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CRAAVMRJ). BY J. S. ELKTON, MARYLAND. J 2 YEAR; IN ADVANCE. VOL. XIX.--N0.52. SATURDAY " MORNING, JULY 7, 1860. WHOLE ~Xo. 188 do Buirbon, son of Louts the Sixteenth. To CUTTING lIOUHIK’S HAIR. (l!)C Campaign Songster. establish trie identity of the deceased, the I And so this little household flower of ours Political. Ipoctvn. fillsail ancon s. (Cavil?. new Claimant to the throne of France, the I must be shorn of some of its superfluous From the lineaments of whom would bear out a lineage j Our Union Party—the Mother A GHICULTUHAL IMP I, F,M F,NTS National Jlmevic. :n. I beauties. Even roses and geraniums must j and Will I - Dli. COWAX. the Bourbons, j father, j Where There’s a There’s a Way. /jL (’utters, Fans, ’’ of swore that hi whilst „ I’wru Shelters. Straw drain a Stand By flic ¦ be pruned sometimes, ami these uncut, silken clitic!. by ’’ DEXTIST, Union. an infant, was brought over to England in Ill' Blows. For sale JOHN PAUTIUDUE. rings,] with golden sum- To the Editors the TUB BAUD OF TOWER IIALL. the of a maid of to the the sunshine ofthree of Louisville: Journal: ROOMS AT TII It FOI’STAIN HOTBI,, Aim Wait for the Wh;on. charge honor child's , mers entangled in their meshes, must make E. BKOWN, .fU’S—Coal Oil Tramps, ami mother, Marie Antoinette. The troubles of L> Bi ffai.o, June 10, 1800. Young , the acquaintance of scissors at last. Grand- Wim.ib Hhkun to Nki.lv Deax, ATbest quality Coal Oil. Also, best qualityf WM. R. jiim.i:r, French tins speedy GF.XTLF.MRjrWho the Republican Remarked one Sunday night, Burning Como shout uloin] my gallant boys, the revolution rendered papa says so, if it is created i Fluid. j.lan I D at nmi solicitor in removal of the Dauphin France and adds that not done party ? Who elected Sumner to Senate “ have a Prayer Book. Xki.i.y dear, law, Ve sous of Liberty ; of necessary' ; plum boughs the I AttorneyChancery, Mil., will givo its shortly, the low will make ‘ ? I ii road the marriage rite.” UAIVTBrD. ELKTON, Our to Ur safety, and previous to the young ] L of the United Slates 801 lis bound ring aloud. another Absalom of Bobbie, sometime, when glanced at NT:gl. and in her eyoi prompt attention to all business intrusted to removal, *i 1. On several occasions we Oak Wood, Corn, Oats, Wheat, Where Everett (over if) may ho, Dauphin's sudden minute medical thej blue-eyed gander puisnit. 1 had quieted IBrThere beamed a meaning light. ’ him. Oflice— In Tlio Democrat Building, is in hot the agitation. By r>LACKPotatoes. Flour and Meal, in exchange Massachusetts and old Tenmssee, inspection of the child was taken by the no slave fairly “sweating opposite Col. J. C. There is denying that the curls need “ Idr Store | Giooinc’s. Arc harnessed side side; medical authorities and court attendants of blood.” as Mr. Seaton, of the Intelligencer, Close up the hook,” she, smiling, said : Goods, at the new store, east end Mar 21, hy j “ 1860 —ly. trimming ; they are too many and too thick, to Elkron. 1 into the wagon, Marie Antoinette, the certificates of whom , ’ remarked to me in Washington, Mr. 1 have a word say of WM. McCLELLAND. Then jump and they make the little head droop uneasily Clay About a portion of that rite— And take u ride. are now in succeeded in the Missouri fully piesemd ‘ passing Coinpru- — Union can the French to one side, like a half blown moss rose-bud The • honor and obey ’ CAGES and RAT TRAPS, for side by x. t. iniuDi-fi, Stand by Union, stand the aivhictes. The of marks were -1 inKe. Fur well may 19. CANTWELL A EDER. * the by Union, whole tluse , under the weight of its own moss, and strag- you know Hie women. Will, BIUD TTORNEY AT LAW, ami Solicitor in Stand by thu Union, we never will divide. found to be on the body of the deceased, as ’ 2. We had the Abolitionists powerless in Are bound to have their way.” Chancery, Mil., will gle sometimes into the mouth and eyes. Vis: i DUST—A superior article. For ix ELKTON, yiva certified to three eminent men.— ; the finality, as agreed upon hy hot!: political *• prompt intrusted hy medical “ attention to all business to We'or bound to vote the theyJ must be cut : but it seems such a pity ! 5 os.” Willie said. upon that point BONEsale. D. SCOTT & BUG. 1 ticket, The maid of honor who brought the Dauphin j • parties in the compromise of 1850. No liiiii. Office—ln The Democrat Building, And faithful to it prove ; Little curls that we have twined around our doubts my mind can fill ; over to this country married a [ 3. They were again prostrated by You’ve ever had DUST opposite Col. .1. C. Groomu’s. While we remember Washington, cfterwaids fingersj when all wet fiom the morning bath : the ; your way. dear Nell, of Prime Quality. For sole by gentleman of the name of Mews, and the : defeat of Mr. Fremont, until Mr. Buchanan’s Of course you’ll have ifstill; mar JOHN 'PARTRIDGE. Mar 24, 1800—ly. We still must Event! love. Rulej curls that we have played with while i BONE 17. child was brought up in that name. Foi Kansas inconsistencies gave birth afresh to j Because there always is n way, We all do love the ladies. s singing the evening lullaby ; little Trimmings some English stale reasons, the Dauphin curls that their radicalism and power for Where there's u Will.” assortment of Dress is at JAS. T. MCCULLOUGH, And lovo them too. lull well; was ourj tears have fallen upon when the baby L mischief. Juno 10. E. BROWN. JR. kepi in of his birth and 4 hen the incidentals of caning Sumner; “ BEST Attorney at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery. And while each Jack must have his Jill ignorance royal ; feyes were shut in —ah! only mothers I .'Co tho point,” fair Nbllv said, although lk- most distinguished in sleep! : Congressional pistol philippics; the heart is satisfied removed to the Brick Building, We all must have our Beil. noblemen know|, how dear curls arc to mothers’ eternal 1 My ; /"IHEAP LINEN COATS.—I have received this Fiance paidi the such cry of Abolitionism in the South, of , For when I am of Willie Orrr.h vy Coats, on North Street, the Stand by the Union, &c., &c. deceased every homage, it hea| its. I Northern week full supply of Linen and Alpaca OFFICE neatly opposite was but upon the death of the supposed men with Southern principles in the , The losing, constant bride. which I offer for sale at low prices. Also Sum- office of the Register ol’ Wills. Here are the scissors. Bobbie must sit I 1. then, shall always have my mer Shirts, very ut On Camden's bloody battle ground, mother lie first learnt the secret North ; Hie two visaged beast that here, Will, cheap, the store of Juno !), 1800—Gm. that Louis veryy still, now, while his hair is being cut. L And in that Will take pride.” June 16, 1860. E. BROWN. JR. Our father’s fought and bled ; Philippe, the dethroned, and others had been \ <mi the shores ol the Lake, proclaimed for the W by, sir, why’ do you smile ami look at me W And at old Kutaw won the day, uMtpers. I pon the dalh of Madame llmot proviso : and, on the hands of the “0 dearest Nell!” responded Will, f 111ESTER VALLEY LIME, delivered on Elk or J. H.Tr6\VAN. led. so beautifully with your blue eyes ? How do f (hat is what VV rivers, By gallant Howard Moves, the deceased lost his fortune in son e . ’ Mississippi, roared with all the vigor of bully 1 you say, Sassafras fresh or slacked. For sale hy AT T 0 KNE Y AT LA W, you know that I am not going to cut oft* that , I II lend you to the altar, love, April 7lb, Old Maryland and Delaware, stuck exchange transactions, and having a 1 Bottom for Hie extreme doctiue oi the Died 1860. JOHN PARTRIDGE. Office side; saucy head of yours, with these great, sharp, 1 hi two weeks from to-day; on Main Street, nearly opposite the Then stood close side by peculiar taste for music, M. Moves Ids ‘ • Scott decision. What planted this pcstileu- And with and cruel scissors ? O, holy faith of childhood Thank Heaven that where there is a will, Cotton Hose in great variety, at Court House. May 2. joining their sister Slates, son> themselves to 1 tial ? There's !” ' June devoted the art in question. | H wc could only our as -1 emp such a pleasant wav CHIILDUEN'S16. E BROWN. JR. Began the Union ride. Very ‘6am trust God implicitly '1 he repeal of the Missouri JAMI'.S W, MAXWELL, singularly, Slick,’ through Mr. as babes do their “ Compromise—a Note. Then, stand by Union, &c., &c. Bentley, the mothers ! Except ye Democratic measure; the election —ln clothes he bought at Towait Hall, OIL of the best quality, ut '2b cents per A AT Main Queens publisher, induced the become\ as little children, ye shall of Mr. 1 Young Uhee.n will married bo; (10AL-/quart, at R. F. MAY. TTORNEY LAW.—Office on eßceased to compile not enter Sumner by Democratic votes; street, Dr. Wallace’s Drug In 1812 the North and South, his memoirs.” j kingdom r the Douglas > He saved enough on wedding clothes opposite Now if really the of Heaven.” N Co., from the TAKE Store.