inclusive policy, social development Strengthening and streamlining energy advice and redress An independent review of the adequacy of energy advice and redress – full report Georgia Klein 07939 541 807
[email protected] Section Page 1. Introduction 3 2. Key policy developments 7 3. Consumer needs – current and future 16 4. Definition of adequate energy advice and redress provision 29 5. An assessment of the adequacy of current advice provision 37 6. An assessment of the adequacy of current redress provision 58 7. Proposals for improving provision 75 Appendices and a standalone executive summary are also available at Page 2 of 88 Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter sets out the review objectives, the approach taken and the key limitations on the review. The review’s primary objective was to identify the changes needed to the existing regulatory and delivery framework in order to deliver optimal energy advice and redress to domestic consumers (particularly vulnerable consumers) and micro-business consumers in Great Britain. Because the commissioning organisation – the Citizens Advice Service – is itself an advice provider, a number of measures were put in place to ensure the review was robust, objective and independent. Of key importance was the development of an assessment framework, along with the collection of data to evidence performance against this. The review was limited by the non-disclosure of key information to the reviewer and weaknesses in publicly available information, in spite of these services being funded by taxpayers and consumers. Nonetheless, the review: provides a robust evaluation framework that can be applied to help drive future improvements in advice and redress provision in energy as well as other sectors provides a comprehensive, aggregate view of the performance of both energy advice and energy redress in Great Britain; and secures sufficient evidence to indicate the improvements needed to the regulatory and delivery framework to secure adequate energy advice and redress.