MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1971 AvonfD DtUy Ngt PruM Ron The Weather MO PAOB TWENTY-POUR For n w Week Diidod Oetobov 3, u n Olaar tonight with tow near 80. Tomorrow moatly aunny; iiUmrI|PHtTr high about 70. Outlook for The Emma NetUeton Group The education committee of Manchester Chapter, The Past Matrons of Temple Thuioday . . fair, mlldar. WlUlam J. Btavanaon of 32 of the Center OongregaUonal 15,503 Thomas Dr. will receive his 00- North United Methodist Church BPEBSGSA, will rehearse to­ Chapter, OB8, will meet ‘Nancy Taylor Church will meet twnorrow at Manehetter-^A City o f Village Charm About Tpwn year Royal Arch Mason pin at wiU meet tonight at 7 at the, night at 8 at the Army and Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the TIm n IrlU be a coffee bogr 7 p.m. at the church for a drive ^ COMES TO WEST HARTFORD^ a maetlnc of Dalto Chapter, church. Navy dub. The rehearsal la home of Mrs. Robert Richmond for John Tbompaon, Democratic of 19 Clearvlew Terrace. Host­ to the Cheney Homestead. They r a m , at the Masonic Temple open to all men Interested In '■ Nancy TqylorCaiBMProgronw fCtoasIflad Advorttalag ea Page 11) PRICE FIfTBEN CBNYB oandldate for the Boerd of Dl- wUl return to the church for re­ VOL. LXXXX, NO. 828 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971 Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. The Touth Rhythmic Choir of singing barbershop ■ style har­ esses are Mrs. Earl Loveland f A OlVIllON Of ITT MOCATIOMAl MlVICIk recton, tomomnr at t p.m. in freshments and a foodless food Center CbngregaUonal Church mony. and Mra. Evelyn Turklngton. the home of Mr. and M n. Tim­ The presentation will be made FASHION MERCHANDISING will rehearse tonight at 6:48 In sale. othy Rohan, M Autumn 8t. .In a aeml-publlo meeting. the church narthex. Hic W o m e n’ s Rhythmic Queen of Peace Mothers d r - SECRETARIAL SCIENCES Frlenda and nel(hbon are In­ Choir of Center CongregaUonal ole will meet Wednesday at 8 Manchester WATB8 will have SPEEDWRITINO OREOO SHORTHAND 'Friendship Circle of the Salva­ vited to attend. Church wUl rehearse tomorrow p.m. at the home of Mra. a parcel post aucUon and meet­ tion Army will have a work ses­ Hie CanflrmaUon Class ct at 1 p.m. In Woodruff Hall of Arthur Jacobsen of 337 Hack- ing tomorrow with weighing In Hartford Acadomy of Butinoy sion at its meeting tmnorrow MOncheater t o d fe of Maaona Second CongregaUonal Church the church. matek St. Co-hoatesa la Mrs. from 7 to 8 p.m. Mrs. John lishop'------Nixon Sends at 7:48 p.m. at the church. More Rigid will meet tomorrow at 7 ;S0 will meet tomorrow at 4 p.m. In George Wood. Banquet Uckets Pavelack is In charge of the W«t» Hartford Hostesses are Mrs. Selma Carl­ p.m. at the Maaonic Temple. the church parlor. H m Drop In Oenier for Ben- son and Mra. Tony Slmard. will be available. program. V. The Orand Maater of Oonnect- net Junior High School students lout MOaona, Merle P. Tapley, The Klwanla d u b o f Man­ at South United Methodist The Women’s Home League Manchester Chapter of Dis­ The Manchester Newcomers chester will meet tomorrow Church wUl be <^n tomorrow will make an unofficial vlalta- of the SalvaUcn Army wUl meet abled American Veterans wUl tion. Robert Jeffriea will apeak Club will meet tomorrow at 7:80 noon at the Manchester Coun­ from 2:18 to 4 p.m. In the youth Plans Out On tomorrow at 1:80 p.m. In the meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Security Set p.m. at the Community T. The try d u b . lounge of the church. on "BSP and Ofaoata." The ^ym. Hostesses are Mra. Anna American Legion Home. meetlny la open to Maaona and program wlU include a "Paper Happiness Is — Anderson and Mra. Annie John­ Doll Theater" by Norma Big­ Hie Mothers dub of Center their famlllea. Grace Group of Center Con­ ston. The gym will also be open Manchester AssoclaUon lor ler. The event la open to all new CongregaUonal Church wlH gregaUonal Church will sponsor at 10 a.m. for a work session. Children wlUi Learning Dlsabll- area residents. Those wishing meet tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. In AN AIR-GONDITIONED LAUNDROMAT Myatlc Review, NAVA, wlU a plasUc kitchenware party to­ lUes wUl meet tonight at 8 at more Information may contact Memorial Hall of the church. Post - Freeze meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at night at 7:80 In Memorial Hall Concordia Lutheran Church. For Kosygin 'Mrs. Walter Kucaek of 888 The Manchester Square TUESDAY SPECIAL - COIN-OP DRY CLIANIHG Odd Fellowa Hall. of the church. Peter A. OltUnger, assistant WASHINGTON (A P )— ^President Nixon sent to Con- Hilliard St. or MTa. John Plerog, St. Francis Xavier Mothers Dance Club has announced that 8 LIS. — $1.50 18 Laurelwood Dr., Bolton. headmaster of the Rectory gresB today legislation for the post-freeze anti-inflation The Koffee Kraftera will meet Circle wUI meet Wednesday at tomorrow wUl be the last day By WnXlAM L. BYAN The admlnlstraUve board of 7:80 p.m. at the home of Mrs. for adult couples to register for School In Pomfret, will speak at 9UALITY SPEED QUEEN EQUIPMENT efforts, calling for civil as* well as criminal penalties, Wedneaday at 0:80 p.m at the the meeting, which is open to OTTAWA (AP)—Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygrin be­ Community T, 70 N. Main St. Dr. Hans 8. Menco, emer­ North United Methodist Church Richard TTemey of 48 Wedge- the fall series of square dance gan another round of activities in the Canadian capital authority to control interest and divid^ds if needed and gency department staff physi­ will meet tonight at 8 at the wood Dr. The Rev. R i ^ r t Bur­ lessons to be held Tuesdays Uie pubUc. His topic: “ Fifty sett^g up a temporary emergency court of appMds to MTa. Wilfred Liak wll inatnict Years Experience in Teaching BEtiOON LAUNDROMAT - 309 OREEN NO. today, with tighter security measures and fresh demon­ makiny com huak dolla. Mem­ cian at Manchester Memorial church. bank of the Church of the .As- from 8 to 10:30 p.m. with Earl handle wage-price cases. —------Hospital, last week participated sumpUon wlU officiate at a folk Johnston, club caller, as in­ Children with Learning Disabil­ strations by dozens of protesting Jews. bers are reminded to brlnf com At Paritament HIU, where ------The President asked for a economy where there are se- In the four-day Third .Annual Mass. structor. ities. one-year extension to April 80, verest economic pressures. huaka, amall atyrofoam balla, The French dub of Manches­ Keoygin was attacked but not ' _ _ __ _ wire, needle, thread, heavy Scientific Assembly of the Amer­ ter wiU have a pubUc card par­ No one woe reported injured 1978 of Oie Economic StabUlsa- iWalker said it waa not con- Bciaaora, cUppera and pine. ican College of Emergency ty tonight at 8 at Orange Hall. ‘"'any til® dem oiitiiuw b^ tlon Act, which provides Uie templated Uiat Uie Interast-dlvi- dom fighter’’ M «day. IS rabbis minority groupa whKdi allege Hoateaaea are Mra. Bmeat Oak- Physicians in Miami Beach. power to act to reg-jlate in- dend curbs wUl have to be l^outed at Kooygin and two of oppresaion by Uie Ruasians. man and Mra. William Crawley. AU co-chairmen for the VFW flatlonary forces. used. He said "by severely The W om en’s Society of thm blew rama horns. Koe- However, Uie attack on Kos- Meetinya are qpen to all inter- Auxiliary Christmas Basaar in Undersecretary of the Treas- puncturing InfUUonary ex- Christian Service of the South y ^ a p p e u ^ relaxed. y g j„ the denunclatlone of eated women. A babysitter Is November will meet tonight at ury CharU Walker said Uie one- pectaUons" the anU-lnftoUonary United Methodist Church wlU In an effort to prevent any him hy demonitratlng Ukrai- available. 8 at the Poet Home. Tlie meet­ year Ume limit In no way In- efforts "will cause Interest meet tonight at 8 In the Recep­ mora embarrassing incidents niana and Jews managed to ing Is also open to aU interested dicates the length of time that rates to decline." He said tion Hall at the church. There such as ^ JosUlng assautt the iqioUlght away from the price-wage controU will re- there already had been a "dra- Hie Feast of St. taike the members. Bvangellst will be celebrated will be an executive board a closer look, Monday. Kosygin’s motorcade Kosygin’# phrases about peace main in effect. maUc decline" in these rates. with the Holy Eucharist tonight meeting tonight at 7 :18 at the jped so swIfUy through Uie city m the world and concentrate It He said the controla will re- Meanwhile a new government at 7 In the o< 8t. Mary’s church. Repreaentatlves of the two Mounted Police con- instead on Soviet domlnaUon of main for as long as "It t ^ i to report showed the naUon’s Bplacopal Church. At 7:80, South Providence Christian aUbles were nearly bowled ethnic mlnortUee in the Soviet break the back of Inflations^ economy entering the last there will be an open meeting Center will discuss how local e rea^soiVB th at Union and Eastern Europe. expectations and to make nionths of 1971 still suffering of the liturgical committee of mission money is spent In the UOUT BOOKS In poUce court, Kosygin’s ac- MOre demonstraUona are prom- meaningful progress to bring „^th substantial slack, the church In the Guild Room South Providence mission proj­ cused asaallant, Gesa Matral, teed on Kosygin’s route acroas down the coet of living.” temporary court of ap- to discuss "Trial Use and the ect. Slides of the school and waa remanded to Nov. 2 on a Canada. The proposed legislation calU .peaj,_ cmislstlng of Uiree or Thousands of good books are Pariah.” mothers' club will be shown. commm assault charge. He did Kosygin’s obvious mission Is for Uie same 88,000 criminal federal district or circuit on sale at T W BOOK COR­ not testify and no plea was en- to spread the word that the So­ fines now contained In the law court Judges named by the ts red for Matral, 27. He Is a NER. Moat of these books vlet Union yearns for peace In and adds a clvU penalty of $2,- chief JusUce, would be aet up to self-styled member of the Hun­ the world and Is seeking to are used or out of print, but 600 for violations, adding what handle review of wage-price garian Freedom Fighters Fed­ achieve this through such de­ ’^flclals said were more teeth cases and "to have exclusive the value of good books la eration of Canada, and is run- vices as a European security South Viets carry wounded trooper toward helicopter in Cambodia. (AP Photo) tox®nforce lb® ®ffort. JurlsdicUon to rule cn the con- wihanced by age. After all, nlng as a eocial Credit party conference and mutual 'Amerl- House Vote measure Nixon sent to atUuUonal validity ot the Act or FUEL OIL the Bible U atUl THE BEST candidate in Ontario’s provln- can and Soviet reducUon of Uie \tol actually Involved a reguUUon or order of clal elecUon Thursday. forces in foreign countries. BEEXKR in our bookstore. rewriUng" of the p ,,^ j agencies." Declslans of Kosygin’s trip Just as ob- Is B lock ed 1970 Econom y Stabilization Act ^|||| afqieals court could be re- At Trnnendoiis Savings — Our Low Ovor- We bave some fine binihngs the militant Jewish Defense i, part a larger pat- head Allows Us To Cut Our PrioesI f/.5. Bombing Accident to clarify the prestdentiU jm- viewed by the Supreme Court. that our customers use for States, tern of Soviet diplomacy. It has Uiority as welK as to add the persons could bring actions decoraUen, but generally our t**"" “te Soviet premier to On W ar H alt sttmd^ controls over Inter^ before Uie court regardless of Gcrikm, C.O.D. ^ W y '" * W W a W T / " * M- * “ ouse aS abrupt changre Tn the deUcate intematiOTi^ srtuation PHONE 643-1553 M8-17S8 the cabinet. So effi­ Ph«««e that was a convent Tay Nlnh Province. ^ A 19-18 vote killed a proposal ™“® nongermane, not per- prevailing in the Far East," cient only a thin layer ^ by hlB great aunt. Ag- A U.S. spokesman said a pre- b> form a special inveaUgaUng tlnent, to a mlUtary weapons G e n e ^ Assembly debate, ------Is needed. Helps ww^^eto with welcoming bracelets to tw Umlnary InvesUgaUon Indicated comnUttee. The propoeal was t**® ®ndmenU to the Albanian without Increasing man can go home again, "even cbeeks. troller and cleared by the South ------MlchlgM. ------had lobbied as unreasonable and "punlUve P«9?®®®1 ®«bmltted by Saudi cabinet size. to a home he has only heard of He went to Uie ancestral Vietnamese ground commander bi the upper______h ^ . t®rtor Ministry, Uie voters’ lack ^^r a week, right up unUl Uie substance and intent ’’ -AraMa. One of these would seat but never seen before. in the area. Tlie acUon came less Uian choice and tabulaUwi of the last-mlnute decision, as Uiough ^ e unfed adooUrai ’ of Uie P « b b « a® the representaUve ct For Board o f Diroefors Hie emoUon of the moment ‘'“ "® bis famUy where a final vote. Z -----V — cousin AndreiLs An-umnat-n «It was was Uie the w worst orsi Domouigbombln^^ <•"»' weeka before theuk, In-u i ------the vote would be on the slX' U.S.'rbacked______plan for "dual__ _ rep- malnland Oiina and the NaUon- ^ ^®Ws face An^«“ Anag»^ ^ auguraUon ot President Nguyen The court prosecutor dial- month war halt. resentatlon’’ under which Red *1*®*® ^ government cl Tol- vlAMES FARR Look Into the M he stood l^ore the people of PJ^> b®n paid tribute ^ ® troops participating In the In- wheiy hS won re-elecUon In an late to bo considered. tlon that Senate DemocraUc ity Council, while the Taiwan Uie morning sesoion after Pak- Dlrectora, Is a naUve of Manchester, and was ed­ permanently eealad his late father. .------— — ------— Power Capsule, heart * *■ asion of Laos. uncontested race. Another peUUon was filed by Leader Mike Mansfield’s delegaUon remained in the Istan, Ceylon and Afghanistan ucated in the local schools. He graduated from the "I f any Individual is enUtled No mmajor a l J XbatUes i t were report- Many Independent senators suj^rter of Minh, Prof. Bui amendment for a U.S. pullout world organizaUon. had — as expected—BUjqxirted of a Frigidaira refrig­ to these honors I receive It Is Americans proudly share, Univeraity of Connecticut in 1960 with a B8 in Busi­ erator, you’d see only ed along the Cambodian bor- who had voted with tho An Nhung, contesting the legality in six months If American pris- Alchl called this a tranoi- the AlbcuOan resoluUon. A ness Administration. He served In the U.S^A.F. as 3 moving parts. That he," the vice president said. Gargalianoi is a town of der, but North Vietnamese gun- Quang bloc on recent Issues, In- tj,e premier’s order to the oners are released would be re- tional arrangement which “will fourth speaker, Mauritius, said an Intelligence officer of the 801st Reoon Tech means fewer parts to "He was one of you and he left about 7,000 people overlooking _ __ Squadron. .After his military service, he t^iened and ners continued to shell South eluding a pre-election demand open the path to reconclIlaUon it would back any proposal wear out Result: de­ these shores many years ago Uie Ionian Sea, but the turnout vieta^ese'"wtpo8ts” 'M d "u.s! Uiat ’nUeu reslgnrvoted against (See Page Two) (See Page Tblrteen) and peaceful dialogue and will which would seat Peking vdiUe now operatea Farr’s on Main Street. pendability. Moving ... for Agnew’s five-hour visit far He U a member of the Knights cf Columbus, the promote peace and stability in not expelUng Taiwan, parts are sealed In "It was on his knee that I exceeded that number, Army-Navy Club, and St. Bridget C2iurch. He lives steel and oiled for life. asia." Pakistani Ambassador .Agha with his wife, Joyce, and their four children at 19 No maintenance learned of this town and of the "Today this son ot Garga- .Aldil urged also that the as- shahl fold the assembly that Raddlng Street. needed. princlples of the early HeUenes UanM has come home,” the sembly approve a resolution the "dual representation" reso- . . . And I only wish that he vice president said in a speech In Pittsburgh declaring the expulsion oi China lutlon would result In leaving could have returned with me prepared for a luncheon given to be an "important question," the Security CknincU with only VOTE REPUBLICAN today," Agnew said, his voice by the town. "The spirit of this requiring a two-thirds majority, four permanent members since Thia Frigldalre Rofrigerator has breaking for Just an instant, vUloge, of these hlUs and val- PULL THE TOP LEVER, Tnosdajr, Nov. 2 all thasa featuraa, loo. He spoke during the second It gives China’s seat to Peking, I sense his presence of this country Inspired Celebration That Became Riot day of the China debate, which and Peking has said It will not This sd sponsored by the Msnrbiister BepObUoan • Frost-Proof. You’ll never defrost • 17.0 h®f®-” mjJ father throughout his life Look biio Um cu. ft. overall with a 4.75 cu. ft. freezer Is expected to end next week come to the United Nations so Town Committee — Chsa. MnKwwIe. Trees. ono-ptoco Unor. Agnew does not ^>eak Greek, _ ^ ^ even as It guided his father with voting on an Albanian res- long as Tciwia stays, It's smooth, shiny, stain- rated to store up to 166 lbs. • Door storage, His remarks were translated gn^ his father before him." 2 removable egg servers, separate com- • olutlon, containing the ex- Am bassador Jamil M. resistant and Just pisin lA^ii sentence by sentence and the Agnew’s father was born pulsion provision, and tho "dual saroody of Saudi Arabia Ih- tou(ih. How tough? it's GM partmenta for Spreads and Cheese 'n crowd applauded almost every Theofrastos Spyro Anagnoato- MM Poses Unanswered Questions representatlon" plan. made out of the same K Snacks, deep door shelf for half-gallon llne. pouloe, in Gaigallanoi, on Sept. matertai used for pro foot- The procedural situation was (Bee Page Eight) milk cartons. • On nylon rollers. Easy to "I could see him breaking up jj. 1878. He left for the United baii hairnets. Tough IMARKOFEXCaXBCEl At Pittsburgh’s C?amegle-Mel- move, easy to clean behind or beneath. near the end,” Mrs. Agnew gtgtes at 24, became a ciUsen By RHODA AMON ancient Greece, the Civil War anough to resist just about Model draft ripts In 1868, the college ,lon University, close by the VSPELL OF BEAirr^ any kind of kitchen use. FPI-170T8 said later. (C) 1971, Neweday The vice president walked (See Page Two) Why did a Jubilant celebra- campus "panty rtUds" ol the scene of the celebration. Dr. Robert Shellow, who served as OF MANCHESTER Uon ol a victory 1960s and the student rioting in turn to vandalism, rioting and Fort Lauderdale In the 1960s. research director of the Kerner Irish Find Guns on Liner looUng? Dr. Jerome Singer, a social Commission on civil disorders Has the great pleasure to announce our association with While Pittsburgh city officials psychologist at the State Uni­ In 1967, said that recent econ­ omic setbacks emd a general Returning from U.S. Voyage MISS CAR LA, a truly outstanding stylist. denied earlier news reports of versity of Stony Brook, L.I., aald Top Court Agrees to Rule rapes and criminal assaults the fact that It was Sunday may mood of discouragement in the Steel Town may have provided DUBUN, Ireland (AP) — In Britain* security officers taking place on the downtown have contributed to the Pitts­ the Impetus for an overexuber- streets, there was evidence of burgh disorders. On Sunday, the Customs officials found guns carried out searches erf coffins On Brtsehall^ Antitrust Law ant celebration of the city’s first such ’’antt.soclal acts" as the downtown streets of the city are and ammunition In trunks land- airliners World Series victory in 11 at Lx>ndon and Manchester. WASHINOTON (AP) — The The Uugot of Flood’s attack overturning of at least four ve­ normaUy deserted. Few hiutlne years. ed today from the liner Queen Following the weekend cap- Are you Ured ol the same old hair styles. hicles, Including a taxi, the functions are going on, services Supremo Court agreed today to *» U>e ao-called "reserve sys- "It may have been related to ElUabeth 2 ^ e r a voyage from t„re of more than three tone of H r^ of being overteased and over sprayed? smashing ot about 90 store win­ are largely curtailed and a lot hear (Jurt Flood’s suit against tern," ii^ ch ^{"4® a renewed sense of pride in our New York. They aald the woap- Czechoslovak weapons aboard a Hred of being kept waiting for your appointment? the team that holds their dows and the burning of police of people are looking for some­ Look Into cspaoily. professional baseball and to ''^®' ^® city. We haven’t had much to ons possibly were desUned for p,o„e at Amsterdam airport, Ready for a new look like this? motorcycle. Nearly 100 cele­ thing to do. You can wash an 18 Look Into tho SplH-tavor Top. rule on the sport’a Immunity celebrate over the past few the Irish Republican Army In Scotland Yard police said that und load or a single The raltod edge helps keep from anUtrust laws. In other actions today, the brants of the Pirate victory While saying that he didn’t years,” he. said. A sizable num­ Northern Ireland. on fllghU through Britain to rothy waahabla with­ court: over Baltimore were arrested. know what had happened In most aplll-overs and boll-ovora The former all-star center- ber of steel mills closed down Submachine guns and hand Ireland "every Item of cargo la out extra gadgets or —Unanimously rejected ' an As for eye witness accounts of Pittsburgh, Singer observed from dribbling down tho aldoo. fielder, now living somewhere this summer, and there are a grenades were found at Cobh being checked—cofflna too." attachments to Install Koopa cleaning that much appeal seeking to put funeral lovemaking In the park, the po­ that "a de-lndivldualatlon" Harbjir In County Cork, on the poUce noted that at least or store. Saves time in Euixipe, has claimed ever lot ol unemployed." A local TV easier. Ono-plooo, too, to hemes within the reach of fed­ takes place In a large mob; peo­ and effort. .. and since the Bt. Louis (Jardlnals Uce chief conceded that some station reportedly urged Jubi­ south coast of the Irish Repub- once in the past, coffins kiadod eliminate dirt catching eral anUtrust law. ple begin to feel that they are 11c, after customs agenU were guns and ammunition Well Miss Carla Is the girl lor you, this outstanding hairstylist will be Joining our storage apace. traded him In 1988 to the Phila­ people "got a little cut of lant fans to "com e to the oraoksthatcompllaato —Agreed to decide whether not Identifiable. "Look, there staff as of Wednesday, October 20th. After working for 7 years In the Middletown area oloaning. delphia Phllllea that basebaU’s hand.” airport and welcome our heroes tipped off. were found at a mock funeral the campaign manager ot the are a lot of things people would, The trunks were believed to procession crossing the border where she Is known to be one ol that area’s TOP STYLISTS. ModsI WCDA8 contract violates both state and Why? Human behavior ex-- home, "thereby contributing to late Joseph Yablcnskl should be like to do In this world. They have been consigned to a man irom the Irish RepubUc Into federal onUtrust laws, and is a perts advanced a number of a solid 12-mlle traffic backup. Look into tha allowed to Intervene In a gov­ see a protty girl and have all who accompanied them from Northern Ireland. MISS CARLA SPECIALIZES IN ... form of slavery. His chief law­ theories, but the only thing they Given that set of circum­ Utt-Off Front Panel. Plus all thaao Faaturaa In ernment suit seeking to over­ kinds of fantasies which they New York, customs officials re- Airport authorities did not Modal yer Is former Supreme Ckxirt could agree on was "nobody stances: a massive traffic Jam, a HIGH STYLING a NATURAL PERMS (SET OR NOT SET) Togethsr with tho lift-off top, this Frigidaira 1-ID Washar turn the United Mine Worker* don’t act out because of re­ ported. disclose how many coffins had It gives access to all moving R8E-8S8 JusUce Arthur Goldberg. really knows why It happens." a swarming crowd that the po­ • BLOW CUTTING • COMBING • ALL TYPES OF COLORING • 2 speeds. Normal for most loads, Qentle for delicate elecUon that TaMonskt lost. 'On ths one hand, Uwse with straints, both external (fear Uce apparently were unable to Irish army experts and local been opened for Inspection. But parts. If you ovor need ser­ • More easy plaaning: pull-off knoba. The court simply annoimced • EYEBROW WAXING vice, you probably won’t things. • Infinite Water Level Control lets you match the Let stand a ruling that the long memories recalled that the ot punishment) and internal hold and no careful channeling police raced to the customs coffins shipped by undertakers .....3 ------Jnita, ramovabla bottom drawer for aaav there waa no comment on any gt*te of Texas Infringed on tho need to move the washer. water level to the load. • Sanitize setting lets you sanitize revelry, hlgh-Jinka and noise- (conscience),” he said. In the of all that energy, the psycho­ shed where the arms were dls- whose rellaMllty U known to plaaning under range. • Automalio Cook Master oven controf of the Issues. The case will be rights of a defendant when It Miss Carla will be available: Wed.-Frt.-Sat. 9 to 9 :00—Hiurs. 9 to 9 :00 Koopo sorvica fast, aasy and the washer any time you think It needs it. • Jet Circle making on V-E Day at the close midst of a larg® group, when logy professor noted: "There Is covered and an armed guard poUce were not, SooUend Yard lass axpanslva. turns oven on, pooka, turns off at times you pra-sat. # Automatio heard someUme later this tried him In prison clothes, Spray S)fstem. An Improved way to fill and rtnae. of World War n resulted In few everyone Is fesUng good, these always a group that wlU take was thrown around the build- M^ld. The rest of our fine stoll U ready to meet your every beauty need. Appliance Outlet makes any small appllanoa automatio. term. Chief JusUce Warren E. Bur- acts of hoeUUty, and olUee like restraints can be suspended on license." Ing. One ot Northern IreUnd’s Ro- V Rlohard M. Moss of The gar who left the bench Monday Cleveland In 1948 and New York ’ the grounds that "everybody’s Pele bring a variety of mo­ The man bellqved to have ec- Catholic clvU righU lea(l- • MR. GARY *MISS LINDA aMISS JOAN Players AseoolaUon, tha ball- at noon because of a virus In- In 1989 went wild over oham- doing It" and "nobody will reo- tivations Into the kind of companied the' trunks landed ere the youngaet member player’s union, said Flood feoUon was back on the Job to- • MISS BARBARA • MISS JANIS ptonshlp baaeball teams without ognlM m e." Singer recalls that carnival atmosphere that could from the liner, making lU first <>f Partlamaat, Bernadette Dev probably Is in Majorca, Spain, day. reports of eex In the etreets. both the college panty raids and end In a riot, according to stop en route* to Southampton, wrapped In an orange Man- He said the appeal hoe the Baseball has never lost a Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 9:00 tp 6:00 On the oUier hand, other ex­ the Fort Lauderdale riote start­ Shellow. Some Identity with the England, from the United'i^t, squatted on the sidewalk Thursday and Friday 9 :00 to 9:00 — Telephone 849-2896 See your Frigidaire Dealer! complete support of all major cos# in the high oourt. In 1932, ed with exuberant spirits and States, but hla whereabouU was outside Prime Minister Edward perts cited such historioal preo- competence and success of the league players. Ooldbarg is ex- an opinion delivered by Oliver (Next to Chador’s) edente of mob vlolenoe or orgies were apread by "social con­ not immediately known. He peoted to aifu® U>® ®Me at the woe not IdenUfled. (Dee Page T m ) He's one more reason Frigldalre Appliances are worth the difference as tha Dionysian rituals In tagion.” (See Page Ten) hearing. (lee Page Bight)

h') 0 - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971 PAGE THREE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971 PAGE TWO Sheinwold on Bridge Tourism Cirrhiosis HALLOWEEN DANCE Social Worker Chides SATURDAY. OCTOIIR 30Hi EXPERT SAVES TIME Expands C a 8 e 8 U p AMERICAN LEGION POST No. 102 IN PIJtyOFF MATCH MANCHESTEIR a Welfare Commissioner By AIJFBED SHEINWOLD Bail dealer Nellher aide vulnerable In Aii8tria ROAST BEEF DINNER SERVRD BLOOMFnJUJ Conn (AP) ^P ««PP»rt« the Idea. “we Los Angeles expert Lew In Israel $0,00 Per Couple Mr. Mathe can be counted on to NORTH — Welfare Commiasioner Hen- h»ve yet to meet with 4 9832 TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — A* VIENNA (AP) — Austria is a THE GUY NOTES ORCHESTRA ry C. White, who haa crittclaed White to find out how he plana ? waste no time during the mafch country associated with wine, 8:00 P.M. , ' this weekend to pick the United C? Q54 half mlillcn tourists have come aodfU workers for knowing and to uae them or how he could 0 AQ8J One of nature's oldest fruits, day keeps the doctor awny" to Israel so far this year, and women and song. Just now, au­ MEMBERS ft GUESTS INVITED not dptnf, does too much while make beat uae of the master States team for the 1972 Bridge thorities say, the emphasis Is Costumes Requested — Not Required '1 Olympics. Mathe starred In the ♦ 1 9 the apple, Is probably toe most should be taken aericusly. Ap- the government foreciuts a 1971 knowlnr too little and caring degree persona he already has EAST famous fruit In hlatnrv Rinra P*®® ®°h*®-ln notursl Bugars that total of 600,000. That would bo a on alcohol—cases, of cirrhosis of PrinsB Awarded for Costumes not at all, says an official for a . . . We would like to share our ; V semifinals a few weeks ago WEST toe liver have more than dou­ ___ y when hla team beat a group of 4 K76 4 10 4 are easily digested, vitamin C, record, a 40 per cent rise over Tickets Available at Post Home social woikers group. concerns and expertise with Cp A 10 9 6 toe time Eve was tempted by vitamin A, poctln, and malic 1970, bled In 16 years. "I really don't know how him." ------' * * i^.; young Now York experts by_U ^ K73 0 n ( > toe serpent In toe Garden of acids. Dcctors have feund that The tourism minister, Moshe For men, such cases in­ Henry White could know so “Mr. White lacks the courage InternaUonal match points. The 0 94 hand shown today, which took K 8 7 5 3 ^ A 1 0 6 2 ®den, apples’ have played an *:ables who are fad apple Juice koI, says the tourists arc bring- creased from 19.6 to 46.8 per ------EYE-GLASSES by------mu(di about the profession of to face the social work profes- 100,000 In 1963-69. The women's soclal work," said Julius 8. gjon after repeated requests by Mathe only two minutes to play, SOUTH Important role in legend and *®''^®'' ''“ "‘’®" ‘"K **40 million this year, history. Greek mythology gives ‘ ■’cu*’*®®; **'«* **>« P®®' This Is the country’s biggest rate went from 7.7 to 27.8. Newman, chairman of the so- letters." Newman said, might well have taken some of 4 AQJ5 DeBella and Reale Opticians the other players three times as ^ J82 an apple as the reaatm for too apples helps keep choles- earner of foreign exchange. Unprecedented prosperity has clal action committee of the Another group the commls- Trojan War Erls Goddesa of *®’’°* count down; that college The Israelis also consider tour- Northern Connecticut CStapter has refused to meet long. 0 K 10 3 2 led to more drinking, medical Bast dealer A Q4 Discord threw ’ among toe ““ *‘*®"*® ®atlng 2-3 apples a day lem Important In propagnndo authorities believe. Prof. Lud­ flfth» N^onal Association of g^id Newman, Is a dele- g iia ^ r^ . *ind less than half ns many value. Complete Workera. ___ _ gallon of recipients who have Neither side vulnerable East South Weil Norib wig Popper of Vienna Univer­ Opening lead — Nine of Dla- Pass I 4 Pass 2 4 and Thetis a golden apple beai^ “ "<* headaches. Also, nn officials attribute the current sity reports per capita con­ Eye Glaa$' [I monds. All Pass *ng toe toscriptl^ "for toe f^^^ “ PP‘® “* Nature's toothbrush '' , sumption of wine went from 15 ^ SUte Capitol grounds, tor uie fair- gejing, j-ne apple removed 30 loat sight of his one very impor- _ ^ West opened the nine of dia­ est," Competitors for It were • toe area following the Middle liters In 1950 to about 40 in 1070. Service tant wsponslblllty, an7 tharls in monds since he was under-______— ------i tha ^ a . uJaf. P®® c®"* '" “ c® *>acteria from „ “ . eoase-flre of August 1970 That's equivalent to 10 gallons. H-ra a 9.?*'*®®"®" Aphrodite, the mouth than a S-mlnute Th„ terse Is s t e n 3 ud se- to serve> »p le ta need," New- " ‘ “ “ tag that schooled cuts In Hera and Athena. Paris, son of brushing nlus a gargle Apples ,.® *®®aells stepped up se Consumption of hard liquor also man said M ^ a y In a tele- T ” " ® be resctaded. the King of Troy, awarded the boon to th^ toeter who ®urlty arrangements following is up, but Dr. Popper said fig­ Contact phone interview. Th« «=“•»- ordered by Coventry Mathe put up dummy's ace of to lead hearts, an en Drized annin in Anhaaauo ®‘^® ®' ° ° ° " . ^"® guerrilla attacks on tourist Lenses To Perform at Temple Beth Sholom P a apple to Aphrodite after matches calories. An average j,ngeH last vear and the etmul- ures,on this are hard to deter­ White, In a copyrighted inter- White as part of Gov. Hiomas Juomonds a n d dropped t**® mine. view In the current Issue of MesklU’s austerity program. der which he was sitting. Bad Guys Clear Lod International Airport of­ on November 2nd. (6 a.m. to 8 p.m.) White aald that In some cases ^ private rooms, hand manner. j&ithe allowed the diamond to Hearts, A-10-9-6: Diamonds, J- The apple la a member of the A Black Queen South Windsor, discharge of fire- P'">* • * P-"*- '• ten is'clogged with passengers. (IlifiaUl photo BuccIviciuN) social workers make welfare wwte CIRCUIT COURT U arms on a public highway, fined l* *-™- • * P-™ , and 4 p.m. - 8 “ With this thought In mind, I arcund to his hand, drew 7-6: Clubs, A-10-6-2. ] rose family. It Is widely grown Pumpkin Patch The Israelis have begun to ex­ COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) —Jill -A Absence from Manchester during voting hours recipients w> dependent upon Manchester Session 125. p.m. am therefore proposing that the , pounds______of trumps____ ^ and one What do you say? throughout too world, wher­ pand toe airports In Jerusalem It Told the Story Young, senior from University as a student in a college, university, nurses* them that the reciptents “ would **** recipient U N ^ ced Charles______H.______Murray,„ 22, of Pediatrics: Parents allowed candidatescandltotes of your party andMd the „,ure diamond, and then show-show Answer: Bid I-NT. The hand- ever toe climate is moderate MILWAUKEE (AP) ■Hi® and Eilat to handle Intcr- City, Mo., was elected 1971 Uni­ Breach of peace charges were training school or institution of higher learn­ never get off welfare. I"*® “ >« f .®®‘**^®®:;; Bast Hartford, apeedi^, fined any time except noon—2 p.m.; candidates of my party join to- band. “ I'm leading Is strong enough for a response, the wintertime provides a trick-or-treatera began arriving national traffic While firemen were repeatedly flooding the Sher- versity of Missouri Home­ “ Now why is this true?” he “ terminal,' meaning mey ii gu^gtltuted yesterday for break J30. others, 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. Sether In an open forum before g,ub8,“ he announced. “ You but not strong enout the to driverteht to intensive drive Care and Coronary nnil Coranarv in Tnhn ^®*® misinformed adults being built at a cost of $80 mil- Ribicoff Raps Oct. 30 during halftime ceremo­ ★ Illness or physical disability and unable to vote throw them out at a certain u^t the commissioner U Igno- and Robert J. Steadman, 19, of la-dav Ucense sus- m . m . Mon take place “ In some neutral ------— ------—------Gals Invade rTinnmnn an ni-Aorh " ’®*'® among persons who llon. Almost half are going up nies of toe Missouri-Kansas in person at the polls. point and say, “ You're on your d problems encountered Stoffimd brings, were among ’ , ^ Maternity: Fatters, 11 a. . place such as St. Mary's Church Stamford Lack State football game. own. and take care of your- by social wwkers. four youths arrested In the case. P® ^,„,„„ o« P;.'"'' *'*® P ™: 1 Hall. Aviv. Stripper Club William Stelnbach, 25, of Mer- p.m.: otiiers, 3 p.m. - 4 p.m., THEATER TIME rc"'pS.i:srs farmer 8 labors os a“ result»•, of a ™ ------★ Member of Armed Forces, spouse or depen­ a According to Rosa, there Ik West was responsible for the .u . Of Sewage Care self.III.- “ We feel that many times so- Judge BU Cramer fined the aneedlns fined 140 """ " ------o" V.S. Plane SKEGNESS, England (AP) Newman said the “ analogy of workers, because of heavy youths $26 each, and said he and 6:S0 p.m. - 8 p.m- ^good------reason to believe that the SCHEDULE planting of htmdreds of seeds ^ dent of such member. STAMFORD (AP) — U.S FOR reclplente as chUdren aim Ms ^ the work would forgo probationary sen- cnventrv. onemtiiw L motor ' Democrats will accept the chal- and C itin gs, particularly In 9*^^ ^ t Gotham htUdlCS -A vacationing group of mln- Hits Allies a Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, characterisatian of nigged ln «- ^re trained to do." New- tences. because “ their fathers vehicle with defective equip- *" ®**'®® “ "*** *" lenge. with date and place to be Burnside — “ Girl In My Ohio, where he became known *’° “ *^*' **\® P*^P® P ^ era was waiting to watenwatch a rtuiiLnam ui . equip- g^tf.gorvlce. agreed upon shortly. as Johnny Appleseed. During r G a b l C I r a i n S To the REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMITTEE, Odd vlduaUsm denotea hla (White's) '“ “i' they have the boys „ent. fined $20. Soup," 7:00; “ C)jyl A The Pussy The emergency entrance on Boosters Club toe Wes4ard movement plo- t®";ded to p ow ®^ ^® .«p t.„. . a«id,„ =«.. s “ “ ”r x r 1 Cosmetics Fellows Building, 487 Main Street, Manchester, i lack of feeling for people ^ “ Profeelonal social workers under good control. NoUes were entered in the fol- Cat,” 8:40. In Accident terfly club this weekend when his abysmal Ignorance of the ^ overwhelmed with Armory St. is tiie only hospital The Boosters Club wlU meet neer families often Included a p - ^ Muszynslti said NEW YORK (AP) - San ‘It is absolutely indefensible Ck>nn. 06040. Please arrange Absentee Ballot for: I Prosecutor William Collins ex- lowing cases. Cinema I — “ Skin Game," (Contlnued From Fags One) [ pie seedlings along with toe ta*(®n or stepped on $600 worth pranclsco haa cable cars run- 40 women’s libbers broke In that the city of Stamford keeps undertylng paperwork and the increasing plained the youths were at- Edward C. Aheam, 30, entrance open from 11 p.m. to tomorrow night at 7:30 at the ITS 7 a.m. All other outside doors high school for a business meet- 7:30, 9:40. Interiol- Ministry to go ahead^ household articles they packed pumpkin, cabbage Md yp jjg bills, and now there and stormed onto toe stage. dumping sewage In Long Island ty ^ we f ^ n o to m j^ t|,g the euem« “ ®"* loaa um* “ uiejr *®y *“uo.*o '^® uvn. ‘tempting ®mptiu to gather funds to South Woodstock, Conn., failure Cinema II — “ See No Evil," with the election. > I Voter’s Nam e...... necticut ^ but throughou ^ engage In the kind send oi are locked during the night ing followed by a Beautification Into their covered wagons. Two squash by toe time he got word g^jg^t for New York to “Take It off, girls." yelled Sound- P®op*® of Stamford been free to engage in the kind send one of them to his home to stop for a school bus. 7:30, 9:30. In another development, the, shift. Committee presentation ora the '3 famous apple growers were of toe activity Saturday. have a version of toe cable car toe miners When toe women *iuve the obligation to clean up I Address...... Tel...... '.... of counseling with clientscUents that at MlclMichigan. OoUins said Ken- Michael P. Budney, 60, of Ber- State — “ Mash," 9:30; government confiscated edi-, Liggetts ------work of that group, by Mrs. George Washington and His sister, ’Virginia R. Shore, carrying commuters through refused, they shoved them out your own front yard." ^ n Is effective,” Newman said. nethneth Williams, Williams, 19, 19, cf cf Ckdoma, Col cm a, Hn, improper improper lane lane chai change. "Butch Cassidy,” 7:30. tlons of 14 Saigon newspapers Patients Today: 268 Frances Funk. Th6mas Jefferson. Legend has said she saw a station wagon the air. the door, fighting all toe way. Stamford Is now governed by At the Parkade I DON’T DELAY. COMPLETE AND MAIL TODAY thrlS^ “By integrating former Mich, is back there, serving Bruce R. Coolbeth, Manchester Drive-In — Re- for articles “ likely to sow con-^ it that toe large apple Industry bulging with pumpkins, and The proposal calls for a cable the Republican administration FOR FUR’THER INFORMATION TEL. 646-8560 c l p l e White's ‘ answer to the so- recliHenta _ Into the_____ program,n h . . r = . » we « r v probation» i . r . — on other ______charges. Ool- Rockville, operating a inotor ADMITTED YESTERDAY: New officers for the club year pridav Tho star of the show an fusion among the masses." Al- of toe state of Washlngrton was that youngsters were making to be strung 200 feet above the of Mayor Julius Wilensky. Fed­ MANCHESTER ...... ‘ Mrs. Jane L. Bachand, 26A Fte-- have been chosen, with Gar- I'Tioay. ample brunette who calls her- , REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMI'TTEE -Ho could see an Increase in the Uns noUed the charges against vehicle without a Ucense. East Hartford Drive-In Re- though the government Is never started In 1820 from seeds from off with weighty contraband on East River to connect the East eral officials have ordered toe White suggested that tne oe- ___ « WUllams. m«r«nn» m nf i self Erotica, told the audience: ^p p,^^g narto” t ’rW Itself of ‘"thls'n^- service by having a WUllams. Clarence Coty, 22. of Lewis- est St.: George Beeny, 147 Hoi- 1“ “ * Reedy as chairman. Mrs specific about reasons for such a “ good luck” apple given to a bicycles and coaster wagons. side of Manhattan to Welfare l!^ “rf‘hIvl^to. . . tovri ^b 'a reduction rtfo t /voBAitrf\w1rAff>'acaseworker's Wf>l*k work a U the youths were charged ton, operating an unregistered lister St.; Richard P. B ^ d lk , ^ ® East Windsor Drive-In Re-, confiscations, several editors . "They dash around telling neighboring Darien on a sense of having to nave a b .a . ^ ^ ------f L - motor vehicle. 23 Nye St.; Henry T. Dickinson, “ rs. Jacqueline Oovey, secre sea captain In London. Today Police said they tracked island, where a “ new town" for or master's degree to be a so- » “ d the Insight and Input of for- originaUy with destruction to said they were aimed at art!-, people not to wear bras. You sewage disposal plant. East Longmeadow, Mass. Edmondsi^i, treas- Washington, New York and down about 24 youngsters re- 20,000 residents Is in toe design clal worker today. What I nier reclplente," he added. private property, two counts of Peter S. Cram, 19, of 6% Trot­ 'CSirome ®l®a about recent fire bombings^ Pennsylvania are three of toe ported to have taken crops, and stage. won't catch me not wearing a Rlblcoff was campaigning for ter St., failure to carry regls Also Mrs Rita Duffv Ware- '“ *'■« Cindy Eaton, publl- Meadows I of U.S. and South Vietnamese bra-except when I ’m working. would do is take people who Newman said social workers larceny, and attempted break- house ’point: Mrs^^^[jy E. ®“y- Membership chairman Is * Hot Leather." 7:30; "Lola,' largest apple producers. that their parents were being if approved, the system Wllensky’s opponent, Democrat are on wetfare, or who already would meet Wednesday night to Ing and entering, tration. government vehicles by mili­ There are over 1000 named asked to make restitution to would cost about $2 million and Thomas Hume, who later t(X)k Duray, Enfield; Michael N. ^ Ellsworth Greenleaf. have gotten off, and train them decide adiat. If any, action to An 18-year-® -- — learned------the- se- ” Meet the Manchester That Booeara to he th* rame «»>ould be borne by charges against an 85-year-old Coventry, folloi^ng too clwel^ RockvUle; Thomas ®’’®‘ g®Ml“« » longer i ^ l. That ^ipears to be the game i ^jh^ uvo Management 7.™ .t" . Kathleen S. Sauer, 21, of 25 • The apple was 15 inches In K.. r ^ K J Management ^^s Involved In a ^ r T ®® fra7.Zent iL.ue rf *^®- 2« Hany Lane. RockvUle STARTS TOMORBOW being played by those state of- Commlssloii-not by her office four-car crash at E. Center and “ John C. Roche. 56 Cold Spring circumference. S Joseph E Levint* presents a Mike Nithols Film starring Jack Ntchotson • Carxfice Bergen ficlala afced with the task of nor the governor's. Spruce Sts. Sept. 29. check. ______. Dr., Vernon. pubUohing the 200-page doc- In view of the budget cuts in- Harry Ryan of 138 (Charter Also, Mrs. Edith M. Schleldge, I ***C3mal KnOWlcrte’is on* or Itw bMl movlM svsr.” I I k y . \ ument which mdeni redlstrlct- curred by the secretary of the Oak St. was charged with pass- Church Lane, (Coventry; Mrs. >. »L/i Smith. Coamopotftt/i aftpairaa ^ State Bank staff... \ " i . _ r. 1 . VI. state's office and the governor's Ing in an Intersection, failure Carol K. Shroyer, Mark Dr., lug cf the General Assembly. office, she said, either the Gen- to obey a state traffic control Spiro Agnew Coventry; Mrs. Shirley A. VI- I MikeMd)ois,lackNidH)l§oaCan^ | Last week, Secretary of the Assembly or the Leglsla- signal, and failure to drive In tols, 81 Thompson Rd.; Louis 0 AiitwiGaifunkd Ann Maigm and Jules t i State Gloria Schaffer said her Management Commission the proper lane, Emotional At Wai^, Fitchburg, Mass. office didn't have the funds for appears to be the appropriate Judge Graimer said he ad- DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: 1 Carnal Knowlecl^.| publlshing the jdan and asked agency to bear the expense. mired the man's long, and Henry G. Audette, 22 Scott Dr., k *[Rl- *r«ODo KT'’ the Commission on Official That's where the matter Ues clean driving record, but said Homecoming Vernon; Mrs. Margaret C. Fon- 1 Under IS Legal Documents to assume the „ow—In limbo. A decision on h® f®H might be time for tanella, CHder Mill Rd., Bolton; ^ An Aveo Emtmuy Ptelm task (and the cost) of having It ^j,o will pay for the printing Ry®" to8lve up his license, (Continued from Page One) Walter D. Jcdmson, RFD 2, 2s Aq pai3.-ijio pvs paonpoij ■ auiAai j lylavor i»3npoj,j aniinqaxs .„oOp0|Moux Itojso.. printed In the Omnecticut Law njjuje at least imtil Ryan drove a car that slde- and anglicized hla name. He L^lisvlcw Dr., Coventry. Jcurnal. Thursday afternoon. At swiped another waiting for ® Also. Thomas N. Trevithick, On Friday, CJilef Supreme that time, Mrs. Schaffer will on Spruce St., then crash- aiea in i w i . Merrow; Frank P. Gluhosky, 77 /y Court Justice Charles House, meet with Ratchford and with ®d head-on with pother turn- “ My fondest wish Is that my shallowbrookLane; Mrs. ciyn- ENDS TUESDAY! 'rCW who is chairman of the com- Senate president pro tempore *J^8 father could have lived to enjoy thla J-Ferreira, East Hartford; &ASTEBN HMOBS mission, had his official court Charles Alfano, hopefuUy, to de- **^® '*'**’' Agnew said Jacqueline M. Brazeau, Storrs; COUSCUM reporter inform Mrs. Schaffer cide. behind It. Five persons. Includ­ Charlotte F. Boudreau, Bast WEST SPRINGFIELD 'J ing into Spruce from E. Center *" *'*® speech to the towns- ^ AT that the document Is too bulky What is at issue is not wheth- Hartford; Tammy A. Hyson, 114 !40 to be printed In toe Law Jour- er toe document will be printed Manchester P®^*®' fomilv and Ha®*>®* H**-: Joyce E. Stager, OPENS nal. - because It will - but from M®'"°Hal Hospital. I U ^ k you, iny family, and g ^ngg, ^ TUBS., NOV. 16 The document was returned which pocket of allocated state Kevin Tlemcy, 33, of Bolton, toe neighbors of the Anagnoeto- .. „ william ir nmifh NIGHTLY to Mrs. Schaffer, who siUd funds the money will come, pleaded guilty to breach of poulos family, for that most and ^ u ^ r M ^tiaxy Dr again that her office doesn't The State Constitution orders peace, and WM fined »60. Tier- valuable gift that this village Andrew ’ R ^ ^ ^ a L Nov. 16>1T-U>U 1/ ney was originally charged has given me. Lancaster R ^ M r s . Orifice 28-24-25 * $S- 6 P.M . hav®, toe to publish the the secretair ^ the state to pub- - ^ receiving “ And that Is Nov. 20 ft 27 — 9 VM. plan. She had toe document de- llsh toe redlstrlctlng document ^Ig^. heritage that has endured P®*®” “ o^* »on. Broad Brook; MATTNEEti fordrs'U,",*,™ Society for Savings, ''!'!' whereT'- who Is to pay for S“'rlU publication. 'ghaser of r two stolen ;motor- God s ™ help will flourish .•«ir for our ®' ^'ddle Tpke.; Mrs. SAT. ft SUN. •.V?> / f “it ----- remains.0"*y *‘>® *®’‘P®y®r *‘nowB who ^ Tolland. chUdren and our children's chll- Lane and son, 260 Nov. 20, 21, 27 ft 28 Over toe weekend, House will pay. He will — and he ’ r Ceretto 23, of 61 dren “ Windsor; Mrs, 1:80 P.M . ft 8130 PJW. Speaker William Ratchford sug- doesn't really care from what m ' pV pieced ^ llty to But amid the emotion of Morgan Flaherty and daughter, PRICES gested that, perhape, toe need- pocket toe money comes. “ there was evl- 40 Irving St.; Mrs. Dana Ed forgery of a prescription form, homecoming, uicic **•>» c*-- ~ a a ' a . _ — 8JMMl.ll0-4Ji0-5.00-SUW WEDl Sidney Polller ‘THR OROANnATION’' ed funds could come from the and will face sentencing on dance of the politics of Agnew’s daughter. East Hart- AU Seato Beaerved governor's contingency account. Nov. 4, when a preaentence re- first visit to Greece. ford. Yesterday, Gov. Thomas Mes- port will be offerjsd. She was premier George Papado- klU picked up that suggestion Poitier Movie oiiginally charged with doctor poulos accompanied the vice ORDER BY MAIL Ml A now. and said he was ready to trans-trans r p TUf* „ shopping, and a charge of viola- president to Gargallanol. Two Business Vote CHROMEi Tlilnklng of a chair for family living? . . a fer toe needed funds from his X « i f llB B ir r e i l l i e r e g, probation still stands deputy premiers went ahead to TODAY AND i-halr to i-omplement a particular setting? . . - contingency account to the sec a chair that suits a man to a T? You’re sure RICHMOND, Va. (AP) against her. greet them. Changes Party SERVING YOUR liOCAL NEEDS IN BANKING to find exactly whulT you have in mind at retary of toe states account. thlnir missing at toe ^A »iuu$100 iiiicfine was»*•»» penaltyy ------levied g papadopoulos, whose ...... military—, Mend a Obeok or He estimated the coot for print- *"® missing ai me Henry Wrobel, 41, of 24 regime has been criticized In PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) A Money Order to llezslnl Bros, where tvery chair Is a model of .SPBBVCUnXLD gruceful styling, luxurious comfort, and finest Ing 1,000 copies of toe plan at world premiere of the Sidney gi _ vvho pleaded guilty to the U.S. Oingress os a dictator- Gallup Poll says that for the (L-R) Brn«t Aiidrew*, Luclllo IvuWl, Marcl Negro, Elsie Tiu- craftsmanship. ComoJ In . . . choose frt>m a m a n a o b m b n t o o . about $6,600. Poltier film "Buck and toe obtaining compensation by a ahip and urged by the State De- first time In 30. years, more P.O. Box 511 (IP tftglia, Cynthin Martin. Ciithy Goo|)e. Biirlmrn Hilton, tA»l» world of distinctive styles, Perhaps you re I-ate yesterday, Mrs. Schaffer preacher" Saturday night will false statement. porlment to move toward rep- businessmen and® professional West Hprliigfled,Hpitngfled, Mm s . lOVd thinking of a new lamp, a sofa, something for toe turned down toe governor's of be toe film “ Buck and the A hitch-hiking charge against resentatlvc rule, has spent people consider themselves lUMO (iretH os BurkhaK, Laura Beaumet. Betty Betrlccu, llichartl Uuiler. iiedroom or dliiing room watoever It niay bo, you will find It here , . and at very modeat ______Preacher."reacher “ Michael E. Ashe, 24, of New aome 8>4 hours In conference Democrats than Republicans. Charlea Sullivan. Edmond Barker. | Poltier cooroducer of the Milford, was nolled by Collins, with Agnew. He also has not fn 1940, when It first began Be life to state number prtcea and on surprisingly low budgst payments. and price of tickets, date and time of iftanrl)0Btrr .T'r%ri:,z -Si: sr-s; porfomaiMo desired. A m i l Vi lh«- ''lore Where (ju.ilio Mhsv» C’,>ine« I ir»( premiere a T VlrgUda Union O**'®*' " “if ''’® “ “ ®;’'^®Tme "k^toiy Eu^nin^ If^ralh CkwRsr I SI ItVK 1 U^v^rslty, of which he is a c l^ d : ^ ^ ti’Treceptlon In Athens L Republicans, Another 29 per DON'T DELAY PubUsbed Dolly Bzoept Oundays It wasn't. So, instead, he will tonbury, dUregardlng a stop ,or Agnew. ^ « ^ ^ ^ t ” ll.tin ^ h .‘ l.W .^ . l l MIN 4 MANCHESTER STATE BANK DANK and HoUdays at U BisMlt Street. bring along a film entitled sign, fined $15. Americans and Greeks Invited » r cent listing - themselves as ORDER YOUR tfN b l’.('//ini Bros.'T^ \Vii\si(lc riirnilim HaaMMster, Ooan. e A M r Or^nlzi^tion''~a X e l D ^ Ambassador Henry/independents, IV i." -/■' NOUMi Mondoy thru rrmay. • O'* • •’ Award- vllle making unneccessory T ^ a . Some 10 to 20 member* At present, toe poll shows $T 0#oood Paid at TICKITf TODAYI ovenlng • «0 pm to • 00 pm Nturday • 00 am lo l» o o iwwn Mam-he*lrt WUHimmitc Meifeaciiesliter. w ln n ^ X ltie r ^ . - ' I n toe mS.e with a motor vehicle fined ‘*J« T r ^ e r l t U ‘^ ^ !S 2 r"to J m W&liK I »I4 Main St BUMCRtPnON.. BATES Heat n# the Night " $18. and failure to drive In the ment were there. Including professionals i.onelMr thsm- MUV»IN TRUJtlli MoMair thru 1;; 4|0 f MliMtr I apt: Advance pm Thurodi* ovoalni OWpm U* 0 00 pm rrteayPiWam ,42 ) U lf payable in C premtere U to help raize esteW^ed lane, «n“ d $20. Forelggn Minister Evongheloz selves Dsrnocrats, t^ ll. $ per M « tt.” fuIS. fo7restoraSolrortoeTr- Tom w W. aifford, 27. of 1S7 Averoff, a critic of to. curr^t cent say they are le 100 p m IMur^y • 00 o m te tl 00 aomi As.:#. jft.| 326 glnla Union chapel, which Bizsell 8t„ speeding, fined $86. government. Some tHher critics and M Indloate they I6c burned, Jeffrey Hamberg, 28, of Bay of the regime stayed away are Independents. weekly MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971 P A G E n V E

South Windflor 400 WaterbedH MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1971 Tolland County Lowe Sees Some Progress PAGE FOUR For Hotel Use Memorial Trees $25^000 Study Okayed Superior Court On MCC Maintenance Staff B o lto n PHIIJVDELPHTA (AP) To Be Planted The Sheraton Hotel Is buying niVORCEH President Frederick W. Ijowe two new program* for MOR’. For School Ooerations 400 watorbeds. Jr. has caught a glimmer of Media associate (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, films, Several memorial trees will A hotel spokesman said Mon- Divorces were granted last light at the end of the mainte­ p r o Plans Open House; etc.), and associate degree be planted at Waddell School, Tho consulting firm of Booz- and felt the town hod more to day a demonstration model In week by Judge Henry J. Naruk nance personnel tunnel for the Hamilton of New York wUl bo gain by lotting opinions be nurse program. North Mancheeter PorWet, use for throe weeks pleased on grounds of Intolerable cniel- asked to conduct a Board of made known as well as suggos- giicsts enough to prompt tho ty to: * Manchester Community College The latter, he said, will con­ Women Schedule Party Charter Oak Field and High­ Education evaluation of opera- tions, expanded venture, Patricia J. White of Windham Bldwcll St. campus. “ Wo seem tain two alternatives: Two 7tm open bouae span* ex]riain entrance raquiremenU land Park School under the Me­ tional cost study after the re- Appointed to the Jury Corn- The hotel says water beds f^om Claude E. White III of to have made some progress on years and two summers of moving papers through a couple study to qualify to take the reg­ ■orad br the Perant-ttecber admlasiona pmedurae. morial Tree program, conduct­ quest received unanimous ap- mittoe was Charles Rogulbuto may be ordered fer other hotels t;ovcntry provQl by tho Town Council lost and Martha Williams. In the chain If they go over’ big ' of offices,” he told the Region­ istered nurse examination; or Demoeratie Women ed by a subcommittee of the Hovcrly 8. Javaruuckas of Oiipuiisnttan will be held to- Way* Town Manager Terry Bpron- in Philadelphia, ' al Council last night. on tho career ladder concept, to Canlre Warfel, end City Beautiful Committee of the Manchester from Allen A. Jav- •t 8 p.m. •t. the ele- Tho Idea of entering Into a kel told tho Council that tho Dr. Ix)we reixirted to the become a licensed practical Means chairman ot the Demo- Chamber of Commerce, Dr. arauckas of East Hartford. meBtaiT school. The evening cratic Women's C9ub, said tick- study of this type, costing *26,- Sullivan Avo. traffic light at tho council Sept. 20 that he had ap­ nurse at the end of a year. Charles E. Jacobson Jr., pro­ Virginia L. Nadeau of Man­ Tho Board of Trustees has ap­ win b^ftn with a dtort meetlnir ^ avalUMe for the 000 has boon considered by both two shoplng plazas will bo a plied to the state July 23 to hire gram chairman, has an­ chester from Philip W. Nadeau six maintainers Aug. . At the pointed two new members to in the aU-purpose room at Oktoberfest to bo held 39 tho Board of Education and the reality in January. Stock Market 6 nounced. of Colchester. the Regional Council, They are “ t * P-m. at Oommunlty Hall. Town Council but after work He also noted that the Police NEW YORK (AP) Hie September meeting, he said, it TlckeU for the affair, which For the lust six years the sub­ sessions and talks with other Department will be receiving , , . . I’hozle Belle Samuels from would be mid-October before Mrs. Katherine Bourn of 282 stock market sank sharply to- j,, jj, n, , snmuels, both of Ver- f®'**Jf**2!"**’ win offer food, German singinf committee has planted treee businesses and' school officials, three now cruisers ns allocated 3 3 3 the workers could be hired. On Ferguson Rd. and Mrs. Doris Mr. and Mrs. Rigby Graham. be^r, are available from each spring and fall on town Oouncllmen Abraham Gloss, in the present budget and that day against a biuikdrop of dls- non. She was granted a change Sept. 20, about 300 students and Devera of Stafford Springs. FoUcering the business poi^ Marilyn Moonan, Georgia property purchased with dona­ man and Robert Sills decided to gower bids are coming in well appointing third-quarter earn- of name to I’hozlc Belle Guest. 75 faculty members conducted a Both are former state trustees. tions accepted through the year. Uon of the meeting, parents scotella, Eleanor Churilla or go along with tho entire council, below tho prices expected. On Ings reports and continued anx- Evelyn E. BanlakI from Tlbor cleanup campaign on the Mrs. Judith Klau of West Hart­ wtU have an opportunity to vis- Marilyn Breslow. Anyone seek- Those wishing to donate a tree trlnssman, at the lost council the “ D " contract the going grounds and In the buildings. ford has resigned as a council may send a fS check made pay­ iety alsait Phase 2 of President J* BanlakI, both of Manchester. it classrooms and view displaya further Information about meeting said he did oppose this price was not to exceed *600,- I'atrlck A. Rooney of Man­ “ We still don't have authori- member. able to the Memorial Tree Pro­ Nlxon's economic program. zatlcn for the personnel,” Dr. The following new tuition fees by the, AK and Physical Bdu- tickets may contact Jean Ma- yj^ of study at first but after goo for work in tho residential chester from Sandra June Roo- cation departments. hon of Mount Sumner Drive. ' gram and send it to the Cham­ sitting with members of tho 3^33 3„d the highest bid recelv- The n.Kin I>ow Jones average ,,, Hanuhan, 8.C. Ixwe said. are effective the second semes­ ber of Commerce. He added that the state ques­ ter: *100 per semester for state Refreafaments in the aU-pur- Tigers Oame was for *298,000. Ho also not- of 30 Industrials was off 7W ^ ^ 3 3 granted on Donors of this faU’s planting, porsons divorced from tho town tions why all maintenance work students, and *425 for out-of- poao room wUt conclude the The Bolton Tigers remain un- od that, according to tho refer- points at 884.60. Declines on the Eicrence Brophy some of whom gave more than itself, would be in a bettor posl- should not )>c done by contract, state students; *9 per semester evenlng. defeated in the Charter Oak ondum, excess funds cannot bo New York Stock Exchange ed vernon from Frederick one tree, are Mr. and Mrs. J. tlon to advise than If on analy­ as recommended In the Ether- hour for part-time state stu­ Mrs. John Shepardson, PTO midget footbaU league, after de- for other sewer work in advances by more than 3 to I. Joseph Ode of Irvington, N.J. piograro chairman, has an- featlng the Ehst Hartford Gol- Ray Fogarty, in memory of Jef­ sis were conducted by local , . . The losers Included steels, Ington Report, The MOC posl- dents, and $38 per hour lor out- nounced prarr*.«*s for the com- den Elks Sunday, 22 to 0. frey R. Maloney; Mrs. Charles residents who might have axes approved by motors, rubber issues, mall or- llcn, Dr. I»w e said, Is that such of-state students. iiw *» .- .olch include a spe- Btdton touchdowns were re- Quoos, in memory of William A. to grind. Sills this week said he roforondum. der-retall, farm Implements, an agreement docs not provide .xauiee program in Janu- corded by Jay Pontanella, Dane Knofla; William C. Hanson, in too had changed his mind after agreed to enter in- Daniels Wed 25 Years aircrafts, chemicals, rails, and Kaye in Japan for emergency slluatlon.s. “ I feel that that would be writing a ary with John riek and Jeffrey Ward and Jerome Chemerka. memory of Mrs. Martha L. spcaklng with board member contract with the Capitol oils. All other groups were Fred DeGlacomo. Region CouncU of Governments ’white glove’ contract that Hoints of the school guidance Fontanella’s touchdown came Hansen, and Ludwig W. Han­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daniels of honor and best man at the mixed. For U.N. Stint would be very expensive,” he department “ * ^ blocked punt in the*end sen. During a public hearing on (UHCOG) u-t a rate of 3.2 per Clinton St look at olctures wedding, Analysts said uncertainty commented. COAL fair U idanned for sone, whUe scored o n j Also, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence the matter, a resident and conPlif the cost to finance posl- ’ „ . offpr and Mrs D wiels were upcji tbe details of I’hase 2 TOKYO (A P ) — Comedian member of the school facilities ‘Ions “ "dor tho Emergency Em- of the open house Sunday after- jg jg.jg ^y the He has a meeting scheduled November and a science fair »*ya rd run. Chemerka scored Jalbert, in memory of Mrs. Danny Kaye has arrived in was keeping many Investors on today with Adolf Carlson, com­ Rose R. Fitzgerald and Donald committee. Allan Caffyn, ques- ployment Act. Sprenkel noted noon In honor of their 28th wed- Theodore B. Palmer at the Tokyo on the first leg of a for March. “ interception. the sidelines. Trading was slow. missioner of finance and control, FOR SALE Fitzgerald; Burr Nurseries, in tionod tho council’s strategy that extensive paperwork is ding anniversary. Emanuel Lutheran Church. world tour to publicize the ac­ The PTO wlU cosponsor a Brian Molde and Among Individual Issues, and Dr. Searle F. Cliarles, ex­ From Factory .memory of William Q. Scott; In hiring a firm at this cost necessary with this type of jobs Abut 76 friends and relatives The couple received many verox which renorted a slleht tivities of the U.N. children’s drag information pragram with J ? ” each credited fund—UNICEF—which Is cele­ ecutive officer of the Board of To You th T Jmitor Women's two-potat conversion Mr. and Mrs. William Malken- when the board. In the past, and felt the »70C or so was well attended the event which, was gifts including flowers and silver jejune in third quarter eam- has not "utilized the very pro- worth the time and money to given by Mrs. Daniels’ nieces pieces. Friends called from West ^33 ^ at 110% Pola brating Its 25th anniversary. Trustees for Regional Commu­ Pick Up Only Chib in April. Also scheduled Coach Boisoneau cited Ward, son, in memory of Mrs. Estelle cedures they have sot up." He hire a sponsoring agency to and Mrs. Clarence Larswi of Virginia and Chicago to con- Kaye, who arrived Sunday, nity Colleges, In an effort to re­ for April is a teacher-student Molde and Steve Whltham for Bauer, Mrs. Freda Malkenson rold was off % at alter re­ said he wondered what would handle all the detail work. Oak Grove St. and Mrs. Henry gratulate the couple, will go to Hong Kong on move more roadblocks In ob­ outstanding play. and Seth Garman. porting a drop In quarterly basketball game. The final be done with the Information. ------W. Larson of Somers, slsters-in- Mr. Daniels is a retired sales- Wednesday and then proceed to taining the maintenance person­ COBM t C O . meeting of the year in May will^ Next week the Tigers play Also, Mrs. Frank Guttl, In earnings per share to 41 cents 17 im X IA B D ST. and suggestions- made by the Monchrater Evening Herald law of the couple. Mrs. Clarence man for the General Pencil Co. , , „ Manila, Jakarta, Singapore, nel. include a student arts, c^kft memory of Mrs. Lena Gattl Bangkok, Calcutta and Eu­ Dr. Ixwe announced that the MANCHESTER Bulletin Board tirm by the board since they South Windsor Correspondent Larson and her husband, tho in Jersey City, N.J. (Herald ^ '^ ^ r iX " w h t o ir afso ro and photography exhibit. Bertussl; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen ropean cities. Board of Trustees has approved The BoHon Athletic Associa­ New M ISAC Nursery School in Session Frey, in memory of Mrs. Mary now fall to follow practical sug- Barbara Varrick, tel. 644-8274. late Mr. Larson, wer6 matron photo by Coe) The final event of the PTO gestions made bj^other sources. ed lower earnings, was off % at tion will meet tonight at 8 at Frey; Mrs. Walter H. Jones, in Caffyn also felt the school ad­ 30%. season wUl be the annual school tjje jj^me of Ralph Donohue, 12:30 to 3 p.m. Morning children attend every day. One afternoon memory, of Walter H. Jones; said, and MCC can expect a de- Miss Joan Peila, teacher, right, and Mrs. W alter Bycholski, ministration theoretically has a The market had retreated in fair June 3. The Board of Sdectmen wlU group attends Monday, Wednesday, and FViday; and the other, Mrs. John Fischer, in memory Dr. Ix)we slated that he anti­ volunteer mother, supervise a session of the recently opened professional working for them the previous four scsslorA. Scholarship Plana meet tonight at 8 in the town of John Fscher and Walter C, MCC To Host Meeting Beech wood Nursery &hool, sponsored by MISAC, at 59 Rachel Tuesday and Thursday. Thirty-five children are currently enroll­ in the capacity of a business cipates the NEACSS report will Since last Thursday, the Dow School guidance director John offices. ed. Ojienings are available in each of the three sessions. Parents Waddell. recommend two possible ureas industrial average has ,J)een Flek has advised Bolton High The Women's Society for Rd. The non-profit school for children three to five years old manager. Also, Mrs. Felicia M. Rivard, of Improvement: 1. Additional .slipping progressively Ibwtft un- For Board of D irecto rs School seniors that applications Christian Service of United is in session Monday through Friday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and are responsible for transportation. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) Mayor Howard Fitts said the Of Regional0 Council ■ in memory of Mrs. Mary Mil­ . . . . library staff and on increase In ,1,,^ .up piosinir ipvel of the Atit for the Oonnecticut State Schol- Metbodiat Church will m e^ to- firm would allow the town to Manchester Community Col- Klebanoff of Hartford, chair- number of volumes from the closing level ot me Aug. ler; Social Committee of Man­ 18 Nixon rally. arshtp pragram are now avail­ night at 8 in the church parlor. a start, and there’s a poesiblUty draw upon considerable back­ lege will host a meeting of state man of the House committee on present 18,000 to 30,000; 2. A DONALD D. WELLS Coventry South 'Windsor chester High School, In mem- The AssociateJ Press 60-stock able in his office. The Ladies' Benevdent So­ of recycling other items in the „ ground that would ultimately community college regional education; State Rep. Nicholas niore specific and unique state- future. “ The other towns would “ O' of Othmar Tyrrell average was off 1.6 at 318.9. In­ He also reminded parents of ciety of the BoMon Ooogrega- provide material for Improve- council members Saturday. Ses- M. Motto of Hartford, chairman ment of the college’s philosophy, Second term on Board ot Directors and Secretary Also, Mrs. Samuel Fischer, in Juniors and seniors that the Uooal Church wUl meet tonight Women’s Qub Landfill Use have to Join in this effort in or­ ment. He also added that it j,e held in the Student of the House subcommittee on goals, and objectives, dustrials were off 3.0, rails of Board, he resides at 82 Plymouth Lane with memory of John Fscher; Cap­ were off .9, and utilities were second In a series of college at 8 at Chandler Hall. der for it to be practical and is not unhand of tiiat a total Qg^tgr and auditorium on the vocational education; and Dr. Usually, Dr. Ijowe comment- wife, Dot, and five of nine children. BSHA Penn Is Discussed ital Equipment Co. Inc., in off .1. orlMitation programs will be Slates Forum The Baby Has feasible, ” Sills s^d. kp# * ®8ture has been Bi^^gn gj campus. Hamel, who will speak on re- ed, new institutions are ac- State; B6M E University of Hairtford. Supervisor MaDCbester Eveuing Hwald He explained that a new fa­ memory of Mrs. Jane Dewart; Prices on the Big Board’s held Oct. M at the high school re^cted before. Second District Cong. Robert suits of a similar merger in Vir- credited for a short period, " I „ . . , p j Technical Recruiting Pratt A Whitney Aircraft. at 8 p.m. Officials from five Bolton eorreapoodent JudUfa For Candidates By Candidates cility would be costly and that George W. Fscher, in memory The ^ard did feel yiere was „ ^,3,3 ^^ gg „„,g for most-active list Included Sky- Served on Planning & Zoning Commission 19674968. area colleges will be on hand to Dooobne, teL of John Fischer; Mr. and Mrs. room for help and Improve- keynote address at U. a.m. Speaking on an Oct. 3-6 evalu- three years,” he said, "with line Corp., off 2 at 50%, First The Junior Women’s Club is Two Republican Incumbents Frank Oluhoeky, in memory of ment and within a four to five goals to National City Corp., up 1 at Past President Lions <31ub, Fulton, N.Y. Served on today suggested ways to pte- After luncheon, to be pre- atlon of MCC made by a team recommendation for having a “Meet the Candidates” Been Named \ Ervin D. Brown. week period the firm would be the next 42%; Skaggs Co., off 1 at ’34%; Board of Trustees Second Congregational Church. pared and served by the MCC from the New England Associa.> be achieved within vent Improper landfUl in water « « Also, the Mlkolelt family and able to tell what kind South Windsor night Wednesday at St. Mary's retention areas and to lessen Porting items could be offset hotel-restaurant management tion of Colleges and Secondary three years.” Natomas, off 1 at 64%; Howard Mrs. Joseph Reggetts, in mem­ changes might be mode in the — Johnson, off % at 36%; and Church at 9 p.m. the growing demands on the “ not only by any compensation program students. Dr. Dana Schools (NEACSS), President 1 Candidates for office in the ory of Mrs. Carrie Bells; Mrs. upcoming budget. Goodyear, off % at 31%. VOTE REPUBLICAN town’s sanitary landfill area. might receive for them, but Homes for Elderly Hamel, chancellor of the Virgin- Frederick W. Lowe Jr. said, November elections will pre­ Owens, Kathleen Robinette, daughter of Robert and Jennie Perrett, in memory of ‘Couples’ On Film Prices on the American Stock Democratic Qindidates Say Mrs. Louise Evans. Planning also by the benefit to our exist- Good news came from Rev. Community College System, “ Generally, we should expect a n EW YORK (AP) —John PULL THE TOP LEVER, Tuesday, N oy. 2 sent their views and answer Lynn Cooper Owens, Carriage Dr., Hebron. She was born Oct. John Little; Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ Exchange’s most-active list in­ and Zoning Commission mem- faciUty in the form of long- ter E. Johnson in memory of James BIrdsall who Is chair- '''*** the evolution of that favorable report or recommen- Updike’s novel, "Couples,” will questi«is. 6 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ cluded STP Corp., off 2% at ents are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cooper, Richmond, Va. Her pa­ ber, suggested that regulations use. Mrs. Lucy Brennen; Miss For- man of the Housing Authority system. dation on accreditation.” be made into a movie by Aaron J^97rr”Tesoro Petroleum M 1% This ad sponsored by toe Manchester Republican GOP Promises Not Kept All interested townq>eople are be drawn up regarding the fill- Sills feels this effort would ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William A. Owens, Lan­ ence Johnson, in memory of In South Windsor. The Rev. Mr. scheduled for the after- He based his opinion, he said, spelling Productions, It was an Town Committee — Chas. McKenzie, Treas. invited to attend. Ing of undeveloped land that prevent any unnecessary ex­ at 36%: Mobil Home, off 1 at fVimMiinan Abraham Glass- for the four yean he has served sing, Mich. She has a brother, Christopher, 2. Mrs. Lucy Brennen; Perennial BIrdsall sold an option for five "°®” session will be a throe- on favorable oral comments nounced by United Artists, Students at Coventry K gh serves as a reservoir for excess pense to taxpayers and would 24'%; and Tesoro Petroleum on the town CouncU, "the Be- preparing for their • «i # « # Planters Garden Club, in mem­ acres of land owned by Kirby member panel discussion of made by team members in the which will distribute the film man, who is seeking re-election, precipitation and runoff from help to achieve the adminlstra- MacDonald, nmotfay James, son of Charles and Helena ory of loved ones. Holcomb, at the end of Elm St. possible Implications contained areas ot students, faculty, bull- Robert Mlrisch and Spelling warranis, on ^ /». and Phmmng and Zoning Com- adjacent land. She said that tion’s program to "plan ahead Evans MacDonald, 387 Hartford Rd., Manchester. He was Also, Mrs. Jacob F. Miller, has been given to the town for I” a merger of technical and ding design, and traffic flow: will coproduce the m o v ie ,______mlasioa. ciindMi.tP William E. i n — « » » » are ^ ^ scnooi. such regulations arc "essential for the needs of South Windsor juiauuu scHooi. Alter four yean we are students are now regis- bom Sept 28 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal in memory of Miss Mildred Say­ the possible construction of community colleges. Panelists The team will submit Its writ- which Is set to start production to the protection of adjacent residents.” Grace have attacked the Re- stiU faced with an overcrowded political parties, with grandparents are Hr. and Mrs. Georgette Davis, Vemon, and lor; Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Pe­ housing for the elderly, Percu- will be State Rep. Howard M. ten report next month. Dr. Lowe early In 1972. land with potential development ------pubUcan-led administration for school.” He contended that the registration to close Oct. 19. Wilbur Evans, Swanton, Md. POs paternal grandparents are terson, in memory of John Ver- lator tests are being c o n d u c t e d ______falling to make good on phaseout of the Wapplng Scluxrf administrators Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MacDonald, Daley Rd., Coventry. He value.” ner Aronson; Manchester High with topographical testa to fol­ promises of jmogress and for as an elementary school, aimed eUglble to vote, has a brother, Charles, 1%. Mrs. Evans noted that Woman Killed School staff. In memory of Mrs. low. He noted that no Federal negligence in the matter of at relieving overcrosvding in the i **!*»* “ flood-prone land in the Con­ Elizabeth A. Danielstm. funds were available at this use your MASTER CHARGE gaining needed tax dollars for high school, will cause over- Activltv for the election w Miller, Heidi Michelle, daughter of Carlo and Shery necticut River meadows is al­ Also, Reunion Committee of time, but felt certain that with In Road Crash or your South Windsor. crowding at the elementary generating heightened IntereM Wahtii Miller, Ludwig Rd., Ellington. She was bom Aug. 27 at ready being protected by hav­ the Class of 1931, Manchester the next federal allocations, Glasaman, in a speech at the level. because of the 18-20 year old Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is ing been placed in a special PORTLAND (A P ) High School, In memory of de­ South Windsor would be in the CASUAL VILLAGE# CASUAL VILLAGE ACCOUNT Podunk Mill Monday, lashed xhe Democratic party has vote, according to Richard Mer- Mrs. Doreen Walsh, Bast Hartford. Her paternal grandparente flood-plain zene.” Most of South Mrs. Mildred M. DzwiI, 63, of ceased members of the class; running for funds from the De­ 956 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER / out at RepubUcan Mayor endorsed temporary classrooms rtfield, chairman for the elec- Windsor’s remaining land of New Britain, was killed when Mrs. Ceretha Lechausse, in are Mr. and Mrs. Steven Miller, 27 Trrtbe Dr., Mancheeter. partment of Housing and Urban W E HONOR Howard E. Fitts fw his recent which Glassman said, “will *3on. She has a sister. Heather, 2. this type, to Mrs. Evans, does g^j. gjjg was in and a pickup memory of “ Sukoskl;” Mr. and Development. speech in which he applauded p, the neces- Some students have been call- • • not lend itself to such zoning, truck collided Monday evening hit’s. Norman T. Rivard, in Other Action /msstef'tfiargsN SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 to 5:30 his administration as being “ so g^ry as to what wo ^ recent high school gradu- Chase, Tammy Lee, daughter of James and Patricia thus the need for the regula- gn winding Route 66. She died memory of Robert Lee Sr. In other action the council CASUAL VILLAGE smooth and efficient there were ^eed and can afford We have urg*»« them to vote in the Rowett Chase, RFD 2, West Shore Rd., Crystal Lake, Elling­ tion. at the scene of the crash Also, Reunion Committee of passed a resolution reaffirming I THURSDAY NIGHT TILL 9:00 She added that land that will no spectacular newsworthy gjready gpent over *260,000 for N“ v. 2 town election, ton. She was bom Oct. 4 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her State police said Mrs. Char­ — - Manchester its stand for the Department of STREET, MANCHESTER / produce growth and needed tax High School, In memory of de- events” aniP^ for not malting schotrf The mock election is part of maternal g^randparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rowett, Ash­ lotte Myser, , of Rocky Hill, Transportation to show just revenue for South Windsor is 68 Daily 9:80 to 5:80 — Thursday Night till 9:00 “ mistakes of consequence. of us wUl never the community affairs unit in ford Lake. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Cla- was driving the car containing ,,, cause for extending Route 6 most valuable and “ we must “WeU, I’ve got news tor ^ lifetime.” the mcdem problems course. ton Chase, Danielson. She has a brother, Timothy, 2V4; and Mrs. Dzwll. She was a d m its north of the Blssell Bridge and him,” Glassman remarked. „ ^ ^ „ under teacher supervisor Rich- make every effort to preserve announces a GREAT EVENT! a sister, Una, 1. to Middlesex Memorial Hospital of h ^ r , Mr. requested that they consider al­ "The pe<^e in this town do not ^ cMtioned his coUeagMS ^ p«uegrlne. it. “ She added that the regula­ saying "Let us not madte the in good condition. J r ternatives to further construc­ agree.” Grange Officers tions she will propose are, in tion with development of moss same mistake again. If buiid Morgan, Charlene Esther, daughter of Edgar Jr. and Ute operator of the truck, momory Glassman charged Fitts' ad­ Coventry Grange has installed keeping with the Republican Robert H. Hail, 29, of Colches- Mrs. F l^ k F (Ruhosky, in transit facilities receiving we must, let It be for educa­ Stejrtianle Bonis Morgan, 158 S. Main St., Manchester. She was The look ... tailored ministration with neglecting the officers for the 1971-72 year. administration’s efforts ------rf Paul V. Demor. priority treatment. tion and not as a monument to bom Sept. 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal treated at the hospital memory » ,■ n inairA O U R A N N U A L roads and said if something is Raymond Pender la master, grandmother is Mrs. Doris Banls, Cromwell. Her paternal make use of the town s Impor- authorities said. J*"*'®’ Councilman Robert Sills, al­ some architect or administra- not done soon, the town man- with Corinne Praider, overseer; grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Morgan Sr., 1007 Tol­ tant assets. 33,^ ^3^3,13 Miss t r a n c e Marie Grover though voting In favor of the The feel... soft ager, will have to recommend t®*"- Janice Going, lecturer; Albert land Tpke.,Manchester. Councilman Robert Sills pro- ^ immediately ^n^ A. Grover, in mem- resolution termed the entire ac­ hnndtng for road reoonstruc- The candidate said there will E. Bray, steward; Glenn Miller, posed that South Windsor join ory “ of Leo R. Grover; Manches­ tion ns "much ado about You'll step lively in this versatile Air Step shoe. An ornamented tion, and “ that is like bonding be no progress In this town “ un- asslatant steward, and Ernest Krause, Tanya Loclenne, daughter of Bryan and Y v«m e other towns in developing a ref- ter Garden dub, in memory of nothing” In which ho explained, moccasin In crushed kid or crinkle patent, both with soft foam ANNIVERSARY SALE! for current expense.” less we do something about our Brown, chaplain. Howard W. Vlbbert; Dr. H. VerfalUe Krause, 10 Ralph Rd., Manchester. % e was bom iiBA recycling program that the Town of South Windsor is lining. Choose crinkle patent . . . red, blue, black and choc­ He continued that the Demo- commercial zoning.” Other officers are June Oct. 3 at Manchester Memorial Hcwpital. Her maternal grand­ would help to extend the dispos­ Million Stayed Charles E. Jacobson Jr., in Hubsotwlent to the State of Con­ crats, oppose bonding for roads. Grace ncted that the ability to Loomis, treasurer; Gertrude parents are M r and Mrs. John VerfalUe, South Rd., BJecis when funds are ap- vices or facilities unless tax dol- executive committee; Byron bom Oct. 3 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Ifis maternal glass and corrugated paper, million German citizens re- chester gave a donation to the at the same place." proved. lars are available. Hall, three-year term on the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Paquin, Bast Hartford. Sills said, could reduce the use malned in Poland after World Memorial Tree Planting pro- Robert Sklenar reminded tho Glassman also claimed that To reach this golU he said the executive committee, His i»te m a l grandparepts are Mr. and Vlrn. John Lachnlet, of that facility to 40 per cent as War II. gram. Council members of the saying OCTOBER 23rd! the Republican claims of keep- Town Council, PZC, and Indus- Mrs. Raymond Pender will be Grand Rapids, Mich. Ho has a brother, Jason, 4. a "Squeaky wheel gets tho oil” ing their commitment in the trial Development Commission the delegate from Coventry area of recreation is a “ Joke.” must work together. He favored Grange at the annual session of PouUo, Christa Elaine, daughter of Ranald and Brenda CASUAL VILLAGE PRESENTS AN ALL STAR REVIEW FOR FALL AND WINTER He said that one is located on hiring a town planner to add the Connecticut Statq Grange, Hegner Paullo, 140 Pine St., Manchester. She was bom Oct. 4 NEW! — EXOITINO Oak St. near “ where the. Mayor emphasis and direction. “ The scheduled for Oct. 21-28 at Mer- at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her paternal grandparents - ITS FASHION TALK FROM HEAD TO TOE. A FANTASTIC ARRAY OF lives, one next door to Council- land is available,’' he said, "but tden. are Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Paullo, BridgevlUe, Pa. NATURAL HEALTH man Peter Nicholas’ home, and the present permissible land Miss Jime Loomis will also be -4 4t *. 4i 4 FASHION IN ALL THE NEWEST FABRICS WAITING FOR YOUR SELECTION one on Diane Dr. One basket- uses in zoning regulations must attending the state grange ses- Gburski, Michael Todd, son of Frank and Pam Nielson FOOD SHOFPE ball court does not make a be made more flexible so that gion, and William Miller, a Gburskl, 06 ^ d g e St., Manchester. He was l^om Sept. 13 at mini-park,” Glassman contend- existing businesses in the Town member of the Coventry Grange Hartford Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and AT THE AT 10% OFF!* ed. ‘ ITIie others are Just vacant are not restricted and other* ^s well as master of East Cen- - Mrs. John K. Nlelstm, 49 Harlan St., Manchester. His paternal lots.” He termed the mini-park are encouraged to locate here, pomona, will be a delegate, grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gburskl, 68 C ^ p fle ld PARKADE Rieg. concept a “ failure.” “ Unless we have tax dcllars officers of the Coventry Rd., Manchester. NEVER BEFORE HAS FASHION BEEN SO PROMINENT FOR ALL AGES, FROM He proposed that large acre- available, we cannot talk of ad- Grange are asked to attend a Patulak, Ryan Jeffrey, son of Robert and Marie Mesar 9 2 0 . 0 0 ages of town-owned land in ditional schopls, parks or recre- gpecial meeting on Oct. 26 at Patulak, 202 Scott Rd., Apt. F, Willtmantic. He was bom Oct. various parts of South Windsor atlon facllitie.s, offer to de- at the local Grange Hall, 4 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandpar­ INFANTS TO JUNIORS! be developed as municipal crease the property tax of the goccer Teams ents are Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mesar, Vestaburg, Pa. His pater­ A VOTE FOR VIVIAN J parks, with bicycle and snow- individual homeowner, or even town’s two soccer teams nal grandmother is Mrs. Stella Patulak, 23 Academy St., Man­ It's Tim* To 0«f NEVER BEFORE HAVE FABRICS BEEN SO VIBRANT WITH LOOK ALIVE mobile trails, tennis courts, ball to maintain the present rate of successful weekend, with chester. My Pro-WInlop j fields and buketbctil courts, as tax.” Grace said. “ Hie prewnt Bj-ay's Jewelers winning two «r well as picnic facilities. Republican admlnlstr^im, ^ames, and the Coventry Hawks CO LO lS! Huhtola, Mark Alan, son of Walfred and Joan Buriock IS A VOTE FOR SPECIALS J Glasamen also suggested that charged with the responsibility their only game, Huhtala, 13 Cumberland St., Manchester. He was bom Sept. the Recreation Director be of the future has not acUd pro- Bray’s Jewelers defeated Ver- 27 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandpar­ O N 2 NEVER BEFORE HAS THE ASSORTMENT BEEN AS GREAT IN ALL SIZES! given acccM to Pdbllc Works gressively.” non 2-0 on Saturday, and Mans­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. David Buriock, Bdmundson, N.B., Can. Department personnel to free ----- field 3-0 on Sunday. The Hawk* His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. BIno Huhtala, SOMEONE WHO CARES Aluminum ^ Mm from having “ to per­ ended a Sunday contest with Hartford. He has n brother, Eric, 12; and a sister, Busan, 7. r .I N D I M .S , sonally rake or line a ball Button Locks Mancherier in a 1-1 score. • ft • ft’ ' ft • P O O R S 4 COME IN! MAKE YOUR FASHION SELECTION FROM THE MOST RESPECTED field,” etc. GUssman said he The Hawks will play at Ver­ Carr, Adam Russell, son of Daniel III and Ann Russell • SID IN O 2 feH a director's time was far Vivian hat cartd for h«r town all hor lifo. Evory yoar •Ine* , For Comfort ... For Fashion Curbing' Thefts non on Wednesday, and at Leb­ Carr of New York City. He was bom Sept. 16 at the Women's • A W N IN G S 4 MAKERS IN AMERICA - JOIN US IN CLEBRATING OUR ANNIVERSARY AND to valuable and should be de­ anon on Saturday, while the Hospital In New York City. His maternal grandparents are voted to the development and h«r t«»ni, ih« hat dgvotod countloii houri^of dodloafod lorvloo • W IN D O W S 2 CAMBRIDGE. Mass. (API Bray’s Jewelers team will meet Mr. and Mrs. Philip Russell, S3 Chambers 8t., Manchester, DEDUCT 10%*! implementation at recreation Locks which open only when the Newington area All-fitars His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Danisl Carr Jr., • CANOPIES 4 programs and recreational fs- to tho community through charltabU ond civic ondoavori. Itleiiuio five buttons are pushed in prop- Sunday at Newington. Kensington, Md. • JALOUSIES ciUUes. er sequence have drastically All players are scheduled for foloetion of TIm councilman contradicted a piactlce section tomorrow of h«r tincorg infgrgtt in all th* ptopU of Manehtiftr, th* worki $0.90 reduced thefts In three Harvard teria, and each member is school and parents are asked —al#«K- r u u ' claim at “ no . . , news­ University dormitories, a uni­ night at 6 at the MlUer-fUchard- lloreen Itorcli worthy events” by pointing to son Field, Rt. * 1. urged to attend, according to to be alart to receiving them, full-tim* at • town official and will confinuo to do to. versity spokesman says. chairman Harold Crane. — - - Nneloeuree, I’alln MoxeM Sport Shoes thn summer's youth problem. Dormitory residents havs The Coventry Panthers Midg­ Oovera aiut Car rurte SALEHKtl tldlkt “We must continue to face It et Football team lost a contest Ctee* Mings ^TH E SAVINGS ARE YOURS- been asked not to tell nonresi- A Clean D«f(rre eatf make plana before another denU th* combinations for th# »o tiis Middlafield Tigers yes- Th* class ring representative VIVIAN FF,K(;ilS0N FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS and summer rolls Iccks installed on exterior terday, marking th* Tigers' first will be at the high school on DUBLIN (API Patrick (*lxc«et'^Hce Plied Merchondlee) Nov, tl at s a.m. Ail students ■rmr-* " he sold. He praised goon. win of th* season. Flnai acore 60 years at Unl- the pubUoApIrited cltlaens re- If a dormitory resident for who placsd ring «/rders slusitd Other Sheet Al*e REDUCED! • Ute Your C o m m I VIMo«e, or Mooter Chorge Cord pay to. balar^ owed at that sgOMlMe for the successful geU his combination, be must The Panthers meet th* unde- est unlveraily, beforg getting a Plll.1, TOP I.EVER - VOTE REPUBLICAN poutti drqM a center, but sold be recognised by somebody in- .ieaUd BolUm Tigers next Nun- BMte “sUU retnalns a pvaMam side before he'll be let in, Holton. Also, any student wishing to .. -. wMh ansOsr segment of .mir Senior advisor Richard C. Wntiding Naede order a ring may do so A *10 -79-year^dd Kaogh was i by "gtehabeets* Nelghbew ter VtelM I depoelt I* required. awarded on honorary Master M Loaeau Monday that Her- The Building Needs Commit- Wm. It. Tbeftilew. Trees. Mid marking noticas hav* Arts degree In fr4mnUUm at ) at ooMs- yard Is oonsldertiM putting !*• will meet tomorrow night ■Uta« that such locks on other dorms. at • at th# high school cafe­ been mailed out from the high We eervtoe se head ports#,.

■r PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENINCJ HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.; TEESDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER; CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971 PAGE SEVEN iKanrl^PBtpr the local property owner and shift it to Connecticut sothe collection of tax revenue on a Unique Small Claims Forum Inside Report Three State Papers IFUH. IL state-wide or federal basis with the 0 lEapttttu) Ifpralii Yankee (ContlniKMl From Page Mix) revenue to be spent, inevitably, accord­ PUBLISHSD BY THS HBBALD PRINTING CO., INC ing to state or federal directives aimed By A.HiO. Ho was just too unqualified for AUTOMATIC OR IS Blxaell Street Adjudged Teople^s CourV Mitchell. The upshot last week Win Editors’ Awards ns establishing uniform quality of edu­ CALL DELIVERY < UancJteater, Conn. By DENNIS STERN 1 . ... was the selection of Mrs. Lillie THOMAS F. it :rouso n cation. To the question of whether or down at his I'HILADELPHIA (API dent of The Assoelated Press 24 HR. burner PER GAL. WALTER R. FERGUSON not the luxurloue executive lair H,.v ncthin., M . K a . ^ handling, about and Horschol H. Friday of Little Publishers The horns of the dilemma are plainly NEW YORK (AP) - Clad In Z cke,? m ^ to 70,000 cases a year Roefe, Ark., best k n o ^ as at- Three Connec'lli:ul news­ Managing Editors Association SERVICE YEAR ROUND Founded M tc^ r 1, 1881 the state’* first Commissioner drab gray work clothes, the upsurge of con- to„,ey for nntl-lntegratlon suits. papers the New Haven RjOgls- said today. visible. ’The burden of local government of the now Department of ”1 think we are editing closer Published Every Evening Except Sundays plaintiff Hits in the witness box. th„ m, "antes wore sent tor. Now Haven Joiirnal-Gou- and Holidays. Entered at the Post Office at on real estate, which has come to mean Transportation created for him­ I iKnigfnt the oil clotth (lino- dlctloniU limit Increased Sept. 1 ABA for to their lives than we ever have Manchester, Conn., as Second Class Mall Sovoral foot away wearing a , o'l ci«h ( approval, in rlor and The Day In New I-sm- Matter principally the cost of schools to the self 1* too handsome and plush dirty plaid shirt barolv tu^od 1’ ! December from my from $300 to $600, the case load case trouble developed over Fri­ and that our newspapers are NATIONAL OIL CO. ^ an accommodation for the also escalated by at least 20 don wore cltpd by the Assoel- more vital and vigorous be- SUBSCRIPTION RATES home owner,, has mounted to^ intolerable i;} over his protruding stomach, cd T day or Mrs. Lillie, Until the Payabto In Advance modest man who is the Gover­ tho defendant asks the ques- and on old age per cent. ^equqntly the size minutr^hoTuralso'Tnclud- “‘‘"1 ’’ress Managing Editors cause of It,” Don Carter of the 688-5544 One Year ...... 839.00 levels, close to the point at which home nor of the Stetel our response is tlons. pension. How am I going to cf the suit isla smdil—lessa.v.,.11 . laa. than Assfyclullon Moodiiy for out- Macon (Ga. i Telegraph and Six Months ...... 19.60 buy a new cll cloth?” $60. For some plaintiffs that ed U.S, District Judges Arlin Three Months ...... 9.75 ownership could become the impossible that it Is one of those apples "What’s the bull story you Adams of Philadelphia (who Is standing AI' membership coop- News told the opening of the One Month ...... 3.25 and oranges things. told the judge?” ho demands. After listening to the other amount means a groat deal, oration. APME’s ;i8th annual meeting. ------1 M COOKRCOW Sf. dream for the average American. side, the arbitrator suggested But for others, more than mon- Jewish) and the highly regard­ J MANCWSmMANCWSni, CONN. MEMBER OF By the time he got to be ”I'm a contractor—you think I ed Frank Johnson of Montgom­ The Register and Journal- He said the editor of the 1970s REGISTER MOW THE ASSOCIATED PRSaS On the other horn, there hangs the red Transportation Commissioner, work that cheap? You want mo Ihat the parlies try to work out ey is Involved. Cciirler received an award for Is ''.stimulated and challenged The Assocated Press Is exclusively en­ a settlement rather than leave Often the defendant is a big ery, Ala. Finally, however, ftutwi__ titled to the use of republlcatlon of all flag which warns that, for the worthiest George Conkllng had put in a to do everything for nothing.” they were eliminated for being an outstanding news and photo hy his readers” to produce ”su- FOR news dispatches credited to It or not other- long and arduous career in ”Yonh,” replies the plaintiff, It to him to make a ruling. corporation like Avis, Consoli­ wLse credited In this paper and also the of motives, the local community, or "I’m willing to take half,” too liberal. Their inclusion reporl on the June 7 crash of perlor newspapers to match our local nows published here. which his actual power had al­ ”a thousand bucks, that's noth- dated Edison, Qimbols, New . . . , . ai..ii„»o hanging society.” ADULT ART CLASSES All rights of republlcatlon of special dis- neighborhood, design and control of a ways exceeded the title and ap­ the tenimt offered. York Telephone or oven New generate a late campaign SquMM ■>atchcs herein arc also reserved. glng.” then turning to Judge think ’her"“offor Is equl- York aTy.'^Many^tlnieV'it'^7l which 28 persons were killed, nis prepared remarks to school system Is about to he exterminat­ pearance of his offices. He him­ Richard S. Ijinc, the plaintiff, The Herald . Printing Company Inc., as­ table,” the arbitrator advised. be cheaper for the company to ^BA were uniform In 'riore than 500 delegates from sumes no financial responsibility for typo­ ed completely. self had schooled himself to obviously oflated by the de­ ”I don’t know, It'would set a settle out of court than to send mediocrity and acceptabll- <"'y •■cnirinutlons to the At every state and parts of graphical errors appearing In advertise­ work behind a wall of modesty, fendant's shouting, asks, "Can CLASSES IN ACRYLIC AND OIL PAINTING ments and other reading matter In The Financially, the choice 1s almost dic­ precedent,” the landord count- a lawyer. About 76 per cent of segregationist South, newspnoio report. Canada, Carter praised APME Alanchestcr Evening Herald. letting his mastery of figures 1 argua^th him?” ored. ell claims are settled that way, Nixon was ill-prepared The citation to the New for making newspapers better. BEGINNING OCTOBER 25th. tated. and fiscal know-how stake out "No," Implies the judge, grin­ Haven Subecriber td Los Angeles Tlmcs-Washing- »1 ”1 think you’re lucky not to Thompson said he does not what happened when those Haven newspaperH said they "We’re digging to find the Inn Post News Service. Philosophically, the struggle has to be the authority for him, and never ning broadly. He had sat fret other claims for the flood- think the small claims court is were published last ‘‘domonslrated exemplary news that doesn’t surface in the FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 643-9892 Pull service client of N. E. A. Service, Inc. once wearina the top executive OR STOP BY THE STORE Publishers Representatives — Mathews, between those who think that variety silently during the exchange, ing,” the arbitrator said. adequately reaching the city’s Thursday. The press and the membership cooperation” the (jifficult areas of drugs, racial Shannon and Cullen Inc., Special Agency look which Would have run the This scene and dozens more and diversity nurture the true genius ’Til give her $40.” ghettos. So at the end of the condemned the choices, ‘^uy cf the crash at Tweed-New conflict, teen-age problems, the — New York. Chicago, Detroit and Boston. risk of proclaiming that ho hap­ like it are enacted each night In ”I thought $64 was half, but month, with the support of Even high White House staffers Haven Airport. elderly, education, traffic,” Display advertising closing hours and strength of a people, even if they pened to be the one individual small claims courts around the For Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. , I'll take It,” the woman said, some city and federal agencies, were heartsick. Moderate Re- "They supplied the first Up (,’arter said. For Tuesday — 1pm. Saturday. mean that some schools are not going who, more than any other, was unique and miking quickly for fear that the he will open a branch of the publicans wondered . out loud that the crash had occurred m preconvention activity For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. running the state of Connecti­ hflghly successful For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday to be as good by some standards as oth­ forum for offer might be rescinded. court one night a week in East whether Mr. Nixon’s Interest In and made all news and photo Monday, editors participated in For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. cut settling disputes gives the little Small claims courts in the Harlem, excellence, meager in many t:cpy available to The Assocl- an all-day session on new de- C3assiricd deadline 4:30 p.m. day be­ ers, and those who think that central After a lifetime of this, man his day in court. fore publication 4:30 p.m. Friday for other governmental appoint- ated I^ress as it was prepared,” vices, many of them electronic, Saturday and Monday publication design and management are essential in George Conkllng, accepting “This is the people’s court,” ments, had hit bottom. Promln- said the award, presented to which are designed to help what he himself must have says Supreme Court Justice "niesday, October 19 a democracy, even if they reduce oc­ ent Jewish Republicans were Robert J. Ixreney, executive gather and publish the news sensed would be his last ma­ Edward Thompson, admlnis- Tragic Hijack Transcript furious that no Jew was on the editor cf thq Register and Jour- rnore .swiftly and efficiently. casional excellence to a common stand­ jor public title, suddenly went ratlve Judge of the civil court ' 1 ^ panel headed by I. William A Pressure Cooker World? ard which is merely a shade above soft on himself, and permitted of New York City. The small Blames FBI’s Fuel Refusal The furor forced Mr. Nixon to ™® ••‘li, as.sociate editor of the mediocrity. the creation for himself. In his claims part may hear claims rethink his position. Although seated to Managing Editor E. Washington (D.C.I Star nre- There was a Pittsburgh policeman on last commlsslonershlp, of the up to $600 in value. WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI changing gunfire with the hlja- Judges Friday and Lillie defln- Durtlss Pierson, was cited "for These are probably the battle lines of plush executive office which has , . ,u sented such sophisticated equlp- the air after that city’s World Series vic­ But unlike the ixsgular day agents repeatedly ignored a hi- cker. Iteiy had been picked, the White ecnsistentlyccnslstently■’ sharing sharing ” with with other ment„ , as a video , , display „ , termin­, ^ WHEN YOU THINK HEATING tory celebration who sounded like a so­ the next decade in American public now caught the eye of Governor court, Thompson explained, jacked pilot’s plea to let him Downs was shot in the back House issued a smokescreen mornbers the kind of fea- . . . THINK FOGARTY Meskill and his merry men. ture picture that is essential to al or cathode ray tube (ORT), ciologist, or an environmentalist, or an school policy. small claims eliminates most of 1*6 fuel , , . . he/om tho n«oir hijacker, who turned his statement that 16 names were ,'i Dalaspced Teletype that can The contrast between Conk­ the hurdles that discourage structure and wound up at the ness when they feel they have (jay Day moves with speed and pro­ copy and converts, at 700 words violence that finally erupted from the battle to the last would have their beat lace were not hurt, ed selections or ignomlnlously a minute. Into tape ready for top, finally losing modesty only been cheated. The main attrac- . ’ ...... Here is part of the transcript retreat. Once again, playing fessionalism. chance of victory if they could come up tlons of the court are that it is Moments before he was shot “The Day’s picture produc­ typesetting. Heating Oil victory celebration on any particularly as he leaned against the final printed by the Post: politics with the Supreme Court wicked kind of human being. with some non-centralized rescue for the rung of his career, and Gover­ quick, inexpensive, simple and ®apt«r at Jack- Pilot: "Where’s the tion has been spectacular in informal sonvllle, Fla., airport, pilot fuel has proved the worst politics of terms of quality and quantity.” Our dependable weather controlled automatic What he said was that, any time you local real estate tax dollar. nor Meskill, who has started his truck? all. .. cqnn®*^^**!* with state govern­ I^ne, a civil court judge as- 9“°ted as Tower: ’’This is the FBI. The awards were announced Football Fans Eat Fuel Oil deliveries adjusted to individual Burner tried to concentrate a great number of ment at the top, with never an signed to the s n ^ l claims part th® • You ore en- ^ j r>gj—„. at the annual APME national SAN DIEGO (AP) — During Combustion rate... people into a relatively small geo­ A Change Of Lens? instant’s hesitancy over his that week, referred to a case ^angering lives by doing this There will be no fuel. There convention here. The Con­ Our round-the-clock Burner Service that's john- he had just tried involving an • • • • "'® request some fuel Prison Workers nect i c u t newspapers were U pre-Hoa.son and regular pro graphical area, you were asking for Remember when every male figure right and intent to rule, could will be no starter ' (which football games played here by ny-on-the-spot"should you ever need it... not be more vivid. Indigent, elderly woman who here, please.” Downs had also requested to among some 90 papers that re­ trouble. TTie trouble in Pittsburgh was from mainland China seemed a dark­ brought a suit against a large The newspaper gave the ac A g r e e to T a lk s ceived APME citations. the San Diego Chargers last But as for the issue of the of­ S®t the plane airborne again.) American newspapers have y®ar, more than $260,000 worth that the celebrants tried to congregate faced scowling villain lunging with a fices, the verdict has to come department store. count of the hijacking In a hlth- g„j engines?” The woman went through her erto secret transcript of the HARTFORD (AP) — Cor- more Impact now than ever be- food and drinks was con- FOGARTY BROS., INC. from all sections of the city into the bayonet toward your throat? down to a straight matter of (Pause) titles rather than character, and claim, he said, because court last radio transmission between p u o f "Uh (gasp) look I rectlons Commissioner John fore because "they are sensl- sumed by the fans, reports Al- 319 BROAD STREET—MANCHEISTER relatively narrow confines of the Golden And when the woman from mainland R. Manson has agreed to meet tlve to what people are talking Ian P. Lucht, head of the firm the ruling here has to be that was held at night and she would the pilot and authorities. fgUow’s kld- TELEPHONE 649^539 Triangle sector. When the crowd density China was a dour, grlm-faced, downtrod­ anything a modest Democratic not lose a day of work. When Police said the hijacker, din’—I wish you’d get the fuel ®'"Pl°yes Wednes- and thinking about,” the presi- operating the concession. reached a certain number of people per den, mechanized mess of drabness? Transportation Commissioner sho filed her complaint four George M. Glffe Jr., 35, took truck out here.” discuss their demands weeks before, the clerk told her hla estranged wife by force to Tower: "68 November (plane ®®®"rlty at the state’s jails, square yard, then the crowd tempera­ And when the children pictured from could bring himself to accept certainly has to be considered what night to appear and on the Nashville airport early that code name) there will be no reformatory and prisons, union ture, like the temperature of a series of mainland China were sober little auto­ fair and suitable accommoda­ that night the matter was com- morning after leaving suicide fuel. I repeat. There will be no said Monday. atoms bombarding against one another matons lined up in an obvious pattern tion for a Republican Governor pletoly settled. notes. They said he and a fuel.” An unspecified “job action” of hatred lor the United States? \ who has never been guilty of Further more, the court ad- friend, Bobby Wayne Wallace, pilot: ‘‘This Is 68 November. threatened last week by in a closed testtube, began to go up, im- mlnlstrators discourage parties drew pistols on the pilot and or- you are endangering lives by members of the American Fed- You should remember all these pic­ excessive modesty over the pre­ til a pleasant-intentioned assemhiage rogatives and trappings of his from hiring lawyers and this dered him to fly his private doing this, and uh. we have no eratlon of State, (bounty and could be turned into an irresponsible tures, lor they were all that seemed to office. plaintiff did not retain one. The twin - engine Aero-Commander other choice but to go along Municipal Employes unless a come from western cameras and The Democrats, In short, judge also relaxes the custom- to the Bahamas. g^d, uh, for the sake of some "umber of their demands are mob. It could happen to the nicest people Nature Study by Sylvian Oflara ery rqles of evidence and ®®ui^ ^ g „ y^g ,(^g^ ^g request some fuel out '"®t- Union officials said no de­ in the world; it didn’t require the western picture editors only yesterday. MILKWEED have a nerve trying to accuse M i a Republican Governor of ex­ room procedure. And if o " ® ^ FBI was notified, and when the here please.” c's*®" has been made on what presence of nasty people who would have ’These were the standard pictorial travagance when he considers the parties has a >Awyer, the pjj^^ ^g .p^g go.pUot, Randall Crump, tyP® J°h action would be tak- an instinct to start trouble just for Images from the Chinese mainland lor taking over an office which was judge tries to keep t ^ balance. Jacksonville for fuel, agents then left the plane to talk to ®"- 9 »i Most majOT ®hies have ®^a* were sent to the airport. agents, the newspaper said, but Although specific demands trouble’s sake. the past two decades. originally designed for a Demo­ claims A Thought for Today cratic commissioner. laims courts, but ew o transcript said Downs was hustled into a waiting car. have not been revealed, union [The human predicament which seems Naturally, we are all going to have court at night. Legal experts was told by the air control tow- Wallace, 32, also jumped out, leaders said they deal with se­ Sponsored by th/e Manchester To defend the Governor’s say few cities. If any, do as to result from such theorizing includes a some degree of difficulty, new, in ad­ Council of Churches right to preempt this ready­ er that a fuel truck would be and moments later, the FBI curity and insufficient manpow- Inside good a job as New York In car­ stonding by. Later, the news- and the hijacker exchanged er at the maximum security number of rather terrible implications. justing immediately to the presentation made luxury 1s not to hope rying out “raw justice.” that he will exercise his privi­ paper said, an FBI agent in the fire. prison at Somers, the Osborn It seems, for instance, to be a dangerous of clean-cut, honest-faced young men, Nixon And The Court The Holy Spirit’s Words. Said Thompson, “All too of­ No mere man has ever seen, lege. ten the layman represented by control tower directed Downs to The tmascript ends ■with a minimum security facility, the thing to have a baseball team win digpiifled and beautiful women, and chil­ heard, or even Imagined what The thing about the Transpor­ „ inwvnr nllpn to the lawv ^«®r®nt landing site and oth- question from the control tow- Cheshire reformatory and the a lawye...... g^g surrounded the plane, ex- er: “68 November?" Ktntp inlia against odds. Somehow, the element of dren who are obviously merry, all s*p- wonderful things God has ready tation Commission suite which suit. This attitude is dispelled state jails. W hy wait? Buy a Innocence seems to have been driven out posed to be representative of life inside Report for those who love the Lord. is more important than its lux­ in the small claims part. Whirlpool washer and But we know about these ury in its location. It would take Festering hurts, imag;ined or of the natural instinct of people to cele­ Communist China. By Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak things because God has sent His the Governor outside the Capitol real Injustices, unrecompensed dryer early... before brate a pleasing sports result. And if it But most of us will not have quite as 7 Spirit to tell us, and His Spirit building and give him and his losses all are resolved. In this it’s time to tangle with searches out and shows us all comings and goings new insula­ has come down to a scientific law that much trouble as might be expected. We too was vetoed. The reason: He instance, at least, the Htlgant is winter winds and fro­ WASHINGTON — President capital flowing from anti-liberal of God’s deepest secrets. tion against that casual contact soley responsible for his suc­ any certain concentration of people per never quite believed Communist Cbnna Nixon’s astonishing attitude to­ court selections. In Tharge of did net fit the law-ahd-order, And God has actually given with wandering politicians, zen clotheslines! anti-civil rights formula. cess—or the lack of it.” city block is automatically dangerous in looked quite that terrible before. And we ward the Supjjeme Court, which recommending judicial appoint­ us His Spirit (not the world’s demonstrating public and pry­ As court is convened each ments, sxjught out The wholly political nature of itself, are we not going to have to make are not quite sure, now, that it really has now painted him into a pol­ spirit) to tell us about the won­ ing press which has sometimes night at 8:30 p.m., the parties itical comer, was revealed Oct. hard-liners without worrying the selection process can be derful free gifts of grace and some adjustment, eventually, in our looks all this happy. seemed an annoyance to the have a choice, either go before 8 when he met at the White about quality. seen in the attitude toward a blessing that God has given us. new chief executive. He has an arbitrator or have the case PAY guarantee to ourselves of the right of House with top advisers to dis­ ’Two weeks ago, during a ses­ Woman justice. Originally, Mr. In telling you about these sometimes acted as if he were tried by the judge. At least Ni.xon had no intention of ap­ free assembly? How Political Can You Get? cuss filling the two vacancies. sion of top Administration of­ gifts we have even used the in search of some much more three-quarters of the parties Blatantly mediocre prospects ficials, a fascinating possibility pointing a woman but, gradual­ very words given us by the We question: Is there-any area left in Mrs. Beatrice Kowalski, the vice chair­ formidable redoubt, with secret opt for arbitration. were suggested and, conse­ for the court was put forward: ly, realized that would be bad Holy Spirit, not words that we entrances, and if he moves that, The differences are minimal. Keep away froi man of the Wallingford Republican Town politics. Indeed, which we are free to behave as natural Committee and the wife of Police Capt. quently, the possibility of disap­ Elliott Richardson, Secretary of as men might choose. So we rather than the splendor, will An action before a judge Is proval by the American Bar Health, Education and Welfare. That set off a mad search for use the Holy Spirit’s words to heard In open court and a court THEY GROW human beings? Or must we function, ’Theodore Kowalski, was one of Gov. seem to us to be the key to his MesklU’s appointees to the Gaming Com­ Assn. (AEA) was raised. Mr. A former attorney general of a law-and-order woman judge. explain the Holy Spirit’s facts. desertion of the traditional Cap­ reporter keeps a record. The from now on, as if we were inside some Massachu.setts, the greatly re­ or Man Winter mission which will plan and control Con­ Nixon bristled and, startling his Perhaps, the best qualified pro^ But the man who isn’t a itol. decision may be appealed, kind of over-crowded pressure cooker, necticut’s entry into the businesses of unbelieving aides, made clear spected Richardson would be an spect. Judge Shirley Hufstedler Christian can’t understand and though few are. Suits heard by in which even our right to breathe and pari-mutuel, cn-track betting, off-track in uncharacteristically colorful adornment on the court. Under of the U.S. Court of Appeals in can't accept these thoughts arbitrators, experienced law­ In 3 YecirTThere Will Be 350 More Students no conditions, said Klelndienst. move has to be adjusted to mathe­ betting and state lottery. The post, which language just what the ABA Las Angeles, was immediately from God, which the Holy Spir­ Current Quotes yers- who volunteer their serv­ could go do about it. In short, The reason: Richardson is too ruled out as a liberal Democrat. it teaches us. They sound ices once a month, are off the with this matical laws of crowd tension? is considered part-time, carries a pay in Our Secondary Schools Than There Are scale of $10,000 a year. the President was not going to liberal on civil rights and, Finally, hit pay dirt. fcolish to him, because only ‘‘While there are still rela­ record and unappealable. From All we really know is this: ’That there John P. Downes of New Britain, an un­ let questions of legal quality in­ therefore, would dLspleose the He gleefully told associates he those who have the Hcly Spirit tively few smokers among the 75 to 100 cases are Settled each should not have been one unhappy thing cle of State Rep. J. Brian Gaffney who terfere with his political designs Scuth. had found in California state within them can understauid youngest teen-agers, the rate of night. Today. for the Supreme Court. Later, moderate Administra­ Appeals Judge Mildred L. Lil­ what the Holy Spirit means. smoking has more than dou­ Because the judges and arbi­ value-priced happen in Pittsburgh as a result of th» is the Republican State Chairman, will also be a member of the new commis­ That led to two incontestably tion officials proposed Edward lie a very tough lady with no Others just can’t take it in. bled.”—A government report trators dispense with the usual outcome of the World Series Sunday. sion. Downes is aiso Gaffney’s law part- mediocre selections, a wave of Levi, president of the Univer­ use for the Warren. Court’s 11b- (I Corinthians 2:9-10, 12-14) showing a significant Increase courtroom formalities, the \ And what we confess is this: 'That it is ner. '' fi­ public and professional repug­ sity of Chicago. A renowned le­ ertiirianisn^ The wise man is glad to be in teen-age smokers. trials and hearings present a nance and, finally, a White gal scholar, Levi is a strict con­ instructed, but a self-sufficient colorful slice of life. One This Total DOES NOT INCLUDE any projected Whirlpool frightening to be living in a world in ’The chairman o n m a' wat toe Pottertons 130 CENTER STREET CORNER OF CHURCH ■■ MANCHESTER EVENIn o HERALD; MANCHESTER. CONN- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971 PAGE NIMA

- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19; IW I Tolland BIGHT Spinster Overtaxed, Main St. Blaze AftermSth PLAZA DEPT. STORE B«ta Kappa and waa active ti Manchoster Area Castro Plant (We Have A Notion To Please) .-1^ Hebron's civic affairs. She was ZB A Bars Variances Revised Sign Regulations Aired She Tells Tax Court E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popnlar Market) Obituary a member of St . Peter’s KplS' C h ik Visit Matter of Qeaning Out copal Church in Hebron and the 'Police Blotter Most of the approximately 80 milted to nil zonoe, ns will idon- Buck since 1968. Tlnkham warn­ WASHINGTON (AP) — VI- $48,000 during toe same perl- OPEN WED., THUBS- FBI. tin • The branch office of the Hart- people .attending last night’s tlflcnllon signs. ed the P2X3 to watch for any nl- Hebron Historical Society. She A Bolton woman waa charged ANTOFAGASTA, -ChUe (AP) vlcn Kellems, Connecticut’s ar- *y yesterday and today mop- Temporary signs will be per- The PZC agreed to notify Pratt and Whitney Division of daughters, Mrs. John Sibun» ot __ in ^ v M t r T ^ s requeste by Bolte Advertising- at 341 E. Center St. Cuba will visit Chile within the aamaged 23 a^^enu anu regulations prepared for the mttted to all zones, as will Building 'Inspector Charles levy for three years because was Imposed against her be- ARE ALL AT PLAZAI United Aircraft Corp. in East Hebron and Mrs. Jay Morrisrris Hartford Inc. for renewal of The request waa tabled at the next few weeks, but declines to e married Woridorld War U.n. The Potter Funeral Home. ^^^e Committee. Lawrence appeared ^ g ^ p r o p e ^ building were displaced by the y,g Manchester Meniortal ty” Included to toe regulations, dustriul zones, ment officer to havo th/e sign ice 1* penalizing her "because I P®r«^» wh® «1® Survivors are his w«e. Jte. 466 Jackson St. is in charge of ^ Sie b « and the to testify against the billboards fire, which took nearly 100 fire- „p,p,tal Auxiliary wh‘fh calling for removal of all non- Outlawed turned off. Heads MPHJYA don’t have a husband,” she trying to seek benefit of the same provision she contends Is Anna Barsscsewskl Ronsello; arrangements, men more than ebt hours to put suffered smoke and water dam- conforming signs within three Outlawed from the town Tag Sale Complaint Mrs. Clarence Rush of 43 said. re^rted. ‘'*Sd each lo- me ai;;^nde^1 lans T d W e d ------unconstitutional.' ’ his father, Joseph Ronsello, and There are no calling hours, out. ago, will temporarily relocate years. would be all outdoor advertising Bight residents have banded Brookfield scene. St. recently \ras "There are at least six mll- She waived a claim for an ex- his stepmother, Mrs. Phllomena The family suggests that me- 's e rra te request, screening and buffering at the Today, firemen wore busy tp gy j3. Center St., the f o r ^ r A similar regulation to to- nnd billboard sienn. moving together to submit a formal than Mrs. SSraeman Is scheduled to caUon « |V:.;^g;;’"uotey* .... 'the rear of the site,aBltrA where saaetlrlMfPparking Ronsello, both of Bristol; a mcrial ccntributlons may be Top Courif helping the former residents of location of the Shoo Bm . Tna daughter;-Miu Laura Sue Ron- made to UNICEF, the building salvage any of their ghop will open next Monday, sello, at home; two sisters, Jldrs., cnesier, nov^^ recent regulaUons for- The cost, of the drainage and Set to Rule remaining belongings. with hours from 10 a ^ . to o Santina Jackson of Wilmington, Richard G ^ v 24 of 38 bidding the signs in Manches- screening Wui be borne by the The Sheridan CorporaUon has p.pi., for sales onlj^ M orciw- th^ town. He further noted that Ground or pole signs, even to business being operated to a Ing of Its board of directors, b^d^vritoout enough men to go ...... Del., and Mrs. Constance Cacl- Security E l^ b fS fs t S r t o n wTsa” t*r. “ applicant. Phelon said. The retalned the Andrew Ansaldl dlse cannot bo accepted at tnis 60 per cent of toe local signs commercial or Industrial zones, residential zone. ghe succeeds Mrs. Donald Con- around Is capricious, unfair and Oie tax early holiday needs! ano of Hartford; a stepbrother, would be non-coformlng under would not bo permitted to ex- The PZC agreed to ask Schutz rad. unconstitutional,” she said, reite^W V e n S n ^ c e yeater- The billboards, which, the plans call for a 6,000 square On Antitrust Co. to remove loose brick and time, court Monday. Viliam Sanchirico of the toe revised regulations. coed 20 feet in height, about the Investigate. Other officers elected are The wealthy retired Industrl- . ^ ^ dav on a Superior Court war- said must now bo removed, (cot. one story brick building (Continued from Page One) other hazardous remnants of Cleaners OP®" xmos wrappings Bronx, N. T .; a stepsister, Mrs. For Kosygin ^^nt T h ^ T w m ^ v X - are at the following locaUons: to house four offices. the building for safety purposes. Allen’s Closers, at 617 Pleading that his company Is same as a telephone pole. PZC member Dougles Prior ^rg ocrlan Sholnln, vice presi- gUgt (rom East Haddam said constitutional ts- Wendell Holmes, the sport was spray point Antoinette Bartucca of Bristol; South Side of W. Center St. Atty. Phelon also represent- Atty. George Lessner, repre- st., is open »tlU ’’entitled to stay to business,” Hoof signs are limited to not noted there are several such dent; Mrs. Clifford Treat, re- that far from owing the govern- before toe court Miss Kel- Uon of probaUcxi. He was held granted <, exemptionaoihkv>uii .tumfrom anti- Fineburg related how h/e has sat lfBRvW9Vfl CQIlOm xmos eakn Ites two Half sisters, Mrs. Rosalie on a $6,000 bond and was to be east of 512, Business Zone II; ed the V A P <3onstruction <3o., . . reaulaUon In 1963 the sonungsentlng methe corpomuuH,corporaUon, sidd —-the up up the -— r —, , ■ * "!? .ft«r * the more than three feet from toe violations going on to town, and cording secretary; Mrs. John ment, she has paid $83,000 newsmen Is Tightened down with toe town ot Vernon It----6^ ^ St. Lawrence of Wallingford and presented in court today. north side of Tolland Tpke., be- inc. last night, whose request change In Uils J®** ^ “** ” ® !? ^ o k e^ m age eave of the bulldlnif on which cited one on Old Stafford Rd. as p Cheney, corresponding more than she should have. Judge Gravdon Qulthey set thanksgiving cards (Continued from Page One) and other towns to assist to hirs. Josephipg^Bond of Bris­ Morgan Olin, 20, of W. Main tween Parker and Oakland SU.. (or a variance to divide a Pearl ^ uo^Congress advice of the fire department, slight water “ f located. example. secretary; Mrs. Edward Platz, "The evidence to this case Dec. ® 17 as toe^ deadline for fll- fait squorM tol; and,several nieces and It twk only a few an g^ per- gj ^ picked up by Vernon Residence Zone AA; east side gt. lot into two was denied on Meanwhile fcotball and all oUi- and does not Involve either The business p l ^ nosaible drafting regulatlans which aj;e All applications for signs ZBA Chairman August Loehr, treasurer; and Mrs. Robert will show that over the years ne^ews. ,m> to mvert the attention of ^^^t aher being re- cf New State Rd.. opposite Jar- grounds of insufficient evidence „ demoUUcn or renovation. the same location. If p o s s l ^ beneficial to both the town and would have to come before the noted that tog sales held more Blake, assistant treasurer. (rom 1918 through 1967 Miss » to toe advertising company. PZC for approval and specific ^^nin one day are subject to the Newly appointed committee Kellems has been required to Funeral se^ces wUl toe vmrld away from wtat toe ^ed AWOL from toe l ^ e vis Plant, Rural zone; east side , ( hardship. L d e suWert to f ^ ^ ^ U ------^ cifnfA nnlnet Amv onrl n/wm nl (1 Inf U Mi|oy Hi* eonvnnianea of our vH Thursday at 10 a.m. at the Soviet leaders wanted It to see. ^ ^ o v ^ g h t cf New State Rd.. north of ^ ^ The dollar v^ue of toe bill- de'^gn^sprclftoationrand"^ ®®>®® complaints ^batom^n are Mrs. Robert Mac- pay penalties of more than ®!lfl*)**^'*Ble- m .- CMSortmont; wa'rn sura to hava M O'Brien Funeral Home. 24 Lin- A yom^ anrtum ed over to toe New Hockanum Wver. Rur^ seme; ^ boards and outdoor advertising-J---- — 3 s detelirmust be^^p^^^ ®®“''^ »>®v.« « ‘>’®®t®‘‘ ^*r. «>®,via ofotn Knight,...... finance; Mlss Ruth 000 Imposcd Bgaliist her solely NEW YUxttv lA ri juib phant” a National General Pic­ coin Ave., Forostvllle. Burial on toe mim who represents toe north side of W.. Middle Tpke., State Asks District Cut signs to toe town was the sub­ tn the rommlsslon tox France, education; Mrs. Arthur because of her status as an un- OI ^|uiiuuui h u m i oivooiiimi voo^ ily house on toe additional lot. have ruled against Flood. A de- tures release, was filmed 3,000 will be in St. Bernard’s C!eme- power that subjugated his coun- ' east cf 951, Business Zone II. ject of dispute between Tax The ’’death penalty ” for toe *®"® Change Smith, publicity and public re- married taxpayer,” her attor LSI Cl »ai, OUBUI He said toe 14,(K» foot single clslon by toe high court is ex- ioavlT R Shelton, said to miles across toe remote comers tery, Rockville. try’s brief anti-Communist re- Also, north side of W. Middle neeted hv .Tune Collector Earl Beebe and As­ norconfoFmlng s ^ ^ t e s '^® ^^C agreed to table a re- ,gUon;; Mrs. Barney Peter- ney, lot, which has ^ a two-family pected by June. Raw Sewage to New Plant of East Africa through Uganda, Friends may call at the fu- volt 16 years ago this month, Tpke., west of 867, Business sessor Mrs. Edith Knight. "mE^^^rxlsttoP at ^ time of ^°"® ®hange from ^ g „ hcspltality; Mrs. Treat, his opening statement airfm airuniruntt neral home tomorrow from 3 Jews protest that toe Russians ‘^Two-China’ In a letter and personal ap- , residential to commercial for nominating- Mrs Sholnln, nurs- "Her married neighbor with Kenya and Tanzania, to 6 and 7 to 9 p.m. persecuting their brethren. for»T,isr?; snr-a.. B ■>,» ^ adoption of these ®^8" about five acres of land on the ,„b-- nnd*^Mrs. Edson Bailey, the same income was given a Co-producers were Monty C. die Tpke., west ^ jg y g enough now to su i^ rt no logical reason to treat base- bas request^ w d been ^ * " P ^ Laurero explained that the pearance before the PZC two ^ amendment there- ®®®®'^ "''® ®'®''®® ‘"g: and ______Ukrainian exiles demonstrate B id Backed weeks ago, Beebe opposed the . whinh Hn nnt ronform to the comer of Anthony Rd. flowers, bonus subsidy of more than Ruben and William N. Graf. Mrs. Andrew L, MacNrill violently against Moscow’s dom- revised sign regulationsre g u la U ^ par-par­ ^® and Rt. 195, since there is not ANDOVER — Mrs. Mary toaOon of their homeland. ticularlyuuuiuiiv 111 to toew.o areacuoB. ofui bill- u,„- ’’cqulrements of these sign reg- gn^ugb time for toe present UeweUyn MacNeUl, 67. of Shod- Czechoslovak exUes remind the By Japan boards and direct advertising board to call a hearing and act dy kOll Rd., wife of Andrew L. world of toe 1968 suw>resslon of “iS-'.s.s.rrs.i’ signs Beebe owns and leases ^®®® requirements „„ jbe request DeMolay Sets (ContiniiM From Page One) T Residence ^ ^ , g e s k n ^ as lot from city to city and national for ^ 2 1 ! ^ ^ chlorination season.” signs, itoeoe owns ana leases wltoln three yearsvsnrs from too MacNeill, was deiul on arrival tbelr reform movement, out space on several billboards Additional volimteers were in­ last night at Windham Oommu- a result, toe message toe troduced toe new proposal In «-«nting of the last “ lot 16 on Norwood St., an television has become a major n w k s lart THrstate requires chlorination actual date of adoption of the cluded to toe PZC files for the Apple Festival iilty 'Memorial" Hosplt^“ta ‘w i- Soviet P^mter ^ ‘ptoig to Im- the 131-nation Genei^ Assem- a S ^ a l of the ,, report to toe SusloS'r. 'o*' " “***“ At that time he claimed toe regulatloi^ Advisory Committee on toe town The John Mather Chapter, I limantic a «er being stricken at P ^ 1® burled under an ava- bly on Mcmday in the form of venra ago regula- David Hodgkins, toe appll- “"ooa reiusea to re^rt to me missioner. ^ Ing Oct. 1. Other Business plan, including Tlnkham, Ted , , ^ MANCHESTER VOTERS her home lanche of newspaper and tele- amendmenU to toe Albanian have ^ been ^dOTted in ®at« bomes. m m ^ ' ’"®*^ “ Oct. 1 and are not considered to his Tolland Shoppes shopping Gerald Ralston. yje Masonic Temple sign brought in $ ^ to taxes Margaret UeweUyn. She was Soviet govenunente wanted to ^ Baroody said he would sub- ^ c S s^ to ^ b illb o ard s in the Neighbors of the area com- sat out the 1970 sea- ^ ^ so haaardous as they are during mlt similar amendments to toe ^ “ omooarus ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r M w i m i ^ e ^ s ^ forthcoming until toe end ,H»oni»jiHnnOrganization. China debate—toe first to 22 ^aianello said he felt bill- A®t roof, with a penthouse on virtlins of ”a form of peonage treated. would be fed the new plant at their entire 4 years in office from 1963-1967. seph’s Cemetery, WlUimantic. years to which the United hnor^Twere "for the most part top. would be “eatoeticaUy and involuntary servitude” pro- William O’NelU, director of the end of November would be ning and Zoning Commission^ Friends may call at the funer­ States is backing a two-Chtoas , m n ^ s ^ ” but said s ^ e more to character” with toe hlWted by the 13th Amendment pubUc works, said today that „p ^ the district board of dlrec- and tor the Zoning Board of Ap-, al home tomorrow from 2 to 4 State Woman formula. „ere ueSS i "for Identificatitoi” bouse and toe neighborhood, to toe Chnstitution, but did not ho has told toe district it can tors, Osgood said. peais. and 7 to 9 p.m. Foreign Minister Nestl Nase at heavily traveled points. A variance aUowtog Thomas press this slavery argument to send raw sewage to • the new -nig bulk of district sewage la Lyle Thorpe. Republican can­ On Court list ot Albania introduced his gov- Alexander Elgner said he ReUly to transfer a Uquor out- ‘**® .. , K*''®" P^mary treatment didate for the ZBA, told the) Mrs. Eugene Chase commlalon .they “were trying to TFe can do it better for less! ernment’s resolution and re- (eU the intent of town officials let from 466% Mato St., to 443- Flood, like all big-lea^e TOedlrtrict c«trlbuted s ^ e 3^ y,g yigtHct jUant then sent to HEBRON — Mrs. Ann Fran­ HARTFORD (AP) Presi- It waa unanimously. The present out- players, w ^ required to play $193,377 toward toe ccnstrucUm y^g 33^ (3, ^ plant for second- lock the door after the horse c ^ H u O ™ , m m .a«.t Hlxoj h u 1. u S . ‘b L ? ‘to S f ' f ° ‘ •?* had been stolen,” but admitted | Business It was better to take action now I Kai-shek The board approved, unanl- and school. The prxqiosed new . - __i,» »hi„ nhnn, Eighty five per cent of toe^ In ouierother uuunt:i.district business,uuauicos, tax than to let things ride as they! the wife of Eugene Parker vacancies on toe U.S. Supreme “™®®® “>® had been. clique” was expelled. mously, a , r S L « y ttbled b. S.r2f_tT£?. « " » l ^ r t . r . p » » d MILL RATE Chase. court. Fror^ boto toe eburoh “ aS'd Stating he doesn’t believe the Mrs. Chase was bom Dec. 28, The request was made by school. 000 to 1970 alone. 1M9 approved a $11 ^ 3 3 so far. This Is large signs are necessary for j 1899 to Hiartford, toe daughter u.S. Sen. Lowell P. Welcker Jr. BasebaU officials replied that ndUion bond issue to cover toe local business, Thorpe complain­ ReUly said toe new buUdtog „ . __------about 36 per cent of the taxes of Francis and AUce Hansell at Mrs. Hunt’s request, Wel- With View Toward Renewal kmgress has r e p e a ^ y de- to ^ .g gbare of toe coat ed of the effect of the "sky- 52 would give him more sales __» brro’s share of toe coet_ due, she said. Hastings. She was graduated cker said. Welcker Interviewed cided against ending baseball s Kosman said today, ”In any high garish signs” on Tolland’s space, and Improved parking. Joseph Lutz, fire commission- from Hartford High School and toe woman lawyer last Friday, rural residential atmositoere. Projected- attended CkHmecticut CoUege Mrs. Hunt Is with toe Weiss CaUs for Symposiiun (Michael Vasquenza, Demo­ for Women to New London and ford law firm cf Rlbicoff and cratic candidate for toe PZC I was graduated cum laude from Kotkin. One cf toe partnera is 50 On AProblems I x m i C l l l S of U l . Downtown Used Car Dealer’s Ucense for 33^ y,g pjayeVg. union. ®*“ P *^ ® ® ’.. . . _?...® tured on a taievirion news \yent on record in favor of toe R adc^e CoUege to 1922. Irving Rlbicoff. b ^ e r of Wayne Wright at 1136 E. Mid- suggested the cutback to Eighth ‘®*’®^ ®" ® „*®l®’^ ® " new regulaUons, stating they She was a member of Phi nectlcut’s offier U.S. ®®n^°r, A c t u a l A symposium ‘®^ »^® “are very much needed.” ______Democrat Abraham A. ruoi- for early difficulties to be work- ® ^®>y K®"* tor toe way ire WlUlam Osborne, .OOP candi­ „ downtown Manchester, with athat plana should go to toe Rural 2k»ie. Haunted Houses conduct ourselves in the dis­ Welcker a Republican, said look toward redevelopment of town’s directors to coordinate Special exception for a Umlt- ed out, date for (PZC, supported toe re­ 48 JiiUo Laurero of James S. trict.” vised regulaUons, adding the | Personal Notices Mrs Hunt Is a "fine lawyer” toe central business area, has the effort. ed repuairer’s Ucense for a Tex- Topic for Qub Mitigan and Associates of Farm- Hanktoson said, "We can bo and would be “a credit to her been proposed as an immediate The possibility of suiqulrlng aco Station at 172 Doming St., state of Vermont has success­ ington concurred with Kosman dam proud of them.” . fully ouUawed all billboards, state” as a judge. ^® Manchester Cham- (ederal funds for toe downtown Business Zone HI. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warren and said that there were were Particular praise was given "If a state can do It, why can’t In Memoriamu. ou. Another Connecticut woman ber of Commerce Urban Devel- rehabUltatlon was also brought ------^------were toe guest speakers at the 46 In loving memory ot our brother; "normal start up difficulties,” district dispatcher Richard ver. who passed mentioned for a seat on the na- opment Committee, but the consensus m "^ed', " '^ " w e pr^y lations was George Burnham, (lod took him home, It was his will. Hauser of Washtogten, Conn. Town Manager Robert Weiss dicated that such funds are not A new square dance group, Congregational CSiurch last ® P ® 7 ^ efflclen- ^ ’ „ But in our hearts he Uveth stUl. H au ser is also a law yer. this m orning at a join t m eetin g available unless housing Is to- Democratic candidate for Board of Tax Review and ZBA mem­ 44 Sadly Hissed. , „ ^ of the Urban Development eluded to the proposal. r ‘gTr^S^yd” worker, a* the ^n sLT *" ber James McNally. The town ^ Mr. and Mrs. George Volkert r * <1 wvt d g »t Committee andana toeme Mayor’sMayor s considering toe need for heus'hsus- H P-m. at toe Pratt and Whit- Mr. and Mrs. Warren, were P>“ ‘ * ^ ® to f^ lla rto e them- ^ ^ ild °u i^ 'w L > ’a'*flre needs Industrial development, Card Party Set Downtown Task Force, would . jj^3 r was sug- ney Aircraft CTub, Oement Rd., Introduced by Mrs. Rudolph V. "el^®* with the flow patterns of g ed this years fire In Memoriam T » 17 _ _ t result..aoiiH toin a nianplan nfof 8 houslmt - * DrolMts'*to . . . E«®tn,-... Hartford. m—n-.!.. Frannle Heintz Gcrsch, nr,-nhati-mon co-chairman n# of thnthe nnn- pro- toe sew^e. He ei^latoed ^ t “cAvlties "as good McNally stated, but “billboards | In loving memory of Louis Pacak ar*e the worst typo possible.” 4 2 who passed away Oct. 19, 1970. By Eimblem dub action to rehabilitate toe Main ^ downtown area would stlm- will be toe caller. Refreshmento gram. They presented sUdes of f®w«ge ^ types enters program as we ve ever put i n « „ n n w w n:mh,emSt.' area. ‘ b Z n / r t c o 7 wl^^ » ^ ‘ ®<‘ houses to New England toe p ^ t at v a r l ^ tim ^ ______Assessor Stuart Tlnkham, CITE Sadly missed by The Manchester Emblem gj this morning’s “*®te toe buslncM, and be con- ___ 3^^ tapes. ^ tog toe week. Bach type of Ltogard said there has been member CHiarles MacArthur and His Wire, Children and Grandchildren Club wHl ^P ^® / meeting generally demonstrated lenient to elderly per^ns It ^.^e VFW Auxiliary will have Mrs. John Horton, president sewage requires various a noticeable drop to the past atanley Bonk all spoke in sup­ ^ the need for better access to toe \ ^ p ® kitchen social K ^ h t at 7:30 of toe club, presided Over toe changes, some very amaU, In year of false alarms turned In port of the regulaUons. 40 In Memoriam % , P L b l T is invUed ^ d St. area, adequate park- ohester could ^® ® ‘“ y ^ g e ^^3^ ^^^^3 j^f„,be„ 3^^ business meeting and Mrs. the treatment required. by mischievous children. Due to No Decision siivW‘°s^"*'who®'^S5Ld‘ain loving memor>’ pt L*eaterw 'o c t C.^ ™ rch l^d a t ^ tog facilities, and toe necessity “ ® ook to cater a most ex- ^33,,3j 3^ ^^3^ grocery Ralph Maccarone of 32 Haw- A report by Kosman 4ated two recent incidents, however. Although John Coleman of Iter 19. i m tickets may be renovation to make the' area clusively to the elderly the auction. therne St. and Mrs. Robert Oct. 0 shows that BOD removal Llngard told the board he will toe Northeastern Development door. Refreshm^ts will ^ attractive to shoppers. need for schools and parking ___ g,3j3 ^ Hilliard St. were and suspended soUd removal bo putting powder on alarm Group sat to on too meeting, Always a Hllent heartache, served and prizes wui oe _ . _ , ...... - ...... 38 Many a Rilcnt tear. Town Planner J. Eric Potter would decline, while toe Qgtg Heaven Mothers <31r- welcomed as new members. was good while bacteriological boxes. The powder shows up the PZC did not make any de­ But always a beautiful memory. awarded. cision regarding adoption of the Of the one wc loved so dear. -Thp WPVP nnd means chair- predicted a future bllg))t to toe my would Improve due to toe 3J3 3^33^ tomorrow at 8 (3o-chalrman of the hostesses results were poor. B M ) la a under ultraviolet light and Is Cod gave us stren^h to bear It. ^ Mra John Carson and area, and said that steps should elderly s ’tremendous shopping p ^3 3^ ^^3 ^ 3^3 ^ jygj,. ^^o served refreshments were c^MClty of effluent to consume evidence against anyone found regulations. And courage to face the blow, men Time Is running out for the But what it meant to lose you, Mrs.7 ’ AnthonyAnthAnv MerolaMproia have anan- be taken Immediately to effect power.” gnl Planttolda, 70 Coleman Rd. Mrs. Richard Carlson and Mrs. oxygen to water. with It on his hands. 36 pa No one will ever know. Town Director (3arl Zinsser, 'WllHam Hebert Is co^hoet- Ronald MeOarry. About 90 per cent of both BOD present board which must act 70 71 72 nounced the committees for toe a temporary of the Man The district accepted Aug. lO 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Sadly Missed. area to offset blight. TTie a former member of the Man as the date toe Forest HUls sec­ on all hearings It has sched­ Wife. Children and Grandchildren Mrs Foster WUllams and simplest and most rapid method Chester Housing Authority, said tion was connected direotly to uled. DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS Mrs Georee Mexlell are to of Improvement, he said. Is to that before federal money can There will be ga coffee hour the new sewage treatment The revised regulations gov­ In Memoriam charge of tickets. In charge of improve parking. be obtained for elderly housing tonight at 8 p.m. for Dr. David plant. Directors' disputed, how­ erning toe location of gas sta­ In loving memory of our moUier. liX A R . GA*ElC*iV> Mra. Anna Varrlck. who pasaed prizes® are M rs John Carson, Potter also said access to toe projects, toe need for housimg Winer, Democratic candidate -By CLAY R. POLLAN- ever, O’Neill's figures to a let­ tions, also compiled by the con­ Mrs! area must be Improved consld- must be demonstrated. 2Unsser (or toe Board of Directors, at A l i n LIIIA sultant planners, have been | away October 19, 1988. Anthony M erola, MAS. 21 Yoor Daily AdivHy Guido t f ter. He said toe district would John erably, as toe framework of gald the MHA currently hhs a the home of Mrs. Bernard Apt- According lo Iho Stars. ’’ slated for o public hearing 1971 What would we give If wc could A gn es LeD uc and M rs AM. I» get about 40 per cent of the Graph from Town Manager’s Budget Report...... gtreets is not sufficient. After a list of about 100 qualified per- gr, 66 Hlghwood Dr. Friends To develop metsoge for Wednesday, S;»a Oct. 27 at 8 p.m. In toe Town ■'He^Io Mother" in the aame old H ighes. §^4-16-19-28 3-10.12-24(C payments for the quarter and way. Mrs” Charles------Pontlcelll is re- .patch-up . -job is started, toe tre- gone waiting for space to elder- gnj neighbors are invited. 1/43-4&.S6 read wor^ corretp^lng to numbers 31-60-73 ^ toe town about 00 per cent. Dis­ Hall. of your Zodioc birth sign. your voice, to see your (reshmem chairman. Her com- mendous project of ly housing pro^cts J t TAU lU t KORPIO trict directors claimed ti was Sign limits To sit and talk with you awhile mlttee Is Mrs. John Tierney, might have to Include widening Welss said that rehabilitation There will be a coffee hour AM. 20 11 31 Bwwfll 61 You ocr. i According to the revised regu­ 2 You 32 Plant 62 A toe other way around and de­ TIiouKh absent you are always near, Mrs. Alfred Bitter, Mrs. Samuel of Mato St. "to twice Its width.” of toe downtown area shopld to- tomorrow night at 3 for Mrs. ^ MaV lations business signs will bo mill loved and missed, ever dear. 20 3 Your 33 01 63 Newt Nolf.; cided to contact O’Neill about 34 Your 64 Problem permitted only In commercial Time (or a CHANGE!! Vacant! and Mrs. Harold Grif- Many committee members elude ’’mixed use” ot toe area, Harriet Haslett, Republican Ov 1- 4-13-13 4Frmh I8-26-34-414 Sadly Missed, present expressed concern over and that moderately priced candidate for toe Board of Dl- 1-36-34 5 Atfroct 39Poaplt 65 To nnd Industrial zones. Daughters and Sons 6 Comet 36 Original 66 Actlvltlet 37-6S-79.8 the coming of huge shopping housing would complement the rectors, at the home of Mrs. OtMINI Directional signs will bo per- 7Woy 37 Now 67 Detiret SAaiTTARIUS You Get - centers to the, Manchester area, business and professional na- Russ JMblson, 24 Bryan Dr. BOut 3801 68 May NOF. 22 39A 69 Sound Public Records A Famous Make which are apparently contrib- ture of the area. Friends and neighbors are to­ 98e 10 Conduct 40 And 70 In OK. 21 WarranSy Deeds Firm uting to toe decline of the down- Anotoei; necessity for toe re- vlted. A 2- 3-22-33 n Slww 41 Own 71 Or 43-43-35-591 |;^S0d2.66 l2And 42 Don't 72 Arttwert John J. and Irene T. Malerba Mattress, Box Spring, > It makes good sense to avoid an amarganey town area. The possibility of newal, mentioned this morning, ----- 43 Lot 61-70d3-'w(§ C A N C ll 13 Through 73 Rett to Richard L. Adams, property Frame and Headboard daciiion in time of great sorrow when the creating a shipping complex to ig the addition of a major quol- There will be a coffee hour U In g m 44 To 74 Neceulty CAPRICORN at SSO Adame 8t., conveyance tUHl 21 19 Oovtnpmonl 49 Aid 75 Potitlon the do^town area was men- Ry department store to Mato tomorrow at 10 a.m. for John OK. 22 tax 101.80. lamo decision can be made after family 4 JUlV 22 tOIri 46 Provide 76 Oecitlont tioned as one way of competing gt., which could possibly gener- Thompson, Deiri>cratic condl- s B c r^ 17 Prudtnl 47 Be 77 Mottert JAN. It Hardy Arthur and Betty Jean DEMOCRATIC O f ’ discussion and careful investigation. with the blossoming regional ate further renewal and create date for the Board of Dlrec- |§^11-27-29-:33 ISOnMnd a u tt 78 Practice 7- S-33d9ifi Sawyer to Edward F. and Do­ 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! i>to7l-76 19 Actlvillot 49 Money 79 Moke 64-6WI-06I course, you may buy on time payments. shopptog centers. an attractive and convenient tors, at toe home of Mrs. James 20 Lm 50 To M To ' I d lores V. Oullea, property at 87 AgUARIUI 804 FARMINGTON AVE. BERLIN TURNPIKE 284 BROAD ST. Talk of downtown renewal shopping area. Watt, 143 Autumn St. Friends uo 21 Viewpoint 91 Trovel 81 Be Tracy Dr., conveyance tax j l\lLi 22 22 Right 52 Your 82 Thrift JAN. 20 has been gotog on for some with the proximity to toe new and neighbors are welcome, 53 Awoitlng 13 Wrong $88.60. NEWINGTON MANCHESTER ,AU6. 22 23 A ^ t t HI. I I . Saint James' Cemetery time, numerous ideas have been interstate 84, a renaissance of — - 24 SeerKV 54ldeot S4Sentlbly Oertifloate of Attaobment on Nov. 2nd discussed, but little concrete ac- downtown could take place eas- The American Legion Aux- |§\9-17-2^49 1 29 J? 53Prlettdt 85 A 4-3I-3(U44 ^,1 r,82 ii20 Tel. 666-5854 Tel. 646 6262 868 BROAD STREET Vhi.nvm i 26 uot On 56 Fortunate 86 Seen 17-62-74 Margie J. MacDonald et. al. Uon bas been taken. The com- Ily with a Utile planning and Illary will conduct a rummage 27 Potlence 57ldeot 87 Heodwoy against Raymond Hagsnow Jr., Oi» ,« Mon. thru Fri., TO to 9 Sot. 'til 5:30 Ac r.s OI Free Parking j MANCHESTER mlttee questioned how to actu- concrete action, ti was stressed, sale Friday at 7 p.m. at too VIlOO 28 Which 58 Some 88 While /!, A«6i 22 WO,000, property at 80 Branford This Advertisement sponsored by the Manchester Democratic Town Committee, Roger M. Negro/Traaeprer^^ aUy get started to thb renewal December was suggested os a Post Home. Donations may be 29 in 59 Steer 89 Problemt St. m sir. 22 { 30 Appeort 60 Your 90 Direction PHONE Mr. 6 «M 7 1 8 ( prqject. <, poeslble time to hold the sym- left at the Post Home Thursday 10/20 Trade Name ' Potter said the town bas a posium, which Is forecast-. U> night, or those wishing Items u»v; )Gopd (^Advene 0^Neuinl Richard J, Qrlnavloh of 71 ( l i 6i i « w » 6g(> responribUlty to put money Into trigger the renewal project, or picked up may' 6ontact Mrs. BUimntr St. dolnf burinsss as I downtown to offset the coming at least a feasibUlty. Mudy. Clifford Walker, 70 Pitelps Rd. Dlek'e Amoqo at 008 Center St.

, .Jj •‘T -V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971 PAGE ELEVEN F A Q B T B y MANCHESPTER EVENING HERALD. .MANCHEOTBR. CONN.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1971 HEW Official Says; Biisiness Mirror was being spent by visitors Vernon than ever before. Hospital Group / T V T onight City officials say toey hope to make M iam i, together with HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Many Hospitals Fall Short Bee Saturday'e TV Week Miami Beach Officials New York, the main port of en­ Hears L ectu re for Complete Lletlnge. Town Council Defers Action try for Europeans visiting toe Prepore NOW for College loords On Witchcraft Of Fire Safety Standards Hope to Lure Europeans United States. Aim (A) Ills Valley ((,') "We arc hoping to do some By DONALD M. R6 THnERG when told that patlenU were (Hi ■ im am «l .Irannle ((') • TEST TAKING Techiil<|uet About ITB moRibon o t the (101 Timmy and La»ln By ANN HELLMUTH Dec. 15 began picking up after cooperative advertising with WASHINGTON (AP) Thou- housed in toe Bulfinch Building (40) (lllllgan'a Island ((’) the United States Travel Ser­ AuxilUry at MAnoheater ICemo- On School Expansion Plan sands of hospital patients which opened In 1820. Cosgrove Presideht Nixon’s wage-price • VOCAIULARY Developmeiit AiSO (HI DrnznrI ((I) MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — vice and with the airlines— rUl Hot^tal hMTd Dr. Ronald across toe country are housed "ato ho thought It was used (t>) iloian’s llrrnos («■ Parts ^ t ^ Ml HEW oHlolal sold in on Icchl. But, he added, too hospl- veli^ment Authority, says ad- "That really should keep (IH) nick Van Ityhr World, some 200 miles north in WEST HARTFORD MANCHES'TER everyday superstitions which the eve of the elecUons, that ^ interpreted as being polltl- overall plan, can bo and will be intom ew that a number of hos- tal maintains very strict fire (22-SO) News — Weather and vertising for toe coming season tkings rolling," said one offl- the center of the state, which 233-8883 •4S-MH7 have no scientific basis in fact. meeting was canceled. .. Herbst then asked attacked, criticised, lobbied for pltal ^buildings are "obvious fire safety procedures and under- Nports ((I) wlll concentrate on Canada and "People at conventions (40) AliC News (C) sponsors say is expected to at­ Bishope Corner •8 E. Center St. He said that a belief in witch­ In urging the council to de- allowed to file the and lobbied against.” because of too amount goes Inspections regularly by 7|80 (S) Olen Camphell Ooodlime Europe. spend money and this is what tract some million visitors craft exists in all cultural back­ fer the matter. Mayor Frank gtatement with the councH’s sec- Noting that she regretted the of flammable material in their state and city officials as well Hour (C) 10 "W e are going into the inter- ^ke game Is all about.” (H-40) Mod Hquad (C) during Its first year. grounds, but since his personal McCoy pointed out that the retary which was allowed. She decision made by the council coMtruetton. Others, ho said, as by its insurance company, (IH) Movie (lame (C) national market In a big way," "We are very optimistic," experience with studying the town already has a lamedudk ,ggugd the statement to the lust night, Mrs. Herbst "aid. ‘I v/M.fall to meet federal j standards “ " ‘uarus Interviews. • . with hospital and (22-80) Ironside ((!) he said. "W e already have an KiM (18) Movie said Edwin Dean, executive di­ phenomena was in West Africa, council and Board of Educa- members of the press present at consider it an InJusUoe to the office in London and are mak­ H:30 (8) Hawaii Flve-4) (C) rector of toe South Florida Ho- he would oidy discuss the tlon, as some of the members the meeting. cltlsens of Vernon and Indlroct- (840) Movie (C) ing arrangements with German T h « ' latest Philadelphia, as well as (22-80) The Times AII-NUr CIr- tel and Motel AscKiciatlon. studies he made both there and cf both groups will not bo run- Explaining that the high school ly a 'no confidence' vote to all HEW sh o w ^ t *1° ts ^ '*'*^*' Craning and his staff, also travel agencies to bring pack­ For Town Treasurer in Hartford. nlng for re-election and will not expansion program has boon members of the Board of Bd- Hicw snow 26 per cent of the __ ^ suT j ti80 (8)" Cannon (0) "Hookings for the Christmas age tours here." nation's 840,632 hospital bods following: (IH) Candid C'amrra period at virtually all Beach be voting on the final plans. studied for more than 8% years, ucaUon and the Permanent „ , , , Sussman said his hotel had According to the doctor, pa­ are in buUdings that don't con- —Philadelphia's fire code has (22-SO) ^n n y Hide (C) hotels and ROSALIND QUISH tients he treated in his West He also noted that some mem- with in-depth discussions, plan- Building Committee." IloBt; Otmn Kolly. motels are superior i ^o visitors from Britain dur- form to Hill-Burton standards. requirements for nurs- 10:00 (MO) MarcuN Welliy. M.R to last year’s. African clinic firmly believed bers of the Council had not nlng and analysis within the —------— Of too 218,710 nonconforming ‘"*T homes, bowling alleys and (IH) News, Nports A Weather ing the 1970-71 season, and 1,000 A Manchester native and graduate ot local Mhools Jerry Sussman, executive di­ and toe Manhattan Medical Assistant’s School, she their illness was caused by thoroughly reviewed the plans past 12 months, Mrs. Herbst bods, 127,696 fall to meet fire Kn«>»ne stations, but hospitals lOiSO (3) David Frost Hevue (C) from Germany. or gone into them in depth. "I said "It is not a come lately or (IH) Hartford Talk-In (C) rector of toe 620-room Carillon "We expect more and more, is toe daughter ot toe late Samuel J. Turklngton. some form of hex. He also ' Pittsburgh safety stwdords. treated like any other com- (22) The Oolddizzers (C) Hotel also says bookings for the Mother of five ciiiidren and proud grandmother of think we have more obligation spontaneous recommendation, (80) Klecllon '71 (C) particularly with the new, learned that they believed that H 11 l-Burton oxlmlnlstrators nierclal building, coming season "look very good two, she is President of toe Manchester Republican than to rubber-stamp a $ ^ e was referring to the fact 11 iM (S-H-22 84MO) News — Weather cheap transatlantic air fares," anyone can hex another person 10.6 cautioned that a bod In toe sur- spokesman for toe Deln- and Nports (C) Indeed." Women’s CSub; Secretary of GOAP Agency; mem­ and that love triangles seemed million project and put it on a that the Board of Education ap- Riot Poses vey doesn't always represent ware Valley Hospital Council, (18) Marriaze on the Rocks _ . , ke said. ber of Ladles of St. James Church, Gibbons Asoem- to be the cause of most hexes. referendunfi," the mayor said. proved the plan, unanimously at lli2S (8) Ferry Hoeon Sussman s hotel plans to run Robinson denied reports that bly Ladles of Columbus; a former Trustee of toe sm actual hospital bed. If one- which represents most of toe Ili30 ( 22-80) *ronlzht Nhow Johnny free bus trips once a week for Telling of his experiences at Councilman Peter Humphry its meeting last week. third of the area of a hospital institutions in Philadelphia, Canon PULL THE ’rt)P LEVER, Tuesday, N®v. 2 "The Proud Breed" who have never visited toe SALEM NASSIPF allowed to s y k the help of a here and at a referendum if I of EducaUon and the Permon- Dr. Harold M. Oranlhg, head ^® knew of no conditions have toe chance.'' He argued ent Building Committee, to ap- ed to the commission ^dylng 0:30 Communications and Educa­ state before. Before toey leave Ceunera Shop & Studio This ad sponsored by the Manclieator Republlean rootwDiker. -rAfter receiving of HEW's Division of HospltAI should cause so many beds tion Town Committee — Oiaa. McKemde, Trens. "Race Azainst Time" Amonj; toey will want to see our city.” IBB MUUn SL, Mancheater drugs, washing with herbs and that toe mat er should be set „ve the plan was bipartisan. ‘^® *^®“ “ w sava^P olnts and Medical Facilities, esti- ^ **® •e-heied nonconforming, up for a public hearing and et g^o pointed out that toe may- ^h® ‘"ctdent, he says, P ^ t o Hiznifloant chanKca; atomic Hotelmen reported that book­ the saying of prayers, he rap­ mated it would take $12 blUlon -G ranln g said he was cer- energy, IncrcaseiT leisure time, 643-7369 moral vacuum. Theee chanRcs ings for the season which starts idly showed signs of improve­ toe to^speople speak . ."to members of the council “P ‘^®,, M to bring all toe naUon's hospl- *>18 office was receiving up- delay this any longer Is mean- ^ave attended various meetings 'o'- ul relate to (unctioning of educa ment and became a changed tals into conformity with Hill- *^e-'^ed figures from the states. lion and communl(uUiona. »>ave been kept informed “ ®. No one - u p succumbs Burton standards. responsible state offl- 7 :M JoyceJ ^ c e ChChen Cooks man. Turkeys WonH Be the Only Bargains “PeklnK Duck 11" Dr. Igqntrob said he cannot would like to take longer and '®®‘ ^ occasi^ uus observers, however, Many fire safety deficiencies, ®*nl in Massachusetts acknowl- 7:20 Hecauue W« (*ar« (€) however, could be corrected by edged, "We're not able to keep Ijocal druK education pro- prescribe treatment until he un­ not go on toe machine as a rub- ^ ® *"ayor and Town alarming trend in toe gram. These Manchester Parkade merchants are pointing ‘ pating stores. A 40-page supplement included with replacement of Inadequate fire ^ke plant survey going as we derstands the illness in the tonight’s Herald tells all about the sales. Creating ber stamp item and Humptoy were present for f ^ ®aw rm aa^ ^t^borgh revel- 8:00 FonHh Egtate same way as the patient sees it. out that it’s almost turkey time and that they’re argued it was not his intention ^Iscus^ns, b«tore presentaUra probably more "exuber- doors or combuatibto acoustical wanted to." 8:80 Advocates (C) this announcement, are from left, Alfred Perrault, tile, ho said. Hospital beds that don't meet "Should children'!) telo.viKion He believes that the funcUmi of ^ing all out to “talk turkey’’ with their customers to have it as a rubber stamp ha S^tt” thL prerious World Se- be commercial-free?" Sears; Martin Broder, Martin Ltd.; Harry Gamer, Hospitals aren't asking for Hill-Burton fire safety stand- medicine is to relieve pcdn and during their 15th Anniversary Sale, which starts to­ Item. . ."I'm Just saying we ®*P'^"®f. “'®®® ries victory celebraUons. 9:30 lllack Journal (C^) toat kind of HUl-Burton help, ards ore listed os nonconform- 10:00 How Do Your Children Grow? reduce anxiety, and until the morrow and continues through Saturday. Two hun­ Youth Centre; George Frost, Connecticut Bank and should go to public hearing," he nreeUngs questions and com- jjarklnx back to toe draft "No Fair Being Fair!" doctor understands the problem dred o f the holiday birds and up to ?400 in cash Trust Co.; Wemer Bloch, D&L; and Michael Dwor- exDlfllned were scllclted from toe ^ sald Granlng. The requests that under one of two headings; 10:30 Free-For-All and how it is looked at by the will be given away in drawings during the event. kin, Liggett Rexall Drug, president of the Parkade Councilman Stuart Neff (R) aspects of quality of education ^ MatUck UiUverslty^of come through his office are for ^ ®- patient, he cannot accomplish toe architect and cost consideraUons. "The «ans W. MatUCK, umversiiy or more expensive projects such Julian Smariga, deputy dlrec- Coupons and details will be available at all partici- Merchants Association (Herald photo by Coe) said that when me arcniieci , nrimlnnlmriat noted Newman Is Featured this. ------presented toe first preliminary record should show that at no toe order- as new wings or buildings. As a tor of toe Office of Arcldtectui'e What's New , , , , , nians for toe building, and to time was there opposition sometimes toe . result. In many cities, defi- and Engineering in Granlng's 8ALJ5BURG, Austria (AP) — Later. Edwaj^ Kenney, hos­ is tre^urer of the GOP state “ g'hjm to^^ ahead toward the dlrecUon betog fol- keepers themselves precipltatte clencles In older hospitals won't division, explained that "A was New York actor Barry New­ pital administrator, spoke brief­ central committee. He 1 ^ been complete lowed. . .thus this delay at this the acts of violence they are be corrected until long-range used to filter out those build- man will star in "The Salzburg Get $50 ly about the hospital's expan­ Burns Named Czar chalmtan, treasurer ^ d tj^t- building, and toe time is puzzling to me," she trying to prevent" by acting in construction plans are realized ings that everyone would rule Connection," now being filmed master at many Republican ^ f ^ expect sion plans and "vdiat's new at Philadelphia and Boston are out as unacceptable, toe ob- on Icxmtton here. the hospital." state functions and has been t‘^ . ^T^ntoion He said ^ April 1972 Bid something to go wrong perhaps called upon m ^ y Umes for a ^ t W m . two such cities. vious fire traps." The latest Newman is cast in the key Mrs. John Knowlton, auxilia­ Massachusetts General Hospl- Hill-Burton figures showed 39,- role of an American investiga­ ry president, announced during Of Gambling in State spe^hes on behalf of toe Re- ^ ^ .g V plan toe town quoted by the architects is bas- to disband or move on. tal In Boston is a complex of 481 in that group, tor by producer Ingo Pre­ the quarterly business session publican Party. P™^^® P y, ^ d by April. MatUck, director of toe Oen- By SOL R. COHEN buildings of various ages rang- Smariga described toe Indi- minger. Lee H. Katzln is direct­ the resignations of Mrs. Ekiwin Bum s received hU academic g ^ ^ s Public Opinion 1972. "I think it is fair to say ter for Studies in Criminal Jus- (Herald Reporter) ing from toe 150-year-old Bui- vidual deficiencies that could ing toe 20th Century-Fox re­ Sage, first vice president; Mrs. training ati toe University of councilman Thomas Wolff (D) that delays, for whatever the tlce at toe university's Law on this new Caloric finch Building to brand new result in beds being rated non- lease from a screenplay by Os­ ^Paul ______Somosa,_ ^jfxibUclty______Connecticut chair has a legal gambling czar—the first in its Ccnnectlcut, University of Colo- ggbsed with Humphry, noting reason, could Increase ultimate School, added that he was in- sections. conforming in category B. Hien car Millard. man, and Mrs. Paul Norman, history. He is Joseph B. Bums, 55, of West Hartford, rado and Yale University. He bg would rather hear toe costs," Mrs. Herbst contended, dined to believe toe mass James Cosgrove, ah inspector he added that "Just because a Earlier this year Newman communique chairman. . Mrs. former president of Fuller Brush and a state-wide was admitted to the ConnecUcut pybUc express its opinion before Referring to toe 50 per cent media exaggerated toe sexual for toe state Department of bed is nonconforming doesn't starred as the dynamic ci Norman will continue to serve ](n ow n R e p u b l i c a n . ------““ “ “ Bar in 1942 and has been a part- council goes fussing around grant formula for school con- element "because that's what Public Safety, was surprised mean it is unsafe." driver in "VanlsWng Point." on the executive board as a ^he State Ciommlssion on Spe- be about three months be- time member of the UConn Law toe plans. He said he would structlon, Mrs. Herbst noted toe public is eager to hear. member-at-large, a post always Rovenue, too official title fore toe lottery system will be ■School faculty since that year, to learn If toe public wants that it is possible for this They may have drawn Infer- held by toe most recent post of the gambling conunlsslon, get up and ready to roll. Race teaching taxation law and labor anything /sllmlnated from toe formula to change as can toe ence when someone got partial- president. today named Bums its execu- tracks and off-track betting op- law. Ho served as a member of gxpanslon plan. 100 per cent relmbursible ly unclothed in the fire hydrant sdf-(ieanii^ Elected to fill toe posts uyg secretary, at an annual eratlons are much further in toe toe National War Labor Board jjgfj replied, if toe Board of formula for special education spray." But ho said, however, Mrs. Lawrence goj^ry range of $30,000’ to $36,- future. and its successor, toe National Education didn't see fit to re- and the vocational agriculture with an oxerexuberant mob. ■yii>■±1 vice president; Mrs. oqo. The bUl which legalized state Wage Stabilization Board. move some of toe things to cut building. "nothing is impossible." THI '.. ,1. was unanimous by gambling does ^ t autoorize an and Mrs. Sa^el smitn. com members of toe nine- approprlaUon for setting up munlque commission present, gambling opemUons. However, Joseph B. Bums The Gift Shop, which is oper- Republican commUsion mem- ooO ia available to the that he will terminate his con- gasrat^ ated in toe hospital lobby by tract with Consolidated Foods volunteers, has acquired ex- present. However, lasi wee , be has been Corp. for whom he is a con- panded quarters In toe former when Bums was Int^lewed b„ finance commission- sultant at about $60,000 annual- X-ray waiting room, which will by toe conrimlsslon, M oUn^o Carlson that, should ly) at toe end of this year, function as an annex to the had Indicated he favored Bums fmda be needed before Consolidated Foods, in 1969, present shop, according to Mrs. for toe post. revenue accrues to toe bought the Fuller Brush Cto., 177 HARTFOltD ROAD, MANOHEIATER Knowlton. She also reminded still to be named are three (jmd he predicted that when Bums was president. He If We Were Closed Satutday toe group that toe additional executive directors to serve un- yjey would be) more money was replaced as president of OPEN SUNDAY 10 TO 6 space will make It possible for ^gj. Bums. Each of toe three ymn the $200,000 would be re- Fuller Brush but was retained toe Gift Shop to add new items figye charge of one of toe leased to toe commission. as a consultant, under an exlst- Old Enough to the stock, and In November, fiiyiaions authorized under toe Whatever expenses are incur- Ing contract, toe shop will begin carrying bin which legalizes state gam- ^gd in toe gambling operatlmis Bums, an attorney, is a Ourlstmas gift items. bling operations — a lottery dl- y,ui come out of revenue and former president and a former — Inside the cupboard of Mrs. Knowlton also spoke of yigign, a race track division and whatever state funds are used chairman of toe board of the To Vote the recent fire loss at toe Pen- off-track betting commission, will be returned. Bums said. Connecticut State Chamber of Old Mother Hubbard ny Saver thrift shop, m o re- Bums, as executive secre- Bums was toe only one noml- Commerce. He was toe guest minded the members that toe y,m imve overall super- nated for the post of executive speaker when toe Manchester W ed Vote for You'll find that It's really same spirit of cooperation aM yjgg^y authority and responsi-. secretary, although about 10 to Chamberof Commerce held dedication which made toe sh^ bllity over each of toe divisions, 15 had been considered. His its 1968 "M " Award dinner, not bare. a success, will c a ^ it torougn j^gjufijug an estimated 300 to name was placed in nomination He is an 'active participant Uncle Roger this difficult period. 600 employes. Subject to toe by Atty. John Downes of New In state Republican circles and It's filled to the very top, rules of toe Gambling Commls- Britain, vice chairman ‘ of toe And we fear it will pop slon, which are soon to be an- commission and a Republican, New . . . Give Your Irish F in d nounced, he will administer James Fitzgerald of East Hart- From the fabrics and ond coordinate all of the ad- ford, a Democrat, seconded toe FALSE TEETH HUBBARD ministrative functions of legal nomination, More Biting Power noHons In timre. A m m im ition state____„ ______gambling„ operations. . ____ Burns,______when he was called A denture adhesive can help. PRICES •nie General Assembly and before the I o n lew M tl Gov. Ihomas Mesklll have estl- notified of his election, said, era longer, (irmer, nrtner, steamer.eieeaic 2) Holds Aboard Ship mated that toe state will enjoy movingly, "Thank you very them more comfortably. 8) Helps a $2.5 million profit from lot- much for your confidence." you eat rnore naturally. Why worry? (Conttnued From Page One) Uae FAS'rEE'TH Denture Adhesive tery operations In toe current He told newsmen he will de- Powder. Dentures that fit are Heath’s 10 Downing Street resl- fiscal year which ends, next vote full time to his gambling essential to health. See your dentist jence June 30. Predictions are that it commission duties. He said regularly. ROGER Miss Devlin, 24, was keeping ______No-lron COTTON PRINTS u round-the-clock vigil to de- ______mand a full answer from Heath M on newspaper allegations that ■ I And some solids in a fine suspected members of toe frish k Thursdayi Oct 21s4 - 10:30 to 4:30 Psii. Hepublican Army under arrest I seiect group priced from in Ulster were being tortured. * 89c to $1.29 yd. 86“ and Her demand for a debate on ■ HOURS ONLY NEGRO 46“ width aii cut from YD. the issue in Parliament Monday | was rejected. _ UOOEH REXAU PARKADE SHOPPING CEN'TER • r’M boits. rol" to m'^to'toe"deato oJ"a I OONNiiOnCUT MADE OTAINIJMS TABLEWARE - SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY ONLY British soldier In a hospital. He ■ was shot by accident Monday I STAINLESS STEEL at a roadblock. N OT 112.95 TOWN WOOU • WOOLS PRINTED British troops also found a 53- ■ 10:30-4 :»0 I V l year-old man tarred onf feato- | cred in a Belfast street. He had 16-PC. SET WOOLS PANNE VELVET been shot through both legs, ■{ TREASURER Modal H-102S presumably by IRA members ™ Thursday m ■ll enforcing rule in Catholic quar­ with 0 m m Cash-In on a host of modern features for gas cooking at Its best. □ fast, complete ters. He was recovering in a Coupon J hospital. self-cleaning oven □ smokeless closed-door broiling □ cool, fast, flexible YD. cooking □ automatic programmed oven cooking □ See the exciting sale-priced ID E A L WITH VOTE — - — — Loans Are Costly FOR GIFTH ADV. m A nn« group of first quality show of Calorics for 72 at CNG now. 1 In a fins array of oolor (or BALTIMORE (API - Two of wools wlUi ndNllH III $6.00 yd. d 'Avallsbla to Lucklos living un a CNO gas llna. USA-JfEW IST$ PATTEBN—USA PoslUvely None Hold Before or After Thurs­ Maryland's largest banks have Guaranteed llfeUme solid sUlnless stee Solids, IwhmIs, tisatosrs, plaIdH holiday buihion. Our ri$r. $4.00 day. Ihie to limltod supply 12) to euetomer. filed court briefs asking to be ■ Crafted by Wallace and Intemattofial DEMOCRATIC Slid fonolsa. yd. Sew and Savat allowed to charge three times || "Fine Silversmiths for more than a cen CONNECTICUT NATURAL GAS CORPORATION the current Interest on small tury'* . . . In your cuRmnUic of lifiriinrMt service you get a lifetime free replace­ THURSDAY ONLY loans. I 60-Pc. Set Stronger Stain- Keg. 40.|Q.t0...w«tiai our Bd$ r.Divinu lti»* (jtciili'f Htittluid (Hid Now DMliiin ,iii'ii'. The banka contend they cun- ■ ment guarantee with each 16-plece NOV 2 stainless set for this amazing sale for less with Mirror finish. $4»1» make a profit on loans un- _ only $3.68, complete service for four gerrated Knives, service ITiursday d«r $300 at Um 18 per cent limit ■ for 18) eight. Monufaetur- _ . _ W «tt«f A D«vid Bmoltnski impuasd by taw ” r * ' Not Tarnish, Rust or Statu ed by Intomattonal Silver, n T J M Pull ?ful If-yrr' tile banks claimed toey ■ , N,ver Needs Peilehlng Ullra Itoee I'attom. ghoiitil be enUlled to charge M | • Bopinee wlttaiut Time Limit A Wltheirt ■ M t m ' per cent InUreet on loane under Uharge _ _ _ * . . , e* to/ hdiAJl^ G l ,n a u m . toe allowed for | ■ ■■ • J ' l 1WBLVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ ftJto A Y , OCTOBER 19, .1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971 PAGE nURTBEN

Main and TOIland Tpke. Court Nixon Sends Drug Center date Nov. 8. House Vote The Drug Advieory Center, AOdDENTg n Park St., la open Monday Plans Out On through Saturday from noon A eummone charging him Is B lo c k e d to 10 p.m. 'Xvlth oporating a motrr vehicle v/hlle under the Influence of Post-Freeze A telephone backup eervlce liquor, was Issued to Kenneth On W ar Halt la available when the center (Continued From Page One) L. Hudson, 22, of 306 Adame (Oonttnued Prom Page One) ie cloeed. St. after a collision Saturday full-time chairmen of the Pay For drug advieory Informa­ night at 8:04 on W. Middle Jected by a margin of 80 House tion, call 646-2015. Board and Price Commission, Tpke., near Tower Rd., between votes. which will rule on wage and his car and one driven by Phyl- Antiwar lobbyleU led by lis C. Hale of 135 W. Middle price Increases. And the admin­ Tpke. Court date for Hudson Common Cause, showed less istration’s bill called for a wai­ is Nov. 8. confidence before the shew- ver of conflict-of-interest laws Police Log down ot winning 28 votes that for the public, business and la­ On W. Middle Tpke. near bor part-time members of these ------ACCIDENTS .New .c . State Rd., Saturday - after------mnn»h HaoAiin« " *“"*• groups. A summons charging him with neon at 4:31, a colliolon involved ,, could do it" said Administration spokesmen operating under the Influence of a motorcycle driven by Frank natimm, inMwiat "Tt>« said this wculd clarify the posl- liquor and evading responslbll- W. May ot 519 Hilliard St., and , , ^ T 'm not tions of the members. Nixon Is ity was issued to Paul Peter a car driven ly Scott D. Taylor * towel ’’ expected to name the members Blelskt, Jr., 62, of 29 Benton 8t„ of New Britain. doaen White House in the next few days and they after the car he was driving,left ------lobbyists Joined aepubUcan are duo to meet by ^ end of the road on New Bolton Rd., on Main St., near Wadsworth leaders Monday In ur^ng the week to bej^n teMr efforts, near E. Middle Tpke., Sunday gt., Sunday afternoon at 12:26, House members to reject the In sending the legislation to afternoon at 6:40, and struck a collision Involved cars driven gix-month deadline. At least as guard roils. Court date for Biel- by Robert J. Herbert of Rock- many antiwar lobbyists pressed dais said they are strongly op- gk, ,, Nov. 1. villa, and Caroline R. Cook of them to accept It. j»sed to any Senate con------Wapplng. In a final effort, the White tIrtwrbilU wil^® toT«ay O" 8- 8‘' ------...III i,« . yesterday afternoon at 12:30, a A written warning for follow- Democrats in this morning for rill H n fh A H tv ** preslden- involved cars driven Ing too closely was Issued to a briefing by Adm. Thomas H. Buinoniy. ^ ^ Hamp- Gall B. Hurst of 48 Agnes Dr,, Moorer, chairman of the Joint Also provided In the enforce- Conn., and Harry A. Elch after a collision Saturday morn- Chiefs of Staff, ment area is power for the at- Avery St. Ing at 10, on W. Middle Tpke. An Associated iPress check torney general to bring In- near Congress St., between her Monday found nine sure and Junction actlohs on behalf of car and one driven by Paul E. feur possible new House votes the wage-price agencies. It also A written warning for maWng Andover. switched In favor of the Mans- makes clear that the court Is- Improper turn was issued to field amendment, short of the suing an injunction may order Alexander Moglellnlckl of Rock- COMPLAINTS antiwar forces’ 23-vote target. restltutlon. vllle, after a collision early this Last night at a construction Republicans had the power to The Cost of Uving Council, morning on W. Middle Tpke., N. Main St., vandals prevent a vote on the war dead- the Pay Board and the Price near Broad St., between the bus at IW N M^n because they got the one Commission also would have he was driving, and a car driv- motion permitted on binding authority to Usue subpoenas in en by Kathleen A. Hampp of 39 f ™ windows the House to any feature of the connection with any investiga- Constance Dr. trucic, ana oro e w«iin. on a grader. Senate-passed .621-btUion weap­ tion, but the confidentiality of ons bUI containing the deadline such informatlcAi “will j be pro- At McKee ______and__ Lyness 8U.. night, thieves silt the betore It went to a House-Sen- tected hy ’““f nl^rat 8, a coHlston Tn^ ,ear co^ivertlbir^dow“on“ a “te conference. *nllh car parked at Manchester High „ Ford „ told newsmen , Monday such Information. Chetelat of 113 Spring St., and School and ftole a handbag Houae already haa ap- Provision for personnel In- j ^ ^ Pioneer from the car proved one Mansfield war-halt eluding five executive and 40 (jjrcie _____ amendment after the nlne- supergrade appointments and _____ pimrette vendlnv machine *"®"th date was taken out, and staffs of about 100 are provided ,.01 o. at the^Parkade ottice bulldina **e might decide to turn for each organization. " ^ r Hlil arid Pine Sts ^ t h e one H^ise-blnding motion The Federal Reserve Board yesterday morning at 10. a col- wm over to some other feature of said Monday that Industrial InvoWed cars driven ^ w e re ^ a ll^ te the »2l-bimon Wll Instead of June Linton Top Winner at Tolland County Art Show production advanced by .6 per Paula J. Delluomo of Stafford y _____ Mansfield’s new six-month cent in Septem'bcr After drop* Springs, end Lucrettn A. Rutig* o * i Amendment Mrs. June Unton of White at,, a top prize at the exhibit. The In Acrylics: Jean Pehovlak, file." Second place went to ^ sharply In the two pre- Hano of Norwich. a te "Passage’ of another Mans- RockvUle, for the second year e‘1 entered by Mrs. Unton Is "Orchldaclous;” Terry Ed- Trudy Lee for a pastel. "Gera------broken Into In the MulU-areults lot on Pearl 8t., near-Harrison field amemtaent," Ford s^d, In a row took the top prize, s> a ltA /1 "Softly." m i un^, i n f l o ’’Mrlcan” *‘ A f H Eileen ** nlum”. . . and » .1 third place1 *-s Dor­ At the same time, the pace of ARBESM a . ■ . tssTifl fra linnAF^IIT utA een Baab for a pastel, "Mbr- St., and a tape pUyer and eight "would tend to undercut the no . . Ok Agnes Kreysig was presented Smith, “The Storm.” home building, one of the econ- James P. Rondlnone, 48, of tatws w e re stolen from it President’s efforto In Moscow Best of Show award for her the Walter Klar award for the Watercolor: Sue Bourne, ocean Girl.” omy’s strongest sectors, slack- Windsor Locks, charged vlrlth and Peking." painting shown above, at the most realistic work entered. “Mums;" Barbara Orlowskl, ’The following received honor- ened after a strong August two counte of obtaining money Vandals broke Into a W. Mid- Thai argument had several 26Ui annual fall exhibit of the This was a pen and Ink of "Lobster Shacks;” Oiar es able mention, the flret four for showing, the Commerce De- by false pretenses, and one die Tpke. apartment through a Republicans who liave sup- Tolland County Art Association. "Qrlswold House Bolton." Krut, "Water Pollution. oils and the fifth for a seri- partment said. count of fradulent Issue of bedroom window, and painted ported war deadlines In the TTieitek. awards te were I presented'^7®k." last te ^The ® top “^®®three prizes in varl- Sculpture: Beverly Ingraham, graph: Lucille Webber, Dorothy Neither report excited admin- check, yesterdaya on a warrant f ^ n ^ n i Md a * S e t u • r T ^ _ P“_ t_ considering__IA .k switches of ‘lte i.“^ of the ous categories were presented "Apple Annie;” Ruth Coe Usk, Mount, Florlne Luglnbuhl, Bev- istraUon economlste. Although i„ coimMUon vrith bad checks d w w lto^im e M tnt^ ^ votes. = ” Edmonds, erly Ingraham and Priscilla uiey welcomed a rise In Indus- “t ulll“"* of Gardner Chapman Industrial production Maple St., ^ charged with reck- reimbursable. The cost includes construction, equip­ library, music area, art center, and science center. philosophy of the school that pupils should be ex­ Planners Propose floor area of 1 000 Biiarn lor a seven-unit addlUon to the bounded In September primar- less driving, last night on W. ,c ment, and architectural and engineering fees. At the right is the gymnasium. Jutting from the posed to as much learning area and as many materials Duplex^ are iXrpretod m Brownstone Apartments off lly because of a recovery of Middle Tpke. Court date Nov. 8. School The vehicular approach in the rendering above is right wall are shower and locker room facilities for as possible, placement of the lofts will enable children two-storv slde-bv-Blde dwelUnira South St. at Oakland Ter. output in the steel industry, the ------from Kennedy Rd. At the extreme left in the tree school and community use. to look down into classrooms and the media center. wiul a Tommon Tb« developer was given con- board said. But It added the Gary R. Novak, 26. of 49 Apartments Zone each dwelllnir havinir a aenarete dltlonal approval earUer this steel Industry is still slack rid- Birch St., charged with making NOTICE sub-divided*'^ w itoa mlnimiim month. He since has complted den, with production of raw a false statement to police, By WILLIAM COE three acres of the total could go of 4 600 square feet engineering require- steel showing a decline In the Saturday afternoon in connec- BEemNHIfi SUNDAY, (Herald Reporter) elther for apartment housing or n,.' ^ ments stipulated by the com- first part of October. tlon with a statement concern- for duplexes. » front^es were mission. Potter noted. Although the key industrial Ing the theft of an auto, accord- OCTOBER 17, 1971 v-uiiiicnicuConcerned uvtjiover IImounting1UU1II.IIIB maximum of 20 per cent of 7"' 7 ” A minor change in plana for a production Index increased. It Ing to police, released on a $160 public opposition to apartment the three acres cculd be devot- density of duplexes was driveway and cul de sac was was still 6 per cent below the non-surety bond. Court date construction, plus increasing ed to actual "living area,” In placed at 4 per acre. also approved for CharVea Pontl- high recorded In the middle of Nov. 1. and uirHI complatad, wa will ba Member Alfred Sleffert said celll's apartment addition off E. 1969. Tlie index, however, was 2 scarcity of moderately priced he felt the M Zone~ regulaUan m --- d - -d l o ^ k ^ ^ higher than last No- James Daly, 61, ot no certain flushing flia watar mains from 11 |Mn homes in Manchester, the Plan- adopted by the commission i„in would be desirableucohaiad "becauseuamuov Itn. George MroMrosek was given ap- vember’s low point, when the address, charged with intoodca- nlng and Zoning Commission September 1970 force a developer to com- proval for the subdivislrai of 1970 recession was at Its deep- tlon, Saturday night at Bess until 7 a.m. in the North End Soetion will propose a now "MM Zone”Zone ■„ examnle onlv mlt himself” on what he Intends two lots into four lots on prop- eat level. Eaton Donate on Center St. designed to meet both prob- aix.tenths“^' “^ ^ r e ' K^ t• ’of^the J Ate Vkiill/i av*tvrerty atof W W. ILTI MiddlesI sII a rn«%tvATpke. anda m ..! The ^ administration _ _> Is hoping Court date Nov. 8. of Manehostor. lems. three-acre total could be devot- Need Not State Intent Alton Sts, The two extra Iota Ntxon’s new economic moves. ------At the direction of the com- actual living area. Presently, a developer' can created front on Alton St. in B including restoration of the In- Vaughn F. Hill, 22, o< Bristol, mission. Town Planner J. Eric ^ gjjg jggg y,g„ 60,000 come In and seek a zone change Zone, vestment tax credit, will spur cliarged with intoodcatlon. Sat- Potter has drawn regulations gq^gpe fggt could be entirely de- —from Rural Residence to A output of the nation’s factories, urday night on W. Middle Tpke. MANCHESTER WATER 00. J® ^ Zone, which were ycted to apartments If desired. Zone, for instance—^without stat- mines and utilities. Court date Nov. 8. studled and given coiwnsus ap- gp duplexes. ’The minimum Ing the use he intends to make Legion Group Ihe board sold production of ------proval after the PiSC made vriilch apartments would of the land. He la required only consumer goods and business Karl B. Relchle, 16, ot South some minor modifications at a permitted has been set at to make a convincing argument Elects Bartlett equipment increased in Septem- Windsor, charged with speed- business meeting last night. 20,000 square feet. that the change would be the PAroirt R A# -AT '*^“e e administration said one slated for a public hearing Dec. One such case In the Wether- ferae director of the flre^^ dls- Park Hill Joyce 6, dwellli^ unit. s*.—Hlllatown Rd. area some frtet American Legion. He la a gtarte mav have been As drawn, the regulation ^^i® *’™****®j **j *°i" vob ara months ago drew strong public member of the fund rate- ^p^iypig^uy i„ August, would make apartments a per- f 'J*' ® ^ nri!^a*rllv for ’The application was Ing committee of toe Oepart- ^g^p^ng a level that was hard ot Marlborough or do I repre- school ask those parents who ed to smoke at the school. He of better understanding between muted use In M Zone only. They '"tendod to ^ finally denied by too PZC on ment of ConnecUcut A m ^can maintain throughout a re- Rham District sent the students?" he asked. are interested in allowing their said the policy could not be the groups. could no longer bo built In exist- P^vate ownership, P - grounds of Increased traffic ®* ***® malnder rf 1971. Flotver Shop C. Everett Jewett, member children to smoke at the school Implemented before Nov. 1. The VPW Auxiliary will hold Transit Tube Ing zones (Residence A, B, C ®d. hazards. VFW, the Marine C or^ L ee^e Harold Passer, asste- und Business Zones) where tooy ^® en^®‘“ ®^ ‘'’®‘ ‘ ® Almost without excepUon. I**® commerce secretary tor from Hebron, objected to the lo- to come In and discuss It. Oth- Day reminded the board that a housewares parti' tomorrow are now allowed through grant- homos allowed in toe zone each request for “partmente ®oach for Little Miss ^ ftta U . aftolrs, sold 1971 cation of three of the six areas c s suggested that parents it was the students’ idea to night at 7:80 at the Post Homo. Plan Backed FORMERLY 601 M A IN STRECT. MANCHESTER Student Smoking__ Rules Okayed saying that two of these areas should call the school If they do keep the Smoking Committee T h e Community Woman’s Ing of a special exception. wou d moot toe needs of the ij^ngg similar public opposlUon. "wl» he toe beat housing year (Frank Gakninr, Proprietor) ’The M Zone would exist only newly innirled, older couples members have repeated- u"®,®’®®*®,?.,“.„ n ,„ ^ d „ _ the *n history," reaching, he said, Students over the age of 16 l^tident comments Indicated Rham students noJ use the ® nearby »ot want their children to active and not to dissolve it. a u b will meet tomorrow night Adrian H, O. Porostler, a con­ “>e ^ snnoke. The committee would be a at « at the homo of Miss Uly az on "Inartlculated" rogula- whoao children are grown, and jy realdonla they talk ^ i tA^n nnH n mom- administration's goal of two Who receive parental permis- they feel since they smoke any sulting engineer of Oronby and tlon; that te, no given area of people of llmltod flnancoa. almost umuilmously op-' J^^„uve committee million housing starts this year. sion will be allowed to smoke way, they should be able to do lavs for smoking lounges people to see the kids "loiter- Another factor pointed out by continuing force In changing Crandall, Cider Mill Rd. one of the designers of a plan town would bo assigned this "In too current housing mar- y, y,g proHforaUon of the exec______three months from whether it Is permitted or not. ing" about smoking between Day was the evaluaticn to take any regulaUons regarding smok- The Board of Recreation- in certain areas at the Rham sc without "hiding in the lavs.” for on underground tube system zone. It would bo created only kot," ho said, "prices have npartmont housing In Monches- , _ July thr*'u<'h September, hous- High School. The teachers' indicated that the Miss Plnney said that the halls classes. place tfext year at the school. Ing, making recommendations sponsored dancing classes for upon application by a developer climbed to the point where the jg^_ ^ tAmtvr Aida tiXporta gtgris were at a Beas'-nallv at Manchester were empty; the Harry Megson of Hebron He said that one of the first and enforcing those In effect. girls five through adult will be­ under Manchester and Hart­ Resolving a long and hard- matter of student smoking students weren’t hanging asked Day whether there was things the visiting teams do.Is for a zone change, luid at too majority of people cannot nf- ^ | g yjo M Zone regulation ROTTERDAM — Under toe Briinated annunl rate of 2.1 mil- fought campaign by a student- should not be up to the faculty, gin tomorrow at the Meadow- ford, spoke at meetings in Buf­ commission’s dlscrotlon. ford lo buy a house. This regu- not prohibit all now sponsorship of toe Dutch gov- iirn units, the fii'toeat quarterly te th e rs “'’eund. "any way of reducing smoking check lockers to see how many brook School, with flve-to-beven- falo last week outlining the pro­ teacher committee to allow case, teachers The report noted that the among the students now” and handles are left, how many The intent Is that if. In too intum Is designed to oncourago npurtmont construction. It emment and the Common Mar- rote on record, he said. smoking at the school in deslg- should not be required to police -ycars-olds scheduled for 0:30; posed mims transit system commIsalon’H opinion, Iho land dovolopors to construct housing yyould reduce too amount by kot, a center to promote Imports Paaser lald prospects for fur- s Business Tolland nated areas, the Regional students trying to ferret out Manchester High School admin- was told that there Just Is no light bulbs In the lavs are bro- elght-to-12-year-olds at 6:30 and through twin i3-foet diameter tratlon felt that the appearance practical way to do so. Megson ken and how many tolleU are proposed for the change was that they call afford." two-thirds, give too commission from developing countries has thor housing gains In 1072 are Board of Education grudgingly smokers. 13 and over at 7:80. tubes 100 feet below the earth's not compatible wllh surround- The requirements for single potter control, and at the same been established here. The i-o'xl. Ho said mortga"'e Inter- gave permission last night for Parents’ comments, however, of the school and the atUtude »chof>l proposed not flushing. Boys’ League surface. of the students had greatly Im- ^ those youngsters under After considerable discussion Ing development, the applies- houses allow a density of 4 Umo oncourago moderate hous- agency informs prospective est rates are deoUnlng, lenders smoking to be permitted on a were more mixed, pcssibly de­ Mumhester Evening Herald He was Invited by a group tlon could bo denied . houses per acre, with a mini- in^ of other types, Potter said European Importore of goods have plentv of money and cm- proved since Implementation of "making- Day said that on the length of a trial period, Elects Officers Tolland rorres|Mmdent Bette representing 29 Buffalo organi­ trial basis. pending on wheiher they smek- the motion was passed. Another Under existing regulations. If lot area of 9,000 square |„gt night. tho developing nations are In a sumers are more confident ’Thc motion stipulated that ed or not and whether their the smoking poUcy, which be- ^ qiiatrale, telephone HTR-MtH. zations who are against a pro­ an area 1s properly soned for ,gg, „ minimum lot front- mink It’s a good regulii- position to export. . ntxait the economy, gan last spring. a aspect of the discussion was flerald Kumham was elected smoking be permitted for those children smeked or not. Student f^nmcll and that he fell president of the Tolland Boys’ posed mass transit underground, group dwellings ond If ii do- „( ,ggt, , whether to require parental per­ surfaee and overhead system velour can meet certain public increase Floor Area ------...... _ . „------—------Usual over 16 who receive a written tkimmltlee PropesaJ . Day said, "I have a great ntudents themselves would Ismgue during Inst night’s an­ mission slips. Day and Damar- D o w n t o w n B u h t Andwer those yfmngsters whose parents churches and the middle and them the first day, Monday, and Several peupl" »* Ihe llnivsr INFORMATION Students elected representa­ without parental permission. Board member from Marl- the gnsip "This admtnls- forbade it. high schmds will be held te- iffliilnis said most wsre enlhii- ally of HsMford are new worti- diiplssss (iwn-fsmlly hmises. u * e For Flowers for All Occasions.. tives from each class to the Miss Ihnney said one of the borough, Itebert Hharkeigh, said irutimi csnmH provide the kind Day told the Imard that he night ut 7:8h at the United fkm. sissllc abratt the new service, Ing im dalalls rd ihe tube aye •hm enitr. sit. . miM Iw d.v.l '• " 'I ' of . Call PRiwocrotlc H m td m m H n Itudsnt • Teacher Committee, must striking differences be. that he hud Informally, pollsd atm«i mtOHroATM- town t^4M, m • mtm In lit- toe 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971. PAGE

THE PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971 Herald Angle A’s Williams Named A.L. Manager of Ye^i No Chaiage Among Top Five Places By EARL YO.ST gporto Editor Second Time Xavier Brown Sets Reflections from the Series Boss of A ’s In Weekly Major College Grid Poll Following Baltimore’s first two victories in the 1971 New Wickham Mark World Series, Manager Earl Weaver were kidded about Picked No. 1 1. Nebraska 6-0 1,046 being a push-button manager when it appearetl that his BY DEAN YOST NEW YORK (AP) __ Oklahoma, which received which beat North Carolina 16-0 ledo, Tejcas, Purdue, Ten- 2. Oklahoma 6-0 1,008 club would win in four straight games. After the fourth RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. Undei’ ideal running conditions yesterday at Wickham There was no change ®**f*’‘ SSS points a for its second consecutive shut- nossee, Diike and Air Force. 3. Michigan 6-0 837 (AP) — Dick Williams game, M.I1V4 and second 111in Pittsburgh,X IVI/OUUI WeaverVVUUVt;i uadmitted uillllteu iliethe AAro/tfl.p 4-Ua Park in Manchester, Bob ^Rootle’ Brown, Xavier High's 4. Alabama 6-0 766 among the first five teams 5-0 686 machine (push-button) was nil fouled up. He never did Strangler^ but No. 1 cross country runner, set a new course mark as he and was rewarded with 18 first- sixth. Penn State’s in\presslve slstcd, in order, of Arizona 6. Auburn regain the right combination 6-0 578 led his team to a 23-38 victory over East Cathalic High. m in this week’s Associated 6. Notre Dame _ „ . place balloU and 1,008 points. 31-0 Jolting o f Syracuse lifted State, LSU, Ohio State, Ten- uiiuand theuic luoi rest IsID nowiiuw history.iiiDiuiy. . . . hninna tk Qt t t ^'’^^’yi'hing short of the ------Running slde-by-slde with 7. Penn State 6-0 470 Press college football poll, Michigan remained In third the Nittony Uons from ninth to nessoo, Stanford, Arkansas, To- 6-0 460 Did the bettor team win? Good conn^ectlcut ^ct'^^ttonaf guillotine to goad the Red East's Greg Marino Brown and but the explosive Oklaroma place with one No. l vote and seventh while Georgia, a 24-0 ledo, Washington, Florida State 8. Georgia the Eagle Star stayed together 9. Arkansas 5-1 331 point, but when Pittsburgh an- and p^t Falls Village winning the 1967 Sooners made a huge run S37 points by trouncing Illinois winner over Vanderbilt, stayed and Purdue, nounces lU series shares there the map. Blass may need a Bing on W ay coming up the ski slope until 10. Stanford 6-1 280 pennant. at Nebraska’s defending 35-6 but the wolverines’ point in eighth place. Washington’s 23-21 loss to "I had to be tough,” Williams they 'reached the cabin when 11. Colorado 6-1 267 i f manager to handle his outelde national champions. total fell from SSO. Fourth-rank- Texas, a 31-7 loser to Ar- Oregon and Florida States 17- which club got the biggest pay- off-season Interests now that said. “ My job was to break up Brown began to pull steadily 12. Ohio St. 4-1 280 Back After The Comhuskers received 33 ed Alabama whipped Tennessee konsas, also dropped out of the 15 upset by Florida cost the Ics- 6-1 209 off. . . Baltimore loft today for he’s been a World Series hero. . Boston’s baseball country club. away. Going back down the flrst-place votes and 1,046 32-15 and went from 668 points Top Ten, with Uie Razorbacks ers their positions among the 13. LSU You don’t do that by being slope and rerouting the open 14 (Tie) Arlz. St. 4-1 62 an 18-gamo trip to 28 days to ifg a good thing the series end- , points- down five votes and 10 to 765. Auburn, rated fifth, and Stanford, which beat South-Top Twenty. Duke and Air field. Brown opened his edge to Toledo 6-0 62 Japan. Attempts to lure Brooks ed to Baltimore and not Pitts- Eye Surgery points from last week—from a turned back stubborn Georgia em California 33-18, moving Force took over, Robinson to Manchester to burgh. Those Pittsburgh fans y®®*"® later, Williams greater lengths as Marino drop- 16. Texas 3-2 60 panel of 55 sports writers and Tech 31-14 but lost ground from back In. The Top Twenty teams wlUi apeak next month failed duo to arc really something else, best ‘“ ®1 by thesword. The ANN ARBOR, Mich, (AP) — pgd further back. 17. Purdue 8-2 40 \\ broadcasters across the country 620 points to 585. Behind No. 11 Colorado in the first-place votes in parentheses, the Orient trip. evidence being the wild demon- blm before the Dave Bing’s afternoons are re- _. j j 18. Tenn. 3-2 37 laxed now as he heals from eye dark-halrcd wiek LOCAL TALENT—Three Manchester football players with the University of following their sixth con- Colorado’s lose to Oklahoma Second Ten came Ohio State, season recordd and total pointy 8-1 34 * * Strattons which following the ^®®K“ ® champion- secutive triumph, a 55-0 sand- dropped the Buffaloes from Louisiana State, a 14th-place tie Feints tabulated on a basis of 19. Duke surgery performed to prevent covered the 2.7 mile 'W 4-1 23 Short StODS seventh game decision for the f. “ "le to fade atop ham .course to 16:34 better- Maine varsity this fall are linebacker John Filloramo, offensive tackle Dick bagging of Kansas. sixth to 11th and Notre Dame, between Arizona State and To- 20-18-16-14-12-10 etc. ______20. Air Force him from going blind to his Jagoutz and linebacker Bill Lopes. The latter two played at Manchester High Umplrlng--csp6ctally tho call- Buca. . „The Wggest celebration ‘ ‘ iodd right eye. tog the old mark of 16:42 tog of balls and strikes—during this writer has ever expert- finished fourth to 1968 formerly held by Marino, Tho and Filloramo played at East Catholic High School. They are all sophomores. There are numerous soap op­ the series was not up to the enced during a series was to j „ latter was second to 16:64. eras on the television to his usual high standard of past 4960, to Pittsburgh, when liter- ,, ... i^ For Brown It was the sixth vears Several new men were bell broke loose when ■*, he said, but I was room at the University of Mich- . . ___ yeara. oevorai new men were ^ nlnned the New York wab*"? and hoping for another Igan Hospital but that’s not the “ '"®, *»® bas set a new course m ^ ln g their first series starts .g^^enth L d de “hot as a big league manager, kind of activity an All-Pro Na- He won three as a Junior llli'i'ulil iiliolo hy Buri-ivIcluJ) and did not measure up due Yankees in tne sevenm ae^ Oakland took me. I wor- tional Basketball Association '^nd so far three as a senior, Funny Scoring Play matoly to lack of experience, elding game. One couldn t LOCAL ROOTERS— Playing an important part in the Manchester Community rled that my Boston reputation guard Is Interested in. Marino blamed an esisy meet The umps didn’t give an edge ^® ^‘4/ fast enough might proceed me to the A’s College soccer program are, left to right. Pete Lalashuis. Tom McLean and Pete Meteuier. At present time the Cougars boast a season over all record of 7-1-1. ' The Detroit Pistons’ star was Friday and a hard workout to either club, were consistent tratnlng^ cim p. to a light mood Monday consld- Saturday morning for his to their calls, and were the tar- ^he New York Yankees It didn't. Dick and the Oak- .Mike Burke, Yankee presi­ ering that Friday an operation second place finish. "You just gets of managers and players lands hit it off splendidly. Basketball dent, wants out, insiders report. Gurnon Paces Local Collegians was needed to repair a de- don’t lose 12 seconds and don't from both sides. , . “ Luis Apari- The A’s hustled to a 101-61 Protest Ban tached retina, an Injury suf- know where they go,” said the No Joke Steelers .^4 The club hasn’t strengthened NBA T,. cio did all that we expected him record to run away with the fered Oct, 5 to an exhibition blond-haired East star, Marino Eastern Conference any to the past few years and to do,” General Manager Dick ri!*'’' A L ’s Western Division crown. BOSTON (AP) — The Na­ game. still holds course records nt Atlantic Division KANSAS CITY (AP) — rictory over the Steelers In on field goals of 32, 40 and 36 O’ConneU oi the Red Sox said future major leaders ai “>at perf^m^ce, Williams tional Hockey League Play­ "It may bs months before we Rockville and South Catholic, W. L. Pet. O.B. Cougars Get Revenge, A j thclr naUonaUy televised game yards by Roy Gerela. to looking bock at the year the was named Monday American ers’ Association has protest­ know what Mr, Bing’s residual Xavler captured eight of the din^bed into a first-place Dawson threw two other 3 0 1.000 — A funny thing happened to veteran shortstop had to his • » • League manager of the year to ed the Boston Bruins’ man­ vision will be to the eye,” said {jj-gt lo position to remain un- 1 2 .333 2 agement’s ban on outside ac­ young Dave Smith on his with Oakland, 4-l, in the West touchdown passes, both for five Buff, first season to Boston. The Red an Associated Press poll. Dr. Morton S. Cox, University defeated to cross country run- 1 2 .333 2 tivities for Bruins’ players, way into the end zone Mon- Division. Pittsburgh, 2-3, fell yai-ds, one to Taylor and Uie New York Sox feel that acquiring Aparicio B u c-N o tC S "I knew the voting -went to Turn Baek ECSC, 4-3 of Michigan eye surgeon, nlng with a 9-0 mark. East Boston 0 1 .000 2Mi it was reported today. Hav niirhl- S^mes behind Cleveland, 4- other to rookie Elmo Wright, was a good investment as he Tj,g experts went to the well before the playoffs,” Williams •Even though the reattachment catholic boasts a 6-4 record, aay nigni. central Division. whose touchdown came on the Central Division LI7 The Boston Globe said the In their first soccer game of the season. Eastern Con­ can play another year or two jn1 nr«HtnHnDpredicting RnUimnreBaltimore woulrtwould bls home here, ” so I was successful, some Irrever- „ necticut State College junior varsity stjuati handed Man­ Results: Brown (X ) 16:34; G. Smith, a sophomore receiver Pittsburgh Coach Chuck Noll second play following Dawson’s a n d . 1 01.000 — V and also help tutor Juan Beni- The 1971 play has to go thought 1 had , o a . chance. . I won protest was confirmed Mon­ slble tissue damage occurs on for the Pittsburgh Steelers, had said at first he had no com- 82-yaxd heave to Taylor, Balti. 1 1 .500 ^ quez, who flashed late to the down as one of the most sus- ‘ be honor at Boston to 1967. I m day by R. Alan Eagleson, ex­ chester Community College a H-l setback. Yesterday injury.' Marino (EC), Clifford (EC), Cleve. 1 2 .333 1 J ecutive director of the play­ taken a pass from Tterry Brcid- ment on Smith’s blunder, then The Chiefs’ crack defense year after being recalled from penseful series ever played. . . ‘’“if®. P‘®“ ®f’ , j playing a return match at Mt. Nebo the locals pinned a But doctors said the real- •4°“® Marino (X), Curtl® ers’ association. 4-3 victory on ECSC for the Shaw on a 50-yard play. He was reluctantly added: had a big hand In two touch- Atlanta 0 2 .000 1% the minors. Aparicio, who had a sports are so unpredictable tached retina Is "Intact and i^t), Bralnard (X), Kelly (X), Cougars’ seventh win to a row. ed the ball to Steve Dean who all alone. “ I ’ve seen it happen to veter- .downs, the first and the fourth. Western Conference I'V V y A, horrible flrsi two months of Uie (then why does anyone want to 1 “ We have mailed the no­ stabilized.” Coyle (X), Barry (X). In turn booted the ball Into low­ As he neared the gx>al, he ans. He threw the ball before and scored the last one when Mllw. 3 0 1.000 — tice of protest to Charles W. Eastern was first on the season at the plate, is also ex- venture a prediction) Uiat many in fh! hoii er left com er of the net to tie His right eye was partially suddenly exploded jubilanUy he was across. ’The college goal Emmltt ’Thomas romped 32 Detroit 2 1 .667 1 Mulcahy in his capacity as scoreboard as Sal Carcoligia put peoted to be retained as a scout times the underdog rises to the ^ ^® balloting Des- the contest for the third time, closed and very red. and heaved the ball Into the air posts are 10 yards back. Maybe yards with one of Bradshaw’s Chicago 1 1 .600 IMi chairman of the owners to a penalty kick with 11 min­ h. up ,*,3... n, an^poA U. 3-3. Bing played In Detroit’s open­ like football players do in cele- he was thinking . . .’’ Noll’s passes. Phoenix 1 1 .600 1% group in the owners-players utes yet to be played in the tiling Booters * umph, as did the Pirates. . . . Then Gumon took charge er Oct. 12, a victory against bration of success. voice faded away. Kansas City broke Into the Williams polled 107 votes, council — and not in his first period. New York, and scored 24 points Pacific Division Ralls ’n Strikes The Bucco win gives the Na- again. With a little under 12 Win Sixth Game TTie trouble was Smith hadn’t Noll thought two plays proved scoring on the five-yard Dawon- Kansas City's Bob Lemon was capacity as an official of the Nearing the end of the open­ on seven field goals and 10 of Los Ang. 2 0 1.000 — Without question the two hap- Uonal League a .600 average for minutes remaining to the final reached the final stride. The the big difference. Both were to-Taylor pitch after taking pos- 2 1 .667 — the runnerup with 66 and Weav- Bruins,’ ’ Eagleson said. ing period, Cougar Jack Wls- 13 extra points. Illlng’s varsity soccer team ball squirted through the end passes from Dawson, who com- session at the Steeler five when ~ plest guys at Baltimore’s Me- the year to Us series against re7elv^ed*onlv 69 quarter he took a pass from 1 1 .500 1 sler knotted the count at 1-1. "I couldn’t see the rim from trounced Gideon Wells Jr. High zone. plained all week of having a Curley Culp jarred the bail out morlal Stadium late Sunday af- the American League. The lat Pete Lalashuiy and booted in Portland 0 2 .000 2 ”I know Earl has to be up­ Carcoligia again scored for outside an 18-foot radius and . j i. temoon were winning Pirate ter copped the All-Star game the winning goal. ^ of Glastonbury yesterday by a It was only a touchback. The sore arm, to Taylor and cov- of John Fuqua’s arms and Jim set,” said the 1971 honoree. tho visitors on a penalty kick that’s why I tried to drive a Houston 0 3 .000 2% pitcher Steve Blass and his last July. . . . The Hot Stove The victory upped MCC's rec­ score at the Ume was 31-» In ered 82 and 61 yards. Lynch recovered for the Chiefs, Mondays Results “ He deserves recognition with Fourth W in when the officials caught a MCXl lot,” he said. “That’s why I score of 6-0 to Manchester. The ; father, Bob. The latter received League is now to session and three pennants and two World ord to 7-1-1. favor of the Kansas Caty Chiefs, Neither of the bombs scored Defensive tackle Buck Bu- No games scheduled player for tripping. Continuing had trouble with my free win was the sixth straight for who had wiped out q 9-0 lead touchdowns but both set the chanan Intercepted Bradshaw’s (Herald photo by Buccivicius) national exposure, too, via all fans can expect a lively trade Series victories. I feel sorry for The winners play home Fri throws, too. jjjg undefeated Rams. with Len Dawson’s spectacular Chiefs in motion deep In ‘Pitts- blocked pass on the Pittsburgh forms of the news media. Blass, market. For Shooters ^Ir fierce battle, Ron Gumon Middlesex C.C. in ABA EAGLE DEFENDERS—Mark Bellody, Ron Morin, been Bill Lodge, John Healy, Henry Fellows, Joe him, but happy for myself.” took a beautiful pass from mate „ . . , . . . When the eye continued to „ , __ ...... passing to Otis *Taylor and a burgh territory. Dawson flipped 14 and returned it to the six. an aU impoi^ant coherence bat- ^ specialist HHan Moran scored the first East Division Kevin Gerrity, Glen Gabrielle, Paul Krashefski, Davin and Joe Druzolowski. The locals rtum home Weaver learned of the honor Tom McLean to tie the score couple of assists from, the de- the 51-yarder to Tuylor at the Ed 'Podolak went five and then W. L. Pet. G.B. Martin Boldi and Bob Bergin are front line defend­ Saturday afternoon to face non-conference foe for Williams as he packed fol­ In CC Loop tie Presently Manchester holds j^ree first period goals fol- fense during a four-touchdown 27. On the next play, Dawson one for the ’TD. piorldns 2 0 i.oob — Windsor High. Kickoff at Mt. Nebo will be at 1:30. . O ■ X nn lowing “*® the Crioies- Orioles’ loss to puts- Pitts­ - advantage over gurgery. lowed by Paul Gllha and Kurt avalanche In the second quar- thew a strike to Taylor in the ‘“rhere’s no question about ers with East Catholic. Backing up the line have Kntky 1 01.000 % 1 1 1 P T I o w n burgh in **'®the ®®''®"4*4seventh 8®*"®game of In the fifth match of the Char-Char­ With Iwth teams holding their Middlesex. Game time is slated ..physiLuy, I feel fine,” the Hassett. ter. end zone, erasing the lost of it,” Noll said, “ they're a great New York 1 1 .600 1 uiet State Town the World Series. ter Oak Rifle League season. The Chiefs went on to a 38-16 Plttsburgii’s 9-0 lead rolled up football team.” Pitts. 1 1 .500 1 Q "Dick Williams did a tre- Manchester upset Capitol City, Oldl/C ivFvVll the World Series. ter Oak Rifle League season, ^ ^ 6-foot-3, 180-pounder said. “ It Is Moran added another score to Virg. 1 1 .500 1 mendous------job,”------" said Weaver.------i,i5S-l,100.------" ------tSe t o i ? as t psychological condlUon the third period and Tao Stlmac "He deserves It.” Scoring Its biggest win of the Caro. 0 2 .000 2 took a na^from halfback Park- '^•’® thing I scored to the fourth period to Highlights of Grid Weekend Ready to Come Alive Despite stout performances year, Manchester put It all to West Division Professional Football Ir to The wmLnnHP ®' have to overcome. -ound out Illlng’s point makers. Ind. 2 0 1.000 — ------3T------ahead 3-2 play at N ^ for the ^ a l .pjjg 27-year-old former Syr- luing had 30 shots on goal to Utah 2 0 1.000 — by Vida Blue and Jim Cat- gather to win four straight. At- ®*^®w ahead 3-2. ume against Housatonlc C.C. gg„gg university star said fel- a mere seven on target for Memphis 1 1 .500 1 NORTH CANAAN (AP) — This quiet town, tucked Hunter, WllUams said he tendance at the match again A minute after ESOS scored Oct. 26 and are on the road guard Jimmy Walker will Gideon WeUs Despite 100 Plays ing to set aside Friday to welcome home its new local next "®^'®®“ season ®" in a bid for loftier tor, Manchester showing up Indirect kick to front of into the foothills of the Berkshire Mountains, is prepar- h°P®® tu®n®d t® P® th® m®*® '®®- “>® Cougars were awarded an in their remaining two outings have to take up the scoring Wednesday' afternoon the ELKS — Jack ■ Christadore Dallas 0 2 2 Glamour Sport of Tube with 19 shooters against Capitol Eastern...... goal.‘ — Ed Taranto push Housatonlc. ^ ‘ " ------showing up Indirect kick to front of the against Greater Hartford and gjg^gh („ his absence and center ^ums entertain J. P. Kennedy hero— Pittsburgh Pirate pitcher Steve Blass. accomplishments. 136- 387, Hank Michaud 141-373, Denver , » ” f. City with only six. In recent years, the biggest ------___ Hob Lanier should be fed the jj. Enfield at 3:16 to Dcn Carpenter 148-399, Tony Monday’s Results NEW YORK (NEA) __ football is still a dramatic school players; that in the first Top score was fired by A1 No games schedules excitement of October here has j^^’t know yet whether he’ll at- ball"Personally, more. I d say I d like theirurjay-g final encounter contest withbefore Bennet. Sat­ Desimone 139-370, Ray Beaure­ V ioIatipp v ii’t'iip and v in ilitv thing*. NFL player deal, the Bears Enough Said! Archibald with a steady 196 out to get back in a month,’ -Bing ______come from the long lines of At his morning news con- Team Lost Game gard 146, A1 Atkins 138-161, Rob­ of a possible 200. , Murtaugh’s Future declared. “But doctors said it tourists watching the brilliant fgrence, Meskill said he didn’t ert Talmadge 136-371, A1 Pirkey Football nave been popuiai memes professionals Healey, former Dartmouth LOS ANGELES (AP) - - Manchester's newest shooter, would be six to eight weeks be­ yellows and reds of autumn fo- ^now himself—but he’d be glad Scandura Appointed 137- 370, Stan Seymour 353, Joe that have^ flickered across g^j.„ggtiy y,g football tackle; that football’s first pro- Deluged with copy about Bob Haas, who has been with fore I could do anything NEW YORK (AP)— Hanging out the college football NFL llage. Picaut 354, William Adamy 360. everybody S TV screens, ^^gj almost exclusively be- fesslonal (Jrfm BraUler) re­ to meet Blass to Hartford. every possible angle of the the club only two months, turn­ strenuous again. PROVIDENOE, R.I. (AP) — wash: American Conference Gulde to Fall Angling But this year the Beard cf Se­ but nobody ever packaged longed to the collegians, in the celved *10 to play quarterback "It's a great day for Falla World Series, one Southern ed in a very promising 192 out Remains in Doubt There’s no reason for me 'Michael J. Scandura, a 1967 To paraphrase an old cliche, it’s not how long you have Eastern Divlsicn lectmen has declared Friday a RESTAURANT — A1 Bujau- . n, n . ’em . all in such - a . neat , « offering 1, ggj-jy 1920s ..u franchises . »•. In —— the Na- Icr the Latrobe, Pa., team be- ww.Cool weather brings better Village,” Meskill said referring California sportscaster had of a possible 200. PITTSBURGH (AP)—Danny Miirtaugh, manager of not to be opUmlstlc and say i graduate of Genseo (N.Y.) the football, it’s where you wind up with it. clus 141-382, Ed Bujauclus 142- 1 * 0 one im oA professional footba , ug^j^i Football League sold for fore the turn of the century, (ig^ing^ ijut — j^g always •— the "half-hcliday,” and a com- to the hamlet just down the his own solution. High score for Capital City A A. , -A A V. 1, the World Champion Pittsburgh Pirates, says only the can come all the way back,” he state College in 1967, was William & Mary got off a ,,, ...... — ~— 380, Brian McNamara 357, Earl Balti. mlttees already setting up where Blass grew up and Allto Slate of KNX report­ whopping 100 plays Saturday ®hance came Saturday. t ! ? ^ A,, f ' as Play®>-s were and that Joe Namath received best success goes to those who speeches, presentations and a was fired by F ^ k Mu^by vh health will affect a decision as to whether ®d1e.^. although he also said his named today acUng sports to­ Cox 362, vie Abraitis 139-137- Miami 3 1 1 .750 93 M Pro football will account for nickel-and-dlme salaries in exactly 1,000 times as much to ^^ere to fish and what where his parents still live. ed: t t e d in a 189 out of a possible <««-«®b>r at Brown against Virginia Tech—69 rush- if* ’ .400 motorcade. manager next year. 382, Frank We^sh 359, Dick Dl- New Eng. 84 about one-third of the more comparison to what players shave off his mustache for a ^^g “ Only one game In the ma­ 200. about his future in basketball. University. ^g for 234 yards. 28 cf 41 .400 52 86 Blass was bom just down the The town of North Canaan Is Murtaugh, looking pale and than 5160 million that will be g^^ commissioner TV commercial, just a few a jors Sunday. Pittsburgh passes for 309—but lost the I’m not sure it’s so great after r .'.T, ^ .000 79 157 ^ ^ , ----- — ...... - — ------To help you select the best road, grew up there, and now small-population 3,04^with Watcher 166 398. Jim Breen 362, Buff. edged Baltimore 2-1.’’ m“ ts“ toe‘ ® ^w e"iZ ’^ o r r i n S 'tme Pete Rozelle recently estimated dollars, too, that h tb T l ' has‘ his ® home -here with ... .his . lime kiln, a few hardwthardware game 41-30. ® ‘ Charlie Gordella 363, Rollle Central Division works for TV sports entertain- j^at today’s average NFL play mfiD of Hid roriDD ®®4‘4 bls declsion will be made title. stores, and some light Industry. Kiiie IjIud ai. uie range. In the “ next munihmonth m- or «/i so,” ” andnr,H "We’ll have a family meeting Dodgers Tried to Hide Lad ’Die Indians had run 52 plays If you think Ara Parseghian Ii'ish 137-383, Ed Doucette 159- Cleve. 4 1 0 .800 119 ,88 ment In 1971 J' 6 1- O’ er pays taxes on about $30,000. helped establish the A m e ilc ^ i S g o f f S S . ^“roiy’re calling It "Steve But memories here are long, MANCHESTER . that It will be made with his and discuss It,” he said. "M y by halftime, the same number is worried about Southern Cal, 137-422. Dave Castagna 141-377, Pitts. 2 3 0 .400 90 109 Tech had for the entire game. t 7 t e ir N c t r e Dame Bob Byrnes 364, Frank Me- Cinci. 1 4 0 .200200 101 105 ^ network producer Pa^haps t v bas escalated the salaries t h e '^ e r ^ r with the largemouth bass fish the Blass Day,” In honor of the 29- and Steve Blass Day i^ll prob- Bullets Secure P S K OH T family's help. daughter and two sons and Tech gained 375 yards and Namara 136-393, George May Houston 0 4 1 000 49 117 ^ ®nd Stature of the game to the j,™ , a few years ago shorelines near Illy pads and year-old pitcher who won the ably cemembered ®°me Archibald 50 49 60 47 196 Tbe 64-year-old Muitough led their spoiyses will sit down with C om plete Baseball P la y e r used five fumble recoveries to 350, Dave Vlara 384, Larry Western Division 49 117 p ,g football exerts. “Pro foot- pg,„t ^here, Rozelle admits, ^^en to the v™ar?Lmedlate- moss beds. Fly rods with pop- third and seventh games of the time. They still talk abou Oark in Trade Hahn 60 60 47 46 193 tbe Bucs to the champlenship my wife and me and vote on It. BALTIMORE (AP) — The win- NrUonai'unW ersVtrorM Txlco' Bates 145-377, Bill Sheekey 136- Oakland 4 1 0 .800 135 66 ball provides a dream world of ..there new are 28 franchises, , following World War II pro P*ng bugs, light action spinning World Series against Baltimore last welcome-home p a ^ e tor Symonds 50 49 50 44 193 I960 and then reslg(ned four Of course my vote will be the ^laxatlon for the guy, who hut without TV half 01 them ^ ,.^Vk i..~= o„ h to give Pittsburgh Its fourth a Korean war hero-.and some Baltimore Bullets hope to have T a g Fits Clemente toT ------Miirnhv coaches the Notre 395, Roy McGuire 151-306, Joe Kan. aty 4 1 0 .800 119 66 , „ , j V. — ...... — - ■ ------— was Mmited to "the rods with surface lures, and 60 48 47 47 192 years later because of a heart deciding vote,” he said. You probably know that Pres- "u^phy ^ me iNo^e DeVe&u Denver 1 3 1 .250 62 103 works all week, and probably .j^ould not exist and the other g^igg it-g probable live bait (minnows and frogs) World Championship in this even recall tb® ^ay® World g^^rd Archie aark, a veteran Gallagher 50 60 49 42 191 ailment. But he returned In “Even if I don't return,” he as a kid was in the ^ t in Club half would be struggling.” ih’arw lth w t TV Green"Bay to- fished shadow beneath a bob- centurv War IT when North Canaan was gj^^ years to the National 49 60 47 44 190 1967 for one year, left again be- said, "I won’t say It will be BALTIMORE (AP) — This draft pick, ident Nixon called Eddie Robin- J?X%pnc;on Saturday nieht^in 144-377, Mark Jakusevlch 142- San Diego 1 4 0 .200 64 120 Stansfield was on the eve of toe 1971 “I -went bock to Pittsburgh son on Saturday when the vet-, 374, Cliarlie Gilbert 137-372, Bob National Conference to hl"h school and envied the Each NFL team receives about j wnniH bp better known for ber are good bets Gov Thomas J. Meskill has known for producing “ the pu- Basketball Association, to their cause of a second heart attack, permanent, like I did the last was star quarterback who married .j 5 „imon in TV revenues ^ ^ ^ . * World Series to toe home of the and told Mr. Rickey (Branch eran Grambllng coach became the ^National Uni- Steuller 363, Dave Krinjak 136- Eastern Division - ...... ■ ■ million in iv revenues paper than the Packerh. if you’re a muskey fan, try been invited, but people here rest magnesium to the world.” nue-up tonight to Boston. CAPITOL CITY and then came back to 1970 to two times.” the seventh coach in college^ium against the National Uni ^ ^ In what coach Gene Shue P S K OH T ------— — ------American League champion Rickey Sr. who was running toe w I -r Pet Pts OP 4he head cheerleader,” he said, ggeh year. And Sunday afternoon would -hig minnows and flrogs, shallow 5 0 0 1 000 no' 49 Blood, guts and mud Is an Team franchises that m termed a move to Improve f . Murphy 50 60 44 45 189 Baltimore Orioles and while toe Pirates) about all toe things !^es“" ''^■'•Actually,” says Murphy, “I gan 137, Henry Frey 360. Wash. home folk were talking about this player could do with toe Dallas their {consistency, the Bullets j . Murphy 60 48 48 42 188 have no idea exactly who we're 86 141 P'^opoonded by sports writers, g^^ they are few — are priced acquired Clark, a second-round post 60 48 46 44 187 toe world champions’ four 20- bat, toe glove, his arm and his But what you probably don't „i„vin e or what age cr size COMMERCIAL —Tru Schle- Giants 2 3 0 .400 tube. Smallest Member of Jets game winners and players legrs. ’I won’t give you his 80 84 sociologists and just about about 20 times what they were tackle. Those will often pro­ draft choice In 1973 and a b . Whiteley 49 46 46 43 184 know is that Eddie Robinson 'they are it’s going to be an in- 152-37:t, Art Schmidt 172- gt, Liouig 2 3 0 .400 duce around the edges of weed Brooks Robinson, Frank Robin- name,’ I said 'but Montreal made a call, too. He phoned teresting experience not only 388, Dave Pattlshall 148-356, phUa. 0 5 0 .000 3^ everyone else who ever delved worth a decade ago. "small amount of cash” Mon- a . Whiteley 49 48 44 40 181 deeper than anticipating a quar- Consider, you super sports- and lily beds. day night from Philadelphia for Johnson 49 44 41 41 175 son and Boog Powell, toe Na- hasn’t played him to 25 days’.” Joe Aillet, who compiled a 151- myself but fer -’the entire Walt Lawrence 135-377, Tony Central Division Status in Doubt Stands Tall with Kicking tional Leaguer most discussed “When Mr. Rickey learned 86-8 record at predominantly team ” Yaceno 168-404, Fred Rlccio 147- Detroit 4 1 0 .800 150 96 ♦rback’s play selection. viewer, that 40 years ago the Walleye like to run to large ...... ______...... ATLANTA (AP) . ,n.AJ,K ECK -Aim tor .1,. middl. ot .ho O.hor rtoot.,.: Pt.u m. was Pittsburgh’s superstar, the player was Clemente he white Louisiana Tech—five ’ ______383, Dick Trotter 137-357, Gerry Minn. 4 1 0 .800 89 46 One thing on which they all Chicago Bears and th§ New The play- gghoola In water with a rock agree. Walter Mltty missed his York'*^iants played a game at- *0= status of Injured quarter- ggj^j bottom. TrolUng me- Roberto Clemente. said: miles from predominantly , , p. . Rldol 137-382, Bernard Lindsey Chicago 3 2 It was to be expected because “ ‘Why don’t you and Junior black Grambling—from 1940-66. Last Ixlgjnt 8 r l g t l t 35^^ jjm Woodcock 372, Bud Qreen Bay 2 3 0 .400 135 127 true medium and Don Quixote tended by only 80 cash custom- back Bob Berry lor Sunday s dlum-runntog plugs and spoons AE N.W..OD.™ .norh. Edth., g rX lh 'S .,!?-!; ,°S?'hr^oSfh^^t; Mr nobody to toe classic had hit (young Branch Rickey) fly to .Aillet, that's pronounced I-A, CARACAS Jose Gaicia, wighham 361, Nick Nicola 366 Western Division would have handled big Ben ers; just a trifle more than the game with the New Orleans produce hits, as will mln- the .300 mark 12 times, or 11 san Juan and watch Roberto is seriously ill and Robinson Venezuela, knocked out Johr Dave Duchemin 361, Dave Kos- Los Ang. 3 1 1 .750 101 76 Davidson about as effectively number of players on the prem- Saints remains to doubt, ac- nows fished along underwater ..r^ x rr.» ir“oiTo^; r c r times to the last 12 years, as piay to toe Puerto Rican Win- just wanted "to tell him I knew Griffin, United States, heavy- Atlanta Falcons i)gj.g or around rocks and Jets with the exception of game. ^ believed to have a salary to ex- ®®‘' Lawrence l7d. ciol 368. San Fran. 3 2 0 .600 112 63 as he did the windmill. Both ises. cording to had Clemente. Closest to him ter League’.” he’d be up around 200 also if he weights, 6. N. Orles. 2 2 1 .600 96 120 Walter and The Don today Consider that In the first 34 Coach Norm Van Brocklln. ledges. Coach Weeb Ewbonk, but the "If the wind Is going to blow $ioo,000. Bushey, England, it wide, then it's going to hap- was Frank Robinson, one year "Naturally we went, and Cle- hadn’t retired when he did.” Atlanta 1 3 1 .250 103 128 would be dreaming their Im- years of NFL history .— most of The Falcons signal caller suf- Crapple take readily to live native of ------„ younger at 36 and wlthr nine mente didn’t disappoint us.” stands tall with his boss to port, thats all. M’jiulay’s Results possible dreams while watching It pre-TV— 40 franchises failed; fered a pulled hamstring during mtonqws,. small spinners, and .300 campaigns. But Clemente Pittsburgh drafted Clemepte Oklahoma's .supersonic Soo­ kicking the football. “I like to have one holder but Mets Trade Kanasas City 38, Pittsburgh pro-football on the tube. that once the Milwaukee team Atlanta’s 24-16 loss to Los An bright-colored jigs fished near Sports Slate | was toe senior citizen to this for $4,000. ners aren’t doing much for the Bears^ Coach Plans Move The zooming popularity of pro Waa fined for using four high geles last Sunday. Last January, Ewbank sur- I tell him not to mess with toe 16 flooded trees and underwater 'TODAY classic and three men who saw Camponls, now toe Los An- school’s alumni ;us.sociation. rendered Jim Turner, one of ball once he sets It on toe brush. Some good fishing oc­ Soccer Art Shamsky hlm In his early days simply geies Dodger general manager The liist two Saturdays they’ve the best field goal kickers to ground. Once toe ball Is down I Into Home of Quarterback curs at night, benoalh the lights drool when they talk about Cle- i,ut in those days the Caribbean whipped two of their former nro football, to the Denver want toe holder to leave It that Manchester at Bristol Eastern of a dock. mente as the complete ball gcout for the Brooklyn Dodgers, quarterbacks- Darrell Royal of ' CHICAGO (AP) Coach Jim has to be prepared for every- Broncos because he wanted a way. I try to adjust my foot as East Hampton at Cheney To St. Louis Flies and popping bugs fished player. ^ recalls signing Clemente for a "Texas and Eddie t.’rowder of Dooley of the’ Chicago Bears thing else.” fellow who could get kickoffs I come Into the, ball.’’ Tech along the shore will tempt South Windsor at Bloomfield NEW YORK (AP) — The St. Howie Haak, who scouted $io,000 bonus. Colorado. hasn’t told his wife yet, but Douglass, a former Kansas into toe end zone. He got How- Howfleld gives to oto- Clemente when he was with <‘i wanted toe big club to put he’s moving in with quarter- star and a lefthanded passer, is scrappy sunflsh out of their fleld to the trade. ers to the field goal kicking de- Coventry at 'Vlnal Tech Louis Cardinals and toe New daytime resting places. Best Ellington at East Windsor York Mets Monday completed Montreal, Al Campanls of the u,e roster,” said Camp- And Ijiifayctle’s 17-15triumph back Bobby Douglass. 6-fcot-4% and weighs over 220 "He certainly solved our partment. Los Angeles Dodgers, who g^g ..j told Buzzle Bavasl poppers are those which have Cromwell at Rham an eight-player baseball trade, over Penn came against the “ He’s my last quarterback pounds. He threw four touch- kickoff problem,” says Ew- "The blockers, the center^d signed Clemente In Puerto running San Diego’s m.-in who coached the [jeopards and- he’s going to do the job.” down passes last year against rubber iegs. Move the lure bank. “ We were having too the holder have the hard jobs, Bacon Academy at Bolton with the Cards acquiring veter­ VUi rapidly, stopping for a few sec­ Cross Country an Art Shamsky and Rico, and Al Abrams, sports team) he would be drafted If a year ago, Hiirry Gramble. gaid Dooley Monday night. “ I Buffalo and after the game it many kickoffs short of the end he says. "They’re the cake and editor of tho Pittsburgh Post- gt Montreal, that he was u onds between pops. Conard at Manchester the Mets obtaining relief pitch- guar;intee it. In fact, I’m for- was learned he had a fractured zone and too many opponents I'm Just the cream on the cake, Gazette, were to various cor- leaguer rig:ht from the Texas Christian's Billy Sadler Making my family and I’m mov- wrist. He was given several To get those hard, tackle South Windsor at Bloomfield er . were getting favorable positions My part of toe job Is easy, ners of the hotel where the PI- gtg^t. went from goat to hero in a ing in with him Thursday night, starts In exhibition games this tearing strikes out of northern Cromwell at Coventry The Cards also received three on tho kickoff return.” rates were staying. "i can’t divulge the reason ho hurry Saturday night|. First he ” We’re going to cat, live and season but finally lost to Cton- pike, work spoons, plugs and Ellington at East Windsor minor league hurlers, Jim Bib- Howfleld, 84, Is the first soc­ Haak recalled too time to ^gg jg^t off toe big club." fumbled the ball away on his glccp football. We’ll have films cannon. minnows near the mouths of Rockville at Newington by. Rich FciVkers and Charley cer-style kicking man Ewbank 1964 when Clemente, then 20, Abrams has followed Clo­ own 30 and he babbled it Jigain ,-md meetings with Kent Nix “ I told him he’s going to Bennet Booters WEDNESDAY Hudson. The other now Mets small streams feeding Into a has, ever coached. Lost year he wns Brooklyn Dodger property rente’s exploits closer then on the Texas A&M .seven, kill- and (Joach Perry Moss,” added dedicate his life to football this lake. Real hot spots are where Soccer are -outfielder led toe Broncos to scoring with playing with Montreal. anyone and says: ing a TCU threat. Dooley. “ I want him to think season. He’s all for it, because dense weed beds grow near Top Koschusko J.F. Kennedy at Illlng , Inflelder Tom 81 points and tho way too Jets Coulter and pitcher Harry “I went to Rochester to see ..Roberto plays harder than But the next lime the Horned like I think.” he now has the opportunity to feeder streams. Trolling- along­ THURSDAY him play and the strangest g^^y „^gji j have over seen, are going without Joo Namath Tho Bennet Jr. High varsity Parker. Frogs had the ball, the 197- ikxtlcy must go with Doug- do the job. side these often produces big at quarterback, Howfleld fig- soccer team upped Its record to Soccer thing happened,” said Haak. ..ciemhnte has threatened to pound sophomore ci-unched lagg because Nix suffered • a Dooley indicated the Bears fish. Cheney Tech nt Coventry Tho U9-year-old Shamsky, a urea to lead tho Now Yorkers o-O yesterday afternoon with a left-handed hitter, was with the "Clemente got two triples und miny times because of a over right tackle for his first wrist Injury in Sunday’s gam e will go strictly with Douglass, Whatever your favorite fish­ to scoring, something Jim 2-o whitewashing over Kos- Cross Country u double and when they re- ^g^ jjg^jj gjnee 1966. Now all of varsity touchdown and on the at Detroit. Jack Concannon, unless they can pick up another ing, don’t let the cooler days of HCC Moot at Xavier Clrtctonati Rods for three sea­ Tumor was doing. chusko Jr. High to Enfield. sons bofere he was swapped to moved the southpaw pitcher, admirers look forward to next possession he took a pitch- who started the season as the quarterback. They have Buddy fall keep you from going out FRIDAY At Denver to 1970, Howfleld After n scoreless first half, tho Meta after the 1967 season. Jackie Collum, Clemente was season when he should out and scored TCU’s final TD 1 quarterback, recently un- Lee on the taxi squad but Lee, on the lake or river. For even kicked 18 of 32 field goal trios Bonnot begun pelting tho En- Soccer taken out for a , ^jg 3_(x)0th base hit. He's on a soven-yurd scaniper with (jerwent knee surgery and Is a rcokle from Loulsian.a State, Hampered with a back to- if It’s late in the V®B.r, It’s not und made all 27 extra points he (loid goal with numerous shots, Windham nt Manchester The Dodgers were trying Hall of Fam cr If I ever saw eight seconds left in the first out for the season. has just recovered from a bro- too late for some real tirtitog attempted. And over the last Late to tho final period Bob Southington at South Windsor Jury, Shamsky w®® “ ®ed ®P®r; half. The Frogs won 14- "My wife?” said Dooley. "I ken collarbone. ingly by New Ycrk this past hfldo Clemente. . , one.” . fun. two yours only 46 of his 124 odoU drove two shots home, Rhnm at Bolton “ You see, under the rule that when the World Bortes 3. Ever since he was a school- haven’t told her about it yet. Defensive back Garry Lyle season and batted only ,186, kickoffs were returned. Tho Playing well for tho locals Rockvllo at Newington year any player who got more rggehed tho third Inning of the boy. Bill Dooley dreamed of i,at .she’ll understand. The would be used in ah emergency Mt, with five home runs. rest wore ond-zoners and too wore Scott Moffart, Loroy Middlesex vs M(X! nt than a $4,000 bonus and was put gggond game the Pirates had a competing against Notre Dame. Bears come first with her, too. If anything happens to Douglass Taylor, a right-hander, posted King Down Curtain haiardouB for the Denver oppo- Cnron, John KoCpsell and Sam Nobo. on a minor league team had to ^gjgi of seven hits. Clemente "Being a Catholic, I’ve ul- "This is the first week we’ve against the Lions; CriisB Country a 3-1 record to his third year iltlon to return. Healy. iMimaln frozen on that team and bad four of them to stretch his ways followed Notre Dame been out of first place and we In addition to Nix, the Bears SALEM, N.H. (AP) — Rock­ When It comes to field goal Bonnot moots crosstown rival Manchester at Penney with the Cardinals. Bokuchamp, 32, was used ^ (Al* photo) go through the major league world Series hitting thrdlylh football with great interest,” tonSW to make a race of It. lost the services of Gale Sayers ingham Pork, iho birthplace of kicking Howfleld says there 1« Illing Jr, High Saturday morn- Southington at South Windsor (lli-r^d photo by Bucelvlclua) mainly ns a pinch hitter for too CAST ONE— A surfeuster goes for the big one in draft. I wanted tho Pirates to „ine straight games going bach says the North Carolina coach. Douglass I.9 going to be ready. frr two m'-re weeks. Savers, parimutuel racing In New Eng­ no myatery on how ho boots tho ing at Manchester High’s Mo- Bolton at Coventry DOWN, SET, HIKE—John Wiggin, middle center, Paul Lutz, Don Corcoran, Dick 'Tyo, Jon Leber, Rick land, has rung down the curialn Cui'ds to 1971 and hit .236. late afternoon at deserted Crescent Beach, Niantic. make Clemente their No. 1 to 1960. ” I u»ed to listen to their games "In two years he’s been to who saw limited action follow- ball with tho side of hU foot. mortal Field at 10:80. Ellington at Somers on the radio when I was a boy seven games and has averaged in®- -i double operation on his directs Manchester’s offense with running backs Gilgasky, Mark Troy and Mike Mistretta. The Tribe on one of Its most suooeMful und thought how great it would 23 points, with me calling' the left knee durin" the past year, Steve Samoitis, Dave Fleishman and Bill Rhodes will be looking for its first win of the season Satur­ thoroughbred meeUngs in his­ be to compete against them.” plays. I'll call the plays, but he sprained his left foot. the ball carriers. The blocking line includes (1-r) day against Maloney. Action will be in Manchester. tory.

■■ ; . V . fA x x m s a m m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTRR. CONN... TUESDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1971 PAGE SEVENTEEN BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE 1 'U .S U V A WHATif THE MATTER, T ralkra - THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Help W anted-Mde 36 Helo WqRfed - PENCIL PFKOM MAJOR? YOU'RE Mow or Female 37 THAT aiOOMIER IVIAN MY VJIFE*^ M oblh H o ir m 6-A TWE tfUY V/HO av/ay for 'fK SlB ’o'ilOU AMBmOUB men needed. Man------ITT, tfTARTBO WORK A FEW ^ Aniwtr U Prtvloui »iiul« CLASSIFIED I S o H ABOUT 1VIE .MEED A agement poeltlons. Expanding SCHOOL bos drtysw 7.80 EARLY THE PAY PAVa, ^ MANUFACrrURBR ot travel oaVVMOASM I (JUART- international corporation. Full- “'"J- THE BOO# MAOORx*. Jumble trailers, truek campers and ID H/hf£ MIS time, part-time, with training. PIPN'T , HOW ^ caps opens it’s doors to the oiLatEC)^ rMbvm benefits. Apply In person, Mr. part-time from 4:80-9 and 18 Damantad 9 River valley vehicle 649-2901. tlwTw UsOdd »wtww >ywais>». b». ^ ^ O R G C ^ MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD 19 Heating 10 French suffix 26 Cried 4(T8 oft mineral London, Arthur Drug, 942 Main (ull-Ume 8-4:80 p.m. Gayle device 11 Tenants 28 Increases 42 Entreety PLEASE READ YOUR AD 8t., Manchester. Mfg. Co., 1068 ’Tolland St., Bast /'/VI AT THE HOSPITAL. 21 Adjectival 12 Scatters, jn depth 47 Before 48 Summer (Fr.) Oaaalfled or “Want Ads'* nro taken over the phone aa a TU. GET IT SOME OTHER •-----—------Hartford. I 'OMICOSHI\ suffix as hay “ 32 Serous fluids Motorcyelee-Bieycle* 11 .A kID THEM 22 Male cheep 17 Hostelry 33 Ensnare 50 Exclamations oenvenlenoe. The advertlaer ahould read hla ad the FIB8T TME.'HHEH TM HOfT IH 51 Bay (Orkney DAY IT APPBAB8 and REPORT ERRORS In time tor the ______HE DECIDES - RICHARD P. RITA EXPERIENC/BD presser and 23 Chances 20 Idolized 34 Rodent SUCH A HURR'f hand sewer. Apply Cobar Oo., 25 Stair posta 22 Paused 38 Withdrew Islands) next Insertion. The Hemld is responsible tor only ONE In- 1970 TRIUMPH Daytona 600 27 Ancient oorroot or omitted Insertion lor any advertisement and Uien PERSONNEL SERVICES 77 Hilliard St. 643-2264. T i n s n r r only to the extent of a “make good” Insertion. Errors which motorcycle, needs work. Call 29 Legal point 843-7636, after 6 p.m. RE2AL ESTATE Sales Associ­ \TEMWRARIL/« 30 Scottlah do not lesoon the valne ot the advertisement will not be INSURANCE — Management iheepfold oorreoted by “make good" Insertion. ates — Attention residents of ^y V /J W 31 Searart (ah.) 1970 HONDA, CBS60, with sissy and Sales — We have top open­ MancMster or surrounding 32 Implement bar, windshield and helmet. ings with outstanding growth areas!. Start training today. for lowing Excellent condition, low mile­ potential. Positions open to both Training program for State li­ 35 Duration of 643-2711 age. CoU 649-4677 Eifter 6 p.m. experienced and trainees. office IT ,0-/9 censing. Additional extensive OUT OUR WAY BY NEG COCHRAN 38 Repair 1971 CL860 HONDA, 4,000 miles. MANAGEMENT Trainee — Re­ training in the professional ap­ 39 Exactly cent college grad, top grades. proach to a real estate csireer. luitable Automobiles For Sole 4 Moving, 8700 firm. Call after "A(/vsemu!s" / HOW LOW* POES IT TAKE THE yoU'RE NOT SETTING ANY ^ 6:30, 647-9671. Outstanding growth potential. Maturity may be an asset. AVERAEAf?S. to Willow St., East Hartford. 1903 poNTIAC convertible. 389, ------h^hgs, workmanship. ------—- One ------^ celling or ern faclllUes. Contact Mr. Toll­ REFRIGERA'nON and installation. T he 8 - 4:48 dally. Pratt A Whitney. 2 barrel, four new tires, win- SHARPBNINQ Service -Saw s, WEB ROBBINS Caroentrv re- ^11 your ceilings repaired and sano. Meadows Convalescent Pheme 643-6784 after 6 p.m. ■ ■ • ______>—<__ ___ -■____ -1..*— re wooiinnoWo ra»aorates. Confer.Center, 646-2321. An eoualequal op- REPAIR MAN applicant must have a terized. 8200. 646-6088 between knives, axes, shears, skates, modeling specialist. Additions, painted. Reasonable Call 646-6903. portxinlty employer. Principle duties include re­ HA'VE a Laurone Toy end Gift 6-7 p.m. rotary blades. Quick service. rec rooms, dormers, porches, State of Connecticut cabinets, formica, built-ins, HOUSEWIVES sponsibility for preventive joumejmnan’s license. alr-condltion- ^lJ°st.f*^M M < ^ste*?’ Hours maintenance and repair of your gifts for Christmas free. tires, AM-FM ra- daily 7:30-6, Thursday, 7:30-9 bathrooms, kitchens. 649-3446. |S|g0 |i F inishing 24 CAN YOU USE all air-conditioning facilities. For Information call 648-7110. EXTRA MONEY? We offer a good hour­ e N HIA. bg. /• - /f dlo, must sell, 82,600, excellent Saturday, 7:30-4. 648-7968. condition. Call 646-6089. FLOOR SANCmO, r.«n. W. . . « h » OU.. cn>.» perience In the repair and » ly rate plus a compre­ . . the freeze froze and concrete, no job too small, fishing (speciatlizlng In older for our top "Designer Name’’ Automobiles For Sale 4 — R A R SER’/KJES, general over 20 years experience. Free maintenance of commercial hensive benefit pack­ “ Helen’s unhappy . . .’’ her two jumps behind AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite, 1969, house repairs and renovating. floors). In and outside paint- line of Panty Hoee, Panties, air-condlUonlng or refrig- tfiit*t estimates. Call after 6, 643- Ing, etc. No job too small. John Men's Hose. Work your own age. l o - n . iflipi W»na ^:tas. til Psa the Joneses! 1966 COMET, standard, 6 cyl- mileage, exceUent condl- call 289-8468. 1870 or 644-2976. eraUon equipment. A jour­ Inder, 8160 or best offer. Phone tlon, must sell, 81.300. Call 646- Verfaillo, 649-6760. 872-2222. hours. neyman's Ucense Is prefer­ 8089. LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also ^ bjon CIESZYNSKI builder ------Call 872-2980 742-7163. moving large appliances red but not a requirement. Apply Monday new homes custom built, re­ Bonds - KEYPUNCH operator — 026- Some of the benefits that MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY 1668 DODGE Coronet 440, 4- CADILLAC, 1969, Fleetwood Burning barrels deUvered, 8<- modeling, addlUons, rec we provide are excellent through Friday, 8 a.m. door sedan, 6 cylinder, auto- Brougham, brown. Immaculate. 044-1776. Stocks ~ Mortgages 27 029, mostly numeric, fuU-Ume, TTTT ^nrarii rooms, garages, kitchen re­ apply In person, Gaer Broth­ hospltalizaUon and medical to 4 p.m. PERHAPS I matte transmission, radio, FOR RENT - Two display wln- modeled, bath tile, cement ers, 140 Rye St., South Wind­ Insurance, a compeUUve heater, 649-7290 after 8:80 p.m. MORTGAGES, loans, first, sec­ HOW ABOUT PHRASED THAr 628-0686. decorators. Antique Items work. Steps, dormers. Resi­ ond, third. All kinds. Realty sor. salary, tulUon reimburse­ INCORRECTLY! ______In nautical, Indian, Baly Amer- dential or commercial. Call ment and fuUy paid long A i-nTLE NEED CAR? Credit very bad? statewide. Credit rating unnec­ CASHIER — full-time, 9:30-6. AMF CUN O GOOO-NfSW ‘Bankrup't7' re^seM l'on? Hon- 1989 FIAT, 850 ^ r t s coupe, ex- and Victorian motlff, de- 649-4291. essary. Reasonable. Confiden­ term disability and reUre- est Douglas accepts lowest cellent running condition, iivered to your store at your ______Immediate opening for new ment plan. For further in- DIVISION S8 4 ACK, tial, quick arrangements. Al­ Manchester Shoe Town. Call formaUon or to arrange for j W ^ E A R ? ? 0 K down, smallest payment, euiy- must sell going Into service, convenience. For more details vin Lundy Agency, 627-7971. Stafford Springs Plant where. Not small loan finance 81.000- Call 289-9670.______228-3229. Spociol SorviceS IS Mr. MatUe at Wethersfield an Interview. Please call ».)*•*.* 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart­ Shoe Town for interview, 629- the Personnel Depeurtment. Bouts 82, Blver Bd. ford. Evenings, 233-6879. OIJ5SMOBILB Tornado 1966, m ILLAR Tree Service - prun- PIANO Tuning by graduate o f ______9746. 646-1222, Ext. 481. Stafford Springs, Conn. deluxe, fuUy equipped, gold, cabling, topping, removal, Hartt College of Music. Instru- MORTGAGES — 1st, and 2nd 1968 OLDSMOBILE, 2-door showroom condlUon, murt ^ feeding, free esUmates. Fully menta sold and repaired. Sheet mortgages—Interim flnanclne MANCHESTER _ . < ortan Ha annranIflirAn. Rnorl* . ■ <... . ______i__ «wt__■ ” ® ® An equal opportunity oouesd- hardtop, dynamic 88, good run' seen to be appreciated. Sacri- jnaured. 633-6846 or 668-4716. music and accessories. Ward — expedient ” “ hi f andA confidential 1 ^ ______MEMORIAL HOSPITAL nlng condition. Call after 6 flee, 81,176. Call 618-9833, 649- ______Krause, 643-6336. em ployer 6066 after 6 p.m. STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, service. J. D. Real Estate As- HARTFORD Corporation Is 71 Haynes St. 10-19 p.m., 649-9406. ------— fireplaces, flagstone terraces.------ZZZr soc., 643-5129. seeking qualified execuUves to handle high Income positions. 1970 — FORD Cortina, 2-door, TOYOTA — 1970 Corona, 4-door concrete repairs, both In- _ _ AOT NOW! Mortgage mcmey ^eek In- BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE deluxe, standard, low mileage, sedan. Owner moving out of ------gjjg outgide------railings,-—- land-______ROOflHg______“ SMOIIig-______available with no appraisal or ■ „ ' . TTT state. 81,680. Call 646-8781. excellent condlUon, 81,189. 640- scaping. Reasonably, priced. Qu^yrE-Rg and roofs, all types service charges. Crnifldentlal mndput investment *send iF YOU LiKE PEOPLE . . . 0784. 1966 FIREBIRD 860, hardtop, ______Call 643-0861. repaired snrtand reninned.replaced. Rea-Rea' Interviews. No obligation. a modest Investment swd ' blue with white Interior, auto- ^WO YOUNG married men ■will sonable prices. Free estl James Lynch, 668-0196, 668- conip'®t®', rsanoi® ®ox CC, WORK IN THE NEW. BEAUTIFUL 6283. Manchester Herald. CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE overhauled, low mileage. Must ‘I® J®**® M0-1399. MOIKfl RETURNS LATE FROM HER CHOPPING THE IF THE LOVELORN LAPrfi be seen. 8880 or best offer. 649- oraKea, 8i.700. wa-osBo. ___ cleaning and al LAPLANT - Siding, roofing. WANTED Bulldozer opw tor. TRIP TO TOWW...GHORTLV PEFOKE MICWI&HT. C0A$’T GHOST POPS OUT OF THE 4788, 649-6466. ' ----- ”-*■* ‘— struc- GHE CHECKG ON PAUL LOCKE PONP TONISHT-THE POLICE 1065 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, light trucking, cal. 646-2692, atorm windows: a . i A - . QuSl Sckook OOd CloSSeS 33 J!"!tlon jobs. (Tall 649-6644 ^after 6. TO SB. WILL GET HER IPEMTITy very good condlUon, 8876. or 646-2047. Ity workmanship, free esU- , ______CLEAR' O N flUM ! 1048 PONTIAC for restorable mates. Fiilly Insured. 649-3417, HOTEL-MOTEL Tr^nlng, nien- j,jxoHT‘'cashier wanted purposes or to be driven, ex­ best offer. Aftep 6 p.m., 1-429- Must^ 3106. 872-6187. women, couples. Ago no bar h cellent condition, 8860. 644- rier." Approved Conn. State be a high school graduate. Ex­ 0047. 1962 PLYMOUTH station wag­ Housokold Services 13-A BIDWELL Home Improvement Board of EducaUon. Veteran’s cellent benefits and salary. Ap­ on, running condition or for Oo. Expert InstallaUon of alu- training. For Information call ply Coca Cola, 481 Main St., 1068 RAMBLER Classic station parts. 742-6744, after 6:80. TREES removed, lots cleared, mlnum siding, gutters and (Tountry Schools, Regional ot- East Hartford. wagon, new Ures, good condl­ attics and cellars cleaned. trims. Roofing installation 'and flee, 663-1748. Uon, 8800. Call 649-8688. WANTED — Truck driver full­ Light trucking, also palnUng. repairs. 649-8496, 876-9109...... time, Davis A Bradford Lum- FORD 1967 Oalaxle 600, 2-door ______Traekt - Tractors _ 5 Free esUmates. 646-6489 after MANCHESTER PARKADE 4:80 p.m. Help Wonted-J^mole 35 . 200 Tolland St„ East hardtop,---• ' one owner,. red and o g, rigk rAV/KV*WA-u p bodyMUUjr with VTSwt gate uand tiu - --- ■ ' n .A ..k ___ ...... Hartford. MANCHESTER, CONN. black, V8, automatic, power 1967-1672 Chevy or LIGHT trucking, cellar and RQOfing Olid ALLEY OOP BY V. T. HABfLIN .A NURSE’S Bide, 11-7, full-Ume or WANTED — Fuel oil drivers. steering, excellent condlUon, damage. Make ex- attics cleaned, odd jobs, C kim ilO yt U .. Mnriarfv RmthAI*fl. WStL MAKE LOOKS UKE 1 YES, PROM _.SUT IT WO»/T YOURE RIGHT, UNLESS I M nSM V mi t, Hit I... iM ■„ 111 r,i oil.. part-time. 849-4816. full-time. Morlarty BroUicrs, We Are Now Accepting BETTER "HME HEREONTHE seMUCH WE'D BETTER > GAINING! SUE86,WEIL COCH 8660. 649-6448. cellent trailer. 876 firm. 649-. lawns, trees out and removed. ------316 Center St., Manchester. Sec WBUSKPINtlvr THINNING 'GOMeGCTS ID US IN STOP AND OOP? y UP WITH HIM 2Q0g Call 648-6000. ROOFING — Spedallztng re- HI/ DARK/ MAKE CAMP '^EOMETIME TOMOREDWl KARMANN-OHIA, 1671, 4,600 pairing roofs of all kinds, now OFFICE Bookkeeping, Girl Scotty. WHOA, STEVE CANYON BY MILION CANIFF I-DW BED tractor trailer, 1968 REWEAVING of bums, moth- roofs, gutter work, chimneys Friday, Monday through Fri- Applications For DINNY/. S' ______White with rebuilt 1967 OMC, holes, zippers repaired. Win- cleaned and repaired. 30 day, hours approximately 1-7 SALESMAN - Account Execu­ PRECAUTIONS AGAINST ' WITH THE POLITICAL WHERE IS BURt'^ oon't look so \ ' sothe pentaoon tive, mature family man, sales CONTAVIINATEP FUEL, UNREST IN THE COUNTRIES ' 1964 GTO excellent condition. V-6, rebuilt transmission and KH 0.awi A. fuiuUUr mcnih, Will consider older Turnpike, next to Slop und M * M IMumblng and llcatlng. equal opiwrtunlly employer. with aircraft worV. M uit do • INFANT5 lo iF'lM H A lJi SH. oonvertllilo, pirk-up in trade. 872-0908. Shop, 643-4018, 647-1719. »Ol“l'' •‘^ee cell- ______own el^t-up. Must have been LANCEL01 BY COKER and PENN new brakes, sxhmist, like new, matea gladly given. Hathnann ikxikKEEI’BR Some exper- previously certified. Apply In • CHILDREN5 r t j b t &AK-.ecp A'R,sr.RiVe>_, /T K v o te IF LOU PROMvISe 7DrDBeBRAve.LANCaS, r - 8800, Call 872-9962. _ IIAVE truek, will travel, elenn remodeling, heating aystems jpHpp with aeeoimla receivable IHirson. 4. T. Slocomb Oo., • BOY5* WEAR -A'.'CLe TUfW / ANC? TELL fieXT TIMS I'LL MAKE 5FDN(&6CAKe, // ____ A hIo AecM toriM -Tirtt 6 cellars, garages, attics. Tree worked on, water pump work, Kxeellent benefits, Matson mil ltd.. Glastonbury. ------»------I fkTiEUU \ I fr tC MFK/* I 'Im L^^N e^r’I l S IB" Wire rims, niountcd •''’•wval ami odd jobs. Free faucet packings, 6492871 • MIN'5 CLOTHING CONSTRUenON Laborers. Ap. ' l l I 7 ^ sh«Kiks. 8360. I’hixie 649 9741, I.II g(xHl rubber, 880, each. Eve- estimates, t ollege sliiitenl. (HIANI’S — . . — ...—I’lumblng Berxlee„—. ''W ai'imlnlment. ^ i>evelopmenl t^/rp . • MBN'5 FURNI5HING5 i V THINK.! nlngs after 6 p,m„ 643 6672 . 376 8url Si , Rockville. FAI.I. (ienn iip, leaves, gar- work. 643'634i LI'TTLE SPORTS BY ROUnON I9M ro R II wsgun, tarwer Indy, light duties. Will con- 7 Full or PorteTimo Troikrt > (lens, cellnra cleaned or himsr aider wmimii with child. Far T tKPOOH~ rtlACK F VSNT.’lJ fASii. o 4Fva'«riT' brakes and alssring, aulmiial- hold relnled chores. Ily semi Ic. I'ricsd lit sail, ( ‘all 64l'9ei6, «-A minglon area Write Box II. (Hours ArrcHigocI) ...... n M*MI» Hminm retired genllemsn 8196 taair. MINIlMTIf Mnncheater Herald n wfiiir MiioliiiiiMtti iSili ess. laes _ r i Mtmr sell 1166 llievy wag 1979 IMIDIIE |H»wer wagon y " " ' equlpmenl (MU 649 16*3 Drattmoliing LOAM HU, Vk,' |»wer sieering. eul» i smiier s|Hn lsl Font wheel , vsrlely TOI* QUAIJTY UlAM, lieoNofif Solorlos ihmI BoiioRH matie, heel offer 644 1666 dries and hmded with ealras j

‘ I- ‘ I R './ ‘ ■'' ■■'■■■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES'TTJR, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971 PAGE NINUTBOBN t»AOB EliSflTEKN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER. 19, 1971 1 H o u s m For Sal* 72 Hemot For Solo 72 Out of Town Out of Town canoeing and motor boating; Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 Housos For Solo Michael Oalllgan, conservation Rooms Without Board 59 MAffCHESTER - Exceptional ROOM Oolo* For Seri* 7B For Sol* 7B BOY SCOUT of natural resources, rowing, 6 Million Chevy Owners REDUCED for fast sale I fishing, woodcarving, canoeing RANCH — Desirable neighbor­ ly Raised Ranch In executive 4-ropm Ranch, new roof, alu* ”1^' quarUrs. Aluml- COVENTRY North — Deluxe 8* ANDOVER Ideal family Notes and News LADIES only — completely fur­ hood, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, mlnum siding, new heating, I****" heating sys- room Raised Ranch with many home on large wooded lot In and motor boating. l|rged to Examine Autos nished room for rent, all utili­ Offered by the area. Two full baths, 9-oar ga­ Also Bruce Law, swimming, CLASSIFIED large den with bullt-lns, rage,. 2 fireplaces. SpoUess. fuU bOMment, a most enchant- Center St., trees. extras. 'Two fireplaces, wall- quiet, friendly neighborhood, ties included, community l-ky y-»i- T5 T ) T / ^ r A screened porch, carpeting.carpeting, ing kitchen. Char-Bon Agency, Hutchins“ Agency. Riealtors, to-wall plush carpeting, double 'This spacious Raised Ranch 'Troop 47 fishing and rowing; James Syl- WASHING’TON (AP) — 'Hie driver should try to Shift Into kitchen and bath. Ideally locat­ Beautifully treed lot. Mr. L ^ - 649-6824. r r l l L o K l U K 647- 648-0688. door front entry, spacious toy- has modem kitchen and four Boy Scout Troop 47 of the vester, swimming. Ashing, row- 'TransportaUon Department neutral If possible, turn off the ed to busline and stores. BERRY’S WORLD er, 643-1763. bardo, Belflore Agency, er, laundry room two baths finished bedrooms You can South United Methodist Ouirch Ing and canoeing; and Ray- says the owners of up to 6 mil- Ignition and use available ADVERTISING Please call after 4 p.m., 644- 1418. POR'TER ST. area — Five- WYLLYS STREET fourth bedroom or study, open easily finish flftli bedroom, recently held a <3ourt of Honor, mond Wallace, rowing and ca- lion Chevrdlet-bullt vehicles brakes. 0383. TWO-FAMILY, desirable east room Colonial. Living room beamed cathedral ceilings, bath and rec room. Minutes to The following boys were induct- ncelng. should bring them In for In- Spokesmen for Chevrolet also CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS side location. Three-car ga- 106 FOOT 7V4-room custom with fireplace, formal dining New Executive Colonial, 4 NICELY furnished room, all AGENCY brick Ranch. W living room, sliding gloss doors from dliUng Route 1-84. Only $26,900. Louis ®<* into the trocp: Jeffrey ’Hia boy’s who completed the spectlon because failure of en- said that owners of 1966 8 AJM. io 4:30 P.M. ' rage. Two separate heating room, eat-ln kitchen, two large bedrooms, 2% baths, family room to larse wooden deck Dimock Realtv 649-9828 Greenberg, Doan LeBlonc, and mile swim were Michael Oalll- glne mounU could cause loss of through i960 (JhevroleU living utilities, linens provided. 801 PORTER ST. area oversUed 8- systems. Good Income produc­ 2-car garage. 2<4 acres. Gor­ bedrooms and bath, attached room with fireplace, all ap­ Main St., 640-8303. room Cape with central air- geous view. Hutchins Agency, sliding g l a s T ^ r s ^ m lame ------— ------— ---- Jwnes Wilson. gan, Charles Silver, Michael control. in area* where heavy salt con- er, never a vacancy. Mr. Zlns-. garage. Lot 80x160’. Zone AA, pliances, aluminum siding cedar rec room to stone patio. OLASTONBURY — Cosy Cape ^he following boys completed Keroplan, Robert Kellsey, Paul The department’s National centratlons are used on winter COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVX conditioning, large living room, 649-5334. THE THOMPSON House — Oot- ser, Belflore Agency, 647-1413. Marion E. Robertson, Realtor, with brick front, 3-sone heat, BeauUfuI landscaping, % acre • bedrooms, 2 full baths, requlremenU: 'Timothy Messier, and Bruce Law. Highway Traffic Safety Admin- roads should have the vehicles' 4;M P.M. DAT BBPORB PUBUGATION formal dining room, kitchen 648-6968. Deadline for Saturday and MAr of evenU was discussed failed. $24,600. Lovely 7-room rage, new roof, newly painted, Wentworth, first class; and and announcements were made. Spokesmen said It was be- Meet U.S. Level ROOM with kitchen privileges, RANCH-7 rooms, 1V4 baths, larqb; 7.n>om older home. ROLLING PARK area — Orig­ PRECHE'ITE REALTORS Co v en tr y — Summer cottage convenient location. Owner, i>onachle and Richard Hie following committee mem- lleved many more them the rc’ centrally located. 14 Arch St.. inal owner selling this neat waterfront home. Has just Contliiuecl From Preceding Page large lot. $82,000. Needs work but structurally been completely redecorat­ 0417 anno With lake privileges, $7,600. 688-4087. Telenger, star scout. bors and den leaders were In- ported 600 failures had oc- Manchester. cape on comer lot. All six — —------June Good 6^-1887, Pssek Re- James WlCkes was awarded troduced, Wilbur Bennett, Instl- curredN RANCH—6 rooms, % acre treed sound, also 2-tamlly conver­ ed. 'Three bedrooms, dining sion possible. Excellent loca­ rooms finished plus rec room. WARANOKE RD. — 4-bedroom altors, MLS, 289-7476, 742-8248. _ R*ol EstQt* 77 **** Bronze Palm. tutlonal representative; Regln- SjfMkesmen said owners of lot, $26,900. Beautiful lot, big trees, plenty room, large living room with Dogs - Birds - Pets 41 Fuel and Feed 49-A tion. City utilities. Priced to two picture windows, over­ Cape In ' choice residential BOL'TON _ $38,900. Aluminum ______The following boys were aid Christensen, committee c2ievrolets. Novas, CSievellee spectlon Apartments - Flats - LARGE RANCH—First floor sell at $19,000. M. H. Palmer, of shmbs. Close to everything area, 3 bedrooms up, one ,14*4 Ranch 2 bedrooms, fam- SELLING your home or acre- awarded merit badges: Jona- chairman; Anne Raymond, and Camaroe of the model been certified "at least equal" ' FOR SALE — Labrador male SEIASONBD cord wood, cut to . . 3uckley school few blocks looking the lake. Nice kitch­ puppy. 3 months, shots length, free delivery, E. Yeo­ Tenements 63 family room, 2 beautiful fire­ Realtors, 643-6331, 649-0588. en. Beautiful large family down, 2 baths Priced to sell. jj„ xoom giuuge, 100x200 lot, prompt friendly serv- than Forstrom, archery, per- treasurer; Harry Hoover, ad- years' 1966 through 1969 should to federal standards. places, 2 full baths, 2-car ga­ away. Quick occupancy. Asking T.J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- immediate occupancy. Bel Air ’ f®«* ®®11 Louis Dimock Real- aonal fitness, swimming; vancement; Edward VUga, ac- bring them In for front engine Decisions now have been wormed. $60. Phone 876-4965. mans, 742-8907. MANCHESTB5R, $25,000, gra­ $28,900. and worth It. T. J. room with fleldstone fire­ ROYAL ARMS — lovely new rage, 2 years old, $42,900. place, that leads to a nice Real Estote, 648-9883. ty. Realtors, 649-9828. James Wicks, archery, motor tlvltles; Lester Black, public- mount inspections and possible made on Intrastate poultry In- FIREWOOD for sale. Will cut cious 7-room Colonial, formal 'crockett. Realtor, 648-1577. ------boating, and rifle and shotgun; Uy; Arthur Raymond, cub mas- repair work. spectlon In 49 states. Only the townhouse, 2 bedrooms, heat­ TWO FAMILY—Remodeled In dining room, modem kitchen, 4 patio right on the water. MANCHESTER - Ansaldl oniTTH WINDSOR QERICAN Shepherd puppies for to any length. Will deliver. $20. ed, fully carpeted, all appli­ Barbecue fireplace on patio. SEIXJNG your property? We vVesley Burton, athletics, con- ter; Joyce Christino, den lead- General Motors, manufac- North Carolina program still Is 1967, entire Inside paneled and bedrS;)ms, trees, centrally lo- MANCHESTER - Cape, full dormer, 4 bed- WINDBOR need listings, call John H. Lap- **rvatloii of natural resources, «r coach; Andrew Gibson, Web- turers of Chevrolet vehicles, under review, a spokesman aalei no papers. Phone 646-8699. a pick-up load. Call 742-8458 af­ ances, m baths, full biusement cated. Hutchins Agency Real- In center of town location, aii Oil hot water heat. (Colored ter 4. carpeted, $34,600. rooms, fireplace, 1% baths, rec STRETCH YOUR pen Inc., Realtors, 649-6261. pioneering and wildlife man- *ios leader. said In a statement released in said. with laundry hook-ups, private tors, 649-5324. 3-room apartments for mini­ tile bath. Immediate occu­ room, garage, completely fur­ FRiK —Kittens, 3 all black, pancy. DOLLARS AT.T. r*sap /**r yfmr rr^TM-riy agement; Paul Liqiine, athlet- .Den Mothers for this year are Detroit that it shared the agen- Approval of Connecticut male and female, one black FOR SALE — Seasoned flre- patio off dining room, on bus COMMERCIAL BUILDING ap­ mum maintenance. Now heat­ nished. Helen D. Cole, Realtor, lino, near schools, shopping, proximately 6,000 sq. ft. of floor MANCHESTER — Business ing system. Excellent Invest­ 648-6666.______Oversized 7-room Split Level within 24 hours Avoid red *®*- ®onservatlon of natural re- ^nn Raymond, Maryann Kings- cy’s "Interest" In the problem raised to 32 the number of with white paws, female, Sia- place wood, half-ton pick-up zoned, spacious 7-room Colo­ ment opportuntty. Wolvorton Upe Instant service Hayes sources, lUesavlng, personal fit- i*y_ Doris Comeau, Gall Dick- and pledged continued coopera- states now having programs meae mother, trained. 742-9423. load $15, % ton pick-up load t:hurches (closest thing to a area, zoned industrial. For sale OWNER on a lovely - treed and private home) $216. Call 644- nial, IVi baths, ideal for offices. Agency. Realtors, 849-2818. $28,900, 6-ROOM Ranch, wall-to- A~ncy 646-0181 "®®“ rowing; Christopher *nsen, Marilyn McCann and Uon in the InvesUgaUon. meeting federal requirements. $21. 875-6359. or lease, $70,000. shrubbed lot. BuUt-lns, 1511. I 1471 NW. Ik . Excellent condition. Double ------646-4848 649-1848 wall carpet, recreation room, ______!______Hoverman, coin collecting, ca- Anne Wagner. OM said the vehicle owner Federal Inspection has been p u t. AARON’S AKC Sc^tish ROCKLEDGE — Large custom wall-to-wall carpeting, fin­ garage. $37,500. Hayes Agen- SIX-ROOM Ranch, plus flnlsh- ______sundeck city sewers, split ished Rec room, flreplaced- nowing, stomp collecting, and >p),g following boys received wculd have to pay the cost of into effect in 15 states and la g ro v e STREET Apartmente, bulH Ranch. Living room 27’ cctnpleted. Cal’ 566-7076. and delivered. C. Hutchinson, one-bedroom cy 646-0131 I"®® room, 3 bedrooms, Uvlng room, 1V4 baths and swimming; and Alan Wood, pobcat awards, Bruce McCann, any repairs. planned In two others, luxury apart­ '"Give us a bottle of the stuff the Pittsburgh Pirates pour long, master bedroom 12x18’, _l!______!------bath, full basement, reason­ MANCHESTER - Newly Hsted Agency cooking, conservation of na- jogeph Raymond, Rory West, “Any safety risk that NHT8A As a result of Monday’s an- 643-5373. 6-room Colonial on east side, Bealtors, 649-6834. garage. Here Is your chance Court Evicted SHELTIE puppies (toy collies, ment. Available Immediately. over themselves in the locker room!" plastered walls, parklike yard, ably priced. Excellent neigh­ tural reiwurcea, fishing and jog*ph Maker, BJdward Vllga, has associated with this prob- nouncement, Connecltuct will $160. J. D. Real Estate Asso­ with 26x40’ swimming pool. This borhood. Call 649-7904. fireplace, new roof, new vinyl OWNER — SeUing six-room to stretch your dollars. $80,- sable and white, champion ONE IN A UFETIME 000. Mr. Gordon has details. By Ladies Aid wcodcarvlng. John Silver, Andrew Gibson, l®m ®an be present only If an continue to be responsible for sired. 743-9006. Household Goods 51 ciates, 643-5129. may be the house you have been siding, now storms, lovely Cap«, $ bedrooms, fireplace. Also David Mothewson, cltl- jj^rk CSiamters, Gary Comeau, engine mount has failed and inspection of poultry planU trying to find for a long time. 6-room Capie In the prefer­ MANCHBSTBIR treed lot. Immediate occupan' 1% baths, garage, encloeed 649-5806. LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) _____zenship^ ____ In the community; Rob- ^Ro^er _ Dee______Leonard______Anderson, Uie engine is accelerated rapid- 4oing business within the state. CAIRN TERRIfiat, two-month SEWING MACHINE — 1971 zlg- NEW 3-room apartment, large Call today for an appointment. red Porter St. area, under PLAN AHEAD cy, Bel Air Real Estate. 648' back porch, rec room. Com­ ^ M ____ S^^ ^* ^'0 f . __ _ la# #ee#aewi arASPtr looar ar\AA/lsl AV* .>vaa.Aa>» 91 an #w ar»s>r\asi sfCktA closets, wall-to-wall carpet Judge Leonard Gang is looking ert England, canoeing, cctiser- Hoovkr, Michael Witham, 'F from very low speeds or p i^ ts operating across state cld female, small breed, AKC sag, unclaimed layaway, bal­ Apartments - Flats - Out of Town $^,000. 4 bedrooms, eat-ln Four season beauty. Colo­ pletely furnished. West side. • • ------• • for a place to hold court vatlon of natural resources, ^ange, Norman Shields, trem a imes must be federally In- Registered. Must sacrifice. ance $41.85. Singer zlg zag, throughout, range, refrigera­ OVERSI21ED 6-room Cape Cod kitchen, fireplace, garage, nial, 7 rooms, 1st floor, fam­ 640-2121. B(Sl w tor, disposal, air-condltlonera, Tenements 63 For Rent 66 with attached breezeway and 2- BARROWS AND WALLACE CO. vvadnesdav th« nrsnAnt cnnrt repairs, personal fitness, gj,j g*hlff, Scott Bookspan and unlikely that gpected. , * - 875-3570. originally pver $300, now only well landscaped level lot. ily room opening onto a MERRITT VALUES!!! Wednesday—the present court- ^ wildlife management; Rich- K*y|n Dickinson condlUon can occur at Officials said 20 Intrastate $45.85. Singer Touch and Sew, shades, basement storage, car garage, beautifully land-' large screened gazebo, 8 $2T,900 — 7-room older home, Manchester Parkade ATTRAC*^IVE 4-room apart- _ Wall St.. 2 - bed­ Manchester Listings Manchester 64941806 room Is needed by the Ladles „ 4 gchwartz canoeing, rowing •. a Rt*v#n “P®***® ®hove 26 miles per pianU In Connecticut will be af- $48.60. All guaranteed, ecusy laundry facilities, parking. mf-nt, nice yard, bus line, ref­ scaped treed lot 140x150, large large bedrooms, multi-baths, living room with Franklin Ald Society. - - "---- •’®*«P" itaymonu. »«>ven MINIATURE black poodles, terms. 622-0931, dealer. Heat and hot water furnished, room apartments, heat, hot living room, dining room and and many other desirable $29,90(^-room Caj^. 8 bed- stove, family room, lot 100x120, g o im i WINDSOR and swimming; Paul Wicks, JonX;".;i;Srjota wVj;: ^ e „ ,y ^ „ e required by a please call after 6, 643-3520. erences, no pets, $135. 649-5324. $175 per month. Near bus, water, carpeting, appliances, bedrooms, modem kitchen. As- KEITH features. Immaculate, quick rooms, ’ ‘ ' engine iggg jaw to develop poultry In- FRIGIDIARE Imperial refriger­ shopping and churches. Call POUR ROOMS, first flcor, chlldren welcome. Available sumable mortgage. Immediate occupancy. Call Mr. Lewis aluminum replEused on gpection programs equal Real Estate Monday at the First Methodist chael Donachle, conservouon “ * 4 Kenneth Meek, Prescot to fed- ator frost-free,' GE Americana Peterman Realtor, 649-9404. parking, furnace, $96 monthly, Immediately. $190 monthly, occupancy. for appointment, 649-5806. room, garage. 6968. neighborhood, extrak Articles For Sole 45 range, pull-out twin bed sofa, 646-0882, 640-2871. „ church when he found there natural resources, forestry, „ . Christenson, Steven ' ®™ sumuaruo. • LARGE 5-room Townhouse, ______security. 644-0031. STATELY 4-bedroom Colonial, 646-4126 649-1922 ^2,500—8-room Colonial, 4 bed------643-6924. • • rooms, family room, 2Mi MANCHESTER - Desirable after 6, 644-0644.______^ available room at either home repairs, nature, personal MUton Kingsley, Dan- “^ 5 * ‘s i^ s m e n said reualr hai IMPROTED native dressed doll ______fireplace, IH tile baths, wall-to- t h r e e ROOMS, Porter St., completely redecorated first • • ROCKVILLE B®arklike 1.7-8 acres. Heated Manchester 649-5306 mlnum siding, 2-car base- ‘F room with bar, laundry i»te condition, double garage. ^ courtrooms. yaUon of natural resources, life- ner, and Rene Eiqionda. ^ November 1st, one child, no SIX-ROOM duplex, adults pre­ 3li, room ap>artments. il i baths, garage, suuumable basement, family room, DtNE’TTE set for sale, 5-piece, SEVEN-ROOM. 4-bedroom Co­ ment garage. room, heated breeieway, ga- onlv $88,900. Hayes Agency, ^ church canie to the res- ,avlng, home repairs, and per- two year pins were presented jg two engine F if th f o r EaMWOOH pets, Call Charles Lesperance, ferred. security, no pets. Call Available now. Including ap­ mortgage, $84,900. breezeway, 2-car garage, car- rage, landscaped fenced yard. 646^181. Mcmday, offerl^ space fqr fibiews; John Maloney, to Steven Luz. Mark R a j ^ ^ , j ^ ^ t s In the front of the car— NBHV YORK (AP) — "81- walnut, $175. 646-2387 between after 4 p.m. 643-5460. pliances wall-to-wall carp>et- lonial, handyman’s spjeclal. $85,700—New 7-room (Jape. 8 649-7620. COLONIAL with swimming pxx>l, p>eting. Established prestige Lorge swimming pool with conservation of natoral re- David Black, and Michael result In a jammed accel- lurfa,” an original western by FREE n iL 10-4. ing, heat, hot water, swim­ neighborhood. Owner, 643-6096. Overt^ed treed lot with 3-car bedrooms, family room, first-floor family room, one full. detached, garage. Offered In aluminum siding, fire­ patio deck, cabana. Aluminum TOLLAND — New aluminum room U avoUable ‘'anyttme ex- gources, lifesaving, home re- cSiristlno. erator and gear shift, anand in Elmore Leonard, will mark (7LEAN, used refrigerators, WE HAVE customers waiting ming pxx>l, storage and p>ark- siding, storms. Conveniently sided Raised Ranch, nestled ®®Pt Wednesdays, j® pairs, personal fitness, printing L^axlers who received awards ^ power braking and (Jllnt Eastwood's fifth starring Bnxddyn St., Rockville, next for the rental of your apart­ Furnlshed uig. From $150. Call Sup>er- 2 half baths, enclosed screiened ppTKEN — Porter St. area, 6- the middle 20s. Ideal for large place, 2-car garage. ranges, automatic washers porch, centrally air-conditioned, $89,600—8-room Brick Split. 8 located for schools, churches, among the pines on a one-acre church's Ladles Aid Society ^ wUdUfe management; Da- were Ann Raymond and steering assiatance. role for Universal, with guarantees. See them at ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ Apartments 63-A Intendent, 875-1665, 278-1510, year old aluminum sided cus­ family. Carriage Realty, John to court house. tate Associates, Inc. 643-5129. 242-6658. large yard, $88,900. tom built, 8-room Garrison. Bissell, 646-1110. bedrooms, rec room, 2 shopping and Hartford area. $81,900. T. J. Crockett g ^ e r s . Miller, conservation of anne Wagner, one yeM Agency spokesmen sold that The film will be shot on loca- B.D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 (3ENTRAL — ’Three-room fur­ Family room with beamed . fireplaces, 2% baths, 2- Priced at $27,600. Oontessa Realtor, 875-6279. T ^ county to b uU d^ m^ natural resources, forestry, no- Joyce Christino and Art I ^ - ^ ^ failure should occur Uon In Arizona and California, Main St. Call 643-2171. FOUR-ROOM apartment, stove, 2-bedroom CONTEMPORARY L Shaped $15,000 A’lTOACnVE 4-room ' car garage. Agency, 742-6885, 743-9681. ------—------r- “ “ ® ture, swlnunlng and wildlife mond, two year pins; and Regl- vehicle is moving, the starting In November. nished apartment. Available ROCKVILLE — Ranch. Redwood and brick ex- celling and built-in bar, dream __ TOULAND^v^T T A«r^ — OH-room------Ranch,—u MORE management; and Richard Rls- nald Oiristensen, four year pin. EXCELLENT, efficient and eco- - refrigerator. $125. Security de­ Nov. 1st. Rent includes all util­ apartment available In new j kitchen with barbecue, etc. Ranch, baseboard heat, wood­ $42,000—2-family, 5-6-f-2. Imma­ nomical, that’s Blue Lustre TRADER P ” — Antiques, ACREAGE Circa 1800. breeseway with 2-car garage. ley, conservation of natural re- Mary Anne Kingsley received used furniture tmd appliances, posit required. No pets. Call ities and parking. For informa­ bSlldlng. ConslsU of 4 large etc. Call Now. Hayes Agency, ed lot. Hutchins Agency, Real­ culate. Must see, home. carpet and upholstery cleaner. 644-0846 after 10 a.m. rooms wlth private terrace bedrooms, 2 tors, 649-5324. vard and locaUon Colonial, bam, high ele- room In basement, riied sources and wildlife manage- a 18 year pin. Rent electric shampooer $1. 50 Pearl St., Manchester. Open tion and Inspection, call 643- 646-0131. 1111, Mr. Lindsay. and p>ool. Includes heat, hot den, 2- $42,60(^7-room CMstom Ranch. 7*“ ° ^ sw e e p ^ views. Hutch- ment. R°»®«’ D® M ^ J**® ’Ihe Sherwin-Williams Co. dally and evenings. We buy NOR’THWOOD Apstftments — car (garage. $69,900. MANCHESTTIR — 8-room over- MANCHBM’TER — Immaculate 1ns Agency, Realtors, 640-6824. Crockett, Realtor, 875-6379. Legal Notices Also Richard Telenger, con- Cola Bottling Co. epolw on the HAVE YOU AN and sell. 643-6946. water, carpeting and all appli­ 6-room Ranch plus 12x17’ fam­ 8 bedrooms, family room, One and two-bedrcom apart­ ances. Located In a country GRACIOUS antique colonial In sized expanded Cape. Two 2 baths. Duol-flreplace, -----SHELL OF SH-room Ranch, servaUen of natural resources, shortcomings ^ Superb EVENT SCHEDULED IT’S Inexpensive to clesin rugs ments, central air-condltlon- baths, four bedrooms, family ily room. Three large bed­ Probate Qmrt __ forestry, nature, rowing, and solid waste and how to recycle and upholstery with Blue Lus­ JOHN buys and sells used fur­ Business Locations setting. Immediate occupancy. excellent condition, 8 fireplaces, rooms, flreplaced living room, carpeting, aluminum sid­ Lett For Sole 73 42x33’, overlooking Witches CLAIM LIMITATION DECREE THAT CALLS FOR niture and appliances. Open Ing, corpietlng, balccny, car- room, lovely suburban lot. Ga­ ing, 2-car garage. Many ------Woods Lake, next to Lake estate or'm L F O R b u. dupuis swimming; Michael CHienBle, wuh the tre. Rent electric shampooer For Rent 64 Rockland Terrace Apartments, 13 beautifully decorated rooms, attached garage. Private yard. FOOD? dally. 479 Middle ’Tpke. East, px>rts, plus other luxury fea- Highland Ave., 872-4046, 529- modem eat-in kitchen, formal rage. $29,900. Hayes Agency, extras. Built 1971. VERNON - Bolton lake area. Bungee, Woodstock VaUey, ^ i n ^ forestry and pioneering; Alan The meeUng ended witn ine ; $1. Olcott Variety Store. tures. From $185. J. D. Real COMMERCIAL place for lease 646-0131. 20s. Wolverton Agency, Re­ or call 646-5823, evenings call 6586. living and dining room, break­ altors, 649-2813. 150x160’ Conn. Phone 649-4878 after 4:80 fidicil^^ ta Duputo Sd^reiber, motor b o a t^ j Vta- closing ceremony. It may be a wedding, a bou­ 646-7679. Estate Associates, 643-5129. or sale 461 Main St. next to fast room, 3 sitting rooms, 4 MERRITT AGENCY Tolland, wooded acre, $4,000. p.m. Owner. located at Andor Road, cent Ptamone, personal fitnees. s& m c i MANCHES’TER —Country club Chester, Conn. 06040. quet or Just on fatformal get- EIGHT-FOOT pxx>l table, call p>oet office. Excellent business ROCKVILLE — 3-room ap>art- bedrooms, plus studio, study Realtors MLS Coventry, half acre. $8,600. ------______claims rowing and swimming; CXurtls together of a eoeiety, lodge er REFRIGERA’TOR — Apart­ area, 8-room extra sp>aciou8 646-U80 Hayes Agency, 646-0181. VERNON-Monchester line g. It is decreed that all 649-4784. 0(X)UPANCY locatlon with buUding. Call ment, newly remodeled, walk- and 3 baths, stone w ils, ga- Garrison Colonial with formal .... ■ asainat ‘ui6'‘above e'stat^’ be pro- Walker, personal fitness and Rockville some friendly group. ment size, like new, one year 646-2426, 9-5. Ing distance to stores, $85 p>er rage, large bams and out build- room Split IVVCA, level, AMSSaA/family avwsaa,room, SOmoasented Ulto_ UUJthe J,lduciary8$UUV*MU/ wson v»*or before arwiwsw gsggyfnys,m»lng; DftVlQDavid wicks,WlCKB piOuVOT**plcneer- V T • 1 T^T M, DARK RICH stone free locun, guarantee, $75. 30" gas stove, NOV. 15, 1971 living and dining, eat-ln fam­ NOTICE month. Adults preferred, no p^gs. A view from every wln- ily kitchen, with all built-ins, ANSALDI Heights BOLTON-One mUe from South S^^Sln?“l^u ty !‘^ H ^ ^ ^ HoSpital JMclCS. Wb Are Prepared to 5 yards $20. Sand, gravel, $35. Metal kitchen cabinets. 414-room Town House ap>art- APPROXIJCATELY 15,000 Pets. 876-8816. jow. $48,000. ADMISSION OF three bedrooms, stone, manure, pool, and p>otlo 643-2465 evenings, 643-1442. ment, 2 baths, alr-conditloning. square feet for lease in new 4 large bedrooms, 2H baths, ELECTORS d ^ m s . H i baths, Manchester. Beautifully wood- cy 646-0181 Probate Court Wentworth, rowing and VtaWng hours are U :8t to 8 Serve You to Your: paneled lower level family den, oversized;ed two-car garage. K..iiHi*,n* :**» a„*J; _i... claimCLAIM limitation LIMITATION dectiee DECTIEE mlng. „ „ sand. 643-9604. standard educator building un- ROCKVILLE —Nice four-room 4.UNIT apartment — good In The Board of Admissions of - „.****H,.,1 1*.* ™ Acre piUB.______ESTATE OF n..*is . . . ITkavlil tmokann 1. P'"*!.P*in- in all~ areas oaoopsexcept ma-raa- Complete Satiefaction MAYTAG PORTA washer and der construction, comer Main ap>artment, stove, refrigerator, come. Call for details, room with walk-out. Groomed Electors of the Town of Hebron, Over % acre wooded lot. Own­ Prestlge area. $6,600 M. H. RCKJKVILLE — 1967 Cape Ck)d, THOMAS H. HAPPENY 'I?»®ro»tF where they are 2 to 4 AUTOMATIC zoom lens, 86mm. dryer, avocado green. $250. and No. Main, Manchester, partly furnished. $130. Adults acre lot, overlooking a pond. Connecticut, will be In session er, 648-0641. Moving out of Palmer, Realtor, 648-6831, 649- 9 rooms, 38x24’ paUo, carport, District------of------MAnchester and Curtte Walker . . . . recelj^ the ^ , p,m.. Our oaterhu; servloe is set np 206 mm F3.8 for Mashiya-Se- Excellent condition. Phone 647- Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. state, must sell. *__.> 1-* >nn ann The fiduciary is Anita B. Happeny award of ScOUt lifemiard. to be flexible enough to se- Call: T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- only, security deposit requlr- EAST CENTER ST. Large 10- Priced In the mid 60’s. Call th^ Town Office Building on 0638. kor, Pentax Mounts. Carrying 1879. 1577. ed. Call 643-9678. room Colonial may be used for Tim Moynlhan, 568-0678, or y,e following date: oommodate any aiae gathering. case Included. Call 640-9753 home or offices, large lot with Why not enU os aai talk avw DEN couch, roll-a-way bed, 3 649-6651 649-2179 Florence CJourcey, 633-4525. J. Monday, November 1, 1971 the details r after 6. FTVE-ROOM Apartment offices HEBRON — Four-room apart- PHMsibillty of acquiring more Watson Beach Company, Hart’ aluminum awning windows from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. LEGAL NOTICE £ 1'$*^“ ™ 75 sented to toe fiduciary on or before irtnhQai Tv». *®®® Whalen, Hartford T^ke., FOUR-Rlates. .009 thick, 23x Call after 5, 568-4219. floor, stove, refrigerator. Call to those who shall be found NoUce la hereby given that boLTON Route 6. Owner NO'nCE after 3 p.m., 643-1035. carpeting, ground floor loca­ ate occup>oncy. Call 228-9115. ROCKLEDGE—Dynamic 9-room NEW DUPLEXES the Audit Report for the Town Probale Court M arah a^ Joel gj RockvUle; Da- 36", 26 cents eacdi or 5 for $1. Raised Ranch, 5 bedrooms, 214 qualified. transferred, immediate occu­ Jonathan Fors^, Chriz^er oienwood Rd., Ell- Barden Grove Caterers, ine. tion, p>arking. Apply Marlow’s, of Bolton, ConnecUcut, for the pancy, 3-bedroom Ranch, pan­ OF SALE 643-2711. THREE rooms, heat, stove and 867 Main St., 649-6221. ROCKVILLE — Attractive 314- baths, large family room, ca­ Under construction 3 bed­ NaturallzaUon papers proving THEODORE P. BELANBKi HovermM, Ttoothy Hecht, jennle Yoat, Reed St., TELEPHONE 649-5313—649-5314 room apartments. Stove, re- thedral celling living and dining rooms, large living room, citizenship should be presented year July 1, 1670 to June SO, eled rec room, carpeted SCREENED loam, sand. Musical Instruments 53 refrigerator, first floor, no 1971 is now on file In the Town a . A Dlitrict of Manchester Brett Joiiet, James KellOfg, wiUiAm Dettenbom Rockville eravel’ , ~J------^T'T—ITT*r P®^> ®®®t>®*^y/ PRIM E air-conditioned office frigerator, heat, adults, no room, modern kitchen. A ver- large eat-in kitchen, 114 by naturalized clUzens. throughout, fireplace, base­ gravel, processed e™ • f b NI>ER twin reverb ampllfi- mnnthiv aut-moR after 5. space.sp>ace. PyramPyramid id BulldinBuilding, 357 p>ets, security, $120 monthly, satlle home in an excellent lo- baths, separate furnaces, Dated at Hebron, CmmecUcut, Clerk’s Office for public inspec­ ment garage. Asking $28,500. |* offered for sale by sealed stone, fill. Also bulldozer and $130. monthly. 646-1098 alter 5. rn'Cttert “ I"* Windham. Conn. 06256; vld Maloney, Itiomas ^ o a U e , Nolan, Grove St., Rus- er, two 12" Jensen speakers E. Center St. Secretarial and 649-4624. cation. 2-car garage. aluminum siding, 6 to choose this 14th day of October 1971. tion. (Brokers cooperation Invited. |,id on October 28, 1971 at 11.00 n 1, decreed that all claims Mark PaUein, Vincent Pinnane, o -,,,-,, r»nv at and Ritn backhoe service and drain and cover, excellent condition. JUST Married? Four-romn telep>hone answering service from. Call now and decorate James L. Derby Jr., Olive H. Toomey, Appointment------. with T,—,*—Realtors, * m. -igalnst the above estate be pre- •®M Squliw, Oak 8t., ana rum fields. George H. Grifflng, An­ ented to the fiduciary on or before Rlchord rochard'TM Sawyer, Qiarter Rd., all Rock- Call 943-8681. ap>artment,. no p>ets, $130. Ex­ available on premises. Call 9-6, ROCKVILLE — Five-room TTIN ROOM contemporary yourself. Joseph J. FUl, Town Clerk Natalie Flint, 1-429*1110, Mary- Flltera-Pumplng and auxH ranuary 14. 1673. lenger, Curti* Walker, David dover. 742-7886. cluding utilities, November 1st 647-9903. apartment, $150. unheated, se- Ranch with 3-room studio ap>art- _____ Registrars of Voters Dated October 15, 1971 at Bol­ ann Boyd, 1-428-8421, 1-428- lary pumping equipment— Attest: JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge vVtotWOrth, Davld^WWjlaker, SMALL upright electric organ, occup>ancy. 633-6026. ______!______curity depxwlt required. Call ment or In-law suite, over 114 PREjCHET'l’E REA LTO RS ___ Discharged Friday: Lucy HOT WATER furnace, 77,000 Attest: ton (JoimecUcut. 8848, 228-0008. West Middle Turnpike Probate Court David Wicks, and Paul Wicks. u*jBene, Webster St., <3ath- fruitwood finish, complete OFFICE — 170 square feet and 872-9179. acres of land with a view, red- 647-9993 Gladys T. Miner, Pumping Station and Park- CLAIM UMITATION DECREE Btu, complete, $50. convec­ with bench. $65. Phone 643- FOUR-ROOM ap>artment, sec- warehouse 1,100 square feet, ■ ------wood construction. Large th e r - ______ESTATE OF JOHN F. DRAKE ggg erlne DuBeau, Davla Ave., Wll- FUEL OIL tors. Built-In bath tube, lava­ 6097. ond floor, stove, refrigerator, i-^nt or pxisslble renovation SOUTH WINDSOR ’Ihree- mopane windows, Town Clerk ode Pumping Station' District of Manchester MANCHESTER — Brent Rd., 7- Surplice H erDarlins Bld forme and Inspection de- The flducisiry’irHeien'"E7'Drake lo- L®*t ***® "*®"'**®” ^ Jw !^*T ^bto* Trumbull tories, cabinet sinks, alumi­ hot water, 2 adults, no chll- for prcfessional offices. Hill- room ap>artment. ’ ’ *’"■$150. ”Heat, * room Split Level, 2 baths, rec At Tremendous Savings — Our l49|r Over­ num combination doors. 643- dren, $100. mcnthly. Security crest Rd., Bolton. Call from newly redecorated. Adults. CAPE—8 rooms and enclosed room, fireplace, carpeting, ga­ 111. are avallabl'e at the Gen- jSSST" ™®» ‘f . . / . “^kvlT^: ChaTJ^e De- head Allows Us To Cut Our Pneesl 2465 evenings, 643^1442. depxwlt required. 643-7094 after 1-4, 643-9508. Call 644-0508. px>rch, 2 baths, 2-car garage, rage. Only $110,900. Hayes NO'nCE Antiques 56 $23,000. I^AG and Rummage Sale — 4 p.m. ROCKVILLE — 5-room apart- ’ Agency, 646-0181. PUBLIC NOTICE G o IIoBi C.O.D. BOARD OF DIRECTORS BON. see OAUX8N8 Thursday, Oct. 21, Republican Birches Antiques Route first floor apart- ment, nice area, garage and DUPLBX-4-4, large lot, handy laRGE 9-room Split, 2 baths. Connectlout Headquarters. 487 Main St., 10 44-A, Ashford, Conn. Op>en Houses For Rent 65 attic space, $130. monthly, one location, TOWN OF MANCHES’TER, C o o s e ^ o r “ Natural Re- vatoro Spina, and John Swbello Wednesday, Thursday, Fri­ ment. $125 monthly. Security. 2-car garage, attractive Swed­ CONNECTICUT Robert B. Weios, Probate Court (84-Hour NoUee a.m. - 12 noon. Adults. Phone 649*2813. - STORR8 — S-room house, 2 child. 872-2839. .r-. .r-, General Manager CLAIM UMITATION DBCTIEB source.------Badge- which - --- - r ta „ requlr- - . Ralink day, 10 a.m. — 3 p.m. Op>en We NEED LISTINGS ish fireplace. Beautifully land­ ’Thursday, October 21, 1971- ESTATE OF HENRY D. ROLLET ed for the rank of Eagle Scout. Robert tsaiioK, for Delivery) RUMMAGE SALE — 10 cents Sunday 1-5 p.m.; 742-6607. bedrooms, garage, $210 month­ scaped mini-estate. Priced to ’The Board of Directors will District of Manchester uartlclDated In the South Windsor; Yvonne Boyce, SIX-ROOM apia^ment with ga­ ly, references required. Week­ NOW! “Thinking of Sell­ The fiduciary Is Marjorie R. Lam- ®pF» wno i^ ra c ip a iM in goring St and H oward Legge to $1. Women’s clothing, ma- rage, l>/4 baths. $190 monthly. Wonted To Rent 68 sell In the 80’s. Mr. Funder- conduct a public session ’Thurs­ bert located at 168 Newfleld Avenue, project w ere Scott HagUn, E d a p i ^ ^ ; temlty; infant’s; little bey’s. WE SPECIALIZE In oil lamps, days, 9-4, 289-6801, Saturday 11- ing your property?” Call burke, Belflore Agency, j947- refin'shed furniture, col­ Lease, security required. After 5, 742-7167. TODAY1 day, October 21, 1971, from 6:80 Hartford, Conn. 66106. Duclos Jim Davis, Bruce Law- E sther Ave., both Rockville, SAVE IIP TO $5000 Hundreds of miscellaneous. $1- 6 p.m., 649-4190 or 643-6692. MIDDLEAGE pierson desires an 1413. p.m. to 8:80 p.m. In the Board aJ2.„?t ^^edrfiemog: David Her- ^dice «ancy. ^ o n y lectables, etc. Cha-Ro-Lane efficiency apartment. Call 649- INVITATION acainst lha above estate be pre- ter, revor ..iT.a r\.aa>i*i rtArskrii Orvu. A YEAR ON YOUR $5. Men’s suits, sp>ort coats, Available November 1st. THREE room home In pleasant I-. _ of Directors’ Office ”ln the Mu- ■ented lo♦ft the ihib fiduciary fiHiiftiMrv on ftn or ftp before twifftpft .nff wnff Qary d&pv Doyon, Dovoii Elthan BJthflin IVWit" Whit- Tolland, TollDTid, Dftvifl David DoCarll. DoCRrii* waysorya HBATINO BOX. sweaters, XL, 46 long. 37 Antiques, Route 74, Ellington. 7343 after 5:30. MANCHESTER JanuaryiMiughijr 12, mAVfft.2...... __ ... i#A«s fWkm Tj$nniitLap Joftjoe HobDriHebert, tftltal liAftkDLake Rd<(Rd.. BmilEmil NDuniAnn,Neumann, 872-3279. convenient location, large rage $28,800. Large 7-’room C ^ Building to hear cam- Attest: JciHN J, WALLETT. Judge and Franklin Park, Alice MePad- Galaxy Dr., Manchester, 646- MANCHES’TBR — to sublet, lawn, plenty of spiace. Working PHILBRICK ments and suggesUons from the TO BID Hornlrit. and ST^tWln ParK AUce . 2874. two-bedroom duplex end ap>art- lonlal, nice treed lot, centrally BOARD OF EDUCATION den and daughter, Kastvlew adults. 643-2880. Houses For Sole 72 public. Don Rlester. ^®" Donna MacDonald and ment. Wall-to-wall carpeting located. Hutchins Agency, Re­ Future sessions will be held the TOWN OF SOUTH WINDSOR. GUARANTEE ' BooH & Accessories 46 Wonted - To Buy 58 throughout, 1% baths, complete q n e - BEDROOM partly fur- HIGHLAND Park area—ranch. AGENCY altors, 649-5324. first ’Tuesday of each month CONNECTICUT, 06074 LEGAL NOTICE Troop 188 daughter, RFD 2, all Rockville. TIktt oU la equal to or built - Ins, air - conditioning, nished secluded house, $110 two-bedrooms, 1% baths, dou­ The South Windsor Board of Boy Scout Troop 188 of t h e ------superior to any other oU on the WILL BUY fleldstone, entire FOREST HILLS area — New f™*" 9:0° »•***• TOWN OF ANDOVER market. $1,900 Reword Is Proven wall or truck load.* Must be glass sliding door leading to monthly, plus security. Avail- ble garage, two fireplaces. on market, custom built, raised the third Thursday of each Education Is accepting sealed Second CongregnUonal Church . a , 16’ LYMAN, must sell before patio. $220 p>er month. Call 646- Immediately. 742-6631. REALTORS bids for the removal of snow ZONING BOARD recently completed a two-week T r e e s W eed A ir Otherwise. . winter. Best offer, 876-7822. easy to reach. Call after 5, Large recreation room, built- ranch with all the trimmings, month from 6:80 to 8 p.m. In 8109 after 4 p.m. ______in appliances, wall-to-wall car­ at the South Windsor Public 643-1870 or 644-2975. —------ONfl-BEDROOM house. Ideal aluminum sldlnsr.siding, fireplace.flrenlace. Hi114 the Board of Directors’ Office. Schools At a n ^ x e c ^ 'S ^ e S i^ of the U ^D U D N O , Wale. (AP) - FIVE rooms, heated, children working peting. Excellent value. 043- baths, rear deck, bullt-lns (in­ Donald D. Wells, 24 Hour Burner Service WANTED — antiquele luniiiuic,furniture. . , --- • -...... o couple. Heat, 9664, owner. 646-4200 glass, pewter, oil paintings or ' “ ®*P‘®‘’’ parking. Immediate t^upan- cluding self cleaning oven). . . Secretary.. WOODLAND and lease. 649-0404. q^|, 643.5879 between 4:30- $26,900 Large 8-bedroom Ranch, on one of the biggest lots In the BoaVd 6f blrsotors other antique items. Any quan- ______area . . .approx, three quarters Manchester, Conn. tenance, Bouto W n^r labile |W1 at the ^ omce Build .uffocaUon from 3 r a l ga. In COOPERATIVE OIL 00. tlty. The Harrisons, 643-8709, LOOKING for anything In real ® P ">- flreplace, , NEAT 7-room Cape, aluminum of on acre. Owner transferred. Dated at Manchester, Connac- Schools, 771 Main Street, South laF “ . Herbert Rowley, aeeUtant scout Woi«s Division of the Boland Oil Company aince IIU MANOR 165 Oakland Street. estate rental ~ apartments. garage, large wooded lot. siding, rec room, by owner, excellent value. T. J. Crockett, ticut, this fifth day of October Windsor. Connecticut. O W i will V ariStcr dlS^d u ! >®*'»®'*! Robert Von Deck a sp^tol device give, "artl- Hutchins Agency Realtors, 649- 315 IROAD STREET MANCHESTER HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques, homes, multiple dwellings, no Q y a ggf Tg^m $26,500. Phone 647-1782 after 5. Realtor, 643-1677. 1971. ftooTntlriO W A M ^ D T w cause thU 1. a rolf-oroated hard- and Joseph ^aporos. commit- tid a l re.plraUon" by pumping APARTMENTS fees. Call J.D. Real Estate As- 5324. . oxygen to the roots. The gas PHONE 643-1553 bric-a-brac, locks, frames, soclates. Inc. 643-6129. For Rent 66 October 28, 1971 at which lime 'hip. This hardship was done .) glassware. We buy estates. ______MANCHESTER — 6-room Co­ nUs was the. only troop tn the leaked from underground HOMESTEAD ST. they will be publicly opened «■ a volunUry aoUon of the (Starter pak Council to cook all mains. Village Peddler, Auctioneer. DELUXE one-bedroom apart­ VERNON — Immediate occu­ lonial In central location, re­ and road. Envelopes to be applicant OFT W. MIDIMLE TPKE. 420 Lake St., Bolton, 640-3247. ment, wall-to-wall carpeting pancy, oversized one and two Michael ’To- 87 meals oveif an open fire __ MANCHESTER cently done over inside and plainly marked "BID - SNOW Appeal No. 87 throughout, complete appli­ bedrooms at Vernon Tower out, wall-to-wall everywhere. REMOVAL ’’ SDeolficattons may 171(1.1(0' - ' variance denied, no George Cloney, senior scout, 1, 2 and 8-bedroom luxury ances, vanity bath. Centrally Apartments. Fully equipped, Must be seen, $29,800. WMver- SOCK bo eoourod ^ the Business hardship found. Splitting the conducUd a baking demonstro- ■ apartments. Features wedl-to- Rooms Without Board 59 located. $176. monthly. R. D. color coordinated kitchens, ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. Office. Union School, 771 Main property Into undersized loU Is tlcn using a reflector oven. The W heat, hot water, carpeting, TIME OVT FOR BOWLING DOLL waU carpeting, vanity tile Murdock, 643-2692. Street, South Windsor. Con- contrary lo soning regulations First class candidates demon- m ROOM for gentleman, quiet, large storage areas and mas- $25,900—7-room Colonial, of Bmanuel bituminous surfacing of the United Methodist' Church will lower play ground at Highland 15,503 fair, mild. Uitheran Church will leave the meet tonight at 7 at the church. Ohurch tomorrow at 6:80 a.m. Park School. R Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm Grade 7 will also meet at 7 at Because two alternates were for a foliage tour of western ------^------1------^ ^ ------f ‘ ...... the church parsonage and bid on it was not immediately ConneoUout. PRICE nFTBBN CENT! Grades 8 and 6 at the church. known who the low bidder is. VOL. LXXXX, NO. 324 (FORTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OC^BER 20, 1971 (Classified Advertlaing «m Page ITi The Adult Forum of North Four companies in all sub­ The evangelism committee of mitted bids. Emanuel Lutheran Church will meet tonight at 8 at the church Monaco and Sons of Glaston­ meet tonight at 7 at the church. bury bid 86,802.60 plus- 820 a The Nursery School Teachers foot for about 300-220' feet of The Cherub Choir of Eman­ AsaociaUon will meet tomorrow drainage pipe in a plan to sur­ uel Lutheran Church will re­ For Your Assurance from 2:80 to 8:80 p.m. in the face the playground and install Police Take hearse tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. underground drainage. Mona­ Brandtft Wins Simpson Wing of Center Congre­ and the Junior Choir at 4 ;30 Families we serve frequently gational Church. co bid 86,282.00 for resurfacing p.m. at the church. the area using the existing tremely personal S The Adult Bell Choir of Eman­ drainage furrows. code of ethics demands that wf Cub Scout Pack 367 will meet Gem Paving of Newington uel Lutheran Church will re­ this information in hearse tomorrow at 10 a.m. at at 7 p.m. at the Martin School. bid 8tO,380 for the first alter­ Tents From Cubs are reminded to wear nate, but did not submit prices with complete respect for the family s Nobel Prize the church. Halloween costumes. Prizes will for Installing the underground privacy. A Halloween stoiy time for be awarded. drainage. Gem bid 812,810 for children 8 t^ S years old will be the second alternate. held Friday from 10 to 10:46 At a meeting of the Manches­ Costello Construction Oorp. of ter Association of Educational Newington bid 86,616 for the _ _ m . • o,ol« o, mi aouiiM «uu Capitol Lawn a.m. in the Junior Room oi Secretaries tonight at 7:30 in first plan without the drainage F or P eace Whiten Memorial librfary, 85 installation and 812,626.26 for Main St. Mrs. Gordon Moores, the Illlng Junior High School li­ W 7 l€ the second plan. HARTFORD (A P )—-About 20 state police troopers children's librarian at Whlton, brary, George F. Bradlau, as­ HO I By ERIK WOLD General Paving of Rooky Hill will be the story teller. Parents sistant superintendent of schools 400 MAIN STREET • MANCHESTER,CONN Associated Preao Writer descended on the Capitol lawn before daybreak today for curriculum, will speak on did not bid on the first proposal, and pulled down a tent city occupied by disgruntled wel­ •AA I may remain with children or HOWARD HOLMES ARTHUR HOLMES NORMAN HOLMES OSLO, Norway (AP)—^The Nobel Peace Prize was the Nov. 2 referenda: Southwest but bid 810,846.26 on the second fare recipients. ' browse in the adult room. awarded to Willy Brandt for achieving "eminent results Junior High School, Northeast plan. About 8(L demonstrators were on television and radio only Elementary School, and junior in creating preconditions for peace in Europe.” present at the time, and state about 12 hours earlier to warn The Feast of St. James of Brandt, West Germany’s first ------Jerusalem will be celebrated to­ high school swimming pool. police said there were no tn- that the demonstrators' tents a«!laJlst chMceUor rweives Last week Dr. Earl W. Suth- morrow at 10 a.m. at a service Juries. Two persons were ar- and two portable toilqts might Speakers on the Nov. 2 school 888,000 through the decision of grland Jr. of Vanderbilt Unlver- of Holy Oommunitm at St. RE-ELECT the Nobel committee of the rested on disorderly conduct be forcibly removed, Mary’s Episcopal Church. referenda at a Bentley School slty won the Nobel Prize for charges, they said. The dem- Arrested in the police sweep PTA meeting tomorrow at 8 Norwegian parliament. medicine and Dr. Simon Kuz- prize has been awarded for 70 ^ Harvard university won onstration began last Thursday were Isabelle Blake, 42, of the Our Lady of Unity Mothers p.m. in the school auditorium ALLAN D. THOMAS to protest cute of around 10 per Hartford Welfare MOMS, and years under terms of Alfred award in economics. The Circle will meet tonight at 8 at will be Allan Cone, Betmet Jun­ cent in welfare payments under Franclsca Cruz, 30, also of TO THE Nobel's will. prize for literature will be the home of Mrs. Richard Jen­ ior High School principal, and Mrs. Aase Uonaes, chairman ^y,,£irded in Stockholm on the Aid to Families with De.. Hartford. nings, 1066 E. Middle Tpke. Isidor Wolf, Manchester Green Board of Educafio^n cf the committee, said: Thursday and the final prize, pendent Children program. State police Maj. Norman School principal. The meeting T II fl Toskcr said there were about is open to the public. “During the whole p o st^ chemistry-physics, Nov. 2. St. James Mothers Circle will period the politically unsolved Brandt this year signed non- . -♦ T s w ^insAnii troopers held in reserve as meet tomorrow at 8:16 p.m. at • Utolong rezident of Manchester DUtrlct court Judge M. Joseph e„7ampment was puUed German problem has cot- aggression treaties with Po- Blumenfeld began liearing ar the home of Mrs. Paul O’Neil, The trustees of Trinity Cove­ • PracUcing Attorney in Manchester down “In case there was some stltutod a latent danger to the guments on the cuts in a pack- 86 S. Alton St, There will be a nant Church will meet tonight • UConn Graduate, BA, JD difficulty, but of course there peace . . . As le^er of the gov- treaties have yet to ed courtroom as about 100 dem­ Chinese auction after the meet­ at 7:30 at the church. International Luncheon at Salvation Army • PriBsent Member of Board of Education wasn't.” emmera of the F ^ e ra l ^ u ^ ^ onstrators marched and chant­ ing. • Incorporator, Manchester Memorial Hospital “The people (demonstratore) The Adult Bible Study Class lie of Germany and on beh^f o« proved the East-West climate ed outside. Mrs. Maj. Lawrence Beadle, left, and Mrs. Herbert L. Snyder serve internation­ • Resides at 216 HoUlster Street with wife, Carolyn cooperated very well,” he said. of Zion Evangelical Luthersui the German people, Willy made possible a tentative The demonstrators carried Senior Methodists of South al luncheon guests, Roger Beck of France, Ronald Mendoza of the Philippines, and 3 children. Brandt has stretched his hand agreement on Ber- Tasker was top command offi­ United Methodist Church will Church will meet tonight at 7 :30 placards protesting the cuts cer on the scene and said he to reconciliation between coun- Details of the latter aip'ee- have its 10th anniversary din­ at the church. Miss Irose Payne of Antigua, Miss Che ig-ping C. Lin of the Republic o f China, and shouted “ power to the had been in conference on the tries that have long been „ient have yet to be worked ner Thursday noon in Cooper and Jamshed Elayia of India. The luncheon, which was held Saturday afternoon VOTE DEMOCRATIC enemies. people" as they walked along situation with Gov. Mesklll. Members of the Manchester He said the laws broken by Hall of the church. at the Salvation Army Citadel, was planned by the Church Women United in "In the spirit of good will he grandt has said an agree- the Main Street sidewalk. Rod and Gun Club will meet to­ NOV. 2 In the early morning eviction, the demonstrators were lighting conjunction with the 21st annual “Welcome to Connecticut” weekend arranged has achieved eminent rasults in ^lent to Improve the situation Reservations close tomorrow night at 7:30 at Newkirk and c r e a t i n g precOTdltioiw for ^ ^ State Police Capt. Joseph Cle- open fires—their campflrea— for the annual banquet of the Whitney FVneral Home, 318 by the Service Bureau for Connecticut Organizations. The guests stayed at Fair for by Demooratlo Town Comm., Roger Negro, peace In Europe. I^condltions ^ prg. cierskl, said he went to the without a permit and “ tres- Guard Club of JiCystic Review, Burnside Ave., East Hartford, TNMIb Manchester area homes and shared family activities els an introduction to tor a peaceful development are acndlttcn to submitting the Capltol about 4 a.m. and asked passing, insofar as they were NABA, and may be made by to pay respects to the late Har­ Firemfen wearing oxygen packs enter doorway of nursing home where 15 persons died. (AP Photo) the welfare demonstrators to camping on the grounds. life in America. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) a poUtical and military relwa. treaties for ratlflcatlcn by his contacting Mrs. Hasel Fahey of old M. Newberry, a member of tion of tension between East parliament, take down their tents. TTiey re­ The demonstrators "will b« 706 Main St. The banquet will be the club. allowed to remain but no onr and West Europe. Brandt also has made efforts fused after about an hour's dis­ Friday at 6:80 p.m. at Willie’s campment will bs aUosred,” ho “Hie committee attaches Im- jq tLciileve a modus vlvendl cussion, he said, and the troop­ Steak House. sold In. an interview. portance to the fact that Willy ^jth Communist East Germa- In Pennsylvania ers began dismantling the Tasker said the two women Brandt both as foreign secre- ay. He took an unprecedented camp. were arrested when they re­ Disabled American Veterans tary of the Federal Republic of trip to Bast Germany for a The fire department was then Auxiliary will meet tomorrow at fused to quit talking over a Germany In 1866 and as federal gtlng vrith the East German called to put out campfires the 7:30 p.m. at the VFW Home. loudspeaker system. He said of­ chancellor since 1868 has token premier, Wllll Stoph, In the city demcnsti-Ettors had been using. ficers asked the women them­ concrete initiatives leading to Erfurt. Stoph repaid the call Claims Nursing Home Fire Cieclerski said his goal was selves and their attorney to put Manchester Orange will have such relaxation of tension.” journeying to Kassel, West not to end the demonstration, a stop to the touting before a social program tomorrow at Brandt, 67, Joins a long lUt of Germany later. 8 p.m. at Orange Hall Instead of only the camping. making the arrests. Peace Prize winners Including yyh„e meetings produced Gov. Thomas J.- Mesklll, who its regular buslnem meeting. Woodrow Wilson and TTieodore TTie women , were released on has strongly backed Welfare melr cwn rocognlsance. Roosevelt. (See Page Eighteen) Dakota Council, Degree of P o­ 15 Senior Citizens Commissioner Henry C. White Danish Socialists and fellow Lives of on the welfare cuts, had gone (See Page Biglrt) cahontas will meet tomorrow at German Social democrats had 7:30 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall G mn recommended Brandt for the There will be a social and re­ By LARRY THOR80N pilot light on the drye In the died of smoke Inhalation, Jen- "The entire area was en- prize, saying his efforts to im­ freshments after the meeting. HONESDALE, Pa. (AP) laundry room were the fire nings said. gulfed with smoke, there wasn’t prove his countiy's relations Fifteen elderly persons, most In started. Only a licensed practical too much flames," Jennings with East Europe - were the their 80s and 90s and many of "W e theorize that the gas ac- nurse, cn duty alone at the said. “ It was very dense smoke St. Mary's Episcopal Guild of OCT. 20 - 21 • 22 - 23 most Important Initiative for St. Mary’s Eplscc^al Church them bedridden, were killed cumulated and spcntaneously time, escaped the blaze as It and you cculd see It for a NC DATS - WD.-THm$.-FII.-$«T. relaxation of tension in the last Tuesday night when a smoky Ignited somehow,” Greening filled the residential wing of the mile." France Demands will meet Thursday at 11 a.m. decade. in the Parish House at the fire believed caused by a gas sold. Geiger Nursing Home with Jennings said the fire was be- church. Members will bring leak In a clothes dryer swept a State officials said the home thick, black smoke. lleved to have started shortly their own sandwiches, dessert ST. 643-2819 private nursing home. passed an inspection two “ I Intend to request the state before 8 p.m. In a laundry and beverage will be served by A coroner asked for a state months ago. Department of Labor and In- room at the rear of the reslden- A U.N. Seat For Mrs. Henry Thornton, Mrs. Ar­ Open Mon. - Fri. 7 am.-10 p.m-—Sat. 7 aan.-6 pjh.—Sun. 9 ajn.-6 pan. Investlgatlon Into the deatiis at The building had no alarm dustry and the Department of tial wing erf the L-shaped, one- thur Holmes, and Mrs. George G>ng Shelling the home near this tiny north- system or sprinkler system but Welfare to conduct an Imme- story frame structure, “ n iere’s BROWN'S TIRE SHOP . eastern Pennsylvania commu- officials said they were not re- dlate Investigation at the state almost no question of that," he Coupe. A:' nlty. qulred for structures of Its level,” Jennings said. said. "Physical evidence shows Norton Greening, state fire type, “ If there Is any criminal neg- that.” Red China Alone St. Anne's Mother's Circle Of U.S. Base marshal , said today he had All of the victims, trapped In llpnce Involved here It will be discovered by will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. found a loose thermocouple their rooms on either side of a brought out In the Investlga- By SHIRLEY CHRISTIAN Pei^le’s Republic at China in at the home of Mrs. James and a loose connection for the corridor, were believed to have tlcn,” he said. (See Page Eight) the United Nations and in fs«t Szarek of 6 Evergpreen Rd. Co- In 26th Day UNIjTBD NATIONS, N.Y. impose demands which would hostess is Mrs. Gary Boulay. (AP) — France challenged the prohibit or postpone ito entry.” SAIGON (AP) — North Viet­ U.S.-backed “dual represents- This was a reference to Psk- namese ‘gunners continued ha­ tlon" plan today and demanded in^.g statement that it would FUEL 17Qe GoL rassing allied artillery bases State Convention that the General Assembly seat ^ave nothing to do with tbs along the Cambodian border to­ Red China alone by a simple united Nations so long as the OIL C.O.D. day and shelled U.S. Filre Bose majority. Chinese Nationalisto sU y in. Pace for the 26th consecutive I Addressing the 131-nation as- pro^Peklng speakers have con* Jake day. sembly during a morning doml- uppsj to hammer this poO)t- Pace, 60 miles northwest of Connecticut Lawyers Mull hated by pro-PekIng countries, ^.^e French delegate was pre- KEUEY I SOUS m * -VTAH.' ScUgon, has been hit by more French Ambassador Jacques this third day of the 24-h r . b u r n e r s e r v i c e than 600 rouiXds of mortars and Kosciusko-Morizet said: CTilna debate by Sweden, Nepal rockets since the North Viet­ "People would not under- Denmark—all of whom 647-9732 namese launched on offensive stand how our General Assem- u„eted." port the presence of the (See Page Eight) iParsclls said the group’s down. My patrols haven't been vinced that President Nixon A former state prisoner, STEVE BROWN running into anything lately, Big Banks has a warm spot in his heart Sherman Adams, replied that house of delegates, or govern­ TOM BROWN and the number of Incoming for the working man. he experienced no such consid­ ing body, agreed the Issue HftfiHWftllt V M T n M U S N4. (shells) has decreased. And they should be. ambiva­ should be taken up with the Is. M l eration. fb s M fM “ They c6ntlnuc to harass us ^^CutRates lent about paying the new fee "I was sentenced to seven to Judges of the state’s courts. He U.S. PoKcy M ik e Is fttS M 8 n la fd M z but there Is no real pattern.” levied on them by the loglsla- ten years tn the Hartford Jail said that If a fee must be col­ Pay Board C78(4 Pace Is manned by American turo. while the Judge had his back lected that it should be used for 821.00 IMJI 111.00 IIUI 92m Tfrestone (6.96-14) ViTeefone and South Vietnamese troops. Exhortations on these tjiroe turned to m e," said Adams. "I state bar grievance proceed- Scored By ^ The Mileage Speclallet E7B-I4 ^ The Mileage Speolaliat Nine mortar rounds that hit the On Lending Ings. Gimpletion 10.71 NL17 14.71 t l M 2JU topics were directed, at them got the feeling that my fate (7.3614) American side of the base dur­ duringl' two days of the Con­ was decided while the lawyers "The. proper place for this to F78I4 ing the night caused no casu­ NEW YORK (AP) — MOrgan America^ favorite winter 12.00 m i M.00 IMI 2M necticut Bar Association Con­ and the judge were at the Stat- come Is through the court, not (7,7614) alties, but the South Vietnam Guaranty Trust Co. of New Seen Near Vatican Unit tire I Guaranteed to go thru vention which ended Tuesday. ler Hilton bar. through the legislature,” said DOOR 07614 ess s^d 10 government soldiers York cut Its prime lending rate I’ arsells, adding that the tax (8.2614) IS.M ff.7l H.7I NJ7 2 M TTic call fer prison reform "Alienation of that sort WASHINGTON (API After By PATRICK B. O’lUUDFB ice, mud and snow... or we were wounded In n 16-round /rom 8 per cent to 81i today may breach the constitutional H76(4 came In a panel discussion. In stayed with me throughout my two weeks of searching, the PRIZE mortar barrage that struck the and woe followed quickly by doctrine jjf separation cf pow­ pay the tow. This famous (8.66141 10.00 NJi 41.i)0 ON 2.74 which four Inmates or former term and the elimination of a Nixon administration Itas all VA’nCAN CITY (AP) — A South. Vietnamese portion of other big Ixinks. guarantee extends to new J76I4 Inmates Joined two defense at- callous Judicial attitude toward ers, but completed the Job of lining Vatican commission attacked DRAWING (8 8614) - - 47.00 n.7i 2.81 BALLO O NS Pace. Announcing Identical cuts lornoys and John P. Cotter, prisoners must be at the heart The fee was i>art of u long Firestone Town & Country Government spokesmen also were Chase Manhattan Bank of schedule of fee Increases In­ up members for the Pay Board „ g government today for F76I5 chief court administrator of the c.f prison reform," Adams de­ and Price Commission, the ...... tires on drive wheels of 11.00 MJO 17.00 NJO 242 reported light casualties at a New York, the nation's third cluded In the "compromise" COME IN AND REGISTER (7,7616) LOLLIPOPS Connecllcul Supreme Court. clared. chief iH»Ureexe ecOTomlc-cOT- passenger cars, for the 07616 nearby South Vietnamese fire largest bank, Citluns A fkMith- Gov. Thomas J. Mesklll told The llOtKa-year foe levied on tax package that reiwalcd the trul bodlog financial ayiUm and voio«d (82616) 10.00 MJI 40.70 HJ7 2.64 base called Thlen Ngon, which era National Bank trf Atlnnla NO OBLIGATION entire life of the original Ihe lawyers they should pay the lawyers by tlie General Assem­ short-lived state Income tax. Announcement of the names ' “ PPOrt f® H76I6 FOR THE KIDS was hit by five mortar rounds u,e unnk of Onllforala. fee levied on them by the Gen­ bly. even If ambiguously word­ Mesklll signed (he bill Into law Is tentatively ■ scheduled for fight for the United Itatsa in tread design. Claims are (8.6616) 40.00 20Jl 44.20 22J2 2 8 0 Roqor M. Tussday night. The prime rale is the Interest eral Assembly as a publlc-splr- ed, shiHiUI be paid, said Mes- on Aug. 33. ■JTiursday, sources said, with Vietnam. paid by the dealer or store J76(6 One small ground skirmish charged by commercial banks (88616)- 44.00 3 2 M 41.71 24.17 2 6 6 lled “gesture,'' even If It were kill. On the subject of l•res^delll the first meetings possibly set Tlte Pontifical Oommtssion on BRAKES Issuing the guarantee was reported In the Cambodian „„ loons to their best corporate found unenforceable. "We feel lhal It Is tha duty of Nixon's economic |<«rkage, a up tor this week. Justice and Paaoe, In s doou- L76I6 2.16 (91616) - - 04.21 17J2 border region, Ute government customers. It had been at 6 |>er A number of lawyers have our leading lawyers to do what­ top lawyer for the Internal TTie Pay Board and 'Price ment submitted to the World certificate. BATTERIES ^ said two North Vietnamese cent since July . FRONT END AH prIcM rtUS tiiiM said Ihe fee Is amblgumisly ever Is necessary to stimulate Kevenue Hervice lolil the group Commlsslun will determine how Bynod of Roman Catholic Blah- ware klltsd and two Huulh Vist- Morgan Ouaranty said ilie re- woided and unconslltutloual public confidence In the bay," that criticisms (hit Ihe I'resl- much wages, salarlts, prices ope, urged the synod to do|>loro NEGRO namess paralriK»|Hirs were ,|,|ctlense of the wi rktng man on's wags-price-rent freasa ex- taken by some rich oowntHoo Pnee. sonsl increase In liisii demsnd hcmlc Policy wan defended by Ttiemlay ss Ihe Itar s new preel are unfiHimieU |>lrea at midnight Nov. 18. which Involve the well hotllg ICE U.l, BM bomliers, which mui n decline In ccsl of funds” MONROE SHOCKS MUFFLERS a top lawyer for Ihe Internal (lent. l-ee II Henkel Jr . deputy T h e White House has and the development of 2 Milton TOWN have flown ss many as 18 While Ihe prime rate applies Bevemie Service, which he aald Meeklll said that he. U Oov 1118 chief etamsel. eald taxes on sleadfaelly denied lhal It haa parsons" In poor countrtos, atrikss a day to rellevs enemy msinly i<> i'iu|M'raie i-trrow will have greatly exiwmUd T Clark Mull and State Treas (-orpoiatloiui wtatid be cut alHail run Into any difficulty In find- > n |. 64-tNj4nl meaoaae also TREASURER TAILPIPES pressure on I'acs, llmllsd thsir m,|«, p ciieris an Inlhieitce i n WHEEL BALANCING ixiwei'1 In Ihe |H>el frec»e iterl' urer Bol>ert 1 Henicn. all of It billion, whereas laa cula for l.m 16 m.mber. for the Pay on synod to SCRAPER sumxiri tislay <0 «ns mlsslmt ,,, neutiiers loans, including od whom are lawyers, had paid In-llvlduala would amount to Board and seven for the Price to LIVIE 81 IH m Iies soulh of the Isw#. imme muUgsges ohd aull•m»^ thirlng Iht panel dlactu-nlOT. then fees mane 8S4 Igltlosi < 'uiniuleeloti, mawilhelandtng or Other Irtg »Mrat«i4oriressss |.p, nnsn> ing chsiges (\iHer -Mild "I sdinlt to releas McsklU Mid that even UMSigh Yhua I think It la not el all ■uPKpr niB e n t i r b Ihe fact It has had aotne r«Je«- acts of war, stwh ss UM iMsn^ eentintMd to |«s*mi enemy sup on Tueadsy l•r•sldenl Ntsnn Ing e -me Im I 'i who have Iwen •eiloue nu*aUi4*s havw been (air to that IHe adiolnte ..A I lists ardmenl of sivtl popMl8llsn>.” oniooRATio t r a m ply lines deeper in Osmbeills mriunltled leglslstom l« !'•»' hiinighl me five ii» •)*- rais' d alssit thi (^dlei IlMllly «f Iralkei been uiutuly fav<-t T h e rr s been, no delay, " aald It eaitod lor "undsrMwMiNf of F R E E G L A S S WITH GASOLIHE PURCHASE and IM Me Mlnh trail In ffees lu give Mm eulMrily In timra >n druil 'h-ig-* -mee Oi. lhal .11 wi'viM h a n^g the lH(«teel* 1.1 tdg b u n conlKd intereet fsle* InUfest un. irffti lal io ii^ weae^^M h s, to8wa MM Nagra ise Tn m . Oeaualttoe • ii.-tli'« lh,.m l« pM» !t «ol»» g i- . !.* i-ey tht» h»* Ik . .... i- i'n . l4.-v>ir* w—V I* Prae K>sht> lOaw r a «e KlgMt *0 itoor orms " ■*■*■**1— ra—— |«e# II Idee Fete INMt