Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa Pvil7 ~1ea47 U. warm· ft' ted .. ,. Paril, d ••d,- ....J.iU,;JIIIu:;,.tll Campus and alld mU. SIUUIa,. m.h ....7. '1%; 1_. fl. H .... Iowa City . owan FrlU7. U: 1_. U. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa Cit , e , e I wes orms Dulles 'Doubts Value of Talks COl.lples Enjoy 'Senior Cruise' Rains, Winds Editor Clabby, Cleared With High Communist Leaders Lash 6 States; Of 'Distortion' Charges Floods Follow The Board of Student Publications, Inc., Friday cleared Bill Says Reds Must Ha~t Clabby, Daily Iowln editor, of choraes of "distortion" In news stories 2 More from SUI 87 1'111: ASSOCIATED paESS and edltorlais. The Mldwe&t was dryln~ ott Alter four and a hall hours of deliberation. the bOtlrd voted to Aggression in Korea Receive Fulbright late Friday afternoon after violent dismiss the char,es ~n the &rounds that the evidence presented did nt' t storms iJajShrted partsI Oft a ' not SUbstantiate them and that there wu no evidence to indicate a a e area. nunc at eas II • To Facilitate Peace dozen persons, wrecklng buildings purposeful or maliciou. dlstorlioll Awards for Study and homes and causing dama,e or omisllon or facts. NEW DELHI, India (JP) -Secre- Prof. Fred W. Schueler ot the estimated at several hundred A statement of the charles. pre. I Iary 0f Stateon J h F os te ruesD II thousand dollars. pared by David Stanley. LA. Mu • \ said Friday he doubted any good SUI pharmacY' department and Floodwaters caused by spring catlne. and submitted to the board Iwould come of big power talks Dr. Robert, J. Joynt, a 1952 cOI- downpours forced huhdreds of ad. by member Carl Zimmerman. A4. with Soviet leaders unless th'e lege or medicine graduate, wlll dltlonal tom III e. to llee tht'ir Waterloo. called for Clabby's Communist bloc stopped its ag- Middle East ,and South Asia. study abroad during 1953-1954 homes on the Texas.Loulslana reslanation or a reprImand, or gresslon in Korea and Indochina He answered only written ques· under Fulbright awards. border and and sent damage past both. an d agrecd on I n d epen d ence f or tl ons h an ded t 0 h1m· In a d vance Schueler has been awarded a the $2 million mark. Stanley and Zimmerman accused A tr· d e! s d to k II It th Fulbrlgh t research .... ant for study ""0' us la. an I' u e rna e ny 0 • e· o· Here In Iowa, Q Violent wind Clabby of dlstortJn~ and omililn, His statement, given at a news cuff comments. at the Hiiher Institute of Health and electrical storm was blamed ______,ronCerence here just betore he At the airport, Dulles said he In Rome, Italy. He wl11 do re- lor the crash of a C-46 passenler 'flew on to Karachi, Pakistan. felt his three days of talks with search work on drugs with Daniel plane which plun,ed to earth an(t Board's Statement . M" t N hr d th Bovey, internationally - k now n aroused special lnterest in the P rime lOIS t'r e u an 0 er __ ...... -rd _I ._._ _ I S •..• I dl I d h d I d t o b It pharmacologist and director of !he (For f"-"'~ "'_'_11_ a_..... on "'UlI~ '" - light of the coming Bermuda ndant eadiers abo he 'd e er Institute. Joynt will study neuro- ...--.... _..... otJ the deDI PubUaaUoaa.lDCI .• havill, ex. meeting of President Eisenhower. u~'Wers hand ng on f tIl SI ches. • physiology at Conville Caius co!- plaDe c ....b. ••ee ~e amiJlecl the char.-n levelecl acalut a y e.) Prime Minister Sir Winston I ell h a v,edr '~It ehx abnge OL lege, Cambridge university i:1 Mr. WlIllam Clabb7, edllor ., The Churchlll, and whatever premier vews, e sal . as een a molly I."·an by Fro. Tbomal' burned 18 mlles east of Des DaD, Iowan. b" Davl' 8'--'.- 'l ··t " England on a Fulbright scholar- Pb~IO ...... ~ .. takes up the reins ' of France's wor th w hIe VISI . A GROUP OF ENIOR. GRADUATE and their da~s wa&eh Moines. The only wo aboard, lh.e &IlCl prNeDkd b, Mr. Carl Zim. fallen government. Dulles told the news conference Sh~~hueler ' Wi1l leave for Rome in Chuck Rurr, pianlst in Larry BarreU's orches.ra, play dance music pilot and co-pilot were killed. mermaD, fhula tha& the factual Churchill has expressed the hope the U.S. th.inks t~e present "stale. September with . wl1e and two for the commencement llarty ... enior Crul e," Friday nJ,ht In the "IUle low. Cit, na ....e evidence pruente. 10 tlU. boar' j , the Big Three talks next month mate of distrust can be broken. children, Ruth, 8. and Carl. 3. Iowa !\{emorlal nlon. The students are from lefL to r1tht, Sidney Iowa City orllolals reported'OClI DO& .ubataDtiak the eharp' might lead to a broader discus- But he adde~ that distrust wlll Ruth will attend a school in Rome Rosenblum. G, Paterson. N.J.; Eslelle ]\[11 ters. N2. De! Moines: comparatively light doma,e re- ancJ that. there .. no evidence to William Clobby slon of East-West tension with continue as long as the Korean next winter. Schueler is a grad"- Marilyn Myers. AI. Jowa City. and Malcolm Fallek, G. Albany. suiting from the winds and rain lIullcak • p~ful or JDAlieioUi WillS 'Battlr of Waterloo' Soviet Premier Georgi N. Malen. war goes on. uate of the University of Chicago N.Y. that swept this area. Broken tree cllQoriIOIl or omlsal611 of f"Y. or kov. and has been associated with SUl branche and several clo/r,ed an IDkatloaal vlolatloD of the I bb "1 doubt." said Dulles, "that T · p. f for the past six years. Y t , R t W'/ sewers constituted most ot ntIu .. ob,JeeUve ,Journalism. Cays Statement very importan,t Te.ults could CO!TIe urnlng oln· Joynt is one of approximate!y 0 r y eques s I son the damaae In the cltv. The boarel recOCDlsa that cu· The dtd.lon of the board five out of any !ugh-Ievel conference 200 students to receive grants fol' lllinois, [ndlana and Ohio bore taln erron la Dew. Ikrles aD' la me rrea& pel'lOlIal aauat.etlon an' Including tne leaders of Soviet ITT Ik study in England. . the brunt of the Midwest $torms edUorl.... were brolllbt to lI.h&. I am .ure th.t all mem~rs of Tbe Russia so long as the Soviet blqc n ruc· e a Fulbright winners are selected T H d' R' t ' which struck a few hours atter bUt theM were DOt IUIflelflit. 10 Dall7 Iowan ltatt will draw a C~grUnetrsslel'osnalrne KPrOormeao,tlangwaar wOfaragO.fl by the board ol foreign scholar· 0 a n In es I 9 n a Ion tornadoes ripped across the Michl· .ubetantlate the charln u pre· Iara'e meuure ., confidence (rom a• ships, which is composed of mem- gan·Canadlan border. killing at NnW. It I wi... to .lden' my craterul gression in Indochina - against ·Ma Be 'Near bers appointed by the president WASHINGTON (JP) - Rep. ieast live persons. These erro,. were. lor the mOl' thallil &0 the mallY .tudent. and Laos; so long as In Europe they Y of the Institute of Internation ~' Samuel Yorty (D·ealif.) asserted Sen. Margaret Chase Smith (R. The winds knocked down trees, part. 0' the ',pe fOIlD' In aU faculty membefl who e loyalty refuse to restore the independence Education. Friday that secretary of defense Me.) Questioned Wilson and de;>· ]) 0 w e r and telephone ne,..pape.... aDel npeelall, ID tbe w •• a eon tan' IruplraUon &0 my. of Austria and withdraw their oc· TOKYO (JP) _ (Saturday) A The awards are made under Charles E. Wilson should resign uty defense secretary Roger )1. lines and blocked highways with eoverace of Dew. Which II ID· elf aDd the Iowan d.urilla' thll cupatlon troops trim that small n provisions of a congressional pub. "and let somebody get in who \In- K.ves closely about the position debrIs. voIved. c--.plex, t.Dd of auch a cOllU'ove,.y. I bear no enmlt, and inoffensive country." unusual degree of secrecy shield· Hc law, the Fulbright act. Funds derstands our defense needs.", Ithe joint chiets when they At Watseka, 111., about 70 miles n.ture ilia&. varJolIa parUH have teward thai. who SUPpOrted the It was the lirst full-fledgeQ ing work by the Allled high com- for the awards are obtained It was the latest in a moun ing beIore Ferguson's committee. south or ChIcoio, the wind calLl&e clItferent abou$ what char,e made ..aln.t me. Durlnt news conference Dulles had ·glven mand on a revised lCorean truce through surplus property saies series of blasts directed at Wilson I Eisenhower has shaken up th snatched II school bus from the la.u ~IJ _urreel. t.lle few day. thai rem&1n of mf on his fact·finding tour of the sal suggested today that a abroad. The programs are carried by both Democrats and RepubLi· joint chiefs, the nation's top mll. road' and drop~d. it upside down I .. the cue of the lo,," n, tbe teJW.J;e as edltor, 1 .hall ~on'ue' * * *' propo.t out In, 25' countries. cans who af"e opposed to Wilson's itory strategists, and named tour In a rleld SOO feet aWaY. Th,e drlv- board" ver, much aware that the the .ttal,. o( the Iowan 9n a fair L L ·'1' n ' . turnln~ pollJ. .15 app~oaching. . Students wishing to g9 .abroDd move to cut $5 billion from air adrpirals and generals who will er and linele girl were p .....lem of ...... In UIe ...... anllmp.rUal b..... II In the palt. CnUreni S reaee . In prepan!tLon for resumption for the 1954-1955 academiC year force funds in the fiscal yea replace those chosen by !orm~r Injured .seriously. lateDalnecl b, Ut~ fad Ulat ...._ 1______,. ' E·' of the truce tallls Monday at Pan- should apply between May 1 a:ld starting July 1. President Harry S. Truman. Hallie OverturDecl clent tialf me.-beta ~ve alao ~e . Su9g es Ions VI, rnunjom, Allied officers worked October 31, 1953. Interested stu· "Th,~ reductions just don't Three persons were Injured obll~ .. UOD ot their It.ellel. that the Hospital Members · " D I on the one remaining barrier to dents should write the U. S. de- sense, Yorty said. House DeJ"ects Fund near Marinton, In northeast IllI- amount ., Ilewll te ~ covered rn , h I' M.n.s er ec ares . . .' .. partment of state. InternationJi Yorty FolJows Up Report 1\ nols when their home was th~ campus I, very crea' .nd To Mee, WI' Po 10 an armistice - how to dlspose of I n for mat ion Administration, He was following up an ai wre~ched from Its foundations that work of ,-atherln, and pro. WAS~INGTON (JP) - The ~ev. 48,500 Red prisoners who balk at Washington, D. C. force report which>said the cut i Cuts by Committee, and droppe/Jo.otl Its side. . cnalne Dew. for the Iowan II ver, Planning Group D~n1el A .. Poling said Fflday being returned to Communist rule.' funds would leave the air Hail piled up to a depth of six demaJlcl.lD • ., enerfY IIDd time. tlme is Tlpe for ... a second P" .I R d dl .. h 'l h Del h' I d d I F' t tl t th SUT . .t.n s' WI t Ch elplng-s e ra o. mellnw I e, 8ear ds Iey S"Igns 8"11I well below the "absolute mini V t 6 Increase .mc es ncar P I. n" on n All Dewspapers recret luch er. Ive represen n yes 0 e cast wi~ th~r rolenso~n Nev~l~; built the barrier higher by paint mum" for national security. 0 es s the adjol~ihg stl'lp of Illinois. ron ID theJr calamus, anel both hospitals and colleges of medicine mberlain in calling for "peace log Its own violent version of T DIS T Yorty read the report into :he At seven persons were In- thls bo.rd alUl the staff 01 The and nUl'lllni wll~ meet with the time." what lies behind the thinkin roo 0 I\epea tate ax Congr.essional Record Thur~da~. W ASHING!ON (JP)-The house ~ured m the JiUnols storm nnd five Dalb Iowan rtfi'd thole whleb Iowa pollo planning committee In ~aid Dr Poling g p An all' force spokesman said It rebelled Friday against fund In Indianll. . have appeuecl III Ula~ publlu.~lolL Des Moines Monday. . t I t t b · t" ce.s~es or the reluctant prisoners. 0 01 I was prepared at Yorty's request slashes made by its appropriations Wind$ c~uled an eshmated $50,- A hi"" poInt of the meeting will athat eas would 0 bee assugges evil and'109 Pelplng... claimed that c Iose ex· n eomargarlne in the office of MaJ.· Gen. Robert mittee and voted to increase 00 0 d amage atet h sm..'II Ohl 0 For the Board'• be a dlscu,sion6'1 ot gamma globu- I1Clinitely more dislistrous than the amination or sick and wounded E. L. Elton, director of legislative w approprialions tor six agen. communities of Greentord nnd Leslie 6. Moeller. lin -Its effectiveness Bnd the dis. Ihlng that came out of Reds already sent home by the DES MOINES (JP) - The bill to liaison. in the labor and welfare de- New Albany. PresldeDt trlbutlon of Iowa's share In the " Allies made it clear the 48,500 repeal Ihe five cen~s a pound state Sen. Homer Fer guso~ (.R-Mich.) partments. . • • limited supply for 1953. l\ \)~()m{nell:t B~ptist were driven by fear of torture in- tFa~don bOleGomargwairllli~e wsasBsignded whose.ttsenahte aPdprtOPtr.latlons! In the face of mou~t1ng senti·'53 Sen,or Class facts in news slodes and editorials Dean Myrtle E. Kitchell of the Philadelphia. lit into rl ay y ov. a~. ear s- co~ml ee ear. es Imony ro mcnt for even further Increases in. • pertaininl to the condtH:t of the collele of nursing will analne and the British in a to talcing tneir present stand. ley. It becomes effective July 1. Wilson on the air force cuts ea ... • allotments slill to be considered Gives Wading Pool AlI·Campus elections March 25 problems of recruitment and address to the All·Am· Allled proposals to date have When the special tax goes off ier this wcek, said he will demand the committee won an agreement 0' and Ma,. 8. tralnln, of a nursing force ade. conference to combat Com· called for a quick release of 34,500 the product, the 2 per cent sales that those resPo~ible for th~ reo defer more voting until' next As MemOrial G,ft The charln were first present. Quate to meet a possible 1953 epi. of which Dr. Poling is North Koreans to civilian staill! tax goes on. The state has be:n port g~ before hIS s,~b.commlttee. Monday anll Tuesday. cd to the board May 14 by Zlm- demic. With Dean Kitchell will ~h,"irlman, and a simUar release of 14000 getting about $180,000 a year m He said the report dlSPut~ the The boosts ordered were com. A permanent wadin, pool for mermaD. The four.pate statement appear Marie 'rener. director or • speaker. unsuccessful Re- Chinese Reds if a five.natl~nal re~nue from the oleo (t~~. 1 facts as I underst.,and them. paratlvely small, amounting to the ho~pltal-schooi for severely declared that omissions and mls- University. hospItals nursinl ser- IUtIllC!1l1 candidate tor mayor of .. owever. sponsors 0 e repea Jke Proposed Cut 1 on a bill totaling almost handicapped chlldren, was pre· statements In the Iowan had liven vice. I1IJadelphia in IH9, assailed the neutral comml~slOnfalls to solve bill contended that regalnln, oleo . At the he~rt oC the contro . billion. sented Friday evening at the sell- readers an "Inaccurate pIcture of Dr. Franklin Top, head at the prime I11lni~ter lor SUi· their tate withm .60 days. sales . now lost to other states IS the queshon of just what But they showed which wa, the ior cIa.. party In the Iowa Vnlon the recent election contests." departlTlent of hygiene and Pl'f- that Communist China be Although there has been no ot· \l{Oul4'h,by the sales tlax• more the. j~int chiefs of staff. played in wind was blowing and indft:ated as the memorial gift to SVI Irom The list of cllargcs had not been ventlve medicine In the collete to the United Nations than oI[se~ the amount os t by re~ decldmg on the reductlon m Olr . the elasa of len the Korean war," Dr. Poling [lelal word on what the revised peal ot tile special tax. force funds. Presidenl Eisenhower committee might sufler rur~h. Juanita bethk~, A4. Cherokee, signed at the time It was present· of medicine. will lead a diScussion "our grea~ ally has been a Allied truce proposal wouid COD· The 1953 legislature also legal- proposed the $5 billion cut as the er reverses when some larger m· chairman of the senior memorial ed but Zimmerman told the board of Iaolatlon techniques. of weakness rather than of taln. there were unofficial reports ized the sale of colored oleo, et· biggest reduction in his budget for creases are proposed next \Ve~k . gift committee, presented the uni- that he was accepting responsl· Other university representatives Repeatedly she has Inter- It w!>uld agree to permit the post- fectlye pext.JulY 4. The.governor the next fiscal year. They were voted by a coalition verslty with the lilt !rom this bLUty for them. attending the meeting Include Dr. slow down our military armistice political. conference to preVIOusly Signed that bill. lowa of ~ost Democrats an~ a liberal year's ,raduatlnl clus. 80&11, the lilt of ~bartn aad RaYJ'!'ond Rembolt. director of the ••'". ' plscuss the fate 'of the Chinese. tpus became the 46th state to sprmkling of Republicans and All seniors and graduates re- Clabb, ....war 10 &bela were hospital school lor severelY' handl- te.aIJze colored oleo. some of them exceeded Preside·,t celvlnc deerees in 1953 were voted b7 the bo.rel 10 be Meret capped qhildren. and Dr. John Beardsley also reported he Eis~nhower ' s revised budget est!- guests of SUI a\ the commence- and DOl (or pabileattoD. MacQueen. usl..tant professor of · Id N' ,' ,. B' '. f ~igned lour other bills. leaving 10 mates. All are tentative, in. that ment patty "Senior Cruise" from The board conaldered the matter pedlatrlCi. . ew' s rle S more tor his consideration. He has they are subject to roll-caU votes 9 to mldniJht. Bill Skaife, LI, af the close of Its afternoon ses------Wor until May 30 to dispose of those- next week. 0 Dubuque wu master of cere- slon May 14. which adjourned at SUI S h '\ The four become effective July 4. The increases ordered by the monies of the entertainment. 6:20 p.m. wilen a Quorum of mem- ymp ony A Condensation of Late Development, house were for Howard Unlv~r. Larry Ba,rett's orchestra pro- bera was no lonler available. C rf 1,.clc.,s ....---- Yugoslavia Passes ty and Freedmen's Hospital, Ne- vided dance music for the eve- Clabby lslued a statement that once BUENOS AlILIS. Argentina (JP)-Presldent Juan D. Peron erltl· institutions here; .for land· ninll. TbII complete facilities of same day in whlcb he branded the Go on Sale Today forel&n newli agencies aiain Friday, ~ut said e,?pIQye~ of the Church Regulations colleges, for vocatIOnal edu· the Union were at the dispol8l char,es a. false and expreued .a:en<:les In Ar,entina are the Innocent victims of their tore1lll em· for .the labor department's of the leniol'l, I!'adl,lates. and tho!ir his ealerness to arl$wer them. Tickets wlll JO on sale today at _U)VP," In a speech tQ directors and employes of the newspaper La BELGRADE. Yugoslavia (JP) - bureau, and for the bur- dates. !'ree retreshments were also the' Iowa Memorial Union desk Peron .ald news stories "sent to central oUlces on orders of Yu,osla,vla's Red-dominated par- of apprenticeship training. served. Veteran Ass.egnecl ~\elllle:nce services are deliberately defocmed. modifying news that lIamCflt heard an angry attack on for the final SUI symphony or- honorably." Argentine news Is distorted by the the Roman Catbolic church Fri· ·,1 eel Ie. T ROTC P • e chestra concert of the seuon to be .1f1!nNj!ll. he alurted. "to serve their foreign bosses." day and then adopted unanimous· S, Stopp in Ru es o,!,m,tfee- 0 oSition held in the Union Wednesday at

S~~I~~y'(~.htl:all:~·d r!~~Or~a~I~~:n~~::0~d~5::fI: ~~~~t 1~ ~~~!~:~el::e~::II:~::d:~ L'ld Put on Probe' of Obscene' 1"I·terature ff~m F:~;ldd:;;n I:h~o~~urf!~ 8 ;:i. P. G. Clapp, head of the and Irounded Allied aircraft. In the early darkness of Friday, kovle, in char,e of interior affairs.' Iii !'e~ruary hu been aSlllaned to mUlle department. will conduct. American raldini party went after a Chinese Red company . In during debate accused the Vatican the Reserve OflJcers Tralnln, The concert will also be broad- t , Chorwon Valley of central Korea. While both sides poured In of meddling in YUioslavla's WASHINGTON (If» - House corPs at SUI. st' over .tation WSUI. ~ma,'V and mortar lire, the raiders killed or wounded 83 Reds temal attalts and of attempting leaders Indicated Friday the lid is sume the role of censor of the na- "Sipna Delta Chi and Its mem- He is Sat. l/e Louis Coughlin. ca red a three-hour action. ' widen .the breech between church on any further investigations into tion's reading. bel'll are,. eoncerned- over the son ot Mrs. Marie W. CoUlhlin, "t Featu In the !lnal coneerl o e e anti state. Sigma Delta Chi. profe'sslonal preservation or the freedom of the Packwood. He replaces Sat. I/ c will be Beethoven's Third sym- WASHINGTON (JP\-BriU,h denials of testimony that British There were no opposition speak- fl,ld of obscene literature. journalistic fraternity meanwlUle pres. whleh is the very co~ner- Walter D, Winborn. who was re- phony "Erolca," which was Oril- Iu ships have carried Chinese Communist troops during the Ko· era to protest the measure. It Bottled up in the house rules registered with key house memo ston: prlndple of freedom in the cently transferred .to t.he mill- lnalty dedicated by the comp0s6 r f)oO


Houston Post, Tim6 Ask Tax Refund On Excess Profits

• NEWMAN CLUB WlLL HOLD '11 picnic Sunday at Lake McBride 'or Newman members trom Drake eUniversity, Iowa State college, $ !Iowa State Teachers college and R >11 CathOliC students of SUI. Stu­ rrl Idents will meet at the Catholic nl C )tudent center at 2:30. Transpor­ pre: I .tation will be furnished for those da. ~ho neP.d it. Supper will be ( .ervcd at 5:30. I 'Pr• • ~ :. A l'RQGRAM OF vocAL HI L L E L FOUNDATION IS hi ~ music will be presented by the planning a picnic, Sunday, MilY M fir nJor and sen·iot· division of t!1.e 24. We must get enough interested MJ niversity high sebool Sunday, in attentiing before It can be '\ . th ay 24, at • p.m. The proiram scheduled, If you would like to ~ Ine th ~Ill include . numbers by the att.end please, sign up at the house 10 Junior and senior mixed choruses someti",e this week. ~J UNIVERSITY CALENDAR ~ tUI and the junior boy's glee club and - A.l -, will feature selections by various LAST · CLASSIOS DEPART­ Perlocl(calI Are Frequen~ . VOL. XXIX, NO. l' frl vocal ensembles and sorolsts. ment eoUee hour of the year will be held in 110 Schaeifer hall from Although a lot of unusual items Senate Approves UNIVERSITY CALENDAIl llemi a1'e ."lIeduled \ sttOj FRENCH CLUB PICNIC WED· 4 to 5:15 p.m., Wednesday, May come in the mail, most of the Ik IN. . .- ·I.e Pr~ld-D". olllc- 0'. Capl'-I r ne nesday, May 27, at 5:30. Bring 50 27. Showing of new color slides work of the Copyright offlce is e S omlnations ...... '" • ",,,, ~l of cents and come prepared to speak of classical subjects-at 3:30. Any­ fairly rouUne, of course. PeplodJ- ' . . Sa&urday, May 23 tion ot American Chemical 10(\" , r French. Place: the fireplace be- one interested is welcome. cals afe the' mosl frequent things WASHINGTON (JP)- The sen- L :30 p.rtI.-: Ohio Statf' ely, Dr. David E. .GreeD, ~pe.ktr, \ ' bYr hind th~ new swimming pool at copyrighted. . ate foreign relations committee here. 300 Chemistry building. . Gity park. Sign up in room 307 THE SINGLE STUDENTS OF In the 1952 fiscal year, for ex- Friday approved President, Elsen- Monday, Mar 25 Tuesday, M.y 21 Schaeffer hall it you are coming. Wesley foundation shall have a ample, a total of 56,509 magn- hower's nomination of Fred M. 3:30 p.m. - Baseball: Illinois, 1:30 p.m. - 'University clllb. ; zin~ and newspape'rs were regi~- Alger Jr., DetroIt Industrialist, to here. card .party, Iowa Union. ---- plcnJc this Sunday, May 2', lit ;~ THE UN I V E R SIT Y SYM- MaeJ)ride park. Meet at Wesley teredo Unpublished music was sec- be ambassador to Belgium. 8:00 p.m. - Humanities society 7:30 p.m. - 'Meeting, Socltl1 . phony orchestra, under the diree- house at 4:30 p.m. Food will be ond with 51,1138 items. Pamphlets Also . approved were : Edward and (lraduate college lecture, Prot. for Experimental Blolag, ,1Iil tion of Phillp- Greeley Clapp, will provided. Everyone is invited to anq booklets accounted for 33,2l1 Wailes of New York, all assistant J ohn C. McGalliard, SUI, "Trag- Medicine, 179 M d. lab. :, presegt Its sixth and final eon- attend. . cop y rig h t s and surprisingly secretary of state In ch arge of ad- cdr and Epic: The Structure of Wedneaday, Mar 21 au~ eert of the 1952-53 season on enough, only ll,623 books were ministration. Milton's Paradise Lost, Book IX," 8:00 p.TI' - Concert: Un\vlr' ne~ Wednesday, May 27, at 8 p.m. in LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSO­ copyrighted. About 200,000 Items Waller De Lany of Washington, senato, O. C. slty Symphony orchUlra, 10'" C the Iowa Memorial Union. Free c1aUon and Gamma Delta will 0_ ...,.... 011. wI~ NATO commapder Oen. MaWiew B. R14rwa). a year come In for registration. D. C., as deputy administrator ot 7:30 p.m. - Mcotlnlt, Iowl! soc- Union. )f tickets are now available at the have a picnic luflper Sunday, May 'I'bJa after breaklui re~ ~retller at the WIllie Houe wu &he tIn& One of the commoneSt mlscon- the mutual security agency in information desk In the Iowa Vn- 24. Meet at student bouse at 4 lDeeu.. between &he two silM'e Ride-WilY rl'lievrel lilRellbower In coptlons about the Copyright of- chargo . of controls on Westcm (For I.formallon rerardlnr datell Mund this IMlhedule. ion.. . p.m. Come and hrln, yqur friends. Europe over a year aao. • . . • Jicc, MacCarlney says, -is the be- -trade with- Communist COllntrJes. lee re.ervaUon. fn iIl• . ottlee •• &Ile 'rulda.&, ON ()a,'~) .. , , - ) I - mE DAILY IOWAN-IOwa City, 'a.-Sat., Ma, I SUI Sociologist Speaks ~t Dinner

Lumber Industry ·Evolved Repair Plus Along with Big Business (are Extends The evolution ot the retail­ lumber business as as revealing as trical eqUipment. other more interesting industries. In accordance with its policy of Its Utility This industry has not made leap- supplying everything for the ing advances as has, for instance, home builder, Nagle's maintains Nothing is more Irritable tholn the drug industry, but yet it has a complete selection of finished '.0 sit down to type a paper and come a long way from the stand- hardware. There you will also find 'lave something fO wronf with the still it was at not so many years one of the most complete selec- typewriter. But why take the ago. tions ot cupboard hardware in chance of baving aomethJof go ance, ( Iowan Mr. George Nagle of the Nagle this part ot the state. wrong with your typewriter? Y')u Del\' '\ Lumber Co. points ou~ that nol Cupboard hardware, In case :an save younelt this inconven- d the ~ PROF. DAVID STOUT of the- department bf sociology and antbro- poion' (second from left) addressed Phi Delia Kappa, honorary many years ago lumber yards you're not aware ot the Iact, is lence by having your typewriter the handled only lumber and a similar to clothing in the way in periodically checked by the WUe el have education. fraternity, a.t a dinner meetlnc Thursday night. His jople, "Anthropolol'Y and Education" was centered around the !lssociated products. As which it is constantly being Typewriter Company. for lumber came into the p changed by new styles. Chrome Your typewriter is a macblne S. . theme "Man Makes Him.elf." In discussinc- education from an .; ant.bropolocieal p'olnt of view Stout noted tbat In. most societies, they were incorporated into and brass cupboard hardware are the same as your automobile Is 11 de it , eer1alllly prlmJtlve croups, the function ot education Is to main­ business. Today, many more items only two ot the materials used in machine. You wouldn't think ct Bnt_ I taln Wll1'II as they are. However, In our society, the phrase "Man have been added to what was this constantly changing parade. 1I0wing your car to 'A one or two aSSet! Ma~ HlmleU:' Is shlftlnc towards "Mah Remakes HlmslIll'," a/l once only .lumber Today If you are thinking of building years without being lubricated IIr con. the fIiJulUon of education beeomes an attempt to Improve present a prospective home builder maYa new home in the near future periodically checked. Yet many ot . CIOn4ltlons. Chailill&' al the banquet are (left to right) Ed Kelly, pu:chase everything h~ n~eds to picture ot cheaper buUding us take our typewriters tor grant- G, Iowa City, reUrine president; Stout; Jim Day, G, Waterloo, pro­ bUIld ~ home at ~agle s wIth . ~he costs Is not too bright according ed and allow them to sit aroun'd cram chairman, and presldent-eled'Len Feldt, G, FaIr Haven, N.J. exceptio"; of ap~lIances, plumbl to Mr. Nagle. Although prices are tor long periods ot time without and heatmg equIpment, and elec- not likely to drop in this Held giving them the service which I"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... lthey arc not likely to rise either. wJ1l increase their life twofold. ·ed Cr ·o s s To Prov,·de The tendency tor higher prices is The Wikel Typewrit\lr Company I RI WIKEL being o[tset by a healthy condl- maintains a complete tY{)Clwriter I · • CI TYPE lion ot competition which again, repair department. There, thcy 'r e e w, m mIn g ass WRITER CO. after the war years, exists In the have facilities to service your • S lumber business. typewriter and to repair almost ' Authorized ROYAL Dealer Although prices are remaining ony type or dama.e your machine ~S wimming classes will be given, Type-miter Specialists stable your lumber products ore has surfered. ower the Johnson chapter of l two grades in elementary school. becoming better all the t·lme. For ,ythe Red Cros fo coun~ya SI k RENTALS All work done by the Wlkt'l dll!d , . .. s r x wee s pe- There is no charge tor the les- example, you don't just buy a ta~ ~Iod begmmng June 22 and end- sons or for admission to the pool £PAIRS window for n home any more. You ~::a~~~J b~o~,:;:.Y II fully acerul Ing July 31. during class hours. Use of the po:)1 buy a window with a frame, Classes will be offered at be- is granted by the city pool man- SALES weather stripping and all the WILBUR WELLS AND ALBERT BURKE are pl ~t ured 10adJn,. 80me ot that ttne Na,.le lumber onto For all )'our typewriter repair Va l_ ginning, intermediate and ad- agement and is restricted during ERVlCt other attachments. a tTuck, Lumber, ueh as they are handllnr, wa at one time the only merchandlM which lumber work contact the Wikel Typewrit- have vanced levels. Each registrant will class hours to registered members. 23 E Dial 8-1051 Make it a point to visit at the companies such as thlll Nacle Lumber Co. handled. Today, however, the lumber buslnes bas evo l v~ er Company. They wll! put your Rus. receive ' 15 lessons. Advanced . wa.8na nl:l~on Into one whiCh carrie. man ' allied product. Be ure to call a' Nacle's tor all your lumber and machine back in runnin, condl- swimmers may choose between BOil Y H d Nagle Lumber Co. ond to find oul b Ildl ... tlon tor you. ~~~d~m~q~dd~in~ Il: I oungman. ea Mm~n~~~~~oo~rl------you can build a better home u or needs.------~------.------I I.,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii advanced sWlmmmg and water We Make present one. Doug Fairbank's locations. His H II ' F t F· ballet, and life saving. CollegOlate Chamber ramous "Meal a Minute" applies to a s ea ures 1n e ~sons will be gIven between A G d B kf breakfust as weI! as othcr meals. 9 8.m .and noon each day. Swim- Of C B d 00 rea ast At these three restaurants you can W ·f m~rs with Red. Cross certili~ates ommerce oar enjoy a wonder.tul brealdast e dd' Ing· Sh ower G1 ts e im- WIll be placed m the next hIgher Sfl?cr\VeCndtlyt.O you qUIckly and ct- I level at registration. Swimmers Bill Youngman, C3, WinCield, Every MornlOng Is who were registered last year butl was installed president of the Arc you going to a wedding or ------come did not receive certificates will board of directors of the Colleg- A K t H Ith Why not plan on starting out Ii shower soon? If you are you $3 to $7 point. re-register at the same level. Th~y i a I e Chamber of Commerce ey 0 ea tomorrow with a wholesome don't want to overlook the CHROME LAZY SUSAN·- et to­ m~y change levels ,i! skills per- Thursday at the final meeting of breakfast of bacon and eggs, ding and shower gifts which ate !.his is a IS-Inch la~y susan with -Bri­ mIt. the retiring board. ~here's nothing In the world toast, an? coffee or milk. :ou will being featured at Hall's Gift Shop a decorated glass Insert dish. The d ReB In order to register, a person Other new officers are Duane at DARZES CANDIES Ich. helps you to start the day b.e surpnscd to se,e how mexpen- at the present time. Hall's stands susan revolves on roller bearings of the must be a resident of Johnson Clark, C4, Indianola, vice-presi- out right as does a good break- stve such a meal IS at the D & L ready to serve you in all and sells tor $3,95. 19 E. WalhJncton PhoGe 1715 estab· county for the summer or longer. dent; Jane Hannum, ca, Albia, tast. Most do~tors will tell you Grill,: D?ug's CoUee Shop, and needs, especially jf your MODERN CASSEROLE - a d Rus­ He must also be in good health secretary; Mary Sawyer, C3, Ha- that breakfast IS the most Import- Doug s DJDcr. limited. Mr. Hal Lundquist, two quart cas erole which keeps l ~~~~~~~~=:-:;:~;:~~~ y-and and make preliminary application warden, treasurer, and Harlan ant meal ot your busy day ond All three of Doug's locations ager oC Hall's prides his store on food piping hot on the table. rtll ss 01 a during the week of June 8 through Newkirk, C3, . Homestead, histor- that care should be taken to eat a carry a very wide selection of the tact that It features is made of steel with porcelain 12. SwImmers will be registered ian. wholesome, well prepared break.! breakfast meals. Even unusual live yel inexpensive gifts." Cused to it. This casserOle comeJI Spring is Here slate at R~d ' CrosS" headquarters, 151,4 Other new board members arc fast every day. The D & L Grill, tastes can be catered to there. Here are a few slIfgestions in three colors and is priced :\t ade It I>I!.buque st. Richard Ferguson, C3, Toronto, Doug's Diner, and Doug's Coffee Make it a point to start your aid you in your gilt shop pi g. $6.95. Buy your is no ~Ino'rs must havc the written Canada; Richard Darrah, C3, Shop feature just this kind of day out right Crom now on. You $3 or Less ALUMINUM TUMBLERS - Golf and on~r- peimission Qf parent or guardian Knoxville; Vivian Hochstettler, breakfast. can do this by eating a delicious, HAMBURGER PRESS - a these are 13 oz. pun aluminum just anti must have comJ;1leted the first A2, Kalona; Stanley Richardsoll, Many of us fall 1nto 11 rut' ond well , prepared breakfast. A de- gaily decorated wood press tumblers by Perma Hue. They Tennis prOI).'! ~ , I . C3, Fredericksburg; Vernon Ger- ..~ neglect our breakfast merely be- Jieious, well prepared breakrast is makes hamburgers of come In 8 glowing colors and ell Equipment lcations "H icke, C3, Postville, and Bob Flet- cause getting breakfast somewhere just the kLnd you find at the 0 & thickness. It can be used os for $4.95. bClor~ Hurs.n9 onorary cher, C3, Cedar Rapids. LAUNDROMAT just tokes too much time. This is L Grill, Doug's Diner, and Doug's decorative piece when It is ALUMINUM PITCHJ:RS .- ~ ° 1 C d The board members were elect- not the case at any of the three Coffee Shop. in use. It is priced at $1.98. to match your Perma Hue InItrates 0 oe s, ed by vote of the college of com- HALF-HOUR SERVICE CASSEROLE in BASKET tumblers come in three colors and " 8 merce student body, who comprise ~i S. Van Buren A · It D t t an oval )' '2 quart casserole with Cl Iu\Ye a bullt-in ice trap. The ~c Has Un.on anquet the Collegiate Chamber lof Com- ~~~~~iiiiiiii~~~~ lid and serving basket tor you pItchers sell for $3.!!!!. merce. The board elected its own • grlcu ure epar men table serving. The prlce is $1.98. SPECIALLY PRI",ED PITCH- Formal initiation ceremonies for officers. They will hold office S M h f PEPPER MILL SET - a very ers - factory sec!l5ndll of the 10 coeds were held Thursday eve- until May, ]954. WE SERVE ponsors ot proo ,·ng attractive imported pepper . Camous $5 Color Craft Aluminu'll ning by the Gamma chapter of with matching salt shaker have been reduced in Sigma ~heta Tau, honorary nurs- Scho I fBI" d THE BRIDE rack which is priced at $2.95. price to $3.25. TheM pitchers have At HOUI' ,In, soelety. 0 or In The New Process Laundry of TU-TIER TlOBIT TRAY on]y the Slightest Imperfcctions. m:., are ' A dinner in Iowa Memorial W"II B T d Wedding Invitations Iowa City has just obtained a new blankets will not skrink because I'l lovelY two tier chrome Remember, it pays to shop at I S I refullds Union followed the initiation. Dr. I e oure And Announcements mothproofing , process ~or woolen of either cleaning process. which is ideal tor serving Hall's Gift Shop where glCt pur- owa Upp y Tey prefer the cleaning process." TIlE BLANKET YOU SEE HERE ill ene whlel\. has been lent to 'Prof. Duane Sprlestersbach ot the Joan Bresnahan, UWA president. -h th 1 g d a t t d M S'ff d S· Cit is ih 1Z S. Dubuqaa If you choose the launderin{ New Process for ita expert cleanlnr treatmen'- AI you eln see It .....-~ pa 0 0 y ep r men an ary I or, 10UX y, • e .. process your blankets will all be has been wrapped In eellophlUle for yonr .to..... e eoDveJlienee. 1111 wUe, Mrs George Whitford, Spinsters Spree chairman. The MI;. aDd Mrs. 1'. T. Fpddersen and comJTllttee works with the Central DOUG'S hand washed, hand carded, and The badres Beity Upton and Anita Kennel are wearlD&' liC'Dlfy the :MrL Eleanor Mitchell, I • Party committee to plan Spinsters will have the bin din g shane' new motbproollnl' procl!l8s nled a~ New Proeess. Tbia .T.teaI ~I developed by the U.S. department of al'rlculture and fa slIOBIOred '\ In charge of gen ~l'a l arrange- Spree. The committee chairman is OOFFEE SHOP ironed. IUId approved by IL In~nts , were Jo Ann Osmundson, a member of UWA council, If you decide to have them gc ~, Me.on City, and Gaye Morton, ' New chairman of the University through the regular eleaninf ~., RjUltoul, III. Nat:\cy Manning, Sing committee is Allee process they will be returned tc . AI, SIOUX City, had charge or re- AS, Hartley. MIss Mencke DOUG'S you wonderfully clean with the freih'!"ents. also serve on the UWA council. bindings hand pressed. Laundromat Welcomes Large, Small Washes Because of its large facilities ------~-----­ I~ Dollna McMahon AJ, Ft. Dodfe, Her committee is in charge ot the DillER During both processes ~n4 Sue McBride, A2, Waterloo, semi- finals and finals for the all- n blankets .will be mothproofed and many of you may think of the You'll enjoy dOing business ~frec:tecl reservations. campus sing. 630 Iowa Ave. packed In celophane for storage Laundromat as a place .for large with the people at the Laundro­ I You can be, certain that washes only. It's true that the mat too You wi]l enjoy it Laundromat bas the facilities for cau~e th~y are both courteous a Know your fewelm ~: Qelta Zeta To Hold Formal Tonight _' large washes but it is also geared helpful. They will be glad for 'your NEW Home in the Spring to handle small washes sucb as show you the correct way to Alger's Jewelry IA. dinner danCe I1t the May- I ------!~­ weekl~ student bundles. their units in order to Insure that Iy dllb, flower ni,ht club is planned to- man of the Il0wers eommltteCl your first call should be 8·1113 You Lt-find washing your small you get the cleanest wash possJbl bundles of clo!.hlng at the Laun- e. I. Fuiks Soclfl1 hllbt by

• , • TITt: DAILY IOWAN-Iowa CllI', ".-Sal., ~l.,. n. 1153-.... S \ Students FinH 'Mystery' Suitcase in River iEviclence OHered Ne,braskans Iowa City police Friday were' " In $11,852 Case trying to locate the owner of a · CaUf. Evidence [or Robert Cantrell, found !loating in the The suitcase was found about A2, Iowa City. defendant in an Voice Protests river by two SUI students 100 yards downstream Irom where $11,852.65 automobile a c c ide n t they were canoeing Thurs- ("lear creek empties into the Iowa ~uit, :"as presented Friday mor~- '" r . lllg 10 Johnson county district river between ]ov,'a City and court. Judge Harold D. Evans is OnYaluafions and letters were found Coralville. John Scot~, A2. Cedar presiding a~ the jury trial. . The lett~rs we~e Rapids, and DaUas Gregerson, C3, The action, brought by Gerald­ I LI~COLN (JP) -~E'braSka legis­ .to a Donald Nichols 111 Bettendorf, discovered the sult- inc Goldber&, G. Iowa City, re- lators heard- more about the as­ MiCh. , case. suIted from an automobile acel- sessment problem this week. law enforcement otricers Police are now trying to contact dent Nov. 12, 1952, The county equalization boards Detroit police who re'lNichOls' wife In Helechawa, Ky., In a counter-claim, Cantrell, oPfncd their a'nnual sessions last that Nichols had checked "ho sent the letters. The latest asks a judgment or $349.29 from Monday to receive taxoayers' plO­ a hotel May J5 with the r('cognizable postmark was April Mrs. Goldberg and her husband, tests against valuatidns fixed by of going to Los Angeles, 14. Erwin. , the assessors. Then reports beltan to trickle in to the capitol of the public reaction as the assessors soue:ht to !ll""ive ~t ,..,.,4.1JQl v ... 1",.. before applying the 50 per cent ,assessment law passed by we 'legislature. Word came of many courthouses t.' ~}~~". Jammed with indignant taxpayers JOY l;:,; r, V.D~ j ~ ·J ' I{i!:RE .clutching tax statements showing stand arm-In-arm after La eounts ot attempting 1.0 I'IJ real estate valuations tripled and 1114! PLYMOUTH; 4 door. Radio, heater, CLEANING m"" want...s. Hours , ... a.m. IQuadrupled a< o' 10,- sponsored a !>icnic ThuTsday, after- 000 red poppies. noon tor all dentlstry students, Proceeds from poppy sales will faculty and families of both. Held go to the auxlliary weUare funrl 1ln city park, the picnic dinner fol­ to 'aid World War r and II vet- lowed baseball and volleyball erans. Mrs. G. J. Dinsmore of Cor- Igames. The organization furnished alville is "Poppy Day" chairman., the food. n (1IV ' RECORD

BIRTHS hospital. Mr. and Mrs. O. Pirkl, North .Mr. snd Mrs, Aage Jensen, Iowa Liberty, a girl Thursday at Mercy City, a boy FrIday at Mercy hos- hospital. pital. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rober, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jensen, West Branch, a boy Thursday lit R.R. 5, Iowa City, a boy Friday Mercy hospital. at Mercy hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rotten- burgger, Kalona, 11 girl Thursday DEATHS . w..;·..,-;.;'i· ...~~ ... t .• ;.~.", .,J at Merc?, hospital, Arlene Barnes, 37 , Ft. Madison, AOCOMPANIED BY IIER HUSBAND, the Duke of Edlnburrh, Mr .and Mrs. Ponald .swanson, Th\lrsday at University hospitals. · (rear). Queen Elizabeth teave~ WestmlnstC'r Abbey !liter watchlnr Iowa City, a boy FrIday st Mer~y Emma Paulson, 83 Iowa' Clty her ,.Iand-In, Ihe Duchesy or Norfotk, CO ~broUJh rehearsal for ",e hospital. " FridsY' at Mercy hOB~ltal. ' Jun,2 roronatlon. hl'Rhtl' hl'f I, the Duke or Norfolk. ellr' mmrsh 11 Mr, nml Mrs. Wnorlrow Ornblnn. Pnlllltll' ~chumrtchcr flO Mnr- Itt ~hArAe or 'h~ cOl'olluiloll. pxtord, a boy FrlqllY .at ,¥l:l'CY cogo, Friday at Mercy' hospital. • . . . I Former Instructor 5 To Participate lIis 2d Silver Sta r In" Sullivan Show Plane Crash in Iowa Kills 2 Four SUI students and one Iq51 Capt. William B. Southwick a graduate will appear on Ed Sulll- DES MOINES (JP) - A C--tG -----...: ------;---.::.-­ infantry inslr r' ;1 , van's "Toast of the Town" tele'{i- passenger plane, apparently blo'vn ,uc 0 In . Ie sion show May 3l. out of the sky by a violent wina The Iceman Won't Ring unit at SU I, has been The students are former memo and electrical storm, crashed and cd his second silver star. ' bel's 0 r the St, Thomas Military burned on a farm about 16 miles Effective June 1, delh'cry of ice to SUI's married student wick, who served as In-I academy drill squad ot St.Paul, ing will be dlsl"ontinueq. east ot here early Friday, killing tor here from September IMinn. The squad will appear on two pet!;ons. The low volume of Ice consumed by studcnts in mantied' , the show. The plane, motors roaring, : oup1eo wnn a recent IIlcrease In tne pnce of ice, will make to June, J 952, received thel Members of t:le- squad from SUI plunged to earth in a cornfield on sibie for the married student's ice delivery service to in Walter Reed medical nrc: Bob Vogel, Al, rowa City; the David Boot farm just as the present service at current rates. . r, Washington, D. C. Ray Bierschbach, A2, Lemmo~ storm reached its heliht in the At the present time less than 18 per cent of married citation reads that South- South Dakota; Don Welp Al Des Moines area. The weathe: housing apartments are using' ice. action, although Bancroft: and James Welp, AI: bureau reported that wind gustf The 'service was begun when e1ectric refrigerators were in both legs and In O'lC Bancroft. Don Black, wno~. were measured at 75 miles pel to obtain and the majority of married student residents used , that forced the withdrawal ceived his B.S. degree from 8m hour about the time of the crash boxes. The volume of ice consumption at that time was great the ChInese Communists on a in 1951 will also appear on the' 4:15 a.m. to permit delivery at a savings to residents. I near "Old Baldy" In Korea show. Dead JdenWled September. He received a .11------The dead were identified 11: sta~' and two bronze stal's for Tragedy Epic Structure Capt. Bowen Marshall, 33, an~ In World War II. ' co-pilot Samuel Aronson, 29, boU' President Signs Tidelands Bill coming ' to SUI, South- To Be Subject of Talk of San Antonio, Tex. served in Europe. His wife Prot. John C. McGalliard of ti State highway patrolmen hac son remained in Iowa City SUI Engllsh department w:1 reported the fire was still ragin~ early this year, when thf.'Y speak on "Tragedy and Epic: The and that a third body might be in To Maintain 'Rights of States' to Washington, D. C. Structure Of , Milton's parad~'] the plane. But only two wer( David found when the wreckage cooler WASHINGTON (JP)-Pres.ldent ------..:..--- Book IX," next Monday a p.m. ill the senate chamber Q enough for a tractor to pull i, :!:isenhower signed the con trover- as souvenirs. 8 apart. ;lal "tidelands" bill into law Frl- Enactment C1f the ment Asked Old Capitol. . McGiJliard's talk is being spon SUI J The plane was licensed to Re- lay, declaring "r will always re- measurc fulfills one Rent Dispute sored by the graduate college an sort airlines of Miami, Fla. R. A ;ist federal e',lcroachment upon hower's campaign promises. the humanities society, Miller, treasurer ot the company. 'lghts and affaIrs of the states." Democratic opponent, former Leslie Freswick of 906 S. Sum~ "'i said the plane was returning from The legislation asserts the rights Adlai Stevenson of Illinois, a ferry run to Cheyenne, Wyo. l ' If states to all submerged oft- out for federal ownership of st. filed suit Thursday In II i·.. ' L .'j II T_1.. __ •• _ county district court ask- 'J-"~ .. ) ••• had picked up 21 airmen at Smok) :hore land within their historic disputed territory. a judgment of $300 from Har- Hlll air force base at.Sallna, Kan. )()undaries and gives them au tho- The supreme court hjls rulec' Marston of 1024 Walnut NOW! "OVER THE and delivered them to Warrer : I~y to d~velop t.he ~il and other three times that the federili gov- a , rental dispute. WEEK-END'! air force base at Cheyenne. . 111l1eral fiches IY1l1g 1I1 the under- ernment has "paramount rights" No Putenrerw Aboard Nater territory. to the submerged lands, and for- Freswick, in his petition, r.::===Admlsslonl==~ Matinee To 5:30 p.m. lie The plane had no passenger: California, Florida, Texas and mer President Truman twice ve- I C that he is leasing the property at Sunday 'Till 2:00 p.m. and was returning to Miami by Souislana will benefit especially toed bills lIimed at giving c~eal owa ily 1024 Walnut st., to Marston at a .-. way ot Chicago when the cras~ ;lnce 011 wells already have been title to the states. GM, CIO nlO" rental of $75 monthly, payable In occurred, )rought in oft their coasts. ' There may be another cour' T H Id AI EhObol ' • advance. The rent has not been After viewing the scattercd Generally the historic boundar- fight over the Issue soon. The at- 0 0 r X I 1 paid for the past four months, he ' er, Daniel, wreckage, Norbert Locke, directol :es extend three miles offshore torney genetal of ArlQl,nsas har 0 4 C f ( f Ch claims. men;, had of the Iowa aeronautics commis· lUt Texas and Florida claim four announced he wlU challenge thJ: Students at University elemen~ n on roc anges 1 1~:~;:;;:;===:::1i l NOTHING EVER LIKE IT IN for a cabin II i on, sta t e d hIS· "person...,ft' opnioS!'j 3panish leagues-about 10 Yo! mile! legality of the legislation and har atanr:uasclhOa°rtl Wexhil'i~irtesSenuntdtah;~ sixtn ' NATURAL VISION when their David that the plane "stafted to come '?"into the Gulf or Mexico. Invited other nterested states t( 2 to .4 p.m. in the e!ementary DETROIT' (n,Jt>\ - G enera I M otors apar t In the air due to extreme Con ...... e.smen Wa'-h"".... SI"'ln'" .. ioin him in the suit. rooms. corpora ti on an d the CIO U m·t e d ion from present levels is limited and u .... J.lI'''' ... of water. tu;,~u~~~~'''the plane was in the Eisenhower invited .46 ll1l!mberl The display is the art "'ork Auto Workers Friday agreed to to five cents an hour no matter Daniel center of a flerce tnunderstorm of congrcss to the Signing cere- 2 Senior Students pupils in grades one to six, in their current five-year how much the cost 01' living goes but tailed bordering or equaling tornado ve- mony. All of them had helpec in a variety of materials. to provide pay raises and down. covered the locity," Locke said. push the 'bill the hous( Among the exhibit will be tem- benefits for 3.50,000 workers 4. GM granted 40,000 skilled throu~h Named 'Leaders' l David, 21, He added that this would be md sen~te. The senate tough! ° h ' h~ I pra paintings, crayon etchings. throughout the natton. trades workers across the nation 80th In TtchnlcoJor and Mrs. Ray considerably m 0 r e destructiVE lVer t~e IB:Sue for a month befor( At HIS Sc 00 I paper mache, «lay sculpture, The agreement was reached as an hourly jncrease of 10 cents. The "Indian Uprislnc" Rapids. than the 75-mlle-an-hour gust~ Ipprov1l1g It. University hlgh school's lead- materials and cooperativ~ separate strikes in four midwest- UAW said "this increase is in re- - Plus - BelClI'e measured at the Des Moines air- "I am pleased to sign this mea· :ng students in the class Dr 1953 such as murals, mobiles and ern part~ plants idle~ 1~5 , 650 cognitiolt of the inequities that Schmitz port at about the same time. lUre into law recognizing the an· lre Sidney G. w~ ter Jr., son of Clowe r bo~es. workers 111 the automotive .1I1dus- have developed, pecause of the WARN'ERCOLOR academy PI&ne Crashed Euly :tent rights of the states in th( Dea d M 51 e W' ta d Mrs. LoIS Foersterllng, G, Iowa /\.y. • Korean conflict as between sk t ~ttended . h n an rs, y 111 r, an C't d Mild d H Il'd G tt. , ' The plane plowed into the earth lUb merge d 1an d s WIt In their his· Jane Crawford di\u,hter of Prof I y, an re. 0 lay, .' UAW president Walter P. Reu- trades workers employed by the """IIII"C San }l.n'tonIO,\ just as farmers ot the area were ~o ric boundaries," the Prcsiden Ind Mrs. B. V.' Crawford. Two Harbors, Mum., have m- ther said the union would "press corporation and those employed in VINCENI PRICE · FRANK LOYUOY ' P\lYlUS III At Loras climbing out of bed to begin their ~old his guests. Wint . h d f th SUI 1- structed the c~ass work. immediately" for similar conces- jobbing shops." SUNDAY & MONDAY Also - Colortoon ... News er IS ea 0 e eo Frank WachOWiak head· , basketball day's chores. "As I have said many times : ege of commerce and Crawforc U· 't h' h hIt slons from other maJor manu- The corporation declined to es- • , This OJant Trees Explode! I I ;~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both the pilot aod the co-pllol iepJore and I will always resls is of the SUI En,lish m~er:1 ~h Ig r 00 a~ facturers which have long-term timate the cost of the modifica- Smoke Jumpers ' Dlr In' II scheduled were still strapped in (neir seats ~edera l encroachment upon right nent. m<;ph' s h ':it aT supe~vI~~r. b contracts with the union. tions. The agreement b~comes ef- SEE! to eu:ape BD.rolDr Dea'h for ROTC wben found. Their bodies lay un- and affairs of the states, Recog Both students have won state lic a~;x n~ ~~fs~~ono Wi~ pUb; EWU Reach Ageremen\ fec~ive with thc June 1st pay 'Red, Skies Montana' Ii,w. Born der an engine nacelle which had 'lizing the states' claim to thes jebate honors, are members of the charged. Shortly after the GM-UA W an- perIOds. of 816 ARST·II Ra pids, he to be moved with a tractor before lands is in keeping with basi, ;enior h,onor societies, and have nouncement, James B. Carey, -.----- wllh RlCllARD WID MARK. \ \ I Knights of oM CONSTANCE S~IITH o I , : p they could be removed. ~f!~~,~Ples of honesty and fail lad straIght A schQlaatic records. C to president of the CIO electrical Cqnc~ptjon I II - PLUS - ~ , , Miss Crawford is president 0 ec Ion workers union, said GM and his Armed Men Flee I" I' J _..,. ' __", II'L Name Broderlek CRAWFORD and 'YIOng Costs ROlse Ike Receives Applause .he class and ~Itor of the Scho(~ Of R' I C t union had reached a similar agree- • • Donna REED In LI There was a burst of applaUSE ;>~per. W1I1ter 18 student ~ouncl1 Ip ey ar oons ent covering 40,000 GM eleclri- Michigan Prison S~~~S THURSDAY when the President penned hi' vIce-president, sports editor (it To Be Shown Here workers. "SCANDAL SHEET" ---- "l\fAY 28" ---­ 1ame to the documents. He usee ~hetbsChlloOllttPllPer, and a two-year GM president Harlow H Cur- MARQUETTE, Mich. (JP)- A ROAD SHOW ATTRACTIONI 2 M three pens and later gave them te <00 a e erman . , d Love Nesters! Thrill Kille .. ! In Past onths ~nators and representatives from University high' cOmmenceme!l! Robert Ripley's personal termed the GM-UA W revis- ven pnsoners, orme with ",,,,IV""'. '. -.--. roach Record Florida, Texas and PennsylVania exercises will be held June 2 ai lection of "Believe It or Not" odd- "a practical solution to prob- overpowered a guard and b~()~~; i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ttl App I I 3 p.m. in the University theatre ities, exhibited and sponsored by created by the Korean war out ~f the Marqu.ette branch c9ltYte the .tiCrlfm,at ToWASHINGTON (JP) _ Living . the navy club ,or the U.S., will its resultant inflationary im- MIchigan State pTison Fnday. ANOTHER BIG ONE costs rose slightly between March K' ey C' lui. W' lo·t nes' S be In towa City on 'SuI'tday Mon- and the re-Institution of gov- They used an acteylene torch at and April. to approach the record U day and Tuesday. ' wage controls." cut theil' way through prison bars. mark, the bureau ot labor statls- The Sunllay exhibition will be what the UA Wand GM The men fled Into a wooded ,.J 1~ t '- J ~ tics reported Friday. J °1 d f C t t located at Washington and Du- modifications are: area west of the prison. A heavy ""L! j; .' The government Index advanced al e or on emp , buque sts. Monday and Tuesday, 1. The annual im12rovcment fac- concentration, of prison , guards ------only one-tenth of 1 per cent be- will be at the corner of Clin- was raised to live cents an and statc police began an inten Startinq Next Wednesday tween mid-March and mid-April. DES MOINES (JP)- Tony Ca- ton and Iowa ave. hour. The 1950 contract - a his- sive manhunt. MID WEST PREMIERE But it was up tor the second tansarlta, . 40, Friday faced a The exhibit will feature toric five-year pact - provided Warden Emery Jacques S81<1 the - straight month, and brought the weekend m the Polk County jail, of the original drawings and 3U- that hourly-rated workers should seven, inmates of cellblock TIME MAG. This Week Said index within one-half of 1 per where he was sent Thursday on thentic subjects on which the ca: - get' a four-cent hourly pay hike were assigned as plumbers "Current and Choicel" cent ot the peak set last Novem- contempt of court ~har(e after toons Yo(ere based. The mobile ex- during each year of the contract. had been working on a radial b retused to testify 1':' a key hibit is. moun.ted on a special cus- Changeover Granted repair project. e~esPlte the increase, predictions liquor conspiracy trIal. tom-bu!it. trat.ler. . 2. GM granted a changeovel They puUcd a knUe on their that President Eisenhower's aban- Hearing has been scheduled ,AdmISSIOn IS tree. The exhibit from the "old" to the "new" bu- guard, locked him in a cell and doning of wage and price cOl\trols before S~preme w1ll be open to the public from reau of labor statistics price in- used the torch to cut their way JustIce T, G. Garflelq and noon untIl 9 P'":l' on Sunday, and dex. The UAW had declared the onto the front lawn of the prison. several months ago would not ma- man R. Hays to dlltermh,\e from 9 a.m , until 9 p.m. on Mon- ld 'nd t d dUd . --. ------I ~~..... terlally affect consumer costs still ther the court wilt review Catan- day and Tuesday. °th If" ex was outrmot e. n edl RITA are holding true. The consumer sarita's case. ' e lve-year-con. ac , wages an price level has been fluctuating In Judge Garfielq turned down the AFL A k Ik aries, lire r~vlewed qua.rtel·ly DANCELAND HAYWORTH II narrow range. plea of defense attorney 1. J oel nd adJusted wl,th changes In the sse ToniQht STEWART Food Co.e. Drop Pasternak for an order permit- T N G consu~er prIce Index. Retail food costs, ",hlch have ting Catans~rlta to post 0 ame roup 3. Nineteen of .t~e 24 cents an Fine Music ot VANCE DIXON GRANGER been dropping steadily month by hl$ release from ail. T PI E ho~r cost of hV1l1~ allowance II month since last August, except Catansarita Wll! the first state 0 an conomy which the workers gamed thus far & HIS HOST OF STARS 10r a slight upturn tn March, went witness called Tbursday in under the contract, will be added I .down aaain in April, by .2 per liquor conspiracy trial' ot Charles WA~HINGTO ~(JP)- The ~Fl, to base wage rates as of June l. £yery WEDNESDAY SALO~E · I . AI tit t executive counCil said Fr1da This means that the amount of Conl"cnlal " OVER 211-N ITE" ·''''tlfnn, cent. BIS gnano JI1 u,s r c cour. os ·t h t t . CHARm lAUGHTON , This was more than offset by . B islgnan~ is acc~~ed 0( , pr ~~r~ y b~~en;~Co~~e~d:daYthatl ;.~~~~ec:;,;t;t:O:d:o:w;:n:\V:a:rd=r=e:V:IS:-~===::~~~~~~~~ , d 'modest Increases Ir. many other mg with hw brother, Fra"k, President Eisenhower set up Il l ' TODAY /.D!11'\IIWOII' 10 CIbIC II\W)IQI consumer costs, Including rents others to vlollpte , the liquor commissi()n anyway to study steps LATE 'Ya 'YI ...... WIl \YIN r·/oIIlIQ 1OfIIAl11 l [I" Thru ..AllOW MOIl· AlA/( WII. and household operation, shoes, , in the operation of the GI of combatting any economic SHOW .... .A. I ~ .:, medical care, cigarettes, transpor- club, one of several key cession TONITE TUESDAY tallon, gasoline, auto repairs, raid~d last fall. The 'AFL proposed that a beauty shop services, and recrea- DIstrict J~d,e Russel[ Jordan clal presidentlal commission FIRST SHOWING IN CITY tion. 1 held that the witqess could not named to make "a thorough study April clothing prices were a bit refuse to answer questions on. the of the economic outlook" and map A Rollicking, Frolicking lower, as were prices tor washing ~roun~ that his all4we~s ml/Cnt plans to "assure continuing eco- BAnLE QF THE SEXES I machines and electric retrlgera- mcr.im1l1ate him In a liquor case. nomic expansion, financial stabil- tors. where he is afforded freedom Ity and full.empl.oyment." • April lDcIex Given RUTH PEPPEL, who rot her Irom pr~ecutlon. The proposal is similar to O:!P. The mid-April index, as an- start in .how business lut year The Bls~.nano trial , was re- advanCed recently 9Y CIO Presi- nounced by the bureau of labor when ahe wu chosen MI .. P,ho- su~ed Frlda~ w,lth three state dent Walter Reuther to plan "ENDS statistics, was 113.7 per cent of the ~ Fluh or 1952, peRIl wUh a WItnesseS testlfrln~. CO\lrt was re- ahead lor economic downturn MONDAY" 1947-49 averate. This means that portable radio 011 a ~aeh In cessed at noon until Monday. 11r.:=~;=:::=:::, ! what cost a dollar about five years HollyWOod JUlt llke a Ilew Catansilrita is a past preside:!t .. FlRU RUN MITt • ago now costs nearly $1.14. The movie ,tarle& - which Ibe Is. of the G. I. JOe club and the two Index reached a rec:oro 114.3 last She Is worklnr In her lint BlSiganano brothers are cousins November, went down in DeCem_l ....m_ovi •• e•. ___ ~----'!I""-~O:. f ~C;;a::s;ta~n~s;a.ri.ta.'.s.iw_It;e• . ____ ber, January and February, rose I­ to 113.8 In March and advanced We Have again in April. THAT'S RIGHTI DON'T­ The mid-April price level was ~ESS Presell~ .7 per cent above a year ago and SETTLE FOR THAN Many Great • LON[ 11.7 per cent more than when the THE \ BESTI THIS IS 'YI·. F,llm., But surging h: Korean war be,ao. Food costs are the Thllm ...... This 11 The about 2 !)Cr cent lower than a year - Is s~ill me ago, but 11 tier ,cent hlcher than Year'. Best ... on Londbl the pre-Korean period. The atme None of the major labor con­ ~~~;~ &iNijii plain plcr tracts gearing wage rates to the Shows at - 1:3' - - ENDS ~ONJJAY - a trelJ'lenc government Index were aHected 3:30 - 5:25 - '7:35 ~,S under-sta by the new livin, cost tilUres. 9:35-'FelLture 9:55' avoid th( I ~ ago, befo- I WAS Edward S. Rose-'"' mony Me 0IIe Wadel at a .&ore ,,"Allie the he or abe Uk ..' It - ...~be ~ favorable I. Ute Mrviee or tile cemplete treaSury, ... 01 roocls ., _~be Ute nal revel val... reeetveci .... &D'W'~ we their rec Alwa,. tr7 to pleue ~ou - ley vice-' ...~be It'l a e...... o - ..... JUGG levell. . .,... 11UId17 - • YI ...... pr0- ! (3 Produced by STANLEY duct - ma"be WI to FILL who broulhl you "Hlah Noon" YOll& PRl8CalPTlON - li WA~ night COl ~ .il~ MillY VIlALE JedePatlc DRUG SHOP ... ,"'. RICHARD CARlSON •lint DONOVAN· _ IYION ! 'P ti St.t ,Ioey Iii Idla J.Dis .veral .. 1.. 8. Dat .. - It. proud of \ , . EXTRA ADDED • TECHNICOLOR CARTOON of retuel 11 put p