CRAAVMRJ). BY J. S. ELKTON, MARYLAND. J 2 YEAR; IN ADVANCE. VOL. XIX.--N0.52. SATURDAY " MORNING, JULY 7, 1860. WHOLE ~Xo. 188 do Buirbon, son of Louts the Sixteenth. To CUTTING lIOUHIK’S HAIR. (l!)C Campaign Songster. establish trie identity of the deceased, the I And so this little household flower of ours Political. Ipoctvn. fillsail ancon s. (Cavil?. new Claimant to the throne of France, the I must be shorn of some of its superfluous From the lineaments of whom would bear out a lineage j Our Union Party—the Mother A GHICULTUHAL IMP I, F,M F,NTS National Jlmevic. :n. I beauties. Even roses and geraniums must j and Will I - Dli. COWAX. the Bourbons, j father, j Where There’s a There’s a Way. /jL (’utters, Fans, ’’ of swore that hi whilst „ I’wru Shelters. Straw drain a Stand By flic ¦ be pruned sometimes, ami these uncut, silken clitic!. by ’’ DEXTIST, Union. an infant, was brought over to England in Ill' Blows. For sale JOHN PAUTIUDUE. rings,] with golden sum- To the Editors the TUB BAUD OF TOWER IIALL. the of a maid of to the the sunshine ofthree of Louisville: Journal: ROOMS AT TII It FOI’STAIN HOTBI,, Aim Wait for the Wh;on. charge honor child's , mers entangled in their meshes, must make E. BKOWN, .fU’S—Coal Oil Tramps, ami mother, Marie Antoinette. The troubles of L> Bi ffai.o, June 10, 1800. Young , the acquaintance of scissors at last. Grand- Wim.ib Hhkun to Deax, ATbest quality Coal Oil. Also, best qualityf WM. R. jiim.i:r, French tins speedy GF.XTLF.MRjrWho the Republican Remarked one Sunday night, Burning Como shout uloin] my gallant boys, the revolution rendered papa says so, if it is created i Fluid. j.lan I D at nmi solicitor in removal of the Dauphin France and adds that not done party ? Who elected Sumner to Senate “ have a Prayer Book. Xki.i.y dear, law, Ve sous of Liberty ; of necessary' ; plum boughs the I AttorneyChancery, Mil., will givo its shortly, the low will make ‘ ? I ii road the marriage rite.” UAIVTBrD. ELKTON, Our to Ur safety, and previous to the young ] L of the United Slates 801 lis bound ring aloud. another Absalom of Bobbie, sometime, when glanced at NT:gl. and in her eyoi prompt attention to all business intrusted to removal, *i 1. On several occasions we Oak Wood, Corn, Oats, Wheat, Where Everett (over if) may ho, Dauphin's sudden minute medical thej blue-eyed gander puisnit. 1 had quieted IBrThere beamed a meaning light. ’ him. Oflice— In Tlio Democrat Building, is in hot the agitation. By r>LACKPotatoes. Flour and Meal, in exchange Massachusetts and old Tenmssee, inspection of the child was taken by the no slave fairly “sweating opposite Col. J. C. There is denying that the curls need “ Idr Store | Giooinc’s. Arc harnessed side side; medical authorities and court attendants of blood.” as Mr. Seaton, of the Intelligencer, Close up the hook,” she, smiling, said : Goods, at the new store, east end Mar 21, hy j “ 1860 —ly. trimming ; they are too many and too thick, to Elkron. 1 into the wagon, Marie Antoinette, the certificates of whom , ’ remarked to me in Washington, Mr. 1 have a word say of WM. McCLELLAND. Then jump and they make the little head droop uneasily Clay About a portion of that rite— And take u ride. are now in succeeded in the Missouri fully piesemd ‘ passing Coinpru- — Union can the French to one side, like a half blown moss rose-bud The • honor and obey ’ CAGES and RAT TRAPS, for side by x. t. iniuDi-fi, Stand by Union, stand the aivhictes. The of marks were -1 inKe. Fur well may 19. CANTWELL A EDER. * the by Union, whole tluse , under the weight of its own moss, and strag- you know Hie women. Will, BIUD TTORNEY AT LAW, ami Solicitor in Stand by thu Union, we never will divide. found to be on the body of the deceased, as ’ 2. We had the Abolitionists powerless in Are bound to have their way.” Chancery, Mil., will gle sometimes into the mouth and eyes. Vis: i DUST—A superior article. For ix ELKTON, yiva certified to three eminent men.— ; the finality, as agreed upon hy hot!: political *• prompt intrusted hy medical “ attention to all business to We'or bound to vote the theyJ must be cut : but it seems such a pity ! 5 os.” Willie said. upon that point BONEsale. D. SCOTT & BUG. 1 ticket, The maid of honor who brought the Dauphin j • parties in the compromise of 1850. No liiiii. Office—ln The Democrat Building, And faithful to it prove ; Little curls that we have twined around our doubts my mind can fill ; over to this country married a [ 3. They were again prostrated by You’ve ever had DUST opposite Col. .1. C. Groomu’s. While we remember Washington, cfterwaids fingersj when all wet fiom the morning bath : the ; your way. dear Nell, of Prime Quality. For sole by gentleman of the name of Mews, and the : defeat of Mr. Fremont, until Mr. Buchanan’s Of course you’ll have ifstill; mar JOHN 'PARTRIDGE. Mar 24, 1800—ly. We still must Event! love. Rulej curls that we have played with while i BONE 17. child was brought up in that name. Foi Kansas inconsistencies gave birth afresh to j Because there always is n way, We all do love the ladies. s singing the evening lullaby ; little Trimmings some English stale reasons, the Dauphin curls that their radicalism and power for Where there's u Will.” assortment of Dress is at JAS. T. MCCULLOUGH, And lovo them too. lull well; was ourj tears have fallen upon when the baby L mischief. Juno 10. E. BROWN. JR. kepi in of his birth and 4 hen the incidentals of caning Sumner; “ BEST Attorney at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery. And while each Jack must have his Jill ignorance royal ; feyes were shut in —ah! only mothers I .'Co tho point,” fair Nbllv said, although lk- most distinguished in sleep! : Congressional pistol philippics; the heart is satisfied removed to the Brick Building, We all must have our Beil. noblemen know|, how dear curls arc to mothers’ eternal 1 My ; /"IHEAP LINEN COATS.—I have received this Fiance paidi the such cry of Abolitionism in the South, of , For when I am of Willie Orrr.h vy Coats, on North Street, the Stand by the Union, &c., &c. deceased every homage, it hea| its. I Northern week full supply of Linen and Alpaca OFFICE neatly opposite was but upon the death of the supposed men with Southern principles in the , The losing, constant bride. which I offer for sale at low prices. Also Sum- office of the Register ol’ Wills. Here are the scissors. Bobbie must sit I 1. then, shall always have my mer Shirts, very ut On Camden's bloody battle ground, mother lie first learnt the secret North ; Hie two visaged beast that here, Will, cheap, the store of Juno !), 1800—Gm. that Louis veryy still, now, while his hair is being cut. L And in that Will take pride.” June 16, 1860. E. BROWN. JR. Our father’s fought and bled ; Philippe, the dethroned, and others had been \ themselves to 1 tial ? There's !” ' June devoted the art in question. | H wc could only our as -1 emp such a pleasant wav CHIILDUEN'S16. E BROWN. JR. Began the Union ride. Very ‘6am trust God implicitly '1 he repeal of the Missouri JAMI'.S W, MAXWELL, singularly, Slick,’ through Mr. . as babes do their “ Compromise—a Note. Then, stand by Union, &c., &c. Bentley, the mothers ! Except ye Democratic measure; the election —ln clothes he bought at Towait Hall, OIL of the best quality, ut '2b cents per A AT Main Queens publisher, induced the become\ as little children, ye shall of Mr. 1 Young Uhee.n will married bo; (10AL-/quart, at R. F. MAY. TTORNEY LAW.—Office on eßceased to compile not enter Sumner by Democratic votes; street, Dr. Wallace’s Drug In 1812 the North and South, his memoirs.” j kingdom r the Douglas > He saved enough on wedding clothes opposite Now if really the of Heaven.” N Co., from the TAKE Store. Prompt attention to all busi- Stood nobly side by side ; young Mr. Moves be? tbc heir departure compromise of 1 To pay the marriage fee NOTlCE.—Spain’s pre- given Be very still, now, while I comb out these arrangement mium Atmospheric Churn, thought to separate, "f the Bourbons, the British government has : the Democratic juggling and jangling A nice any one, DAIRYMAN received this i ness intrusted to his care. [Jan 0, 1858. They never threadsj of shining ¦ 185 U week, ut a floss. The mother is the ’u Kansas; ! With half an eye can see. and for sale die mammoth Tin and Stove great card in T the parly The Union was their pride. trump reserve in case of a row first| barber to her ¦ parade made of the Warehouse of CANTWELL A EDEK. Fraternal love within with Nnpedean HE, boy ; no other fingers can Brooks bludgeoning Hie facile notice" our hearts, and one object of the . perform sweet so but‘ ; deception by And c v’ry man. resolved to wed, our the office genllely : the Democrats of the Wip bo, undersigned having been elected And Bell to be guide hostile designs of lire latter may be to gel y flown, people. North and South prudent and say, LIZEKS. —Baugh’s Raw Bono Fcr- when fifteen or twenty years have “ TIIF,Constable ol the First Election District, We’ll stand up to the Union possession of Mr. Moves. It was worth , • for party uses, dating from Martin Van Burin , I'llsave enough on wedding clothes I^IERTi. lilizer ; Booth's concentrated do. For rougher hands will comb and cut these locks, “ will give prompt attention to all business We never ¦ at divide. Louis Philippes while to send the Prince de . ’ as the Northern man with Southern priuci- The clergyman to pay ; sale, D. SCOTT & BUG. all bronzed by suns and winds, and cluster- pies,” Marlin the 1 have the will,and Bennett’s Bard placed in his bunds lor collection. Then, stand by the Union, &c., &c. Joinville over to this to Wizard, who, to defeat ” country cajole Mr. ingj above the brow of white ¦ Has pointed out the wav T7HNE BLACKSILK late stylo, 50, Deo 3, 1850. JOHN S. HANES. TsnrjrxnfrfT: manhood. The Gen. Cass, made HATS, ats2 r Kta.. -meraKw .vf.473 Williams into a formal renunciation of his . ? the agitation one of organ!- 1 at. aproned, clean-handed barber will then zed A complete and well assorted stock of Spring n F. MAY’S. right to the throne of ; may . partisanship; Hie Democratic talkers n( April 7, •* Franco it ho arrange them in the latest ofstyle trimming : 1 ' (* i i-uminer Clothing now on band, unsurpassed 1860 In the Hollow.” B. MORRISON, worth Louis Napokan’s and v\ titers ami pamphlet distributers (having ih style and DR. N. Select iHiscellamj. to cut oil the last * pomading, perfu no; boy • workmanship, to which the attention of the no,’my will Northern Soul extreme views, avowici | of wholesale and retail invited, —Herring and Mackerel, for sale by CHARLESTOWN, MD„ hope Legitimists. y be a and hern buyers is at f|IESII. not dandy ! by these strong limbs ami here, there, lower Hull, old Market the barrel, hy John Partridge. permanently located in Charles- But the* woild is just now threatened with of disavowed through the trickery street. Philadelphia. t the sturdy look those eyes—no. 1 of committees) , Bennett A Co. town, oilers his Professional Services A HISTORY OF MYSTERY. a fresh muse cclcbre by Mr. George Gordon ; these were the mint of the RAIN, &c., holgiit.—The HAVING But to think the dawn of manhood will Cloverseed, to the citizens of that town and its By ion, who the , present infernal currency. Corrupting, ("'I buys vicinity. We have often thought that a very interest- claims to lie* legitimate son of gather on this upper-lip and on de- X subscriber all kinds of Grain and will bo found at all unless the gu:U poe t. cherry chin handling, irritating, C£7“lIo times, ing book might be written on the history of The statement he puts forth [ •and check, dimpled as -1 successful, they soon Seeds, at the Warehouse, near Elkton Depot, his office. that though by the touch had imitators of the Jack Cade professional engaged, at mystery and the mystery of LKtory. \Vul- : is Lord Byiou was lawfully married to , of an angel’s linger! To that this 1 type. Sowing lately occupied by 11. S. Stites OFFICE—At the House.” I anothe r think the storm, they are the Feb 18. Cecil pole's Historic Doubts is mleusiing as far as ji | woman at the pei iud of his marriage , round of be ' reaping whirlwind.— JOHN PARTRIDGE. April ‘2l, 1800—3 m. I neck alabaster will chocked up An earnest, wild power the , 1 Hour ix lluusks.—| will you goes, but it heats only of a few ofthe disputed i! with Miss Milhanko, ami Unit he (Mr. G. G. . with a man’s necktie, and these lily-bud 1 bears on managers a Byion) was the of this first union feet j like ch.dl’ belbie the until our very receipt which I have known to cure in a few —Peruvian, California, and A. points in the history oi England. Neele's ii issue ; that , will wear high-heeled boots, and , Faugh ! tempest, & ihe has been induced • hie is threatemd. minutes. I knew a horse taken with it on a GUANOES.A. Mexican. For sale bv W. Pinkney Ewing W. J. Jones Ilotmmce of History was an elegant aiteinpi j by a sufficient “consiel- ] will not think of it. I cannot that elation I realize Ue of the In ion ! , Head wheel to a carding; machine, so Mar- 1860. I). SCOTT & BRO. AT undid same, ”to keep the party cry peace Some that _ ATTORNEYS LAW, in a inoit* ex notice of the com- | matter quiet during tlie tinsj fair baby of mine —hut three summers L hfc-titne of of us, in Hie storm, have cried out, , the owner thought ho could not live. Ho got Ml). bining also the endeavor to illustrate, by a Lady Byron but now that she is ( out of Paradise, and still give us Darling Scythe, at same price of the ELKTON, deael, and smiling in his sleep • c.-peciul protection in . ihc veterinary surgeons, and they (ILNIINKIcour.tei p Pull host tale for each reign, the particular manners of that Ada Byron lie r only child is , remembering what the angels said Hie Territories. Others did what irts. supply make Sncutha. associated ourselves for the practice of there fur this., and that. they could, and ail dicided that the horse Hay Forks and Hukcs, at the store of Having each epoch. But we desire rather u wmk | j dead, there is no reason why he should be 1 shall, ever be so metamorphosed. others for But our appeal our profession, we will attend carefully and \\ now is, make way . must die. The man’s wife, who believed, June 16. 1860. E BROWN, JR. promptly to all business placed in onr hands. Wo somewhat on the plan of A. Dumas’ ('oases '! silent longer. hut to him are the claims or And boy’s babyhood is fur the majesty of the yet the rapidly Ct nsiuution ! and practiced hygiene, from will in the Courts of Cecil. Kent and Har- fibres, extended so as to unpruce remarka- lee lings of the Fail of Lovelace, ortho present j Let that royal power rebuke , the time the Ground PLASTER.’ For sale, practice i'* fleeting, ami the severing of these ringlets all licrse was to ford, and the Court of Appeals. Office first story ble events of every description, whether “gold slick in waiting,” Lord Byron, the . ’ di>cord, and harmonize all contention.— taken tried persuade her hus- r mar 3. D. SCOTT & BRO. see ns like cult ing the golden thread that links Let it band In use hut he G of Cecil Whig building. (Dec. 3,-tf. icdatiug to historical incidents, literary or poet's cousin ( Have they not combined to } invoke forbearance, the tutelar god ofa a wet bandage, insisted it hm infancy to his childhood. Oh. Bobbie! 1 good. given HAMS! HAMS!!—For ” Let and , would do no After all had sale byll.F. plilosopbical mysteries, or to family scandals. ke p him out ofliis inheritance ? Foil jus itn , you “ republic. us forgive forget. Let us up l can call my baby hut little longer.— horse not live, HAMS!May. tierce of Extra Superior Sugar cured COLLECTING. a iclnm. Is to be recognized Djii ' “go and siu no more.” Away to the inner that iho could hy her entreaties I What number would the present cenUirv i iiol he so anxious blue-eyed elf! you ate already rebelling canvas.-od Hams—weighing from 9 to \2 lbs. each. i buck as heii lint lie docs > temple, to the altar, to the sacrifice of seilKh- —the doctors saying it could do no good or undersigned having been elected to furnish W ilboul going to the middle the eif immortal lame, not . at being treated as one. You had rather run. June 9, 1860 ms-, patriotism. — hurt he took a thick bed comforter, the ollice of CONST ADEE in the Second ages, which were so rile in secret tribunals, hesitate to bring to light the most damning , now, • before To the sanctuary. hound THE after your painted wagon, than lie in it horse, went sale, of county, offers mam, of ? a ! To Hie .sanctuary ! around the to the Welland —Piini Herring, for Election District Cecil Md., adventures of knights and political proofs his father’s guilt Fancy man your. ro.ui-ciirlained crib, and hear me to Public in *• sing of drew water, and HERRING.mar 5. D. SCOOT A his services the that capacity. lines, could mention some proclaiming to world, am the sou of ' Can a good, unselfish man resist this appeal? poured it on till thoroughly BRO. ci we which would the 1 the baby, whose cradle was the tree top. and soaked. It ¦ Prompt attention will be given to the scope Ibr Byron, Herein, then, is the strength of the Union seemed hkc a pot boiling. In allbrd as much the exercise of m- | 1 the adulterer and bigamist, the felon whose nurse was the wind. not received and fr You will Vv 1 ut irreverence, less than fifteen minutes from the time he sale the far-famed Key COL.IJECTIOX or C LADIS, gi nuity as '] he , Ihe betrayer of Miss Milbanke, the cruel deserter wear corals, party. 1 ho or intending Slone Coffee Pm, i i your because grandpa says tin y commenced water JUST Bob and Excelsior Tea articles Jew, King ofmy mother, bis lawful other than illustrative comparison, itsslrengih the process, the horse was ] (he and oil other business entrusted to him. Wandering Uerkin Warbock, and of me son. are for not for men : you rather and that throw <>ld Diminion entirely in the shade. hud is which, by its up eating, to the great Mttpiise of the Call and get and at same N. ALEXANDER COLMARY, Sebast’an of Portugal. and the like. Was whom he sent away imo exile and obscurity!” limit hens >u.sts be such as Hun reason of inter- i one. this time you can than play peep ; ami horse doctors, who knew it could sou the Post Chesapeake slain at Hastings, or lie metely We should be sorry to have a mind constitu- when 1 nal testimony of the truth and purity, not live.— greatest variety of Cooking Stoves to he Ollice, City, Harold did holdout my arms to yon, as you The horse did service found in the county. All of which wo arc Dec 11, “ slip to ted of Mr. Gordon Byron : and building its ujundalion in the hearts good afterwards. This 1 selling 1858—tf. ••play ’possum” and down avoid like that George stand in tile ihorvvay, twirling your hat, yen recipe gave at Philadelphia prices. CANTWELL A EDER. the ? he in it is this callousness of men rather than in the forms of men, I several years ago, and it was : punishment,” as pugilists say Was but, fact, very' to turn your heal on one side, like a half lamed | into years afterward in tin* on the the born in a lowly manger on earth, but among copied most—-as 1 was told by an editor “removal. not recognised many family shame part of claimant hiid u-perch on one’s finger while your the TT’IMBALL'iSPatent Malleable Iron Strap and ** , the of agricultural, and many other papers John’s, “ atch-angels heaven, Hie JV Socket oast Shovels, guise of the Black Knight oi St. ’ that makes us believe the whole story a dancing eyes Stem overthrew all -of steed long and short TT.MUSGKOVE has removed his to say, You'll see, you'll in the United Stales. Many have handles; Hoes, in a battle between the Normans and the canard. Enter pining puMKhers will, perhaps, 11 corrupt organizations of power, bloated wlnl- tried and Forks, and drain Shovels, steel Other to the new Brick Building, see ! soon like flight I” I’ietiy soon yon proved it. Try and Guano Riddles, DIET. revolted Saxons ? Was not Perkin Warbeck make a good thing cut of but, bad as 1 | atry, until mw, its inilil sceptre oversways it, brother farmers. iron and Coal for sale at the opposite He is it: will not Uliev in the wolf that* talked to Farmers' Advocate. Tin and Stove House of Cantwell ., the believed wonder, ami your redlip beginning to American the them, pects : quiver essential. And old pail and dipper kept for These topics, and many more like have with ready sympathy Oh, . unappropriated public domain. What a foun- LI. FEED for sale by bis thanks to the citizens of historians, dramat- The proposal is to establish in the metropo- Bobbie! even if dation the purpose, will answer. When the plants Cecil furnished employment lor the should com, fora permanent political parly appeal- Mrapr 30. .JOHN PARTRIDGE. RETURNScounty for their very liberal lis lines of Pneumatic for the worst and I should have to are well up and begin to grow nicely, ists poets and novelists. But modern times Tube,” speedy Mth } ing to the nation for support! This accom- apply patronage, and respectfully informs them circulation of despatches and The lay this bright head, its locks of mulirn- the liquid two or three times a ut ILL FEED. sale, doubts, also which aie by no parcels. plished. where next will they turn, next week just For that be is still prepared to have their historic med lustre, under a ofliii-lid.and see tin. how mar 3. D. & in principle has already been practically and suc- l Hie gale, what next press into foolish, night. It is excellent for vegetables and SCOTT BRO. means deficient interest. Was George 111. grass grow between my ami infect Make all kinds of Carriages to Order, cessfully listed hy the Electric ami Interna- dulling the wicked, God small fruits, anil for grapes anil pears, until married to Elizabeth Hutton before Ins union tional bosom be once slept I should , ail captamlum service? only s spring, steel tooth”rakes and guarantees satisfaction toall who Telegraph Company, who have for upon, still knows, for who shall Hie they begin to approach maturity. It not Morganwith Bannock's For to give with the Princess Charlotte Sophia of Meck- years way gveu tell indefinite pur- improvement. sale by may him several past connected in this two thank God for having him, for having only increases their size, but improves their June 23. JOHN PARTRIDGE. favor with their work. An ex- lenburg S'.relitz i for, if he was. the present of their with pose of a mob ? On all other questions they perience often years enables him say that subsidiary stations in the city—viz. , downed my life >e holy blessing ofj. flavor.—Exchange. to occupant of the British throne has no right those at Corneill and are as a rope of sand. Ins will compare with the Stock Exchange—- motherhood ; for it is nch little arms, as —4 BLANKS carriages favorably “ AGISTRATES’ to sit on it—Victor Emanuel would have a have said how tiansparently trickish.” |\l those of other finish with their central station. This Company these around our necks,Bobbie, that make 1 To Protect a Siiingi.k Hoof prom ITA FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE any manufacturer, in better title to it! Did George IV Mrs. arc now, we This necessarily follows from what has been Fire. and durability. Ho solicits the custom of marry understand, extending the system ns fuel strong to do, to ; it of the ? ad suffer is The of —The editor Albany Kmcktrbtwker Fiizhcrberl Fox emphatically asserted that to Mincing-lane, preparatory to further extern drawing such little close, ' demonstrated. Northern managers For sale by the people of the county, generally. not; hcadsis these close Hie says: “A wash composed of lime, rail and he did while the lady and her fneuds > sion to the London Bridge railway terminus. to breasts, Republican party are gai.ihhng for power NAILS.— JOHN PARTRIDGE. DC7*Becond hand carriages taken in ex- our that keeps he hearts of some and and this white sand, or wood ashes, put on thu ordi- change for new, fair as emphatically assert that he did. Was The time occupied in each dispatch is only of us from place, only, with Abolition and Paints. at prices. company mothers breakig. nary way of white-washing, renders the roof Glass. Putty and Drugs, by A number Queen Caroline innocent or guilty of the . a few seconds. The now projected that is land-pirate cards. How clear this is from a Cherry Hill, S. FORD. of second hand carriages on There ! grandpa #Us step upon the fold safe OILS. may 10. H. her j propose to undertake the transmission of the bird’s-eye view of their party rally. A trick fifty more against taking tire from hand, and lor sale low. [Jan 1, ’oO—y. charges brought against her by biutal and slatr— and the task is completed— the falling or “ Jut degraded husband, the first gentleman in ( post-ollice mail hags between the chief office ' to gut votes, the lesson taught, long ago, by cinders otherwise, in cases of fire in who like good Groceries, such and the railways, and between the dis- little lamb is shorn. Lok at this bright the vicinity. It pays the expense a hundred as Sugars, M Europe ?” Whose son is Louis Napolean ? several silk, the tactics of the old Democracy, is convulsing I>ERSONS classes,Coffee, Teas, Spices, & iric.t offices, as well thu conveyance and heap ofglistening sued as Persian looms fold in its preserving influence against the will find the place to get them cheap is the CANTWELL EDER, Is be the son of ins uncle, or inertly the as r ’ the extremes of this nation, threatening to 1 t delivery of kinds of parcels, never wove into richest ahric. line is weather. The weather- New east end of from (SUCCESSORS TO ALDRIDGE it C0.,) all dispatches, ’ rob the South, to degrade Hie South, with an older and more Store, Elkton, nephew? Louche insinuates the former.— newspapers, periodicals, and books. The “golden fleece’’for you. si;h as never the beaten Oi was the Dutch Admiral Veihuel the real eye single to the eighty millions ofthe public the shingles, the more benefit derived. wm. McClelland. Dealers in Tinware and Stores. first line is to be laid from St. Martin’s-le- lover of Medea sought. Yoi did not know plunder. Practically, Such shingles generally become more or less parent of the reputed son of Louis Bonaparte a to the North, but a to buy Goods cheap, is at undersigned having purchased of Aldridge Graml to one of the principal district post that such glittering weall grew on your warped, rough ; ? trick and to the South now and cracked the application June IC. A Co., their entire interest iu the .Stove and ami Ilortense Btaubarnais Was the late offices, and will require a capital of only little head—-did you, blue-eyd ? 1 abstraction: Ff.ACE F. BROWN, JR. THE babv r of the wash, hy wetting the upper surface, Tinware Business, in the town of Klkton. would Duke of Devonshire himsclfor somebody else ? XTL(MK). It is mentioned that the an insult me ely, but, il’imrebuked, presently • plans No, you must not clutch it with those restores them at once to (heir and Morris’ celebrated AZUMEA, or invite the merchants and citizens of Cecil, Kent The story runs that he was exchanged at his received the the Mr. a power and sentiment which shall prove original Baking > special approval of late destructive fingers. Go—gradpa is calling first form, thereby closing the space between PROF.Powder, at WM. TORBERT 8. and Harford counties, to call and examine before birth, having been passed oil’us the child of Robert Stephenson. The company's capital 3 dangerous to tlu ir posterity. purchasing elsewhere, their Urge stock of f yon —let him see his little iim ; but leave the shingles, and the and fill- the Duchess of Devonshire, while he was in is fixed at .i‘25.000, but the first issue will be No man can successfully deny these posi- lime sand, hv i me these —the lirst curls cut finn 1 ing the cracks and pores in Ray’s ITXW.UtIS AAD STOVES, reality that of the Duchess’ sisier, wio was < limited to i,’25,0U0. All the names attached my baby's Hons. Do you ask, then, where is the strength up the shingle National Harvester. head. I will put away i s now on hand, they are prepared to dispose to the of the respect- them remind me,> ol the Union ticket i Ko more of this, but itself, prevents it from warping for years, if FAY’S Combined Reaper and Mower, which confined at the same time, the Duke standing undertaking are highest of on ns reasonable terms as they can be r in other days, of his sweet, lostjnfancy. away with banner among not forever.” Xj which received the first premium at the pur- in the relation of father to the children of j ability. The Marquis of Chaudos is chairman. our the people, r chased of any other Establishment. Their slock — among your neighbors . reason together, and Maryland Institute Fair of 1859. To he seen on both ! Did Sadie irkill himself oi Hampstead I Doth/ News. of COOKING STOVES hand embraces the - the and for on The Paris Academy of Sciences has elected Tub IxGRATiirnE op Reptiucs.—On ( who shall resist you f -Tfie history and con- llen Ma.ntre. A good use of hen manure at Elkton Depot, sale accom- and most improved Heath, or is lie in this country, enjoying his t 1 modating latest patterns. a successor to Alexander von Humboldt. Ten Monday, the President signed a dll thep sequences of this sectional terror blaze in is to compost it with muck two or three terms, by JOHN PARTRIDGE. USN’Wo are also prepared to do all sorts of Tin ill-gotten wealth ? Did Scanlan, the inuideier |t for 1 June 1800. on candidates had been put up lor the election, relief of David Mycrly, of Kenticky, every hamlet, and have been learned and weeks before it is wanted. In the proportion 10, and Metal Booling and Spouting reasonable of the “Colleen B.iwn,” escaped the gallows direct- canvassed in every bean. Party terms. JOSEPH P. CANTWELL, among whom weie Liebig, Wohler, Struve, ing the Treasury to disburse to lim the sum t has reached of three parts of muck tonne of manure, it is QHAWLS by finding a substitute, and come over here to Airy, in the first rank; a sale limit. The conrsors of the sun must be ! SHAWLS .'-Stella, Blanket, Juno 11, ’SO-y WM. il. EDER . ’ 1 Agassiz, Murchison. of SBO,OOO. As seems ) show how excellent to give Indian corn a start by put- O and Mantilla Shawls, fill the office of democratic governor of one of but choice full wrested from the reckless Phnjton. the finest stock of ‘ j the on Ehreiilmrg, the cotn- ungrateful republics may be, its ting it in the hill at planting time. not ' Wallen Blankets ever .Fust nt our States, or mayor of one of our ci tit s, or I Vill give In medio tutissimus ibis Ho offered opening EiETOUt r > panion of Humboldt in his Siberian expedi- history as it was related to me ,y a gentle- put ashes or lime with it, as they tend to Oct 8. WM. TORBERT’B. president of one ofour banks or • shall be the honest judgment ol our companies? tioii. man. people the ammonia. Plaster not MARBLE WORKS. •- —————— liberate will Had we a Bourbon among us. a little lime e -• 4 - everyw here. fix OBALDING'S PREPARED GLUE,an infallibl* About thirty ng, the ammonia unless it is in solution and it \ subscriber has opened a MARBLE back / We know several persons who, Before you ask a favor of any years during Gen. Jack- In all probability when tiis shall reach you O remedy for broken Crockery, Glass ware, Fur- on i VOT man. administration, requires about 700 limes water YARD iu ELKTON, and will keep on in well just three things you not son’s Mr Myerly rceivcd an• the canvass will have opened. Restless, chaf- its weight in i niture. Ac., Ac. For sale by It. F. MAY. THE the evidence adduced the known i consider : —lst. Cun to it. Exchange. and prepare to all kinds of order from Hie governmert for a qiantity off ing with true American z:al, you, of the dissolve hand, order, pamphlet, firmly believe that we had. 'To > avoid it ? 2nd. Can the one you apply to, by the sack; Turk's such i hemp, rolled by a now process. M\ Mycrly Journal, have bided your line beneath scroll CJALT Hock Salt; work, a i them, and all who entertain the same opinion, . grant it? 3rd. Would you, if your places f For sale. D. SCOTT & BRO. went on to prepare the as order, , above you. You allies Marking Siibbp.— Mr. N. Wright, of k 3 Island. Monuments, Head and Foot Stones, we commend the following statement, extrac- - were reversed, do for your friend what you lump p.p unfurled have true 1 and spent, it is alleged, 0)0 in everywhere, but tritr, firmer. Honiellsvillc, N. Y., gives us his method Tombs, Mantles, Table and llureau ted from a recent number of the London : him to tiled for yourself. seme £OO thee none none of ( POTATOES, at Bradbury’s, at 30 Star: As the work none holier, no better cavdiers than those marking sheep: Take four tar, one Tops, Door Sills, Window Sills, operation. was, m sune sort, parts | SEEDcents per bushel. [May 19. STEPS, Romantic and Extraordinary Cask.— of mind disregards, or rather an experiment. Congress . who, lor so long, have in fir Massachusetts part tallow, and from one to two parts (by &c., &c. nfused to eompen* Lota enclosed, ami all kinds At an adjourned inquest, in London, held I is incapable of seeing aptitudes; and often, sate Mr. M . though Hu bill pasted the„ and Canada-bound, western York, pre- measure) of lamp-black: warm and mix WIIITRWASmXft. served sacred pass of constitution of IRON WORK done at the shortest notice. before Mr. Wakley. or. Monday morning, on ! measuring everything by wealth, makes the Senate and fell in the Ilotse, for stmo rea- the the together thoroughly. Then take the marker, ) i between “ the heights of Abolitionism and best quality of Lime for Whitewash- DTT’Tomb Stones cleaned and ro-lettered, the body of a musical compose!, the f.Bowing great mistake offancying nothing too good for son. many times; and, bbeve, perished in t (a letter or figure, made either of wood or ing, (Jackson’s), always kept on hand, Italian and American Marble constantly r i .. the deep waters of the old THE lomantic particulars were elicited : So far as it which it cun pay the two Houses, as it went mm the Democracy.”— iron, with a handle to it,) dip it into the andj for sale at Elkton, h for. dull of All honor to them, beleagnrul as they stand, hy on hand. All to to he sold at the lowest the of alleged King France Representatives often. D ring mixture and put it on the sheep warm. & sudden dea th the of “ (£7*A sceptic thinks it very extraordinary as these strug- " ! radiant in the glitter of their sun-bright har- while J. FI’tIIiADBUKY SON. possible Prices. WILLIAMMcDEVITT, mention, it in evidence j gles with cotntry. The mixture should he warm enough to Nov 1851).-tf. requires appeared that an ass once talked like a man. Isn’t an ungrateful Mr. Myerly ness ITheir hands and liearti to you over the he G, 1858—tf. Klkton, Apr 2. Proprietor. that the unfortunate gentleman, was u has hoarded at one house -1 thin, otherwise too to who it still more extraordinary that thousands of inWashingtou for lowering Alleghanies ! Yomhall hear them, much will slick the aged 74. in a cab, sixteen to-day r maker, and it will run and smear KEGS GREASE—- I'lsli, Itacon. was found dead and the men are continually talking like asses ? years; and he walks the 6 you shall see them, you shall fuel them in the the sheep, f rpAH IN and WHEEL IflaniK, Salt; &c. jury found that the death was caused by aB streets a bent, white-haired and you iFor sale hy JOHN PARTRIDGE. Herring 5 septuagenarian, i, coming conflict, shall bo more than in barrels and i Mis. Ground fainting in e BuUver says “ death changes Good of A great by ; fit and a congestion of blood the i OCT that often nearly blind. Whether Rs poverty and d ever proud of them when thelight is done, Onions. writer has r or PRIMEAlum Salt the sack Turk's Island Salt.— may faith in of a |iAR by the Barrel, in smaller quantities.— Superior heart. The coroner ’s alien lion had been [i aversion into love.” Wo have an anti- helplessness did not recommnd his case to i) Ever your coincide, B. the cflicacy peck of onions for SCOTT BRO. Shoulders and Side Bacon. sugar cured J. For sale by D. A Hams. Smoked Honing in boxes. Mackerel, to —• drawn by a singular on the part t patliy swine, and yet lovo pork and the lobby, as some profanely tint, or r ?—.... ridding cows or oxen of lice. lie claims to requirement whether Cheese, Lard. tc. Also, a stock of choice Gro- of the sons of a minute certifi- . sausages. onl y its have found them an infallible in his TT7-OOI) WANTED.—Good Black Oak the deceased, Congress exercised prerogative ofif Sai.t for Siihf.f. Kxscnouco proves that remedy ceries. for sale cheap for wash, by R. F. MAY, practice. also give a tone the Tv Wood wanted in exchange for Store •• cate from several eminent medical men as to0 why so little was written in tardiness in doing justice to individuals inii wl.en horses or entile are feed on dry corn, They to Mar 31, 1800. In the Hollow.'* led the i (Ey'Mbobably Ills others, stomach, are especially Goods, at the New Store House, east end of the marks on the body. This to fol- the Dark Ages that the people could case as in I ennno say ; but the0 and hay, they will consume from two to and valuable in hot 1 romantic and was. now obtains free weather, when working cattle will lie in the Elkton, by WM. McCLELLAND. on hand lowing important statement on not set to veteran Myerly moiety of Inss three ounces ofsalt per day, f permitted 1 keeps constantly II | write. shade at noon-time, and refuse oat, the part of a young gentleman, who now debt, and may retire in ripe oi age to enjoy y access to it: and if led onmnv hay or grass, to can get at the New Store, east end BRADBURYJackson's best Lump While Washing east yellow — claims the throne of it may he i 03TA man down has invented it. Hu* case to hav for is much and the >.¦¦¦ ¦ ¦\7"OU Lime. [May 19. Fiance: and for like Supposing been decided 1 the desire salt itcieascd, JL of Elkton, Wall Paper of all quality and hcie that Mr. and others s | spectacles, making lard look butter. on its merits, and doubtless it ns so decided, 1, amounts to frn six to seven Oyriic heart is a hook which wc ought observed Wakley, consumption | prices. Also, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ct/A/A lbs SAD IRONS received this week, beat not deceived, —Mr. has ? what to likely to be entertain a confident t , elopement Jones’s , j what been gained by the dlny ounces per day. Little thinjp arc keep not tear in our hurry to get_easily at its i very cheap. Hardware. Queensware, Wil- dUU best quality, and for Hale low bv * I opinion that the deceased was Louis Charles s dog doped with Mr. Biowu’s dinner. New ark World. ¦ the ball rolling. Give the catle salt. couteuts. I low-ware, cheap, from Wm. McClelland. I mry 10 CANTWELL A EDER.