Agreement on Plan for All-Parties Conference
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MAY COST $230 MILLION SAUDI TROOPS TROOPS TAKE OVER KEY BEIRUT AREAS fIRESTONE WILL RECALL Syrians Give Up POSitions BEIRUT (UPI) -- Syrian troops handed over key positions in east Beirut to 10 MILLION "500" TIRES Saudi units today in a bld to end elght months of battles with Israeli-armed WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The government today announced Christian militias. that Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. will recall 10 mil The overall Christian mllitia commander. Bashlr Gemayel. told reporters "they lion of ltS trouble-plagued "500" steel belted radial did not withdraw. They were expelled." tires. The Syrians turned over positlons at the two bridges commandlng the northeast Transportatlon Secretary Brock Adams sald th~t the approaches to the city and at the tallest skyscraper in Christian east Beirut, government estimates 7.5 milllon of the tires are still which had served as an important Syrian firebase in battles with Christian mili in service and that the recall will cost the company tia men at the beginning of the month. Right-wing former President Camille Chamoun as much as $230 milllon. welcomed the Saudi troops. The recall will involve "Their presence is com a large portion of Fire forting," he said. "But stone's 1975 and 1976 pro this does not change our duction of steel belt~d basic prinCiples and de radlal tires scld both under mand for the withdrawal the Flrestone brand and ~&S of foreign troops from under other names such as HOUIlG'- the country." Ward's "Grappler 8000" and Western analysts noted Shell Oil's "Super Shell that the Syrians did not Steel Radlals." pullout of the Beirut In addition, the Trans area entirely. but rather portatlon Department said regrouped east and south Flrestone will recall some RHODESIA'S PRIME MINISTER SMITH ANNOUNCES IN east of the city, and re of its 1975 and 1976 TPC tained control of a third steel radlals WhlCh came important bridge to east as original equipment on Beirut. new General Motors cars. AGREEMENT ON PLAN FOR There are about 1,200 "The recall of the Saudi troops in the malnly tires wlll be replaced Syrian, 30,000-man Arab free of charge wlth Flre ALL-PARTIES CONFERENCE peacekeeping force in stone 721 steel belted WA5HINGTON (UPI) -- Prime Minister Ian Smith today announced agreement with Lebanon. Beirut press radlals unless the pur the United States and Britain on the basls for an all-parties conference to decide reports said they may be chaser requests to substi the future of Rhodesia. reinforced next week in tute another Firestone "We have agreed at this meetlng to five basic points with which the conference east Beirut by a battal 11 ne." the TransportatlOn will be associated and lon of men from the Department said. we will now go forward are prepared to go to an criticized the Rhodesian United Arab Emirates now The tires covered ln from there," Smlth told a ll-parti es conference," move as a "serious ex stationed in the Bekaa the recall are fewer ln reporters after a two Smlth said. He sald he pansion of the conflict." Valley. number than Ralph Nader hour meeting with United and his colleagues cannot Smlth warned that the Only one complication and some consumer groups States and Brltlsh of understand why there were raids w1l1 go on as long marred the operation - had requested. In all, ficlals. mlsconceptlons previously as the Patriotic Front the fallure of lebanon about 13 mllllon of the However, he decllned on this point in Washing guerrillas continue their to persuade Sudanese "500s" are estlmated to to disclose the flve ton and in London. fight. In this he was President Haafar Numeiry still be ln serVlce. points, but State Depart Asked about charges supported by the other not to pull his 1,000 ment offlclals are ex by Nkomo that unarmed three members of the men out of lebanon as pected to make them publlC clvilians were killed Salisbury Executive planned on October 26. Water Report later. in Thursday's maSSlve Councll who attended the Since the Sudanese As Of 0001 Hrs. Oct. 20 Smlth and his three Rhodeslan rald lnto State Department meeting. had originally been Water Code Is: YELLOW! black assoclates made Zambla, Smith and Bishop An Anglo-American dele scheduled to take over WATER TAKEN FROM THE clear to reporters they Abel Muzorewa asked re gation headed by Under the bridges, the security LENS WELL RESERVE SINCE are prepared to go to an porters whether Nkomo secretary of State Dav1d plan had to be quickly CONDITION YELLOW 7/1/78: all-parties conference has also said there were Newsom 1nvited Smith and revamped and Saudi 10,913,000 gallons that would lnclude guer 30 Cubans ln that camp hsi three black associ forces were assigned the LAST 24 HRS. IN TANKS' rilla leaders Robert Mug near Lusaka. ates to the meetlng ln an task. 6,864,000 gallons abe and Josha Nkomo. "Among those kllled attempt to 1nject new The brldge over the Consumed: "It seems as though were Cubans," Muzorewa ]lfe 1nto an all-parties Belrut River opened this Kwaj: 295,000 gallons the message has not got sai d. "What were Cubans conference that would end morning forlthe flrst Other: 90,000 gallons through (to the Amerlcans doing there?" the current conflict and time in many weeks Tota 1: 385,000 jia 11 ons and the Britlsh) that we The United States lead to peace. wlthout drawing fire. ISRAELI CABINET MEETS TODAY FOR: THIRD QUARTER U.S. GROWTH A Secret Treaty Session GOVERNMENT REPORTS THE JERUSALEM (UPI) -- The cablnet met in secret seSSlon to discuss the increasing ly wobbly Egyptlan-Israell peace treaty talks for the third time in a week today ECONOMY IS ON SCHEDULE and government sources sald lt postponed a declsion to recall ltS negotlators from WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The U.S. economy grew at a Washlngton. 3.4 percent annual rate during the third quarter of Energy Mlnister Yltzhak ~odal sald there were some indlcations from the Blair th1S year, the government reported today, a pace al House talks that Egypt i? trying to change the Camp David peace accords initialed most exactly on target w1th administrat10n projec last month. "There are no fears that Egypt lS trying to chanqe the Camp Davld tions. -a-greemenf, but there are Dosslble lnchcations," said Modal. Furthermore, the Commerce Department said infla The government sources sald the cablnet postponed a decision to recall elther tion during the July- Forelgn Mlnister Moshe September peri od dece 1e- Dayan or Defense Mlnlster Sinai Desert 1n accord slstant U.S. secretary rated sharply - rising by U.S. S,..aIT Efforts Ezer Welzman from the wlth a peace treaty. of state, who arrived just 7 percent after an GENEVA (UPI) -- U.S. talks for consultatlon. "Even this f1gure earlier from Jordan via 11 percent surge in the Secretary of State Cyrus "Dayan and Welzman Wlll does not cover the re the Allenby Br1dge. second quarter. Vance prepared today for not be called back at this quirements," he said. President Carter has The 3.4 percent in a major effort in Moscow pOlnt but lt doesn't mean Israell reports said twice intervened 1n the crease of the "real" over the weekend to re that a declsion will not government off1clals negotlations. reportedly gross national product solve the handful of be made in the future (to were shocked at a U.S. snagged over linkage to - the total output of disputed issues in the recall them)." one source refusal to make any the future of the occu goods and services ad U.S.-U.S.S.R. Strateglc sald. comm1tment to prov1de pled West Bank of Jordan justed for inflation - Arms L1m1tatlons Talks Other government sour substantlal f1nanclal and the Gaza Strip and was considerably below (SALT) • ces sald an Egyptlan de asslstance to Israel to the duration of the the second quarter's Both Vance and Chief mand to llmlt the treaty defray the cost of the treaty. 8.7 percent growth rate. arms negotiator Paul to a term of only flve withdrawal from Sinai. The Israelis are seek However, government Warnke have been pro years mlght be a bargaln The pullback 1S to be lng massive financial econom1sts had pred1cted jecting an upbeat~ssess lng posltlon at the talks made over a period of asslstance from the U.S. for months that the ment of the chances of designed to extract a three years. to pay for the move from economy would slow down reachlng an agreement in conceSSlon from Israel. Begln cha1red the occupled terr1tories, durlng the second half prlnciple WhlCh could They dld not say what the secret meeting, as he did apart from the cost of of the year and finish lead to a Unlted States conceSSlon might be. Sunday and Tuesday, and building two airbases in with a growth rate of U.S.S.R. summit meeting. Modal said it w1ll cost ne1ther he nor the cabl southern Israel, plus a Sllghtly more than 4 But other senior mem more than the reported net secretary would com speedup in weapons de percent. bers of Vance's dele $4.5 b1llion for Israel ment on 1t afterwards. llvery to ensure Israel's Friday's report con gation have been offering to withdraw ltS mll1tary The prlme m1nlster securlty during the pull firmed that trend and a more guarded assessment, installations and C1Vll met after the session back, an Israell source also dispelled fears of to prevent unwarrented lan settlements from the with Harold Saunder, as- said.