Checklist of Michigan Birds

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Checklist of Michigan Birds Location A B C D Location A B C D Snowy Plover Tropical Kingbird Michigan Audubon Society Field Sparrow Dickcissel Wilson’s Plover Couch’s Kingbird Michigan Daily Field Checklist of Birds (revised 12/2012) Vesper Sparrow Bobolink Spotted Redshank Gray Kingbird Date__________________ Eskimo Curlew Fork-tailed Flycatcher Lark Sparrow Red-winged Blackbird Localities ______________________________________________________________________________ Lark Bunting Eastern Meadowlark Long-billed Curlew Bell’s Vireo Curlew Sandpiper Black-capped Vireo Savannah Sparrow Western Meadowlark Weather_____________________Temperature_____________Time _____________________________ Ivory Gull Plumbeous Vireo Grasshopper Sparrow Yellow-headed Blackbird Black-headed Gull Clark’s Nutcracker Observers___________________________________Species___________Individuals ______________ Henslow’s Sparrow Rusty Blackbird Ross’s Gull Fish Crow Le Conte’s Sparrow Brewer’s Blackbird Heermann’s Gull Violet-green Swallow Regular and Casual Species: Casual species (in italics) were recorded more than three Nelson’s Sparrow Common Grackle Mew Gull Carolina Chickadee times, but not more than thirty times, in the last ten years, and were recorded in fewer Fox Sparrow Brown-headed Cowbird Slaty-backed Gull Bewick’s Wren than nine of the last ten years. Any sighting of a regular species marked with an * or of a casual species should be documented with a detailed written description or, when Song Sparrow Orchard Oriole Glaucous-winged Gull Northern Wheatear possible, with photographs. Lincoln’s Sparrow Bullock’s Oriole Least Tern Sage Thrasher Swamp Sparrow Baltimore Oriole Gull-billed Tern White Wagtail Location A B C D Location A B C D White-throated Sparrow Pine Grosbeak Roseate Tern Sprague’s Pipit Greater White-front. Goose White-winged Scoter Harris’s Sparrow Purple Finch Royal Tern Chestnut-collared Longspur Snow Goose Black Scoter Sandwich Tern McCown’s Longspur White-crowned Sparrow House Finch Ross’s Goose Long-tailed Duck Dovekie Swainson’s Warbler Dark-eyed Junco Red Crossbill Brant Bufflehead Thick-billed Murre Lucy’s Warbler Cackling Goose Common Goldeneye Summer Tanager White-winged Crossbill Band-tailed Pigeon Virginia’s Warbler Canada Goose Barrow’s Goldeneye Scarlet Tanager Common Redpoll Inca Dove Black-throated Gray Warbler Western Tanager Hoary Redpoll Common Ground-Dove Townsend’s Warbler Mute Swan Hooded Merganser Northern Cardinal Pine Siskin Groove-billed Ani Painted Redstart Trumpeter Swan Common Merganser Rose-breasted Grosbeak American Goldfinch Burrowing Owl Cassin’s Sparrow Tundra Swan Red-breasted Merganser Blue Grosbeak Evening Grosbeak White-collared Swift Bachman’s Sparrow Wood Duck Ruddy Duck Indigo Bunting House Sparrow White-throated Swift Brewer’s Sparrow Gadwall Northern Bobwhite Painted Bunting* Eurasian Tree Sparrow Anna’s Hummingbird Black-throated Sparrow Eurasian Wigeon Ring-necked Pheasant Broad-billed Hummingbird Golden-crowned Sparrow American Wigeon Ruffed Grouse White-eared Hummingbird Black-headed Grosbeak American Black Duck Spruce Grouse Accidental Species: The species listed below have been recorded three or fewer times in Lewis’s Woodpecker Lazuli Bunting Mallard Sharp-tailed Grouse the last ten years. Species in italics are known only from sight records. Any sighting of Golden-fronted Woodpecker Boat-tailed/Great-tailed Grackle Blue-winged Teal Wild Turkey an accidental species should be documented with a detailed written description or, when Hammond’s Flycatcher Hooded Oriole Cinnamon Teal Red-throated Loon possible, with photographs. Please send all documentation to the address at the end of the Vermilion Flycatcher Brambling checklist, attention: MBRC. Ash-throated Flycatcher Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Northern Shoveler Pacific Loon* Northern Pintail Common Loon Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Lesser Frigatebird The taxonomic order and nomenclature follows the AOU Checklist of North American Birds ©2012 Green-winged Teal Pied-billed Grebe Fulvous Whistling-Duck Neotropic Cormorant and all of its Supplements. Canvasback Horned Grebe Garganey Anhinga Redhead Red-necked Grebe Notes: __________________________________________________________________________ Tufted Duck Brown Pelican Ring-necked Duck Eared Grebe Common Eider Reddish Egret ________________________________________________________________________________ Greater Scaup Western Grebe Yellow-billed Loon White Ibis ________________________________________________________________________________ Lesser Scaup Northern Gannet Great Shearwater Short-tailed Hawk Order from: Manx Shearwater Ferruginous Hawk Michigan Audubon Society, PO BOX 15249, Lansing, MI 48901 King Eider Double-crested Cormorant Wood Stork Black Rail Telephone: (517) 641-4277 Harlequin Duck American White Pelican Magnificent Frigatebird Purple Gallinule prepared by Adam M. Byrne Surf Scoter American Bittern Location A B C D Location A B C D Location A B C D Location A B C D Location A B C D Location A B C D Least Bittern American Avocet Iceland Gull Downy Woodpecker Bank Swallow Louisiana Waterthrush Great Blue Heron Spotted Sandpiper Lesser Black-backed Gull Hairy Woodpecker Cliff Swallow Northern Waterthrush Great Egret Solitary Sandpiper Glaucous Gull Am. Three-toed Woodpecker Cave Swallow Golden-winged Warbler Snowy Egret Greater Yellowlegs Great Black-backed Gull Black-backed Woodpecker Barn Swallow Blue-winged Warbler Little Blue Heron Willet Caspian Tern Northern Flicker Black-capped Chickadee Black-and-white Warbler Tricolored Heron Lesser Yellowlegs Black Tern Pileated Woodpecker Boreal Chickadee Prothonotary Warbler Cattle Egret Upland Sandpiper Common Tern American Kestrel Tufted Titmouse Tennessee Warbler Green Heron Whimbrel Arctic Tern Merlin Red-breasted Nuthatch Orange-crowned Warbler Black-crown. Night-Heron Hudsonian Godwit Forster’s Tern Gyrfalcon White-breasted Nuthatch Nashville Warbler Yellow-crown. Night-Heron Marbled Godwit Pomarine Jaeger Peregrine Falcon Brown Creeper Connecticut Warbler Glossy Ibis Ruddy Turnstone Parasitic Jaeger Prairie Falcon Rock Wren Mourning Warbler White-faced Ibis Red Knot Long-tailed Jaeger Olive-sided Flycatcher House Wren Kentucky Warbler Black Vulture* Sanderling Ancient Murrelet Eastern Wood-Pewee Winter Wren Common Yellowthroat Turkey Vulture Semipalmated Sandpiper Rock Pigeon Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Sedge Wren Hooded Warbler Osprey Western Sandpiper Eurasian Collared-Dove* Acadian Flycatcher Marsh Wren American Redstart Swallow-tailed Kite Least Sandpiper White-winged Dove Alder Flycatcher Carolina Wren Kirtland’s Warbler Mississippi Kite White-rumped Sandpiper Mourning Dove Willow Flycatcher Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Cape May Warbler Bald Eagle Baird’s Sandpiper Yellow-billed Cuckoo Least Flycatcher Golden-crowned Kinglet Cerulean Warbler Northern Harrier Pectoral Sandpiper Black-billed Cuckoo Eastern Phoebe Ruby-crowned Kinglet Northern Parula Sharp-shinned Hawk Purple Sandpiper Barn Owl Say’s Phoebe Eastern Bluebird Magnolia Warbler Cooper’s Hawk Dunlin Eastern Screech-Owl Great-crested Flycatcher Mountain Bluebird Bay-breasted Warbler Northern Goshawk Stilt Sandpiper Great Horned Owl Western Kingbird Townsend’s Solitaire Blackburnian Warbler Red-shouldered Hawk Buff-breasted Sandpiper Snowy Owl Eastern Kingbird Veery Yellow Warbler Broad-winged Hawk Ruff* Northern Hawk Owl Scissor-tailed Flycatcher* Gray-cheeked Thrush Chestnut-sided Warbler Swainson’s Hawk Short-billed Dowitcher Barred Owl Loggerhead Shrike Swainson’s Thrush Blackpoll Warbler Red-tailed Hawk Long-billed Dowitcher Great Gray Owl Northern Shrike Hermit Thrush Black-throat. Blue Warbler Rough-legged Hawk Wilson’s Snipe Long-eared Owl White-eyed Vireo Wood Thrush Palm Warbler Golden Eagle American Woodcock Short-eared Owl Yellow-throated Vireo American Robin Pine Warbler Yellow Rail Wilson’s Phalarope Boreal Owl Blue-headed Vireo Varied Thrush Yellow-rumped Warbler King Rail Red-necked Phalarope Northern Saw-whet Owl Warbling Vireo Gray Catbird Yellow-throated Warbler Virginia Rail Red Phalarope Common Nighthawk Philadelphia Vireo Northern Mockingbird Prairie Warbler Sora Black-legged Kittiwake Chuck-will’s-widow Red-eyed Vireo Brown Thrasher Black-throa. Green Warbler Common Gallinule Sabine’s Gull Eastern Whip-poor-will Gray Jay European Starling Canada Warbler American Coot Bonaparte’s Gull Chimney Swift Blue Jay American Pipit Wilson’s Warbler Sandhill Crane Little Gull Green Violetear Black-billed Magpie Bohemian Waxwing Yellow-breasted Chat Black-bellied Plover Laughing Gull Ruby-throated Hummingbird American Crow Cedar Waxwing Green-tailed Towhee American Golden-Plover Franklin’s Gull Rufous Hummingbird* Common Raven Lapland Longspur Spotted Towhee* Semipalmated Plover Ring-billed Gull Belted Kingfisher Horned Lark Smith’s Longspur Eastern Towhee Piping Plover California Gull Red-headed Woodpecker Purple Martin Snow Bunting American Tree Sparrow Killdeer Herring Gull Red-bellied Woodpecker Tree Swallow Ovenbird Chipping Sparrow Black-necked Stilt Thayer’s Gull Yellow-bellied Sapsucker N. Rough-winged Swallow Worm-eating Warbler Clay-colored Sparrow.
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