Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals
BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS J.E. BAILEY and a very broad range of applications. The funda University of Houston mentals comprise those particular topics which Houston, Texas 77004 profoundly influence the behavior of man-made or and natural microbial or enzyme reactors. Such D. F. OLLIS biological examples include the dependence of Princeton University enzyme (and thus microbial) activity on substrate Princeton, New Jersey 08540 concentration, pH, temp, rature, and ionic strength, the existence of a small number of im MICROBIAL AND ENZYMATIC activities portant metabolic paths among the multitude of have been an intimate part of man's history. microbial species, the cellular control mechanisms Microbes probably account for greater than ninety for complex internal reaction networks, and percent of all animal mass; their biochemical molecular devices for biological information action contributes significantly to chemical storage and transmittal. Useful topics chosen processes found in agriculture, diseases, digestion, from chemical and engineering sciences are the antibiotic production, food manufacture and energetics of isothermal, coupled reactions; processing, spoilage, sanitation, waste disposal, mixing; transfer of heat and molecular solutes; and marine and soil ecology. Consequently, it is · ideally and imperfectly mixed chemical reactors; remarkable that the study of biochemical processes and filtration. is not an established component of chemical The general character of these fundamentals engineering education. is subsequently
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