Stretton Sugwas Environmental Report November 2019
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Environmental Report Report for: Stretton Sugwas Neighbourhood Area November 2019 hfdscouncil Stretton Sugwas Parish Environmental Report Contents Non-technical summary 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Methodology 3.0 The SEA Framework 4.0 Appraisal of Objectives 5.0 Appraisal of Options 6.0 Appraisal of Policies 7.0 Implementation and monitoring 8.0 Next steps Appendix 1: Initial SEA Screening Report Appendix 2: SEA Scoping Report incorporating Tasks A1, A2, A3 and A4 Appendix 3: Screening Consultation responses from Natural England Appendix 4: SEA Stage B incorporating Tasks B1, B2, B3 and B4 Appendix 5: Options Considered Appendix 6: Environmental Report checklist Appendix 7: Feedback of Draft Environmental Report consultation post reg 14 (D1) Appendix 8: Screening of amended policies post reg 14 (D3) Appendix 9: List of examiners modifications Appendix 10: Feedback of Environmental Report consultation post examination (D1) Appendix 11: Screening of amended polices post examination (D3) C1 Stretton Sugwas Parish November 2019 _________________________________________________________________________________ Non-technical summary Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is an important part of the evidence base, which underpins Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDP), as it is a systematic decision support process, aiming to ensure that environmental assets, including those whose importance transcends local, regional and national interests, are considered effectively in plan making. The Stretton Sugwas Parish have undertaken to prepare an NDP and this process has been subject to environmental appraisal pursuant to the SEA Directive. The Parish comprises the Parishes of Stretton Sugwas the parish lies to the west of Hereford. The Draft Stretton Sugwas NDP includes 6 objectives and it is intended that these objectives will be delivered by 8 criteria based planning policies, a settlement boundary is proposed for Stretton Sugwas and Swainshill. The environmental appraisal of the Stretton Sugwas NDP has been undertaken in line with the Environmental Assessment of Plan and Programmes Regulations 2004. Stage A of the SEA process involved Scoping and Stage B provided a review and analysis of the NDP. Stage C involved preparing an Environmental Report and Stage D comprises a formal consultation on both this and the Draft Plan itself. Stretton Sugwas NDP has undergone two regulation 14 consultations in September 201 in December 2019. The previous environmental reports can be found on the Herefordshire Council website. Several policies in the NDP have been amended post examination and one policy SS9 has been deleted. Three policies SS1, SS6 and SS7 have been rescreened in D3. Other polices have been amended are minor wording changes and considered not necessary to rescreen. The outcome through screening these found that they are unlikely to have a significant environmental effect due to the scale and nature of the housing development. Therefore the conclusion set out in the Draft Environment Report is still valid. That is, the Stretton Sugwas NDP is in general conformity with both national planning policy contained in the National Planning Policy Framework and strategic policies set within the Herefordshire Local Plan (Core Strategy). Therefore, no further changes are recommended as a result of this SEA (stage D). Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) screening has been carried out as the Group Parish falls within the catchment for the River Wye (including River Lugg). The HRA assesses the potential effects of the NDP on the River Wye (including the Lugg) SAC. On the whole, it is considered that the Stretton Sugwas NDP is in general conformity with both national planning policy contained in the National Planning Policy Framework and strategic policies set within the Herefordshire Local Plan (Core Strategy). Once made (adopted) by Herefordshire Council, the effects of the policies within the Stretton Sugwas NDP will be monitored annually via the Council’s Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). _________________________________________________________________________________ This document is copyright of Herefordshire Council. Please contact the Neighbourhood Planning team if you wish to reuse it in whole or part 1 C1 Stretton Sugwas Parish November 2019 _________________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Introduction 1.1 This report forms the draft Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Stretton Sugwas Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). 1.2 The Stretton Sugwas NDP proposes settlement boundaries in Stretton Sugwas and Swainshill village, these settlements are identified within table 4.14 which is targeted for proportional levels of growth in Policy RA1and RA2 of the Herefordshire Local Plan (Core Strategy). The NDP will provide general policies for guiding future development across the parish as a whole. Purpose of the SEA 1.3 SEA is a requirement of EC Directive 2001/42/EC (the SEA Directive) which requires the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment to ensure that the proposals in that plan or programme contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. 1.4 The Directive was transposed into domestic legislation through the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 and which applies to plans with significant environmental effects. 1.5. A screening opinion was carried out on the Stretton Sugwas NDP and it concluded that due to the range of environmental designations in and around the parish, there may be significant environmental effects and consequently an SEA would be required. Parish Neighbourhood Plan Context 1.6 Stretton Sugwas Parish comprises of the parish of Stretton Sugwas. The Parish covers a rural area within central Herefordshire, and borders on the western edge of Hereford. The parish borders with several other parishes including Bishopstone Parish, Eaton Bishop, Breinton and Credenhill. 1.7 Stretton Sugwas has around a population of 505 living in 200 households, the majority of the population lives within the settlement of Stretton Sugwas followed by Swainshill. Facilities within Stretton Sugwas include a nursing home, Priory Hotel, primary school, church, village hall and two pubs (these have recently closed). There is a wider range of shops and larger facilities nearby in the city of Hereford. 1.8 The neighbourhood area boasts many natural features, not least 11 Special Wildlife Sites, 1 SSSI and 2 Ancient Woodlands, parish borders 2 conservation areas. There are numerous built heritage assets, too, including listed buildings, 6 Scheduled Monuments and non- designated assets. The river Wye SAC borders the south of the parish. 1.9 The vision statement for Stretton Sugwas in 2031 is as follows: This neighbourhood plan will provide a framework for the development of our community and is designed to be of use for the life of the plan. It seeks to identify and respect the diversity of the Parish and recognises the separate residential communities within it. However, the plan looks to improve our overall sense of community and our environment; it aims to enhance our infrastructure by improving our asset base over time through the development and maintenance of our buildings, roads, footpaths, bridleways, green lanes, cycle ways and other community facilities. It endeavours to protect our agricultural land and supports the growth of agricultural production in our Parish. The plan aims to ensure the maintenance of the separate identity of the Parish of Stretton Sugwas from the ongoing urbanisation of the western side of the City of Hereford. It seeks to allow the growth of our community through sustainable and realistic housing targets through the life of the plan as identified in Herefordshire Council’s Local Plan Core Strategy and recognises the need for business and job creation to sustain our community. Through this sustainable development it will enhance our community’s well-being through the development of shared assets. It takes into account the specific issues within our boundaries including the redundant quarry, a former landfill site and a major military base in an adjoining parish. The plan recognises the need for all our communities to have the appropriate levels of housing and employment opportunities which they need to be sustainable and that our existing community assets such as our academy school and parish hall should meet the needs of the wider community going forward. The Plan seeks to ensure that the balance of its thrust enhances the space for people and the community, rather than vehicle movements. It also recognises that over the period of the plan, there will be changes in technology, the environment and expectations _________________________________________________________________________________ This document is copyright of Herefordshire Council. Please contact the Neighbourhood Planning team if you wish to reuse it in whole or part 2 C1 Stretton Sugwas Parish November 2019 _________________________________________________________________________________ which will have to be accounted for and therefore inbuilt flexibility must be part of the plan. Stretton Sugwas Neighbourhood Plan is to have widespread community support and will take into account cross border issues emerging from neighbouring Neighbourhood Plans. 1.10 The 6 NDP objectives cover topics as follows: 1.11 • Protect rural character and landscape • Protect rural identity and communities. • Promote high quality design • Sustainably