
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE.—Professor E. G. Browne, M.B., has been elected by the Indian Civil Service Board to represent it on the General Board of Studies.- Medical News. Mr. F. F. Blackman, St. John’s, has been elected Reader in Botany in succession to Mr. F. Darwin, M.B., F.R.S.-At a Congregation on Nov. 24th the following degrees were ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND - conferred :- The following gentlemen having passed the necessary examinations and conformed to the have Bachelor of Medicine.-H. D. Hoffman, Trinity. having by-laws Bachetor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.-S. Child, Pembroke; been admitted Members of the College :- and S. Dodd, Caius. Loris Arthur Arnould, Tom Bates, and John Arthur Bell, St At the Congregation on Dec. 3rd the following medical Bartholomew’s John Willian Hospital; Avery, Hospital; and were conferred :- George Aviss, University of Birmingham; John Herbert Bankes surgical degrees St. George’s Hospital; Henry Edward Barrett, St. Mary’s Hos Bachelor of lVledicine.-C. W. P. Moffatt, Clare; E. Ward, Clare; pital; John Foster Beale, B.A. Camb., University of Cambridge anc D. H. Fraser, Gonville and Caius ; and J. Lambert, Downing. London Hospital; Arthur Reginald Beaumont and Arthur Morri! Bachelor of Surgery.-C. W. P. Moffatt, Clare ; and S. H. Nathan, .Benett, Guy’s Hospital; Charles Harold Berry and John Henry Trinity. Douglas Bolton, University College Hospital; Antonio Blanc anc John Harold Burridge, King’s College Hospital; George Henry Dr. D. MacAlister has been re-appointed a member of the Boyden, University of Edinburgh, Owens College, Manchester, anc General Board of Studies, the Special Board for Medicine, - St. Thomas’s Hospital; Arthur Carnarvon Brown, St. Bartholomew’! and the Board of Studies.—The Master of Hospital; Arthur Hill Burnett, University of Edinburgh and Londor Geographical Hospital; Geoffrey Carlis!e, Guy’s Hospital; Hubert Chitty, Uni Downing (Dr. A. Hill) has been appointed a member versity College Hospital; Sidney Herbert Clarke, B.A.Camb., Univer of the Board of Agricultural Studies and Dr. B. Anning- sity of Cambridge and London Hospital; Alfred Philip Coker, L.S.A. son a member of the State Medicine Syndicate. Pro- Lond., Hospital; John Cook, University College, Cardiff, fesor R. Stockman of has been Exa- and Guy’s Hospital; David Kirkpatrick Coutts, St. Thomas’s Hospital: Glasgow appointed Albert William Duncan Coventon, M.A., B.C. Camb., University miner in Pharmacology in the place of Sir T. R. Fraser, who of Cambridge and St Bartholomew’s Hospital ; George Frederick is unable to examine.-Professor E. Waymouth Reid, M.B., Dalton, M.D., C.M. Kingston, Kingston, Ontario, and Middlesex of has been for the Sc.D. the Hospital ; Thomas Sidney Davies, University College, Bristol; Dundee, approved degree.-By Henry Roy Dean, University of Oxford and St. Thomas s Hospital; efforts of Professor G. Sims Woodhead a sum of .&1600 has George De la Cour, University College Hospital; Clarence Hamul been collected in Huddersfield for the foundation of a Fernand Denyer, Guy’s Hospital; Louis De Verteuil. University in The General Board recom- of Edinburgh, St. Thomas’s and King’s College Hospitals ; Charles lectureship special pathology. Marshall Dickinson, London Hospital; George Reginald Ernst, M.D. mends that the endowment be gratefully accepted by the Rush Medical College, Zurich and Berlin ; George Jew el Evans, University and that a I I Huddersfield Lecturer" be appointed. :St. Mary’s Hospital; Charles Roland Babington Eyres, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Richard Felton, Guy’s Hospital; Lionel Cecil Ferguson, VACCINATION GRANT.-The Local Government St. Bartholomew’s Hospital ; Allan Migden Finn, St. Mary’s .Hospital; William John Fordham, Univeisity College, Shetfield; Board vaccination grant has been awarded to Mr. John .Frank Forrtst. University of Edinburgh and Victoria University, Campbell, L.R.C.P. & S. Irel., public vaccinator No. 3 Manchester; Colin James Galbraith, King’s College Hospital ; District, Goole Union, Yorks. Henry Hardwick-Smith, M.A. Camb., University of Cambridge and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital ; Alfred Ernest Underwood A CASE of was discovered the Uawkes, L.S.A. Lond., St. Mary’s Hospital and University College, plague during Liverpool; Edwin Claude Hayes, University of New Zealand and week in a steamer entering the Thames. The patient was St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Samuel Clifford Hayman, University immediately isolated. College, Bristol; Thomas Bonhdte Henderson, M.B., B.Ch. Oxon., University of Oxford and St. Thomas’s Hospital; William Robert UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM.—The annual Higgins, University of Cambridge and London Hospital; Ludovic dinner of the Medical of the of Hill, St. and Middlesex Faculty University Birming- Mungo’s College, Glasgow, Hospital; ham on James Clarence Ledeatt Hingston, Middlesex Hospital; Reginald took place at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, .Felix Vere Hodge, B.A. Camb., University of Cambridge and St. Nov. 30th. The company numbered nearly 300 aul the George’s Hospital; Augustine Henry Hudson, St. Thomas’s was presided over by Dr. C. E. Purslow who Charles Leonard of and St. gathering Hospital: Isaac, University Cambridge was on his Sir Frederick Treves and Mary’s Hospital; Basil John Francis Jackson-Taylor, University supported right by College. Bristol, and King’s College Hospitals; Frank Alexander on his left by the Chancellor of the University, the Gallon Jeans, M.A. Camb., University 01 Cambridge and University Right tion. J. Chamberlain, M.P. A pleasant feature of Edwin Charles Westminster Hos- "College, Liverpool : Johnston, the was the to Professor B. C. A. pital ; George Francis Jones, University College Hospital; Oswal proceedings presentation Wynn Jorres, University College, Liverpool ; Arthur Edgar Windle, the retiring dean of the Faculty who has just Kerr, University of Cambridge and St. Thomas’s Hospital ; been appointed by favour of His Majesty to be President Frederick Charks ltienzi Malins Knight, Albert Evelyn Fair- of Queen’s College, Cork. Professor Windle went to Bir- fax Kynastou, and Arnold Leeming, Guy’s Hospital ; Ernest in 1882 and has held the of dean Browning Lathbury and Edward Lm’erton-Spry. St. Bartholo- mingham position mew’s Hospital; George Laurence, University College, Liverpool, for 15 years. Dr. Purslow said that as a professor of and St. George’s Hospital ; Walter Lister, University College, anatomy Professor Windle had himself a brilliant and St. Archibald Smith proved Leeds, George’s Hospital; Littlejohns, an admirable and a strict University of Cambridge and Guy’s Hospital; John Macarthur teacher, organiser, disciplinarian, and Reginald Henry Miller, St. Marys Hospital; John McCrae, as well as a true friend of the University. Sir Frederick B.A., M.B. Toronto, Universities of Toronto and Montreal; James Treves, after some humorous remarks regarding after- Archibald Mcllroy, University of Birmingham; William Thomas dinner made some in his Pearse Meade-King, Guy’s Hospital; William Mayhew Mollison, speaking, interesting points M.A., B.C. Camb., University of Cambridge and Guy’s Hospital; speech. He said that a university to be a success at the William Parry Morgan, M.A. Camb., B Sc. Lond., University present time must-on account of the enormous changes of Cambridge, University College, Cardiff, and St. Mary’s Hos- which had taken in science-at least be and John Findon and John place young, pital ; Murphy Papa Nicolas, also that the theoretical value of Latin and Greek no one London Hospital ; Andreas Nell, Ceylon Medical College, University College and Charing Cross Hospitals; Lionel wished to discuss, but the thing of absolute, undoubted, Edward Close Norbury and Evan Williams Parry, St. importance was science. There was no Thomas’s Charles William St. Bartholomew’s practical applied Hospital; O’Brien, kind of inducement offered a man to follow into the Hospital; Cadwallader Edwardes Palmer, B.A. Camb., University for of Cambridge and St. Thomas’s Hospital; Christopher Parker, career of science. This was a deplorable thing as in Germany L.R.C.S. & P. Edin., L.F.P.S. Glasg., Westminster Hospital; it was encouraged in a very substantial manner. Mr. Newman B.A. of Ra’ph Poignand, Camb., University Cambridge in the course of a humorous said and St. Thomas’s Hospital; Laurence Edwin Price, University of Chamberlain, very speech, Birmingham; Griffith Henry ltees and Frederick Rogerson, Guy’s that he was afraid for all time to come probably science H’spital; Alexander Reute, University College, Liverpool; Henry and . the conferring of great benefits upon one’s fellow Gates SievM right, University College, Cardiff, and St. Mary’s creatures must be to a extent its own reward. But James Donald of large Hospital; Sinclair, University Edinburgh; the the was an as William Herbert Smailes, University of Leeds; George Renalds pursuit, research, impossibility so long Southwick, M.D. Harvard, Harvard and Boston Universities ; the actual means of existence were wanting. Unfortunately Maurice Spotswood, University of Liverpool ; Claude Maberley they had far fewer pious benefactors in this country than Stevenson, Guy’s Hospital; Henry Vernon Swindale, had in the United States of America. He also Middlesex Hospital ; Alfred George Sworn, University they said, College Hospital; William Arthur Tatchell and James Turtle, in discussing elementary and secondary education, that London Hospital; Richard James Campbell Thompson, St. they were spending very little upon the highest tduca- Thomas’s Hospital; Arthur William Wakelielrl, University of tion—a, which still had to be Mr. Cambridge and London Hospital; Theophilius Ralph Waltenburg, deficiency supplied. M.A. Oxon., B.A. Durh., L.S.A. Lond., Owens College, Manchester; Chamberlain concluded his observations on the subject by Alfred Castle Warren and John Keith Willis, B.A. Camb., saying : I do not perhaps share the opinions of some of my University of Cambridge and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Richard friends and who seem to think that B.A. Camb., St. Bartholomew’s and political opponents, Geoffery Williams, Hospital; education would be a cure for be Robert Alfred Worthington, University of Cambridge and London higher everything-would Hospital. even a satisfactory specific for.a 100 per cent. tariff ; but I 1689

do believe that it is one of the things which go to make Dr. 11. D. Rolleston, Dr. A. C. Latham, Mr. H. W. Page,. the intellectual predominance and even the material position Dr. H. A. Caley, Mr. Stanley Boyd, Mr. H. F. Waterhouse, of a nation. I think it is a thing which we have too much Dr. F. de Havilland Hall, Dr. E. P. Paton, Dr. Samuel’ West, neglected, and I hope that more attention will be paid tu it Miss J. Cock, Sir Felix Semon, Sir Thomas Stevenson, Sir’ in the futura." E. Cooper Perry, Dr. F. H. Champneys, Mr. A. H. Cheatle, CENTRAL MIDWIVES BOARD.—The members of Dr. R. Percy Smith, Dr. E. C Seaton, Dr. F: W. Mott, Mr. R. Marcus Gunn, and Mr. Morton A. Smale. The Board met on Faculty the Central Midwives Dec. 1st at 6, Suffolk- also considered the following report of the Board of street, Strand, Dr. F. H. Champneys being in the chair. The Advanced Studies to the Senate- first business for which the Board had been called together At a of the Board of Advanced Medical Studies, held on was to hear and to decide the charges of false meeting upon signing Nov. 21st, 19J4, the following report on "tropical medicine" wa certificates in connexion with examinations of the Obstet- adopted: (ct) that tropical medicine should be introduce into the rical Society of London alleged against a certified midwife s ..llalms of subjects for the M.D. degree; (b) that " tropical’medicine, " be added to the list of which for on the midwives’ roll. A medical certificate was for (branch VI.) subjects may be taken produced the M D. and if and be a be consideration of the Board that the midwife in degree ; (c) that, (a) (b) adopted report pre- the stating sented on syllabus and course of study- question was suffering from a sharp attack of influenza and and resolved without dissent that the Faculty approves of was unfit, to leave her house, the case was quite whereupon the of the Board of Advanced Studies on till next. A communication was received report tropical postponecl January medicine. from the Royal British Nurses’ Association notifying that Mrs. Josephine Latter had been elected a member of the ERRATUM.-In THE LANCET of Dec. 3rd, board in the place of Miss D. Oldliam whose resignation p. 1619, under the heading University of London, in the was accepted at the last, meeting of the Board. Dr. J. Ward list of honours for the M.B., B.S. examination, a * was Cousins informed the Board that he had been asked for an inadvertently prefixed to the name George Johnsou Langley, opinion concerning the notification by midwives of till- thus making him appear to have been bracketed equal for births and he stated iliat lie would be glad to know how the the University Medal." This was not the case. matter stood. The Midwives Act, 1902, provided that the certificate under the Act shall not confer upon any woman or title to be under the Medical Acts or any right registered RECEIVED. to assume any name, title, or designation implying that she BOOKS, ETC., is by law reeognised as a medical practitioner or that she is authorised to medical certificate or cer- grant any any AL1.EN, GEORGE, 156, Charing Cross-road, W.C. tificate of death or of stillbirth. to the rules According The Art of Creation : Kssays on the Self and its Powers. By Edward framed by the Central Midwives Board under Section 31 of Carpenter, Author of " Towar,ls Democracy," " Civilisation," &c. the Midwives Act, 1902, under the heading of "Notifica- Price 5s. net. tion" midwives must in all cases where a registered medical BAILLlÈRE, TIsDALL, AND Cox, 8, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, practitioner is not in attendance as soon as possible after W.C. Manual of of and the occurrence of a stillbirth the same to the local Practical Diseases Women Uterine Therapeutics.. notify For Students and Practitioners. By H. Macnaughton-Jones, supervising authority. In the course of the discussion on M.D., M.Ch., Master of Obstetrics (Honoris Causa), Royal Uni- the matter Dr. C. J. Cullingworth observed that anyone might versity of Ireland. Ninth edition. Price 21s. net. a certificate in to a stillbirth and the Midwives Walsham’s Handbook of Surgical Pathology. For the use of give regzrd Students in Museums. Third revised and had not altered that. The chairman then Pathological edition, Act, 1902, largely rewritten by Herbert J. Paterson, M.A., M.B., B.C. informed Dr. Ward Cousins that the following form of CaU1.ab., P.R.C.S. Eng., Assistant Surgeon to the London Tem- notification of the birth of a stillborn child for the use of perance Hospital, Surgeon to Outpatients at the London Lock midwives had been submitted by the Board to the 1’rivy lIospita’. Price 108. 6d. net. Council :- BLACK, ADAM AND CHARLES, Soho-square, London, W. To the Local Supervising Authority of *the Administrative County Familiar London. Painted by Rose Barton. Price 20s. net. Who’s Who, 1905. Price 7s. 6d. net. Who’s Who Year-book, 1905. of ...... or *the County Borough of ...... or rthe urban or Price Is. net. rural district of ...... The Year-book and Seventh o:f. I, the undersigned, being a midwife holding the Certificate No ...... Englishwoman’s Directory, 1905. year new issue. Edited Janes. of the Central Midwives Board, hereby notify that on the ...... day Twenty-fifth year. by Emily to the National Union of Women Workers of ...... 19 ...... I delivered ...... living at ...... of a Organising Secretary of aud stillborn *male or *female child, 110 registered medical practitioner Great Britain Ireland. Price 2s. 6d. net. being in attendance. CASSELL AND COMPANY, LIMITED, London, Paris, New York, and Name of midwife ...... Melbourne.

Address of midwife ...... Under the Care of the War Office. Ethel * Strike out the words not Japanese By 3leCaulir applicable. 1?.It.C. With Illustrations from Photographs. Price6s. The Board to Dec. 22nd. adjourned Om FFIN, CHARLES, AND COMPANY, LIMITED, Exeter-street, Strand, W.C. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON : FACULTY OF MEDI- Year-book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain CINE.-A meeting of the Faculty of Medicine was held at and Irelaii(l: a Record of the Work done in Science, Literature, and Art the by numerous Societies and the on Dec. 6th, Dr. J. the during Session, 1903-1904, University Kingston Fowler, Government Institutions. Compiled from Official Sources. Dean, being in the chair. On the motion of Mr. H. W. Twenty-iirst Annual Issue. 1904. Price not stated. Page, seconded by Dr. W. Hale White, it was unanimously resolved :- HIRSCHFELD BROTHERS, LIMITED, 13, Furnival-street, E.C. Star Calendar for 1905. (Four sheets, each measuring 13 inches by That a committee be appointed to consider and report to the Faculty 10 inches and each covering three months.) First year of issue- as to the best means by which teaching and research in the advanced 1’rice not stated. subjects of the medical currieulomcau be promoted in the schools of the University by the action of the University. HIxSCHwaLD, AUGUST, Unter den Linden, 68, Berlin, N. W. Erste Aerztliche lliilfe bei plotzlichen Erkrankungen und Unfällen. The committee as constituted consists of the 34 members of In Verbindung mit Wirkl.Geh.ltath Dr. E. v. Bergmann, Geh. the Faculty named below, representing the various schools Med.-Kath Dr. C. Gerhardt, Geh.Mecl.-Rath Dr. 0. Liebreich, of medicine of the University and the various subjects of und Dr. A. Martin bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. George Meyer, in Berlin. Zweite Auflage. Price M.8. study in the advanced curriculum. In the course of the discussion, which was carried on by Dr. W. P. Herringham, HODDER AND STOUGHTON, 27, Paternoster-row, E.C. Sir Felix Semon, Dr. R. Percy Smith, and Dr. W. D. Halli- The Arris and Gale Lectures on the Neurology of Vision. By J. Herbert Parsons, Assistant burton, it was out that the conclusions arrived at B.S., D,Sc., F.R.C.S., Ophthalmic pointed by Surgeon, University College Hospital. Price 2s. 6d. net. the committee would have an important bearing on the future of medical teaching in London. In view of the JOHN BALE, SONS, AND DANIELSSON, LIMITED, 83-91, Great Titchfield- large street, W. issues involved the Dean member of the com- Oxford-street, requested any Climate and Health in Hot Countries and the Outlines of , Tropica mittee or of the who desired that Faculty any special point Climatology. By Lieut.-Col. G. M. Giles, M.B., F.R.C.S., should be considered to communicate his wishes addressed Indian Medical Service (Retd.). Price 7s. 6d. net. Part II. to the honorary secretary of the Faculty of Medicine at the (Tropical Climatology) is published separately, price 5s. net. University. The members of the committee are as follows: KiMPTON, HENRY, 13, E.C. Dr. Furnival-street, Holborn, J. K. Fowler, Mr. A. Pearce Gould, Dr. J. R. Bradford, Diseases of the Heart. A Clinical Text-book for the Use of Dr. Sidney H. C. Martin, Mr. W. Watson Cheyne, Dr. R. H. P. Students and Practitioners of Medicine. Bv Edmund Henry Crawfurd, Dr. Norman Moore, Dr. W. P. Herringham, Dr. Colbeck, B.A., M.D., B.C. Cantab., F.R.C.P. Lond., D.P.H. G. Dr. W. Dr. W. Hale Cantab., Physician to Out-patients at the Ho&- Schorstein, Bulloch, White, Dr. pital for Diseases of the Chest, Victoria Park, E. Second edition, Lauriston E. Shaw, Mr. H. H. Clutton, Dr. H. G. Turney, revised and enlarged. Price 7s. 6d. net. 1690

LEWIS, H. K., 136, Gower-street, W.C. Aequanimitas. With other Addresses to Medical Students, Nurses, and Practitioners of Medicine. By Williain Osler, M.D., F.It.S., Appointments. Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. ’ Price 7s. 6d. ’ Landmarks and Surface Markings of the Human Body. By Louis Succes8ful applicant8 for Vacancies, Secretarie8 of Public In8titutiom, Bathe Bawling, M.B., B.C. Cantab., F.R.C.S. Eng., Senior and others possessing information suitable for this colt4mn, are Demonstrator of Anatomy, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. Pricei invited to (orward to THE LANCET Office, directed to the Sub- 5s. net. : ,Editor, not later than 9 o’clock on the Thursday morning of each Transactions of the Dermatological Society of. Great Britain and , week, such inforunation for gratuitous publication. Ireland. Edited by Arthur Shillitoe, F.R.C.S.. and Wilfrid B. Warde, M.D. 1903-1904. Volume the Tenth. Price 5s. net. J., has been Medical Officer and Public Vae- ATKINSON,’ appointed LONGMANS, GREEN, AND Co., 39, Paternoster-row, E.C. cinator for the Lynton District of the Barnstaple Union. A Text-book of Medical Practice for Practitioners and Students. BANNERMAN, WILLIAM, M.B., C.M. Edin.. has been appointed Medical Edited by William Bain, M.D. Durh., M.R.C.P., Lond. Price Officer and Public Vaccinator for the North District of the Ciren- 25s. net. cester Union. Transactions of the Clinical Society of London. Volume the BENNETT, II. S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Loml., has been appointed Resident Thirty-seventh. Price not stated. House Surgeon at St. Thomas’s Hospital. MACMILLAN AND Co., LIMITED, London. Brrrxs, G. T., M.B., B.C. Cantab., has been appointed Resident House The Cambridge Natural History. Edited by S. F. Harmer, Sc.D., Surgeon at St. Thomas’s Hospital. F.R.S., and A. E. Shipley, M.A., F.R.S. Vol. VII. Hemichordata, BIRT, A. C., M.R.C.S., L.It.C.P. Lond., has been appointed Resident by S. F. Harmer, Sc.D., F.R.S. Ascidians and Amphioxus, by House Surgeon at St. Thomas’s Hospital. W. A. Herdman, D.Sc. Edin., F.R.S. Fishes (Exclusive of the BRADFORD, A. B., M.B., B.S. Dnrh., M.RC.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been Systematic Account of Teleostei), by T. W. Bridge, Sc.D., F.R.S. appointed Junior Ophthalmic House Surgeon at St. Thomas’s Fishes (Systematic Account of Teleostei), by G. A. Boulenger, Hospital. F.R.S. Price 17s. net. BRODRIBB, F. A., M.R.C.S., L.It.C.P. Lond., has been appointed House Life and Letters of Edward Byles Cowell, M.A., Hon. D.C.L. Oxon., to Out-patients at St. Thomas’s Hospital. Hon. LL.D. Professor of 1867-1903. Physician Edin., Sanskrit, Cambridge, F. L.It.C.P. has been to the Cowell, F.R.C.S. Price 12s. 6d. net. BULLEY, M., M.1i.C.S., Lond., appointed By George Skin Department at St. Thomas’s Hospital. OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING, 8, CABM, FREDERICK C., M.B. Lond., M.R.C.S., has been appointed Hastings-street, Calcutta. Senior Clinical Assistant to the Throat Hospital, Golden-square, W. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Depart- CARVER, N. C., B.C. Cantab., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been ments of the Government of India. On a Parasite found in appointed Resident House Surgeon at St. Thomas’s Hospital. P. rsons Suffering from Enlargement of the Spleen in India. Coi’TTS, D. K., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed to the Second Report. By Lieut. S. It. Christophers, M.B., I.M.S. Throat at St. Thomas’s New Series. No. 11. Department Hospital. (On special duty.) Price, Rupees 2, D. B.S. has been Sur- or 3s. DAVIES, L., M.B., Lond., appointed Certifying geon under the Factory Act for the Wisbech and Walsoken ORIENT PRESS, 26, Paternoster-square, E.C. District of the counties of Cambridge and Norfolk. ’ The Wisdom of the East Series. Edited by L. Cranmer-Byng and DAY. LEIGH, M.B., B.Ch. Oxon., has been appointed Honorary Assistant Dr. S. A. Kapadia. The Religion of the Koran. By Arthur N. Surgeon to the Essex and Colchester Hospital. Wollaston. C.I.E., Translator of the Anvar-i-Suhaili; Author of DELAXY, K., L.R.C.P.L, L.It.C.S.L, has been appointed Certifying an English Persian Dictionary, &c. Price Is. net. Surgeon under the Factory Act for the Carrick-on-Shannon District of the county of Leitrim. REUMAN, LIMITED, 129, Shaftesbury-avenue, W.C. DiTTMAR, F., M.D. Glasg., D.P.H. Cantab., has been appointed Medical Light Energy: its Physics, Physiological Action and Therapeutic Inspector of the Local Government Board of Scotland. Applications. By Margaret A. Cleaves, M.D., Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine, Fellow of the American Electro- EWART, R. W. T., M.B., C.M. Edin., has been appointed Clinical Therapeutic Association, Professor of Light Energy in the New Assistant to the Chelsea Hospital tor Women. York School of Physical Therapeutics. Price 21s. net. FAR’4UHARSo-N. J. MALCOLM, M.B., F.R.C.P.Edin., has been appointed An Atlas of Human Anatomy. For Students and Physicians. By Second Assistant Surgeon to the Ear, Nose, and Throat Department Carl Toldt, M.D., Prolessor of Anatomy in the University of of the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. Vienna; assisted by Professor Alois Dalla Rosa, M.D. Translated FOOTNER, G. R., M.It.C.S., L. R. C. P. Lond., has been appointed House from the Third German Edition and adapted to English and Surgeon to Out-patients at St. Thomas’s Hospital. American and International Terminology by M. Eden Paul, GrBSOx, A. G., M.B., B.Ch. Oxon., has been appointed Resident House M.D. Brux., JlrLR.C.S., L.R.C.P. Sixth Section : G. Neurology; Physician at St. Thomas’s Hospital. H. The Organs of the Senses. Price 16s. 6d. net. GRAY, R. E. G., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed House RuDALL, CARTE, AND Co., 23, Eerners street, W.; and 7, Queen-street, Surgeon to Out-patients at St. Thomas’s Hospital. Dublin. GUTHRIE, T., M.B., B.C. Cantab., M.R.C.S., L. R. C. P. Lond., has been The Professional Pocket-book, or Daily and Hourly Engagement appointed to the Ear Department at St. Thomas’s Hospital. Diary for 1905. Specially adapted for Professional Engagements. HALL, DOXALD G., M.A., M.D. Cantab., M.R.C.P.Lond., has been (Published according to the plan of the late Sir Julius Benedict.) appointed Assistant Physician to the Sussex County Hospital, Price not stated. Brighton. HARNETT, W. L., M.B., B.C. Cantab., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has AND New and London SAUNDERS, W. B. COMPANY, Philadelphia, York, been appointed to the Skin Department at St. Thomas’s Hospital. An Introduction to Pharmacognosy. By Smith Ely Jelliffe, M.D., HARVEY, FRANK, M.IZ.C.S., L.S.A., has been re-appointed Medical Ph.D., Professor ot Pharmacognosy and Instructor in Materia Officer of Health for the Padstow (Cornwall) Urban District. Medica, and Therapeutics in Columbia University (College of HAWARD, W., M.B., B.S. Durh., M.R.C.S., L.It.C.P. Lond., has been Physicians and Surgeons), New York. Price 10s. 6d. net. appointed Resident House Physician at St. Thomas’s Hospital. Gall-stones and their Surgical Treatment. By B. G. A. Moynihan, HIGHAM, B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed Resident M.S. Lond., F.R.C.S., Leeds. Price 17s. net. House Physician at St. Thomas’s Hospital. EDWARD T., M.R.C.S. has been Medical Officer AND Calcutta. JONES, Eng., appointed THACKER, SPINK, Co., of Health of the Borough of Helston, Cornwall; Medical Officer Malarial Fevers and Malarial Parasites in India. By Major Andrew to the Workhouse and to the No. 1 District; and Pnblic Vaccinator. Buchanan, M.A., M.D., Indian Medical Service. Second edition. KISCH, H. A., M.1i.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed House Enlarged. Price 6 Rupees. Surgeon to Out-patients at St. Thomas’s Hospital. MACLAREN, Nowrax, B.C. has been J. CLAY AND Cantab., F.R.C.S. Eng., appointed UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge (C. SoNs, Ave Maria-lane, Assistant Surgeon to the Cumberland Infirmary. London). NOIZ131TRY, L. E. U., M.R.C.S., L.U.C.P. Lond., has been appointed to Morpliology and Anthropology: a Handbook for Students. By the Ear Department at St. Thomas’s Hospital. W. L. 11 Duckworth, M.A., Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, PARRY, E. W., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed Junior University Lecturer in Physical Anthropology. Price 15s. net. Obstetric House Physician at St. Thomas’s Ilospita . Studies from the Anthropological Laboratory, the Anatomy School, Pixc’HES, 11. 1., M.B., B.C. Cantalr., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has Cambridge. By W. L. H. Duckworth, M.A., Fellow of Jesus been appointed Senior Obstetric liouse Physician at St. Thomas’s College, University Lecturer in Physical Anthropology. Price Hospital. 108. net. HOGERS, J., L.R.C.S.I.. L.R.Q.C.P.I., has been appointed Certifying under the Act fcr the District the AND New York AND Surgeon Factory Ballyfarnon of WILEY, JOHN, SONS, (CHAPMAN HALL, LIMITED, countv of Sligo. London). SEARS, C. N., M.B. Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed A Text-book of Physiological Chemistry. By OIof Hammarsten, to the Throat Department at St. Thomas’s Hospital. Professor of Medical and in the Univer- W. Ch.B. has been . Physiological Chemistry SHAW, F., M.B., Vict.., appointed House Surgeon sity of Upsala. Authorise.l Translation from the Author’s and Resident Obstetric Assistant Surgeon to St. Mary’s Hospital, Enlarged and Revised Fifth German Edition. By John A. Manchester. Mandel, Sc D., Professor of Chemistry and Physics and of Phy- STANNUS, H. S., M.B. Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond., has been siological Chemistry in the New York University and Belle- appointed Senior Ophthalmic House Surgeon at St. Thomas’s vue Hospital Medical College. Fourth edition. First thousand. Hospital. Price 17s. net. FAKAKi, K., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed Resident House Physician at St. Thomas’s Hospital. WRIGHT, JOHN, AND Co., Bristol. (SiMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, [EXCH, M., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed Certifying KENT, AND Co., LIMITED, London.) Surgeon under the Factory Act for the Dunmow District of the Diseases of the Ear : For, Practitioners and Students of Medicine. county of Essex. By James Kerr Love, M.D., Aural Surgeon, Glasgow ltoval VAUGHAN, J. C. F. D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed Innrmary;Infirmary; Lecturer in Aural Surgery, St.St. Mungo’s College, House Surgeon to Out-patients at St. Thomas’s Hospital. Glasgow. (With 54 Stereoscopic Photographs and other Illustra- WIIITTING. li,. E., M.B., B.C. Cantab., has been appointed House Phy- tions.) Price 25s. net. sician to Out-patients at St. Thomas’s Hospital.