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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65040-3 - The Cambridge History of British Theatre: Origins to 1660: Volume 1 Edited by Jane Milling and Peter Thomson Index More information Index Thepage numbers in italic indicate illustrations. Abbots of Misrule 75, 76, 84, 118, 120 improvisation; knaves; parts system; Abell, William (London alderman) 150 professional troupes; sharers Aberdeen 74, 75–6, 80, 85, 118, 123 Actors’ Remonstrance (1644) 447, 464 Abergavenny, Lord ( fl. 1575) 147 actresses 439–40, 476 Abingdon, Oxon 187, , 192 Adam (Anglo-Norman vernacular play) 45–6 Abraham and Isaac (Brome history play) 57 Adam, The Fall of (medieval play) 61 absolutism, royal 381, 401–5 Adams, John (clown) 410 academic and educational drama 123–6 admission, cost of 189–90, 314, 324, 325, 335–8 see also school plays and under Inns of advertising see publicity Court; universities aerial scenes 392 acoustics, Roman theatre 14 see also flying devices acrobats 10, 16, 24, 70 Agricola, Cn. Julius 6, 11 actors 144–52 Alabaster, William; Roxana 303 acting styles and casting 151; see also under Alban, St 19 Armin, Robert; Kemp, Will Albigenses 47 attraction of career 229–30, 244–5 Alcazar, battle of 256 alterations to scripts 162–3, 430 Alenc¸on, Franc¸ois Hercule de Valois, duc d’ in commercial theatre 229–34 251, 260 in court masques 384 ales 62, 65, 121, 182 finances 145, 147, 148, 229–34, 273, 350 Book of Sports permits 185 masterless 146, 147–8 church fund-raising 184–5 patronage see under professional troupes and community spirit 185 person and persona 172,
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