Submitted by: Smt. Swarna Akkamma D.No.7-337, swrna pitchayas street, Piduguralla Village & Mandal, - 522413 Mobile: +91 94408 78620



Pre‐Feasibility Report Smt. Swarna Akkamma – Lime Stone

Pre – Feasibility Report

Smt. Swarna Akkamma Piduguralla Village & Mandal, Guntur District Mobile: +91 94408 78620

1. Executive Summary Smt. Swarna Akkamma proposes to conduct opencast method quarrying for Lime stone extraction in an area of 74.49ha in Survey No. 855/61, Piduguralla Village& Mandal, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. 3rd Renewal of quarry lease for Lime stone was sanctioned orders issued by Industries and Commerce (M.II) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh vide G.O.Ms. No. 144 dated 30.4.2005. The Mining plan has been approved by the Regional Controller of Mines, Indian Bureau of Mines, vide Letter No. AP/GNR/MP/LST‐ 20‐HYD dated 10‐12‐2014.Total project cost proposed for the project is Rs. 60 Lakhs.

2. Introduction of the Project / Background Information: i) Identification of Project and project Proponent Smt. Swarna Akkamma has authorized Sri Subramanyam Akkamma of the company, who has experience in mining operations and mining business. ii) Brief description of nature of the project It is proposed to work the pit by open cast mining method. Loosening of stratum will be done by jack hammer drilling and blasting. Bench Parameters will be designed to suit the way of working. Height of the bench will be 3m width of the bench will be at least 5m. Road will be taken to the working bench. It is proposed to cut top 3m slice of the stratum to achieve annual production. Need for the project and its importance to the country and or region Lime stone mined is supplied to local kilns, as local cement plants have captive mines. The quality to limestone required for the kilns is Cao‐46 to 48% and SiO2 6‐7%. iii) Demand ‐ Supply Gap The limestone is suitable for lime industries. There are number of lime kilns in the area, providing ready market for the mineral. Imports Vs. Indigenous Production Limestone is supplied to local kilns. iv) Export possibility The mineral is used mainly by local lime kilns. v) Domestic/export Markets: Limestone is supplied to local kilns.

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Pre‐Feasibility Report Smt. Swarna Akkamma – Lime Stone vi) Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the project: The following employees are required for the proposed mining project/activity. S. No Employee Quantity 1 Mines Manager/Mining Engineer 1 2 Supervisory Staff 1 3 Geologist 1 4 Foreman 1 5 Mate 1 6 Driller 2 7 Helpers 10 8 Blaster 1 9 Driver 2 10 Supervisor 1 11 Breaker / Loader 70 12 Clerk 1 Total 92

3. Project Description i) Type of Project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any: There are no interlinked projects. Mining will be carried out by opencast benching method. There will be single large box type pit. This will be an extension of the existing pit. There is one bench on the western side. ii) Location (maps showing general location, specific location, and project boundary & project site layout with coordinates). Smt. Swarna Akkamma proposes to conduct opencast method quarrying for Lime stone extraction in an area of 74.49ha in Survey No. 855/61, Piduguralla Village, Piduguralla Mandal, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. The quarry lease area falls in the Survey of India topo sheet no. 56 P10, P11, P14 & P15 with GPS (WGS‐84 datum) co‐ordinates of Latitude 16°30'15.38"Nand Longitude 79°53'3.76"Ewith an elevation of 99m. The nearest village Chendripalem located at a distance of 1.4km from the QL area in Southeast direction. The nearest town is Piduguralla located at a distance of 3.0kms in South direction. Railway station is Piduguralla at a distance of 2.9kms in Southwest direction. The road access is Piduguralla to Pillutla road is passing at a distance of 2.0km from the QL area in East direction. The lease area can be accessible through a cart track. Konanki Reserved forest is at a distance of 5.4km in NE direction. Janapadu Reserved forest is at a distance of 5.0km in SE direction. Seasonal Erra Vagu is at a distance of 3.2km in Southeast direction. Akurajupalli Major Canal is at a distance of 3.6km in West direction. There is no national park, wildlife/bird sanctuary and critically polluted areas within 10km radius from the quarry lease area.Location map of the mine lease area is presented in figure 1.

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Pre‐Feasibility Report Smt. Swarna Akkamma – Lime Stone iii) Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting the proposed site, particularly the environmental considerations gone into should be highlighted. No alternative sites considered, the proposal is mining project and it is site specific. iv) Size or magnitude of operation: It is proposed to produce Lime Stone with an average production of 50000 TPA using mechanized open cast method of mining. v) Project description with process details (a schematic diagram/flow chart showing the project layout, components of the project etc. should be given) It is proposed to work the pit by open cast mining method. Loosening of stratum will be done by jack hammer drilling and blasting. Bench Parameters will be designed to suit the way of working. Height of the bench will be 3m width of the bench will be at least 5m. Road will be taken to the working bench. It is proposed to cut top 3m slice of the stratum to achieve the yearly production. vi) Raw material required along with estimated quantity likely source, marketing area of final product/s, mode of transport of raw material and finished product No raw material is required. Project is for mining lime stone. The extracted lime stone is used in captive consumption.

Figure – 1 Quarry lease location map 3 | Page

Pre‐Feasibility Report Smt. Swarna Akkamma – Lime Stone vii) Resource optimization/recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any, should be briefly outlined. The overburden waste in the form of boulder murram, shale, may get generated during the course of mining. It is separated while producing the ore and stored separately. viii) Availability of water its source, energy/power requirement and source should be given Water Requirement Water is required for domestic purposes, dust suppression, wetting the drill surfaces and green belt. The water requirement is presented in the following table. The required water shall be drawn from within the site from bore well. Total Water requirement S. No. Purpose Total KLD 1 Dust suppression 10 2 Wetting drill surface 5 3 Green belt 5 4 Domestic 4 Total 24

Electricity: Transformer is located at a distance of 100m from the QL area. ix) Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for their Management/disposal During the plan period the total quantity of waste likely to be generated is 23580 tons. No sub grade material will be generated during the course of mining. There is no top soil in the traditional sense. Overburden consists of agricultural soil having thickness of about 0.5m to 1m. 4. Site Analysis 4.1 Mine Location The mine lease of opencast method quarrying for Lime stone extraction in an area of 74.49ha is located at Survey No. 855/61, Piduguralla Village, Piduguralla Mandal, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. The quarry lease area falls in the Survey of India topo sheet no. 56 P10, P11, P14 & P15 with GPS (WGS‐84 datum) co‐ordinates of Latitude 16°30'15.38"Nand Longitude 79°53'3.76"Ewith an elevation of 99m. The nearest village Chendripalem located at a distance of 1.4km from the QL area in Southeast direction. The nearest town is Piduguralla located at a distance of 3.0kms in South direction. Railway station is Piduguralla at a distance of 2.9kms in Southwest direction. The road access is Piduguralla to Pillutla road is passing at a distance of 2.0km from the QL area in East direction. Konanki Reserved forest is at a distance of 5.4km in NE direction. Janapadu Reserved forest is at a distance of 5.0km in SE direction. Seasonal Erra Vagu is at a distance of 3.2km in Southeast direction. 4 | Page

Pre‐Feasibility Report Smt. Swarna Akkamma – Lime Stone

Akurajupalli Major Canal is at a distance of 3.6km in West direction. There is no national park, wildlife/bird sanctuary and critically polluted areas within 10km radius from the quarry lease area. 5. Planning Brief The project is envisaged to be put in production/mining by this year, and the production shall be initiated thereon. Geologists and Mining engineer are identified for preparing the detailed project report. 6. Proposed Infrastructure The nearest village Chendripalem is located at a distance of 1.4km from the QL area in Southeast direction. The nearest town is Piduguralla located at a distance of 3.0kms in South direction. Railway station is Piduguralla at a distance of 2.9kms in Southwest direction. The road access is Piduguralla to Pillutla road is passing at a distance of 2.0km from the QL area in East direction. The lease area accessible by an unpaved road. 6.2 Utilities Proponent has decided to undertake mechanized mining operations; the following mine machinery will be deployed. S. No Type of Machine No. of Units 1 Compressor 2 2 Jack Hammer driller 2 3 Hydraulic Excavator 1 4 Dumper 2 5 Explosive Van 1 6 Water Tanker 2 7 Jeep 1

6.3 Waste management Liquid Effluents There is no effluent generated from the mine operations. The effluent generated from the domestic source is sent to septic tank followed by soak pit. The water draining from the dump will be sent through a single point siltation tank. Silt carried from the quarry face will be deposited in the siltation tank and silt free water will be reused for greenery development. Air Pollution The dust anticipated during drilling will be suppressed by putting cloth around the hole and the dust would be generated during blasting, drilling and mining and also during handling and transportation of the material. The suggested control measures are Dust suppression systems (water spraying) to be adopted at Faces/sites before and after blasting, Faces/sites while loading; and Use of sharp drill bits for drilling holes and drills with water flushing systems (wet drilling) to reduce dust generation. Regular water spraying on haulage roads during transportation of mineral. Dust masks will be provided to the workers in the dressing section and dust collector in the drilling section.

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Pre‐Feasibility Report Smt. Swarna Akkamma – Lime Stone

Solid waste During the plan period the total quantity of waste likely to be generated is 23580 tones. The waste generated during the plan period may be dumped in the zone separately reserved for dumping in the quarry lease area covering an area of 4.3ha. 7. Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Plan No Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) as the proposed mine lease area does not have any habitation. 8. Project Schedule & Cost Estimates i) Likely date of start of construction and likely date of completion (Time schedule for the project to be given) Construction activity involves mine office cum rest shelter and toilets with temporary structures. The roof will be of asbestos sheets covered by hay to keep it cool during summer. A first aid certificate holder will be the in‐charge of the first aid room. Protected drinking water will be provided and stored in earthen pots. The operations will begin immediately after obtaining all statutory clearances. The estimated date of completion is March 2016. Estimated project cost along with analysis in terms of economic viability of the project The estimated cost of the project is approximately Rs. 60.0Lakhs. Purpose Cost Rs. In Lakhs Civil buildings 4 Machinery 49 Occupational health and Safety equipments 3 Contingencies & pre‐operative expenses 4 Total Project cost 60

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