Copeland's History of Murrayfield
: A HISTORY TOWN OF MURRAYFIELD, EARLIER KNOWN AS TOWNSHIP NO. 9, AND COMPRISING THE PRESENT TOWNS OF CHESTER AND HUNTINGTON, THE NORTHERN PART OF MONTGOMERY, AND THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MIDDLEFIELD. 1760 1783. Of SPRINQF^IELD, MASS, SPKINGFIELD, MASS. /6 3 ^^ CLARK W. BRYAN & COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1892. ^ It Copyright, 1892, by ALFRED M. COPELAKD. C/'. A^ontfomej^ ^s ^ "A/orr/L- ///ve of \ 4 <^ \ O^ [House >- ^. -^z % H ^«- ^-><. 'K ^-^. PRBFACE. About ten years ago I began gathering facts touching the history of the town of Murrayfield. I had had occasion frequently, during my residence in the town of Huntington, to consult the book of records of the original proprietors, and had traced a copy of the proprietors' plan of the town for my own use, as occasion might require in my professional work in the neighborhood; but it had never occurred to me to write a history of the town, nor to institute investigations in that direction. Some time after the organization of ''The Connecticut Valley Historical Society" I promised to write a sketch of the town of Murrayfield, in a single paper, to be read before the society; but several years transpired before I felt sure that I had found the start- ing point. The more I investigated, the richer the field proved. From the proprietors' records, from the registry of deeds, from the records of courts, from the records of the Colonial General Court, from original documents in the office of the Secretary of the Com- monwealth, from the records of the old town and of the old church, and from inscriptions upon headstones in the old cemetery, I gathered together a greater array of facts than had at first seemed possible.
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