I.D. No. 24 Wood Buffalo

Wood Buffalo National Park of

Mackenzie County

Regional Municipality County of Northern Lights of Wood Buffalo

Clear Hills County NW NE

M.D. of Opportunity No. 17

MD of Peace MD of Fairview No.135 No.136 MD of Spirit River No.133 County MD of Smoky River No.130 M.D. of Lesser County of Grande Big Lakes Slave River No. 124 County Prairie No. 1 I.D. No. 349

Athabasca County M.D. of Greenview No. 16 M.D. of Bonnyville No. 87

County of Westlock Smoky Lake Barrhead No. 11 County County County of St. Sturgeon Paul No. 19 Lac Ste. Anne County County Lamont I.D. No. 25 County County of Two CENTRAL ID No.13 Willmore Wilderness (Elk Island) Hills No. 21 of County of County Minburn No. 27 Vermilion River Beaver County

Jasper Nation al County of No. 10 Camrose M.D. of Park of Can ad a County Wainwright No. 61 Flagstaff I.D. No. 12 Jasper County M.D. of County of Provost No. 52 Clearwater County Coun ty of Stettler No. 6 Paintearth No. 18

Red Deer County Special Areas 4 Starland Mountain Kneehill View County County Special Areas 3 Banff National County Park of Canada I.D. No. M.D. of Bighorn No. 8 Special Areas 2 MD of 9 Banff Acadia No.34 SW Wheatland County SE

Kananaskis of ABP ZONES I.D. County Newell NW NE Central MD of MD of Willow Creek SE Ranchlands M.D. of No.66 No. 26 County Taber SW MD of 1:2,000,000 Crowsnest Pass km County of Forty MD of Pincher 0 25 50 100 150 200 Mile No. 8 Creek No. 9 Prepared by: County of Warner No. 5 ID No.4 County Waterton

Map Town # AB Beef Producers September 2020 BEEF PRODUCER ZONES **

SOUTH-EAST ZONE Southeast Zone comprises those lands that are located within the following areas: (a) Cypress County; (j) Town of Drumheller; (b) County of Forty Mile No. 8; (k) County of Stettler No. 6; (c) County of Warner No. 5; (l) County of Paintearth No. 18; (d) Municipal District of Taber; (m) Special Area No. 2; (e) ; (n) Special Area No. 3; (f) Vulcan County; (o) Special Area No. 4; (g) Wheatland County; (p) Municipal District of Acadia No. 34; (h) ; (q) any city, town, or village that is (i) ; encompassed by the land described in clauses (a) to (p).

SOUTH-WEST ZONE Southwest Zone comprises those lands that are located within the following areas: (a) ; (j) Kananaskis Improvement District; (b) Improvement District No. 4 (Waterton); (k) Rocky View County; (c) Muncipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9; (l) Municipal District of Bighorn No. 8; (d) Municipality of Crowsnest Pass; (m) Improvement District No. 9 (Banff); (e) Municipal District of Willow Creek No. 26; (n) ; (f) ; (o) Clearwater County; (g) Municipal District of Ranchland No. 66; (p) ; (h) Foothills County; (q) any city, town, or village that is (i) City of ; encompassed by the land described in clauses (a) to (p).

CENTRAL ZONE Central Zone comprises those lands that are located within the following areas: (a) Lacombe County; (n) ; (b) Ponoka County; (o) County of Barrhead No. 11; (c) County of Wetaskiwin No. 10; (p) Lac Ste. Anne County; (d) Leduc County; (q) Parkland County; (e) Strathcona County; (r) Brazeau County; (f) Improvement District No. 13 (Elk Island) (s) Yellowhead County; (g) City of ; (t) Improvement District No. 12 (Jasper (h) ; National Park) (i) Thorhild County; (u) Municipality of Jasper; (j) ; (v) Improvement District No. 25 (Willmore (k) Municipal District of Opportunity No. 17; Wilderness); (l) Municipal District of Lesser Slave River (w) any city, town, or village that is No. 124; encompassed by the land described in (m) Woodlands County; clauses (a) to (v).


NORTH-WEST ZONE Northwest Zone comprises those lands that are located within the following areas: (a) County of No. 1; (i) Municipal District of Peace No. 135; (b) Municipal District of Greenview No. 16; (j) Northern Sunrise County; (c) ; (k) County of Northern Lights; (d) Municipal District of Smoky River No. 130; (l) ; (e) ; (m) ; (f) Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133; (n) any city, town, or village that is (g) Saddle Hills County; encompassed by the land described in (h) Municipal District of Fairview No. 136; clauses (a) to (m).

NORTH-EAST ZONE Northeast Zone comprises those lands that are located within the following areas: (a) ; (k) County of St. Paul No. 19; (b) ; (l) Municipal District of Bonnyville No. 87; (c) Municipal District of Provost No. 52; (m) Lac La Biche County; (d) Municipal District of Wainwright No. 61; (n) Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo; (e) Beaver County; (o) Improvement District No. 24 (Wood (f) ; Buffalo); (g) County of Minburn No. 27; (p) Improvement District No. 349; (h) County of Vermilion River; (q) any city, town, or village that is (i) County of Two Hills No. 21; encompassed by the land described in (j) ; clauses (a) to (p).

** Zones as outlined in the 2020 ABP nomination form and on the ABP zone map are pending approval by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry as per proposed changes to the Alberta Beef Producers Plan Regulation (Alberta Regulation 286/2009).