn. 18wlp Dtpvty lUgtiter of,: Mr.'and Mrs.; B.Q.l8liam anil fam. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1923 Page Seven

tmmmwmmnmmm Some very special prices on for Saturday—do not •' iniss them at KELLY BROS. STOCK CO. FORMER HmSON GIRL WEOS Parkhurst's. wl Local News Corseieltes—Satut-day speclal, Ifl. PUYSH NEXT WEEK . JACKSON YOONG MAN All slzes. Regular prlq^ $1.75. Mln- The Corner Grocery nle L Kellys resldence, wl MICHIGAN'S li'AVOnlTE BltAMA- IBMDil'S BROTHER ALSO AN Several young men wanted. Steady j Mi\ and Mrs. C. A. Parklfurst mot- TIC TENT SHOW IlKTUHNS. NOUNClilS AlAltlMAGE. J. L. BARRY, Prop. work. Good wages. Michigan Seat- ored to Monroe Sunday, visiting their ing Co., Stockbridge, 12-tf daughter, Mary Elizabeth, who ls at- lCelly Bros. • Shows, which have I^ast FtIday evening at seven tending school at St.' Maiy's Academy. been operating in Michigan for many o'clock. Miss Lita Rodman, the There yviil he a public dance at the Read McDonald's ad. ISyvI , years, wiii appear in Mason next daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry S, Mother's Day cards at Parkhurst's. Bansville town hall, Wednesday week beginning May 7th-, with a tepe- Rodman of Jackson, wtis united in Friday and Saturday Specials Emma Hay 'raylor is on the sick evening. May 9th, with Clayton's toii-e of new plays. marriage to Donaid Davis at the ]jgl_ ! Syncopated orchestra furnishing home of Mr. Davis' cousin in Jackson. This wiil be' their second week for P. & G.7SoifI» or Plaice White Soap ...10 bars 48c-no limit I Mrs. Bertha Spring spent the/week music. the season and they are equipped The couple wet'e attended by the end in Detroit. I While A. G. Lang, of Vevay, was with a complete newly designed can- bride's brothet', Merrill, and-- Miss Old Dutch Cleanser 3 for 28c Mr and Mrs Lyie C. Hewlett were drilling a weil last week, he had the vas theatre which is the last word in Phyllis Gardner. After the ceretnony Jap Ilose or Hard Water Soap 4 for 28c in Gt-itnd Rapids, Monday. ; misfortune to have a piece of pipe fall road equipment, embodying new the latter couple surprised their many Virgo Kinsey was, home from Ai- on his left hand breaking the first scenery, new electrical effects and in friends by announcing their marriage, No. 2* can Peaches, in heavy syrup 25c per can finger. bion college iast week end fact everything, neyv from box office which occurred on Christmas eve of No. 2 can Corn... 2 for 25c A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Attorney Jason E. Nichols of Lan­ to production. 1922. Howevet', their marriage had sing, was tite first peison' to pay for Earl Symon, Friday, Api-il 27th. 'rhey are pt'oducing six of the best been known by the itntnediate tnem- the book containing the Ingham George Andrews and Mr. Callahan, plays attetnpted by any stock com- bers of their families, County History, that is now being For Men Only both living on the west side, are ill. pany, ''Way Down East,'' and other The bride was attractively gowned published. Mrs. George M. Hoyt is expected new favorites. Kelly Bros, are well in brown canton crepe, yvore a sand Bank Roll Scrap— 4 packages 27c Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gtow and Mr. borne soon from St. Petersburg, Fia. known here and without doubt their colored hat with gloves to match and .and Mrs. W. H. Miers visited their Mrs. A. McDonald was taken very coining will attract more than usual carried sweet peas. The bridesmaid sister, Mrs. Ida Wiedman, of Owosso, ill last Sunday with acute indigestion. interest, lt'olioyving the usual cus­ wore grey ctepe, while her hat and Garden Seeds-Bulk and Package Sunday. She is slowly recovering Neyv bouse dresses in all sizes and tom ladies wiil be iidmitted ft-ee on gloves also tnatched her costutne. Af­ from a fractured hip. prices. Minnie'L Keily's residence.. opening night'when accotnpanied by ter the ceremony Mr. and Mt's. Davis Cabbage and Tomato Plants 18wI Mr. and Mrs. lra Hewes spent the paid adult. left for Chicago,' They yviil make A. R. Dart and famiiy of Lansing, yveek end at Clark Lake with Mrs. their home in Jackson, Carrie Moore, celebrating the 83rd Fresh Vegetables visited relatives in this vicinity. Sun- Do not fail to tead the adv. of Geo. Fruits birthday of Mrs. Annie Hewes. Ten day. M. Webb in this issue. wl guests were present at the family Munsingyvear and Luxite silk hose Get your order in at once for Canna New styles in Curtain Nets and the gathetIng. for satisfactory .wear at Parkhurst's,' plants. Just a few left. C. C. Griffin neyv panel cu'rtains at Parkhurst's. & Son. 18wl Mrs. M. Farley of Detroit, spent the J. L. BARRY, Mason Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Otis visited at week end with her sister, Mrs. Henry Miss Ethel Allen of Lansing, visit­ John Usher's at Stockbridge, Sunday Phil McKernan Patriotic Social Candler. The sisters had not met in Free Delivery Both Phones ed her friend. Miss Gladys Deuel,, , Attorney A. A. Bergman made a Club were entertained at the hotne of the past nineteen years. Mrs. Farley Sund-iy. business trip to Adrian on Tuesday of Comt-ade and Mrs, Keesler last Fri­ tccently moved to Dett-oit from Neyv A. F. Zickgraf was in Muskegon this yveek. day, The house yvas nicely decot-ated and Mecosta the first -of the week on York state. The W. F. M.'S. of the M. E. church in red, white and hiue. About 40 business. Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Robertson of will meet at the chut-ch parlors Fr sat down to the fine (Jinner which was jury about ten days ago. She was to be tlie culprits. The cars were Lansing, spent, last Sunday with Mr, Harold McLane- of Vevay, yy'as day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. prepared. The afternoon was pleas­ also on a stepladder and fell, tearing returned each to it's owner, the two taken to Ann Arbor, for an operation and Mrs. George MclCiggan. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Crahatn have antly spent with music, recitations, the ligaments of her'limbs ioose. At older boys were turned over to Juv­ on both legs. Mrs. ltobertson returned Thursday moved into the apartment on Oak connundrums and stories, occasion­ first it was hard to determine if she enile Officer Sanders at the County Mr. and Mrs. Fi-cd Herguth spent after having spent the winter at stt-eet owned by Mrs. Springer. ing much amusement among those had suffered a fracture and she re­ Detention Home and young Gignac, Sunday yvith Mr. and Mrs. Wiii Bar- Tampa and Sarasota, Fiorida. present. A thoroughly good time was There yviil be a dance at the Wheat- mained in bed for some time. She is because of his youth yvas returned to dig of Lesiie. Miss Blount, Miss Beltman and the enjoyed by an. The next meeting of field Gleaner liaii, Friday evening, noyv able to sit up. his mother.. 0, O. Johnson of Havana, Cuba, is Ingham County Normiii class jout'ney- the Club yviil be held May 25, with- May H. Langham's orchestra. visiting at the home ipf Mr. and Mi's. ed to the hogsback last Thursday Comrade and Mrs. Orrin Morse on Mr. and Mrs. John Crowiey, A F. N. Ackley, evening, yvbcre tbey enjoyed a yveenie West Mapie street. We hope to see lCngland and Frank Woods of Jack­ Fred Ilodges has sold bis Pieasant roast. After tbe roast they yvent to all of the Club members present. JUVENILE m THEFTS OKEMOS PIONEER DIES son, spent Sunday at the Charles lake cottage, ''Fisbernian's Rest,'' to the park yvhere games yvere the chief Griffin home. Mason E. l^e'ynolds. entertainnient of the evening. During the past yveek Critchett's , KEEHHERIFF BUSY AT eRETTENBERGER HOME Miss Helen Bunker of Three Tile Standard Bearer Society of the meat market has been painted and Bridges, was home from college.at Al­ 5l. E. church yviil serve a May morn- FALISFROM STEP UDDER THRlTR LANSING BOYS BREAlf JOHN o. GilE'mcNBEKGER'rAsS. yvhite enameled, greatly impi'oving bion, last yveek en(i. ing breakfast in tbe cburcb pariors, its appearance. OUT ON FORD R.UIPAGK. ED, AW.VY TIlllRSBAY. Ciiver Clipper, yvho is attending Friday morning. May 11th, from fi:20 The Methodist L. A. S. wiil meet AND JGTORES LIMB college at M. A. C.; yvas a yveek end until 8 o'clock. The menu Y^ouMists Another outbreak of juveniie Ford John C, Grettenberger, aged 70 Wednesday afternoon. May 9(h, witli visitor at Ills home. of fruit, toast, yvaffles yvith sugar, thefts kept the sheriff's department' years, passed ayvay at'tlie Grctten- JVlrs. Cliarles Clipper. Tbe meeting BlCRT BOANl^ l'AlNFULLY lNJlJll- Corset speciai, $2 grade at $1,50. bacon, fried cakes and coffee. bu.sy Tuesday. First, yvord came bct'ger home in Okemos, last 'riutrs- yviil begin at 2:30 o'clock. l!:D WEDNlDSDAY. Saturday only. Minnie I. ICeliy's res­ Dr. and Mrs, L. N. Verkes yveut to from Lansing tbat a Ford oar belong­ day. He bad lived in tbe vicinity of Next Wednesday evening, May fltli. idence, E. EIni street. yvI Detroit Sunday for a few days. A ing to Ransom Dietrick had been Okemos for the past 64 years and has Mason Lodge No. 70, F, & A. M., wiii Bert Doane suffered a serious com­ VViiliani Clipiier of Lowell, visited mes.sagG readied Iiere announcing tlie stolen and requesting officers to be made many friends yvbo regret their bave yvork in the E. A. degree. A pound fracture of tbe left limb Wed­ ills brother, Cliaries, of this city, the death of Mrs. Verkes 'jister, Jlrs. on the yvatcb for it. Tbe car yvas ioss. good attendance yvould be appre­ nesday afternoon wbile yvashing win- fore part of iiist yveek. Jlary JlcDonald', at Tyvo Irarbors, located here a little later and aljout ciated. ' doyvs at tbe L. T. Lasenby home. He Funeral services yvere heid at thc^ Mr. and jylrs. Wm. Cox of Grand on Sunday morning. jSlrs. Verkes yvas using a rickety stepiadder and that time John Jay, yvho had driven Okemos Methodist church Sunday Mi's.Hugh Brown and daughter, Itapids, spent the week end yvith Mr. left Tuesday morning for Twu llai- beiieved he yvas going to fail, go another Ford over from Lansing, re­ morning, Rev. C. McEntarfer officiat­ IIelen Kutli, of Lansing, hivve licen and i\irs. J. L. Barry. bors, jumped to the ground. In doing so, ported that his car had been taken by ing. Burial yvas in the Okemos cem­ visiting lier pal-ents,'Mr. and Mrs. V. Miss- Florence Bobbins of Royal ICenneth IIeyves, a graduate of the he fractured his limb. Dr. Verkes was three small boys, yvho had driven it etery. IIe is survived by ten chil­ J. Broyvn, this yveek. Mr. Broyvn Oak, was a Sunday guest at the liome Mason high school ip 1921, last Wed­ called, and Mr. Doane yvas taken to south toyvard Jackson. Traffic Offi­ dren,' Albert and Mrs. Agnes Everett yvas also here Wednesday. of Mrs. Fi'anc L, Adams. nesday graduated from the l''L An­ his home and the fracture reduced. cer Foster started in pursuit and of Williamston, William, Herman, Es­ The Pythian Sisters yviil have their Mr. and Mrs. Ijampbere and Bert thony Wayne Institute at Ft. Wayne, IIe yviil be obliged to remain in his overtook the car one mile east of ther and John, living at the farm regular meeting Wednesday evening, Lamb of Perry, yvere Sunday guests Ind. He accepted a position immed- bed for some time. , Eden. Mit Brice and CharUe Allen, home, Mrs. Anna Fink of Ovid, Mrs. May 9th. The same day their rep­ of \V. K. Lnmb and family. iateiy yvith the Grace COnstructiou each aged 11, and Robert Gignac, Rose Slough of Ellsworth, Reuben oC resentatives go to Homer to attend Almost in the same manner, Mrs. Wni. Miers, Jr, has accepted a Co. of Ft. Wayne and Sturgis, Mich., ageU 9, all Lansing boys yvere found Imlay City, and Louis of Ithaca. the district convention held there. A. Brotherton suffered a painful in- position in Arbaugli's store, Lansing, beginning yvork last Thursday. in tbe grocery department. Brothers, sisters, nepheyvs and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Broyvn have moved from Leslie into the apartment Mr. and Mrs. 0. VV. Rice of Lud- nieces, yvith their f.imiiies, and weil recentiy completed by Mrs. Arthur ington, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank filled baskets, gathet'ed at the home Laxton. Mr. and Mrs. Erler wiii oc­ Minar the first of the week. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hazelton Sun­ cupy the apartment on the west side. Mr. aud Mrs. A. D. Snyder were day, the occasion'being a complete guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse IJnder- surprise for Mrs. Hazetton in honor I will be at Mason, at the home of •wood of Onondaga, Sunday. of her birthday. The guests left four Mrs. Bygtiives, third house in second Dr. F. H. Wllllnms of Owosso, four beautiful pieces of silver as a block north of court house square, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. C. token of their love. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 8:30 a. m. to 12 noon. H'. J. Ketchum, W. Browne, Sr., of this city. The Browne-Cavender Auxiliary Do'ctor of Naprapathy, 100 E. Main Mr. and Mrs. H. B, Longyear spent will meet FViday afternoon, May 11, street, Lansing. 18-tf Sunday with the former's people, Mt', with Mrs. C. W. Randall, to sew for and Mrs. W. D. Longyear, of Leslie. Roosevelt American Legion hospital. Miss Frances Mickelson entertain­ Frank McCowan and Emma Gary All members at-e urged i to be pres- ed Misses Marian Larkworthy of Ben- were Sunday visitors of the former's ent. Potiuck supper at 5:30, for ton Harbor, Helen June Gould of parents, Mr. and Mi's. W. E. C. Mc- which hostess will furnish potatoes Harbor Springs, Ruth Christopher of Coyvan. and coffee. Bring dishes, silver, Lansing, and Laura Moore of Port Huron, at a house party at the Mick- Burr DuBois and his frjend, C. S. sandyviches and one other dish. Reg- elson cottage at Pleasant lake, last Johnson, of Ann Arbor, were yveek ular Auxiiiaiy meeting at the Ran- yveek end. "You need a new suiti end visitors at the L, M. DuBois resi­ dayy home in the evening. dence. Di'. W. B, Hartzog concluded his The regular meeting of Mason O. Henry. Why not get Mrs. E. P. Royve left Wednesday series of lectures on the Old Testa­ E. S. No. 150, was held Tuesday even- something like that, this ior Minneapolis, Jvansas, for a ment before a night school for Re­ ing and installation of officers oc- time? They say Norfolk month's visit yvith her sister, Mrs, B. ligious Education at I^ansing, April curred. The following were those in- S. Miiler. 23. By invitation of his ciass he stalled: W. M., Daisy Smith; W. P., styles are going to be 0. J. Hood; A. M., J. Rose Bush; Sec, Miss Mageorgia Knoyvies, one of gave them his lecture on "Seeing God very popular this Through the Telescope,'' last Monday Maud Broyvn; Treas., Cornelia Wag- the high school faculty, returned to II her home at North Adams, for the evening. On Friday evening. May 4, goner; conductress, Grace Davis; as­ season yveek end. he will give this address at a com- sociate conductress, Charlotte Bush; Ada, Pearl Hardenburg; Ruth, Hazel Mrs. F. E. Densraore is expected mutiity meeting at the Williams Lang; Esther, Leila Reebe; Martha, home today (Thursday) ft'om St. school house near Vantown. Pearl Vaughn; Electa, Edith. Barr; Petersburg, Florida,, where she spent Mrs. Alfred Allen wili'entertaln the Warder, Margaret Lament; Sentinel, tbe yvinter. Mission Circle Miiy 9th, at 2:30 ',>. m. Lloyd Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bensmore and Mrs. James H. Shafer will have the Mrs. Elizabeth Springer motored tq Bevotionals; Mrs. Bertha Shafer our Judge L.,B. McArthur has sold his nint, Monday on a visit to relatives study book, "The Trend of the residence on Elm,street to Harry D. [ in that city. liaces''; Gleanings from April Mis­ WilletL who will take possession Miss Gertrude Scarlett returned sions, Mrs. Field; entertainment, Dor­ June 1st. Mr.'and Mrs. McArthur home Sunday from Lansing, where othy Allen; music, Mrs. Seeiye. will move into the bouse purchased I she has been ill several weeks follow­ Those wishing to go meet at Long- of SrL. Marshall some time ago and ing an operation. year's store at 2:15.' It will be ap­ which has been considerably r,emod- I Mrs. Watson Miller has purchased preciated if those who can take ma­ eled. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lee Ware the lot on the comer of ''B'' and chines will stop for others at tbe have rented the apartment which -was I South streets-and plans to build a store. occupied by Mr. Willett. small liome tttere. The Hawley Community Club will meet with Mr. and Mrs, L, T, Lasen- I by on Friday evening, May 4. Re­ freshments potluck, ^ j Mrs. Katherine Gauss of Lansing, arrived Friday to maJte a visit with Another her daughter and husband, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Heimer, Miss Alice Hiiiiard spent the week Special Sale end at Ciear Lake, Grand Rapids, and Hastings, as a guest of Mr. and for ; Mrs, Edyvard Powers. ! Lewis lIeuel of Hillsdale, roturDCd j to his home today (Thursday) after a week's visit to his sons, George, Edd Saturday Only and James, of this city. The Call of Spring Miss Lula Pearson and her brother, Joseph Pearson, plan to leave for a Slip into a new Clothcraft Suit—Now! short visit to friends in Pontiac, the Our special offering for last Saturday met with such a latter part of the week. response that we are going to repeat, and have selected A man just can't resist wanting to get into in lighter colors—^a. gray or a tan for in­ Mr, and Mrfl.CltarJes Clipper mot­ stance. There are many attractive fabrics ored to St, Charles, last Sunday, vis­ several splendid values from our complete stock for next new clothes these fine days-^to be well dress­ .here for you to pick from in either light or iting their father and mother, Mr. and ed In clothes that are In harmohy with the Saturday. ^ dark shades: checks, stripes, mixtures.: And Mrs. Charles Clipper, Sr. bright, cheer?til atmosphere, and. with 'his there's a model here, too, you'll like, wheth­ Mr. and Mrs, A, L, Rose, whoJbave '•feelings.''There's a new Clothcraft style er you want a belted sport model or a con­ resided in St. Petersburg, Florida, See our windows for HatB , servative three button effect. , during the past winter intend to start . Specially Priced here waiting for you to slip into it and step today (Thursday) for Mason, , proudly off. Don't delay any longer—-get that new suit Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Condon and Perhaps, for a change, you'd like something daughter Elaine visited Mrs. Con­ Our new Summer Sport Hats are now coming in. They -NOW! • • y , I don's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Hi Toyvnsend of Stockbridge, Sunday. will delight discriminating buyers. Two-Pant SultSi $26.00 to $40.00 The C division of the N, A, Ladies' Aid Society -fflU meet lat the church Thursday afternoon. May 10, for Bup- per. Everyone cordially invited. ..V Stamped pillow cases, a few to Llncelh $1 Porter Densn^ore t& lla vis gjClose out at $1,00 pair; Saturday [bnly. Some Bick' hemstltclied scallopa, MIIIInera , Ctothiers—Mason iBo hemstttcbed 'bems,' Minnie I. ICeliy's reildrace;;a.^Blm.(;:vl8w Page Eiglit INGHAM COUNTY NEWS. MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, MAY ?i, 1923

The home taient play given by the around a tnysterious hidden treasure Wednesday. Webborvilie Ea'stet'n. Stars at Bell which had been buried years ago by , "The Poyver Of A Lie,'' a tale which MANY FARM ANIiLS Oak, was a success. , pirates in the lower part of Manhat­ won the world's prize as the best Miss Carrie Starkweather- of Lan­ tan Island in the vicinity of New York short story of the, year, has been film­ JEBISH IN RRE sing, spent Sunday yvith friends here. ' Harbor. A skysctaper, the Central ed by Universal with an all-star cast Grant Bush and family and John Buiiding, has been, erected on the of popular players, and wlll be the LlgIitning Causes Loss Of Burn A'nd Trim and family of Lansing, wete s|)ot, and yvhen an old yvatchman dis- feature otTering for ne.\i week Friday Contents. Saturday visitors at C. H. Harris'. i covers the treasut-e things begin to and Saturday. Baby Peggy Mont­ James Fraser and family were Bath happen, l'earl becomes the principal gomery in ''Syveetie,'' the second ,of JlOll/moiae^ ST. JOHNS-—A 'good span of visitors Sunday. character in the mystery and encoun- iier comedy specials for this season, hoi'ses, a registered Sbortborn calf, a Mi's. Pansy Marshall and Mi's. tet's thrills in rapid succession is also promised for these tyvo days. veal calf, four sniall pigs and 24 Susie Granger of Wili iainston, were throughout the exciting chapter. Tliree big feature attractious" are sbeep and lambs perisbed yvhen the Car owners, who once buy a tire Saturday visitors' here. Other attractions for next Tuesday promised for the foiiowing week, in­ barn on tlie farm occupied by Alvln Miss Neva Sleafor^ of near Bell and Wednesday include lleginald cluding ''My Wild Irish Ro.se,'' Con­ with the lowest priice tag usually Sturgis, slx miles west of St. Jolins, Oak, Is helping Mrs. Wm. Horton, Denny in round ten of the Neyv l^^eath- stance Talmadge in '']\lamnia's Af­ end up as confirmed buyers of hurned to tbe ground togetlier yvltli yvith her houseyvork. er Pushers, also the concluding chap­ fair,'' and ''The Four Horsemen Of all its contents. Tbe ljarn, a '16x50 Goodrich Silvertowns. With Silver- Mrs. Andreyv Garfield and chiidren ter of "Adventures Of Tarz£\n,'' and Tile Apocalypse,'' Aletro's tremendous Ioot structure, was bit by llgbtnlng of'Betroit, spent tbe yveek end at R. an interesting number of tbe lnter- screen production oX Ibanez's great towns you get—/ong, trouble-free during tlie electrical storm last Satnr- Foster's. . / nationai New.s. l..adies yvitb escort novel, yvliicli yvill slioyv here for three day aftei'noon yvbiie Mr. tttid MI'S. service and a full return on the James McCourtie. and yvife enter­ yviii be admitted free Tuesday and days, beginning jylay 17. ' Sturgis yvere in St. .Iolins. Tlte blane Equip with Silver- tained their daugliter and family money invested. was discovet'eil by 15avid Doty, wbo from Jackson, Sunday. towns—do the right thing First! Byes nearby and yvbo is employed by lylrs. Robert Foster and IMrs. An­ IMr. Sturgis, wlieu tile dog owned by drew GarQcid were Lansing visitors Sturgis ran to IDoiy and ntade bitu Sunday. \inderst.aiid tbat soinetbiiig was •wrong. Wlieii Doty reaclied tbe Andreyv Jackson and yvife yvere At Pastime Theatre DEAN-JACOBS CO. •scene of the blaze the yvhole interior Saline visitors. Sunday. Mrs. Carl McCourtie yvas called to Phone BrII l9'l Citizen] 4G of the building yvas a seething mass MASON, IVttCH. Saginayv Monday by tbe illness of ber of tiames. Tlie Fowler lire company Friday and Saturday yvas notitjed and liastened to the Stui'- mother. gis farm but all efforts to save tlie barn and its contents yvere futile. Sandhill Tlie lire spread to the poultry Norma Talmadge house and the granary nearby and for a time it was feared tbe liouso Mr. and Mrs. Austin lBonner 'of would be destroyed. The buildings Ijansing, visited at Jolin Bennett's in yvere saved, hoyvever, but not until Sunday evening. Goodrich considet'able damage liad been done Mr. and Mrs. Gorum gave a five to tbe first two buildings named. Be­ o'clock dinner Sunday, in honor of sides the live stock mentioned, tbe their grandson, Pat,. tiie occasion The Sign loss Includes .11 tons of baled liay, being his birthday. Silvertown CgrdTiue eight or ten tons, of loose clover hay, Dan and Pete Wagner have ordered il stack of unhusked corn, and some a neyv li'ord. on the Door harness and small tools. Tbe barn, Mrs. Anna Bennett purchased a \ wblch belonged to Daniel Stut'gis, of cow of Emerson Wagner, last week. Rengai, father of Alviu Sturgis, yvas Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Bennett cai- uninsured. The contents were only A masterpiece off Screen led at Mr. and Mr.s, Well's Sunday partially covered by insurance. afternoon. Wells' have moved ln re- Drama Mr. Sturgis bas been particuiariy cently on tbe Berttrof place. iiiifortuuate of late. Ile has lost .sev­ Jobn Bennett of' l^ansing, called at eral hogs and last suninicr a Part of tbe boiiie of liis parents, Sunday. - For Real Service his crops were destroyed by tbe heavy Jolin Bennett, Sr. visited Jolm bail storm yvliich passed over that lvieppe last week Tluirsday. Charlie Chaplin Hl.'ctiOn. Mrs. Petei' llennett, Mrs. Forrest Fair and Mrs. Artbur Buck visited at m Mrs. Joel Bennett's of Lansing, Tbursday. ' Mr. !ind Urs. lilmerson Wagner Slioulder spent Tbursday evening at Jolni Ben- LAKE NEAR NASHVIllE nett's. l^ete Wagner called at Jolin Ben­ Boys RiiiMided Dp And Admit Many Arms iMisdemenDor.s. nett's, Satnrday. Mr. yVells is sliingling bis barn. NASliVlbLli— Tile fore part of .lSari Dietz .called at Joel Bennett's The ffunniesi comedy ever last week tile Chas. Vouiig cottage at of ljansiiig, Sunda.v. made. tile wesi end of Tluirnaii)>le lake yvas Mrs. Forrest Fair and son, Ben­ hrolveii into and a quantity of stut'f nett, yvere at I'eter Bennett's Friday taken, including a revolver, watch evening. Usual Prices—15c and 25c .-cluiin, safety razor, and other arli- cles. lt was learned by tbe sheriff's office tliat Jim Eddy, in driving to The High-Grade H.'istings, iuul picked up several boys Monday along tile road and given tbem a ride "Film News" into town. An investigation ied tbe Gasoline officers in tbe direction .of Grand Ledge, where they picked up tyvo boys Flower of the Gasolir1e Service is expressed ii1 wbo gave tbeir names as I\iartin and PASTDIE THEATRE Robert MclIonald. The Barry county terms of mileage. When you buy officers yvere just in time to get tbe North boys abend of Ivent county officers, 10 gallons of gasoline, in reality who were also on tbeir trail. - Norma Talmadge, in lier latest As- A swifftly moving story you are buying 150 miles of ser­ 'rhe ICent county officers claim the sociated First Nationai release, ''The vice, if you'get 15 miles to the hoys stole two bicycles iu Grand llap- Sign on the Door,'' wiii be the attrac­ off the great open ids and rode tiieni out of town, after tion extraordinary at the Pastime spaces, by gallon. having visited tbe union station and I'hcatrc Friday and Saturday. stolen two suit cases and their cott- "The Sign on the Door" is a screen tents. adaptation of Chunning Pollock's James Oiiver Curwood Gasoline becomes a propelling stage play of the same name yvhich force only When you cause it to enjoyed a iong and highly successful Also LARRY SEMON In run on Broadway with Marjorie Ram- vaporize and mix it With air. ALBION TO START NEW beau in the leading part. The scenario was prepared by Mary James Oliver Curwood Home Sweet Home The service which you receive is GOLLEOE HALL SOON Muriiio and . Mr. Brenon also directed the production, in exact ratio to the manner in ALBION—The reconstruction of in which Miss Talmadge has a sup­ Robinson hall, Alljion college, de­ porting cast of unusual excellence. Tuesday and Wednesday which the gasoline vaporizes. stroyed by lire last December, wlll be ln the stellar role of Mrs. "Late" started aboitt the last of May, ac­ Regan, pretty young wife of a man of cording to President J. W. I-.aird. weaith and high standing, who he- Wealth-Uutold Architect John R. Ciutbb of Chicago, comes involved in a tragic situation will iiave plans ready to present to Millions- as a result of an innocent affair be- Red Crown the building committee here. May 7, fore her marriage. Miss Taitnadge has and bids yvill be asked for at once. a |)art which gives her histrionic abil- Dialllollds, rubies, pearls hid­ The new buiiding yviii have only tyvo ity a wide range of opporfunity. floors above the semi-basement. Tbe Prominent in the cast are Charles den in a cave of mystery un­ structure yviii be used for a biolog­ Vaporizes to Rlchman OS "Late" Regan, Lew Cody der a New York sky-scarper. ical laboratory and until the new ad- as F'rank Bevereaux, Helen Weir as It Will fire your blood to see mlnistt-ation buiiding is compieted, Heien lIegan, Paul McAllister as the for offices and ciass room's of other District Attorney, and liobert Agnew the adventure and action that departments. as Aian Chut-chiii. the Last Drop center around this fabulous Other weii known piayet's who ap­ pear in support of Miss Talmadge are fortune. , i that's why there is no waste. DuBois Neighborhood " j David Pt'octor, Augustus Balfour, Mack Barnes, Martinie Burnlay, Lew See this pulse-quick- Red Crown has a Perfect Chain Hendricics and Walter Bussel. Mr. ' and Mrs. Donald Stahl and of Boiling Point Fractions, ad Scenes for "The Sign on the Door'' ' ening romance of love daughter, Catherine, and Mrs. Alice yvere Aimed at Palm Beach and New and loot in the heart ICeiley of Jackson, spent Sunday at justed so as to vaporize at just York. The production is said to be II. Every's. of New York. one of the most eiaborate and inter­ the correct temperature to pro­ Mrs. Fred Coiiar and daughter esting yet produced at the Norma duce instant starting Winter or Wilma, spent Saturday and Sunday Talmadge studio. yvitii friends in Athens. YouMI be Amazed, Critics and picture lovers all over Summer — a quick pickup- , I^awrence Every spent Satiird.ay the world yvho have l'olloyved the Surprised and Thrilled smooth acceleration—tremendous night and Sunday at Floyd Otis' iu career of Charlie Chaplin since he Mason. first came into prominence are united sustained pulling power — racing Mr. and alrs. Wourt Every yvere in in pronouncing ''Shoulder Arms'' the Other Pictures Too Jackson, Monday. funniest thing he ever produced. Ma­ speed if you Want it and a maxi­ Mrs. Fioyd Otis entertained the son people yvill have an opportunity mum of mileage. Busy Bunch Ciub at iier home in Ma­ to judge for themselves Friday and Leather Pushers son last Thursday. A iiotiuck din­ Saturday evenings, yvhen ''Shoulder ner yvas served at noon. Tlie after­ Arms'' wiii be offered as an added at­ All of Which is summed up in two noon was spent in having a general traction at the Pastime Theatre. Last Chapter of good time. Next-meeting yvill be yvith ''I^loyvei- of. the North,"' one of words *'Real Service." ' Mrs. Arthur Williams in Mason, James Oiiver Curwood's most popuiar Tarzan tales, produced for the screen as a big Vitagraph special, has proven one WebberyiUe of the season's most successful photo­ International News plays, It is a story of doing and dar­ Harmon Connin ' and daughter, ing of red blood and warm hearts, of Buy Red Grown life in the great open spaces where Pearl, were Ohio visitors the week men are men. ''Flower of the North" At tlie following Standard Oil Service Station: end. comes.to the Pastime Theatre next Ladies, with escort, Free Tuesday Higlit Stanley Bien and Wilbur Smith Monday, one night only. An lidded were in Detroit, Saturday. attraction for the evening Is Larry Rush White and family of Detroit, Semon in ''His Home Sweet Home," Maple and A Sts. spent the week end here. Mrs. Minor VanOrtwick is in MuUi- Pearl White, the peerless, fearless ken, caring for Mr. VanOrtwick's par- queen of Fathe serials, will introduce ehts, who are quite iil. her new chapter play thriller, "Plun- ON SAVINGS And die following Mr. and Mrs. John Peters and der,'' to patrons of the Pastime Thea.^ daughter of Wiiliamston, spent the ter, beginning Tuesday, The first |S2 yean BueceasfuI busiiiess under Filling Stations week end at Bruce Jacobs. ; episode Is entitled ''The Bandaged State Supervision witllout loss of a Man,'' and present? three reels of and Garages: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leonard spent jpenny to any investor. We pay S • part of last week with their son, Earl startling action. \ jind 6 per cent on savings and even more on our CSimulative Dean & Jacobs Cbk' Leonard, and family, at Port Huron, A hair-raising LbrlU Is liiltroduced Certifleates,wliidiforyearIipast have earned 6Vt to 7 per Miss Irene Price was In Itltaca, the moment Pearl appears on. the S.Maniunf : screen, showing her speeding through cent Tour money back ON PEMANO witli interest or ^ATHoi^ett Sunday. , . ,the streets of New Voi^k ln a l-oadster, Charles Sullivan and wife of De­ eanilhgii added. Write tor booklet!. Fred Alberts, Holt. pursuing a Jewel thief. At \the end troit, were Saturday visitors here. - of the chase, over wet pavements and Wm. Crossley and family t were crowded streets^ she .crasiiesjthrough ;Oapitc^.Savln^s;^ ' iSunday callers at Frank Weller's,; Standard (KiC the door oif 'a building Into «ie|blde- Mtrs. Lydia Allchln spent the,pttst a^jLCvai^^ AgwtliiMKMi..;.; Laiuingt'.Mich.'' out of the pliinderer,^;; ' , :(Indi(m) week with her daughter, Jlra, Howard m bit :^'/:n:Ag:;'.a:':'-


By JACK WILSON , Northwest Steckbridge RADIO RALF AND HIS FRIENDS— 1 Ccpyiiiitit 192a by iht McCturc Ncw»p.p«t Svniftcat*

Bert Osbot-ne.and family of Per- 1 MUST 'Q^T PALF ff^fJESTEO IN rington, visited his father, J. J. Os- 5MAKESPeAI?e'5 WI?iTtM^S AS tit C(?OWS borne, Saturday, and Sunday. Mt'. UP-A^Ji? Htttt IS Triet/Me TO and Mrs. Rob Foster of Webbetwilie, were also Sunday caiiers, John R. Ta.yiorhas sold his farm to Mr. Merrill ot Detroit, who yvill take possession immediately. Mr, Taylor and famiiy expect to leave for Indiana the last of the week. Mr. and Mt's. L. C. Otis of Mivsoni visited at John Usher's Sunday, and also calied on her parents. ^ Cari Barth and fijmily were in Chelsea, Sunday. Mrs. Lottie Onltley and soiis of Stockbrhige, visited her. mother the yveek end. Bert Lantis and family visited in White Oak, Sunday.

Lett District

Charles tlinkley dtlves a neyv Ford dcnco of Bcrnnrd F. DiitTy on section 4 in ttic yVllllam T. Entwisttc and wife Dio. owners. North Street and .160 feet N of the N lino of 'rownalilp of IjinBtnii, in until Oounty of Ini?- Commencing 392 feet S of the NE corner of said street. Edmund Itagemier, owner. car. linm, lit 10 o'cloclc ln tlie forenoon ot tlint iliiy, Lot No. XO Scott's Subdivision, thence W 330 Lot 7 James M. Turner's Sub. arid also a Clayton Larner lost a valuable proccod to receive hida for the construction of feet, S 66 feet, E 330 feet, N 66 feet to Beg.- strip of land, one Inch ^ width otf from the horse last week. ^ n certiiin Drnin i'/i of Sec. •), 7 chs. Sl'A tkn. W side thereof nnd except the right of way of hnvinR an averaRO depth ot B..t7 feet wiii be A SMALL "AD." an.ic. S of the NW corner of the E % of the SW Lansing Mfrs Railroad ; Also except commenc­ constructed as a closed drain of the followinK 'A of Sec. .t, thence E to the center of the ing in the N line of North Street at a point ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. . Rinkley and diameters: Station 0 to station 2D plus 62 DeWitt Road, SE'ly along the center of said 1D6 feet NW'ly along said N line of street from daughter, Harriett, spent last Sunday feet, tS-lnch sewer pliw; station 29 plus H2 road far enough so that by going W to the W the SE corner of said Lot 6, thence N 27° E feet to station .17, Iti-inch sewer pipe; and sta­ .-with their son and famiiy near Oke­ iine of said E of the SW ,Sec. .1 and N 8 rods, N 8%° E 87 feet, thence due E 3 rods , tion .17 to station 6.1, 12-inch drain tile. to Beg. wiii contain 10 acres.' Hugo Bnuman ' t''" ^ line of Lot 6, thence S to tlie SE mos. In the construction of said drain the foliow- and wife Barbara with fife Est. in Reginn corner of said lot, thence NW'ly to Beg. George Sometimes gives important The Community Ciub will meet iUK iiunnutica and character of tile or pipe Palmer. O. Mack and wife Rcgina, owners. with Mr. and Mrs. L. Bouts, Jr., Fri­ will be required and contracts let for furnish- Tiie S 6 acres of a tO acre tract of iand de- Commencing at the SE corner of Lot No. 6 iuR of same; James M. Turner's Sub. thence NW'ly In the advice. day evening. May II. There yvill be scrllied as foiiows: Beginning on the yV lino 2062 feet of tS-lnch No. 1 sower pl|)c ; of the E '/.i of the Sw V, of Sec. .1, 7 chs. 8\ViN iine ot North St. 166 feet, thence N 27.° E a good program and ice cream, and 1600 feet of IH-inch No.t sewer pipe; iks. S of the NW corner of the E % of SW 8 rods, thence N 8%° E 87 feet, thence due E cake. Everybody interested, come; 700 feet of 1.2-inch No. 1 vitrified salt glazed Vi of Sec. .1. thence E to the center of the 3 rods to the E lino of t.ot 6, thence S to Beg. drain tile. Deyvitt Road. SE'ly along the center of said Christ Cook and wife Matilda, owners. The contract for construction ot said ilriiin road far enough so that by going yV to the W Lot No. 6 of .fames M. Turner's Subdivision, will incluilo the construction of catchbnsina iine of said E i/j of the SyV V, Sec. .1 nnd N to except a strip of iand 60 feet wide next to This one says— . and niiinhoics at tlie pinces designated on the nnd adjoining the right ot way ot P. M.' R. R. Rolfe Community Beg. will contain 10 acres, except ttie toiiow- 1 t profile according to pinna and siwcitkattons on ing description ; Commencing nt a jioint 909.6 Co, convoyed to Lansing Mfrs R. R. and ex­ file jn tlie otriee ot the Oounty Drain Orimniia- feet S'of the NW corner of the E Vj of SW '/i ceiit conimoucing at tiie Syv corner ot t.ot No. Bioiier. of Sec. .1. thence E 030 foet. N 176 feet to tiie 6. thence N 1.16 feet. S'ly parallel with the N Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Smith and Mr. Contract wiit atso be lot for the construction N iine of said S 6 acres, thence yv 630 feet, lino of North St. 193 feet, SW'iy to a point on of a concrete liuliihcnil located nt station 0 of and Urs. C. O. Reynoids yvet'o in Lan­ S 176 ftfet to Beg., the S 26 feet theriiot to lie N iine of said street 116 tect from |ieginnlng, said drain and consisting ot .1 cubic yards of thence NyV'iy in said line of street to Beg. SPEND WISELY sing, Thursday. reserved for street piirposos ; Also except com­ 1:2concrete. mencing iino.E feet S nnd 676 feet E ot the George Eviina and Aliiert t.!vnns. owners. Mrs. Earl Otis attended tbe Busy Ail work ot construction shall tie in accordN­W corner ot E % ot Syv V, Sec, ..t, thence Coinmencing at the SW corner of Lot No, j Bunch Ciub at Jlrs. li'ioyd Otis' of ance with the plans and spccinciitions on file N 88 feet. E MI fcot to center ot DoyVitt G Jiimes M.. Turner's Subdivision, thence N in the ollice ot the County Orain Coniniission- Mason, Tliursday. Road, SE'ly along said road to a point due E MO feet, S'iy paraiiei with the N iine ot North SAVE REGULARLY ci. iiforesiiiii. wliero the Hiijiie are open for tlic ot Heg., tlience \v to Beg. George F. Smitii, Street 193 foot. SW'iy to 11 point on the N Mrs. Claude l^axton attended tbe inspection ot aii persona interested. owner. iine ot North Street 116 feet from beginning, yvcdding of ber sister, Jliss Lita RoA- Itiiiitcrs upon the construction ot said driijn Commencing nt a point 999.6 feet S of the tiicncc Nyv'iy on siiid iine of street to liegin- wiii 1)0 reipitrcd lo deposit tiic sum ot Fifty man and Donald Davis of Jackson, NyV corner ot E % ot the SW V, ot Sec. .1. niuK. ' George F. Kiinup and wife rnulino, tloliai.s ($50.00) in cash or cerlified cheoli as a thence E 630 feet, N 176 feet, yv C30 feet, S owners. Friday evening. At tbis titue Merrili guarantee that the aucccssfui lifddcr wiii enter 176 feet to beginning. Danici yv. Bradford, I.ot No. .1 ot James M. Turner's Sub. except llodman announced iiis marriage to into a contract within ton (10) days from the owner. date oC iotting with approved bondsmen for a strip ot, hind CO fcot witie next to nnd ad­ Mi.ss Pbyllis Cat-dner, yvhich took Conimeneing 990.6 feet S and 676 feet E of joining, the right ot way of P. M. R. R. on tlie the performance ot t!ie worit. And in case the the Nyv corner ot E ',{; of SW M Sec. .1. thence piace on Christmas eve, 1022. Both person to whom tiiu contract is awiu-ciod shnii N end of said lot sold to tjanaing Ittfr's R. R. N SS feet. K MI feet to ccnter'of Deyvitt Rond. Also except l!eg. at the St.! corner of said Lot Lita and Merriil yvere formerly of fail or refuse to enter into a contract as afore­ SE'iy along said road to a point due E of said within ten days from the day ot letung, No. .1, thence N on tiie E iine thereof 123 feet, Mason. t:tog., thence yV to Beg. Donald B. Cinrk and tlionco SW'iy on a straight line to a point in the said cash or certided ctiocif shall be con­ wife Iva }'., owners. American State Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Tom David of Leslie, sidered forfeited, and the money thereafter the N line of North Street 69'/j feet NW'ly slinii liecomo n part ot tlie Duffy Drnin Fund. Commencing on the yV line of Turner St. nt along said street from beginning, thence SE'iy caiied at Claude lleynold's, Sunday. a point .1.2 feet N ,of the S iine of Mosley Ave., to beginning; Also beginning nt a point in Mr. and Mrs. Ira Thorpe spent Sun- Said cash or certified check will lie returned LANSING to nil unsuccessful bidders at close ot sale and extended, thence yV 382..1 feet, thenee S 60 the E iine of said lot No. .1, 123 feet N of the day yvitii Bert True and famiiy of to successful liidders upon the .furnishing ot fcot, thence yv 189 feet to the N line of tlie -SE corner tiiereof, thence SW'iy to a jioint in Perc Mnriiuetto Railroad right of wtty, thence Lansing. approved liondsmen as aforesaid. the N line ot Grand River Road so-called 69'/j . N.LANSING S. LANSING Contracts wiii be made with the lowest -re­ N 6.1° 0.1' yv along said raiirond right ot way feet Nyv'iy in said line of rond from the SE Earl Otis and yvife spent Sunday 1820 feet, thence E 167.1.3 feet to the yv line corner of said lot, thence Nyv'iy along said sponsible bidder giving ndeiiuate security for Under State aIid National SupeI'vision with the latter's parents. the performance of tlie work, reserving to my­ of Turner St., thence S 20° 36' E aiong the W highway 32 feet, NE'ly on a line parallel with self the right to reject,any and all bids. The line of Turner St. 610.8 "feet to the bend In the E'ly line of this description until it Inter­ date for the completion of such contract, and said street, thence S 30° 13' E 610.6 feet to sects, the E line of said lot, thence S on the E the terms of payment therefor,, shall and wilt the place of Beg. Edgar H. Clark Und 2-3, line of said lot to place of beginning. Emri be announced nt tlie time and place of letting. Merle J. Hang Und 1-3, William E. Brown O. Harris and wife Lucy M., owners. East Alaiedon Und 1-3. I Notice is Further Hereby G^en, That nt the •Beginning at the SE comer of Lot No. 4 time and place of said letting or nt such other .Commencing nt n point 16..t8 chs. S of the J. M. Turner's Sub., thence N on the E line NW corner of the E % of the SW M of sec, W % line of the NW % lald ,Sec. 4. Under manner hereinbefore stated; nnd also, that at time nnd place thereafter, to which I, the thereof 123 feet, thence SW'iy on n straight control of the Board of Oounty Rond Oommis- Hoyle Swan and family visited Oounty Drnin OommtsBloner nforeeaid, may nd. .t, thence s 90.62 feet, thence E to the W line such time of letting from nine o'clock In tho tine to a polat in the N line of Grand River sloners of the Oounty of Ingham. forenoon until five o'clock In the afternoon tho Gerald Potter and famiiy last Sunday. journ the same the assessments for benefits of DeWitt Rond. thence NW'ly in W line of Rond 69 Vj feet NW'ly along said line of road said road to a point due E of Beg., thence W Now, Therefore, All unknown and non-rcsl- asBeaament for benefits and the lands comprlicd Hazel Granger of Lansing, called nnd the lands comprised within the "Dutly from place of Beg., thence SE'ly to Beg; Also dent persons, owners and persons IntereBted in Drain special -AaBessment District," and the to Beg. William Wahl nnd wlfe Mary Wahl, within the Duffy Drain Special Asseiiment on the Specr children and Lois Tyler,- beginning at a point In the E line of Lot 4, the above described lands, and you, Frank Dlatrlcts will be subject to review. apportionments thereof wilt be announced by owners. J. M. Turner's Sub. 123 feet N of tbe sE cor­ last Sunday. ' , . Oommenclng nt n point 61 1-3 rods W of the Ohnrch, Supervisor, end you, Melvin E. Walk­ And You and Each of Vo\i, Owners and per­ me nnd wilt tie subject to review for one day ner thereof, thonce SW'iy to a point In the N er, highway commisBloner of the Townahlp of from nine o'clock In the forenoon until five NE corner of N Vj of S % of NW 14 sec. 4, line of Grand River Road so-called eOVj feet sons Intereited In the aforesaid lands, are here- Mrs. Willard Reeves visited her thence S 26 2-3 rode, E 16 rods, thence NW'ly Lansing, and you, Edward T, Elliott, L, T. by cited to appear at the time and place of father and brother, Clifford, one day o'clock in the nftcrnoon.' NW'ly along said line of rond from the SE Lnsenby and J. H. Linn, Board of Oounty The following is n description of,the several to Beg. August Hiidebrandt, owner. corner of said lot, thence NW'ly along said such letting as aforeaald, and be heard with last yveek. Oommenclng nt the intersection 0/ center Road Commissioners of the Oounty of Ingham, respect to such special aaacsamcnts and your tracts or parcels of land constituting the Spec road 32 feet, thence NE'ly on a line parallel are hereby notified that at the time and place Mrs. Ray Hinkley of Mason, visited tat Assessment District of said Drnin, viz; line of DeWitt Road nnd the S line of the N with the SE'ly line of this description until Interests In relation thereto. If you bo dcalra. Vi of the S '/j of NW Vt Sec. 4, thence N nforcBald, or at such other time and place Dated this 17tb day of April, A, D. 1928. Mrs. Heien Potter and family last Meridian of Michigan. it intersects tiic E Mne of said lot, thence S thereafter to whlcli said hearing may be ad­ 13 1-3 rods, E 10 rods, SE'ly to a point in said on lot line to piace of beginning. George P. GEORGE GRAHAM, weei: Wednesday and Thursday. . The following lands ln Town .1 North, Range S line of N % of S Vi of Nyv 26 rods E journed, I shall proceed to receive bids for the Oounty Drain Oommlasloner, Oounty of Ing- Knaup and wife Pauline, owners. construction of said "Duffy Drain,'' In the Edgar Mead and yvife, Hari'ison 2 yVesti of Beg., thence W to place of Bog. Annette ham. i7w2 The Township of Lansing nt large. Couison and O. Don Ooulson, owners. Lot No. 3 James M. Turner's Subdivision, Mead and yvife visited the latter's The following lands in Section .1, T.tN, It2W: That part ot the S % of the S Vj of the except liansing Mfrs. R. R. right of way. parents last Sunday. Commencing in the S line ot the N % of the NW '4 of Sec. .1 lying E of tlie Lansing nnd Frederick sciilce, owner. Lot No. 2 James M. Turner's Subdivision, IIerni Miller and wife yvere in Lan­ NyV '/i Sec. .1. where same intersects the cne- Deyvitt Rond, e-xccpt tlic S 6 rods thereof, nnd ter line of DoWitt Itond, thence S 12 rods, also except commencing nt the NE corner of except right of way for railroad dcscrilicd as sing one day last yveek. thence N 10 rods, E to center of said road, anid S Vj of S Vj of NW Vi thence W 26 rods, Beg. at the NW corner of said lot, thence SE'ly W. li. Swaim and famiiy ,spent thence s'ly in center of road to beginning. SE'iy to ri point 6 rods N of the center of Sec. on a curve to the right with a radius ot 673.7 Milton Bni4 of See. 4, thence W thence W to tieglnntng. .Fayette M. Howe and sw corner thereof, thence, s 4 rods, E to Beg. 10.99 chi. to the center of DeWitt Road, thence £tla H. Lovojoy, owner. wife Olile, owners. SE'ly in the center of satd road 6.06 ehi., The W, 20 rods In width of that part of the \ Nortliwest Vantown Iiot No. 2 Mayfleld Farmi Sutidlvitlon, John thence E 10.13 chi.. thence N to the place of Lester ItfcGlnler, owner. beglnnlng. Phlilp Schneeberger, owner. E % of the sw 14 of section 4 lying s of the Fere Marquette .Railroad right of way, except Lot No. 8 Marfleld Fanni Snbdivldon. Oommenclng at'a polnt 26.6 chs. N of the Fayette M. Howe and wife OlIle, ownen. commencing at the SW corner thereof, thence S 34 post of See. 4, thenee N 6 cbi.,'W to the E 20 rods, N 20 rodi, SW'iy to a point 10 rodi Mr. and Mrs. H. Swan, Mr. and S of loti No. 4 and 6 Marfletd Fanni center of DeWitt Road, SE'ly along the center Utttregtmrnt (flmprnxj Mrs. Earl Judd and daughter were SuINitvliton. Clarence HcGlnler, owner. N of beginning, thence S to beginning. Carrie of said road to a point dlreetlr W of begin- MIddaugh, owner. callers at John Foster's, Sunday. I LoU 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 22. 26, 27, 80, nlng, thence E to Beg, Anguitihe B, Watie) 81, 84, 86, 86, 87, 88, 88. 40, 41, 42 and 48, and wife Harr l.., owneri;. Oommenclng at a point 20 rodi E and 20 rodi N of the SW comer of the E % of the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods and Mayfleld Farmi Subdlvlilon. FajretU M. Howe Commencing In the center of the DeWitt RiBSOUKCES 16,100,000 ESTABLISHED 1889 children of Bansville, spent Sunday and wife OIlic, owneri. SW >4 KCtloa 4 thence N to the S line of Road 26;60 ehi. N of the S line of See., 4., right of way of the Pere Marquette R. R. Co., UNDER STATE SUPERVISION at George Marten's. 'rtie S Vi of Loti No. 8, 9, 12, 18, 20, 21, 24, thenee E 7.66 ehi., thence' S 28° E 277 ft.', ' 0', 28, 29, 82 and 88, Marfleld Farmi Snbdivlilon. thence SE'lr along laid line of right' of way to Melvin, Pearlie. Anna Beach and thenee W 617 feet more or lets, to the center of the W line of Stager St.,. thence SW'ly to be Fayette M. Howe and wife Ollie, owneri. said road, thenee NW'ly to place of beginning,, . A SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Clarence Foster spent Saturday even-- The S % of Loti No. 16 and 17, Mayfleld ginning. Wtluin Ranihaw and wife Thereia, On- except coniihenelng on the S line thereof at a owneri. ^ jng at the home of James .Thayer's. Farmi Subdlvlilon. Beiiie French and Floyd point 217.4 feet E of the B line of Turner St., l ' Townsend'i subdlvlilon. Glen Webster and Hilda Eifert vis­ French, owners, . thence N 187.8 feet, thence E 42 feet, S 188 f 1250 Griswold St, DETROIT tot No. 28, Mayfleld Farms Subdivision. feet, .W .12 feet to beginning, and except be- That part of the E 163<^'feet of the W 7.28 ited the former's sister in Detroit, A. O. Krenfel and Robt. Y. speir, owneri. Rlnnlng in the s line thereof at a point 80L4 acres of Lot No. 17 Townsend'i Subdivision, F. H. Held, MMon Wai. H. Joluaton, Letlle Saturday. The S H of Lot No. 2E, Mayfleld Ferai feetE of the E line of 'Furner St., thence N on Bectlons 4, 6, 8 & 0 tytng N of a line drawn subdlvtslon, Frank Moiey, owneri. 138.2 feet E 42 feet, s 138.4 -feet, W 42 feet parallel nnd 4 rods s from the S line of North Mrs. Louisa Austin and son, Eu­ street. Lawrence and Josephine Orlit, own­ gene, also Mr. and Mrs, L. King spent scoU'i Subdlvlilon. to Beg. Jay M. Smith and wlfe Ella H., or Commencing at the SW corner of Lot No. MIlo D. Walker and wife Eva R., owners. ers. Sunday at Grass Lake. B Scott's Subdivision, thence N 6 rods, thence Oommenclng lh the S lliie of the following That part of the W % In width of that part Mr and Mrs. Sherman Webster and NE'ly to the NW corner of lot No. i, latd description; (Com. in center of the DeWitt of Lot No. 17 lying N of the N line of City famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. George Shrum Sub., thonce S to the SE comer of said Lot Road 26.60 chs. N of the S line of Sec. 4. Limits, Towneend's Subdlvlilon on sections 4, No, 6, thenee W io Beb., axeapt the E 1 rod thence E 7.66 chi. thence ,S 23'' E 277 feet, 6, 8 & 9 lying N of a line drawn pitraltel and and family were Sunday visitors .jtt thereof. Adeloo W. Demorelt and wife Lner thence W 617 feet more or leis to the center 4 rods S of the s line of North, st. Henry James Thayer's. O., owners. of said road, thence NW'ly to place of Beg.) Ncller, owner. The Better Part Mrs. Clara Mlerndorf is visiting her Obmmencing at a point tCO feet TS of' the 217.4 feet E of B line of Turner St., thence N That part of the E % of Lot No. 20 Town­ NW corner of Lot No. 1 Scott's Subdivision, eend's Suiidiviaion on sections 4,'6, 8 & 9 mother, Mrs. C. A. Young, of Web- 137.8 feet, E 42 feet, S 188 feet, W 42 feet to . A First Mortgage Bond is the better part of-a whole first'mortgage, thence E 226.8 feet to the W line of DeWitt place of beginning. Herman A. Zelgter, owner lying N of a lino drawn parallel nnd 4 rods S the better part to invest in. For these reasons: - bervllie, this week. Road, SE'ly along the W line of said road 9B.2 Commencing In the s line of the following of the s line of North street. Marlon A. Mr, and Mrs. John Blanchard spent Ifet, thence W 2li7.3 feet, N. 90 feet to thdescriptione ; (Com. iii the center of the DeWitt stockman and wife Hazel L., owners. .it enables you to invest just the sum you wish, for just the times that place of beginning, (being Lot No, 6 of sub. Sunday at William Blanchard's. Road 26.60 chs. N of the S line of Sec. 4, That part of the W Vj of Lot No. 20 Town- suits you best. ' I on Scott's Sub.) GIm Sxafranskl, owner. thence E 7.66 chs., thence' S 23° E 277 ft., send's.Subdlvtalon on Sections '4, ,6, 8 & 9 Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Murray, Mrs. Lot "No. 1 Scott's Subdivision except the fol. thence W' 617 feet more or less to the center lying N of a line drawn parallel with and 4 it carries every right, privilege and. safeguard applying on the mort­ Earl Beach and son of L,ansing, Mr. lowing description :-Oommenclng at n point IBO of Bald rood, thence NW'lr to place of begin­ rods S of the SJIno of North Street. William gage itseJL : • , , , and Mrs. John Beach of Williamston, feet E of the NW comer of Lot No. 1 Scott's ning), 801.4 fcot E of the E line of Turner, St., Oppenlnnder and wife Louisa, ownerit- ' subdivision, thence E 226.8 feet, to the W line Oommenclng. at the NE corner of Lot No. It imposes on the investor no duties of inspection of property, col­ were Sunday visitors at A. Beach's. thence N 138.2 feet, S 138.4 feet, W 42 feet to of DoWltt Road, sE'ly along the'W line of said Beg.; Andrew' lE. llunt, owner. . ' ' 21 of Townsend's subdivision on sections 4, 6, lection of monies or legal attendance. • \ . The I go, you go Club met at Mrs. roBd 95.2 feet, thence W 2B7.8 feet, N 90 feet Commencing, at ',a riolrit. 1640.1 feet N and 8 4 9, thence NW'ly in S line of North Street Louisa Austin's for supper Thursday. to place of beginning. Sophia 3., Turner, 201 feet E'of the S U Po«t of Section 4, thence 6 rods, thence s 61,^° W 66 feet, thence SE'ly owner. The next meeting will be held with s 672 feet,: thence W 269.8 feet, thence SE'ly parallel with the S line of laid street to the Lot No. 2 scott'i Subdivision. Sophia S. to a point 934.1 feet M and 9 feet W of said E line bf aald Lot No, 21, thence N to. Beg^ Mrs. S, Webster. Turner, owner. ' . ' ' ' 'A post, thence W to the E line of DeWitt Frank R. Clarke and wlfe Laura E,. owneri,- Lot No. 3 Scott's Subdivision. Sophia s. . Clarence Foster was home from Road, thence N'ly In laid line of road 607.4 ''-.. Culver's Subdivision, .r ; offer you" 7% income on your money.prompt payment of interest and Lansing over the week end. Turner, owner. ' feet, thence ;E 48f.l feet, thence NW'ljr to a ,', Lot No. 1. except the s 8 rods,,Culver's Sub. the-H 261.8 feet of Lot No. 4, Scott's Subpoin­ t 162.4 feet W of Beg., thence E to Beg. division. Michigan Mortgage Inveitment Corp., principal when due, absolute -security of prlncipial..:ana care-freedom. Stanley Baker and girl friend of division, Sophlii S. Tumor, owner. Jay M. Snilth'and wife Ella, owners. ' owner. ••• ; -u ^ - • L,ansing, spent Sunday evening 'at B. The E 88 feet of the W 204.6 feet of Lot No. . Jamea.M.Turner'i,Subdivision. '-^ The S 8. rods of Lot No.l.Culver'i SubdI. Baker's.' 4,"soott'8 Sub. (being Lot No. 26 of Sub. on Oommenclng at the SE eomor of Lot No. 10, vlilon.' Claud Culver and wife Sadie, owners. United States MortgaiieBoifd^C^ Scott's, sub.) Henry Soete, owner. Mr. and Mrs. Amel Chick and Mr. James m: Turner'i, Sub., thence NW'ly along Loti No. 28, 24, 26, 26 and 27 Culver'i Sub. The E, 68.3 feet of W 116.6 feet of Lot No. the N line of North St. 166 feet, thence NE'ly divlilon. Clnud Culver and wife Sadie, owneri. and Mrs. Charles Mierndorf were cal­ 4 Scott's Sub. (being Lot No, 26 of Sub. on 3l2M«/eg|lc»Bulldlna at right anglei vrith North St., 48?^ feettoa Lot No. 28 Culver'i Subdlvlilon. John ..C. MAIL COUP>ON TODAY lers at GiiB Carlson's, iSunday.: Scott'i Sub.) Richard Bemmore, owner. point 100 feet due W.of the E line of laid Lot Odlng and wife DellalX,, owneri, , PhontMifn f too. The W 68.8 feet of Lot No. 4„Scott'i Sub. 10, thence N 2 rodi, SE'ly parallel with North Lot No. 29 Cnlver!i Subdlvlilon. Minnie F. UNITEli IBTATB8 UOaTOAOE ,B01«D CO., L'ID. (being Lot No, 27 of Stib. on Scott'i Sub,) Btreet to the E IIne of laid Lot No. 10, thenee Rowley, owner. i - . Arthur Olseri, owner;'v 8 to Beg. Ed Fill, owner. That part of the rlght.of way of the Pere lit ItfijNtIt Boi|dIii« : . , :-\^'.,.:p»uM,'Ukk.-- 8UB3CRIBB FOR TBB NBW8 liOt No, 9 SeoH't Snhdlvlitdn. Sophia S. Commenclnfytt the SiEl'eomer «f IiOt No. MarqaetfeRaiiroRd-Company located, between Turner, owner. . r; Jamet M. .Tnmtr'i Snb.i thtnee N on lot " «,'point .TOO feet imainred along laid right of WIthouik obIIgatloa on nir/part,'wnd nw row elrvnlaf ' The N 826 feei.Ih width of Lot No. 10 0.612 offiriiie 1%; rfwt llort«^;:iBondfc ly': .:i,-i*Vl iii|v:Mo''noB' dir:xE'rTiNG''B)fU^^ .4(0 fMV thmet SW'lr to •point In ,«bf W war NW'If from the S. lint of aectton 4, Town Scott'i' Snbdivikion imd alio Comminelnt' 468 Una of iidd lot 10(» feat M o« tJ» Nja.M 4 North,. BMfi. 8 Welt, sad • point; In iMid fMt; B of tiM Ma eoiriMr of • laid lot,; thenee W NottIi IBt; thtnet •.oioi lot lint t»!«tM eif eor. right of wW.UO fMtdM W of the E IIiM of : Ditr Dnla. UOjfMtS 16 fMt, BSIO fMt;, N.I6 fMt to IMr.Of 'lot,V«lM^ tMi4,,f»wMdiiipi. P«n MatqMtt^ 'Ondutav ' Page Tea •t iNGHAW COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1923

Uncle Jerry?" - down, in water, which presently dls- The child's black eyes flashed as slpnted.the cohesion, site iooke(i up. Instinctively »he dls- '•They'll be worth money when they dry,'' she said pleasantl.v, "and 'you can stlck 'em yvlth mucilage or yvhite of egg.'' Btit on her yvay home her mind was full of perplexity, "l yvbsh tliere yva.i two of me—or sometliing,'" slio thouglit. "Land knows I'm gind to do anytlilng l can, but l got a lmuso to lcecp and threo_ clilldren to support, lt's going to tnl'Je, me day and niglit It is SO easy tO judge fOr both, at this riite." I Tiie prol)lcni lind n.ssuinod serious • yourself the security fOr ^ proportions., Jlorc and more fre­ quently iMrs. Ponlicld was snni:non(?d Our First MOrtgage BOntis ln difi'erent directions, to solve dilii- that anyOne nlay buy culties wlilcli tlic. tenants iiilglit have 1 solved for fbcnisolvos. Often slio them With cOnfidence. worked fnr info the niglit, ironing or .. 'YOur Own appraisal Will sewing nr mending, liociiuso tliese tasks lind lioen crowded nut of her in- strengthen Our reputation t«rrupted (lay. M(i)'eovcr, lt mount fOr conservatism. CoDirlghc by Georim l{. Oaran CompiuiiP nddeil expense for'llglit, and fuel, to say notlilng of tlie lioiit wlilcli yviis SYNOPSIS repeatc(lly wasted ln tlie dttytime Ite- cnuso of sudden call^froin tlie^nelgli- CHAPTISlt I.—Living in a barn, con- Detroit's most conservative Bond House vorlod into a dwollin«, Mrs. Penltela ts lior.s. Tlie sitnatlon had grown out munasor or an apartniont bulldtna known of tlie few duties' yvlilch slio per­ ao Uie "Custard Cup," orletnalty '^OlolaWr 1 luurL'' 1-tor Inconio Is durtvod from laun­ formed in exchange for her rent—and FIRST MORTGAGE dry work, hur clilur patron beinB a Mrs. had grown naturally, because when a itonittUB yvoathoratone, whom aho has iiuvor aoon. Uvtng wltli lior are "Crlak"' person of general utlllty ls found, he BOWD COWPAlliYH und "Thad,'' honiotoas small boys whom is generally titiilzed. i*lrs. l'enfleld alio hixa adopted. They call her "Penile.'' Ttiad tolls Ponxte a Btrange man was tn- was finding herscif in a. qunndnry. .uutrtnir ror tier under tier maiden name. She beiieved in service, but slie was 502 Farwell Bldg. Main 4693. Detroit. nl.so lceenly con.scloiis of home dut.v. CIIAPTjait Il.-A tenant, Itfra. Qusat* "Vou Needn't Tell Anything If You Hostoy, Induces Penzlo to talie charge of ' Don't Want To.'' «. pacttage, wlilcli alie doea wttii some "I'll bet l'll bave to keep oillcc hours (ntustvtntrs. bofoi-e long,'' she told herself, as slie "Hello, spitfire!" • flees the fastest. What l like 'hout entered her own kltclion again. /• OHAPTtSU III.—search trig a refuse dump Dlck Chase ls tlmt he keeps his head. Ilkod li''rank Bosloy,. and tlm feoiin>; for tilings which might bo of vatuo, Crlnk, Slie fonnd tlireo Imngry young Tlio loTO 'tween those two .vouiig wn.s constantly lielng slrongtbenod . ,.• veteran at ttio gainu, encounters a smutt peoide ifwnlting lior. Ktrl, tjcttto, who proves a fooman worthy people has grown naturally and stead- Ills treatniont of lier as a .siiporlliious Friday evening. May 4, commencing .ir hts atuol. Ho taicea her to Ponzle, and ''Wlint are wo going to bave for lly, and it stands ten times the tliroad in the faltric of huninnity. at 8 o'clock. Ey'erybody come and J^ttie is aUoptod Into the family. supiier,' l'enzle?'' nsited Crink, wlinse t Dlst.'No. 7, White Oak t s clinnce to last.'' Siio niiido no t'oply. enjoy it. Topic, "Tho Heavens De­ CIIAPTElt lY.-Tho strangor proves to lnterest ln tlils suliject yvas coustiintiy Mrs. Wopple dirldled witii faded co­ ''yVliore's your Uncie Jerry?'' he re- clare the Glory of God.'' '>o Mrs. Pontleld's undo Jorry. He an­ to l)0 depended.upon. Mr. and i\Irs. IIoy Fulcher of In- nounces ho -la going to remain In the quetry. ''Ale, I doii't, know notliin' pea tod. Tho next regular meeting of White "yVpll, my dear, we're going In lnive diauapoiis, Ind., are spending a feyv .Iclnily of ThB L'ualard Cup. 'bout tlmt slow, kind. .Tosiali yvas ayv- "I ilon't knnw,'' docinrod Lottie Oak Arljor will be held on next Sat­ a granil inoal. yVo'rc golng to luive days yvitb his parents, Mr. and Mrs. urday eveuing. May 5th. Wo yvish ClIAPTEH v.—UiielQ Jorry arranges to fill eager.'' iiriotiy, tying tlio lmndago into a luird occupy the loft ubovo Mrs. Peiulold'a bakeil potiitoos witli cilipped-lioef J. R. Fuicirer. . all members to be present and come A vlsion of Mr. Jo.siah yVoppie— knot. ibodt). gravy. T liongiit .^innifi milk nn piir- Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Ilavens, A. D. prepared to pay tbeir second quarter­ with tile sneaking galt and tlio crafty, "Is iio at lionio?" Fulier, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ilavens OHAin'ER VI.—Uncle Jorry moots Pru- pnso. Arid fnr rlcssert .y'on'll got ly dues, peering eyo.s—-dashed lnto Mrs. l'en- ''Dl(in't l toll you I .didn't knnw Joneo IJiipgooil. no longer young, but at- sfenniod raisins—six npioce. Ain't and little sou, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mable Brininstool called on Mrs. (iel(l's inind. Siic prodded her Iniagi- ouuUvo, and the two appear to "hits It tlnit dner' wliero lio was?'' lnqnircd Leltio tartly. Benjamin and little daughter of Lan­ F. C, I'Cendnck, Monday. jiT" wott. t^oroiio Percy, young I'rtond of nntion to pictnro the resistless impotu- I'cnzlo's, tetts tier oi' lior oiigagoniont to ''Ve-nli,'' grinned Crlnlc. ^'Just .so IIe slini.s.god iiis siinniders in a way sing, spent Sunday yvitb Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Fulcher, Mr. osily of ids yonnger days, hut found F. C. Ivendrick. t-»tck Cliaau, ul.so a mutual friend. wo got full—'' liuit (iiscro(iito(i anything tiiat l.cttio and Mrs. Roy Fulcher of Indiana­ lierseif iackiug in tiio requisite visu- .1. Crininstool and Nolford Chal­ CtlAPTt^R Vll.-t^riendahlp dovoloping "Tlint's tlic.ldon,'' slio oncnui'nged. l'enfleld nii.irht sii,v. polis, Ind., Ml', and Mrs. Arnold Fore­ aiiziitinn. lenger spent Sunday yvitii A. Brinin- l;otwc'cn Uiielo Jerry and Frank Bosloy, '"I'liere's one tlilng I don't want ynu Slie giaroii at iiim, stnrtod to sponk, bear, Mr. and Mrs. Earl IIowe, Mr. :iuBband of Gussle, worries Ponzle. stooi. ''Tliere's aii kinds of conrtin','' ,siio ohiidrou over to forget, luul tiuit is: tiion piiuse(l. ..V iilan wns springing and Mrs. J. CiingsmitU and family Mrs. J.-C. Marshail yvas confined to motored over to IIartiand Sunday to CHAPTKR Vtll.-Cabnlng a tenant, said, witli polite vngncnnss. ''Vcs--- It's n priviioge not to have lint two into lielng ln her mind. Slio would Mr.i. Siiiidur.s, on liic vorgci of a nervous her.bed a part of last yveek. spend tbe day yvith Eric IIoyve, tak­ yei?, Lcttiei l'lu.ln the bG(irooni.'' kinds to n nio.'il. Soino of tiifi iii.gbosl;- do soiiiotiiing for Ponzio. Alnro tiiiin 'jruakdown, Mrs. PonlloUl roveala tiie trag alrs. Bert IIi.^sou yvas in Mason, ing their dinners yvith tliem. hi stury of iior own life, the .sudden less Mrs. Woppie rose bn.stiiy. "I'll be np folks do lt, and you roiui in tile onco slie iin(i soon Penzio's fiico grow :if her tiiroo children In an epidemic and Monday. Littie Frances Hoyve spent last gnin' if tinit iiedtiien yonng'un's coinin' paper 'liont tiieir 'living simply' nr ,.wd and tmiibiod yvlion tliis nian iinil the HUbaoiiuenl deatii of tior husband. Fiorence Grindiing spent last yveek yveek yvitii her aunt, Mrs. J. Fulcher. In. Vou got a i)ig job to ciyiiize lier. 'enUng niistoniioii.'i.' lt's consiilorod lrnele Jorry wont out nf 'l'iio Ciislnrd Wednesday afternoon witb her grand­ Mrs. F, C. Ivendrick called on Mrs. CirAPTKJl V.K.-bettio'a pet aversion in llun over wlien you can,-Mis' Bentieiii; a groat credit to 'eni: nnii, innd, ynii On]) togotiior, niKl lior liglitning lntii- c'liD Cii..erson's kingdom was Today Mrs. Catterbox had sent blm swayed dizzily for a moment. ''Elxcnae ' employee is based upon the knowledge that this Com- She says slte'ii'break up here If Lo- as much aa she ever. expected, and. to the corner drug)store for ten post­ me,'' she muttered. "0 Lord!" Sht pany recognizes the fights of the worker to steady em­ rene gets married.'' that half. considerably battered and age stamps and had charged hlm. turned and flew into the house, bang­ ployment at good wages; to a liberal annuity plan; to |"Ifl Ain't Lorene going to be mar> with particular veheramee, not to lost tattered. Tbe tiihe had hot yet ,come ing the kitchen door behind her. 1%9 protection against accident, and to opportunity to invest tlod next weekr them. Tlmmy thought he wouldn't when Lettle would wonder why she minutes that supervened were troubled ' in the Company's business on favorable tenni. '''S the talk. But, as Mis' Percy For once he would prove his trustwoI>. was living; so far her brief yean by^ a thnddy thumping, aa of a dram oays, there aiii't nothin' sure till it thluess. ;He had therefore lmmedi* had been filled with a'; tlesperate Because of this^efficien^,. recognized and approved gone wifong... , _ happens. It's, easy seen she ain't ateiy affixed the ten stamps to the struggle \to/ keep that life existent ' by the public, the Sundard Oil Cofnpany (Indiana) if iBtruck witlt that young Chase. Sh* jfbugh liiaterial of his coat sleeve, and without' regard to .Its purpose, and able to pay to the stockholder; a fair return on the capital _ (To ba eflattanad) don't b'Ueve he'sjuuch in love. Bays th^t by means of the mucilage for until. recently there had never beeh: invested, and to build tip a sufficient reservo to enable it anifrthlng but the. merest scraps to do riio's just as caliu as veg'tdble soup. •tlch purposes provided. , Hall's Catarrh Medicine to expand its business to keep pace with the public need. Ho tends to business Just qs steady There was no denying that Timmy it with. ' • ' Those who are In a "run down'' condi­ I'jfa If he'd never heard of love, and had come home with' the" stamps, "Awkl Awk'l'' . complained . the tion wiil notice that Catarrh bothers Ilio gives right In to all Lorene's ho- chicken. them much more than when they are in Further, ;there yvas no denying that' (rood heaith... This fact proves that whiie . 'tionsX He fliri't' irapetuotis 'nough' to' no • one. cqultj readily. get thetn oft. - :;, ''Woof If 'Woof!" .yvorrled the. dog, ' catarrh Iri;a ibcai disease; itis greatly. Standard Oil Company Bult: M^'^•Percy.'^:',.j:i'::';.;:•:.. I : VSbut;up,'hoth efiyou,'' advised Let-' Influenced Iby conRtltutlonal eondittons.. MroitOattwbox had tried gentle ^^p^^ HALL'S -CATARRH MBBlOlNB con­ j Mrs. 'Pehflelii>,was;;Otn|«ed^^^ lfig,;;antl;jtad- even 'snipped^the.o^ter. "ti4:sharply;;:S'My,m sists i of an Ointment Vwhich ; Quickly red-hot, tfnrettsonablenessvri^ Relieves bylYlocaI appIication,^>;and : the, [iatty hit wW nie.r.My obiwiifvi Internal liflfne, a Tonfer.wiileh'stMlst' s 910 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago ^ In improvlm INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, MAY 1923 Page TIlrev

ByL.F.VahZeIm AW.WHArSTHEUSE © W»t«m Newipap«t Union Bet tke Vet Handles Bosco Next Time

TVE car To CTivE I'll hold Mit^ Au Q\Cur — 0-0-0-) (-IOL"D MlM 'STlLL (SEE. WiUlzfVA POUISED IT IW co(^ -You -— o-o- / Give IT To i4lM MY MOUTi-( IW5TEAD OC TmE -nu Aae sirIc ©•0. HEI3E Bo-bCO QuiCk: f

troubles never come singly. lyfOKTGAGE sAl.E. APPT. OF ADM'R. KILItOURNE—MAY 15 FINAL AfJOOUNT. ' LOMOX—MAY 15 ..BUSINESS CARDS Last Monday at 12 m. occurred the Befniitt tiaving tioen mailo ln the conditionn Stale of. Michigan. The Probate Court for State of Michigan. The Probate Oourt for marriage of Miss Una Lindsay Call of of fl certain rcHi estate niortKaKC, wlioreby tlio the County of Ingham. the County of Ingham. ATTOBNEYS At' n session of said Court, iiold at the Pro- At a session of said Court, held at the Pro­ this city to Mr. Edyva,rd Ccrliard power of sale tiiorein contained liecamo oporii- tiatc Ofticc in tlic Oity of Mason, in said coun­ bate Ofticc in tlie City of Mason, in said coun­ O. J. HOOD nnd W. s. sEELYE. Attorneys at liustel Ol Los Angeles, CailtOrnla, at BcrKman. his wife, of LnnsinK, WiclitRan, to ty, on the 13th day of April, A. D. 1923. • ty, on the :3th day of April, A. D. 1923. Law. Farmers Bank BIdg., Maaon, Mich. the home Of the bride's parents, Mr. Elizabeth yv. Halslcnd. dated Octolicr 1, 1915. Present: HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge Present: HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge Oltz. phone, Ofltco 102. 18-lr-pd. of Probate. of Probnte. and Mrs. H. O. Call. anil recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ingham Oounty, Michigan, on Octo- In tho Matter of the Eatnte of OORNELIA In tho Matter of the Estate of HENRY A. A. BERGMAN, Attorney nnd Counselor Mason yvool market yesterday yvas t)er 2, 19IG, in liber 179 of mortgages, on page yv. KILttOURNE, Deceased. LOMOX. Deceased. nt Law, Maaon, Michigan. Bell phone 69. Slats' 15c to 18 Vic per pound. f,C, and afterwards duly asaignoif by anid Elizabeth E. Alexander having filed in eald A. B. Ball having filed in said court his final Iw52p4 ElUatieth yV. Halstcad to Myrta .lean Hal- Court iier petition praying that tho administra­ ndministration account, and his petition pray­ stead, by an BBslgnmont recorded In said Reg­ tion de bonis non with.the will annexed of anid ing for the allowance thereof, and for tho as­ NURSES H3ARING CLAIMS. KAKELDEY—AUG. 2f ister of Deed's ofticc in liber 22S of mortgages, estate bo granted to Rutgers Alexander, or to signment and distribution of the residue of some otlicr suitable person: Bald eatnte, state of Mlclilgnn. Ttic Probiito Court for on page tfiti, upon which mortgage there la GENEVIEVE D. OOLTHORP, llegtsteivd Diary now claimed to be due nnd unpaid, the sum of It Is Ordered, That the tCth day of May, A. It is Ordered, That the 16th day of May, A. Nurao, Bell phone Ii06-Fta. ttio Ooiintr of InRlinm. Two Thouaand Sixty-eight nnd 63-100 Dollars, 47wl8p In tlie Matter of tlio EBtato of SUsANNE D. 1923, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, nt said D. 1923, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at said being the sum of $1800.00 principal, $80.10 in­ Probate Oftice, be nnd is hereby appointed for Probate Ofticc, be nnd Is hereby appointed for E. tCAKELDEY, Decennod. terest, $3.30 insurance premiums paid nnd hearing said petition ; examining and allowing said account nnd hear­ VETERINARY rote every Notice is licrcby Kivcn tliat four montliB $179.23 taxes paid on the mortgaged lands, nnd It ia Further Ordered, That public notice ing said iictition ; weak Bpec- from tlie lOtli day of AprH, A. D. 1023, tinvc no suit at law or in equity having been brought DR. L. A. WILEDEN, Graduata VeterlDarian, thereof be given by publication of a copy of It la Further Ordered, That public notice Oitlce^and residence South "A'' street. Botk lally for been allowed for creditors to present their to recover said mortgage debt, or any part this order, for three aucccasivo weeks previous clatma nRainst said deceased to said court for thereof Ik; given by publication of n copy of phones. Iw62pd tlte NCOS thereof, notice is hereby given that by virtue to said day of hearing, in the Ingham Oounty this order, for three successive weeks previous examination and adjustment, and that nil of tlie power of sale contained in said mort­ News, n newspaper printed and circulated in to said dny of henring, in the Ingham County creditors of said deceased arc required to pre­ gage, and of the statute in such cnsc provided. said county. L. B. McARTHUR. News, n newspaper printed nnd circulated In DR. 0. W. WARD, Veterinary physician am< sent their claims to snld court, nt tlie proibntc surgeon. Mason, Michigan. Both phonss. I, the sutiscrther, the present owner of aaior the allowance thereof, nnd for ing as sbe always gets the jieck to Lansing, tngham Oounty, Michigan, (that It la Further Ordered, That public notice state of Michigan. Tho Circuit Court for thereof he gtvcn by publication of a copy of Notice ia V^reby given that four montha ""sttfinient nnd distribution of the reelduo eat yvhen they have chicken or else being one of - the places where the Oircuit from the 17t\ liny of April A. D. 1923, have ''\,T' ""'K'*', , . the Oounty of Ingham. In Ohancery. Oourt for tngham Oounty is held), the lands this order for three Buccoasivo weeka previous the back Bone. She, sed the only In the Matter .of the Petition of Frederick to said day of hearing in tho Inghnm Oounty been allowedVjr creditors to present their n i nl".. . . ''.^.''"t °^ ^' (inie sbe ever got a tender peace of (leacrihod in said mortgage, or such part there­ claims ngaln8»Bid deceased to snld court for ^' W^' °" tii* forenoon, at aaid J. Thomnn: i of as may be neceasary to satisfy anid mort­ News, a newspaper printed and circulated tn nieat at a Club luncben yvas .1 time At a BesBion of said court held at the Oourt said county. L. B. McARTHUR, examination Cd ndjustment, and that all f I'?*"!''; ""'"l *l'=,«''y aPPOtnted for gage debt, with interest at six'iicr cent, to­ creditora of saW (leccascfl are required to pre- f^'ui'tntng anil allowing said account and hear- wheu sbe bit ber toung. Rooms in tho Oity of Lansing, In said county, gether with all legal costs, that ia to say, lands (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. on tlie 12th day of March, 1923. RUTH L. GILLESPIE, sent their cInimV to said court, at the probate ">K sin" notulon ; in the Township of Meridian, Ingham County, office, in the OitV ot Mnson. in said county, on " r'urtlier Ordered, That public notice Wednesday—well I bad a narry ex- Present Honornblo Loland W. Onrr, Circuit Michignn, described as: the' northeast quarter Deputy Register of Probntc. 15w4 Judge. I or before the t7thfday of August, A. D. 1023, ttifcof be given by publication of a copy of cnpe from trouble, l cum bouie iate of tiie nortiiwest quarter of section twenty- this order for three succeaaivo weeks previous It appearing from said petition that tho snld PROBATE OF WILL. PBINE—MAY 8 nnd that said claims will bo heard by aaid and before ma got started to jayving four, also the aouthwest iiunrter of tiie aoiith- court on tho 17th any ot Aupniat, .A. D. 1923, to snld dny of hearing, \\n the Inghnm Oounty . „ ..... ~ - — ..-.—.D Frederick J. Thoman 1b'seized of a life estate eaat quarter of section thirteen nnd one nnd State of Michigan. The Probate Court fbr nie l ast ber if sbe wood ever punisb in certain parcels of land in tho Oity of Lan­ at ten o'clock in tyo torcnoon. News, n newapaiier printed and circulated In eighteen ono-hundredths acres of land bounded the County of Ingham. said county. L. B. McARTHUR, nie for suni tbing I bad not done and sing, Ingham Oounty, Michigan, descritwd as: Dated April 17, .'A. D. 1923, as follows; beginning nt llie northwest corner At n session of said Oourt, held at the Pro­ L. B. McARTHUR, (A true copy.) ,t„,|ko ot Probate. sbe sed Wliy no dear I yvoodent. Then the enet twenty (20) feot of the south eight (8) of the fiduthoaat quarter of the northwest bnte Ofllce in tlio,Oity of Mnaon. in said coun­ rods of lot eight (8), and the west two (2) lOw.) Judge of Probate. O.A. CLINTON, Register of rrobnlo.. liiw-t (told lier I haddent pulled the yveeds (luarter of section twenty-four and running ty, on the 12th day ot April, A. D. 1023. feet of the south eight (8) rods of lot nine (9), Present: HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge thence north seven degrees, west twenty-one FINAL AOOOUNT. BETTs—MAY 8 PROBATE OF WILL. . PALMER-MAY 8 iu ilie onyan patcli witcb she had in- of block ninety-seven (97), City of Lansing! rods and ton links, tiionce north one tiegroo of Probntc. formed me to pull up. And she yvas and It also appearing that It is for tho best in­ i west, to tho section line between sections In the Matter of the Estate of GEORGE State of' Michigan. The Probate Court for State of Miclilgan. Tiio Probnte Court for terest of all persons Interested therein that .i.s good a' sport as lier wird and sed thirteen and twenty-four, thence east along PRINE, Deceased. tho County ot Inghnm. the County ot tngham. said lands bo sold, and tho proceeds therefrom At n session of said Oourt, held at the Pro­ At a session ot said Ceurt, held nt tho Pro­ Vou shud ought to get into the Dipla- said section iine three rods to tlio northwest , Amey Webster having filed in Bald court her stand In lieu of the same, on motion of O. F. corner of the cast halt of the northwest quar­ petition praying that n certain instrument In bate Office In tho Oity of Mnson, in said coun­ bate Office in tho City of Mnson, in aaid coun­ niatick Core yvhen you groyv up. And & E. T. Hammond, attorneys for said petition­ ter of section twenty-four, tlienco Bouth to the writing, purporting to bo tho last will and \ ty, on tho 9th dny of April, A. D. 1923. ty, on the Cth dny of April, A. D. 1923 we laffed hartily. A speshally me.' er, it is ordered that nil persona intercetod In placd of beginning, containing one and testament of said dcccaaed, now on file in said I Present: HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge Present: HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge said landa appear before this court at the court of Probate. ' She dussent belong to su'ch a bad Sex eighteen one-hundredths acrea of land, more court be admitted to probate, and that tho ad- , of Probutne. rooms In the City of Lansing, Ingham Oounty, In the Matter of the EBtnte of J. MILTON In the Matter of the Estate of REBEKAH after all. or IcBB, nil in town four north of range one ministration of eald estate be granted to her-, Michigan, on Monday, the 14th day of May, west. State of Michigan. . self; or to some other suitable person. BETTs. Deceased. M. PALMER, Decoaaed. Tbursday—The preacher was ast- 1928, nt tho opening of court on laid day, and Dated April 28, 1923. i It Is Ordered, Thnt the 8th day of May, A. i Merritt Hicka having filed in said court his • Wllliani A. Palmer having, filed in said court •how cause, if any exltti, why the prayer of final adminlatratlon account, and his petition hia peUtion praying that n .certain instrument iiig ma what ' had became of her GEORGE B. VANATTA, Mortgagee. D. 1928, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at said Bald petltloner should not be granted. O. F. & E. T. HAMMOND, Attomeya for Mort­ probate office, be and is hereby appointed for praying for the allowance thereof, and for the in writing, purporting to be the last will and yunger bro. and-she sed she gess he On 'like motlon lt Ib further ordered that a gagee, BusineBs Addrcaa, Lansing, Mich. bearing snld petition; aesignment and diatributlon of the residue 'of testament of said deceo'scd, now on file tn copy of this order be published once in each said estate. was in the publishing bisness as the 18wl3 It is Further Ordered,'^ That public notice said court be admitted to probate, nnd thnt the last thing she herd of him he was yietk for three succeaitve weeks precedlng said thereof be given by publication of a copy of It Is Ordered, That the 8th day of May, ,A. administration of eald estate bo granted to day, in ttie Ingham County News, a newspaper this order, for three sneeesiive weeks previous D. 1928, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at said himaelf, or to some other auitable pcraon. uiakeing books over in Maryland sum prtntcd and eircatatad in said eountr, and in NOTICE OF SALE, Notice Is hereby given that, by virtue of a to said day of hearing, in the Ingham County Probata Office, be and Is hereby appointed for It Is Ordered, That the 8tb day of May, A. place. Uncle Hen and .me passed a ,the Jackson Olttzen Patriot, a newspaper puI>- News, a newspaiier printed and 'circulated In examining and allowing said account and bear­ D. 1923, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at said Ilshed In JacksoD County, Miclilgan, and that writ of fieri facias Issued out of the Circuit sly smile to each another on the q. t. Court for the County of Ingham, In favor of said county. L. B. McARTHUR, ing said petition; Probate Office, be and is hereby appointed for eopiei tliareof be also' served on . Frsnlc .B. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. It is Further Ordered, That public notice hearing Batd petition; Tlionian, Amelia Sasan Lyons, Bertlia E. Louis B. McArthur, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Frank N. RUTH L. GlLLESPlB, v thereof be given by publication of a copy of It is Further Ordered, That public notioa Thoman and Nettle B, Tlio'man, the persons In. Deputy Register of Probate. l6w4 this order for three successive 'weeks prevloys thereof be given by' publication of a copy of terested in said lands, if they be found in the Flanagan In said County, to me directed and Twenty Years Ago delivered, I did on the fourth day of February, to said day of bearing in the lngham County this order, for three succeiaive weeks previous state of Michigan, at least ten days before said HNAL ACCOUNT, MARSB-MAT 16 News, a newspaper printed and circulated in to said day of hearing. In the Ingham Oounty TInu-sday, April §0, 1903 dar of hearing. A. D. 1923, levy upon and take all the right title and Intorcst of said Frank N. Flanagan Mid county. L. B. McARTHUR, NeWB, a newspaper printed nnd circulated In LELAND W. OARR, Cirevit lodge. State of Michigan. ,The^ Probate Court for (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. said county. . L. B. McARTHUR, ConnterttfMdt in and to the following described lands, towlt: the Coun^ of Ingham. The West forty-five (46) feet of the south C. A. CLINTON, Register of Probate. ltw4 (A true copy.) Judge of Probata. H. E. Cohurn has bought twelve WM, H. 6RARAM. Depntr Clerlt. ' At a session of said Court, held at the Pro­ RUTH L. GILLESPIE, ninety.aix (96) feet of the lots seven (7) and bate Office In the City of Mason, In said coun­ acres on B street, south of the pump­ 0. F. ft E. T. HAMMOND, Attrs. for FeUtion. LICENSE TO SELL, WHlTMORIS.-]tUY 8 Deputy Regiater of Probate. 16w4 er. Business Addreu, Lanatng, Mieb. Itw4 eight (8) of block E. of the City of Lanaing, ty, on the ITth day of April, A. D. 1928. Michigan, subject to and together with a right State of Michigan. 'The Probate Court for ing station, of Webb &• Whitman, Present) HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge HEARING CLAIMS. MlLLER-AUG. 7 of way acroaa said lot eight (8), the North line of Probate. the County of Ingham. ttjhere he intentl'S 'o bitilI a modurii MORTGAGE SALE. At a session of said Court, held at the Pro­ stats of Michigan. The Probate Court for Default having been made tn the conditions of which Is thirty (80) feet south of the North ln the Matter of the Estate of WILtlAM residence. line of Eaid lot eight (8) and is to be twelve H. MARSH, Deceased. bate Office In the City of Mason, in said coun­ the Obiinty of Ingham. \ of a certain mortgage dated. June 14, 1916, u ty, on the l2th day of April, A. D; 1928. In the Matter of the Estate of GEORGB The M. H. .'?. ball team has organ­ to the payment of principal and Interest as (12) feet wide, the necessary additional land Anna J. Marsh having filed in said court Present: HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge MILLER, Deceased. ized for the season, with llalpn Glenn therein provided, the same having been given to constitute said right of way having been her final administration account, and her pe­ heretofore provided for from the North thirty, tition praying for the allowance thereof, and of Probate. 'Notice Is hereby given that four months as captain and Bruce jIall manager, by Henry D. Nichols and Mary Luella Nichols, husband and wife, as mortgagors to Glenn G. six (86) feet of the West forty-flve (46) feet for the assignment and distribution of the In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM from the 6th day of April, A. D. 1928, have j Wm. C. Barker's brick yard on Steel as mortgagee and recorded in the office of aaid lot eight (8). residue of said estate. H. WHITMORE, Deceased. been allowed for creditors to' present their clalma against said deceased 4o said court for Buzzle street started uu on Monday of the Register of Deeds for the Oounty of.< All of which I shall expose for sale at publie It II Ordered, That the 16th day of May, A. Marie N. Whitmore having filed in said court Ingham in Liber 176 of Mortgages at Page D. 1928, at ten o'clock. In the forenoon, at her petition, praying for license to sell the examination and adjuatment, and that all for a lively spring manufacture of vendue to the highest bidder at the north door Interest of sald estate In certain real estate creditors of said deceased are required to pre. 860 thereof; and said mortgagee having elect­ of the City,Hall at the City of Lansing, in said probata office, be and is hereby appointed brick and Hile, ed to declare the whole amount of the obliga­ for examining and allowing said account and therein described, sent their claims to said court, at the Probata BRid County, that being one of the places of , It is Ordered, That the 8th day of May, A. Ed Foskit of Jacknon, has mcved tion secured by said mortgage Inclnding prin­ hearing said petition'; Office, in tho Oity of Mason, tn said county, on holding the Oircuit Oourt within said Oounty, D. 1928,>at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said or before the 6th day of August, A. D. 1928, cipal and lntereat to be due and payable forth­ on the twentieth day of June, A. Di"1928, at It Is Further Ordered, That publie notice to the city and is occupying rooms in with as in said mortgage provided; and there probate office, be and is hereby appointed for and that BBid claims will be heard by said nine in the forenoon of that day. thereof be given by publication of a copy of hearing said petition, and that all persons in- the Fleming house -jn West. Ash being due and payable on said mortgage on this order for thicfi lueceisive weeks previous court on the 7th day of August, A. D. 1928, this date in principal and interest the sum of Dated at Mason, Micbigan, this 24th day of teresUd in said estate'appear before said court at ten o'clock in the forenoon. / , street. Aprtt, A. D. 1923. to said day of hearing, in tbe Ingham County at said time and place, to show csnse why a six.Hundred Eighty-eight Dollara and Twenty- News, • newspaper printed and circulated in Dated April 6, A. D. 1923. ! A girl baby arrived at the home of eight Cents ((688.28) end the further sum of OLAUDE ATOHlSON, Sheriff lngham Co. license to sell the Itnerest of said estate In said L B. McARTHUR, KELLEY A KELLEY, Attorneys. Business said county. L. B. McARTHUR, real estate should not be granted: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brower lust Tues­ Fifteen. Dollars ($16.00) attorner fee as pro­ (A true copy. Judge of Probate. 16w4 Judge of Probata. vided br said mortgage, the total sum due and Address: 1007 Baucb Bldg., Lanaing, Michi­ It 11 Further Ordered, That public notice day to celebrate their 15th'wedding gan. I7w7 C. A. CLINTON. ReilsUr of Probate. 16w4 payable at .this data 'being Nine Hundred thereof be given by publication of a copy of FINAL ACCOUNT. lULLEB-MAT IS anniversary. Three Dollars and Twenty-eight Cents FINAL ACCOUNT. KNIERIM-MAT 21 thli order, for three luceeislva weeks previous Angus Templeton voted against the ($908.28) i . nNAL ACCOUNT. - HOCK—MAT » to said day of hearing. In the Ingham County state of Michigan. The Probata Court' for State of Michigan. The Probate'Court for the County of Ingham. ! new school house proposition last State of Michigan. The Probate Court .for News, Ti newspaper printad _and circulated In And no proceedings at law or in equltr hav­ the Oounty of Ingham. the County of Ingham. aaid county. L,B. McARTHUR, At a session of'said Cofurt, held at the Pro* week Tuesday, and upon returning ing been.Instituted to recover, the indebtedness At a session of said Court, held at the Pro­ At a session' of said Court, held at the Pro-, bate Office In the City of.Mason, In said coun. - secured by said mortgage or anr part thereof) (Atrua^copyJ Judge of Probate. ty, on the 16th day of April, A. D. 1928. home found that dogs had killed sev­ bate Office in the City of Mason, in said coun­ bate Offlee lii the City bf Mason, In said coun­ RUTH L. GILLESPIE, ' eral of his best sheep. Angus says Now Therefore by virtue of the power of ty, on the 2Srd day of.April. A. O. 1928. ty, on the 26th day of April, A. D. 1928. Deputy Reglstkr of Probata. . 18w4 Present) HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge sale contained In. said mortgage and the Present: HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge Present) HON. L. B. McARTHUR. Judge of Probate. statute in such ease made and provided,'notice of Probate. —' of Probate. . , . % In the Matter of the Estate of WATSON HEARING CLAIMS. WHITNEY-AUG. iS ia hereby given that on Wednesday, the 26th In the Matter of the Estate of CHRISTIAN In the Matter of the Estate of FRED HEARING CLAIMS. ,. : BRIGGS—AUG. 17 MILLER, Deceased. I State of Michigan. The Probate Court for day of July, 1923, at ten o'clock In the fore- HOOK, Deceased. KNIERIM, » Mentally Incompetent Person. State of Michigan. The P/obate Oourt for Maude' Iflchols having filed in laid court ' tlio Oounty of Ingham. . , r.oon of said day at the north front door. of Stephen J. Hanna having filed in said court John Knlerlm having'flled In said court hls the County of lngham. her final administration account, and her pe. 1 In the Matter of the Estate of ELLSWORTH the City Hall In the City of Lansing in Ingham hls final administration account, and his petl. final administration account, and his petition In the Matter of the Estate of EDWIN titton praying for the allowance thereof, and CORNELIUS WHITNEY, Deceaaed. Oountr,. Michigan, that being one of the places tlon praying for the allowance thereof, and for praying for the allowance thereof, and that BRIGGS,'Deceased. \. for the assignment and distribution of the I Notice lB hereby given that four months where the CIretiit Court for the County of Ing- the aaalgnment and distribution of the residue said' estate be closed and the guardian dis­ Notice Is hereby given that four months residue of said estate, ' ' from the 26th day of April, A. D. 1923, have ham.il held, thera will be sold at ptiblie vendue of.aaid estate, , •: charged. ' • • from the 16th day of April, A. D. 1928, have U is Ordered, That the 16th day of May, Ai been allowed for creditors to present their to the highest bidder therefor, the lands and It Is Ordered, That the'22nd day of Mar.A. It I* Ordered, 'ThatUe 22nd day of May, ^. been allowed for creditors to present their D. 1928, at ton o'clock. In the forenoon, at ctnlina agalnst said deceased to eald court fo^ ptemtset described In said mortgage, towit, the D. 1928, at ten d'eloek in the forenoon, at lald D. 1928. at ten o'etock In the forenoon, at said claims against said deceased to said court.for' said probate office, bo and It hereby appointed . examination and adjustment; and that all West'Forty-five (46) feet of Lots Four and Probate Offlee, be and is herebf appointed for Probate Office, tw and is hereby appointed for examination and adjustment, and that all for.examining.and allowlag;laid account and' creditors of said deceased are required to Five in Block Number Three of Rumsey's examining and allowing said account and t hear­ creditors of said deceased are leanired ta pre­ hearing' laid petition t Michigan Avenue Addition to .the City of Lan­ examining and allowing aaid aeeoant and bear, present their ciaims to said court, at the pro- ing said petition; ing lald petition; ' sent their claims to said court, at the probata l\ li. Further Ordered, iThat.publle notioa v bate ofllce, in the Oitr of Mason, in satd.coun- sing, Michigan; aecordtiig to the recorded plat thereof. • •.•':.',:-'•• i - •., ' ', ; lt is further Ordersd, That pubilc.notlei It il Farther Ordered,: .That publie, notice office, In the City of Mason, In laid county, on thereof be glveny by publication of • copy of ty, on or before the 2«th dar of August, A. D. thereof tie given br pifblleatioh of a copy of thereof be given by publication of a copy c( or before the 16th day of Anguit, A. O. 1928, tbli order for three iueceNlva weeks pntIoui / 1028, and that said ciaims will, be heard bf Dated at Lutllnti HiehlcM, April 28, 1928. this order for thH* lueeimiv* weekpipMrieai ihii order for tlirae 'neeessive wHki prcvIoui and that lafd cIalmi VwIII be heard by •aaid to MId^ of htaHn«, In the IniAam Ooonty / , usnld court on the' 28th dar of August,'A, B. :•• •'•• \ OLENN 0. STEEL. • to said day //,I*-.B.':MeARTHI^ MoftfUM. Builnm Addnait 608 Ameriean' Mld-:eonnty.i^:^-.^:i•;^I^vB.' MeARTHOa,^^ iidd:«mBl?,-'-.vUr, ;,vr;.u-B.;li«ARTH^^ Dated Aprilcl«;'A..B;^Mi7>- -^^t«?o,«o5f.l^^Ci^^i::,;t'Jndi^ Probato, :«d'AptiI M^^^TK^im^-:^^^;^^^:^::.IBteto lavlatt.Baak BIte-. Luiinf, MIthl* ' (AtfMcopy.) : Jodn of rntei • (A:t»B»^eenf.V.-:::.••/Jodgi.of.lProbdi.J ,0.A. OUMTON/SiitiluolPnMgr;^? lTw4 Page Twelve INGHAM COUNTY NEWS. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1923

end oiE -education is lite itself—a her friend, Marie Cavender, Sunday E. Sean and C. L. Bickert as sure- George M. Wehh as sureties, and on cleanup during first week of May and ties; and the other with L. B. Mc- motion hy Aid. Densniore, the same thatvthe city furnish teams to move POSTMASTER OENSMORE higher, nobler, better, life. Education night. •>, yvas formerly a iiersonal matter, now Chas, Clinton and family called at Arthur,N A. McDonaid, Frank Seeiy, was appi'oved hy the following vote: airaccuniulatlons except ashes. The it is' a national mattei'r The federal W. B Angell's, Sunday. l.lo tiiat yvonld lake the "gimp" out ol' Elmer Ilulse 20.00 jiiost any man. "For nearly tyvo years I suffered S. J. lIanna and nien 02.10 SILK DRESSES "I (ind sonie cross roads,'niado of witli terrible pains in my back, liips Mickeison-Baker Co. 2.1.65 .dirt—no gravel—where the farniers and legs,'' writes Andrew Wbite, A. M. Petty 7.20 liave spent a little tittle in final ing, Nashville, Tenn. "A sbort time ago W. 0. Gregg 25.00 - which lire in ainiost iierfect condition I took Foley Ivldney Pills and feel Thos, Thorbuni 3C3._00 .and n few otiier cases where tins con- like a new person. Noyv I can yvalk Tbe report of the finance commit­ S10.75 •ditions are e.xactly file same but on a yvithout pain and my bladder is O. tee yvas adopted by tile folloyving •street yvliere tile l'arniei's care notli- l<.'' .Refuse, substitutes. Insist on vote: Veas, Bickert, Densniore, Ed- ing about (lie t'oad condition. Just a l'^oley'.s. Sold everyyvbere. (adv) gar, IIardenburg, Jlinnis, Salisbury. .few days ago tbi'se roads were ainiost Carried. impassabie, ' , ' ' Jacquettes and Wash Dresses and Ratinee«5, in all the latest styles Moved and supported that the clerk "l am convinced tbat tite farm on t Wilklns Memorial 1 be authorized to draw an order to II. and colors. •the good road yviil sell for at least ,B. l.jOngyear, Ti'eas, Board of i3duca- .$CJ.00 more per acre tlian tlie one on tion fon .1120.75 for returned 1922 'l'iie Wilkins Memorial Aid Society the poor road; everything else being sciiooi taxes, Vovay School liist. No. meets yviib ]\lrs. Byron Leacb" the equal. 1 and City of Mason. Veas, .Bickert, second yA'ednesday.in May for supper, "I'at and Miice yvere going doyvn Densniore, 'l3dgar, "IIardenburg, Min-. A cordial invitation to all. McKiggan & Neely's Store tile road on foot and halted and ask- nis, Salisbury. Carried. .od the distance to the next town and Mrs. VVni. Ciesbrook is in Mason Tbe city treasurer's bonds of Ready-io-Wear and Millinery yvlieii told it yvas ;i2 miles, Pats says caring for lier father, yvho has been Claude Post, one yvith L. C. Webb, 'Come on Mike, tliat is only C miies ill for some time. H. O. Ilalstead, R. B. llayner, H.-J. a piece.' Tiuit yvas co-operation. Mrs. Iloward Strickland is mucli Bond, E. 0. Reed, .A. A. Berginan, F. ''l.,et's co-operate yvitb tile rural better. Her motlier, Mrs. Lansing, carrier—tbeir road yvill be a little yvho lijis ju^t returned from tlie soutli sliorter and patrons yvill gel tbeir bas been spencyug a feyv days yvith auail a little quicker.'' lier. /Si Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Laylln called on Ernest Collins and family, Sun­ day. JIUIEOON FARMERS Mr. Dicknian is gt'Catly improving the looks ofI the LiceI^eek ceiicei/eterye . iETING.,PLEASES

IlNTlCilES'I'lNG MKlOTlNG Hl5LI> AT Bunkerhly^ MOORE HOME, i It's Best to Prevent It!

,The Aiaiedon Farmer's Club met The L. A. S. of Felt Plains church with Ml-, and Mrs, E. M. Moore at will give a play, ''Old'Maid's Conven­ their delightful home, "Moorelands,'' tion,'' at tiie churel. Saturday even­ .Saturday, April 28. The day was ing. May 5, at 8 o'clock central stan­ ideal and about .15 members and dard time. The pi'oceeds will go for "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" suests partook of a bountiful chicken new lights for the church.' Everyone jle dinner at noon. invited. Roll call was responded to by ''My ' John C'oiiins and W, B. Angeil are Favorite Dish.'' Rev. Mclntarfer doing sotne, mason work for Sidney spoke of the care of cemeteries ln Styles, near Pleasant lake. And this is particularly true of refrigerators. A good refrigerator, installed before the first hot Aiaiedon toyvnsfiip. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Joseph McCann and children day, will result in the saving of * quantities of food and preserving its good appearance. Our Dean of Women at M. A. C., tf'ien were calling on friends here one day :gave one of tho finest addresses the last week. 1923 line of New Iceberg and Economy refrigerators will accomplish everything you expect of •club has ever had the pieasure ot Chas. Briggs has .'!old his hottse to hearing on "lilducation in General and John Chase, • a refrigerator. Pure, cold, dry air are the three necessary conditions for the preservation of the Work in Particular at Michigan Arthur Brooks nas bought his fath­ Agricultural College." She said: er's old' place. perishable articles. These conditions are all filled by the line We are retailing. Let us show you "Man's life is either a comedy, Clem Higdon and family visUed'at itragedy or sympiiotiy and knowiedge Dan Neu's, Sunday. the different models which embody the following desirable features: ' •a means of yvorthiness in life. The Miss Beatrice Fogg was a guest of (

Made of Seasoned Hardwood.

Extra Heavy Over-lsipplng Doors. MR. FARMER! Golden Oak Finish.

Mr. Dealer! Mr. Jobber! Insulated with Bird's Patent Sheathing.

Ice Chambers lined with Galvanized Sheet Steel.

Provision Chambers lined with Galvanized Sheet

Steel and White Porcelain Enamel on -Steel.

Genuine Bronze Locks and Hinges.

^ Tinned Woven-Wire Shelves. - Twine Corrugated Galvanized Steel Ice Rack.

Galvanized Steel Pan and Pan Boards: It Is The Best Removable Drain Pipe.

The Prtod Is Right Automatic Drip Trap.

Are you lreiiiemliering in purcliasinflr your binder twine No use to wajt for summer, a refrigerator is something you need all the time—GET IT NOW. tllat you liave a factory of your own at Jaclcson?

It is making the beat twine that can be lilaced on the The use of a good sanitary refrigerator is health insurance absolute.. market and has a mixture of fibre tliii year, Manila is add* edtp the sisal to give extra strength. > ' SizeSi i^'ipes, Terms to Suit You. All organizations and dealers of the state are iii position, to handle your twine. If they do not, write diirect for prices as we want you'to use your own twine as wejmake 14.000,000 pounds more than Michigan ten ttw^ A.

"A Furrtlture Store SInoe »^^^ ^ M
