New Opportunities

Olivia Carbone

Friday Night Lights (T.V. Series) 12/11/2019 Olivia Carbone [email protected] 724-709-1655



EXT: WOMEN, mid-thirties running out of her house. Crying and hurt. She jumps in the car, pops open some pills, takes them and drives off. Man begins to shoot at her car but she gets away. She is wearing a rain jacket, jeans and boots.


INT:Bar in Dillion, Texas-Noon. Women walks in and sits at the bar. Takes more pills out of her purse and takes them.

BAR TENDER What'll be miss?

WOMEN Just a beer please.

BAR TENDER You got it! What brings a pretty girl like yourself to Dillion, Texas?

WOMEN I actually grew up here. I moved away and swore I would never come back but after losing my job and escaping an abusive relationship, I didn't know where else to turn to. My mom still lives here so I figured I would come pay her a visit.

BAR TENDER Everyone always wants to leave Dillion, but always ends up coming back. If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?

WOMEN Tyra, .

BAR TENDER Well, welcome home Tyra Collette! Let me know if you need anything else.

TYRA COLLETTE Thanks, (sarcastic) It's great to be home.


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INT:Tyra driving to her mother's house-Midday

Tyra gets to the house and begins to knock on the door. Her mother answers. ANGELA has blonde, curly hair she's wearing blue jeans and a pink shirt.

ANGELA COLLETTE (confused) Hi Sweetie I wasn't expecting you till the holidays, why are you here? Why are you covered in bruises?

TYRA COLLETTE I officially left Jeff. That was the last straw.

ANGELA COLLETTE I just want so much more for you. I know you said you would never move back to Dillion but this might be the fresh start you need.

TYRA COLLETTE I never thought I would say this but it's good to be back. This is the most secure I've felt in a long time.

ANGELA COLLETTE I told you that you should've ended up with , but you never wanna listen to me!

TYRA COLLETTE (rolling her eyes) Mom that's ancient history. No one's heard from Tim and years. He doesn't even have the decency to be there for my sister and his brother. He only cares about himself, always has.

ANGELA COLLETTE I don't know Tyra, that boy never runs off unless something's chasing him.

TYRA COLLETTE Yeah, mom I don't know. But, I don't plan on seeing him ever again. Anyways, you need anything from the store? I wanna see if this place has changed much.

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ANGELA COLLETTE No, baby I'm good.


INT: Grocery Store- Evening

Tyra is seen pushing a cart up and down the aisles looking for food. She is having a hard time finding what she needs.

TYRA COLLETTE (to herself) Ugh, you leave a town and they switch everything up for you. I swear Dillion is so frustrating in every way possible

GROCERY STORE CLERK sees her struggling and comes up to help her. Turns out it's LANDRY CLARKE, her old boyfriend but she doesn't realize it yet.

LANDRY CLARKE Hey, do you need some help with that?

TYRA COLLETTE (looking at the ground, distracted) Aw no, I'll be okay. Thank you sir.


TYRA COLLETTE (looks up puzzled but realizes) Landry? Wow, I haven't seen you in years. How have you been?

LANDRY CLARKE I've been good, just working here ya know, nothing crazy.

TYRA COLLETTE No offense, but why are you working here? I expected more for you.

LANDRY CLARKE Yeah, me too. But, I never expected you to come back here. Aren't you married with a good job now?

TYRA COLLETTE Was married. I left that abusive relationship finally and I'm here for

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a fresh start.

LANDRY CLARKE Oh Tyra Collette back in the place she swore she hated, still dating those loser guys. (laughing)

TYRA COLLETTE (laughing) Shut up, Landry! At least I'm not working in a grocery store.

LANDRY CLARKE Do you maybe wanna meet up sometime and catch up for real?


LANDRY CLARKE I mean, we don't have to ya know? I just thought it would be nice since we haven't seen each other in awhile.

TYRA COLLETTE Yes, fine Landry. I'll call ya. Same number?

LANDRY CLARKE You got it, see ya then.

Tyra checks out of the store and walks back to her car.


INT:Tyra driving in her car down the country roads-Night.

Tyra spots a YOUNG BOY sitting on the road. The boy is dressed in a flannel, black jeans and boots. He also has luggage with him. He has dark, short hair.

Tyra then pulls over and rolls down her window.

TYRA COLLETTE Hey kid, are you alright?

YOUNG BOY I'm new here and don't really know where I'm going.

TYRA COLLETTE Well put your stuff in the trunk and

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come in here. I'll take you somewhere.

Boy jumps in Tyra's car and they begin driving.

TYRA COLLETTE So what's your name? How did you find out about this place?

YOUNG BOY My name is John Davis, and my older cousin grew up here. I was going down the wrong path and told me moving down here would do me a lot of good. So, my mom and I picked up and moved.

TYRA COLLETTE Who's your cousin? I grew up here as well.

JOHN DAVIS Matt Sarasen.

TYRA COLLETTE (excited) ? I went to high school with him! He's married to one of my good friends. He is still married to Julie right?

JOHN DAVIS Haha. Yeah. Were you guys friends?

TYRA COLLETTE Yeah, I would like to say that we were. But, if you ever have a chance to meet Julie's parents, they are really something. They changed my life.

JOHN DAVIS Was Matt as good of a quarterback as they say? I'm thinking about trying out for the football team here.

TYRA COLLETTE Yes, Matt was a damn good quarter back. So tell me, why were you sitting on the side of the road if your mom moved down here with you?

JOHN DAVIS Funny story, I tend to runaway a lot.

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She upset me, so I just took my stuff and starting walking.

TYRA COLLETTE So, do you even know where your new house is at?

JOHN DAVIS I really don't but here's the address.

Tyra begins to type in the address on her cell phone.

She continues to drive until she pulls up to the house.


EXT: Outside John's new home-Night

TYRA COLLETTE This is where you live?

JOHN DAVIS Yeah why? Ya don't like it?

TYRA COLLETTE Nah it's not that. Do you know whose house this used to be?

JOHN DAVIS Awe yeah it's Matt's old house.

TYRA COLLETTE Yeah I know, why didn't you tell me that in the first place? I wouldn't of had to drive around until you decided to give me the address.

JOHN DAVIS Cause, I already figured that you knew but you're a pretty cool person to talk to.

TYRA COLLETTE Well thanks, if you ever need anything I have connections around this place.

JOHN DAVIS Sure thing, thanks for the ride.

TYRA COLLETTE Not a problem. Now kid start listening

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to your mom.

Tyra gets in her car and drives off.


EXT:Tyra's House-Night.

ANGELA COLLETTE Hi Hunny, where were you?

TYRA COLLETTE I was at the store but on my ride home a kid was sitting on the side of the road so I gave him a ride to his new house. Guess who his cousin is?


TYRA COLLETTE Matt Sarasen's.

ANGELA COLLETTE Are you serious? What are the odds Tyra? Do they live in Matt's old house?

TYRA COLLETTE Yeah they do, he said Matt and Julie are doing well and everything.

ANGELA COLLETTE I can tell that made you happy huh?

TYRA COLLETTE Yeah it did, it gave me a sense of familiarity.

ANGELA COLLETTE I'm happy about that. It's so nice to have you home.

TYRA COLLETTE I know, I'm starting to not mind being back for once. I know I've said that a million times but I truly mean it this time.

ANGELA COLLETTE (smiling) Well hunny, I'm gonna go to

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bed. It's getting late.

TYRA COLLETTE Alright mom, goodnight.

Tyra sits in her living room watching TV.


INT:Tyra's house-Morning.

Angela is seen making coffee in the morning as Tyra walks out of her bed room.

ANGELA COLLETTE Morning sweetie!

TYRA COLLETTE Morning Mom! What's for breakfast?

ANGELA COLLETTE Eggs, bacon and pancakes. You're favorite!

TYRA COLLETTE Looks good. You need any help?

ANGELA COLLETTE No I think I'm good.

TYRA COLLETTE Mom, can I ask you something?

ANGELA COLLETTE Sure honey, anything.

TYRA COLLETTE I know I came here for a fresh start but it doesn't feel fresh since I haven't filed for divorce yet. I just want this all to be over ya know? What should I do?

ANGELA COLLETTE Well, in a way I think you've started your fresh start.


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ANGELA COLLETTE You ran away from a bad situation. That takes courage, honey. You might not have it all figured out now but trust me, you will. This is the start of a new chapter. You're taking this time to think about things and then eventually you can sign those papers.

TYRA COLLETTE (smiling) you're right, I guess a lot of emotions are running through my mind. I saw Landry at the grocery store and he mentioned wanting to catch up. Also, I'm kinda nervous I'm gonna see Tim here soon, he always comes back and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.

ANGELA COLLETTE Honey, you're ready for anything. I didn't raise you to be scared of anyone, especially men!

Both women are laughing eating and drinking their coffee.


INT:John's house-Morning.

John's MOTHER, CARA is seen cleaning up the kitchen.

CARA DAVIS John, I'm not gonna tell you again it's time to get up! You don't wanna miss your first day at a new school!

John is seen slumping down the steps. He's wearing a hoodie, boots and jeans.

JOHN DAVIS I don't care about school, I don't even know anyone.

CARA DAVIS You're going to make lots of new friends! You're only a freshman! This is a fresh start for the both of us. I start my new job today and you have your first football practice after school!

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JOHN DAVIS I'm not even sure I wanna try out anymore. Once people figure out who Matt is they're just gonna expect me to be good, ya know?

CARA DAVIS You're your own person. Besides, Matt will always be here. He's a phone call away and said if you need any advice to give him a call.

JOHN DAVIS Alright, I'm gonna walk to school. I'll see ya later.

CARA DAVIS Alright have a good day babe!


EXT: Outside Dillion High School-Morning.

John is seen walking up to the school with his schedule in his hand. Teen girl wearing a jean skirt, blue tank top and converse begins to approach him.

MORGAN IRIS Hi, you must be John.

JOHN DAVIS Haha yeah I am. Who are you?

MORGAN IRIS I'm Morgan Iris, you're student tour guide for your first day at Dillion. Come on let me show you around.

Both are seen walking into the school.


INT:Dillion High school-Morning.

MORGAN IRIS Alright so that is the gym, the auditorium is down the hall and your homeroom is room 214. Do you have anymore questions?

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JOHN DAVIS Yeah, what grade are you in?

MORGAN IRIS Oh yeah, I'm 16 and I'm a sophomore. Also, I'm a rally girl for the Dillion Panthers!

JOHN DAVIS What's a rally girl?

MORGAN IRIS We're cheerleaders but we become a rally girl for one of the players.

JOHN DAVIS I'm trying out for the football team. My cousin was the quarter back here about ten years back.

MORGAN IRIS That's awesome! Hopefully you get a nice rally girl! See ya later!

JOHN DAVIS Thank you!


EXT:Dillion Football Stadium-Afternoon.

Young boys are standing on the field with he COACHES in full pads. HEAD COACH DEREK JENKINS comes out to address the team.

COACH JENKINS Alright guys listen up! Do you believe that you have what it takes to be a Dillion Panther? Well then you've come to the right place. If you aren't ready to sweat and work hard, just get off my field right now. If you're ready, show me what you got gentlemen.

The positions begin to separate by coaches. John joins the group with the quarterback coach, COACH SMITH.

COACH SMITH Davis! Show us what you've got!

John, nervously preps to throw the ball to the receiver running down the field. John throws a 50 yard pass to the

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COACH JENKINS Hey kid what's your name?

JOHN DAVIS John Davis, sir.

COACH JENKINS Have you ever played football before?


COACH JENKINS How would you like to play football for the Dillion Panthers?

JOHN DAVIS I would like that a lot, sir

COACH JENKINS Good, because we could use someone like you. Did anyone teach you how to throw like that?

JOHN DAVIS My cousin was the quarter back for Dillion about ten years ago. Took em' all the way to a state championship.

COACH JENKINS Matt Saracen is your cousin?

JOHN DAVIS Yes, sir.

COACH JENKINS Must run in the genes, son. Welcome to the team.

JOHN DAVIS Thanks, Coach.

COACH JENKINS Alright everybody huddle up! Next we're going to run a few laps. If you wanna play football, you need to be in shape.

Football team is huddled up in the center of the field

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INT: Applebees-Afternoon.

WAITRESS Hi miss, table for one or two of you?

TYRA COLLETTE There will be two of us, I'm just waiting on him.

WAITRESS Alright, I'll give wait a few minutes then I'll come take your orders.

Ten minutes later Landry walks into the restaurant and sits down.

LANDRY CLARKE Sorry it took me so long. I was late coming outta work.

TYRA COLLETTE No, it's okay it's like we're dating all over again. (laughs) Always waited on you.

Both pause and look at each other for a brief second.

WAITRESS Well, I see your friend showed up! What'll it be?

TYRA COLLETTE I'll have the chicken salad with ranch dressing please.

WAITRESS You got it! For you sir?

LANDRY CLARKE I'll just have the bacon cheeseburger with fries on the side. Thank you.

WAITRESS Alright I'll get that right in for y'all!

TYRA COLLETTE If I ask you this question do you promise not to be offended?

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LANDRY CLARKE Depends. What's it about?

TYRA COLLETTE Why are you stuck working in a grocery store still living at home? You had so much more going for yourself. I'm sure your parents think the same thing.

LANDRY CLARKE I was gonna go to college but after we broke up, I was forced to attend East Dillion and Matt and Julie moved to Chicago, I guess I felt kinda lost.

TYRA COLLETTE Well, if life has given someone multiple chances to better themselves, it's me. It's never to late for a fresh start. I left what I thought was my life. But it turns out, God has a way of really surprising you.

LANDRY CLARKE Now it's my turn to ask you a question. Why do you always go for these abusive men? This guy makes Tim Riggins look like an angel.

TYRA COLLETTE I guess because whenever a man starts to treat me right I get scared and run off. I'm not used to it. That's why I ran away from both you and Tim.

LANDRY CLARKE Have you heard from your ex-husband or husband since you left the other day?

TYRA COLLETTE No, I actually blocked his phone number and social media. His mom tried calling me twice but I didn't answer. I'm not gonna talk till I'm ready, ya know?

LANDRY CLARKE You think you'll go through with a divorce. Sorry, it's not really my place to ask but-

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TYRA COLLETTE Yes, I'm gonna go through with it. Because this is the first time in my life where I'm ready for a change. I wanna break the cycle. I wanna show people that girls like me can have successful lives.

LANDRY CLARKE I think you would be a perfect guidance counselor at the school. Look how much Mrs. T did for you. She was one of the first people to believe in you. There's no better way to break the cycle than by helping others. I heard that the old counselor just retired.

TYRA COLLETTE I don't know, you really think so?

LANDRY CLARKE Yeah, when was the last time you talk to Mrs. T? She could probably help you.

TYRA COLLETTE Wow, it's been a few years. We like each other's photo's and stuff but we actually haven't talked. She's still working at that college in Philly.

LANDRY CLARKE Maybe it wouldn't hurt to give her a call. Maybe not right now but take the night to sleep on it.

TYRA COLLETTE When's the last time you talk to Matt? I haven't heard from Julie in a few months.

LANDRY CLARKE Matt and I try and talk once a week. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. I think they all might be coming down here for the holiday's here soon.

WAITRESS Alright, one chicken salad with ranch

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and a bacon cheese burger with fries. Can I get ya'll anything else?

TYRA COLLETTE Nope that should be good, thanks!

WAITRESS Enjoy your meal!


INT:Coach's office-afternoon

JOHN DAVIS Hey Coach, heard you wanna see me?

COACH JENKINS Yes, come sit down here. So, how do you like living in Dillion?

JOHN DAVIS Ah, it's okay. Still trying to get used to it.

COACH JENKINS I think that you would be one heck of a quarterback for this team. You possess great leadership qualities that we're looking for.

JOHN DAVIS Thanks, Coach. You think I have a future with football?

COACH JENKINS Time will tell, but yes I do. For only being a freshman you have great qualities and talent. How's your grades and parental support?

JOHN DAVIS I get decent grades and it's just my mom and I. My parents are divorced. My dad lives in Utah. I don't see him much.

COACH JENKINS When's the last time you saw him?

JOHN DAVIS Probably about a year or so ago.

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COACH JENKINS Well son, if you ever need anything know I'm always here and look forward to what you'll bring to the team.

JOHN DAVIS Thanks, coach.

John exits the coaches offices.


EXT:Outside Applebees-afternoon

TYRA COLLETTE I can't believe we just sat and talked for four hours.

LANDRY CLARKE Just like old times right?

TYRA COLLETTE Seriously, it's like we were never apart. Our friendship just picked right back up.

LANDRY CLARKE Yeah, friendship.. uh, anyways, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?

TYRA COLLETTE Probably gonna get some gas and then go home for the night.

LANDRY CLARKE I have to unload trucks tonight at the store so, I should probably go home and get some sleep.

Landry walks Tyra to her car.

TYRA COLLETTE Thanks, so much for meeting up with me today. It truly meant a lot.

LANDRY CLARKE No, problem. We should do this every week.

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TYRA COLLETTE For sure! Alright, I'll see ya later!

Tyra shuts her car door and drives off.


EXT:Gas station-afternoon

Tyra pulls up to a gas pump and gets out of her car. She spots a familiar truck by the pump next to her.

TYRA COLLETTE (to herself) It can't be him. It can't be him. C'mon gas, pump faster.

Man, in about his early fifties sees how anxious Tyra is.

MAN Hey miss, are you okay? Seem a little flustered over there.

TYRA COLLETTE Yes I'm okay. Thank you, sir. Just in a hurry.

Woman begins to walk towards the truck parked next to her. Tyra sighs in relief.

TYRA COLLETTE (to herself) What is with me today?

Tyra gets into her car and begins to drive home.


EXT:John's house-afternoon.

CARA DAVIS Hi baby, how was your first day of school and practice?

JOHN DAVIS School is okay, my student mentor's name is Morgan, she's cool. Football went really well. Coach Jenkins told me I have one heck of an arm for a freshman quarter back and thinks I'll be a great asset to the team.

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CARA DAVIS Wow! That's great! You know, the quarterback gene runs in our blood. Maybe you'll even take them to state this year.

JOHN DAVIS Slow down mom, one day at a time.

CARA DAVIS What do you want for dinner? You want me to cook or get take out?

JOHN DAVIS Uh, I have to get some stuff together for school. Maybe take out would be better.

CARA DAVIS Alright, where do you want it from?

JOHN DAVIS How about we just get pizza?

CARA DAVIS That's fine, I'll call right now!


CARA DAVIS Yes, what's up?

JOHN DAVIS You think dad will ever come watch any of my games if I ask him. I know it's been a year since I've seen him but he enjoys sports ya know?

CARA DAVIS It's hard to say. Maybe give a few weeks then call him. I'm really happy you're taking up football. I think it'll be really good for you and your self esteem.

JOHN DAVIS Honestly, I wasn't sure about it at first but after talking to the coach and seeing what it did for Matt, I'm excited to see where it'll take me.

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CARA DAVIS So, what do you want on your pizza?

JOHN DAVIS Can we do half cheese and half pepperoni?

CARA DAVIS You got it!

John's phone begins to light up with a text from Morgan.

MORGAN IRIS (texting) "Hey John, I hope you enjoyed your first day at Dillion and football practice! Can't wait to see what you accomplish at here in the future!"

JOHN DAVIS (texting) "Thank you! For the first time in my life I actually think I like where I'm at. Thanks for the help today."

MORGAN IRIS (texting) Not a problem! See ya tomorrow!

John sends back a smiley face and then begins getting ready for the pizza to come.


INT:Grocery store-evening.

Landry is seen stocking shelves with his co-worker.

LANDRY CLARKE It's just, I really, really love Tyra. I can't tell if she loves me as a friend or a boyfriend or what? I've been waiting on this girl my entire life. I just wonder when it's finally going to be enough.

CO-WORKER Dude, I'm not sure, I mean she just left her abusive husband and isn't even divorced yet. You have got to give her time. She's probably not even

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looking for anything right now.

LANDRY CLARKE Yeah, you're probably right. It's just, I feel this connection when I'm with her. Like a soul mate type of thing ya know?

CO-WORKER Like I said bro, give it time.


INT: Tyra's House-evening.

TYRA COLLETTE Hey mom, I'm home!

ANGELA COLLETTE Hi sweetie, how was your meet up with Landry?

TYRA COLLETTE It was really nice. Honestly it felt like I never left Dillion.

ANGELA COLLETTE I know what you mean. Having you home is bringing me back to your high school days.

TYRA COLLETTE Landry mentioned to me that the high school is looking for a new guidance counselor. He said that I would be the perfect example of showing kids that they can do anything they want despite their circumstances.

ANGELA COLLETTE I think you would be perfect for that!

TYRA COLLETTE Yeah, I'm not sure. I think I'm gonna call Mrs. T sometime this week. I haven't talked to her in forever but I could really use some professional advice on this.

ANGELA COLLETTE Do you really have to call her?

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TYRA COLLETTE Yes, just because she had this job and is a dean at a university now.

ANGELA COLLETTE I guess I have just been jealous of what all she could do for you. As your mother I wish I could've done that stuff for you but I can't.

TYRA COLLETTE Mom, Mrs. T is a mentor, you will always be my mother and my go to. No one could ever take your place.

ANGELA COLLETTE Awe, I love you so much baby.

TYRA COLLETTE I love you too, mom.

ANGELA COLLETTE There is something that I need to talk to you about. But you have to promise to not freak out.

TYRA COLLETTE Well, what is it? My life is already a mess I'm sure this is going to be too much of a surprise.

ANGELA COLLETTE Well your life is about to get a whole lot more interesting.

TYRA COLLETTE No, mom. Tell me right now.

ANGELA COLLETTE Alright, well don't be mad at me but-

Just then, there's a knock on there door. Tyra and her mother both look at each other.

TYRA COLLETTE Who's there?

There is not answers at the door so Tyra opens the door

TIM RIGGINS Tyra, we need to talk.

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