Text extracted from Gill B.J.; Bell, B.D.; Chambers, G.K.; Medway, D.G.; Palma, R.L.; Scofield, R.P.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Worthy, T.H. 2010. Checklist of the of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica. 4th edition. Wellington, Te Papa Press and Ornithological Society of New Zealand. Pages 138 & 153-155.

Order PELECANIFORMES: Pelicans, , and Allies The close relationship between the families , Phalacrocoracidae and Anhingidae has been supported by most recent work, however, the monophyly of the traditional larger grouping of Pelecaniformes is the subject of ongoing debate (e.g. Sibley & Ahlquist 1990, Johnsgard 1993, Christidis & Boles 1994, Kennedy et al. 2000, Livezey & Zusi 2001, van Tuinen et al. 2001, Fain & Houde 2004, Kennedy & Spencer 2004, Nelson 2005, Christidis & Boles 2008). For this reason we have separated Phaethontidae to its own . We are aware that Pelecanus may be related to Ciconiiformes (see Christidis & Boles 2008), but we retain the traditional grouping in the absence of a resolution of these higher-level relationships. Given the uncertainty, the suborders and superfamilies followed by Checklist Committee (1990) have not been used here. Otherwise, a traditional approach to the families is retained, pending resolution of the issues. The sequence of pelecaniform families follows Checklist Committee (1990) for consistency, and agrees with del Hoyo et al. (1992). The sequence of within families follows Checklist Committee (1990) unless noted.

Family FREGATIDAE Degland & Gerbe: Fregatinae Degland & Gerbe, 1867: Ornithologie européenne 2(11): 357 – Type Fregata Lacépède, 1799.

Genus Fregata Lacépède Fregata Lacépède, 1799: Tableaux Method. Mamm. Oiseaux: 15 – Type species (by subsequent designation) Pelecanus Aquilus Linnaeus = Fregata aquila (Linnaeus). Tachypetes Vieillot, 1816: Analyse Nouv. Ornith. Elem.: 63 – Type species (by monotypy) Pelecanus minor Gmelin = Fregata minor (Gmelin). Atagen G.R. Gray, 1841: List Gen. Birds (2nd edition): 101 – Type species (by original designation) Pelecanus minor Gmelin = Fregata minor (Gmelin). Parvifregata Mathews, 1920: Birds Australia (Suppl. 1) 1: 64 – Type species (by original designation) Atagen ariel G.R. Gray = Fregata ariel (G.R. Gray).

Several frigatebirds seen at Norfolk Island (Christian 2005), and none of those at the Kermadec Islands (Veitch et al. 2004), have been identified to species.

Fregata ariel Gray Lesser Three subspecies generally accepted (Dorst & Mougin 1979, del Hoyo et al. 1992, Dickinson 2003): F. a. ariel (Indian and Pacific Oceans), F. a. iredalei Mathews, 1914 (West Indian Ocean), and F. a. trinitatis Miranda-Ribeiro, 1919 (Atlantic Ocean), although their distinctiveness has been questioned (Marchant & Higgins 1990).

Fregata ariel ariel Gray Lesser Frigatebird Atagen ariel G.R. Gray, 1845: Gen. Birds 3: 669, pl. 185 – no locality = Raine Island, northern Queensland, Australia (fide Mathews 1914, Austral Avian Rec. 2: 121). Fregata minor; Buller 1873, History of the Birds of N.Z., 1st edition: 342. Not Pelecanus minor Gmelin, 1789. Tachypetes minor; Buller 1888, History of the Birds of N.Z., 2nd edition 2: 185. Not Pelecanus minor Gmelin, 1789. Fregata ariel ariel (G.R. Gray); Mathews & Iredale 1913, Ibis 1 (10th ser.): 418. Fregata ariel (G.R. Gray); Checklist Committee 1990, Checklist Birds N.Z.: 87.

Breeds on islands off Queensland, New Caledonia, Fiji and elsewhere in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Straggles to the New Zealand region: about 30 records since 1907, mostly in the north but once south to Otago (Turbott 1952; Checklist Committee 1953; Oliver 1955; Hudson 1963; Lockstone 1967; Edgar 1971b, 1972b; Marchant & Higgins 1990; Taylor & Parrish 1991; Powlesland et al. 1992; Pierce 1992; Guest 1992; Medway 2000a) and probably twice to the Chatham Islands (Imber 1994). Several records from Norfolk Island (Marchant & Higgins 1990, Moore 1999). New Zealand records are considered to be from the closest breeding subspecies (Checklist Committee 1953, 1970; Oliver 1955).s