City of Manchester Plan 1945, abridged edition This report has been digitised by Joe Blakey and Martin Dodge from the Department of Geography, University of Manchester. The digitisation was supported by the Manchester Statistical Society’s Campion Fund. The copy of the report digitised kindly provided by Richard Brook, Manchester School of Architecture. Permission to digitise and release the report under Creative Commons license was kindly granted by Manchester Libraries, Information and Archives, Manchester City Council. (Email:
[email protected]) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. 20 July 2013. C O NTENTS PR A .. page 2 I. TH D · I N 3 The Purpose of Pla nning- The Pla n in Outline-Ways and Mean II . H F UN I ATION 7 Basic Surveys-Popula tion- The Fa mily Unit J II . II • RAM WORK 10 The Z ning Scheme- Indu trial Planning- Highways JV. T H STR TUR 16 Design fo r Li ving- Ho mes- Types of Dwelling - l ndoor Space- Outdoor Space- School - The eighbo urhood- The District Y. R H SJN 28 Density- The Overspi ll Pro blem- The Redevelopment Programme- The Satellite VJ. 36 Sy tem- Ri vers- A mokeless ity- District H eating YJL. T li E R , IONAL A PJT L 40 Learning, Med icine a nd Lhe rts-The ity Centre-Transport- C ivic Building V LJL. T I-l - OND IT IONS 0 u ss 51 Fu rther Legisla ti o n- Loca l Government- T he Prospect Th e author\· acknowl dgment and thanks ore due to MR.