Rudin-Carleson theorems

Bergur Snorrason

FacultyFaculty of of Physical Physical Sciences Sciences UniversityUniversity of of Iceland Iceland 20202020


Bergur Snorrason

60 ECTS thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of a Magister Scientiarum degree in Mathematics

Advisor Benedikt Steinar Magnússon

Faculty Representative Tyson Ritter

M.Sc. committee Benedikt Steinar Magnússon Ragnar Sigurðsson

Faculty of Physical Sciences School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland Reykjavik, May 2020 Rudin-Carleson theorems 60 ECTS thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of a M.Sc. degree in Mathematics

Copyright c 2020 Bergur Snorrason All rights reserved

Faculty of Physical Sciences School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland Dunhagi 5 107, Reykjavik, Reykjavik Iceland

Telephone: 525 4000

Bibliographic information: Bergur Snorrason, 2020, Rudin-Carleson theorems, M.Sc. thesis, Faculty of Physical Sci- ences, University of Iceland.

Printing: Háskólaprent, Fálkagata 2, 107 Reykjavík Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2020 To my parents


The main theme of this thesis is the Rudin-Carleson extension theorem. It states a sufficient condition on a subset of the unit circle in the complex plane such that every continuous function thereon can be extended to a continuous function on the closed unit disk whose restriction to the open unit disk is holomorphic. The theorem is proved in two ways. Firstly in the same manner as Rudin, and secondly, it shown to be a corollary of a theorem of Bishop and the F. and M. Riesz theorem, both of which are proved in the thesis. We also look at the role of Bishop’s theorem in the classification of closed subsets of the boundary of the unit ball in several complex variables. Finally we consider a way to relax the condition on the set in Bishop’s theorem.


Aðalefni ritgerðarinnar er Rudin-Carleson-setningin. Hún gefur okkur nægjanlegt skilyrði á hlutmengi í einingarhringnum þannig að framlengja megi sérhvert sam- fellt fall á menginu í samfellt fall á lokuðu einingarhringskífunni sem er fágað á opnu einingarhringskífunni. Hún er sönnuð á tvo vegu. Fyrst er farið sömu leið og Rudin gerði upprunalega, og síðan er sýnt að hún sé fylgisetning setningar Bish- ops og setningar F. og M. Riesz, sem báðar eru sannaðar í ritgerðinni. Einnig er athugað hvernig setning Bishops getur hjálpað okkur að flokka lokuð hlutmengi jaðars einingarkúlunnar í mörgum breytistærðum. Loks skoðum við hvernig slaka má á skilyrðum setningar Bishops.




1 Introduction3

2 Preliminaries5 2.1 Measure theory ...... 5 2.2 Complex analysis ...... 7 2.2.1 The disk algebra ...... 7 2.2.2 The Riemann Mapping Theorem ...... 8 2.2.3 Complex analysis in several variables ...... 10 2.3 Functional analysis ...... 10 2.3.1 The Hahn-Banach theorem ...... 11 2.3.2 The Riesz representation theorem ...... 12 2.3.3 The weak topology on the dual space X1 ...... 13

3 The Rudin-Carleson theorem 15 3.1 The F. and M. Riesz theorem ...... 15 3.2 The Rudin-Carleson theorem ...... 22 3.3 A generalization of the Rudin-Carleson theorem ...... 31

4 Consequences of Bishop’s generalization of the Rudin-Carleson the- orem 35 4.1 Classification of compact subsets of Sn ...... 35 4.2 A variation of Bishop’s theorem ...... 36

Index 39

Bibliography 41



I would like to thank my supervisor Benedikt Steinar Magnússon for his excellent guidance. I would also like to thank Ragnar Sigurðsson for his assistance throughout. I would like to thank my peers Atli, Eyleifur, Garðar, Hjörtur, and Þórarinn. I would like to thank Sandra for her unbounded support.


1 Introduction

Lennart Carleson and Walter Rudin gave, independently in 1957 and 1956 respec- tively, a sufficient condition on a subset of the unit circle in C such that each continuous function thereon could be extended continuously onto the closed unit disk such that its restriction to the open unit disk is holomorphic [Carleson, 1957, Rudin, 1956]. This can be seen as a strengthened result of Fatou’s interpolation the- orem [Fatou, 1906] (this interplay is discussed briefly and more generally in Section 4.1). Errett Bishop then generalized the Rudin-Carleson theorem in 1962 by giving sufficient condition for a set such that a continuous function thereon can always be extended in a similar sense [Bishop, 1962]. Here the condition on the set is given in terms of the annihilating measures (see Definition 2.1.2) of the family of functions we want to extend into. The result of Bishop doesn’t just generalize the Rudin- Carleson theorem (allowing, for example, similar studies in higher dimensions) but also shows the connection between the Rudin-Carleson theorem and the F. and M. Riesz theorem [Riesz and Riesz, 1916].

We start by proving the F. and M. Riesz theorem in Section 3.1, which states a sufficient condition on a measure on the unit circle such that it is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue-measure on the unit circle. To achieve this some study of the Poisson kernel is needed. The Poisson kernel is classically used to find harmonic functions on the unit disk with given continuous boundary values. It is used to this end in the proof of the Rudin-Carleson theorem presented in Section 3.2, but its place in the proof of the F. and M. Riesz theorem is less standard.

The Rudin-Carleson theorem is proved in Section 3.2. It is done in the same way Rudin did in his original paper. Some effort is put into showing the existence of a continuous integrable function on T that takes value `8 on a prescribed closed set of Lebesgue-measure zero.

In Section 3.3 Bishop’s generalization of the Rudin-Carleson theorem is stated and proved. This is also done in the same way Bishop did in his paper. The original Rudin-Carleson theorem is then shown to be a corollary of Bishop’s theorem and the F. and M. Riesz theorem.

The final two sections, Section 4.1 and Section 4.2, look at how Bishop’s theorem fits into complex analysis in several variables and states an alternative version of

3 1 Introduction

Bishop’s theorem. This alternative version of Bishop’s theorem relaxes the condition on the set where the function we want to extend is defined by not requiring that every continuous function thereon can be extended.

4 2 Preliminaries

2.1 Measure theory

During introductory courses in measure theory the focus is often solely on positive measures [Tao, 2014], which are then simply referred to as ‘measures’. This restric- tion is immediately felt when studying functional analysis (see for example Theorem 2.3.6). We, therefore, need the following definitions:

Definition 2.1.1. Let F be a σ-algebra on X and µ: F Ñ Y , where Y is a subset of either C or R. Recall that R “ R Y t´8, `8u. We say that µ is countably additive if

µ En “ µpEnq ˜nP ¸ nP ďN ÿN for all disjoint collections pEnqnPN in F. Let’s assume µ is countably additive and µpHq “ 0. We say that

(i) µ is a positive measure if Y “ r0, `8s.

(ii) µ is a real measure if Y “ r´8, `8r or Y “s ´ 8, `8s.

(iii) µ is a complex measure if Y “ C.

Allowing Y “ R in (ii) could lead to trouble, for example if µptxuq “ `8 and µptyuq “ ´8 what is µptx, yuq? We shall always assume that measure are complex Borel measures, that is, F is the Borel σ-algebra and the measure take complex values, unless stated otherwise. We let m denote that Lebesgue-measure on R. Then the arc length measure on the unit circle T is the push-forward of m by the exponential function t ÞÑ eit. We also denote the arc length measure by m and let σ “ m{2π be the arc length measure scaled to a probability measure on T.

For those not familiar with complex measures, some care must be taken. A prime example is the notion of null sets. They still play a significant role, but their def- inition is not the same as when working with positive measures. We can motivate

5 2 Preliminaries this difference by letting X “ tx, yu, F be the power set of X, and define µ by µptxuq “ ´1 and µptyuq “ 1. For µ to be a measure we need µpXq “ 0 to hold. The usual definition of null sets would label X as a µ-null set. This would of course technically be a valid definition, but leads to problems further down the road. For example, f dµ “ 0 żX would not hold generally (once we define integration by complex measure, of course). To avoid this specific pitfall we define a measurable set E to be µ-null if µpF q “ 0 holds for all measurable F such that F Ă E. The above example also shows us another pitfall, E Ă F ùñ µpEq ď µpF q doesn’t generally hold.

If we have a complex measure µ: F Ñ C we may want a positive measure λ that dominates it, in the sense that |µpEq| ď λpEq for E in F. We would also want λ to be ‘small’ in some sense. We will refer to a collection pEnqnPN in F as a partition of E if they are pairwise disjoint and their union is E. The measure λ mentioned earlier will then satisfy λpEq “ λpEnq ě |µpEq|. nP ÿN It so happens that defining λ by

λpEq “ sup |µpEnq| ; where pEnqnPN is any partition of E #nP + ÿN yields a measure. This measure is referred to as the total variation of µ and denoted by |µ| (for example, |µ|pEq). A proof that |µ| is a measure and more detail on complex measures can be found in Chapter 6 of [Rudin, 1987]. A useful property of the total variation of µ is that µ Î |µ|, that is a |µ|-null set is also µ-null.

Recall that if X is a locally compact topological space and F contains the Borel σ-algebra, then a positive measure µ is said to be regular if

µpEq “ inftµpF q ; E Ă F and F is openu holds for all measurable E and

µpEq “ suptµpKq ; K Ă E and K is compactu holds for all open E and measurable E of finite measure. We similarly refer to a complex measure µ as regular if |µ| is regular.

Let µ and λ be measures on a common σ-algebra. We define

pµ ` λqpEq “ µpEq ` λpEq and pcµqpEq “ cµpEq

6 2.2 Complex analysis for any c in C and measurable E. Both of these are obviously measures so the measures on a common σ-algebra form a vector space. This vector space is also normed with the norm }µ} “ |µ|pXq, where X is the measure space µ is defined on, since |µpXq| ă 8 always holds [Rudin, 1987, Theorem 6.4], and it is Banach if X is locally compact (see Definition 2.3.1) [Rudin, 1987, Exercise 3, Chapter 6].

We won’t get far with complex measures without defining integration. A corollary of the Radon-Nikodym theorem is the existence of a function h such that dµ “ h d|µ|. and |h| “ 1 [Rudin, 1987, Theorem 6.12]. This can be seen as a decomposition of µ into polar form. With this in mind we define integration with respect to a complex measure by f dµ “ fh d|µ|. żE żE We will later use the following definition to characterize sets if a family of functions is given.

Definition 2.1.2. Let µ be a measure and B be a family of measurable functions defined on a measurable space X. We say that µ is an annihilating measure of B if

f dµ “ 0 żX for all f in B. We denote the family of all annihilating measures of B by BK. Sets that are µ-null for all µ in BK are said to be BK-null.

2.2 Complex analysis

We will use D to refer to the open unit disk tz P C ; |z| ă 1u, the closed unit disk will get no special notation, but will be denoted by D, and T will be the open unit circle tz P C ; |z| “ 1u.

2.2.1 The disk algebra

Definition 2.2.1. The set of all continuous functions on D which are holomorphic on D is called the disk algebra and we denote it by A. The set of all continuous functions on Bn which are holomorphic on Bn is called the ball algebra and we denote it by An.

7 2 Preliminaries

The set A is a closed subalgebra of the of continuous function on D with the supremum norm. It can be shown using Morera’s theorem that a sequence of holomorphic functions that converges uniformly has a holomorphic limit [Axelsson, 2014]. The same holds for continuous functions. So, naturally, we conclude that a sequence of functions in A that converges uniformly has a limit in A.

2.2.2 The Riemann Mapping Theorem

The Riemann mapping theorem is a powerful tool that often allows us to move results on the open unit disk to more general simply connected domains. We can use a famous theorem of Carathéodory to achieve similar results for the closed unit disk.

To ‘move results on the open unit disk to more general simply connected domains’ we first have to nail down what properties we are interested in. In complex analysis that is usually holomorphicity. The bijections that preserve holomorphicity are therefore of interest, but since the composition of holomorphic functions is holomorphic we only need the following:

Definition 2.2.2. A bijective holomorphic map f : U Ñ V where U and V are open in C is said to be conformal.

It can be shown that a holomorphic bijection has a holomorphic inverse [Greene and Krantz, 2006].

It is important to state Carathéodory’s theorem before looking at the Riemann mapping theorem.

Definition 2.2.3. A closed continuous curve γ : ra, bs Ñ C is said to be a Jordan curve or a simple curve if it is injective on the half-open interval ra, br.

The name stems from a famous result by Camille Jordan stating that Czγpr0, 1sq has two connected components, one of which is simply connected. The simply connected component is called the domain bounded by γ. The proof of this result is rather technical and outside the scope of this thesis [Greene and Krantz, 2006, Munkres, 1980]. The result is however necessary to make statement such as ‘let U be the domain bounded by γ’. An example of this is the following theorem:

Theorem 2.2.4 (Carathéodory). Let U and V be domains in C each bounded by a

8 2.2 Complex analysis

Jordan curve and f : U Ñ V be a conformal mapping. Then there exists a continuous injection fˆ: U Ñ V that extends f.

Recall that g extends f if f is defined on A, g defined on B, A Ă B, and f “ g|A. A proof of Carathéodory’s theorem can be found in Section 13.2 of [Greene and Krantz, 2006].

Theorem 2.2.5 (Riemann mapping theorem [Greene and Krantz, 2006]). If U is a subset of C, homeomorphic to D, and U ‰ C then there exists a conformal mapping from D to U.

Corollary 2.2.6. If U and V are subsets of C such that U ‰ C, V ‰ C, and both are homeomorphic to D then there exists a conformal mapping from U to V .

Proof. The Riemann mapping theorem gives us f, a conformal mapping from D to U, and f, a conformal mapping from D to V . Since f is conformal f ´1 is also bijective, holomorphic with an holomorphic inverse, meaning f ´1 is also conformal. The desired conformal mapping from U to V is therefore g ˝ f ´1.

In this thesis the disk algebra A is of special interest so a version of the Riemann mapping theorem that considers continuity at the boundary is desirable. We can combine the Riemann mapping theorem and Carathéodory’s theorem to prove the desired result. Note that a Jordan curve under a homeomorphism is still a Jordan curve (since the composition of injections is an injection) and boundaries map to boundaries under homeomorphisms.

Corollary 2.2.7. If K is homeomorphic to D then there exists a continuous, injec- tive Φ: D Ñ K such that its restriction to D is a conformal mapping.

Proof. Let f be a homeomorphism from D to K. The Riemann mapping theorem also gives us a conformal map Φ: D Ñ fpDq. We know that D is compact, so K “ fpDq is also compact, since the image of a compact set under a continuous mapping is compact. Moreover, K is bounded. So fpBDq “ BfpDq “ BK and BK is a Jordan curve, since BD is a Jordan curve. So Φ is a conformal map between two domains, each bounded by a Jordan curve. This allows us to use Carathéodory’s theorem to extend Φ continuously and injectively to D, concluding the proof.

9 2 Preliminaries

2.2.3 Complex analysis in several variables

We will briefly touch on multivariate complex analysis so we will need a definition of a holomorphic function in Cn. If U Ă Cn is open and f : U Ñ C such that f is holomorphic in each variable separately we say that f is holomorphic on U. That is, for all w in U and k “ 1, 2, ..., n we require the map

z ÞÑ fpw ` zekq to be holomorphic in some neighbourhood of 0 in C, where ek is the standard basis. We can define an inner product on Cn by n

xpz1, ..., znq, pw1, ..., wnqy “ zjwj k“1 ÿ and norm by |z| “ xz, zy1{2. We will then define he unit ball in Cn by n Bn “ tz P C ; |z| ă 1u and the unit sphere by n Sn “ tz P C ; |z| “ 1u.

2.3 Functional analysis

Definition 2.3.1. Let X be a topological space. We will denote by CpXq the continuous functions on X. We say that X is locally compact if for each x P X there exists an open set Ux such that x P Ux and Ux is compact. If X is a locally compact space, then we say a function f in CpXq vanishes at infinity if for all ε ą 0 there exists a compact set K such that |fpxq| ă ε for all x P XzK. The family of all such functions is referred as C0pXq.

Let X be compact. Then if f P CpXq and ε ą 0 we set K “ X and see that |fpxq| ă ε vacuously holds for all x P XzK “H. So CpXq and C0pXq are identical in this case.

Definition 2.3.2. Let α be a linear map from a normed vector space X into a normed vector space Y . We define its norm by }α}“ supt}αpxq} ; }x} ă 1u and say α is bounded if its norm is finite.

10 2.3 Functional analysis

Theorem 2.3.3. If α is a linear map from a normed vector space X into a normed vector space Y then the following properties are equivalent:

(i) α is bounded.

(ii) α is continuous.

(iii) α is uniformly continuous.

(iv) α is continuous at 0.

This theorem allows us to use the terms ‘bounded’ and ‘continuous’ interchangeably when talking about linear maps between normed vector spaces. A proof of this theorem can be found on page 96 in [Rudin, 1987].

Let’s recall what the Lp spaces are. Let pX, Fq be a measurable space and µ be a positive measure on F. We say a measurable function f is in L1pX, µq if

|f| dµ ă `8 ż and we say it is LppX, µq if |f|p is in L1pX, µq, for 0 ă p ă `8. We then define an equivalence relation „ such that f „ g if and only if µptx P X ; fpxq ‰ gpxquq “ 0. We define LppX, µq to be the quotient space LppX, µq{ „. The space LppX, µq has one major benefit over LppX, µq, namely that 1{p p }f}p “ |f| dµ ˆż ˙ is a norm on LppX, µq. We sometimes write Lppµq if the space in question is obvious from context and LppXq if the measure is obvious from context. It can be shown that LppX, µq is a Banach space [Rudin, 1987, Theorem 3.11] for p ě 1 and if p “ 2 it is a Hilbert space.

2.3.1 The Hahn-Banach theorem

There are many related theorems going by the name ‘Hahn-Banach Theorem’. These are sometimes split in two groups, ‘separation theorems’ and ‘extension theorems’. When proving Theorem 3.3.1 we need the following Hahn-Banach separation theo- rem:

Theorem 2.3.4 ([Pryce, 1973]). Let X be a compact space, B be a closed convex subset of CpXq, and f be a function in CpXq but not in B. Then there exists a continuous linear functional α on CpXq such that |α| ă 1 on B and αpfq ą 1.

11 2 Preliminaries

2.3.2 The Riesz representation theorem

Let X be a σ-finite measurable space with measure µ, p and q be such that 1 ă p, q ă `8 and 1{p ` 1{q “ 1, and g P Lqpµq. We can then define a linear functional on LppX, µq by αpfq “ fg dµ. ż The Hölder inequality tells us that it is bounded. Recall that the Hölder inequality states that if f and g are measurable functions with p and q as above then

}fg}1 ď }f}p}g}q.

So each function in LqpX, µq gives us a bounded linear functional on LppX, µq. The following theorem states the inverse, that is, each bounded linear functional on LppX, µq can be represented by a function in LqpX, µ).

Theorem 2.3.5 (The Riesz representation theorem for bounded linear functionals on LppX, µq [Pryce, 1973]). Let 1 ă p ă `8, q be such that 1{p ` 1{q “ 1, µ be a positive measure on a measurable space X, and α be a bounded linear functional on Lppµq. There then exists a unique g P Lqpµq such that

(i) αpfq “ fg dµ for all f P Lppµq and ş (ii) }α}“}g}q.

The above theorem also holds for p “ 1 and q “ `8 if X is σ-finite. We refer to p and q as each other’s exponent conjugates when they are defined as in the above theorem.

A similar result can be obtained for bounded linear functionals on C0pXq for locally compact X. There the functionals can be represented by regular measures.

Theorem 2.3.6 (The Riesz representation theorem for bounded linear function- als on C0pXq with locally compact X [Rudin, 1987]). Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff space and α be a bounded linear functional on C0pXq. There then exists a regular measure µ such that

(i) αpfq “ f dµ for all f P C0pXq and ş (ii) }α}“}µ}.

12 2.3 Functional analysis

2.3.3 The weak topology on the dual space X1

The following discussion is dedicated to the existence of a convergent subsequence of a bounded sequence of bounded linear functionals. We will therefore, for some infinite S Ă N, define the sequence panqnPS to be pasn qnPN, where sk is the k-th smallest element of S.

Let X be a Banach space and X1 be the space of continuous linear functionals on X. 1 Note that each x in X gives a linear functional fx on X by fxpαq “ αpxq. We can define a unique coarsest topology such that fx is continuous for all x in X [Rudin, 1991, Section 3.8]. We will call this topology the weak topology on X1. To start off we have:

Theorem 2.3.7 (Banach-Alaoglu-Bourbaki). Let X be a Banach space. Then the closed unit ball B “ tα P X1 : }α} ď 1u is compact in the weak topology.

The above theorem does of course not generally provide us with sequential com- pactness. Recall that a space is sequentially compact if all sequences in it contain a convergent subsequence. We do however have equality between sequential compact- ness and compactness on metric spaces [Munkres, 1980, Theorem 28.2].

Lemma 2.3.8. Let X be a separable Banach space. Then B is metrizable in the weak topology.

Recall that a space is separable if it contains a countable dense subset. So far we have that all bounded sequences in X1 have a convergent subsequence (in the weak topology) if X is a separable Banach space. This becomes more workable with:

1 Lemma 2.3.9. Let X be a Banach space and pαnqnPN be a sequence in X that converges in the weak topology. Then pαnpxqqnPN is convergent for all x in X.

We can now put all this together.

1 Lemma 2.3.10. Let X be a separable Banach space, pΓnqnPN be a sequence in X , and supn }Γn}“ M ă `8. Then there exists an infinite S Ă N such that the function defined by

Γpxq “ lim Γsk pxq kÑ`8 is well defined every x in X. Furthermore, Γ is linear and }Γ} ď M.

13 2 Preliminaries

Proof. We may assume that M “ 1. The sequence pΓnqnPN is then contained in B. We have by the Banach-Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem along with Lemma 2.3.8 that there exists an infinite S Ă N such that pΓnqnPS converges in the weak topology. Lemma 2.3.9 finally tells us that the limit

lim Γsk pxq kÑ`8 exists for all x in X. Let’s now define a function on X by

Γpxq “ lim Γsk pxq. kÑ`8

One form of the Banach-Steinhaus theorem states that Γ is linear and }Γ} ď M [Pryce, 1973, Corollary 10.6].

Proofs of the Banach-Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem and Lemma 2.3.8 can be found in [Rudin, 1991] and a proof of Lemma 2.3.9 can be found in [Brezis, 2011].

14 3 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

3.1 The F. and M. Riesz theorem

The main result of this section is that the annihilating measures of

A|T “ tf|T : f P Au are absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure. We will show this to be a corollary of the F. and M. Riesz theorem, which we will prove in the manner of [Rudin, 1987]. First, we need a few results from the study of Poisson integrals to prove the F. and M. Riesz theorem. It will be useful to take, for some 0 ă r ă 1, a function defined on rT and stretch it to be defined on T. Concretely, if f : rT Ñ C then fr : T Ñ C is defined by frpzq “ fprzq. We will reserve the subscripted ‘r’ for this usage.

Definition 3.1.1. The function

|n| int Prptq “ r e nP ÿZ for 0 ď r ă 1, t P R, is referred to as the Poisson kernel on D, or simply the Poisson kernel. It can be useful to think of Prptq as a function of two variables r and t, since it it allows us to rewrite Prpt ´ θq, by setting z “ re , as 1 ´ |z|2 P pz, eiθq “ . |eiθ ´ z|2 This stems from the fact that eiθ ` z 1 ´ r2 P pt ´ θq “ Re “ . r eiθ ´ z 1 ´ 2r cospt ´ θq ` r2 ˆ ˙ A benefit of this rewrite is that P p ¨ , eiθq is defined on D.

For f P L1pTq we define the Poisson integral of f as a function on D given by 1 π P rfspzq “ P pz, eitqfpeitq dt. 2π ż´π

15 3 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

For a measure µ on T we define the Poisson integral of µ as a function on D given by P rdµspzq “ P pz, eitq dµpeitq. żT We write the above integral as if it is over T out of convention. This technically incorrect as the variable t belongs to some interval in R of length 2π, but not T. π This notation is also more readable than r´π,πs and writing ´π does not take into consideration the possibility of singletons having a non-zero measure with respect to µ. ş ş

Let’s take a look at some of the properties of the Poisson kernel and Poisson integral.

We see that, since 1 ´ r2 P ptq “ , r 1 ´ 2r cosptq ` r2 both Prptq ą 0 and Prptq “ Prp´tq. It will also come of use to know that for n ‰ 0 π in eint dt “ peinπ ´ e´inπq “ 0, ż´π so π π π π |n| int |n| int |0| 0 Prptq dt “ r e dt “ r e dt “ r e dt “ 2π. ´π ´π nP nP ´π ´π ż ż ÿZ ÿZ ż ż This naturally leads us to the following lemma:

Lemma 3.1.2. Let µ be a measure, r Ps0, 1r, and u “ P rdµs. Then

}ur}1 ď }µ}.

Proof. This can be obtained by the Tonelli-Fubini theorem 1 π }u } “ |upreiθq| dθ r 1 2π ż´π 1 π “ P preiθ, eitq dµpeitq dθ 2π ż´π ˇżT ˇ 1 π ˇ ˇ ď ˇ P preiθ, eitq d|µ|peitqˇdθ 2π ˇ ˇ ż´π żT 1 π “ P preiθ, eitq dθd|µ|peitq 2π żT ż´π “ d|µ|peitq żT “ |µ|pTq “}µ}.

16 3.1 The F. and M. Riesz theorem

The main reason we are developing these tools, as stated before, is to prove the F. and M. Riesz theorem. The theorem gives us a sufficient condition for a measure µ (on T) to be absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue-measure (on T). The proof is conceptually simple, we let f be the Poisson integral of µ and h be a function such that its Poisson integral is f. We then show that dµ “ h dm. The following lemmas show that all this is in fact possible.

Lemma 3.1.3. Let u be harmonic on D and

sup }ur}1 “ M ă `8. 0ără1

Then there exists a unique measure µ on T such that u “ P rdµs.

Lemma 3.1.4. Let u be harmonic on D and

sup }ur}2 “ M ă `8. 0ără1

Then there exists a unique function f in L2pTq such that u “ P rfs.

Proof of Lemma 3.1.3. Let Γr, for r P r0, 1r, be linear functionals on CpTq defined by

Γrpgq “ gur dσ. żT If }g} ď 1 is assumed we get that

Γrpgq “ gur dσ ď |ur| dσ “}ur}1 ď M żT żT so Γr is bounded with }Γr} ď M. By Lemma 2.3.10 and the Riesz representation theorem we get a measure µ on T with }µ} ď M, and a sequence prnqnPN on r0, 1r with limit 1, such that

lim gurn dσ “ g dµ (3.1) nÑ`8 żT żT for all g P CpTq. Let’s now define functions hk on D by hkpzq “ uprkzq. Since u is harmonic on rD for r Ps0, 1r, the functions hk are harmonic on D and continuous on

17 3 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

D. So each of them can be represented by the Poisson integral of their restriction it it to T [Rudin, 1987, Theorem 11.9]. Note that hkpe q “ urk pe q, so

upzq “ lim uprnzq nÑ`8

“ lim hnpzq nÑ`8

it it it “ lim P pz, e qhnpe q dσpe q nÑ`8 żT it it it “ lim P pz, e qurn pe q dσpe q nÑ`8 żT “ P pz, eitq dµpeitq żT “ P rdµspzq, where the fifth equality is achieved by putting g “ P pz, eitq into Equation (3.1). This concludes the proof of existence.

Let’s assume that P rdµs “ 0, and let f P CpTq, u “ P rfs and v “ P rdµs. We firstly have the symmetry P preiθ, eitq “ P preit, eiθq. This symmetry is due to

|eit ´ reiθ| “ |1 ´ reipθ´tq| “ |1 ´ reipt´θq| “ |eiθ ´ reit|.

We now obtain π iθ it iθ it ur dµ “ P pre , e qfpe q dθdµpe q T T ´π ż ż πż “ fpeiθq P preit, eiθq dµpeitqdθ ´π T ż π ż iθ “ fpe qvr dθ ż´π “ fvr dσ. żT If we let r Ñ 1 we get f dµ “ 0. żT This holds for all f P CpTq, so the measure µ represents zero in the dual of CpTq. The Riesz representation theorem then tells us that |µ|pTq “ 0, so µ “ 0. We have now shown that the only measure that maps to 0 by the linear map µ ÞÑ P rdµs is the zero measure, so the map is injective.

18 3.1 The F. and M. Riesz theorem

Proof of Lemma 3.1.4. The proof of existence is almost identical to the proof of existence in Lemma 3.1.3 and the uniqueness is shown in the same manner. The differences between the existence proofs are in the beginning when we are choosing which function spaces we use and which theorems to refer to. Now we define Γr in the same way, except we define it on L2pTq. We again use Lemma 2.3.10 and the (other) Riesz representation theorem to show that there exists a function f in L2pTq with }f}2 ď M and

lim gurn dσ “ gf dσ nÑ`8 żT żT for all g in L2pTq. The remaining calculations are unchanged.

We see by this proof that Lemma 3.1.4 could be generalized trivially to find a function f in LppTq such that P rfs “ u for harmonic u with

sup }ur}p “ M ă `8 0ără1 and p ą 1. We can’t use this method for p “ 1 since we will need to use the Riesz representation theorem for the exponent conjugate of p, and the theorem only holds if it is in r1, `8r.

We have not yet stated any condition for a function f that implies there exists a h P L1pTq such that P rhs “ f. For that we need the following definitions:

Definition 3.1.5. For a function f holomorphic on D and 0 ă p ă `8 we define

π 1{p 1 iθ p }f}Hp “ sup |fpre q| dθ 0 r 1 2π ă ă ˆ ż´π ˙ p and we say that f is in H if }f}Hp ă `8. These spaces are referred to as the Hardy spaces.

A useful result from the theory of Hardy spaces is that if f P H1 then there exist g, h P H2 such that f “ g ¨ h and |f| ă |g|2 [Rudin, 1987, Theorem 17.10].

Definition 3.1.6. Let 0 ă α ă 1. We refer to the open convex hull of

tz P C ; |z| ă αu Y t1u, that also includes 1, as the non tangential approach region of 1, denoted by Ωα. We iθ will also use the rotated version, e Ωα. Let u: D Ñ C. Its nontangential maximal function is defined on T by

it it pNαuqpe q “ supt|upzq| ; z P e Ωαu.

19 3 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

Figure 3.1: A visualization of the boundary of Ωα, for a moderately large α. Note that the only boundary point included in Ωα is 1.

We say that u has nontangential limit λ at eit if, for all 0 ă α ă 1,

lim upzkq “ λ kÑ`8

it it for all sequences pzkqkPN in e Ωα that converge to e .

Lemma 3.1.7. Every function f in H1 has non-tangential limit F peitq at almost every point eit in T, they define a function F in L1pTq, and f “ P rF s.

Proof. Let g and h be functions in H2 such that f “ g ¨ h, as described above. We have by Lemma 3.1.4 functions G and H in L2pTq such that g “ P rGs and h “ P rHs. Theorem 11.23 in [Rudin, 1987] (along with discussion on the prior page) states that if h is in L1pTq then P rhs has nontangential limit hpeitq at almost every eit. We also have by the Hölder inequality that on a finite measure space (such as T with the Lebesgue measure) }h}1 ď }h}2. So g and h have nontangential limits almost everywhere on T. This tells us that f also has nontangential limits almost 2 2 everywhere on T, since f “ g ¨ h. By |f| ď |h| we have that Nαf ď pNαhq , and 1 therefore Nαf P L pTq. Let F be the tangential limit of f. We have that |F | ď Nαf where F is defined, so F is also in L1pTq. Note that

lim }F ´ fr}1 “ lim |F ´ fr| dσ “ 0 rÑ1 rÑ1 ż since fr Ñ F holds almost everywhere and |fr| ă Nαf allows us to use dominated

20 3.1 The F. and M. Riesz theorem

convergence. We can also represent fr by its Poisson integral, for r ă 1, that is 1 π f pzq “ P pz, eitqf peitq dt. r 2π r ż´π Letting r go to 1 gives us 1 π fpzq “ P pz, eitqF peitq dt, 2π ż´π namely, f is the Poisson integral of F .

Theorem 3.1.8 (F. and M. Riesz). If µ is a measure on T and

e´int dµ “ 0 ż for n “ ´1, ´2, ..., then µ Î σ.

If we take a second look at the outline of proof given earlier we see that most of the work has been done. All that’s left is to show that the condition given in the theorem implies that P rdµs is in H1.

Proof. Let f “ P rdµs. If we set z “ reiθ we get that

it |n| inpθ´tq |n| inθ ´int P pz, e q “ Prpθ ´ tq “ r e “ r e e . nP nP ÿZ ÿZ We can use the assumption of the theorem to write f as a power series by

fpzq “ P pz, eitq dµpeitq żT “ r|n|einθe´int dµpeitq T nP ż ÿZ “ r|n|einθ e´int dµpeitq nPZ żT ÿ`8 “ rneinθ e´int dµpeitq n“0 żT `8ÿ n “ µˆnz , n“0 ÿ where µˆn is the n-th Fourier coefficient of µ. This along with Lemma 3.1.2 gives us that f P H1. We can now define a F P L1pTq, by Lemma 3.1.7 such that f “ P rF s. We have that π P pz, eitq dµpeitq “ P pz, eitqF peitq dσpeitq żT ż´π so it follows from Lemma 3.1.3 that dµ “ F dσ, namely µ Î σ.

21 3 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

Corollary 3.1.9. Every annihilating measure of A|T is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue-measure on T.

Proof. Let µ be an annihilating measure of A|T. By definition we have that

f dµ “ 0 ż ´n for all f P A|T. The functions fnpzq “ z , for n “ ´1, ´2, ... are entire. Their restrictions to T are in A|T, so

fn dµ “ 0 ż for all n “ ´1, ´2, ... and µ Î m.

3.2 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

We will refer to the closed unit square in C by

S “ tz P C ; 0 ď Re z ď 1 and 0 ď Im z ď 1u. The square with side-lengths a and bottom-left corner at w is then denoted by w ` aS.

To adequately discuss the main result of this theorem we need a few fundamentals about closed set in R of Lebesgue-measure zero. Let K be such a set. We can show by contradiction that K is totally disconnected. Recall that a set is totally disconnected if each connected component is a singleton. If K was not totally disconnected it would have an open subset meaning its measure could not be zero. Another important thing to note is that K could include an uncountable number of elements. Results like Lemma 3.2.3 would be trivial if this were not the case. A famous example of an uncountable, closed set of Lebesgue-measure zero is the Cantor set. We will also make use of the following lemma:

Lemma 3.2.1. Let ε ą 0, K be a closed subset of s0, 1s of Lebesgue-measure zero, and f : K Ñ C be a continuous function. Then there exist pairwise disjoint closed E1,E2, ..., En and w1, w2, ..., wn such that

E1 Y E2 Y ... Y En “ K and fpEkq Ă wk ` εS k “ 1, 2, ..., n.

22 3.2 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

Proof. It suffices to show that the image of each partition is contained in a circle with radius ε since each square includes a circle. Recall that a point x in a set A is a limit point of A if it is in the closure of Aztxu. Since K is compact, f is uniformly continuous. This means we can find δ ą 0 such that |fpxq ´ fpyq| ă ε if |x ´ y| ă δ. Let a1, a2, ..., ap`1 be a strictly increasing sequence in s0, 1s such that ak`1 ´ ak ă δ{2, for k “ 1, 2, ..., p and let Ek “ EXsak, ak`1s, for k “ 1, 2, ..., p. The only problem with this decomposition is that the sets may not be closed. More concretely, if ak is a limit point of E then Ek may not be closed, for k “ 1, 2, ..., p. If we could replace ak by a point in I “sak, ak`1r that was not a limit point of E then this problem will be solved. Let’s assume that no such point exists and show that it leads to a contradiction. This implies that E X I is dense in I, but this would imply that E contains I, since E is closed and E X I closed in I. But E can’t contain an open set since E is of Lebesgue-measure zero.

We can show that Lemma 3.2.1 still holds if we replace s0, 1s by T in the same way. This is the context we will later use it in.

Theorem 3.2.2 (Rudin-Carleson). Let E be a closed subset of T of Lebesgue- measure 0, let f be a continuous function on E, and let T be a subset of C homeo- morphic to D such that fpDq Ă T . Then there exists an F P A, such that F “ f on E and F pDq Ă T .

This will be proved as Rudin did in his original paper [Rudin, 1956]. We will split up the proof into several lemmas. The first few lemmas are dedicated to showing the result holds for continuous simple functions, and the last lemma bridges the gap.

Lemma 3.2.3. Let H Ă T be a closed set of Lebesgue-measure zero. Then there exists a function h: T Ñs1, `8s such that

1. h is in L1pT, mq,

8 2. h|TzH is in C ,

3. hpzq “ `8 if and only if z is in H, and

4. limwÑz hpwq “ `8 for all z in H.

Recall from that if pX, dq is a metric space, A is a subset of X and x is a point of X then the distance between x and A is defined by

dpx, Aq “ inf dpx, aq. aPA

23 3 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

Furthermore, if A is closed then the infimum is obtained at some point in A, namely, there exists a point y P A such dpx, yq “ dpx, Aq. Let X “ r0, 1s and H be some closed set of Lebesgue-measure zero. We will, for reasons that will become clear later, assume that t0, 1u Ă H. We can now define function LH : r0, 1s Ñ r0, 1s and RH : r0, 1s Ñ r0, 1s such that LH pxq is in r0, xs, RH pxq is in rx, 1s, and

dpx, H X r0, xsq “ dpx, LH pxqq and dpx, H X rx, 1sq “ dpx, RH pxqq.

Intuitively, RH pxq is the point in H that’s to the right of x and is closest to x and LH pxq is the point in H that’s to the left of x and is closest to x. So all points x in r0, 1szH are on the open interval sLH pxq,RH pxqr. We will define function fH : r0, 1s Ñ r0, `8s by

RH pxq´LH pxq 2 log2 2 ´ log2ppx ´ LH pxqqpRH pxq ´ xqq if x is not in H fH pxq “ # 8 ´ ¯ if x is in H and show that this function has the properties of Lemma 3.2.3, but with T replaced by r0, 1s and s1, `8s replaced by r0, `8s.

Figure 3.2: An example of fH where H includes nine points. The points of H are marked on the x-axis.

Let’s first define a family of functions indexed with a, b P R, such that a ă b, by b ´ a f : ra, bs Ñ r0, `8s, x ÞÑ 2 log ´ log ppx ´ aqpb ´ xqq a,b 2 2 2 ˆ ˙ and show they satisfy the following properties:

24 3.2 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

´n 1. fa,bpa ` pb ´ aq2 q ď n, for n ą 0 and

2. fa,bpxq “ fa,bpb ` a ´ xq.

Figure 3.3: The graphs of f0,1 and g0,1.

The first point gives us a handy estimate and the second tells us fa,b is symmetric around pa ` bq{2. We have that

´n ´n ´n fa,bpa ` pb ´ aq2 q “ 2 log2pb ´ aq ´ 2 log2 2 ´ log2pppb ´ aq2 qpb ´ a ´ pb ´ aq2 qq 2 ´n ´n “ 2 log2pb ´ aq ´ 2 ´ log2ppb ´ aq p1 ´ 2 q2 q ´n ´n “ 2 log2pb ´ aq ´ 2 ´ 2 log2pb ´ aq ´ log2p1 ´ 2 q ´ log2 2 ´n “ n ´ p2 ` log2p1 ´ 2 qq ď n. In order to prove the second property we consider the case where a “ ´b, that is we translate so that the midpoint between them is 0. Then

f´b,bp´xq “ 2 ´ log2pp´x ` bqpb ` xqq

“ 2 ´ log2ppb ´ xqpx ´ p´bqqq

“ f´b,bpxq.

These two points together tell us that we can bound fa,b above by

´m x´a ´m`1 m, if 2 ď b ă 2 ga,bpxq “ x´a 1 ga,bpa ` b ´ xq, if ą , " b 2 namely a function taking integer values. It is more convenient to look at ga,b instead of fa,b because the former can trivially be shown to be the limit of a monotone

25 3 The Rudin-Carleson theorem sequence of simple functions. Let’s look at the case where a “ 0 and b “ 1. Let g “ g0,1 and gpxq, if gpxq ď n g pxq “ n 0, else. " We can now integrate g by

g dm “ lim gn dm nÑ`8 ż ż “ lim gn dm nÑ`8 żn “ lim k2´k nÑ`8 k“1 ÿ “ k2´k kP ÿN ă `8 where the second equality is by monotone convergence and the last inequality is by the ratio test. This rationale also holds for general a and b, since a does not effect the value of the integral and b scales it. We can, as a side note, compute the limit of the series by setting, for x ą 1, 2 T pxq “ “ ´2 x´k 1 ´ x kP ÿN and note that T 1pxq “ 2 kx´k´1, kP ÿN so the limit of the series is T 1p2q. We also have that d 2 2 T 1pxq “ “ dx 1 ´ x p1 ´ xq2 so T 1p2q, and therefore the limit of the series, is 2.

Let’s now go back to fH . Note that we can locally look at fH as a function in tfa,bua,bPr0,1s, that is, fH pxq “ fLH pxq,RH pxqpxq. We can define a function

gH pxq “ gLH pxq,RH pxqpxq and a sequence of functions

g pxq, if gpxq ď n g pxq “ H n 0, else. "

26 3.2 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

We have that pgnqnPN is monotone with limit g, similar to before, and f ď g. Note that, independent of H, we have

mptx ; gpxq “ kuq “ 2´k so

fH dm ď gH dm ż ż “ lim gn dm nÑ`8 ż “ lim gn dm nÑ`8 żn “ lim k2´k nÑ`8 k“1 ÿ “ k2´k kP ÿN ă `8

by the same reasoning as before.

Figure 3.4: An example of fH where H includes several points. The points of H are marked on the x-axis.

27 3 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

Note that we left some fundamentals unmentioned. Specifically the fact that fH and gH are measurable. To show that g is measurable it suffices to show that pgnqnPN are measurable. We, therefore, can show that the preimage under gn of each point is measurable, since gn is simple for each n. But the preimage is a (possibly uncountable) union of half-open intervals so it is the union of a closed set and an open set. So g is measurable. To show that f is measurable it suffices to show that Pλ “ tx P r0, 1s ; fpxq ă λu is measurable for all λ in r0, `8s [Tao, 2014, lemma 1.3.9]. This trivially holds, since Pλ is open.

Proof of Lemma 3.2.3. We may assume that H is not empty, since the statement holds vacuously if that were the case. We can also assume without loss of generality that 1 is in H. We can now use the injection eit ÞÑ t{p2πq, for t P r0, 2πr, to map H to H1 a subset of r0, 1s of Lebesgue-measure zero. We will add 1 into H1 to make sure it is closed. The desired function is then fH1 , as described above, composed with the inverse of the prior injection with some constant added to make it strictly larger than 1.

Lemma 3.2.4. If f is a simple continuous function on E such that Re f ě 0, then there exists an F P A such that F “ f on E and Re F ě 0 on D.

Proof. It suffices to show that this holds if f takes only two values on E, since simple functions are finite linear combinations of characteristic functions. Let’s assume ´1 ´1 these values are 0 and α ‰ 0, with Re α ě 0, E0 “ f p0q, and E1 “ f pαq. Our assumption that f only takes two values then implies that E0 Y E1 “ E.

Let uH pzq be the Poisson integral of the function from Lemma 3.2.3. This function is continuous on TzH, uH |H “ `8, and limzÑw uH pzq “ `8 for w P H [Rudin, 1987, page 234]. Let’s set vH as the conjugate harmonic of uH and define u pzq ` iv pzq, z P zH G pzq “ H H D H 8, otherwise. " By our construction of uH we see the Re GH ą 1, so it has a well defined square root. Let’s call it hH and define h q “ E1 . hE0 ` hE1

Note that | arg hH pzq| ď π{4 since if a w P C had an argument outside of this range then its square would have an argument outside of the range r´π{2, π{2s meaning 2 Re w ă 0. Also, qpzq “ 0 if and only if hE0 “ 8, so q is 0 only on E0, and qpzq “ 1 if and only if hE1 “ 8, so q is 1 only on E1. We now want to show that 0 ď Re q ď 1. We will let z, w P C, with | arg z|, | arg w| ă π{4 and Re z, Re w ą 1, and show that 0 ă Re pz{pw ` zqq ă 1.

28 3.2 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

Note first that z 1 “ w ` z w{z ` 1 so z w arg “ ´ arg ` 1 w ` z z and ´ ¯ | arg w{z| “ | arg w ´ arg z| ď | arg w| ` | arg z| ă π{4 ` π{4 “ π{2. So w{z is in the right halfplane and, therefore w{z`1 is as well. We have now shown that 0 ă Re pz{pw ` zqq. Note that 0 ă Re pz{pw ` zqq ùñ 0 ą Re p´w{pw ` zqq due to z and w being constrained in the same manner, and ´w 0 ą Re w ` z z ´ pz ` wq “ Re w ` z z “ Re ´ 1 w ` z ˆ z ˙ “ Re ´ 1 w ` z z ùñ 1 ą Re . z ` w So we have shown that z 0 ă Re ă 1. z ` w

We have now constructed a function q that maps D to the strip tz ; 0 ď Re z ď 1u. We then let Φ be the conformal mapping from the ribbon tz ; 0 ď Re z ď 1u to tz ; 0 ď Re z ď Re αu. We will also choose Φ such that Φp0q “ 0 and Φp1q “ α. Such a Φ can be constructed by going through the unit disk and choosing an appropriate rotation. We can then let F “ Φ ˝ q and conclude the proof.

Lemma 3.2.5. If f is a simple continuous function on E that maps E into T Ă C homeomorphic to D, then there exists a function F P A, such that F “ f on E and F maps D into T .

Proof. Let z0 P T zfpEq and Φ be a conformal mapping from the right halfplane to ´1 the interior of T such that Φp8q “ z0. There exists a g P A that extends Φ ˝ f, according to Lemma 3.2.4. The desired function is then obtained with F “ Φ˝g.

29 3 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

Lemma 3.2.6. If f is a continuous function on E which maps E into the square S then there exists a sequence pfnqnPN of simple continuous function on E such that

´n fpxq “ fnpzq and fnpEq Ă 2 S. nP ÿN

Proof. We will set f0 “ 0 and construct fn iteratively. Assuming f0, f1, ..., fn´1 have been constructed such that 1´n λn´1pEq Ă 2 S n´1 with λn´1 “ f ´ k“0 fk. According to Lemma 3.2.1 we can write E as the union of ´n disjoint closed sets E1,E2, ..., Ep such that the oscillation of λn´1 is less than 2 on ř 1´n ´n each Ek. So we can define Qk Ă 2 S for k “ 1, 2, ..., p such that Qk “ 2 S ` ak ´n for some ak P S and λn´1pEkq Ă Qk. We can choose ck P Qk X 2 S since Qk has side length 2´n and is a subset of 2´n`1S and both are closed. We can now define

fnpzq “ ck, z P Ek, k “ 1, 2, ..., p.

n ´n If we then look at λn “ f ´ k“0 fk “ λn´1 ´ fn we see that λnpEq Ă 2 S due to the way we decomposed E into E1,E2, ..., Ep using the oscillations of λn´1. This means we can continue the process.ř

Proof of Theorem 3.2.2. Let’s first prove the result for T “ S.

Let fn be the functions from Lemma 3.2.6. According to Lemma 3.2.5 we have ´n functions gn P A which extend fn and map D into 2 S. We then define

F “ gn nP ÿN on D. To show that F is in A it suffices? to show that series converges uniformly. ´n`1 ´n ´n`1 Let Mn “ 2 and note that |gnpzq| ď 2 ¨ 2 ă 2 “ Mn and ? ? ´n Mn “ 2 2 “ 2 ă `8 nP nP ÿN ÿN so the Weierstrass M-test tells us that F converges uniformly. We also have that

´n 0 ď Re F “ Re gn ď 2 “ 1. nP nP ÿN ÿN It can be shown in the same manner that 0 ď Im F ď 1, so F maps into S. Lastly, for z P E we have that

F pzq “ gnpzq “ fnpzq “ fpzq nP nP ÿN ÿN

30 3.3 A generalization of the Rudin-Carleson theorem so F is an extension of f.

To prove the result for a general T we first let Φ: T Ñ S be the map provided to us by Corollary 2.2.7. We will also let g “ Φ ˝ f. Note that it maps E into S, so we can use what we showed above to find G P A that extends g and maps into S. We finally set F “ Φ´1 ˝ G. On E we have that

F “ Φ´1 ˝ G “ Φ´1 ˝ g “ Φ´1 ˝ Φ ˝ f “ f, so F extends f. It is also a composition of functions that are continuous on D and holomorphic on D so it is as well.

3.3 A generalization of the Rudin-Carleson theorem

An obvious next step would be a Rudin-Carleson theorem in several complex vari- ables. It is tempting to keep the constraints on E unchanged, namely that it is a closed subset of Sn of Lebesgue-measure zero, but this won’t work. Take as an example f : E Ñ C with E “ T ˆ t1u and fpz, wq “ z. Clearly E is of Lebesgue- measure zero but f cannot be extended. If we assume it could be extended to some g in A2 then, by definition, g1 “ gp ¨ , 0q would be holomorphic on D and continuous D. Its holomorphicity tells us that its integral around rT for 0 ă r ă 1 is zero. But on T we have that g1pzq “ z so its integral over T is not zero. That is, we have that

lim g1pzq dz ‰ g1pzq dz rÑ1 żrT żT so g1 is not continuous.

There is however a theorem of Bishop that gives a sufficient condition on E [Bishop, 1962].

Theorem 3.3.1 (Bishop’s generalization of the Rudin-Carleson theorem). Let X be a compact Hausdorff space, V “ pCpXq, } ¨ }8q, B be a closed subspace of V , S be a closed subset of X that is BK-null, f be a continuous function on S, Ξ: X Ñ r0, `8r be continuous, and |f| ă Ξ on S. Then there exists a function F P B such that F “ f on S and |F | ă Ξ on X.

The following lemma makes the proof simple. The proof of the lemma is sort of split in two. The first part is to show that f is in the closure of the image of the restriction mapping and the second part shows that it leads the existence of F .

31 3 The Rudin-Carleson theorem

Lemma 3.3.2. Assume |f| ă r ă 1 on S. Then there exists a function F P B such that F “ f on S and }F } ă 1.

Proof. Let Ur be the subset of B defined by Ur “ tg ; }g} ă ru and φ be the mapping from B to CpSq that sends a member of B to its restriction on S. It suffices to show that f P φpUrq. Let’s first show that f is in Vr “ φpUrq, by assuming otherwise, and showing it leads to a contradiction. Note that if f, g P Ur and t P r0, 1s then

}tf ` p1 ´ tqg} ď t}f} ` p1 ´ tq}g} ă tr ` p1 ´ tqr “ r so tf ` p1 ´ tqg is also in Ur, showing it is convex. Its closure, Vr, is then convex as well.

We can, by Hahn-Banach, define a bounded linear functional α, such that αpfq ą 1 and |α| ă 1, on Vr. We can then define a measure µ1 by the Riesz representation theorem that satisfies

αpgq “ g dµ1 ż for all g P CpSq. We will refer to the associated functional on B by βpgq “ αpφpgqq. Since φpgq P Vr for all g P Ur we have that

|βpgq| “ |αpφpgqq| ă 1, for all g P Ur, due to the construction of α. From this we get

}β}“ supt|βpgq| ; }g} ă 1u “ suptp1{rq|βpgq| ; }g} ă ru ď 1{r.

Let’s denote the Riesz representation of β by µ2, set µ “ µ1 ´ µ2, and note that µ P BK. But 1 1 0 “ f dµ ě f dµ ´ r}µ } ě f dµ ´ r ą 1 ´ r “ 0. 1 2 1 r r ˇżS ˇ żS żS ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ This contradictionˇ givesˇ that f P Vr. We can now take a function F1 in Ur, and therefore also in B, such that |f ´ F1| ă λ{2 on S, with λ “ 1 ´ r. Remember that F1 P Ur implies that }F1} ă r. Now let f1 “ f ´ F1 and use the same method as above to obtain an F2 such that }F2} ă λ{2 and |f ´ F2| ă λ{4 on S. Iterating this 1´n process yields a sequence pFnqnPN from B such that }Fn} ă 2 λ for n ą 1 and

n ´n f ´ Fk ă 2 λ ˇ ˇ ˇ k“1 ˇ ˇ ÿ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ

32 3.3 A generalization of the Rudin-Carleson theorem on S for n ą 1. We finally let `8 F “ Fk. k“1 ÿ Now F P B,

`8 1´n }F } ď }F1} ` }F ´ F1} ď r ` 2 λ “ r ` λ “ 1, k“2 ÿ and F “ f on S.

Proof of Theorem 3.3.1. Let B0 be the closed subspace of CpXq consisting of func- K K tion g such that Ξ ¨ g P B. We have that B0 “ B , since Ξ ą 0. So we can use Lemma 3.3.2 for B0 instead of B and f{Ξ instead of f. This gives us a function F0 P B0 such that Ξ ¨ F0 “ f on S and }F0} ă 1. We set F “ Ξ ¨ F0 which is in B by the construction of B0. Also note that |F | ă Ξ on X and

F “ Ξ ¨ F0 “ Ξ ¨ f{Ξ “ f on S.

Bishop’s theorem lets us draw the connection between the Rudin-Carleson theorem and the F. and M. Riesz theorem.

Alternative proof of Theorem 3.2.2. Let X “ T, B “ A|T, and S be a closed set of Lebesgue-measure zero. Then, according to Corollary 3.1.9, S is also a BK-null. So all requirements of Theorem 3.3.1 are met.

Bishop’s theorem also gives us a Rudin-Carleson theorem for complex analysis in several variables. We don’t, however, have a multivariate version of the F. and M. Riesz theorem, so the condition isn’t as neat.


4 Consequences of Bishop’s generalization of the Rudin-Carleson theorem

4.1 Classification of compact subsets of Sn

Bishop’s theorem can be seen statement on when sets are small enough (with respect to a function space) to allow all continuous function thereon to be extended. With this in mind, and looking at the case where X “ Sn and B “ An|Sn , we have the following definition.

Definition 4.1.1. Let K be a closed subset of Sn. We then say K is a

´1 1. zero set if there exists a function f P An such that K “ f p0q.

´1 2. peak set if there exists a function f P An such that K “ f p1q and |fpzq| ă 1 for z P BnzK.

3. interpolation set if every continuous function on K extends via An.

4. peak-interpolation set if every non-zero continuous function f on K extends to F P An such that |F pzq| ă }f} for z P BnzK.

5. null set if K is a null set with respect to all annihilating measures of An.

6. totally null if K is a null set with respect to all measure µ such that

fp0q “ f dµ żBn for all f P An.

Theorem 4.1.2. The six classes of sets described in Definition 4.1.1 are equivalent.

35 4 Consequences of Bishop’s generalization of the Rudin-Carleson theorem

The first few sections of Chapter 10 in [Rudin, 1980] are dedicated to proving this large theorem. One implication, namely that all null sets are peak-interpolation sets, follows from Theorem 3.3.1.

4.2 A variation of Bishop’s theorem

Theorem 4.1.2 implies that the condition on S in Bishop’s theorem can’t, generally, be relaxed. If we fix a continuous f : S Ñ C we might, however, be a able to choose a different classification on S. It seems at first, when looking at the proof of Bishop’s theorem, that S being BK-null is only used to show that

f dµ “ 0. żS If this were the case, we could restate the theorem for a continuous function f : S Ñ C and set S such that the above equation holds. This, however, leads to problems.

Let X be T, B be A|T, S “ E Y F where F is a closed subarc of T of non-zero Lebesgue-measure and E is a singleton in TzF , and f : S Ñ C be a continuous function such that f “ 0 on F and f ‰ 0 on E. Then we have by Corollary 3.1.9 that E is BK-null, so f dµ “ f dµ “ 0. żS żF So let’s assume f can be extended to F in A. We also know that F is in H1 because it’s a continuous function on a compact set and we know that F “ 0 must hold on D [Greene and Krantz, 2006, Theorem 13.4.11]. So F vanishes Lebesgue-almost everywhere on D and is continuous. We can therefore state that it is 0 everywhere on D. This is a contradiction, because F “ f on T and f is not zero on E.

Looking further at the proof shows that the iteration in the second half doesn’t work with this f, since

f1 dµ “ pf ´ F q dµ “ ´ F dµ “ 0 żS żS żS doesn’t have to hold for every F in A|T.

So S would have to both satisfy

f dµ “ 0 żS for all µ in BK and F dµ “ 0 żS

36 4.2 A variation of Bishop’s theorem for all F in B and µ in BK. This justifies the following alteration of Bishop’s theorem.

Theorem 4.2.1 (An alteration of the Bishop’s general Rudin-Carleson theorem). Let X be a compact Hausdorff space, V “ pCpXq, } ¨ }8q, B be a closed subspace of V , S be a closed subset of X, and f be a continuous function on S. If

f dµ “ 0 żS for all µ in BK and G dµ “ 0 żS holds for all G in B and µ in BK then there exists a function F P B such that F “ f on S.

If we consider this theorem in the context of complex analysis we get:

Theorem 4.2.2. Let S be a closed subset of Sn and f : S Ñ C be a continuous function. If f dµ “ 0 żS for all µ in A K and n|Sn G dµ “ 0 żS holds for all G in A and µ in A K then there exists a function F A such that n n|Sn P n F “ f on S.

It would be interesting to continue the study of those f and S that satisfy these new condition. Note as well that the second condition, namely that

F dµ “ 0 żS holds for all F in A and µ in A K , is independent of f, so S could also be studied n n|Sn in isolation.



A Page 7

A|T Page 15

An|Sn Page 10 An Page 10 pakqkPS Page 13 }α} Page 10 Bn Page 10 BK Page 7 Bounded linear functionals Page 10 CpXq Page 10 C0pXq Page 10 Conformal Page 8 D Page 7 Exponent conjugate Page 12 Extends Page 9 fH Page 24 fa,b Page 24 }f}p Page 11 ga,b Page 25 Hp Page 19 RH Page 24 Holomorphic in Cn Page 10 The Hölder inequality Page 12 Jordan curve Page 8 Locally compact Page 10 LppX, µq Page 11 |µ|pEq Page 6 }µ} Page 7 Measure Page 5 Nα Page 19 Nontangential limit Page 19 Ωα Page 19 P rfs Page 15 P rdµs Page 15 Prptq Page 15

39 Index

P pz, eitq Page 15 Regular Page 6 S Page 22 Sn Page 10 Separable Page 13 Sequentially compact Page 24 T Page 7 ur Page 15 LH Page 24

40 Bibliography

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