Cornell BAKE
- I - i - i . ■ T " - ' FRIDAY, MARCH 81, 1981 PAGE EIGHTEEN Ayerage Daily Net Preaa Ron The Weather lianrIjPBtpr lEufttittg IJpralb For the Week Ended Foreeut of U> S. Weather Boreae March 11, 1961 the addiUonal year or begin col Rain ending this evening, breeey, David L. Crafts, son of Mr. and ] Early Choice Plan lege-level courses In off-duty edu Program Slated cool tonlghL Low In 80a., Breew, Mrs. Roger E. Crafts,- 97 Prince-. 13,317 About Town cational programs. lEupnittg cool Bnnday, chanee of wiew inr- ton St., earned high honors during Monday by WSCS Member of the Andit ‘ ' / Offered by Army High school seniors are offered Bureau of Olrcnlatlon rtea..High In 40a. the winter term et Wllliston i a special “early choice’’ option. Academy in Eaatham^lon. Mass. Manchester’^ A City of Village Charm Connd N. Shannon, aviation Thi senior may apply for the grad A program of entertainment and electrician’s mate airman. VSN. ! Sgt. Charles J. Greenfield, Man chester U.S. Army. recruiter, has uate enlistment training during fellow’shlp for WSCS members and *on of Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. • Robert E. McIntosh Jr.. 28 i all mothers and daughters of North announced a special graduate en the 60 days before he graduates, (ClMZifled AdverttaiBg on Pago 10) Shannon. 1" Ot'al Lane; is sem’ng Harvard Rd.. has been elected city I and choose the course he wishes to Methodist Church will be held VOL. LXXX, NO. 154 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION)-’ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1961 PRICE FIVE CENTS with Fighter Squadron 101 at the ; editor of the Peddler, yearbook at listment prt^ram open to high school seniors and graduates.
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