Coloman, King of Galicia and Duke of Slavonia (1208–1241): Medieval

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Coloman, King of Galicia and Duke of Slavonia (1208–1241): Medieval CONTENTS List of Illustrations ..............................................................vii ........................................................................ix Foreword Introduction .....................................................................1 PART ONE: COLOMAN AS CHILD RULER OF GALICIA Chapter 1. The Galician Context in 1205 ..........................................11 Chapter 2. The Agreement of Scepus .............................................21 . Coloman’s Coronation as King of Galicia: Date and Place ................ Chapter 3 31 Chapter 4. .............................. The Hungarian Elite and Coloman’s Court 43 Chapter 5. .....51 Coloman’s Position in Halych, 1215–22: Campaigns and Opponents . .............57 Chapter 6 Upholding the Galician Claim: Coloman’s Place in Hungary PART TWO: COLOMAN, DUKE OF WHOLE SLAVONIA (1226–1241) Chapter 7. ..................................... Coloman and Scepus, before 1226 63 . ........................ Chapter 8 Coloman as Duke of Whole Slavonia from 1226 69 Chapter 9. Coloman’s Status and the Inner Workings of the Duchy .................79 Chapter 10. Coloman’s Ecclesiastical and Secular Actitivities in Slavonia ...........91 vi Contents Chapter 11. Coloman’s Rule in Slavonia ...........................................99 Chapter 12. Politics and Dynastic Affairs ........................................105 . Challenges in the Balkans ...........................................115 Chapter 13 Chapter 14. The Mongol Attack and Coloman’s Death ............................121 Conclusion: Coloman in the Eyes of Posterity ....................................127 Bibliography ................................................................... 133 Index ..........................................................................141 FOR PRIVATE AND NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figures ........................................... 25 Figure 1. The Castle of Scepus in 2016............................................ 40 Figure 2. The Church of Pantheleimon. ....................... 41 Figure 3. The Western Gate of the Church of Pantheleimon. Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia) . ............................................ 41 Figure 4. The Southern or “Princely” Gate of the Cathedral of .................................. 54 Figure 5. The Medieval Tower .................................................... on the Hill Today Figure 6. Spiš Castle in 2016 . 65 Figure 7. Coloman’s Plaque on his Statue ............................................. in Gödöllő 9467 Figure 8. The Castle of Medvedgrad.................................................. 95 Figure 9. The Church of Čazma. .............................. Figure 10. Coloman’s Equestrian Statue in Gödöllő 128 Maps ...............................................................7 Map 1. The Kingdom of Hungary and its Neighbouring Territories in the 1230s Twelfth to Thirteenth Centuries .......................................... 15 Map 2. The Principality of Galicia–Volhynia and its Vicinity in the ...................... 17 Map 3. The Galician Campaigns of Andrew II in 1205–1227. 24 Map 4. Scepus (Szepesség, Spiš) in the Thirteenth Century. ............................ Map 5. Halych, the Centre of the Galician Principality. ...................... 37 Map 6. The Church of the Assumption and its Surroundings................................... 4039 Map 7. The Hill of the Church of Panthaleimon. viii List of iLLustrations .................. Map 8. The Hill of Halych in the Twelfth to Thirteenth Centuries. .............. 53 Map 9. Slavonia, Croatia, and Neighbouring Territories in the 1230s. .........11073 Map 10. Polish Principalities in the First Half of the Thirteenth .................... Century. 122 Map 11. The Mongol Invasion of Central Europe in 1241–42. FOR PRIVATE AND NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY FOREWORD on the life of Prince Coloman’s published in 2017. The core arguments of the authors thavehe notpresent been changed, book but is thea revised explanation and expanded and development version of of a Hungariancertain problems monograph have of necessity been altered to cater for a wider readership, whose members may not be familiar with the intricacies of Hungarian and, in a broader sense, Eastern European Easternmedieval European history. The historians bibliography are increasingly has been changed, publishing to include the results studies of both their in researchEastern­ inEuropean foreign languages,languages althoughand in world these languages. papers may This not shows always how be known Hungarian to the and Western other make the text easier to read. scientific community. In addition, the number of citations has been reduced in order to Coloman, the main character of the book, it is important to recognize, is a significant himfigure interesting in the historiography for Ukrainian of and several Russian contemporary historical researchers; countries, which his Polish means wife that has we the as samehistorians importance need to for be Polishaware scholars,of sensitivities while aroundhis years his in heritage. Scepus are His of role note in for Galicia Slovak makes his torians and his role as the duke of Slavonia engages Croatian and Bosnian historians. But ­ as a member of the A� rpádian dynasty, Coloman’s life was organized and led by the rules theof the historiography medieval Kingdom of various of Hungary, countries, and a secondary so we need aim to of examine this book him has carefully been to inmake the context of the kingdom of the A� rpáds. So, while the authors utilized information found in somewhat neglected internationally due to the language barrier. available the results of recent Hungarian research, especially as this has previously been ColomanThe fact thatin English. Coloman We is hope a key that historical this work figure will inresonate Russia amongand the scholars Ukraine, in Croatia our neigh and bouringBosnia, Polandcountries and as Slovakia, well as among as well medievalists as Hungary todayworldwide, justifies and this we firsthope monograph that this pub on ­ ­ lication draws more scholars into the fascinating world of medieval east­central Europe. English to handle the diverse spellings of toponyms and personal names in different versionsIt is quite in a bothchallenge historical in the sources case of and a study modern on Easternlanguages. European The personal history names written and in toponyms of Slavic languages using Cyrillic letters complicate this picture even further, especially because the rules are not the same regarding the English transcription of each on spelling in sources either, because the name of a single person can appear in different versions,language (Russian,not to speak Ukrainian, of the difference Serbian, Bulgarian,between the and languages so on). One of thecannot sources rely exclusively(especially the medieval Eastern Slavic chronicles) and those used in today’s countries. Even when toa set us ofthat rules there exists is no for single the transcriptionsolution, which of wouldCyrillic not in bescientific open to publications, criticism, which in practice is why weone have can findproduced more thanbelow one a pragmatic version in tablehistorical of alternatives works written and ourin English. preferred It seems forms. clear x foreword We have had to face other challenges beyond transcription and transliteration, par ­ garianticularly versions the usage have of been geographical adopted, althoughand personal their namescurrent in names general. in otherFor toponyms languages, for if places which lay within the borders of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, generally Hun­ to in their English form (for instance, Danube, Vistula). outside present­day Hungary, are also supplied at the first mention. Rivers are referred often inconsistent, and the size of some of the territories has changed over the course of time.Furthermore, In certain the cases, medieval the medieval practice term regarding has been the used names (for of instance, certain territoriesScepus), but is between the medieval principality and the settlement, the term “Galicia” is used exclu in other places a different approach has proved necessary. For instance, to distinguish Slavic Chronicles did not make any distinction. The term “Poland” is also used, although­ thesively authors for the are principality, aware of thewhile fragmentation “Halych” is used of the for territory the settlement, in the twelftheven though to thirteenth Eastern centuries. So, Poland refers in this study to a particular territory, not a single politi cal entity. We have also added nicknames for certain persons, to help identify people ­ instance Iaroslav “the Wise,” Mstislav “the Mute,” and so on. with the same forenames, even if in several cases they are not historically adequate, for Galicia and on the circumstances and events leading up to his coronation and on his The book is in two parts. Part One focuses on Coloman’s life in the Principality of his life and actions as duke of Slavonia, when he ruled the southern territories of the reign as a Hungarian royal prince in this Rus’ian principality. Part Two concentrates on his older brother, King Béla IV. RealmThe of rationale St. Stephen for (medievalthis division Hungary) is that Coloman’sat the grace life of fallshis father, into two Andrew separate II, and phases. later He became ruler of the Rus’ian principality of Galicia as a child as a result of his father’s political achievements and Hungarian expansion in the region, but after a few years he thewas second
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