Review of SDRCC Jurisprudence Matthew R. Wilson Arbitrator
[email protected] Montreal January 30, 2020 Overview Since last SDRCC Conference: 24 awards (22 in 2019) 1 Governance 2 Jurisdiction 2 Costs 19 Eligibility/Selection/Carding Hearings routinely conducted on an expedited basis Eligibility/Selection/Carding SDRCC 19-0394 Tulk v. Wrestling Canada (Lawless) Late registration to Roman-Greco in National Championships Claimant a minor, mother – recent brain tumour treatment impacting senses – failed to register on time Wrestling Canada sympathetic, but determined it did not have discretion to allow late registration Eligibility/Selection/Carding SDRCC 19-0394 Tulk v. Wrestling Canada (Lawless) (cont’d) Arbitrator: Factors for decision-maker to consider: The importance of the matter; The necessity of finality (i.e. for creating start lists or booking tickets, etc.); The age of the applicant; The degree of “fault” of an applicant and any explanation for the failure; The steps an applicant took to correct the mistake or timeliness of any application for redress; The relative prejudice to the applicant, the organization, and other participants / affected persons. Appeal allowed; Wrestling Canada directed to allow late registration Eligibility/Selection/Carding SDRCC 19-0404/05 Browne and Nordiq Canada (Fortier) Two issues: (1) Team selection: (a) Late publication of selection criteria (6-7 weeks instead of 3 mths) (b) Notice to submit curtailment of training due to health reasons too short as well as problems with