•-**L* Piuipalla'l'ory COHMISSIO!I POR Tlle INTERNATIOIL\L S&A-BED AUTBORITY Alld POR Tlle Inteiuiatiollal TRIBUNAI
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UNITED NATIONS ws Distr. GENERAL UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE LOS/PCN/INF / 13 LAW OF THE SEA 19 August 1987 ORIGINAL: AR.ABIC/CllINESE/ENGLISH/ FRENCll/RUSSIAN/SPANISH t' .,....,.,... 11;1.1 11~, .. ~, J t......JI .:,¡,; li.H,..~ ..iJ n.<. 1~ J t...J 1 lll 15F •• f 31 ,iJ :"7 lll 15F • ~ jJ:. jJ:. ~ •-**l* PIUIPAllA'l'ORY COHMISSIO!I POR TllE INTERNATIOIL\L S&A-BED AUTBORITY AllD POR TllE INTEIUIATIOllAL TRIBUNAI. POR TllE LAW OF TllE SZA CXlllMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE L'AU'l'ORITE IHTERNATIONALE DES FONDS MARINS ET DIJ TRIBUNAL INTERNATIONAL DU DROIT DE LAMER DO,!!I'OTOBwrEm.HA.'i KOMRCcm .IOlll 16EltmY1L\PO.IIliOI'O OPI'AHA no MOPCKOl&Y .na:r H ~.ztHoro TPmlYRAJIA no MOPCKOMY IIPARY CX»IISION PREPARATORIA DE LA AUTORIDAD IN'l'ZllNACIONAL DE LOS FONDOS MARINOS Y DEL TRIBUNAL INTERNACIONAL DEL DBRECllO DEL MAR ' ;;_,,~ 1 ~ 1 é ~ 1 C._,.b ._..=.J 1 .... ,,... _,J 1 \~AV .,Jo..Sl/~T r\ - d...;.J37.I)~ rv ' dJ37.,.,,_:, lli~1987~7A276~8A21B~fü~~tt~ ~ .:¡.~ B1 4?-4H5L~ 1~* m Delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Conunission, New York, 27 July-21 August 1987 Délégations présentes a la Réunion de la Conunission préparatoire, New York, 27 juillet-21 aout 1987 AeneraQHH~ yqacTsoeasmae e pa6oTe ceccHH IloArOTOBHTenbHOÜ KOMHCCHH, Hb~-fiopK, 27 HDJIH-21 aarycTa 1987 roAa Delegaciones a la reunión de la Comisión Preparatoria, Nueva York, 27 de julio a 5 de agosto de 1987 87-19840 - 2 - ALGERIA Représentants M. Rabah Kerouaz, sous-directeur des conventions multilatérales, Minist8re des affaires étrangeres (chef de la délégation) M. Abdallah Baali, conseiller, rnission permanente, New York M. Tewfik Abada, premier secrétaire, rnission permanente, New York M. Yacine Hadji, troisi8me secrétaire, Minist8re des affaires étrang8res ANGOLA Représentants M. Carlos Alberto Saraiva de Carvalho Fonseca, directeur des affaires juridiques et consulaires, Ministere des relations extérieures (chef de la délégation) Mme Anabela De Jesus Lopes Corujeira Angelice, juriste, Minist8re des relations extérieures ARGENTINA Representantes Sr. Horacio Basabe, Ministro, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto (Jefe de la delegación) Sr. Pedro Villagra Delgado, Primer Secretario, Misión Permanente, Nueva York Sr. Osvaldo Mársico, Secretario, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto AUSTRALIA Representative Mr. Gary F. Quinlan, Director, Maritime Resources Section, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Chairman of the delegation) Alternate Representatives Mr. Peter D. Ingharn, Senior Mining Engineer, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Mr. John M. Anning, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. John W. H. Denten, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Advisers Mr. Alastair G. McLean, Deputy Government Solicitor for the State of Victoria Mr. R. S. Fraser, Australian Mining Industry Council - 3 - AUSTRIA Representativa H.E. Dr. Karl Wolf, Ambassador BANGLADESH Representa ti ves H.E. Mr. Justice B. A. Siddiky, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representativa to the United Nations (Chairman of the delegation) Dr. Afsarul Qader, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. A. H. M. Moniruzzaman, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York BELGIUM Représentants M. Hugo Fonder, envoyé extraordinaire et ministre plénipotentiaire, représentant permanent adjoint, Chargé d'affaires a.i. aupres de l'Organisation des Nations Unies (chef de la délégation) M. Herman Portocarero, premier secrétaire, mission permanente, New York BHUTAN Representa ti ves Mr. Sonam T. Rabgye, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Mrs. Kunzang C. Namgyel, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York BOLIVIA Representantes S.E. Dr. Jorge Gumucio Granier, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas (Jefe de la Delegación) Sr. Erwin Ortiz--Oandarillas, Ministro Consejero, Misi6n Permanente, Nueva York Sr. Gonzalo Caprirolo-<:attoretti, Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente, Nueva York BRAZIL Representa ti ves Mr. Mauro Mendes de Azeredo, Minister, Head of the Department for International Special Themes, Ministry of External Relations (Chairman of the delegation) Mr. Fernando Simas Magalhaes, Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission, New York (Deputy Chairman of the delegation) - 4 - BRAZIL ( cont. ) Advisers Prof. Vicente Marotta Rangel, Dean, Faculty of Law, Sao Paulo University Commander Odolfo Hermano de Carvalho Franco, Presidency of the Republic Commander Jairo Barbosa Lopes, Ministry of Navy Dr. Alfredo José da Silva Netto, Petróleo Brasileiro, S.A. Mr. Lauro Eduardo Soutello Alves, Secretary, Ministry of Externa! Relations BULGARIA Representa ti ves H.E. Mr. Ivan Garvalov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Chairman of the delegation) Mr. Valentin Dobrev, Third Secretary, Head of Section, Treaty and Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Emil Yordanov Golemanov, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York BURKINA FASO Représentant M. Antonin Ouedraogo, Chargé d'affaires a.i. de la mission, New York BURMA Representatives H.E. Mr. Maung Maung Gyi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Chairman of the delegation) Mr. Win Mra, Deputy Permanent Representativa to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the delegation) Mr. Min Naing, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York (Secretary of the delegation) BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Representative Mr. Aleksandr N. Buben, Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs CAMEROON Représentants S.E. M. Paul Bamela Engo, ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire, représentant permanent aupres des Nations Unies (chef de la délégation) M. Jean Remy Mbaya, conseiller technique, Ministere de la Justice (chef-adjoint de délégation) - 5 - CAMEROON (cont.) M. Samuel Sona Betah, sous-directeur de la G~ologie, Ministere des mines et de l'énergie M. Jean Paul Ayina, chef de services des organes économiques, sociaux et humanitaires de l'ONU, Ministere des affaires étrangeres CAN ADA Representa ti ve Mr. Philippe Kirsch, Director, Legal Operations Division, Department of Externa! Affairs (Chairman of the delegation) Alternate Representativa Mr. Douglas G. Fraser, Legal Operations Division, Department of Externa! Affairs Advisers Mr. G. R. Peeling, Director, International Mineral Relations Division, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Mr. Denis Audet, International Economic Relations, Department of Finance CAPE VERDE Representa ti ves H.E. Mr. José Luis Jesus, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representativa to the United Nations (Chairman of the delegation) Mr. Fernando Whanon Ferreira, Head of Division of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. José Armando F. Ferreira Duarte, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Représentant M. Ahmat Abderaman Haggar, premiar conseiller, mission permanente, New York CHILE Representantes S.E. Sr. Pedro Daza, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas (Jefe de la delegación) Sr. Cristián Maquieira, Consejero, Misión Permanente, Nueva York Sr. Rolando Drago, Segundo Secretario, Dirección de Política Especial, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores - 6 - CHINA Representa tives Mr. Chen Bingxin, Deputy Director-General, State Oceanic Administration (Chairman of the delegation) Mr. Ouyang Chuping, Deputy Director, Department of Treaties and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairman of the delegation) Ms. Zou Deci. Legal Adviser. Department of Ocean Management, State Oceanic Administration Alternate Representativas Mr. Yu Yuancheng, Deputy Director, Office of Foreign Affairs. State Oceanic Administration Mr. Xiao Hanqiang, Deputy Chief, Division of Geology, Bureau of Petroleum and Marine Geology, Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources Advisers Dr. Chang Kening. Department of Treaties and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mao Bin, Secretary, Office of Foreign Affairs, State Oceanic Administration Mr. Wang Zonglai, Department of Treaties and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs COLOMBIA Represantantes S.E. Dr. Antonio José Uribe-Portocarrero. Embajador (Jefe de la delegación) Srta. NinÓn Millan, Ministro Plenipotenciario, Misión Permanente, Nueva York (Jefe-Alterno de la delegación) Dr. Alfonso LÓpez-Reina, Ministro Consejero. Director General del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones GeolÓgico-Mineras. INGEOMINAS Dra. Fanny Umaña, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente, Nueva York Dr. Jorge Alberto Helo-Harfouche, Consejero. Misión Permanente, Nueva York Dra. Lilyam Sarmiento de Santamaría, Consejero. Misión Permanente, Nueva York COSTA RICA Representantes S.E. Dr. Carlos José Gutiérrez. Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario. Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas (Jefe de la delegación) S.E. Sra. Emilia Castro de Barish. Embajador. Primer Representante Permanente Alterno ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Lic. Alfredo J. Ortuño. Embajador, Representante Permanente Alterno ante las Naciones Unidas Sr. Adolfo Chacón. Consejero, Misión Permanente. Nueva York - 7 - COTE D'IVOIRE Représentants S.E. M. Amara Essy, ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire, représentant permanent aupres des Nations Unies (chef de la délégation) M. Robert Guehi, directeur des affaires maritimes, portuaires et industrielles, Ministere de la marine (chef-adjoint de délégation) M. runakou Brou, ingénieur g~ologue, Ministere des mines CUBA Representantes Sr. Pelegrín Torras de la Luz, Asesor del