From: Diane D'Arrigo <email address removed> Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 03:27 PM To:
[email protected] <
[email protected]>; Valade, Marie-Claude: CNSC; Myles,Debra [CEAA] Subject: Radiation and Women briefing paper and fact sheet per presentation by D'Arrigo Sept 23, 2013 Dear Ms Myles and Ms Valade Please forward the attached documents regarding radiation and women’s health to the panel for consideration of addition to the record. I mentioned this briefing paper during my testimony and attach the 2 page summary as well. Thank you Diane D'Arrigo Nuclear Information and Resource Service <contact information removed> NUCLEAR INFORMATION AND RESOURCE SERVICE 6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 340, Takoma Park, MD 20912 301-270-NIRS (301-270-6477); Fax: 301-270-4291
[email protected]; NIRS Briefing Paper ATOMIC RADIATION IS MORE HARMFUL TO WOMEN A woman is at significantly greater risk of suffering and dying from radiation-induced cancer than a man who gets the same dose of ionizing radiation. This is news because data in the report on the biological effects of ionizing radiation published in 2006 by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) 1 has been under-reported. It is more often acknowledged that children are at higher risk of disease and death from radiation, but it is rarely pointed out that the regulation of radiation and nuclear activity (worldwide) ignores the disproportionately greater harm to both women and children. 2 The goal of this briefing paper is to help the lay reader understand the data on radiation impacts to women presented in the NAS radiation report.