2008 Annual Report
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FREEDOM TO MARRY ANNUAL REPORT 2008 Fostering a Strategic Vision Framing the Debate Facilitating Work and Collaboration the gay and non-gay partnership working to win marriage equality nationwide 20 08 TABLE OF CONTENTS OUR VISION .............................................................. 3 Our Vision Freedom to Marry’s Roles RECAPPING THE YEAR ................................................ 4 Pre California Decision Post California Decision Post Election Letter to the President-Elect PURSUING THE STRATEGY ............................................8 State Highlights CATALYZING THE DEBATE ..........................................10 Articles & Editorials Publications Voices of Equality Let California Ring - 2008 Shaping the Story BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS ..........................................15 The Marriage Justice Project The NAACP Marriage Justice Project AUGMENTING RESOURCES..........................................16 Regranting & Partner Support Civil Marriage Collaborative National Collaborative STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION ........................19 DONORS ..................................................................20 STAFF & STEERING COMMITTEE ..................................21 2 OUR VISION OUR VISION CONGRATULATIONS CONNECTICUT! Freedom to Marry’s singular mission — winning marriage for same-sex couples and their families in On October 10, 2008, the Connecticut Supreme the U.S. — uniquely positions us to focus on fostering Court upheld the freedom to marry in Kerrigan a strategic vision, framing the debate, and facilitating and Mock v. the Connecticut Department of Public work and collaboration among the many players in Health. Connecticut joined Massachusetts and the movement for marriage equality. It is this catalyt- (at that time) California in ending the exclusion of ic role that we play — providing the vision, building same-sex couples from marriage. The high court support, encouraging the players to stay on track and decision stated, “Interpreting our state constitu- in sync — that allows Freedom to Marry’s partner tional provisions in accordance with firmly estab- organizations to accomplish their tasks more effec- lished equal protection principles leads inevitably tively while the movement and its allies keep their to the conclusion that gay persons are entitled to collective “eyes on the prize.” And the combined, marry the otherwise qualified same sex partner of collaborative work — the whole that is greater than their choice.” the parts — summons more voices, more resources, more supporters to the cause of ending exclusion Following the example of the California ruling, from marriage and the gains that come along the the Connecticut high court found that indeed sep- way. arate institutions such as civil unions or domestic partnerships are unequal to marriage. The Connecticut decision concluded, “in light of the FREEDOM TO MARRY’S ROLES history of pernicious discrimination faced by gay men and lesbians, and because the institution of Since our founding in 2003, Freedom to Marry has marriage carries with it a status and significance pursued our mission through four key ways in which that the newly created classification of civil unions we add value and through which we help move mar- does not embody, the segregation of heterosexual riage equality forward: and homosexual couples into separate institutions constitutes a cognizable harm.” Just like the o Strategist and Alliance Builder: Freedom to California ruling, the Connecticut high court Marry convenes diverse stakeholders, including understood that the only way to provide equality national advocacy groups, state and local organi- is through marriage. zations, and funders to ensure maximum support, coordinated action plans, and the deployment of Freedom to Marry salutes the leadership of Gay best practice tactics. and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) which represented eight same-sex couples in this o Advisor and Counselor: Freedom to Marry offers case, and Love Makes a Family which continually direct advice and counsel to each state’s leader- leads the way for marriage equality in Connecticut. ship as they tackle the day-to-day challenges pre- sented by the nay-sayers on the right and the Anne Stanback, the Executive complacent or conflicted in the middle. Director of Love Makes a Family in Connecticut for the last 5 years: o Funding Engine: Freedom to Marry provides “Freedom to Marry has been an direct support to innovative programming with invaluable resource to us in our gay and non-gay groups working to advance mar- work to win marriage equality riage equality, often seeding activities and strate- for same-sex couples here in gies for others to fund more fully as they develop. Connecticut. Whether we have needed research data for an immediate press call or the name of o Message Delivery: Freedom to Marry program the right person to strategize with in another state, staff develop messaging and educational the Freedom to Marry staff has always responded materials while providing key voices for the in a helpful and timely fashion.” debate locally and nationally. 3 20 08 RECAPPING THE YEAR 2008 PRE CALIFORNIA DECISION 2008 was a truly tumultuous year for the move- Our 2008 began with Freedom to Marry Week and ment for the freedom to marry, as for the country, our annual Marriage Training Institute at The Task ending on a note of difficulty and tremendous Force’s hugely attended Creating Change hope. While marked by both successes and Conference, two important events that we use to bumps, the past twelve months ultimately showed grow buy-in for the strategy and enhanced capabili- that when we and our allies engage early and work ty nationwide. While we watched with cautious together in a sustained, affirmative effort, we can optimism the oral arguments in the California win marriage equality. After all, 2008 was the year Supreme Court in early March, we simultaneously we saw two powerful court rulings striking down continued to provide coaching, advice and regrant exclusion from marriage and rejecting civil union as support across the country in states such as New a substitute for equality. Jersey, New York, and Vermont. As the Court In 2008, we won the freedom to marry in a second weighed the case, we cheered the issuance of state, and then a third, with marriage secure now reports documenting the inadequacy of civil unions in Connecticut. The pain of having the freedom to in New Jersey and Vermont and strategized with marry temporarily taken away in California has already state groups on how to maximize their impact in led to a new awakening for many not previously conveying that there is no substitute for equality in engaged, and renewed determination to do what marriage. is needed to restore marriage equality in California and ending the denial of marriage nationwide. When One Iowa and its partners successfully held off the passage of an anti-marriage constitutional For Freedom to Marry, 2008 had three distinct amendment, we went to work encouraging and phases — before the California State Supreme assisting in the shaping of an Court decision, post-decision, and post-election. affirmative public education campaign to create the And while each part of the year revolved around climate for the Iowa Supreme Court to affirm the events in California, our work remained national. constitutional right of same-sex couples to marriage equality. And we quickly updated our web site when newly named New York Governor Paterson instructed state agencies to honor any out of state legal marriage on the heels of state court decisions to that effect. Maria Shriver Senator Ted Kennedy First Lady of California US Senator, Massachusetts (Dem.) “I believe in people’s right to “There are now more than a thou- choose a partner that they love.” sand federal rights and benefits based on marriage. Gay couples and their children deserve to share 4 in all these rights and benefits too.” RECAPPING THE YEAR POST CALIFORNIA DECISION On May 15, we cheered, hugged, and cried (and As the election neared and the political campaign happily plunged right into a new wave of work) against Proposition 8 displaced this public education when the California State Supreme Court handed work, we shifted gears to prepare for the post-elec- down its landmark decision and we won the free- tion era. We created messaging strategies for win dom to marry in the long-sought second state. or loss scenarios. With our partners at GLAAD and We celebrated anew just 31 days later when the the Haas Jr. Fund, we developed background mate- first gay couples there were legally wed, even as rials for journalists to encourage them to look care- the intense work to defend those marriages was fully and contextually at exit polls of people of color. already underway. And not to be forgotten was the thrilling news that Initially we worked closely with the lead groups arrived just weeks before the election when the in California that had brought the court case to Connecticut State Supreme Court handed down its ensure appropriate messaging and visibility for the ruling affirming the freedom to marry. Almost lost marrying couples and their families, and to help in the frenzy of the election, winning a third state gay couples across the country know what the (up from zero just five years earlier) continued the best next steps were. Meanwhile behind the momentum of the year and gave us an opportunity scenes, we helped bring together such partner for further positive messaging. But our success in groups