Sion Mills Primary School Newsletter 15th June

Summer Term – Dates for your Diary Tuesday P1S, P1/2H and P3K summer trip to th 19 June Omniplex Congratulations Thursday P3/4McA and P4/5K summer trip to st We are all delighted at the news that 21 June Redcastle Tuesday Prizegiving and Leavers’ Assembly Polly Pierce has arrived th 26 June safely. We wish her Wednesday P5C and P6McH summer trip to Bruns- Mum, Laura and Dad, th 27 June wick Garry every happiness. Friday Half day th 30 June Summer holidays

Horse Riding Sports Kye Griffin, P5K won the Netball annual RDA trophy. Both Mason and Kye were Our girls’ netball team performed brilliantly in the awarded medals, certifi- recent Marty Gormley tournament, coming second cates and rosettes for their overall. In a further match the following week, the achievements this year. team beat the champions, which they thoroughly Well done boys. enjoyed and are very proud of. Football Mathletics P6 and P7 boys participated in the Marty Gormley Congratulations to Coran Doherty P3McA, Keala competition at Melvin Complex, to celebrate the McNamee, P3McA, Cody Brown P5K, Alice McKay P5K, opening of the new 3G astro-turf pitch. They came Merle Hendry P5C and Eimear Murphy P5C who have all third in a high standard of football on the day. Well recently received a GOLD award in Mathletics. Well done boys. done everyone. Swimming Gala Year 6 pupils, Timothy Aiken, Niamh Greenstreet, Lanna Miller, Rachel McMorran, Kyle Stevenson, and AJ Wallace did wonderfully well at the annual school’s gala on 7th June at Riversdale. Kyle came third in one of the heats, whilst Rachel gained a bronze medal in the breast stroke race. Well done to ‘Different Drums’ all. P5C had a musical session on Thursday 14th June with Gymnastics Richard Campbell, a local drummer where they lis- tened to, learned about and played drums from differ- We commend Casey Speak, Tiana Moore and Alice ent cultures – lambeg, bodhrán and djembes. We McKay for their acceptance into the British Gymnas- were told, it “Promises to be noisy!” and it was!! tics Association. Well done. Thank you to and District Council who funded the opportunity. Primary 7 Residential Twenty of our Primary 7 children travelled to Dublin on Thursday morning, 7th June. The first stop was Dublin Zoo. We saw many animals from all over the world. The orangutangs gave us all a little surprise to begin the day. From there we spent the afternoon at Funtasia. Some pupils went on the slides over 20 times!! Certainly value for money. The evening was filled with games, courtesy of Miss Brown, karaoke and a movie. The children all agreed they were in the most luxurious hostel they could have imagined. Our second day involved 3 hours of team building activities – archery, paint-ball shooting, a ‘tough’ obstacle course and some hilarious blindfold games. Our final stop was Tayto Park. The wooden roller coaster and water flume were a big hit! All our photos can be seen on the school website. Christine McMahon, Olympic 400m Hurdler Christine spent an energetic and inspirational morning with the pupils on Wednesday 6th June. Cathal, who was with her, organised a spectacular circuit session that all the pupils took part in. It was amazing and very tough but every one of the boys and girls got going with amazing energy. They had obviously been practising over the last 2 weeks as requested!! Even those of us who only watched!! were inspired by the whole event. SPONSORSHIP We are truly amazed and humbled by the generosity of the return from the Sponsorship forms. As Cathal told the children 40% of the income goes to supporting Christine to continue her training as a contender for the 2020 Olympics and 60% will be used to purchase new sports equipment for the school. The grand total is not yet finalised as some children have yet to return their forms. We will let you know as soon as we can.

Sports Day Many thanks to everyone who came along today to join with us for our annual Sport's Day. Your support is greatly appreciated. Many, many thanks to the PFTA for organising the tea in the Youth Wing, Leslie for the sound system, all the school staff for the parts they played and most importantly to our wonderful pupils who participated in the races and the P7s, who looked after the winners from all the races. You are stars - each and every one of you! There are photos of the day on the website and all the photos will be shown to the children at assembly. Once again thanks to our local businesses who sponsored the prizes for the raffle.