SELECTIONS FROM OFFICIAL LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE UfE OF RAJA RAMMOHUN ROY VOL. I EDITED BY lW BAHADUR RAMAPRASAD CHANDA, F.R.A.S.B. L.u Supmnteml.nt of lhe ArchteO!ogit:..S Section. lnd;.n MMe~~m, CUct<lt.t. AND )ATINDRA KUMAR MAJUMDAR, M.A., Ph.D. (LoNDON), Of the Middk Temple, 11uris~er-M-Ltw, ddfJOcote, High Court, C41Cflll4 Sometime Professor of Pb.Josophy. Presidency College, C..Scutt.t. With an Introductory Memoir CALCUTIA ORIENTAL BOOK AGENCY 9> PANCHANAN GHOSE LANE, CALCUTTA Published in 1938 Printed and Published by J. C. Sarkhel, at the Calcutta Oriental Press Ltd., 9, Pancb&nan Ghose Lane, Calcutta. r---~-----~-,- 1 I I I I I l --- ---·~-- ---' -- ____j [By courtesy of Rammohun Centenary Committee] PREFACE By his refor~J~ing activities Raja Rammohun Roy made many enemies among the orthodox Hindus as well as orthodox Christians. Some of his orthodox countrymen, not satis· fied with meeting his arguments with arguments, went to the length of spreading calumnies against him regarding his cha· racter and integrity. These calumnies found their way into the works of som~ of his Indian biographers. Miss S, D. Collet has, however, very ably defended the charact~ of the Raja against these calumniet! in her work, "The Life and Letters of Raja Rammohun Roy." But recently documents in the archives of the Governments of Bengal and India as well as of the Calcutta High Court were laid under contribution to support some of these calumnies. These activities reached their climax when on the eve of the centenary celebration of the death of Raja Rammohun Roy on the 27th September, 1933, short extracts were published from the Bill of Complaint of a auit brought against him in the Supreme Court by his nephew Govindaprasad Roy to prove his alleged iniquities.
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