4 Generations - 4 Families by Emmit Hayes Jr

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4 Generations - 4 Families by Emmit Hayes Jr www.mississippilink.com Vol. 20, No. 33 JuNe 12 - 18, 2014 50¢ During this Father’s Day… 4 Generations - 4 Families By Emmit Hayes Jr. who can serve as models and Special to The Mississippi Link be the leaders to resurrect His For so people. These black men have many black been oppressed, suppressed f a m i l i e s , and depressed. And in that the heads of state, God used mothers to h o u s e h o l d raise the man-child - in the have been absence of their fathers. mothers and That being said, from chal- not fathers. The harsh reality lenging and humble begin- is that this has been a result of nings, Emmit Hayes Sr. came the destruction of black fami- from a family dominated by lies born out of the systematic women. These women raised and intentional processes to him to become a strong black William Jasper, 97 Emmitt Hayes Sr., 91 Hardy Crudup, 82 Johny L.Crisler, 75 own and control human be- man. He married a strong See page 3 ings. black woman, raised a family The archaic and of four girls and dehumanizing in- COMMENTARY two boys, who all stitution of slavery love God, who all Mayor Tony Yarber will Women’s Build 2014 draws on has left a residue have strong work of Jim Crow and villanization ethics, and love for family. that is now literally embedded They all graduated from col- celebrate inaugural gala - support of two first ladies and in American culture and con- tinues today. But prayerfully, God has Fathers “Our Moment, Our Time” lieutenant governor’s wife Continued on page 5 seen fit to raise up black men Medgar remembered Ceaser Dennis McKay, dir. of Personnel, Mayor Yarber, and Fire Chief Ronerick Dekeith Simpson Rosalind Yarber, Elise Winter and Elee Reeves at Women’s Build Eze Uzodinma Jr., second from right, sang The Star Spangled By Othor Cain ily coasted to victory. The Mississippi Link Newswire Banner at the Evers Scholarship Banquet. He is accompanied by Guest Columnist urdays from May through July. his wife Cynthia and his father, violinist Eze Uzodinma Sr. They are It is with those same at- Christina Woods put in hours of Donors and corporate sponsors joined by actor Dan Aykroyd. After a strong finish in the tributes that Yarber will cel- sweat equity into the home built are underwriting the entire cost April 22 mayoral run-off elec- ebrate with an inaugural gala from the ground up just for her for construction materials and site By Stephanie R. Jones younger family members in order tion, Mayor Tony Yarber hit Saturday, June 21 at the Jack- Contributing Writer and her two daughters, Saturday, preparation. to continue to preserve the memo- the ground running. Armed son Convention Complex, June 8, 2014. The corner property Lowe’s, the National Women’s As the Medgar W. Evers Home- ry of his younger brother, Medgar. with a desire to build con- 105 E. Pascagoula St. The home should be ready for occu- Build sponsor, kicked off the fund coming Celebration committee Evers said the weekend celebra- sensus among all residents gala is for ‘everyday people,’ pancy in August 2014. raising drive by donating $5,000 issued annual scholarships to five tion, which has been held annually of Jackson, Yarber quickly to celebrate all the good that She also had the honor of work- to Habitat for Humanity Missis- students heading to college, the since 1973, has been a way to hon- moved to name senior staff Jackson has to offer. ing side-by-side with the honorary sippi Capital Area for Women event’s organizer since its incep- members that are young, pro- The inaugural gala plan- chairs for the 2014 Women’s Build Build 2014. tion, Charles Evers, announced Evers gressive and inclusive. ning committee has worked for Habitat for Humanity - Jack- “Everyone deserves safe, de- that he is passing the torch to Continued on page 5 Yarber ran on a theme of diligently to put together an son’s First Lady Rosalind Yarber; cent housing, but not everyone can ‘Everyday People’ and often evening to be remembered. Elee Reeves, wife of Lt. Gov. Tate turn to the regular housing mar- articulated what that meant. Operating under the theme Reeves; and former Mississippi ket,” said Maura Phillips, chair “I believe that every citi- “Our Moment, Our Time,” First Lady Elise Winter who is of Women Build 2014 for Habitat zen in Jackson should have a the evening will include an also the founder of Habitat for Hu- for Humanity Mississippi Capital working knowledge of what’s array of delectable foods, un- manity Mississippi Capital Area. Area. happening in Jackson.… I forgettable music and amaz- This year’s Women Build vol- “For many families, those doors believe that the people of ing fellowship. unteers raised all of the money are closed. Habitat for Humanity, Jackson are the ones who Entertainers confirmed are for the build and supplied most however, provides an opportunity make Jackson great…; we Dexter Allen, Willie Clayton, of the volunteers. Members of the for 100 percent home ownership must promote all of the awe- Tonya Ware, Ben Cone III Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Beta through an interest free mortgage - some things that are happen- and Worship. Delta Omega Chapter also volun- a leg up to a better life and brighter ing in our city,” Yarber said Join us for this special teered, including chapter president future.” at several campaign stops. evening of celebration. The Armerita D. Tell and vice-presi- Jill Beneke, co-chair, said With that theme, his natu- event begins at 7 p.m. dent Andrea Miles. JUNE 17 & 24 ral charisma and the ability For additional informa- For Women Build 2014 to be See page 6 to connect, everyday people tion, please call 601-699- a success, approximately 200 Women’s Build embraced Yarber and he eas- 3123. volunteers are working eight Sat- Continued on page 17 U.S. has Why the Arsenio Book Review: Share this issue with a friend negotiated with Hall Show was “All Different by mailing it to: terrorists cancelled Now: Juneteenth Inside the First Day of Freedom” Page 12 Page 19 Page 18 2 • the mississippi link June 12 - 18, 2014 www.mississippilink.com COMMUNITY www.mississippilink.com JunE 12 - 18, 2014 THE mississippi link • 3 4 GenerationsBy Ayesha K. Mustafaa - 4 Families and Jackie Hampton The Jasper men – four living generations: The Hayes men – four living generations: The Crudup men – four living generations: William Jasper, Vernon Jasper, Jarrett Emmitt Hayes Sr., Emmitt Hayes Jr., Hardy Crudup, Bishop Ronnie Crudup, Jasper and Jarrett Jasper, Jr. Cleophus Amerson III, and Kendrick Amerson Ronnie Crudup Jr. and David William Jas- Emmitt Hayes This long per will turn 98 Sr., 91, retired standing Missis- years old, July principal of Jim sippi family patri- 9, 2014. He is a Hill High School, arch Hardy Crud- World War II vet- said his philoso- up is 82 years old. eran and now 100 phy in raising He is a veteran of percent disabled. his two sons was the Korean War, A native of Ed- “disobedience serving in the U.S. wards, Miss., and would not be tol- Army in 1952. He Hinds County, he erated.” recalls that the was born to Wil- He said he, military was in- liam Jasper Sr. along with his tegrated in 1949, and Annie Thom- wife, Odie Swee- so black soldiers as Jasper. zer Hayes, taught Emmitt Hayes Sr. (seated), Kendrick Amerson, Kelvin could no longer As the na- them that they be called out of William Jasper (seated), Jarrett, Jarrett Jr., Vernon Hayes and Cleophus Amerson Hardy Crudup (seated), Ronnie Sr., Ronnie Jr. and David tion recently should always be their names. commemorated work with him mowing the lawn obedient to their and the two of them jumped into He speaks fond- house - one being the disciplinar- D-Day of World War II, among of others. parents, referencing scriptures the car well past midnight head- ly of his mother Daisy Putnam ian and the other being soft and black families are many men who He recalls his good fortune to found in Ephesians 6: 1-4 which ing to the school to meet the cops. Crudup who raised him after his easy. He said the disciplinarian served their country. William present the ‘ceremonial cake’ for speaks of children obeying their When asked was that a frightening father died when he was seven role goes to his wife, Jacqueline; went into the U.S. Army in 1942, the U.S. House of Representa- parents so they may live long in the experience he said, “No, because I years old. He had three older they’ve been married 38 years. was stationed in Saipan and hon- tives and Senate commemorating land. Hayes is a longtime member was with my dad.” brothers. Raising boys in Missis- Thinking about young black orably discharged due to medical as a holiday for the state of Mis- of College Hill M.B. Church where Cleophus Amerson III, Hayes’ sippi, Hardy said, the challenge boys today, Bishop Ronnie said reasons in 1945. In 1947, he had sissippi in 1971 the birthday of he continues to serve as a deacon. first grandson, recalls traveling to was to keep them out of trouble. many youth today are deficient open heart surgery. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He said his single tidbit of advice connect with his grandfather and He had to keep them from when it comes to this model.
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