Recipe Category / and Pastries

Greek with – Lagana

10' 80'' 25' 2 1 Ηands on Hands off Cook Time Portion(s) Difficulty


50 g ouzo 300 g water, lukewarm 10 g yeast 1 pinch granulated sugar salt 1 tablespoon(s) anise, seeds 550 g hard flour 2 tablespoon(s) oil

For the coating

2 tablespoon(s) water 1 teaspoon(s) granulated sugar 1/2 teaspoon(s) anise, seeds 40 g sesame seeds 2 tablespoon(s)

To serve

Method olive oil In a mixer’s bowl add the ouzo, water, yeast, sugar, salt, anise, and mix with a hand fish roe dip whisk. olive oil, with vanilla Add the flour and allow 15-20 minutes for the yeast to be activated. Add the olive oil and beat with the hook attachment at medium speed for 8-10 minutes. Διατροφικός πίνακας Add the dough into a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and allow 30-60 minutes for it to double in volume. Nutrition information per 100 gr. Place it onto your working surface and divide the dough into two even pieces. Roll out each piece of dough with a little flour, until it is shaped like a flatbread -lagana. Transfer into two greased baking pans and set aside. 304 1.7 44.0 In a bowl add the sugar, the water, and with a pastry brush, spread on both . Calories 10.0 Saturated Total Carbs Sprinkle with the anise and sesame seeds, and cover with kitchen towels. Allow 20-25 (kcal) Total Fat (g) Fat (g) (g) minutes for them to rise. 15 % 14 % 9 % 17 % Preheat the oven to 220ο C (430ο F) set to fan. Press with your fingers in order to make indentations on the whole surface of the flatbreads. Spread 1 tablespoon olive oil on each flatbread and bake for 15-20 minutes. Bake them 1.2 7.2 2.7 0.27 at the same time for the best possible result. Sugars (g) Protein (g) Fibre (g) Sodium (g) Serve with olives, olive oil, taramosalata, and olive oil with vanilla. 1 % 14 % 11 % 5 %