Contents NATIVE NOTES Page Fern workshop 1-2 Wavey-leaf basket Grass 3 Names Cacalia 4 Trip Report Sandstone Falls 5 Kate’s Mountain Clover* Trip Report Brush Creek Falls 6 Thank yous memorial 7 WEST VIRGINIA NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY NEWSLETTER News of WVNPS 8 VOLUME 22:3 WINTER 2014-15 Events, Dues Form 9 Judy Dumke-Editor:
[email protected] Phone 740-894-6859 Magnoliales 10 e e e visit us at e e e . Fern Workshop University of Charleston Charleston WV January 17 2015, bad weather date January 24 2015 If you have thought about ferns, looked at them, puzzled over them or just want to know more about them join the WVNPS in Charleston for a workshop led by Mark Watson of the University of Charleston. The session will start at 10 A.M. with a scheduled end point by 12:30 P.M. A board meeting will follow. The sessions will be held in the Clay Tower Building (CTB) room 513, which is the botany lab. If you have any pressed specimens to share, or to ask about, be sure to bring them with as much information as you have on the location and habitat. Even photographs of ferns might be of interest for the session. If you have a hand lens that you favor bring it along as well. DIRECTIONS From the North: Travel I-77 South or 1-79 South into Charleston. Follow the signs to I-64 West. Take Oakwood Road Exit 58A and follow the signs to Route 61 South (MacCorkle Ave.).