Dec 20 Compiled Qtr Rpt.Pdf
JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON EVA L.I. ARCE, TREASURER REPORT FOR QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2020 Submitted to the Board of County Commissioners By ___________________________________________________ _____________1/22/21 S TATEMENT OF THE T REASURER AND IN V ES T M EN T O FFICER : The reporting requirements of ORS 208.090 and ORS 294.085 are fulfilled by this report and the report issued earlier. The investments of Josephine County are in compliance with the objectives and the requirements of the Investment Policy. At December 31, 2020 all bank accounts are in compliance with ORS 295. (See Attachment B). S U M M A RY O F T REASURER ’ S R EPORT : Total investments and cash (See page 2 and Attachment A) was $61,179,038 at December 31, 2020 compared to $55,306,054 at December 31, 2019. Interest rates on short-term investments at the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) is currently at 0.75%, a decrease of 1.25% since March 2020. Interest rate seem to be steady after the decreases in the beginning of the fourth quarter. No changes are expected from the Federal Open Market Committee in the near future. Quarterly statistics for the Treasury Division are shown in Attachment E. The Tax Division mailed 46,629 tax statements on October 12th 2020 for the total levied amount of $85,471,848. At December 31, total collections for property tax levies are at 99.11%. Current year collections at December 31, 2020, are at 90.47%, including discounts of 2.56%. Property taxes and delinquent interest collected and turned over to the 16 taxing entities in Josephine County totaled $78,126,545.43 for the quarter ended December 31, 2020.
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