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Research article Open Access , a synthetic S-acyl derivative, has different mechanisms of action and a different pharmacological profile than -soluble thiamine disulfide derivatives Marie-Laure Volvert1, Sandrine Seyen1, Marie Piette2, Brigitte Evrard2, Marjorie Gangolf1, Jean-Christophe Plumier1 and Lucien Bettendorff*1

Address: 1Center for Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, University of Liège, Avenue de l'Hôpital, 1, 4000 Liège, Belgium and 2Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology, Department of Pharmacy, University of Liège, Avenue de l'Hôpital, 1, 4000 Liège, Belgium Email: Marie-Laure Volvert - [email protected]; Sandrine Seyen - [email protected]; Marie Piette - [email protected]; Brigitte Evrard - [email protected]; Marjorie Gangolf - [email protected]; Jean- Christophe Plumier - [email protected]; Lucien Bettendorff* - [email protected] * Corresponding author

Published: 12 June 2008 Received: 19 December 2007 Accepted: 12 June 2008 BMC Pharmacology 2008, 8:10 doi:10.1186/1471-2210-8-10 This article is available from: © 2008 Volvert et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Abstract Background: Lipid-soluble thiamine precursors have a much higher bioavailability than genuine thiamine and therefore are more suitable for therapeutic purposes. Benfotiamine (S-benzoylthiamine O- monophosphate), an amphiphilic S-acyl thiamine derivative, prevents the progression of diabetic complications, probably by increasing tissue levels of thiamine diphosphate and so enhancing transketolase activity. As the brain is particularly sensitive to , we wanted to test whether intracellular thiamine and thiamine phosphate levels are increased in the brain after oral benfotiamine administration. Results: Benfotiamine that is practically insoluble in water, organic solvents or oil was solubilized in 200 mM hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and the mice received a single oral administration of 100 mg/kg. Though thiamine levels rapidly increased in blood and liver to reach a maximum after one or two hours, no significant increase was observed in the brain. When mice received a daily oral administration of benfotiamine for 14 days, thiamine derivatives were increased significantly in the liver but not in the brain, compared to control mice. In addition, incubation of cultured neuroblastoma cells with 10 μM benfotiamine did not lead to increased intracellular thiamine levels. Moreover, in thiamine-depleted neuroblastoma cells, intracellular thiamine contents increased more rapidly after addition of thiamine to the culture medium than after addition of benfotiamine for which a lag period was observed. Conclusion: Our results show that, though benfotiamine strongly increases thiamine levels in blood and liver, it has no significant effect in the brain. This would explain why beneficial effects of benfotiamine have only been observed in peripheral tissues, while , a lipid-soluble thiamine disulfide derivative, that increases thiamine derivatives in the brain as well as in cultured cells, acts as a central nervous system drug. We propose that benfotiamine only penetrates the cells after dephosphorylation by intestinal alkaline phosphatases. It then enters the bloodstream as S-benzoylthiamine that is converted to thiamine in erythrocytes and in the liver. Benfotiamine, an S-acyl derivative practically insoluble in organic solvents, should therefore be differentiated from truly lipid-soluble thiamine disulfide derivatives (allithiamine and the synthetic sulbutiamine and ) with a different mechanism of absorption and different pharmacological properties.

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Background symptomatic treatment of functional asthenias [13]. It It is well known that thiamine deficiency results in neuro- was found that chronic treatment with sulbutiamine (52 logical disorders such as beriberi or Wernicke-Korsakoff mg/kg, i.p.) increases thiamine, ThMP, ThDP and ThTP syndrome [1]. It is generally assumed that the symptoms levels in the rat brain as well as in peripheral tissues [14]. arise from decreased activity of thiamine diphosphate Concerning fursultiamine, it is not clear whether it has (ThDP) – dependent enzymes such as transketolase and specific effects on brain function [12] but it exerts a posi- pyruvate and oxoglutarate dehydrogenases, with subse- tive inotropic effect in heart muscle [15-17]. quent impairment of carbohydrate metabolism in the brain. It is not known to what extent, if any, the decrease S-benzoylthiamine O-monophosphate ("benfotiamine", in other thiamine derivatives such as thiamine triphos- Fig. 1) is a third derivative with better bioavailability than phate (ThTP, [2]) and the newly discovered adenosine thi- thiamine. In contrast to the above-mentioned derivatives amine triphosphate (AThTP, [3]) are involved in the it is not a disulfide but an S-acyl derivative. It prevents the appearance of these symptoms. development and the progression of diabetic complica- tions [18-23]. It was suggested that treatment with benfo- In a number of diseases, beneficial effects of the adminis- tiamine blocks three major pathways (the hexosamine tration of free, unphosphorylated thiamine have been pathway, the advanced glycation end product formation reported. Thus, high-dose thiamine therapy reversed the pathway and the diacylglycerol-protein kinase pathway) symptoms of Wernicke's encephalopathy [1] and pre- of hyperglycemic damage, probably by removal of glycer- vented incipient diabetic nephropathy [4] and diabetic aldehyde 3-phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate through dyslipidaemia [5] in experimental diabetes in the rat. activation of the pentose phosphate enzyme transketolase Other reports suggested that thiamine may protect against [18]. Other beneficial effects of benfotiamine were the free-radical mediated neurotoxicity [6] and that it may reduction of glucose toxicity [19,20], alleviation of diabe- have a cytoprotective effect on cultured neonatal rat cardi- tes-induced cerebral oxidative damage [21], acceleration omyocytes under hypoxic insult [7]. These protective of the healing of ischemic diabetic limbs in mice [22] and effects may be due to increased tissue ThDP levels after rescue of cardiomyocyte contractile dysfunction in exper- thiamine treatment, but effects mediated by other phos- imental diabetes mellitus [23]. phorylated thiamine derivatives such as ThTP and AThTP cannot be ruled out. Whilst different studies show that administration of ben- fotiamine leads to higher thiamine blood levels than It is known that free thiamine is transported across plasma administration of water-soluble thiamine [10,24-27], membranes by high affinity carriers [8], but the rate of practically no information is available concerning its transport is generally slow. For that reason, a variety of effects on the brain. The aim of the present study was to lipophilic thiamine derivatives have been synthesized. check whether oral administration of benfotiamine These compounds can easily diffuse through plasma increases the levels of thiamine and its phosphorylated membranes thus bypassing the rate-limiting transport sys- derivatives in the brain of mice. tem required for free thiamine. Once incorporated into the cells, these lipophilic derivatives can be rapidly con- Results verted to thiamine through enzymatic or non-enzymatic Acute experiment processes. The first lipophilic thiamine derivative was iso- As previous studies do not mention the use of a specific lated from (Allium sativum) extracts in the early carrier for the gavage of mice with benfotiamine [18,23], 1950s [9]. It is an allyl disulfide derivative called allithia- we first suspended benfotiamine in water and adminis- mine (Fig. 1). Since then, several analogs of this molecule tered it by force-feeding (100 μl containing a dose equal were synthesized with the hope that they would be better to 100 mg of benfotiamine per kg), using a syringe with a absorbed and have a higher bioavailability than thiamine tube that was inserted into the stomach. We sacrificed the hydrochloride or mononitrate [10,11]. These lipophilic animals after 1 hour and we determined thiamine deriva- disulfides are often referred to as "allithiamines", in our tives in the blood. Thiamine levels proved to be highly opinion an improper denomination as they are synthetic variable: in some animals thiamine levels were up to 10 molecules not present in Allium species and do not pos- times higher than in the controls, while in others they sess any allyl group. were hardly increased. Benfotiamine is very sparingly sol- uble in water (at least at pH < 8.0) and it is possible that Presently, two lipophilic disulfide derivatives are used as in some cases, either most of the material remained therapeutic agents: thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide attached to the syringe or the force-feeding tube or it was ("fursultiamine", Fig. 1) [12] and O-isobutyrylthiamine eliminated with the bolus. Therefore, we tested different disulfide ("sulbutiamine", Fig. 1) [13]. Sulbutiamine hydrophobic solvents such as oil (Mineral oil, Sigma turned out to be a psychotropic drug prescribed for the M5904) and organic solvents (ethanol, octanol, dimethyl

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StructuresFigure 1 of the S-acyl derivative benfotiamine and the disulfide compounds allithiamine, fursultiamine and sulbutiamine Structures of the S-acyl derivative benfotiamine and the disulfide compounds allithiamine, fursultiamine and sulbutiamine. The thioester bond in benfotiamine is indicated in blue, while the disulfide bond in allithiamine, fursultiamine and sulbutiamine is drawn in red. The allyl group in allithiamine is indicated in green.

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sulfoxide), but no significant solubility was observed. μM [8]. Therefore, once the cells were nearly confluent, Finally, we obtained a homogenous solution of benfo- DMEM was replaced by a saline containing 10 μM of tiamine by forming inclusion complexes in a 200 mM either thiamine or benfotiamine. After incubation for up hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) solution that to 4 h at 37°C, the thiamine content of the cells was deter- was used for force-feeding. This time, the inter-animal var- mined. We did not observe any increase in intracellular iability was reasonable (25%, S.E.M/mean × 100, n = 12) thiamine after incubation with benfotiamine and there and we found that, one hour after the administration, thi- were no significant differences between the thiamine and amine, ThMP and ThDP levels in the blood were increased benfotiamine groups (Fig. 5). This is in sharp contrast by a factor of respectively 822, 14 and 4.7 (Fig. 2). Highly with previous experiments where incubation of the same significant increases of free thiamine and ThMP were also cell line with 10 μM sulbutiamine under the same condi- observed in the liver, but not in the brain. tions led to a 10-fold increase in intracellular free (unphosphorylated) thiamine within 2 hours [29]. Pharmacokinetics First, we measured tissue levels of thiamine, ThMP and As mentioned above, the thiamine concentration in most ThDP for up to 6 hours after a single oral administration commercial culture media is about 10 μM, one or two of benfotiamine (100 mg/kg in a HP-β-CD solution). In orders of magnitude higher than the Km for the high affin- the blood, thiamine levels rapidly increased, reaching a ity thiamine transport present in most cells [8,28,29]. maximum after 120 min and slowly decreasing thereafter Cells grown under those conditions are thus saturated (Fig. 3). ThDP levels steadily increased before reaching a with thiamine. Therefore, we wanted to test whether ben- maximum after 4 hours. For ThMP, the highest level was fotiamine had any effect on intracellular thiamine levels already reached after 30 min and it slowly decreased dur- in Neuro 2a cells previously thiamine-depleted. The cells ing the next hours. In the liver, all derivatives peaked after were grown for 8 days in a medium containing about 7 1 hour before decreasing to near normal levels after 2 nM thiamine. Then either benfotiamine (1 μM) or thia- hours. No significant variations were observed in the mine (1 μM) was added (Fig. 6). After 2 hours in the pres- brain. Total thiamine content (per mg of protein) was ence of thiamine, intracellular thiamine already reached a about twice higher in the liver than in the brain before maximum, while with benfotiamine an important lag benfotiamine administration. One hour after the admin- period was observed. This experiment confirms that thia- istration, the ratio was over 10. However, liver thiamine mine enters Neuro 2a cells more rapidly than benfo- decreased rather fast after 1 – 2 hours. In most samples, we tiamine. The lag period can be explained if benfotiamine also observed the presence of ThTP and AThTP, but the is first dephosphorylated by ecto-phosphatases to the lip- levels of these compounds in the liver and the brain were idsoluble S-benzoylthiamine that can then enter the cells not influenced by the treatment (not shown). (see below).

Chronic experiment Discussion As no increase in brain thiamine levels was observed after Mechanism of action of benfotiamine a single administration of benfotiamine, we decided to In 1961, Wada et al. reported the physicochemical prop- test a longer treatment. The animals received a daily oral erties of benfotiamine and its possible use as a therapeutic administration of either 100 μl of a solution of benfo- agent [31]. Benfotiamine is more easily absorbed by the tiamine (100 mg/kg) in 200 mM HP-β-CD or 100 μl of a body and oral administration results in higher thiamine 200 mM HP-β-CD solution for 14 days and were sacri- and ThDP blood levels in animals than an equivalent ficed 24 hours later. After treatment with benfotiamine, dose of thiamine. A few years, later Shindo and coworkers the levels of free thiamine, ThMP and ThDP were [32-35] studied in more detail the mechanism of absorp- increased in the liver but not in the brain (Fig. 4). Again, tion and the metabolic fate of benfotiamine in animal tis- the small amounts of ThTP and AThTP found did not sues. Their results suggested that benfotiamine (given depend on the conditions of treatment. orally) is first dephosphorylated to S-benzoylthiamine by the ecto-alkaline phosphatase present in the brush bor- Cell culture experiments ders of intestinal mucosal cells. The more lipophilic S- As treatment with benfotiamine did not yield elevated benzoylthiamine then diffuses through the membranes of brain thiamine levels, we wanted to test whether this mol- intestinal and endothelial cells and appears in the venous ecule is able to easily cross cell membranes in cultured mesenteric blood. A significant part of S-benzoylthiamine cells. We chose mouse neuroblastoma cells (Neuro 2a) as is captured by erythrocytes [34] and converted to free thi- we have previously characterized these cells with respect amine through a slow non-enzymatic transfer of the S- to thiamine transport [8,28], metabolism [29] and defi- benzoyl group to SH groups of glutathione. In the liver, ciency [30]. The thiamine concentration in the commer- the remainder can be enzymatically hydrolyzed to thia- cial Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) is 10 mine and benzoic acid by thioesterases present in the

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singleb-CDFigureContents oralsolution 2 of administration thiamine, ThMP, of 100 ThDP μl of and 200 total mM thiamine HP-b-CD in orthe benfotiamine blood, the liver (100 and mg/kg) the br inain approximately of mice (strain 100 sv129) μl of a1 200hour mM after HP- a Contents of thiamine, ThMP, ThDP and total thiamine in the blood, the liver and the brain of mice (strain sv129) 1 hour after a single oral administration of 100 μl of 200 mM HP-b-CD or benfotiamine (100 mg/kg) in approximately 100 μl of a 200 mM HP-b-CD solution. The data were analyzed by MANOVA (Wilk's Lambda, p = 0.0002, 0.0145 and 0.27 for blood, liver and brain respectively) followed by ANOVA for each thiamine compound (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01). The results are expressed as mean ± SEM for 4 animals in each group.

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Time-dependentimatelyFigure 1003 μl of tissuea 200 contentmM HP- ofβ-CD thiamine solution derivatives in mice after(strain a singleC57B6) oral administration of benfotiamine (100 mg/kg) in approx- Time-dependent tissue content of thiamine derivatives after a single oral administration of benfotiamine (100 mg/kg) in approximately 100 μl of a 200 mM HP-β-CD solution in mice (strain C57B6). The results are expressed as mean ± SEM for 6 – 7 animals for each time point.

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with an earlier report that, after infusion of benfotiamine to the small intestine of the dog, mainly free thiamine (not S-benzoylthiamine) was detected in the carotid blood [35]. Free thiamine is not lipophilic and cannot cross the blood-brain barrier by simple diffusion. Trans- port of blood thiamine to the brain parenchyma is carrier- mediated and it is a slow process [37]. In the present study, we find that blood thiamine concentration in the control animals is approximately 0.4 μmol/l, a value close to the half-maximal activation constant for the high affin- ity transport of thiamine across the blood-brain barrier [8]. Though a second, low affinity, component of thia- mine transport was also observed, its contribution was small. Thus, raising free blood thiamine concentrations does not necessarily lead to an important increase in thia- mine transport across the blood-brain barrier. It is there- fore not very surprising that benfotiamine administration does not lead to an increase in total thiamine content of the brain (Figs 2, 3 and 4). It should be noted however that one study showed a 90% increase of ThDP levels in the brains of rats that received a dose of 1645 mg of ben- fotiamine/kg of diet for 6 months [27].

Differences between benfotiamine and lipophilic thiamine disulfide derivatives Wada et al. already noted that benfotiamine was sparingly soluble in organic solvents such as benzene, chloroform and methanol, but was readily soluble in aqueous media at pH ≥ 8.0 [31]. This is not surprising as the phosphoryl group of benfotiamine has two negative charges at alka- ContentsliveradministrationtiamineCDFigure solution and (1004 the of thiamine,(10mg/kg)brain of animals) 200 of in mice mM ThMP,approximately for HP-(s train14ThDPβ-CD days sv129) and (8 100 animals) total after μl ofthiamine daily a or 200 benfo-oral HP- in theβ- line pH. Here, we confirm that benfotiamine is sparingly Contents of thiamine, ThMP, ThDP and total thia- soluble in water at pH ≤ 7.0 and cannot be dissolved in mine in the liver and the brain of mice (strain sv129) octanol or oils. Thus benfotiamine should not be classi- after daily oral administration of 200 mM HP-β-CD (8 fied as a "lipophilic" compound as many authors still do animals) or benfotiamine (100 mg/kg) in approxi- [10,24,25,38]. Indeed, benfotiamine appears unable to mately 100 μl of a 200 HP-β-CD solution (10 animals) diffuse across cell membranes. We have shown here that for 14 days. The data (mean ± SEM) were analyzed by intracellular thiamine content is not increased in cultured MANOVA (Liver : Wilk's Lambda = 0.24, p = 0.0061; Brain : Wilk's Lambda = 0.779, p = 0.48) followed by an ANOVA for neuroblastoma incubated in the presence of 10 μM ben- each thiamine compound (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01). fotiamine, while it was increased ten-fold after incubation with 10 μM sulbutiamine [29]. Moreover, after a chronic treatment of rats with sulbutiamine intracellular thiamine hepatocytes. On the other hand, thiamine disulfide deriv- derivatives were increased by respectively 250% (thia- atives require a reduction either enzymatically in the liver mine), 40% (ThMP), 25% (ThDP) and 40% (ThTP) [14]. by glutathione or non enzymatically in blood by glutath- ione and possibly other substrates [36]. In the present This is in apparent contradiction with results obtained work, we show that after oral administration of benfo- with cultured cells of endothelial origin [18-20,39], show- tiamine to mice, free thiamine appears in the liver at a fast ing that benfotiamine is able to counteract glucose toxic- rate, reaching a maximum after one hour, while in the ity in these cells by increasing transketolase activity. blood the maximum is reached only after two hours (Fig. However, the benfotiamine concentrations used were 50 3). We therefore propose that most of the S-benzoylthia- – 100 μM, much higher than in our study. Hammes et al. mine present in the mesenteric blood is captured by the even report that there was no effect on transketolase activ- liver and transformed into thiamine. The excess thiamine ity in cultured endothelial cells at 10 or 25 μM [18]. In any formed is then rapidly released into the blood stream, as event, this is no proof that benfotiamine is able to cross shown by the fast decrease of thiamine content in the liver the membranes: indeed, cultured endothelial cells seem after 1 – 2 hours (Fig. 3). Such a scheme is in agreement to possess an ecto-alkaline phosphatase [40]. It is there-

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EffectcontentFigure of 6 inthiamine thiamine-dep and benfotialeted Neuromine on 2a the cells total thiamine ContentsFiguremine10 μM during thiamine 5 of incubationtotal (m (m, , l ) ofor) andNeur benfotiamine unphosphorylatedo2a cells (inl the, n )presence ( , n) thia- of Effect of thiamine and benfotiamine on the total thia- Contents of total (m, l) and unphosphorylated (h, mine content in thiamine-depleted Neuro 2a cells. n) thiamine during incubation of Neuro2a cells in the The cells were grown for 8 days in thiamine deficient DMEM presence of 10 μM thiamine (m, h) or benfotiamine medium containing 5% fetal calf serum, before addition of thi- (l, n). The data are expressed as mean ± SEM for 4 experi- amine (1 μM, m) or benfotiamine (1 μM, l) and intracellular ments. thiamine derivatives were determined at the times indicated. The data (mean ± SEM, n = 3) were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni post-test for compari- son of the benfotiamine and the thiamine groups at different fore likely that, in these cells, the added benfotiamine is at times (*, p < 0.05). least partially dephosphorylated to S-benzoylthiamine that can enter the cells as in the case of the intestinal mucosa. The slow dephosphorylation to S-benzoylthia- mine might also explain the lag period observed between effect on the central nervous system, but during the last the addition of benfotiamine to thiamine-depleted Neuro few years, there was considerable interest in the therapeu- 2a cells and the increase in intracellular thiamine deriva- tic potential of benfotiamine in peripheral tissues. Indeed, tives (Fig. 6). In erythrocytes, it was shown that fur- it was found effective for the protection of diabetic com- sultiamine, a lipophilic disulfide, is rapidly incorporated plications such as diabetic neuropathy [18-23] and alco- into the cells while benfotiamine is not [41]. Taken holic neuropathy [46]. Our results are in agreement with together, these results strongly suggest that benfotiamine the different pharmacological profiles of sulbutiamine is unable to cross plasma membranes unless it is dephos- and benfotiamine. We previously found that sulbu- phorylated. tiamine treatment significantly increases thiamine, ThMP, ThDP and ThTP content of rat brain [14], while the Benfotiamine and sulbutiamine have different present results show that benfotiamine, at a twice higher pharmacological profiles dose, is unable to raise the levels of intracerebral thiamine Since the discovery of allithiamine [9], a number of deriv- phosphate derivatives (Figs 2, 3 and 4). This is in agree- atives were synthesized. These showed higher bioavaila- ment with a previous study showing that after administra- bility than thiamine hydrochloride or mononitrate. Lipid- tion of 3H-benfotiamine, liver and kidney were labeled to soluble thiamine derivatives were developed mainly in a higher degree than brain and muscles [47], but this Japan for the treatment of beriberi. It was therefore sur- study did not make a difference between benfotiamine prising that sulbutiamine appeared to exert specific effects and its labeled metabolites and degradation products. on brain function. Indeed, it seems to improve memory in Furthermore our results on cultured neuroblastoma cells rodents [42,43] and, in humans, it seems to be beneficial show that benfotiamine, in contrast to sulbutiamine, does against functional asthenias [13,44,45]. These effects have not easily cross cell membranes (Figs 5 and 6). It would not been reported with thiamine. This difference might be therefore be interesting to test whether a thiamine explained if we assume that sulbutiamine (or its degrada- disulfide compound such as sulbutiamine or fur- tion product thiamine disulfide) can cross the blood- sultiamine, would not be more efficient and act at lower brain barrier and have specific actions in neurons. How- concentrations than benfotiamine in counteracting dia- ever, there is so far no direct evidence that untransformed betic complications. A recent study has shown that, at sulbutiamine is indeed found in the brain. Concerning high concentration (300 μM), benfotiamine exerts a direct benfotiamine, there is no evidence that it has any specific antioxidant effects in three different kidney cell lines,

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independently of its transformation in thiamine and homogenizer. The homogenates were centrifuged (5000 × increased transketolase activity [48]. It is however not yet g, 10 min, 4°C) and the TCA was extracted from the super- clear to what extend, if any, this may be involved in the natant with 3 × 1.5 ml diethylether. The samples were improvement of diabetic complications. kept at -20°C until use. HPLC analysis was performed exactly as previously described [49]. Protein concentra- Conclusion tions were determined by the method of Peterson [50]. Our results show that oral administration of benfo- tiamine leads to significant increases in thiamine, ThMP Cell culture and ThDP levels in blood, liver but not in the brain. This Mouse neuroblastoma cells (Neuro 2a) were grown as difference is in agreement with the known pharmacologi- previously described in 100 mm Petri dishes containing cal profile of benfotiamine, i.e. the beneficial effects of the 10 ml Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM, N.V. drug concern peripheral tissues but not the central nerv- Invitrogen SA, Merelbeke, Belgium), supplemented with ous system. Like disulfide derivatives, benfotiamine may 10% fetal calf serum [29]. When the dishes were nearly be useful for the treatment of acute peripheral syndromes confluent (5 – 10 mg of protein/dish), the culture of thiamine deficiency because it is better absorbed than medium was replaced by 10 ml of saline (145 mM NaCl, thiamine, but in contrast to sulbutiamine, it seems to be 5 mM KCl, 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM CaCl2, 10 mM glucose, 10 devoid of specific effects on brain function. On the other mM Hepes-Tris, pH 7.3) containing either 10 μM benfo- hand, sulbutiamine should be much more efficient than tiamine or 10 μM thiamine. A 10 mM stock solution of benfotiamine in the treatment of Wernicke-Korsakoff syn- benfotiamine was prepared in a mixture of ethanol (50%) drome. Physico-chemical data as well as studies with iso- and water. HCl was added until a homogenous solution lated cells strongly suggest that, in contrast to disulfide was obtained. After incubation (0 to 4 hours at 37°C), the derivatives, benfotiamine is not a lipophilic compound cells were centrifuged (2000 × g, 2 min) and the pellet was and is unable to diffuse through cell membranes unless it suspended in 500 μl TCA (12%). The proteins were sedi- is first dephosphorylated by ecto-alkaline phosphatases. mented (5000 × g, 3 min) and thiamine derivatives were Finally, it seems important to us that, because of different determined in the supernatant after extraction of TCA by chemical, metabolic and pharmacological properties, a diethylether as described above. clear distinction should be made between lipophilic thia- mine disulfides (derived from allithiamine) and S-acyl Neuro 2a cells were thiamine-depleted as previously derivatives such as benfotiamine. described [8,30]. Briefly the cells were grown in DMEM medium devoid of thiamine (Invitrogen). The concentra- Methods tion of fetal calf serum that contains about 14 nM of thia- Administration of benfotiamine mine, was reduced to 5%. The medium was replaced every Benfotiamine (Sigma-Aldrich) was dissolved in a 200 mM 2 days and the cells subcultured every 4 days. After 8 days, solution of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD, either thiamine (1 μM) or benfotiamine (1 μM) were Roquette, Lestrem, France) at a concentration of 25 mg/ added and the intracellular thiamine levels were deter- ml. The solution was homogenized at 4°C. The mice were mined as a function of time (up to 6 h) as described force-fed with a dose of 100 mg benfotiamine/kg in above. approximately 100 μl using a syringe prolonged by a flex- ible tube that was inserted into the stomach. The mice Statistics strains (male, 8 weeks old) were either C57B6 or Sv129. Data were analyzed by multivariate analyses of variance Control animals received an oral administration of 100 μl (MANOVA), followed by ANOVA for follow-up compari- HP-β-CD solution (200 mM) without benfotiamine. The sons or two-way ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni post- local committee for animal care and use approved all ani- test. mal experiments. Abbreviations Sample preparation and determination of thiamine AThTP: adenosine thiamine triphosphate; DMEM: Dul- derivatives by HPLC becco's modified Eagle's medium; HP-β-CD: hydroxypro- The mice were anesthetized with isoflurane and the fore- pyl-β-cyclodextrin; TCA: trichloroacetic acid; ThMP: brain and the liver were collected. For collecting blood thiamine monophosphate; ThDP: thiamine diphosphate; samples, the animals were anesthetized with isoflurane ThTP: thiamine triphosphate. and heparin sulfate sodium salt (5000 I.U./ml, Leo Pharma, Wilrijk, Belgium) was injected directly into the Competing interests heart (50 μl). Tissues were stored at -80°C until sample The authors declare that they have no competing interests. preparation. About 50 mg of tissue were homogenized in 500 μl trichloroacetic acid (TCA, 12% w/v) in a glass-glass

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