A Publication of Lajna Ima’illah & Lajna Matters Nasiratul USA

7 Thwal-Hijjah 1435– 9 Rabi al-awal 436 Issue 4 - 2014 October—December 2014 Holy Qur’an

Those who spend in prosperity and Special Features adversity, and those who suppress The Glorious Qur’an anger and pardon men; and Allah Message from Sadr Lajna loves those who do good (3:135). Correspondence Reports Khidmat-e-Khalq Matters Tarbiyat Matters Tabligh Matters And good and evil are not alike. Repel Publication Matters evil with that which is best. And lo, he Nasirat Matters between whom and thyself was enmity Regional Matters Local Matters will become as though he were a warm Urdu Section friend (41:35).

And he who is patient and forgives — All members are that surely is a matter of strong asked to make use of determination (42:44). the resources provided by Jama’at and Lajna in order to improve their reading Take to forgiveness, and enjoin and their comprehension of the kindness, and turn away from the Holy Qur’an. All Ma- ignorant (7:20). jalis are requested to spend 10-15 minutes during their General Meetings to improve ‘Those who say, ‘Our Lord, we do their believe; forgive us, therefore, our sins Tarteel. and save us from the punishment of the Fire; ‘The steadfast, and the truthful, and the humble, and those who spend in the way of God, and those who seek forgiveness in the latter part of the night’ (3:17 &18). Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 2 of 48


Abu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophetsaw said: The strong one is not he who knocks out others in wrestling, the strong one is he who keeps control over himself when he is roused (Bokhari and Muslim). Ayesha relates that the Holy Prophetsaw said: Allah is Gentle and loves gentleness and bestows upon gentleness that which He does not bestow upon harshness or anything else (Muslim). Hazrat Anas relates that he heard the Holy Prophetsaw say, ‘Allah the Exalted has said: ‘Son of Adam, I shall continue to forgive thee so long as thou callest on Me and hopest for My forgiveness, whatever may be thy defaults. I care not, son of Adam, even if thy sins should pile up to the sky and thou shouldst supplicate Me for forgiveness I would forgive thee. Son of Adam, if thou camest to me with an earthful of sins and meetest Me, not associating aught with Me, I would come to thee with an earthful of forgiveness’ (Tirmidhi).

Writings of the Promised Messiahas

Whoever is not constantly turning to prayer, and does not remember Him in absolute humility of spirit is not of my community. … Whosoever does not respect his parents… and is neglectful in rendering to them the service to which they are undoubtedly entitled, he is not of my community. Whosoever does not live with his wife and her relations with gentleness, goodness and magnanimity, he is not of my community. … Whosoever has no wish to forgive the faults of those who may have transgressed against him, and desires to nurse malice, he is not of my community. Every man or woman who is dishonest towards his or her spouse is not of my community (Our Teaching, p.16). Walk upon the earth with good hearts, pure tempers, and pure thoughts. Not every evil is worth fighting, so cultivate the habit of forgiveness and overlooking faults, and behave with steadfastness and meekness. Do not attack anyone improperly and keep your passions under complete control (The Announcement, p. 2). And how shameful would it be if I retaliate and intentionally pay back in the same coin a brother of mine who has spoken to me harshly in a fit of emotion. I should be forbearing and disregard his behavior and pray fervently for his reformation in my Salat…. A true believer is soft of heart and very humble and he considers himself to be the lowest of all because he has discarded all kinds of vanity and pride. …. To do good in return for wrongdoing is a desirable felicity and a sign of good fortune, while to suppress anger and forbear acrimonious remarks is the finest kind of valor (Roohani Khazain, p. 395). 3 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

National Correspondence

Message from National Sadr Lajna Ima’illah, Saliha Malik

There is no doubt that the greatest blessing from Allah is to be granted forgiveness from Him. In fact, we realize that even if others have forgiven us our failings and our trespasses against them we are not saved from the consequences of our sins unless Allah forgives us. We were reminded of our Bai’at (pledge of allegiance) at the UK : Oh my Lord, My Allah, I have wronged my soul and confess all my sins, pray forgive me my sins for there is none else except Thee to forgive. Therefore, my dear sisters, while we are engaged in our plan of self-reformation and seeking to purify our hearts, let us pay particular attention to our own capacity for forgiving others. If we hope and pray for Allah’s forgiveness upon our own selves, how can we expect such a gift if we ourselves hold grudges, harbor hatred and refuse to forgive others? Our beloved Holy Prophet, Muhammadsaw and his ardent devotee, the Imam of the Latter Days, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas imbued the colors of Allah so completely and were the best examples for us follow. Their capacity for forgiveness in both small matters and with regard to their vicious enemies melts all hearts and leaves us speechless. Recently in his Friday Sermon, ‘The Ireland ’, Huzooratba pointed out that we claim these are our teachings. So do we practice them? And are we ready to be questioned? They can say we talk about maintaining good conduct with relatives and people, but are our own actions in accordance with it? They can say that you maintain teaches repressing anger and pardoning others but do you practice this in your daily lives? (Friday sermon 9/26/2014). The best way to increase our awareness of our own conduct in this regard is through our earnest and heartfelt prayers and by constantly seeking forgiveness from Allah in all sincerity, and Allah is most Forgiving, Merciful. May Allah enable us to be gentle, loving and forgiving people so that we may be the best example for our children and others and so that we may attract His Mercy, Ameen. Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 4 of 48 National Correspondence

Letters from the office of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Khamisatba December 8, 2014

Dear Sadr Lajna Ima’illah USA, Assalamo Alaikum wa rahmatullahe I have received your activity report for August 2014, together with a letter dated 1st November 2014 requesting prayers for yourself and your family, Jazakumullah. It is pleasing to read that by the Grace of Allah, Jalsa Salana USA was successfully held with good attendance, may Allah the Almighty bless all attendees and may He reward all those members who made the Jalsa Salana USA a success through their hard work and dedication. May Allah enable Lajna Ima’illah USA to fulfill their duties in an exemplary manner and excel in all aspects of Jama’at work. I pray that may Allah help and guide you to render sincere services as National Lajna Ima’illah USA Sadr effectively. May He bless you and your dear ones with good health and tranquil, anxiety free lives and enable you to benefit from strengthened bonds with the Jama’at and the Khilafat. May Allah fulfill all your sincere and pious desires towards your children, Ameen. Please convey my loving salaam to all the Nasirat and Lajna Ima’illah members in USA. Wassalaam.

Selection of Huzoor’satba Sermons

Seek Allah's forgiveness, Repent and Seek His protection - January 13, 2012

Huzooratba recited the following verses at the start of his Friday sermon: ‘It teaches that you should worship none but Allah. I am to you a Warner, and a bearer of glad tidings from Him; And that you seek forgiveness of your Lord, and then turn to Him. He will provide for you a goodly provision until an appointed term. And He will grant His grace to every one possessed of merit. And if you turn away, then surely, I fear for you the punishment of a colossal day’ (Surah Hud, 3-4). Huzooratba said today there is turmoil everywhere in the world in one shape or the other. This 5 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

is a result of man forgetting his objective of creation, that is, inclination towards worship of God and endeavor to gain Divine nearness. Indeed, Divine nearness cannot be attained without worship of God. Explaining worship of God does not only entail offering the five daily Prayers. It includes offering them with due care and devoutness. It also necessitates keeping God in view in every matter and making an effort to imbue oneself in Divine hue. It necessitates following the blessed model of the Holy Prophetsaw in every matter and it also includes keeping the Divine attributes in view and trying and adopting them on a human level. One’s best effort to pay the dues of God and the dues of mankind are also necessary for this. Practicing these aspects make a Momin (believer) one who pays the dues of worship of God. Explaining the essence of the Qur’anic teachings, the Promised Messiahas said: ‘…you should worship none but Allah…’. The truth of the matter is that the real reason for the creation of mankind is worship. Just as it is stated elsewhere: ‘And I have not created the Jinn and the men but that they may worship Me’ (51:57). True worship is when man removes all hardness and crookedness and makes the terrain of his heart as clear as a farmer clears his field…as collyrium/ kohl is ground extremely finely so that it can be put in eyes. Similarly, state of worship is when the terrain of heart is free of grit, pebbles and unevenness and is so clean as if it embodies pure soul. If a mirror is cleaned in this manner, one can see in it and if soil is thus treated, all kinds of fruits grow in it. Therefore, if man, who has been created to worship God, cleans his heart and does not let any grit, pebbles or unevenness remain in it, God will be seen in it.’ The Promised Messiahas further said: ‘This is the reason you should not rest until such time that, apart from God, you free your heart of grit and pebbles and make it clear like a mirror and fine like collyrium.’ Huzooratba said one has to continually try to reach such a state. In order to protect ourselves from the disorder around us and to seek God’s grace, there is need to connect to God with sincerity. Most people are not directly involved in evil or disorder but the environment influences them one way or the other and one becomes a part of transgression subconsciously. A broad example of this is in the around the world, in particular in Pakistan. People who do not even have any knowledge about Ahmadiyyat attest to documents that use vulgar language against the Promised Messiahas. Rather than God, the worship of such people subconsciously is aimed at gaining nearness of worldly people. Corruption in religion destroys discharging of the dues of God and dues of mankind. This is what happens in history of religion. Once corruption appears in religion, God sends His Prophets to reform people who directly alert people towards worship of God. Thus God sent the Holy Prophetsaw and taught the ways of worship of God through him. He was the perfect man who imbibed Divine attributes to the highest degree, as much as it is humanly possible to imbibe them. God commanded that the example of the Holy Prophetsaw was a blessed model for us to follow and it was the way to reach God. This did Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 6 of 48

not simply signify that his Salat was worship, rather his every word and every practice was worship of God. And thus religion was perfected with the Shariah that was revealed to him. However, God also declared that, as in earlier times when with the passage of time people turned away from the basis of religion, this would also happen in Islam. Although the Holy Prophetsaw was the last law-bearing Prophet and there was to be no more religious law after him, yet such a condition would come to pass and when it would reach its worst point, in his subservience his true and ardent devotee would come to once again establish religion in the world. He would explain the reality of worship and he would do this owing to his subservience to the Holy Prophetsaw. Unfortunately, a large majority of Muslims have not understood this. Huzoor said as the aforementioned verse cites ‘…I am to you a Warner, and a bearer of glad tidings…’, the Holy Prophetsaw was a Warner then and remains to this day. His era will last till the Day of Judgment and he still warns and alerts people. Huzoor explained that a ‘Warner’ is not someone who only warns people, rather he also alerts people to avoid what is bad. For example, in spite of verbally professing the Kalima (pronouncement of Muslim faith) if one does not practice all aspects of religion, one is in a state of loss. On the other hand, the glad tiding is in the advent of one who was promised to come in the latter days to facilitate nearness to God and teach ways of worship of God. The Promised Messiahas says: ‘It is true that man cannot attain this objective without the help of a pure-natured person. Therefore, for this arrangement and accomplishment, Allah the Exalted sent the perfect model of the Holy Prophetsaw and then started a lasting succession of his true successors so that the Braham priests who have no awareness of their ending could be refuted. It is a proven fact that a young person who is not from a farming family will cut off plants as he weeds. Similarly, spiritual farming cannot be done in a perfect manner unless one is under a perfect person, who has accomplished all the stages of sowing, irrigation and weeding. This illustrates that man is in need of a perfect spiritual teacher. Without a perfect spiritual teacher, worship by man is like a foolish and unaware child sitting in a field cutting off plants, while in his assumption he is weeding. Do not ever assume that you will learn ways of worship on your own. Certainly not; not until the Prophet teaches, the paths of complete and devout absorption in God cannot be found. The natural question thus arises, how can this difficult task be fulfilled? God Himself gave its solution.’ Explaining, Huzoor added, the solution given by God is Ishtighfar. Huzoor also said that in this age and for always, the successor of the Holy Prophetsaw is the Promised Messiahas whom God has also called Khatamul Khulafa (seal of all Khulafa). God certainly guides those who engage in sincere Istighfar and strive to fulfill the dues of worship of God if they follow the true successor. The second verse recited at the beginning of the sermon teaches ways of Istighfar: ‘And that you seek forgiveness of your Lord, and then turn to Him. He will provide for you a goodly provision until an appointed term. And He will grant His grace to every one possessed of merit. And if you turn away, then surely, I fear for you the punishment of a 7 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

colossal day’ (11:4). Huzoor explained that Istighfar washes away spiritual corrosion but it requires constancy. Real Istighfar is in repenting those sentiments, which displease God. This leads to a state of ‘turning to Him’ and thus man gains nearness to God. True Istaghfar does not constitute mere words. One has to strive to and change one’s inner self and this is what attains nearness to God and brings about spiritual and worldly benefits and one is a recipient of God’s blessings. In light of this verse, the Promised Messiahas says: ‘Remember, the Muslims have been bestowed two things; one for obtaining strength and the other for the practical demonstration of the strength that has been obtained. Istighfar is for obtaining strength. It is also called seeking help. The Sufis have said that as physical strength and power is fostered through exercise, in the same way, Istighfar is spiritual exercise. Through it, the soul obtains strength and the heart achieves steadfastness. He who desires strength should do Istighfar’ (Essence of Islam Vol. II, p. 246). The Promised Messiahas also said that through Istighfar man tries to suppress and cover those sentiments and thoughts, which keep one away from God. Thus Istighfar means that one overcomes those toxic matters, which attack and try to destroy man and having avoided impediments of the way, which leads to implementation of the commandments of God, one actually practices these commandments. The Promised Messiahas said that God has placed two kinds of matters in man; one that is delegated by Satan and the other, which is antidotal/curative. When man is arrogant and conceited and does not take the help of the curative matter, the negative matter becomes dominant in him. However, when man has a very humble and meek view of himself and feels he is in need of God’s help, God generates a spring in him through which his soul is softened and flows out and this is what is meant by Istighfar. That is, having found the strength, man overcomes the toxic matters. Explaining, Huzoor said the softening and flowing of soul is not attained by mere verbal professing of Istighfar, rather, it should be borne out of heartfelt emotions, which flow in tears of the eyes in the Presence of God; this is Istighfar. The Promised Messiahas said, ‘In short it means that stay firm on worship. Firstly obey the Prophetsaw, secondly always seek help from God. Yes, first seek help from your Lord. When the strength is granted, turn to God.’ Further elucidating, the Promised Messiahas said: ‘Istighfar and Taubah (repentance) are two separate matters. From one point of view, Istighfar has priority over repentance, inasmuch as Istighfar is the help and strength, which are obtained from God and repentance means standing on one’s own feet. It is the way of God that when a person seeks help from Him, He bestows strength and with that strength the supplicant stands on his own feet and thus possesses the faculty to do good, which is called ‘turning to God’. This is the natural sequence of it. It is appointed for seekers that they should seek help from God in every condition. Till a seeker obtains strength from God, he can do nothing. The strength for repentance is acquired after Istighfar. If there is no Istighfar, the faculty of repentance dies. If you will thus follow up Istighfar with repentance, the result will be as set out in the verse: Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 8 of 48

‘He will provide for you a goodly provision until an appointed term.’ (11:4) This is the way of God, that those who follow up Istighfar with repentance will achieve their cherished grades. Every sense has its limits within which it achieves its high grades; not everyone can be a Prophet or a Messenger or a Truthful (Siddiq) or a Testifier (Shahid). (Essence of Islam Vol. II, p. 245) The Promised Messiahas further said that each seeker attains grades in accordance with his capacity and this is what the verse ‘And He will grant His grace to every one possessed of merit’ signifies. However if a person possesses extra capacity, God would grant him extra in his spiritual endeavors/exercise. He said God does not deprive anyone his due. Next Huzoor related some accounts of the spiritual assemblies graced by the Promised Messiahas. Once a person asked the Promised Messiahas for a Wazifah (formulaic prayer). The Promised replied: ‘Say Istighfar profusely. Man has only two conditions; either he does not commit any sin or Allah the Exalted saves him from the bad ending of sin. Therefore, both these meanings should be kept in mind when saying Istighfar. Firstly covering of past sins is sought from Allah the Exalted and secondly capacity to be protected from future sins is sought from God. However, Istighfar is not fulfilled by mere verbal utterance; it should be from the heart. It is important to also supplicate in one’s own tongue during Salat.’ Once a man appeared in the Promised Messiah’sas company and said that he had certain flaws, he had been to many Pirs (ascetics) but could not remain convinced of any of them for long. He said he had the flaw of backbiting, he was not inclined to worship and had many other deficiencies. The Promised Messiahas responded: ‘I understand, your real problem is impatience. The rest are its conditions. When man is not impatient in his worldly matters and waits for results patiently and with constancy, why then does he demonstrate impatience in the Presence of God? Does a farmer sow his seeds and start thinking of harvest in one day? Or as soon as a baby is born wants him to grow up and help him? There are no precepts and examples of such rush and haste. One who wishes to be so hasty is very silly. A person who can see his flaws as flaws should consider himself very fortunate, otherwise Satan shows bad deeds and immoral acts in good and beautiful light. Thus, you should give up your impatience and seek capacity from Allah the Exalted with patience and constancy and ask forgiveness for your sins. There is nothing apart from this. A person who comes to people of God wishing that they may blow on him and reform him, wants to govern God, whereas this should be approached submissively. Unless one leaves all worldly powers, nothing can be attained. When an ailing person goes to a physician he relates many problems, but the physician recognizes and diagnoses the real problem and starts its treatment. Similarly, your problem is impatience. If you cure that, if God wills the other problems will also go away. Our creed is that man should never lose hope in Allah the Exalted and should continue to seek until he is in the throes of death. Unless man takes his patience and seeking to this limit, he cannot be successful. Allah the Exalted is Powerful and if He wills He can make one successful in an instant…there are two kinds of diseases, one Mastavi (straight, direct) and the other Mukhtalif (diverse). Mustavi 9 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

disease is that which has apparent pain and man is concerned about its cure but does not have any care for Mukhtalif disease. Similarly, some sins are perceptible while others are imperceptible to man. This is why it is needed that man should always engage in Istighfar. What is the benefit in going to graves? Allah the Exalted has sent the Holy Qur’an for reformation. If it was God’s law to reform by blowing, why would have the Holy Prophetsaw endured so much persecution for thirteen years in Makkah? He could have had influence over Abu Jahl. Let alone Abu Jahl, Abu Talib even had love for the Prophet. In short impatience is not good. It can lead to destruction.’ Once a person requested for prayers regarding his debt and the Promised Messiahas said: ‘Say Istighfar profusely. This is the method for man to avoid grief. Istighfar is the key to progress.’ Huzoor added that only sincere Istighfar will unlock the doors of progress. Once a person asked for prayers that he may have children and the Promised Messiahas said: ‘Say Istighfar a lot. It effaces sin and Allah the Exalted also grants offspring. Remember, belief is very important. God Himself helps that person who is perfect in belief.’ At another instance the Promised Messiahas said, ‘Man should say Istighfar for protection against weaknesses. Istighfar works to avoid chastisement of sin like a prisoner pays a penalty to secure his release.’ At another instance the Promised Messiahas said: ‘It is necessary that man always engages in Istighfar and Taubah lest bad deeds exceed limits and incur the wrath of Allah the Exalted. When Allah the Exalted looks on someone with His grace, He usually instills that person’s love in hearts. However, when man’s evil exceeds limits, his disapproval is willed in the heavens and in accordance to the will of Allah the Exalted people’s hearts are hardened for him. Yet, as soon as that person turns to the Divine threshold with Istighfar and Taubah and seeks refuge, tenderness is generated clandestinely and without anyone realizing, seed of love for that person is sown in hearts of people. In short, the formula of Istighfar and Taubah is tried and tested and does not fail.’ Today the bad deeds of people of this world have created turmoil. Those leaders who presumed to be the beloved of the masses are the worst in the eyes of the masses and there are signs that the turn of those who are still considered favorites is imminent. The changes in governments resulting from the turmoil around the world have generated further disorder. We should pray a lot that God may save the world from disorder. Istighfar helps in fulfilling the objectives of worship of God, and enables one to pay the dues of God and the dues of mankind, it strengthens the bond with one sent by God and thus saves man from the turmoil of this world and from God’s displeasure, it keeps one on the paths that lead to Divine nearness and it also fulfills one’s personal needs and takes one out of problems. Man becomes the recipient of numberless blessings of God through Istighfar. God has blessed us that we have recognized the Imam of the age, who has guided us about worship, seeking God’s nearness and how to garner His blessings. In order to truly benefit from this we should constantly engage in Istighfar. May God enable us all to do so.

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By the sheer Grace of Allah the Almighty, the USA Jama’at held its 66th Jalsa Salana at the Farm Show complex in Harrisburg, PA from August 15-17, 2014. Friday August 15, 2014: After many months of planning, on and off-site meetings and the dedicated efforts of volunteers who spent countless hours on Wednesday and Thursday to prepare the venue, Friday brought together Ahmadi brothers and sisters from all across the US to attend and partake of this spiritual Ma’ida (spiritual food). The proceedings of Jalsa Salana started with the flag hoisting ceremony followed by the Friday prayers. Imam Naseem Mehdi Sahib talked about God’s Benevolence and Mercy in His Friday sermon. The first session of Jalsa started traditionally with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an and a poem followed by the opening remarks of Amir Jama’at USA, Ahsanullah Zafar Sahib. The session included motivational speeches by the prominent scholars of our Jama’at. The program was Jalsa Salana, USA relayed to both men and women. Saturday August 16, 2014: The ladies session on Saturday began with the recitation of Surah Al-Naml verses 60-66, which calls to mind the Unity of Allah, followed by a poignant poem by the Promised Messiah as expressing his love for Allah, “Aye Khuda Aye Karsaaz.” Two eloquent speeches “Allah the One” and “Blessings of Durood” gave us wonderful reminders on our true purpose: to love and obey Allah alone and follow His Messengersaw. Then we heard a moving poem praising the Prophet of Islamsaw. The final speech of the morning “Hazrat Amma Jaan – A Beacon of Light” was delivered in English as well as an Urdu, so that all the sisters could truly benefit from the topic. The speakers related many incidences of Hazrat Amma Jaan’s ra life highlighting her pure, humble and devoted nature, and giving us many practical examples to implement in our daily lives. The morning session concluded with Talent Awards and certificates, which were presented to Lajna students for their outstanding academic achievement and to Lajna members who certified as Holy Qur’an teachers. Medals were given to three members, two of them committed the entire Qur’an to memory and one had

memorized the thirtieth part of the Holy Qur’an in the last year. Lajna and Nasirat who made outstanding contributions to the Lajna initiative of Jihad of the Pen also received certificates of appreciation. Nasirat who had completed the first reading of the Holy Qur’an during the past year were also acknowledged and received a copy of the Holy Qur’an signed by Sadr Lajna USA. The afternoon session opened with the recitation of Holy Qur’an Surah Al-Ahzab verses 42-49, which calls upon believers to follow Allah’s Light - His Messengers, and then a beautifully recited poem “Emaan Mujhko de de” – Grant me faith. The first speaker addressed the challenging issue of keeping to our faith and remaining confident in our Muslim identity especially in the high school and college environments: “Walking the Fine Line.” Two speakers then spoke on the journey of life that led them to accept Islam and Ahmadiyyat: “Meeting the Messiahas.” At 11 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 this point Sadr Lajna USA welcomed on stage the sisters who joined the fold of Ahmadiyyat in the previous year and presented them each with a welcome gift, while the beautiful poem “Hey Daste Qibl La Numa” sung by a group of members in the background set a meaningful mood. In Sadr Lajna Ima’Illah, Saliha Malik Sahiba’s, closing speech “I shall give precedence to my faith over all worldly matters,” she emphasized that the purpose of the coming of the Messiah was to bring mankind to God and called to mind the promise we as Ahmadis have made in our pledge at his hand of giving precedence to faith above worldly concerns. She gave instances of how Allah manifests Himself in miraculous ways to those devoted servants who do give preference to Him and remain steadfast in His path. As the Latter Days are grossly materialistic and people have become self-absorbed, she encouraged all to constantly seek Allah’s mercy, forgiveness and protection to achieve our goal of self-reformation and being engrossed in Allah’s love. The Ladies session on Saturday concluded with heartfelt silent prayers. There were many inspiring and thought provoking take home messages raised by different speakers throughout the day. Sunday August 17, 2014: The 66th Jalsa Salana USA concluded on Sunday with a joint morning session delivered from the men’s side and relayed to all. This session, like Friday, had motivational and inspiring speeches given by scholars that left lasting impressions. The whole event was a wonderfully informative and uplifting one, Alhamdulillah! Various Booths at Jalsa Salana Many booths were also setup to add to the festivities of Jalsa and were frequently visited during lunch, dinner and other breaks. Attendees enjoyed a verity of snacks at the Fundraising booth and purchased clothes, jewelry and other items at the Handicraft booth. Many books – new and established, were available at the bookstall. Booths like the Waqifat-e-Nau, Nasirat, Homeopathy, First aid etc. rendered services throughout the Jalsa. Our heartfelt prayer is that May Allah enable each and every Ahmadi to become a pure and true ambassador of Islam, and that they serve the true purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiahas. Amen! Special Activities Jalsa Salana Lajna Ages 15-25 Exhibition and Dinner: The annual Jalsa dinner for Lajna 15-25, which was held on Saturday in the Susquehanna Room was well attended by 190 young women, Alhamdulillah! The girls were given a name tag, a chocolate and a souvenir at the reception. This year's souvenir was a small candle holder and candle with a decorative label reading, "You are a seed planted by the hand of God” (Hazrat Masih Maudas). The session began with a very brief presentation by AMSAW on how to start an Ahmadi women's organization on a college campus followed by an interactive workshop conducted by Muavina Sadr In charge of activities Lajna ages 15-25, Ruqaiya Asad, on the Promised Messiah's as call for Ahmadis to leave a holy impact on the world. She quoted examples of Ahmadis who made tremendous sacrifices to improve the condition of the world. Girls answered Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 12 of 48

questions on sacrifice and commitment insightfully using personal incidents and good understanding of our teachings. Sadr Lajna Ima’Illah was also present at the meeting. A poster display showing local and regional activities and camps of Lajna 15-25 from July 2013 to July 2014 was setup at the Lajna ages 15-25 Jalsa booth. Qur'an commentary projects from the 2013 Central Region Camp were also exhibited for the youth and general membership. Waqfe-Nau Booth -Waqfe-Nau Class and Waqfe-Nau Rededication Workshop: 245 members attended the Waqifat-Nau class organized on the occasion of Jalsa. This number included the Waqifat, their mothers and siblings. The highlight of this program was a well-prepared presentation on the topic of “Conditions of Bai’at – Practical Applications in Daily Life.” The presenting Waqifat explained each condition of Bai’at in detail and gave short examples of how these conditions of Bai’at could be fulfilled in our daily lives. Sadr Lajna presided over this class and gave concluding remarks. She reminded mothers to be the devoted, loving examples for their girls and to help them in their commitment of Waqf by their own participation and obedience to Khilafat and Nizaam-i- Jama’at. The Waqifat-e-Nau rededication workshop was attended by 75 Waqifat. This workshop elaborated upon the rededication process, its significance and the proper protocol of becoming a Waqf-e-Zindagi (life devotee). The Waqfe-Nau booth at Jalsa Salana provided general information to attendees and a special Desk provided Career Counseling / guidance to the Waqifat. Waqifat updated their contact information at the booth. Older Waqifat were trained to guide the visitors regarding Waqfe Nau Syllabus, Classes/ Tests etc. A Jeopardy game of general and religious knowledge was setup at the booth, which attracted the passersby to visit and win prizes. Rishta Naata Meet and Greet: On Friday evening, August 15, the Rishta Na’ata department organized an opportunity for marriageable candidates and their guardians to meet with others of similar purpose and discuss potential matches. Jalsa Salana, 2014 San’at-o-Dastakri Exhibition Results: Sewing: 1st Place - South VA, 2nd Place - Orlando, FL, Honorable Mentions - Silver Spring, MD, Brooklyn, NY, Long Island, NY Crochet and Knitting: 1st Place - Chicago NW, IL, 2nd Place - Central VA, Honorable Mentions - Silver Spring, MD, Brooklyn, NY Embroidery: 1st Place - Central VA, 2nd Place - Baltimore, MD, Honorable Mention - Research Triangle Handicrafts: 1st Place - Atlanta, GA, 2nd Place - Silicon Valley, CA, Osh Kosh, WI, Honorable Mentions - Cypress Houston, TX, Queens, NY, Central VA 13 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

Jalsa Salana UK: USA Delegates Impressions of Jalsa This year 49 American Ahmadi Sisters attended Jalsa Salana UK with Sadr Lajna Ima’illah, Saliha Malik! In keeping with our beloved Huzoor’saba request from last year that he wanted to see 100 American Ahmadis this year, altogether there were 100 American Ahmadis including our men folk, Alhamdulillah! Once again we witnessed the coming together under Khilafat of thousands of people from all over the world all demonstrating the beautiful message – love for all hatred for none. The hosting Jama’at’s loving and generous hospitality struck deep feelings of gratitude in our hearts for all the workers who served so tirelessly throughout the three days of Jalsa. It was difficult to leave! We only hope and pray that our loved ones and other sisters may also make that blessed journey soon. Our delegates’ mulaqat with our beloved Huzooratba was a truly memorable occasion in which each and every one of us felt so blessed to be in Huzoor’s company and so blessed to have accepted the Promised Messiahas. ~~~~~~~~~~ What did I appreciate about the Jalsa? . The beauty of people aligning their ways with the guidance of Qur’an and the of the Holy Prophetsaw flows freely through the Jalsa Gah, Alhamdulillah! ~~~~~~ I am not a part of the Ahmadiyya Community, but I am a believer in God Almighty. I liked and appreciated how the women interacted with one another. I saw how genuine they were and how respect was shown to senior members and ladies. The children were well mannered. I also saw how education was encouraged.

The security was impressive and we During the International The young missionaries made me were met with a loving, positive Bai’at the true meaning of proud in their eagerness to serve. attitude. our pledge flooded my heart.

I was truly moved by the speeches. In the presence of our beloved It was very well Huzooratba all matters rest in organized. peace and contentment, all I am truly grateful for the opportunity to troubles are resolved. experience Jalsa UK. I want to tell everyone to go there and see Ahmadiyyat in action, the true Islam.

What surprised me more than anything was how emotional I became during the Bai’at ceremony. This was the highlight of my trip. My emotions were so high afterwards and I felt the path I I loved the sisterhood. Sometimes older am on to be validated. I feel I will never experience another Jalsa sisters can be less than cordial. Instead to this level. they were an example for the younger ones. My cup ran over. Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 14 of 48

My Jalsa UK Impressions – Jamila Ali, Milwaukee I was asked to give my impressions of Jalsa UK So I decided to write them in a very special way When I heard the news of being able to go I praised Allah ever so greatly, cause he made it so.

As I first arrived at the Jalsa Gah, My heart did beat rhythmatically, “Allaho Akbar” Tears filled my eyes as I glanced all around, And Zindabad Ahmadiyyat was the constant sound.

Sisters and brothers from all over the world, Representing Ahmadiyyat, the unhidden pearl.

Faithful followers of the Promised Messiah, the , Ahmadis as far as I could see Emotions raised through poems, speeches and recitations, Translated to different languages from many nations.

Hospitality so wonderful I just can’t begin to explain, For the young men of Jamia Ahmadiyyat worked through sunshine and rain

Oh the blessing of seeing Huzoor’s face, While brothers felt his warm embrace, Though every time we watch him come and go Allah knows we’ll miss him so.

I pray my sweet Allah grants me the opportunity to return, Cause the desire in my heart will continue to burn. The memory and my impressions of this Jalsa UK Will forever touch my spirit and soul through each and every night and day. 15 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 National Matters

MAJLIS-E-SHURA LAJNA IMA’ILLAH USA, 2014 By the sheer grace and mercy of Allah the Almighty, a successful Majlis-e-Shura was held from October 24-26, 2014 at Bait-ul-Zafar Mosque in Queens, NY. There were 284 delegates and 31 observers from all across the attended this auspicious event. We are truly grateful to the members of Queens as well as the neighboring Jama’ats - Long Island and Brooklyn for their generous hospitality and diligent service. SOME HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PROGRAM ARE AS FOLLOWS:

 The respective subcommittee chairs presented the Implementation reports on last year’s Shura proposals.  The Shura Secretary presented all of the Shura proposals for 2014 including the ones, which had been accepted for deliberations by the National Amila and subsequently approved by Hazrat Khalifatul Masihatba.  Four subcommittees were formed to discuss the proposals selected for this year.  While the committees convened to deliberate on the proposals, Sadr Lajna - Saliha Malik Sahiba, engaged the remaining attendees in an informative presentation on the “Importance of Jumu’ah,” highlighting how this blessed day is a shield against the pitfalls of materialism and a practical expression of the unity of the believers. The presentation was followed by an enthusiastic interactive discussion.  On the second day of Shura the subcommittee chairs presented the committees’ recommendations for the Shura delegates to deliberate and comment upon and to give the final vote.  National Sadr Election – The election for Sadr Lajna Ima’Illah was held. Saliha Malik Sahiba was elected and subsequently approved by Huzooratba for a third term, Alhamdulillah!

The following non-Shura sessions were held after the conclusion of Majlis-e-Shura to benefit the newly elected local sadrs in particular and the gathering in general:

 National Muavina Sadr in-charge of IT, Mabroor Jattala Sahiba’s presentation emphasized the proper and careful use of the Lajna communication system, technological resources and following National directives and guidelines.  National Secretary Tarbiyat, Aziza Rahman Sahiba, gave a captivating presentation on Huzoor-e- Anwar’saba address to Lajna Ima’Illah at the occasion of Jalsa Salana UK, “Signs of Ibadur Rahman.” The presentation elucidated the qualities of a true servant of Allah as explained by Huzooraba.  National Secretary Tabligh, Dhiya Bakr Sahiba, together with a selected Tabligh panel discussed ‘How to introduce the Promised Messiah” at Tabligh events and other Tabligh tips.  Announcements included:  AWSA (Ahmadiyya Women Scientists association) – new elections and the upcoming Qur’an and Science Symposium  AMSAW (Ahmadi Muslim Students Association for Women) – how to start this association for women at colleges  “The ” – the importance of subscribing

In her closing speech “Responsibilities and Expectations of Local Sadrs and Office Holders,” Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 16 of 48

Sadr Lajna Imaillah, Saliha Malik Sahiba gave some important reminders and emphasized:

 Always work for Unity  Put our trust in Allah & Pray  Be a good role model and observant of Purdah etc.  Be mindful of good communications and be loving and forbearing  Be present and participate in all local events  Serve in your office to please Allah

Her thought provoking presentation concluded with the following words of the Promised Messiahas, “He who is grafted onto me is grafted onto Him from whom I have come.... I hold a lamp in my hand. Any person who comes to me will certainly partake of the light of this lamp” (The ).

Please visit the Majlis-e-Shura page on http://www.lajnausa.net/web/ to benefit from these remarkable presentations. Jazakallah!

Approved Majlis-e Aamilah for Lajna Ima’Illah USA [2014-2016] Offices Aamilah Members / (Region) Sadr Lajna Ima’Illah Saliha Malik Naib Sadr 1 Amatul Musawir Ahmad Naib Sadr 2 Amatul Hai Ahmad (HQ) General Secretary Hifza Hayee Assistant General Secretary Lubna Malik (HQ) Secretary Taleem Mubarika Shah (HQ) Secretary Tarbiyat Aziza Rahman Secretary Tabligh Dhiya Bakr Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq Dr. Kishwar Tahir Secretary Tarbiyat Nau Mubai’at Nusrat Bashir Secretary Nasirat Laeeqa Mirza Secretary Tajneed Nakasha Ahmad Secretary Maal Najmi Azam Secretary Tehrik-e-Jadid Tazeen Ahmad (HQ) Secretary Waqf-e-Jadid Shazia Sohail Secretary Isha ’at Farzana Safiullah (HQ) Secretary San’at wa Dastkari Ansa Rehmatullah Secretary Sihat Jismani Dr. Tahira Khalid (HQ) Muhasiba Maal Zeba Malik Secretary Ziafat Baseer Zubair (HQ) Muavina Sadr (Office) Tayyaba Bhatti (HQ) Muavina Sadr (In charge IT Dept) Mabroor Jattala Muavina Sadr (In charge Waqfe Nau) Mabroor Jattala Muavina Sadr (In charge Media Watch) Shahina Bashir (HQ) Muavina Sadr (In charge ages 15 – 25) Ruqaiya Asad (HQ) Honorary member Aliyyah Shaheed Honorary member Salma Ghani Honorary member Dr. Shanaz Butt Honorary member Naeema Latif (HQ) 17 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

A Reception in honor of Syeda Apa Tahira Sadiqa Nasir Sahiba at Baitur Rehman

On Friday, August 4, 2014, Central Region Lajna and Nasirat had the blessed opportunity to enjoy the company of Syeda Apa Tahira Sadiqa Nasir Sahiba, the wife of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh at Bait-ur-Rahman Mosque. The program consisted of formal comments by Syeda Apa Tahira, an interactive question and answer session and, salat and dinner with our respected guest. Several National Amila members were also present at this event including National Naib Sadr, Amatul Hai Ahmad, National Taleem Secretary, Mubarika Shah Sahiba, National Secretary Ziafat, Amtul Baseer Zubair and National Assistant General Secretary, Lubna R. Malik Sahiba.

Central Region Sadr, Naseerah Bhatti Sahiba, introduce respected Syeda Apa Tahira Sahiba and explained that she devotes her time to teaching the Holy Qur’an to young Nasirat and Lajna members. And in the past, as a service to humanity, being a medical doctor by profession, she also treated hundreds of patients in Pakistan. As a devoted Lajna member, Syeda Apa Tahira Sadiqa Sahiba has served as both Sadr Lajna Pakistan and Sadr Lajna .

Syeda Apa Tahira Sadiqa Sahiba addressed the Lajna and Nasirat and expressed her pleasure at the members’ regular attendance at Dars-ul-Qur’an during the blessed month of Ramadhan at Masjid Mubarak. She discussed her concerns regarding the proper practice of purdah in the United States, and stressed the importance and critical nature of purdah. She also discussed the importance of holding simple wedding festivities and praying for good understanding and love between new couples.

Following the formal address, Lajna and Nasirat participated in an interactive question and answer session with Syeda Apa Tahira Sadiqa Sahiba and a dinner where she met individually with Lajna and Nasirat. Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 18 of 48 Taleem Matters

Jalsa Seerat ul- Nabi (On the life and character of the Holy Prophetsaw)

He it is Who has sent His Messenger, with guidance and the Religion of truth, that He may make it prevail over all other religions. And sufficient is Allah as a Witness (48:29). All Lajna Majalis are reminded to hold special Seerat ul-Nabi meetings (Jalsas) and events to educate Lajna and non- Ahmadi guests on the exemplary life and character of the most influential person in the world, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw.

The following Majalis held their Jalsa in October, which according to our Taleem program, was our Seerat ul-Nabi month: MD- Laurel, VA- South, MI - Detroit, OH - Cleveland, NJ - Central, TX - Houston South, NC - Charlotte, NY - Syracuse, WI - Oshkosh, , and IL - Chicago East.

National Secretary Taleem, Mubarika Shah

AMSAW Updates

AMSAW is Growing…

By the grace of Allah, two chapters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association for Women (AMSAW) have been established at the University of at College Park and George Mason University. Other chapters are also being set up across the USA. We encourage all Lajna students to establish AMSAW chapters at your college or university. For more information, contact [email protected]. AMSAW Logo Design Competition AMSAW is in need of a logo that captures the spirit of our organization: "Faith. Love. Service." If you have any experience or talent for graphic design, now is the time to let it shine! We welcome submissions of AMSAW logos from all Lajna members. Please submit your logo design to [email protected]. Special recognition will be given to the selected designer. Other Taleem Reminders

Salat Memorization Please continue to make every effort to learn split word translation of the entire Salat. Learning split-word translation will help you understand the deeper meaning of Salat and increase the quality of your Salat. Split word Salat is provided in the Workbook, which is also available at: http://lajnausa.net/web/webfiles/taleem/TTWB- 2013-2015/English_TTWB2013_2015_R1.pdf

Please ensure you have learned split word translation of Salat up to Durood, as this will be part of the Taleem test.

Book Reading Please ensure that you have completed reading the Life of Muhammadsaw, as the Taleem test will include questions related to the book. 19 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 Tarbiyat Matters

During his address to Lajna Ima’illah at the 2014 Jalsa Salana UK, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vatba stressed the importance of becoming ‘Ibadur Rahman’ (the servants of the Gracious God) for every Ahmadi man and woman. Referring to the last ruku of Sura Al Furqan, Huzooratba explained the qualities required to become ‘Ibadur Rahman’ and how to achieve them. These qualities include: avoiding all types of shirk; regularity in Salat and Tahajjad; truthfulness; humility; spreading peace by avoiding conflict; avoiding laghviat (activities that prevent one from carrying out HaquqAllah and HaququlAbaad) and not being blind and deaf to Allah’s commands. To help us achieve these goals, Huzooratba said that every Ahmadi should recite the following prayers: O Lord, save us from the hell of ignorance and lack of knowledge. O Lord, save us from the hell of worldliness and materialism. O Lord, save us from the hell of our future generations going astray. O Lord, save us from the hell of disbelief and idolatry. O Lord, save us from the hell of atheism and doubt. O Lord, save us from the hell of willfulness, falsehood and oppression. O Lord, save us from the hell of being distant from Your love and pleasure. Please make every effort to listen to this inspiring address, which is available online. May Allah Ta'ala enable us all to benefit from Huzoor’satba guidance and enable us to safeguard our future generations, Ameen. National Secretary Tarbiyat, Aziza Rahman

REPORT OF LISTENING TO FRIDAY SERMONS - The following Majalis have reported that more than 75% of their membership listens to Huzoor’satba Friday sermons regularly: August 2014 Small Majalis: Sacramento, Merced, Charlotte, Las Vegas, Fitchburg, Oshkosh, Iowa, Bloomington, and New Orleans. Medium Majalis: Washington DC, Hartford, LA West, Binghamton, and Zion. Large Majalis: Central, Queens, Long Island, Dallas, and LA East.

September 2014 Small Majalis: Sacramento, Merced, Kentucky, Charlotte, Las Vegas, Oshkosh, Bloomington and New Orleans. Medium Majalis: Baltimore, Fort Worth, Hartford, and Zion. Large Majalis: Virginia Central, Queens, Dallas and LA East.

October 2014 Small Majalis: New Orleans, Charlotte, Kentucky, Las Vegas, Iowa, Bloomington, Fitchburg and Oshkosh Medium Majalis: Hartford Large Majalis: VA Central, Queens, Dallas and LA West Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 20 of 48 Tarbiyat Nau Mubaiyat Matters

“Our Lord, we have heard a Crier calling us unto faith, ‘Believe ye in your Lord,’ and we have believed. Our Lord, forgive us, therefore, our errors and remove from us our evils, and in death number us with the righteous.” (3:194)

Welcome Our New Sisters!

LA East Linda Belardes Portland Ann Coleman Silicon Valley Natasha Gude Las Vegas Denise Browne Alabama/TN Viola Carter Queens Magdalena Franco

Silicon Valley Olga Eippertt Baltimore Aisha Shoukat Baltimore Ayesha Candelerio

Dayton Melissa Brandeberry Looking Ahead:

As we approach the new year, I want to take this opportunity to share some important Jama’at celebrations/ events to put on your calendar:

Musleh Mau‘ud Day (Jama’at Celebration) - February 15, 2015 Muhammadsaw Message of Peace Conferences Nationwide - March 4, 2015 Masih Mau‘ud Day (Jama’at Celebration) - March 22, 2015 Lajna Mentoring Conference - March 27 thru 29, 2015 Khilafat Day (Jama’at Celebration) - May 24, 2015 Religious Knowledge Question 2: (Answer will be provided in the next Lajna Matters edition)

How many chapters are there in the Holy Qur’an?

*If you are a new sister who knows the answer to the question, email your answer to [email protected] with the subject line: “Religious knowledge question2.”

Religious Knowledge Question1: Which chapter in the Holy Qur’an is the shortest and which chapter is the longest?

Religious Knowledge Answer1: Surah Al-Kauthar (chapter 108) is the shortest chapter and Surah Al- Baqarah (chapter 2) is the longest chapter. (Source: Religious Knowledge: in the form of Questions and Answers by Abdul Rashid Architect)

National Secretary Tarbiyat Nau Mubaiyat, Nusrat Bashir 21 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 Khidmat-e-Khalq Matters

Lajna USA is very active in serving its membership and the community. Several Lajnaat volunteered their services for the annual Jalsa Salana USA. At the local level, they volunteered to raise funds for Humanity First, USA and serve soup kitchens and adopted shelters regularly. Some of the chapter highlights are listed below for the months of August, September and October 2014.

National Secretary Khidmat e Khalq, Kishwar Tahir

Phoenix, AZ: Lajna members received a certificate of appreciation from the United Food Bank upon donating 440 lbs. of food. They also made large donations of women’s hygiene products to Veterans Donation Drive.

Dayton, OH: Lajna members prepared food twice at the Ronald McDonald House of Charities and fed 35-45 people. They also donated 24 fruit baskets to neighbors around the mosque.

Oshkosh, WI: Lajna members collected and donated 180 lbs. of food.

Georgia: Lajna member shared healthy recipes and dishes at the interfaith gathering.

Queens, NY: Lajna members donated $6,000 for Humanity First, USA. They provided dried food trays to twelve ladies performing Itikaf.

Potomac, MD: Dinner was cooked and served to 87 guests at Frederick’s Soup Kitchen. They donated 121 food items as well.

Minnesota, MN: Lajna members donated food and other supplies to the Salvation Army.

Zion, IL: Lajna members donated food to North Food Bank.

Virginia North: Three members donated $300 for a member’s eye surgery in Pakistan. Four members donated $650 for students’ admission.

Boston, MA: A Lajna member from the Boston Chapter provided long-term support to her friends, a Christian family while their mother underwent many months of chemotherapy. Sadly their mother passed away recently in her early 40’s and our Lajna member is continuing to look after the family and support them as best she can. May Allah grant the family steadfastness at this difficult time and may He enable our Lajna member to continue in her noble efforts. Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 22 of 48

Tabligh Matters Syracuse, NY: Lajna members donated household items to refugee families. Research Triangle, NC: Lajna members donated funds and items to their adopted shelter called “Carrying Place,” UNC Horizons Women’s Shelter, the Gaza Relief Fund for Humanity First, the African Village Fund, and the Syedna Bilal Fund. Orlando, FL: A Lajna member donated non-perishable food items, personal hygiene items, and diapers to ‘The Sharing Centre” in Sanford, FL. Houston South, TX: Lajna members organized a Meena Bazaar and raised $10,000 in funds. Philadelphia, PA: Three Lajna members were trained by the Miller-Keystone Blood Center to volunteer at blood donation drives. They also volunteered at a blood drive at Chestnut Hill College. Thirty-six pints of blood were collected and “Muslims for Life” wristbands were distributed. Washington, DC: Members cleaned the mosque and planted the backyard with flowers. They gave food and monetary donations to a local DC shelter “Bread for the City” and provided IT and computer training for Amila members. Silicon Valley, CA: Silicon Valley Lajna established a Humanity First USA Food Pantry two years ago. They cater to more than 100 people each month. The pantry is located in the Ahmadiyya Mosque in San Jose and customers come once a month to pick up food bags containing fruits, vegetables, and non-perishable items. Willingboro, NJ: Lajna members donated food items for the pantry Ronald McDonald House in Philadelphia during their visit. They also provided school supplies for the children staying at our adopted shelter of Providence House Catholic Charities. Sisters regularly donate food to area shelters such as Sisterhood of Burlington and the Sisters of Saint Claire’s Monastery. Lajna members collected bread and pastries donated by ''Panera Bread'' and delivered the baked goods to several homeless shelters. The Lajna members hold a ‘‘Humanity First Willingboro Food Pantry'' every third Saturday of the month. From September to October, we have served 99 families, 178 Adults, 149 children and 107 seniors. Approximately 5,290 lbs of food items were distributed. Forty-one Lajna members and Nasirat volunteered at the Food Pantry. LA Inland Empire, CA: A group of six Lajna members volunteered at a local event arranged by the Inland Empire United Way. This was a part of Inland Empire United Way’s celebration of “Make a Difference Day” by gathering volunteers to give Monte Vista Elementary School in Montclair a much needed makeover. They cleaned the walls of the school and prepared them for painting. They also helped clean the play area. The members introduced themselves 23 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

and the Chino mosque to the organizers and other volunteers, and invited them to visit the mosque. North Jersey: The Lajna members helped each other and people in the local community with rent, transportation and groceries. They also raised funds for Children’s Miracle Network and assisted the local soup kitchen, Bnei Keshet, as well as a local Food Pantry (St. Anne’s Church) and Human Needs Pantry. Free medical treatment and medication was given to members without medical insurance. They adopted a family through a school program and provided school supplies and winter clothing for them. Dayton, OH: Lajna members helped prepare 60 food baskets that were given out before and after Eid ul Fitr. On Eid ul Adha, Lajna members set up a table with donations of clothes, shoes, and household items. Central VA: In October, Lajna Members were able to participate in two walks that benefited our local adopted shelter, Cornerstone Shelter. Participation in The Help the Homeless Community Walk helped provide basic and essential items, such as pillows, dishes and food for those moved into stable housing through Cornerstones' Rapid Re-Housing Challenge. By the grace of Allah, 8 Lajna members participated in the 2 mile walk. The majority of the participants were from local churches and religious organizations. The walkers were each given a T -shirt and a card with the journey that lead to a family’s or individual’s homelessness. Our Lajna members were able to introduce our Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to some of the walk’s organizers and tell them about our monthly contribution to the shelter. They were impressed and very grateful. We were also able to make new connections and hopefully will invite our new friends to our interfaith events held at our mosque. Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 24 of 48 Muslims for Life

Houston North: Lajna members were very active in participating in and organizing the “Muslims for Life” blood drive campaign. Several Lajna members donated blood. Willingboro, NJ: Lajna members participated in a “Muslims for Life” blood drive in September organized by the local Jama’at. Twelve Lajna members donated blood. Lajna members also helped in organizing the blood drive by welcoming guest donors and making phone calls to them. Kentucky: On September 10, 2014 the Kentucky Jama’at, in conjunction with the Kentucky Blood Center and local Community College conducted their annual “Muslims for Life” Blood Drive in Somerset, KY. The local Lajna members made a sincere contribution to this effort by recruiting many colleagues and hospital employees to donate, as well as donating blood themselves. Because of the recruiting efforts of the Lajna, the Kentucky Blood Center reached 136% of its goal! In fact, participation was so great that the Kentucky Blood Center had to call in three additional employees to handle the crowd present to donate. The Lajna is very proud of this effort and its outcome, Mash’Allah. Among the outstanding members of the community present at the Blood Drive were the Mayor’s secretary and the Director of Diversity of the Multicultural Board of Somerset Community College. Photographs were taken of the event and many expressed their enthusiasm and appreciation. Informational pamphlets and “Muslims for Life” t-shirts were on display. It was by the sheer blessings of God Almighty that another very successful blood drive was carried out in this small, rural area in southeastern Kentucky. It is our hope that next year our efforts will allow us to surpass the goal we achieved this year. Silicon Valley, CA: In September, five Lajna members donated blood for the “Muslims for Life” Campaign. Tulsa, OK: AID Islam Students' Association (AISA) worked very hard in collaboration with the national Muslims for Life team and the local nonprofit blood bank, Community Blood Center of the Ozarks to advertise the drive to the University community and the community at large through Newswire announcements and community church groups, etc. The Lajna members worked hard to let the local public know of this event. We worked closely with Dr. Douglas Adams, Professor of Sociology, and several other professors who gave extra credit to students for donating blood, or bringing their friends to donate blood or for volunteering at our drives. We held two drives at the University of Arkansas Union Building. As a result 136 people came to donate blood. We collected over 100 pints of blood in these two drives. The event was also advertised through information and signup tables in front of the Union Food Court and classes, and hanging banners for several days in the Union. The University newspaper Arkansas Traveler ran a story on our event as well. Research Triangle, NC: Lajna members arranged for two blood drives in September. On 9/11 at UNC Chapel Hill, 39 pints were collected. On 9/29 at Meredith College, they collected 32 units. 25 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

Tabligh Matters

Zion, IL: Zion Lajna members held an interfaith tea in collaboration with the women of Wildwood Presbyterian Church. Approximately 40 women attended our Interfaith Tea, with approximately 25 women from WPC church and 15 from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Women from both faiths worked hard to promote this event and bring members together in hopes of understanding each other’s religion and to raise money for a local Domestic Violence Shelter called “A Safe Place.” Alhamdulillah, we raised $450.00 dollars in cash and three grocery carts full of supplies needed for the shelter. The program started with the readings from the Holy Qur’an and the Bible followed by an introduction of the group and presentations from speakers of both faiths. After the formal session, and informal tea was enjoyed by the guests while hearing a presentation from the Director of “A Safe Place” about the facility and services they provide. Overall, Alhamdolillah it was a great success!!! Houston North: After a successful three years of interfaith discussions at Hosanna Lutheran Church, a new kind of discussion called Women's Community Voices was initiated at the local public library. Many old participants and some new ones joined us in this monthly discussion about faith and culture. The Lajna Tabligh secretary was invited back to Lone Star Community College to present classes on Islam. More than 50 adults attended these classes during this quarter. Oshkosh, WI: Lajna members invited guests for Eid-ul-Adha prayer and dinner at the mosque. Laurel, MD: Lajna members visited the Chaplain’s Office at the United States Senate on September 23rd, 2014. The group met with the Chief of Staff for the Senate Chaplain Office, Lisa Schultz. Lajna members donated approximately 70 books on Islam and Ahmadiyyat. A senate police officer escorted the group on a tour of the United States Capitol. The Chaplain’s Office thanked the members and asked for continued visits. Silicon Valley, CA: The Jama’at hosted “An Astonishing Story of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw”. Lajna members promoted this event through flyer distribution, networking with contacts, and inviting local community leaders and non-profit organizations. Approximately 100 guests attended the event. Lajna members assisted in managing guest registration and internet traffic for this event using Google Ads and other social media. They also arranged for separate accommodations for women with young children to attend the conference. Lajna members, who also serve on the Public Affairs team, met with US Congresswoman Jackie Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 26 of 48

Spears to discuss the work of the Jama’at and to enlist her support for Jama’at causes. Central VA: We have been meeting with the ladies of Presbyterian Church for several years and we held many Interfaith and social sessions with them so that we can establish a long-term relationship with them. In recent months, many members of the Church have been unwell. In August, we had the opportunity to visit two of these families at their homes. We took some food and offered any help needed. We had conversations about various issues that also shed light on Islamic teachings. Our aim was to sympathize and be there for them in their difficult time. This was a great source of happiness for them. Alhamdulillah One member of the Church expressed her feelings: We had such a treat last night...the food was delicious! Thank you so much for bringing it and visiting with us. When you are dealing with medical problems your world becomes very small. Your visit lifted our spirits...Marilyn We had a Tabligh session with a Christian lady at . She is interested in Islam and is trying to find peace in her life. We had a discussion on Ahmadiyyat, Surah Al-Fatiha, Salat and extremism. In September, the lajna attended an interfaith session at the Presbyterian Church; the philosophy of purdah in Islam was discussed. We attended a second interfaith gathering with the ladies of New Life Church. We discussed verses of the Bible about patience; Islamic teachings about repentance and Istighfar were also discussed. Hartford, CT: Lajna members reached out to local libraries to distribute Jama’at literature. Members held a workshop on how to initiate a conversation about Islam's perspective on current issues, such as ISIS, Ebola, and Veteran's Day. LA Inland Empire, CA: Three Lajna members attended an interfaith event at the Cao Dai Universal Temple and spoke about Islam, Ahmadiyyat, and Huzoor’s message of peace. A very interesting incident took place. As one of the Lajna members was talking about Huzoor and mentioned his book World Crisis and Pathway to Peace, a guest in the audience held up Huzoor's book for everyone to see and exclaimed that she owned this book. Members also held religious dialogues with several Hispanic communities and churches. Buffalo, NY: Interfaith Seminar: On September 14, 2014, 100 guests attended our 6th annual Interfaith Seminar, which was held at the Millennium Hotel in Buffalo. This year’s theme was on “The Concept of God in Modern Times.” There were 60 non-Ahmadi guests and 40 Lajna members, many of who traveled from Corning, Binghamton, Syracuse and Rochester. The guests were offered three books each. The Cheektowaga Bee news covered the event the day before and gave an excellent history of the previous events and of Lajna Ima’illah. 27 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

There were four speakers to address the topics:

 Atia Nasar - Concept of God in Modern Times (Syracuse)  Dr. Enid Bloch - Existence on this Earth  Sister Beth Brosmer - Attributes of God  Dr. Shanaz Tejani Butt - The Purpose of our Existence (Philadelphia) The guests really appreciated the event. Some of their comments were: Come September we are so looking forward to these events by the Women’s Auxiliary of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

I had second thoughts to come to the event because these events are so one sided. Today I felt refreshed and felt such a unifying experience that it is beyond words.

The hospitality and welcoming environment excelled all the interfaith events I have attended.

Oshkosh, WI: This year, once again, Oshkosh Lajna held three stalls at the local farmer's market for the application of henna. Alhamdulillah, we raised close to $700, to benefit ongoing Jama’at schemes. We also sold several decorative items, as well as Pakistani recipe books created by our local lajna, which were a great success. Mash ‘Allah the turnout for the market was excellent. We also gave out Jama’at flyers, shared information about the Jama’at and local mosque. Dayton, OH: Lajna members discussed and answered questions on adultery, rights of women, marriage, and sects in Islam at a Tabligh program held at a senior center. The audience was invited to visit the mosque, which they agreed to do at a future date. Boston, MA: A Lajna member from the Boston chapter attended the opening of the Ireland Mosque in Galway and spoke about the message of Islam Ahmadiyya to several groups of people. She also gave interviews to local newspapers regarding the opening of a Galway Mosque in Ireland. A Lajna member with her husband, attended an interfaith event at the Weston Wayland Interfaith Action Group, . The guest speaker, a recent convert to Islam, introduced the Islamic faith and also referred to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as an example of Muslims who are leading in humanitarian efforts. After the talk, our Lajna member introduced herself to Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 28 of 48

the speaker and provided her with information about the ‘Muslims for Life’ and ‘Muslim for Peace’ campaigns which the Weston Wayland Interfaith Action Group happily agreed to place on links on their website, as a reference of Muslims who are serving humanity. Members of Lajna Ima’illah Boston attended talks at Harvard Law School and University delivered by Respected Mujeeb-ur-Rahman entitled ‘Apartheid of Ahmadis in Pakistan’. Whilst attending the event, several Lajna had the opportunity to interact with other non-Muslim attendees at the event, and speak more about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Willingboro, NJ: Lajna members were invited by a Jewish synagogue, Adath Emanual of Mount Laurel for a Sukkot celebration. The Lajna Tabligh secretary and another Lajna member attended the event and learned the history and tradition behind this celebration. Bay Point, CA: The Lajna members held an Interfaith Panel at the home of the Lajna Tabligh Secretary. Guests from Christianity, Seventh Day Adventist, Hinduism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Sunni Islam, and Zorastrian faiths shared their view on the topic “How to find the God in you and reflect the colors of God.” 29 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

Fort Worth, TX: The Lajna Ima’illah Women’s Auxiliary hosted a Women’s Health and Wellness Interfaith Expo at Tarrant County College on Monday 27th October. The Expo attracted a diverse population of women from different religions, cultures, creeds and races and was a true representation of our mission, of unity in diversity. The expo opened with a beautiful recitation of the Qur’an. The local Sadr Lajna Ima’illah, Fort Worth, Javaria Zahid, gave an overview of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in her opening address. She showed a short video and stated the mission of our expo: to empower women to take control of their health –mind, body and spirit. There were two headline speakers and then four speakers from various religious organizations:

 Mayor Betsy Price whose contribution to health and women’s well being makes her a role model to all women and unprecedented in her office of the 17th largest city in the US.  Dr. Jamie Walker Erwin obstetrician and gynecologist from Baylor health captured the audience with her thorough presentation on Preventive Health Care in women of all ages. Dr. Erwin’s ease with the audience made her presentation a gentle, encouraging outreach to each sector of the female population to really look at the health issues that affect them and take control of it.  Sherree Bennett from the Joan Katz Breast Center gave a heartwarming account of her experience as a breast cancer survivor and very easy to follow demonstration of breast self- examination.  Kim Karlson from Kim Karlson Ministries gave a heart wrenching account of her journey through physical ailments and how she was able to overcome the insurmountable odds and obstacles through her faith and prayer.  Kristin Burrows from the Daughters of Abraham addressed the interfaith topic “How can Women Attain Spiritual Health in Today’s Society”  Dr. Angelina Rohanna Tucker from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community addressed the same interfaith topic from an Islamic perspective she highlighted two main stereotypes in the western society about women wearing the hijab (veil) and the rights of women in Islam. Forty people were present, half of them non-Ahmadi. Forty programs were distributed which detailed the overview of Ahmadiyyat and 30 flyers with the same on the day of the event. Leading up to the event at least 100 flyers were distributed online and in person. The feedback from the audience and speakers was very encouraging. Many expressed ignorance of Ahmadiyyat and were very grateful to learn who we are, what we believe and most of all to support our slogan ‘Love for All Hatred for None.’ Mayor Price also added before leaving, “I like the motto ‘Love for All Hatred for None;’ it should be implemented in our society.” Media Watch Matters

Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 30 of 48 Publication Matters

Jazakumullah for all your contributions for the Lajna Matters and we look forward to more for the next issue. If local Ishaat secretaries need help with compiling their contributions, please contact [email protected]. If you would like to write for the Ayesha, please contact [email protected]. For receipt books and to order additional Taleem & Tarbiyat workbooks, please contact [email protected]. As always, we look forward to your comments and feedback! We are looking for sisters who are interested in writing and editing. If you have a strong background in this, please contact [email protected].

Farzana Safiullah, National Publications Secretary

IT Matters

Lajna Ima’illah - USA Website

http://www.lajnausa.net Please visit the website frequently for upcoming events, updates in your region and departmental news. Make a frequent use of Lajna Website resources during your General, Halqa and Nasirat meet- ings/Classes. Please send your feedback to [email protected]. Mabroor Jattala National IT/Website Department

31 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

Regional Matters

LAJNA PRIZES East Coast Ijtema 2014 Approximately 1000 Lajna and Nasirat attended the East Coast English Impromptu Speech Ijtema from a total of 5 regions and 31 Majalis.The Ijtema Ist Amen Aqeel VA South began on Friday with an Interactive workshop on the ‘Purpose 2nd Nazia Ahmad MD Baltimore of the Advent of the Messiah,’ this was followed by Impromptu 3rd Linta Khan CT Hartford Speech Competitions in English & Urdu while the Nasirat held Urdu Impromptu Speech a Jeopardy knowledge game. 1st Amtul Manan Qamar NJ On Saturday, ‘The Characteristics of the Promised Messiah’ Central were presented – his ardent love for Allah, The Holy Prophet & 2nd Shama Nusrat VA South the Holy Qur’an and his devoted practice of Prayer. Then Lajna 3rd Bushra Omer and Amtul Rafiq ages 15-25 shared a presentation on Khilafat, followed by a Bushra jeopardy style quiz. In the evening there was a poetry reading ______

social hour (Mehfil e Shair o Sukhn) and Lajna ages 15-25 held NASIRAT PRIZES an interactive session on the theme of ‘How to Build an Ahmadi Identity.’ The Nasirat program included Holy Qur’an Qur’an Memorization competitions, Essay writing competition, Poster competition, Age group 7 to 9 Arts & crafts activities and brain teasers! 1st Huda Mahmood NY Queens 2nd Elham Mahmood VA South On Sunday, we enjoyed the five Region Nasirat Tirana, 3rd Alisha Mansoor MD Silver poster display and prize distribution. Then there were two Spring presentations on “The Importance of Wasiyyat” and Sadr Sahiba, Saliha Malik’s closing speech on “The Ten Conditions of Bai’at.” Age group 10 to 12 An inspiring open mike session on the effect upon us of 1st Zinnia Virk VA South ‘Meeting the Messiah’ and Dua concluded this special event. 2nd Anusha Mubashir NY Long Island With an impressive attendance, the Ijtema was a wonderful 3rd Nasheeta Khandker NJ Central event; in-formative, uplifting, bonding and enjoyable, Alhamdulillah! May Allah bless all who participated and all who Qur’an Nazira served, Ameen. Age group 13 to 14 1st Haniah Virk, VA South 2nd Rabea Summer Rehman, FL Orlando 3rd Shazia Mansoor, MD Silver Spring

Poster Competition 1st Georgia 2nd Lehigh Valley, Buffalo, DC 3rd Silver Spring Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 32 of 48

West Coast Ijtema 2014 By the Grace of Almighty Allah, the West Coast Regional Ijtema of Lajna Ima’Illah & Nasirat ul Ahmadiyya took place at the Bait-ul-Hameed Mosque in Chino, on Saturday & Sunday, September 13 - 14, 2014 on the beautiful theme “Meeting the Messiah” More than 340 Guests from 13 Majalis attended the Ijtema. It was indeed a lovely feeling to attend this ijtema held at Bait ul Hameed. LA East, LA Inland Empire, LA West and San Diego hosted the event and assisted in the preparations. Regional Sadrs Henna Malik Sahiba and Bushra Bajwa Sahiba presided over the event. Bushra Bajwa gave the opening address. Captivating competitions were held on Lajna & Nasirat Holy Qur’an Memorization, Nasirat Poems & Speeches, Lajna & Nasirat Quiz and the Nasirat Banner Presentation with Tarana. The Nasirat marched with their Majlis Color Banner, on the theme “Meeting The Messiah.”

Workshops & Panel Discussions were as follows:  Signs of the coming of the Messiah in the latter days  Fulfilling the Purpose of the Advent of the Promised Messiah  Balancing Faith & Spirituality with School Work  Why are we Ahmadi? (Ahmadiyya Jamaat Down the Memory Lane)  Waqfeen-e Nau - Soldiers of the Messiah  Importance of Financial contribution

A Fundraiser was also held, which raised $969.00 for the African Village Fund. For the Prize Distribution, Trophies & Certificates were distributed to all the winners and chocolates to the participants. For the closing address North West Regional Sadr Hena Malik Sahiba read the beautiful message sent by our respected Sadr Lajna USA- Saliha Malik Sahiba. The program was most informative and motivating and thoroughly addressed the important questions: ‘What is the purpose of the coming of the Messiah?’ and ‘Why is it necessary to accept him?’ We hope and pray that the workshops and presentations will make an impact and a positive change in our lives and the beautiful time spent together during the Ijtema will strengthen sisterhood bonds and unity. 33 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

Local Matters Hartford, CT: An Arabic speaking Lajna member has volunteered her time to teach the Lajna ages

15-25 the Arabic language.

Binghamton, NY: Our new masjid was built and Lajna made a great effort in decorating and arranging the décor of the Masjid just in time to hold our first Iftari, Alhamdulillah.

Miami, FL: A Meena Bazaar was held in late September. It was a delightful event that all of our members, young and old really enjoyed. The Lajna members of Miami Jama’at did an excellent job of coming together to create a variety of stalls to help us raise funds. They cooked and baked food, donated new clothing items. The highlight of the event was the game of musical chairs, which resulted in competitive enjoyment and laughter. Among the many selling items, the food tables were by far the most frequently visited at the Meena Bazaar, with such a delicious variety of aromatic assortments. Tables and racks consisted of a variety of items for sale, including shoes, shalwar kameez, and calligraphy art work. Members put their talents to work by having a henna art stall. The total funds collected at this wonderfully entertaining and successful Meena Bazaar were $1,420.00!

Georgia/ SC: Lajna had their first Humanity First Meena Bazaar on September 6th. Lajna and Nasirat members had booths selling snacks, candies, juice, Baklava and some jewelry items. Nasirat and the young lajna also volunteered at the stalls and helped sell many items.

Washington DC: Lajna organized and conducted a session on voluntary donations and explained the jama’at monetary chanda system. They went through each collection and explained where it was used, how much is required and the history behind it. The session ended with question and answer session.

Philadelphia, PA: A group of Philadelphia Lajna have been working with Scribe Video Center as a part of their Muslim Voices project to create a web series entitled "Maidservants of Allah: Muslim Women in Perspective." By the grace of Allah, the first part of the series was screened at twelve different locations across Philadelphia including universities, libraries, and museums. After these screenings, various Lajna members also had the chance to discuss the project, and answer questions about Lajna Ima'illah and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Alhamdulillah, it was an excellent opportunity to have an open dialogue on many misconceptions pertaining to women in Islam. Insha’Allah, the web series will discuss issues addressing Muslim women ranging from marriage to purdah and will be posted to www.MaidServantsOfAllah.info, a website the Philadelphia Lajna is currently developing.

Orlando, FL: Nine Lajna members and one Nasirat member from Orlando, FL Majlis were blessed Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 34 of 48

to attend the 2014 US Jalsa in Harrisburg, PA. Eight of these members were enabled to serve as Jalsa volunteers; some did so continuously all three days, Alhamdulillah. One Lajna member participated in the Lajna program by reading the Urdu translation of the opening recitation of the Holy Qur’an. Four Lajna members and one Nasirat member attended the East Coast Lajna & Nasirat Ijtema at Baitur Rahman, MD, participating fully throughout. One Lajna member did the opening recitation of the Holy Qur’an for the session assigned to the Southeast Region.

Seerat-un-Nabi Events

South Virginia: Two Seerat-un-Nabi jalsas were held during the month of October, Alhamdulillah. Each Jalsa was conducted with the collaboration of two local Halqas. Highlights of the Jalsas were speeches/presentations by Lajna and Nasirat on topics that were very pertinent to our modern times. Some of the topics discussed included:  Blessings of Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw upon women  Holy Prophet’ssaw kind treatment to children  Promised Messiah’sas love for Holy Prophetsaw  Islam against terror  Responsibilities of women  Benefits of reading Durood etc.  One Urdu speech was also part of the program on the subject of ‘Ussawe Kamil aur Khakon ki Haqeeqat’ (Sunnah of Prophet Mohammadsaw and the reality of the Danish Cartoons controversy). Six non-Ahmadi guests attended the events and appreciated the various speeches and poems. The guests enjoyed the presentations from the Nasirat. May Allah enable us to follow Sunnah of Prophet Muhammadsaw in our daily lives, amen. Laurel, MD: By the Grace of Allah, Lajna members held Jalsa Seerat-un-Nabi Jalsas in all four Halqas. Nasirat and Lajna members took part in the programs with great enthusiasm. Programs consisted of Recitation of the Holy Qur’an, , and Speeches in Urdu and English. Young girls presented skits. Lajna and Nasirat also presented beautiful poems. Non-Ahmadi friends were also invited and 3 non-Ahmadi guests attended the event.

Binghamton, NY: A Seerat-un-Nabi Jalsa was held and Mash’Allah 23 non-Ahmadi guests attended the function.

Detroit, MI: Lajna organized a Seerutun Nabi Day to counter the distorted view of Islam from extremists and pay tribute to the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw, highlighting his real message of love and peace using examples from his life and his teachings. Adreena Harley, program director of HAVEN, an organization that provides shelter, counseling, advocacy, and educational programs to nearly 30,000 people each year, was one of the guests at the program. Also present was Cyndi Pettonen, a State Senate candidate. Altogether 35 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

nine guests and about 120 local members attended the program. The guests commented that they found the program very informative and it cleared up some misconceptions that they had held regarding Islam.

Eid Milan Activities

LA East, CA: 148 Lajna members attended the Eid Milan Get Together, where we discussed the Humanity First Eid Bazaar Event, Developing Sisterhood, Serving Humanity, Prayers and Future Taleem, and Tarbiyat and Tabligh Events.

Dayton, OH: Lajna participated in the Jama’at community family Eid Day celebration whole heartedly by making invitations and flyers, helping in the distribution of these flyers, arranging for an inflatable fun house, pony rides, art table, food preparation, giving out candies and toys. Every single child received candy, cookies and toys donated by Lajna members. About 150 non-Muslim guests attended. Local media covered the event.

Washington, DC: The Lajna held an Eid Milan event. They shared a presentation on the topic of Hajj, which was presented by a Lajna member who had recently performed the pilgrimage to Mecca. We also held a quiz on Islamic Teachings and then enjoyed miscellaneous activities related to the spirit of Eid.

Tahir Academy News

Houston North, TX: A Tahir Academy was launched in Houston North. Lajna members have supported the effort by working as teachers and also provide Ziafat periodically. We also have a Lajna member who is the Vice Principal. The Lajna Tabligh secretary was invited back to Lone Star Community College to present classes on Islam. More than 50 adults attended these classes during this quarter.

Detroit, MI: Lajna contributed a huge part in the initiation and success of the Tahir Academy in Detroit. Not only are the Lajna adamant supporters of the program, and encourage children to go, some of our Lajna members are also a part of the Academy staff. Out of ten teachers, seven are Lajna members, including the Vice Principal of the school. So far, Detroit Nasirat has had 100% attendance for all of the classes. Furthermore, the students of Tahir Academy are taking away important religious knowledge from the lessons. Detroit Lajna members have recognized that religious education is just as important as academic education, and have taken every step to help Tahir Academy make a difference in students’ lives. Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 36 of 48

Lajna Highlights

August 2014-October 2014 Tabligh # of Bai’ats Obtained: 9 Alhamdolillah! Meetings CA-Silicon Valley -1 Active Tajnid as of October 2014: 4,441 MD-Baltimore -3 Total # of Meetings Held: 69 MD-Silver Spring -2 % Average Attendance: 37% NY-Brooklyn -1 Total # of Halqa Meetings: 84 NY-Queens -1 PA-Pittsburgh -1 Reporting Highlights – Check out these unique activities from across the country for new ideas! Taleem:

 Book readings of :Conditions of Bai’at, Christianity: A Journey from Fact to Fiction, The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, Hazrat Amma Jaanra, The Excellent Exemplar, Advent of Promised Messiah as

 Researched presentation on; Conditions of Bai’at, financial sacrifices, Eid ul Adha, Tehrik-e- Jadid, Waqf-e-Jadid, Islam and current affairs, obedience to Khilafat

 Special projects on Hajj and sacrifice

 Discussed the early days of USA Jama’at, Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, Seerat of Wives of Holy Prophetsaw, Hazrat Amma Jaanra, history of Ahmadiyyat Tarbiyat:

 Discussed the importance of listening to Friday Sermons, importance of congregational prayers, importance of purdah, truthfulness, obedience to Nizaam-e-Jama’at, highlights of Jalsa Salana UK 2014, Istighfar, forgiveness, living in harmony, cleanliness of the mosque Tabligh:

 Attended interfaith prayer services and luncheons

 Distributed the following books: , Our Teaching, World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace, , The Holy Qur’an Khidmat-e-Khalq:

 Donated medicine, baby-sitting, turkeys, bus tokens, knitted items, food baskets

 Taught Holy Qur’an, computer skills 37 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

 Volunteered at orphanages, schools for handicapped individuals, trailer parks

 Grew vegetables and flowers in the mosque garden


 Held fitness challenges, yoga classes, sports days and camps

 Discussed allergies, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, blood pressure, body mass index, dangers of soda, depression, diabetes, eating healthy, effective hand washing, flu prevention,

group walking, health benefits of turmeric and cinnamon, healthy grocery shopping tips, healthy lifestyles, healthy recipes, homeopathy, importance of exercise, importance of key organs, maintaining a healthy weight, medicinal spices, organic foods, physical health benefits of Salat, portion control, prayers for health, prevention of psychiatric illnesses, sleeping postures, spiritual remedies for physical ailments Handicraft:

 Held sewing classes, cooking classes, fundraisers

 Knitted scarves, made bags from recycled materials, made gift bags from newspaper, prepared coffin kits, sewed hats and scarves

 Taught employment skills

 Held fundraisers Ziafat:

 Arranged food, engaged in hospitality.

 Cleaned/tidied the mosque, grew vegetables in the mosque garden, shared recipes, and shopped for groceries.

 Held cooking classes, held Waqar-e-Amal sessions Media Watch:

 Submitted articles and op-eds to online and print media, including school publications Publications:

 Submitted articles to the Muslim Sunrise, Ahmadiyya Gazette and Lajna Matters

Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 38 of 48

Nasirat Highlights # of Majalis involved in Workshops: 11 Tajnid: 873 # of Majalis involved in Sihate-Jismani Number of meetings held: 125 activities: 54 Average Attendance: 65% # of Majalis involved in Handicraft/cooking # of Majalis involved in Khidmat-e-Khalq activities: 35 activities: 101 # of Majalis involved in Urdu/Arabic classes: 33 # of Majalis involved in Tabligh activities: 70

Qaida Completions Holy Qur’an Completions

 Nisaa Javaid—Fitchburg, MA  Mahrukh Zahir—Brooklyn, NY

 Rafia Quazi—Long Island, NY  Brishna Farooq—Inland Empire, CA

 Ghazala Bhatti—Houston  Amna Malik—Houston North, TX

North, TX  Ummatul Shafi—Houston South, TX  Ghazala Bhatti, Houston South,  Ummatul Kafi—Houston South, TX

TX  Faiyhaa Sidra Saulat, Hartford, CT

 Isbaah Khan—Hartford, CT

 Sonia Romesa Khan—Silver Spring, MD

 Hibah Chaudhary—Silver Spring, MD

 Hira Bhatti, Silver Spring, MD

 Zaynab Mirza, Central VA

 Tanzeela Tajamul—Houston South, TX 39 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

Nasirat Activities Across America

Alhamdulillah! The USA Nasirat has been exceptionally busy this quarter! All Majalis have made an exceptional effort for this NY-Buffalo - Made gift bags to quarter and many have gone above and beyond the syllabus distribute at curriculum, Mash’Allah. Below are just a few of the many interfaith Eid examples of fantastic work done by our Nasirat: dinner

MD-Potomac- Prepared 100 bagged lunches for local PA-York/Hbg- PA-Philadelphia- homeless shelter Discussed how to Held a week-long share positive camp with theme teachings of Islam with of ‘Meeting the non-Muslims Messiah’as

OH-Dayton-Helped prepare food at local WI-Oshkosh - FL-Orlando- shelter and made Nasirat met Volunteered 30 food baskets for the for a Book hours at Second needy Club Harvest Food Bank

IL-Chicago North West- NJ- North- Helped package WI-Milwaukee- Volunteered at local food to send to Stocked food soup kitchen underprivileged boxes for food children pantry Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 40 of 48

OR-Portland - Recycled bottles TX-Houston North- VA-Central- and cans for Promoting Presentation on Humanity First Halloween sisterhood amongst members.

NC-Charlotte- Helped organize food bank

Washington, DC- Concept of Modesty in Islam and other OH-Dayton - NC-Research Triangle- religions Held a Workshop on Nasirat Etiquette of Salat/ enjoyed a Enjoyed a sleepover at picnic with local Sadr’s House lajna

CT-Hartford- TX -Houston North- Sent Held an “Education homemade Day” SC-Georgia-Helped Eid cards to atba sell food at Meena Huzoor Bazaar stall for Humanity First

41 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

The following Majalis started Tahir Academies: Houston North, TX; LA East, CA; Detroit MI The following Majalis held Spiritual Fitness Camps: Detroit, MI: The camp included Q & A sessions with the local Murabi Sahib, in which Nasirat were able to ask questions and went home with a greater understanding of Salat, the Promised Messiahas, and the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw. The girls were also given opportunities to enjoy each other’s company. They went out to eat ice cream on one of the days, and each day included opportunities to partake in sports and other outdoor activities. Overall, Nasirat who attended enjoyed the camp and were able to have many of their questions answered. Pittsburgh, PA: Imam Hamad Sahib conducted the camp. Nasirat learned etiquette of Salat, Qur’an, and the importance of Jama’at gatherings. Along with learning experiences, the Nasirat played sports and also made doll clothes as their handicraft activity. All the Nasirat slept over at the mosque and enjoyed the entire camp thoroughly!

East Coast Ijtema Orlando, FL: One Nasira member from Orlando, FL attended the East Coast Lajna and Nasirat Ijtema. She took part in all the Nasirat competitions and events; she also presented the opening recitation of the Holy Qur’an for one Nasirat session. She placed 2nd in the Tilawat competition for her age group (13-14yrs). Research Triangle, NC: Nasirat participated in the Holy Qur’an recitation competition, essay writing and poster on Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat competitions at the Ijtema. VA Central: At the East Coast Ijtema, 16 Nasirat from Central Virginia participated in writing an essay on "My Family History of Acceptance of Ahmadiyyat”. Writing the essays was an effective way of making the Nasirat aware of the sacrifices made by their forefathers to achieve the blessing of Ahmadiyyat. Georgia/SC: Eight Nasirat won the first prize at the National East Coast Ijtema, in the poster as competition about the books of the Promised Messiah .

Other Nasirat Activities Binghamton, NY: The regional Ijtema was held in Albany, NY. Binghamton Nasirat members participated wholeheartedly in this event and won many awards. Mash’Allah, their performance was remarkable. Oshkosh, WI: Nasirat were invited to attend a children’s Sunday class at a local church. Nasirat presented a poster on Pakistani culture and Islam to children at the church and demonstrated how to make some simple Pakistani snacks like samosas, kulfi’s and lassie. The demonstration went very well and all the children enjoyed themselves. Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 42 of 48

Orlando, FL: The majlis welcomed its newest member, Rabeea Summer Rehman, during a meeting in October as she graduated from Nasirat ul Ahmadiyya to Lajna Ima’Illah USA. The local Sadr presented her with a welcome letter on behalf of all members, as well as a scarf and a copy of the following books: ‘Words of Wisdom’, ‘Life of Muhammad’ and ‘Pathway to Paradise’. Laurel, MD: A Nasirat camp was held in October. Sixteen Nasirat attended. The program started with Tilawat, Hadith and Nazm. After a short orientation, several activities were held: A memory game, basic religious knowledge quiz, and a scavenger hunt. Book-reading workshop focusing on respect for parents. Correct way to perform Wudhu and participated in congregational prayer. Nasirat members presented a poem at the Lajna Seeratun Nabi meeting.

Laurel and Silver Spring, MD: As a result of Huzoor’s directive that children should not participate in the pagan tradition of Halloween, the Laurel and Silver Spring Lajna, arranged an alternative activity in Masjid Baitur Rehman Mosque, on October 31, 2014. After Tilawat and hadith, Sadr Sahiba presented key points of Huzoor’s sermon on Halloween. Approximately 50 children participated in several activities, including musical chairs and jeopardy. This encouraged girls to stay with their Ahmadi friends and not go out for Halloween. The Regional Sadr Sahiba was present at the event and showed her support for the program. Many mothers and grandmothers also attended and helped with the event. Hartford, CT: Nasirat assisted the Lajna 15-25 with a bake sale during Eid-ul-Adha; all profits were donated to the African Village Fund. Virginia South: Alhamdulillah, Nasirat celebrated Jalsa Seerat-un-Nabi on Friday, October 24th 2014. The program started with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an. All Nasirat were dressed in white with colorful scarves. The program was full of beautiful, melodious poems 43 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

in praise of the Holy Prophetsaw and insightful speeches. Our beloved Huzoor’satba Friday Sermon delivered on 12/10/04 on the Love & Obedience of the Holy Prophetsaw was also presented and discussed. The Nasirat were reminded to constantly invoke Durood upon the Holy Prophettsaw and try to inculcate our beloved Prophet’s perfect and beautiful example in their daily lives. Georgia/ SC: One Nasira, Sabahat Pall received first place in a state level art competition and the theme for this artwork was “I feel safe when….” Her picture was on Prayer— ‘I feel good about myself when I pray.’ Pittsburgh, PA: The Pittsburgh Lajna and Nasirat had a field trip to the famous Cathedral of Learning, where they saw the various classrooms based on countries around the world. Both the Lajna and Nasirat had a great time, and enjoyed seeing the many cultures and countries being displayed in a classroom setting. Detroit, MI: Nasirat attended the Seerut-un- Nabi Jalsa. One Nasirat recited a poem and a group of Nasirat presented Al-Qaseeda, and won the audience over. A couple of young presenters introduced the audience to Prophet Muhammad’ssaw love for mankind and kindness towards parents. VA Central: Nasirat had an important presentation on Tehrik-e-Jadid. Nasirat were given a detailed account of the 19 demands of the Tehrik-e-Jadid scheme along with the global accomplishments of Tehrik-e-Jadid. The presentation was followed by a question & answer session. Nasirat have been working on memorizing the Khilafat Prayers and eight Nasirat have already completed their memorization.

I solemnly promise that I shall always keep myself ready to serve Islam, my nation and my country and shall always adhere to the truth, Insha’Allah . Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 44 of 48

Lajna ages 15-25 Matters

Report on East Coast Ijtema session for Lajna 15-25: An evening session was held for Lajna 15-25 on Saturday during the East Coast Ijtema. Alhamdulillah, about 45 girls attended the session. The session was conducted by Muavina Sadr Lajna 15-25, Ruqaiya Asad and attended by National Lajna Sadr, Saliha Malik Sahiba. There were several open questions relating to Tarbiyat issues faced by this age group. The questions were written on index cards. For each question, there were three cards that said "The problem is...” For these cards, the girls had to read the question and write in more detail how they face this issue in their lives. There were also three cards for each question that read "The solution is...", and girls receiving these cards had to write how they would handle this issue. The cards were anonymously placed in the appropriate "problem" box and "solution" box. The topic questions related to purdah, careers, swearing, rishtas, culture, etc. After the writing portion was complete, the Muavina Sadr took the cards out of the boxes. She read the problems and solutions the girls had written for each question and opened it up for discussion and comments after each. Everyone benefited from delving into real challenges and listening to the experiences and wise thoughts of their peers. Alhamdulillah, the session was a good follow up to the Jalsa session for Lajna 15-25 on Ahmadi identity, taking risk, and leaving a "holy impact" as required in the ten conditions of Bai’at. North Jersey

We have started a Youth Forum for Lajna (ages 15-25), in which we give presentations regarding financial sacrifice and explain the wisdom behind the Jama’at chanda system.

The young Lajna along with the Nasirat enjoyed a day of apple picking at Penning’s Orchard in Waldwick NY; the Nasirat especially enjoyed the hayrides on the farm and eating the delicious apples!

Research Triangle, NC At the East Coast Ijtema our Lajna ages 15 – 25 participated by giving an engaging presentation on Khilifat. One young woman gave a speech on 'My Bond with Khilafat'. In the final session of the Ijtema another member gave a speech on the topic “Why I chose to join the Wassiyat scheme.” At the Mosque these Lajna discussed the reason behind the 'What’s on your Mind” Box, which 45 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

was a suggestion from the Shura Proposal to uncover concerns regarding social ills in the society. These girls also organized the Gaza Relief Fund for Humanity First, which raised $1,150.00.

Hartford, CT Lajna members organized two Blood Drives, which raised a total of 80 units of blood. They also organized a bake sale, which was held during Eid-ul-Adha to raise funds for the African Village Fund; a total of $285 was raised during this event.

The girls also created a recycling system in the mosque and started learning Arabic with the assistance of an Arabic speaking Lajna member.

Georgia/ SC The Lajna had a Tarbiyat Workshop in September regarding the Friday Sermons from December 2013. It was modeled on the MTA program "Real Talk" and the young women actively participated in this workshop. They answered basic questions regarding the sermons by summarizing them and presenting their own views on the topics raised in the sermons. The workshop was a captivating learning experience for all. Detroit, MI Some of the Lajna members ages 15-25 volunteered in the audio/visual department at Jalsa. They operated the sound boards in order to provide clear sound to the entire ladies Jalsa Gah. Additionally, throughout the three days of Jalsa, the girls were responsible for the sound coverage in the Ziafat area, children’s area, and main Jalsa Gah. They were much appreciated by the Lajna audio/visual Nazima. Additionally, some girls took part in the Seerut-un-Nabi Jalsa by reciting Holy Qur’an, presenting Ahadith and translations, and by presenting short speeches about the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw. LA East, CA Lajna members have begun planning for special humanitarian projects which will be implemented during the year. They have also started a recycling project in the mosque. Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 46 of 48

Requests for Prayers Special prayers are requested for our dear sister Shakoora Nooriah.

Pittsburgh PA: Aliyya Shaheed of Pittsburgh Jama’at has not been well for the past month. Please keep her in your prayers.

Washington DC  Sister Hameedah Haleem’s husband has had some serious health issues recently and has been hospitalized twice.  Sister Asmah Tariq has just recently undergone surgery. Please, pray for her.

Georgia SC: Ayesha Alison's mother-in-law had hip joint surgery, members are requested to pray for her speedy recovery.

VA North: Sister Amtul Hakeem, Qudsia Nina Ahmad's mother slipped and fell whilst outdoors and has sustained many injuries. May Allah grant her a speedy and full recovery. Ameen.

Research Triangle NC: Requesting prayers for a local Lajna member's safe confinement and delivery, an elderly Lajna member's health and for a Lajna member moving to a new home

Orlando FL: Requesting prayers for health and well-being of: Rahila Bashir, Amenah Vargas and Robina Tahir

Philadelphia PA: A very special request for prayers for the health of Amtul Hamid Munira's husband, Syed Fazal Ahmed. May Allah grant him a speedy recovery. Ameen.

Please keep our Lajna sisters, Salma Ghani and Saliha Bhatti in your prayers as well. May Allah grant them a long and healthy life. Ameen!

Boston MA A special request for prayers for the health and well being for respected Brother Abid Haneef Sahib and respected Saliha Haneef Sahiba who are dear members of the Boston Chapter.

A special request for prayers for the health of brother Fazal Rana and brother Anwar Saeed Sahib. Both members recently underwent surgery. May Allah grant them and long and healthy life, Ameen.

Special prayers are requested for the new Mosque project in the Boston Chapter.


Prayer Requests for the Departed

VA North: The son of Syed Daud Ahmed and Marium Ahmad tragically died whilst still in his mothers’ womb. Please pray that Allah grants strength to the entire family to deal with this tragic loss. 47 of 48 Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014

Births Detroit MI Sister Nudrat Ahmad has been blessed with a baby daughter, Zoya Naz Ahmad. Sister Hira Khan has been blessed with a baby daughter, Urooj Masood Khan. Sister Farah Malick has been blessed with a baby daughter, Ryana Mallick.

Boston MA Khaula and Masroor Sajid were blessed with a baby daughter, Shafia Masroor, who by the Grace of Allah is Waqfe Nau.

TX-Houston South Atif Mehmood Akhtar Sahib and his wife, Maleeha were blessed with a baby boy, Rayaan Mehmood Akhtar.

Binghamton, NY Ammara Arshad and Shiraz Hassan have been blessed with a baby boy named Rayan Ahmad Hassan.

South VA Mehreen Munir Sahib has been blessed with a baby boy named Zaim Farid Ahmed.

VA North Awais Butt and Beenish Malik have been blessed with a son, Alyaan Sajjad Awais. Nudrat Salik and Waleed Ahmad Sahib have been blessed with a baby girl, Amna Noor Ahmad.

Silicon Valley Madiha and Yasir Naseer were blessed with a son, Rayaan Naseer. Rubina and Waqas Mirza were blessed with a son, Shayaan Ahmad Mirza. Kerri and Daud Chaudhry were blessed with a son, Harris Adam Chaudhry.

Georgia SC Amtul Quddos Butt has been blessed with a baby boy named, Mouiz Kashif Butt

Houston North Atta Azeem and Afifa Azeem were blessed with a son, Rehan Yousaf Azeem.

May Allah bless the new arrivals and make them a joy for their parents and families and guide them on the path of true righteousness. Ameen Lajna Matters 4th Quarter Issue, 2014 48 of 48

Lajna Matters

7 Thwal-Hijjah 1435– 9 Rabi al-awal 1436 Issue 4 - 2014 October-December 2014

A quarterly publication of Lajna Ima‘illah and Nasiratul Ahmadiyya, USA

An Auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the views of

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

This issue of the Lajna Matters was compiled under the guidance of National Sadr Sahiba, Saliha Malik and with assistance from the National Lajna Publications Team. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Lajna Matters Publications Team:

Farzana Safiullah Publications Secretary [email protected]

Bushra Mirza Editor, Lajna Matters [email protected]

Abeeha Alam Associate Editor, Lajna Matters

Seher Chowdhry Associate Editor, Lajna Matters

Aeman Bashir Layout, Lajna Matters

Mabroor Jattalla Urdu Section, Lajna Matters [email protected]