Hon Speaker and Deputy Speaker Hon : Chupu Stanley Mathabatha Hon Members of the Executive Hon Chief Whip and Deputy Chief Whip Chairperson of Committees Leaders of Opposition Parties Honorable Members of the House Head of Department and Management Team: PC. Lieutenant General Ledwaba, Management and Law Enforcement Agencies Executive Mayors and Mayors Leaders of Royalty present Leaders of Community Policing Forums and Community Safety Forums Faith Based Organizations Members of the Media Distinguished Guests Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen


I am standing before you today with a formidable and unbending mandate bestowed upon the African National Congress, by the voter population in the country and the Province in particular. And also given the jurisprudential democratic articulation espoused in the overarching Law of the Republic. Thus giving an account that the revolution has acquired a firm posture.

Hon. Speaker

This debate occurs after the historic May 8 elections , which ushered in the Sixth Administration geared towards heightened delivery of services to communities .Our efforts in this regard , will be to ensure safety, social cohesion, peace, stability, comfort and productivity of the people.

Most importantly, it happens seven days after the global family of humanity have celebrated the life and times of the founding father of our democratic government, President Nelson Mandela. For the role he had played in the struggle for liberation, freedom and democracy, and infusing democratic ideas in the world politics.

Which gradually ensured assimilation and internalization of democratic systems in governments, at the centre of which being the fundamental human rights, development and social change.


Hon. Speaker

I am presenting this Budget five days after we have laid to rest a commander and militaire extraordinaire Bra IKE Maphoto. A man whose contribution to the struggle let to the progressive forces being freed from domination and subjugation. And his glorious character shall destruct subjective and misleading ideas, from the agenda of national purpose and sharpen socio – political articulations with vigor.

Hon. Speaker

Knowing that mastery begins with humility, we fully humble ourselves to the people of Limpopo and that this Budget, is the response to the contribution made by men and women , who traversed the landscape of our Province in exchange of ideas . As such we have solicited a mandate from communities about the need to create safe environments in their localities where they live.

Therefore indestructible masses of our people mobilized in their consciousness, have laid a policy basis, to pursue through effective mechanism, of policing and community participation in our fight against crime.

Hon. Speaker

In the State of the Nation Address President Ramaphosa said in the 7-points plan, that government will ensure safe communities and social cohesion. And in the spirit of Thuma Mina, we are on track in pushing back the frontiers of crime, through multi agency approach throughout the Province. To ensure

3 that people in villages, townships, informal settlements and suburbs of our towns, live in harmony without any fear and walk their streets freely without any form of intimidation.

Hon. Speaker

The Provincial Executive Council took a decision to reconfigure the Department of Transport and Safety and Security into one department. We are well on track in pursuit of that decision and are confident that we will conclude it without serious challenges.

In this regard, attention will be given to the establishment of the Secretariat for Police in terms of the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act (no.2 of 2011). We will build the necessary capacity required, to perform our functions and carry the constitutional mandate in terms of section 206 without any failure.

This section empowers Provinces to play an oversight and monitor police conduct, ensure oversight and effectiveness and efficiency of the police service, promote good relation between the police and communities and assess visible policing.

Therefore we fully understand the responsibility given to us, with respect to crime combating in the Province.


Hon. Speaker

Working together with the Provincial Commissioner and his team, cluster commanders, station commanders and specialized units, we will intensify our work as we implement crime prevention strategy, to ensure social crime prevention, rural safety, reduction or eradication of drugs and anti-substance abuse, confront violence against women and children just to mention but a few. Am pleased to announce that men and women in uniform, are fired in their imagination to see a province free from any form of criminality, hence they are all over the province in action. Keep up the good.

Hon. Speaker

Together with the Department of Agriculture, we are going to ensure continuous engagement with farmers, both small holders and commercial farmers, to strengthen our plans for safety and security .Before the end of the calendar year; we will have interacted with them to work out practical plans. The necessary infrastructure will have to be put in place for efficiency and positive impact thereof.

Border controls remains an area of focus to improve controls and strengthen security .Necessary attention will be given to this area to fight cross border criminal activities through interdepartmental collaboration which in intelligence driven.


Hon. Speaker

The central role of local government in crime prevention need to be heightened to ensure that they assume their role in this regard. And if their IDP’s are without crime prevention plans it means they are incomplete.

More- so that, there are emerging trends of interest structures, which in many parts of the Province are making it difficult for municipalities to implement projects. It is very essential for all the local municipalities and Districts, to facilitate the establishment of community safety forums and street committees.

As they are important forums of interactive activities by citizens in preventing and combating crime. I want to urge municipalities to adopt costed Community Safety Forums plans linked to their IDP and finalize as a matter of urgency. Because we cannot postpone plans to fight crime in communities.

Hon. Speaker

Some by-laws are needed to regulate socio-economic activities, so that the Police could be empowered. If you have many illegal businesses which are not registered nor meet the required health standards, have many unused buildings and houses which are dilapidated, we are creating conditions of illegality which provide fertile grounds for criminal activities.

Together with the department of LEDET, we are going to have joint operations to enforce compliance to the law regarding illegal businesses. In this regard municipalities will be expected to produce record of business registration. Gone are the days where businesses will not meet the building regulations and operate out of policy.


There must be opening time and closing time. And hopefully they are selling consumables which are life supporting to the people.

Hon. Speaker

We have approved the Limpopo Policy on Community Safety Forums and Boards, contextualizing National Policy. So that we could have the required structures to build capacity. Hence my call for the municipalities as well to become conscious partners in crime prevention and combating.

Going forward we envisage the launch of Provincial Street Committees Framework this month, to strengthen measures of community policing in the Province. Unavoidably it needs collaborative efforts with municipalities.

In this regard, I would like to appreciate the good work done so far by Tzaneen and Blouberg Municipalities, for taking a lead in establishing street and village committees.

Power of communities in action and organs of civil society, cannot be surpassed by anything, as we have seen it in Dan village. Where the community has claimed it streets from criminals, and people express appreciation because now they can freely and safely walk their streets without any fear.

I would like to thank Mayor Maripe Mangena and Cllr. Machimane, Mayor Pheedi and council, for the good work in leading the municipal efforts in crime prevention. And also acknowledge and appreciate the good work done by the people of Dan Village led by Mr Shingange and Mr Rikhotso.


Your leadership is highly appreciated and it’s our conviction that we will roll out the model to many communities in the province. Because there is evidence that were communities have resolved against crime, working with the police, there shall be no space for criminals.

We are inspired and highly appreciate the good work done in many communities and they indeed deserve our support. Because all that resemble a true reflection of organs of people power in action. As Che Guevara puts it that “the people are their own liberators”. Indeed, together with them those affected areas shall be freed from criminal activities.

Hon. Speaker

Traditional Leadership is key in providing coordinated leadership and will together with them, strengthen systems of control and management with regard to crime prevention. It is our view, that they should be able to produce Records of Residence in their villages, so that every resident can be accounted for, given high levels of house breaking crimes that are committed. In most cases such are violent and lives are lost.

Working together with COGSTA in this regard, will have to intensify ‘Molo Moakhelwane, dumela moagishane’ campaign and mobilize society around this programme for a decisive defeat of crime.

If those systems are sharpened, strangers will be easily and quickly identified for appropriate response. We are looking forward to their cooperation in this regard.


Hon. Speaker

As we enter the sixth Administration, the JCPS cluster will be holding a Provincial Summit, to review the Provincial Crime Prevention Strategy, so as to align it to the new mandates and respond to latest crime patterns.

Equally youth have a key role in fighting crime and through Young Civilians on Patrol (YCOP), will encourage them to take keen interest in this programme and urge municipalities to come on board and embrace this initiative. This will be part of implementing youth development strategy.

Hon. Speaker

Crime Prevention through Environmental design is a project funded by National Department of Public Works through the Expanded Public Works Programme. To clear and clean some crime prone areas in some parts of the Province. In the previous financial year, some places have been attended to and we will continue with the same this year, by identifying places that need attention in the five Districts of the Province.

Hon. Speaker

Domestic violence remains an intransigent occurrence in society and as such, it needs comprehensive approach and measures, to strengthen effective prevention and combat thereof, through a coherent institutional action. We call upon men to love husbands and fathers, for perpetrators to be considerate to quality family lives.


The abuse of women and children and people with disabilities is totally unacceptable. Given some cases that have occurred in some communities in the province, where lives were lost. And many such cases that might not be reported and victims are traumatized and depressed. We call upon those who are affected but keeping quiet to break the silence for the law to take its course.

Hon. Speaker

Indeed the law shall be tough and protect the vulnerable and that the perpetrators should get sentences they deserve .We are on track in establishing Family, Child and Sexual Offences Units in police stations and will incrementally work on that.

Hon. Speaker

The sexual offence courts in our Province will continue to fast track cases to ensure that victims receive justice speedily. Thus far, we have seven (7) sexual offence courts and an additional three (3) will be established this current financial year.

We are therefore calling upon communities to break the silence and speak out against any form of crime and abuse. Police continue to receive training so that victims are not subjected to secondary victimization or abuse.


Hon. Speaker

Family plays an important role in the socialization and development of society. But the extent to which they are functional determines their productive and contributive value in society. Given that domestic violence stems from the collapse of basics in families. It is important for parents to uphold moral standards that resonates with good values of stability, love respect, care and proper upbringing of their children.

I would like to appreciate SAPS Mankweng, for their sterling work in reducing sexual offence cases working together with the communities and the criminal justice system. The recent multiple sentences including life to a serial rapist who have been terrorizing students are commendable. And we are looking forward to serious effort in this regard.

Hon. Speaker

Schools are arena of social development in terms of attitudes, values, and skills. And as such, basic grounding in the operation of criminal justice system is key, in building capacity and confidence to deal with manifestation of crime in its various formations. Of worrying concern is the use of learners in community protests, use of drugs and carrying weapons, emergence of gangsters in some schools.

In many schools that we have conducted random searches, we found knives, dagga and spray guns. This shows a serious problem which is creeping into our schools. We will continue with our work and those learners who are found

11 in passion of wrong things will be arrested. Because they put lives of education loving learners in danger.

We are going to facilitate a police officer- adopt a school programme, to pay a close attention to these challenges facing schools. Together with the department of education are going to work hard, through school safety programme and confront gangsterism in schools with the vigor it deserves.

Hon. Speaker

We remain committed as the Department and SAPS, to fight corruption, both in the public administration, private sector and in society. For indeed malfeasance and sleaze and corruption shall not be permanent features of the sixth (6th) Administration.

Hon. Speaker

Crime combat has become more complex and challenging given the character of criminals featured through organized formations, zeal with which both domestic and foreign criminal groups operate, across national borders. There are globalized activities and our country and Province is not impervious to this reality.

As such, SAPS and Law enforcement agencies are continuing to sharpen their skills and capacity. In fact they are well positioned in working together with citizens to ensure that our country and Province remain a place of comfort, as Limpopo is at the moment.


Hon. Speaker, given the above context, Che Guevara says “True revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. And that it is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking these quality”

In this regard, we took a decision with SAPS Management to launch Operation SwaraTsotsi, to restore and strengthen the rule of law and social order, ensure safety and security of the people. There are signs of lawlessness that are not acceptable and the love for our people and for our country and Province, have triggered us into an action to make Limpopo a home of comfort and safety.

We must restore law and social order in society. We cannot hand over this country to criminals and therefore hand over our democracy to unelected people. We cannot allow mafias to replace democratic systems of governance, dilute and detour the revolution because counter revolutionaries are using concerted criminals activities to undermine the government of the African National Congress.

Mevrou Spreeker , ons moet almal saam werk om die misdaad veg en al die misdadiger arresteer. En ons moet hierdie werk met onderskeiding doen .Want dit stel die lewe van die mense in die gevaar .

Hierdie regering van Presidente Ramaphosa en Premiere Mathabatha is verandwoordlike and deursigtig. Ons moet almal die grondwet van die land volg, respek en gehoorsaam.


Hon. Speaker

Upon the launch of the operation, we had in three (3) hours, arrested 309 suspects, searched 3000 vehicles, issued 150 traffic summons, arrested 9 illegal immigrants, impounded one (1) un-roadworthy taxi and one (1) operating illegally and searched 610 people, recovered firearms. Arrested undocumented foreign nationals.

This is just the record of three hours of work on the day of the launch of the operation. So far a lot of work continues to be done and a consolidated report will be given at an appropriate time.

Hon. Speaker

Clusters and Police stations are expected to intensify this operation at their levels in the interests of safety of the people. Am happy to announce that it has found expression in the working of all the stations.

All of us are required to be active citizens in this programme off national importance and through our Constituency offices strengthen revolution defense structures.

We are calling upon communities to work with us in their organized formations and through civilians intelligence operations.

I would like to take this opportunity to commend the hard work done by men and women in uniform led by Lt. Gen. Nneke Ledwaba. And police officers who are at the police stations, the real coal face and frontline of crime prevention, combating and those who push back the frontiers of crime.


 Thank you for sustaining the peaceful record of Limpopo for (4) four successive years.  For reducing house robberies, carjacking and business robberies  For dealing with cash in transit and registered a drop nationally  For arresting drug lords in Polokwane and Bela Bela.

Hon. Speaker, the Department has received a Budget of R 117 638 000.00 for the financial year 2019/ 2020. And through this budget, the Department will:  Provide civilian oversight on 103 police stations and 12 SAPS component  Mobilise all sections of society behind crime combating plan  Promote involvement of youth in crime prevention  Coordinate and facilitate JCPS cluster programmes In the MTEF period, the current budget represents 7,2 % growth in 2019/20, 3,7% in 2020/21 and 5,4 % in the outer year.  Programme 1: Administration – R 55,7 million  Programme 2: Provincial Secretariat for Police Service – R 61,8 million

Hon. Speaker I would like to take this opportunity and thank the HOD and her management team, for the good work they continue to do. Once more thank the Provincial Commissioner and his management, for their tireless efforts in creating conditions of safety and security in the province. Thank officials in my Office for their continued support.

Thank you.