Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa Pvil7 ~1ea47 U. warm· ft' ted .. ,. Paril, d ••d,- ....J.iU,;JIIIu:;,.tll Campus and alld mU. SIUUIa,. m.h ....7. '1%; 1_. fl. H .... Iowa City . owan FrlU7. U: 1_. U. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa Cit , e , e I wes orms Dulles 'Doubts Value of Talks COl.lples Enjoy 'Senior Cruise' Rains, Winds Editor Clabby, Cleared With High Communist Leaders Lash 6 States; Of 'Distortion' Charges Floods Follow The Board of Student Publications, Inc., Friday cleared Bill Says Reds Must Ha~t Clabby, Daily Iowln editor, of choraes of "distortion" In news stories 2 More from SUI 87 1'111: ASSOCIATED paESS and edltorlais. The Mldwe&t was dryln~ ott Alter four and a hall hours of deliberation. the bOtlrd voted to Aggression in Korea Receive Fulbright late Friday afternoon after violent dismiss the char,es ~n the &rounds that the evidence presented did nt' t storms iJajShrted partsI Oft a ' not SUbstantiate them and that there wu no evidence to indicate a a e area. nunc at eas II • To Facilitate Peace dozen persons, wrecklng buildings purposeful or maliciou. dlstorlioll Awards for Study and homes and causing dama,e or omisllon or facts. NEW DELHI, India (JP) -Secre- Prof. Fred W. Schueler ot the estimated at several hundred A statement of the charles. pre. I Iary 0f Stateon J h F os te ruesD II thousand dollars. pared by David Stanley. LA. Mu • \ said Friday he doubted any good SUI pharmacY' department and Floodwaters caused by spring catlne. and submitted to the board Iwould come of big power talks Dr. Robert, J. Joynt, a 1952 cOI- downpours forced huhdreds of ad. by member Carl Zimmerman. A4. with Soviet leaders unless th'e lege or medicine graduate, wlll dltlonal tom III e. to llee tht'ir Waterloo. called for Clabby's Communist bloc stopped its ag- Middle East ,and South Asia. study abroad during 1953-1954 homes on the Texas.Loulslana reslanation or a reprImand, or gresslon in Korea and Indochina He answered only written ques· under Fulbright awards. border and and sent damage past both. an d agrecd on I n d epend ence f or tl ons h an ded t 0 h1m· In a d vance Schueler has been awarded a the $2 million mark. Stanley and Zimmerman accused A tr· d e! s d to k II It th Fulbrlgh t research .... ant for study ""0' us la. an I' u e rna e ny 0 • e· o· Here In Iowa, Q Violent wind Clabby of dlstortJn~ and omililn, His statement, given at a news cuff comments. at the Hiiher Institute of Health and electrical storm was blamed _____________ ,ronCerence here just betore he At the airport, Dulles said he In Rome, Italy. He wl11 do re- lor the crash of a C-46 passenler 'flew on to Karachi, Pakistan. felt his three days of talks with search work on drugs with Daniel plane which plun,ed to earth an(t Board's Statement . M" t N hr d th Bovey, internationally - k now n aroused special lnterest in the P rime lOIS t'r e u an 0 er __ ...... -rd _I ._._ _ I S •..• I dl I d h d I d t o b It pharmacologist and director of !he (For f"-"'~ "'_'_11_ a_..... on "'UlI~ '" - light of the coming Bermuda ndant eadiers abo he 'd e er Institute. Joynt will study neuro- ...--.... _..... otJ the deDI PubUaaUoaa.lDCI .• havill, ex. meeting of President Eisenhower. u~'Wers hand ng on f tIl SI ches. • physiology at Conville Caius co!- plaDe c ....b. ••ee ~e amiJlecl the char.-n levelecl acalut a y e.) Prime Minister Sir Winston I ell h a v,edr '~It ehx abnge OL lege, Cambridge university i:1 Mr. WlIllam Clabb7, edllor ., The Churchlll, and whatever premier vews, e sal . as een a molly I."·an by Fro. Tbomal' burned 18 mlles east of Des DaD, Iowan. b" Davl' 8'--'.- 'l ··t " England on a Fulbright scholar- Pb~IO .. .....~ .. takes up the reins ' of France's wor th w hIe VISI . A GROUP OF ENIOR. GRADUATE and their da~s wa&eh Moines. The only wo aboard, lh.e &IlCl prNeDkd b, Mr. Carl Zim. fallen government. Dulles told the news conference Sh~~hueler ' Wi1l leave for Rome in Chuck Rurr, pianlst in Larry BarreU's orches.ra, play dance music pilot and co-pilot were killed. mermaD, fhula tha& the factual Churchill has expressed the hope the U.S. th.inks t~e present "stale. September with hit. wl1e and two for the commencement llarty ... enior Crul e," Friday nJ,ht In the "IUle low. Cit, na ....e evidence pruente. 10 tlU. boar' j , the Big Three talks next month mate of distrust can be broken. children, Ruth, 8. and Carl. 3. Iowa !\{emorlal nlon. The students are from lefL to r1tht, Sidney Iowa City orllolals reported'OClI DO& .ubataDtiak the eharp' might lead to a broader discus- But he adde~ that distrust wlll Ruth will attend a school in Rome Rosenblum. G, Paterson. N.J.; Eslelle ]\[11 ters. N2. De! Moines: comparatively light doma,e re- ancJ that. there .. no evidence to William Clobby slon of East-West tension with continue as long as the Korean next winter. Schueler is a grad"- Marilyn Myers. AI. Jowa City. and Malcolm Fallek, G. Albany. suiting from the winds and rain lIullcak • p~ful or JDAlieioUi WillS 'Battlr of Waterloo' Soviet Premier Georgi N. Malen. war goes on. uate of the University of Chicago N.Y. that swept this area. Broken tree cllQoriIOIl or omlsal611 of f"Y. or kov. and has been associated with SUl branche and several clo/r,ed an IDkatloaal vlolatloD of the I bb "1 doubt." said Dulles, "that T · p. f for the past six years. Y t , R t W'/ sewers constituted most ot ntIu .. ob,JeeUve ,Journalism. Cays Statement very importan,t Te.ults could CO!TIe urnlng oln· Joynt is one of approximate!y 0 r y eques s I son the damaae In the cltv. The boarel recOCDlsa that cu· The dtd.lon of the board five out of any !ugh-Ievel conference 200 students to receive grants fol' lllinois, [ndlana and Ohio bore taln erron la Dew. Ikrles aD' la me rrea& pel'lOlIal aauat.etlon an' Including tne leaders of Soviet ITT Ik study in England. the brunt of the Midwest $torms edUorl.... were brolllbt to lI.h&. I am .ure th.t all mem~rs of Tbe Russia so long as the Soviet blqc n ruc· e a Fulbright winners are selected T H d' R' t ' which struck a few hours atter bUt theM were DOt IUIflelflit. 10 Dall7 Iowan ltatt will draw a C~grUnetrsslel'osnalrne KPrOormeao,tlangwaar wOfaragO.fl by the board ol foreign scholar· 0 a n In es I 9 n a Ion tornadoes ripped across the Michl· .ubetantlate the charln u pre· Iara'e meuure ., confidence (rom a• ships, which is composed of mem- gan·Canadlan border. killing at NnW. It I wi... to .lden' my craterul gression in Indochina - against ·Ma Be 'Near bers appointed by the president WASHINGTON (JP) - Rep. ieast live persons. These erro,. were. lor the mOl' thallil &0 the mallY .tudent. and Laos; so long as In Europe they Y of the Institute of Internation ~' Samuel Yorty (D·ealif.) asserted Sen. Margaret Chase Smith (R. The winds knocked down trees, part. 0' the ',pe fOIlD' In aU faculty membefl who e loyalty refuse to restore the independence Education. Friday that secretary of defense Me.) Questioned Wilson and de;>· ]) 0 w e r and telephone ne,..pape.... aDel npeelall, ID tbe w •• a eon tan' IruplraUon &0 my. of Austria and withdraw their oc· TOKYO (JP) _ (Saturday) A The awards are made under Charles E. Wilson should resign uty defense secretary Roger )1. lines and blocked highways with eoverace of Dew. Which II ID· elf aDd the Iowan d.urilla' thll cupatlon troops trim that small n provisions of a congressional pub. "and let somebody get in who \In- K.ves closely about the position debrIs. voIved. c--.plex, t.Dd of auch a cOllU'ove,.y. I bear no enmlt, and inoffensive country." unusual degree of secrecy shield· Hc law, the Fulbright act. Funds derstands our defense needs.", Ithe joint chiets when they At Watseka, 111., about 70 miles n.ture ilia&. varJolIa parUH have teward thai. who SUPpOrted the It was the lirst full-fledgeQ ing work by the Allled high com- for the awards are obtained It was the latest in a moun ing beIore Ferguson's committee. south or ChIcoio, the wind calLl&e clItferent abou$ what char,e made ..aln.t me. Durlnt news conference Dulles had ·glven mand on a revised lCorean truce through surplus property saies series of blasts directed at Wilson I Eisenhower has shaken up th snatched II school bus from the la.u ~IJ _urreel. t.lle few day. thai rem&1n of mf on his fact·finding tour of the sal suggested today that a abroad. The programs are carried by both Democrats and RepubLi· joint chiefs, the nation's top mll. road' and drop~d. it upside down I .. the cue of the lo,," n, tbe teJW.J;e as edltor, 1 .hall ~on'ue' * * *' propo.t out In, 25' countries. cans who af"e opposed to Wilson's itory strategists, and named tour In a rleld SOO feet aWaY.
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