MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1971 AvonfD DtUy Ngt PruM Ron The Weather MO PAOB TWENTY-POUR For n w Week Diidod Oetobov 3, u n Olaar tonight with tow near 80. Tomorrow moatly aunny; iiUmrI|PHtTr high about 70. Outlook for The Emma NetUeton Group The education committee of Manchester Chapter, The Past Matrons of Temple Thuioday . fair, mlldar. WlUlam J. Btavanaon of 32 of the Center OongregaUonal 15,503 Thomas Dr. will receive his 00- North United Methodist Church BPEBSGSA, will rehearse to­ Chapter, OB8, will meet ‘Nancy Taylor Church will meet twnorrow at Manehetter-^A City o f Village Charm About Tpwn year Royal Arch Mason pin at wiU meet tonight at 7 at the, night at 8 at the Army and Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the TIm n IrlU be a coffee bogr 7 p.m. at the church for a drive ^ COMES TO WEST HARTFORD^ a maetlnc of Dalto Chapter, church. Navy dub. The rehearsal la home of Mrs. Robert Richmond for John Tbompaon, Democratic of 19 Clearvlew Terrace. Host­ to the Cheney Homestead. They r a m , at the Masonic Temple open to all men Interested In '■ Nancy TqylorCaiBMProgronw fCtoasIflad Advorttalag ea Page 11) PRICE FIfTBEN CBNYB oandldate for the Boerd of Dl- wUl return to the church for re­ VOL. LXXXX, NO. 828 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1971 Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. The Touth Rhythmic Choir of singing barbershop ■ style har­ esses are Mrs. Earl Loveland f A OlVIllON Of ITT MOCATIOMAl MlVICIk recton, tomomnr at t p.m. in freshments and a foodless food Center CbngregaUonal Church mony. and Mra. Evelyn Turklngton. the home of Mr. and M n. Tim­ The presentation will be made FASHION MERCHANDISING will rehearse tonight at 6:48 In sale. othy Rohan, M Autumn 8t. .In a aeml-publlo meeting. the church narthex. Hic W o m e n’ s Rhythmic Queen of Peace Mothers d r - SECRETARIAL SCIENCES Frlenda and nel(hbon are In­ Choir of Center CongregaUonal ole will meet Wednesday at 8 Manchester WATB8 will have SPEEDWRITINO OREOO SHORTHAND 'Friendship Circle of the Salva­ vited to attend. Church wUl rehearse tomorrow p.m. at the home of Mra. a parcel post aucUon and meet­ tion Army will have a work ses­ Hie CanflrmaUon Class ct at 1 p.m. In Woodruff Hall of Arthur Jacobsen of 337 Hack- ing tomorrow with weighing In Hartford Acadomy of Butinoy sion at its meeting tmnorrow MOncheater t o d fe of Maaona Second CongregaUonal Church the church. matek St. Co-hoatesa la Mrs. from 7 to 8 p.m. Mrs. John lishop'---------- Nixon Sends at 7:48 p.m. at the church. More Rigid will meet tomorrow at 7 ;S0 will meet tomorrow at 4 p.m. In George Wood. Banquet Uckets Pavelack is In charge of the W«t» Hartford Hostesses are Mrs. Selma Carl­ p.m. at the Maaonic Temple. the church parlor. H m Drop In Oenier for Ben- son and Mra. Tony Slmard. will be available. program. V. The Orand Maater of Oonnect- net Junior High School students lout MOaona, Merle P. Tapley, The Klwanla d u b o f Man­ at South United Methodist The Women’s Home League Manchester Chapter of Dis­ The Manchester Newcomers chester will meet tomorrow Church wUl be <^n tomorrow will make an unofficial vlalta- of the SalvaUcn Army wUl meet abled American Veterans wUl tion. Robert Jeffriea will apeak Club will meet tomorrow at 7:80 noon at the Manchester Coun­ from 2:18 to 4 p.m. In the youth Plans Out On tomorrow at 1:80 p.m. In the meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Security Set p.m. at the Community T. The try d u b . lounge of the church. on "BSP and Ofaoata." The ^ym. Hostesses are Mra. Anna American Legion Home. meetlny la open to Maaona and program wlU include a "Paper Happiness Is — Anderson and Mra. Annie John­ Doll Theater" by Norma Big­ Hie Mothers dub of Center their famlllea. Grace Group of Center Con­ ston. The gym will also be open Manchester AssoclaUon lor ler. The event la open to all new CongregaUonal Church wlH gregaUonal Church will sponsor at 10 a.m. for a work session. Children wlUi Learning Dlsabll- area residents. Those wishing meet tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. In AN AIR-GONDITIONED LAUNDROMAT Myatlc Review, NAVA, wlU a plasUc kitchenware party to­ lUes wUl meet tonight at 8 at more Information may contact Memorial Hall of the church. Post - Freeze meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at night at 7:80 In Memorial Hall Concordia Lutheran Church. For Kosygin 'Mrs. Walter Kucaek of 888 The Manchester Square TUESDAY SPECIAL - COIN-OP DRY CLIANIHG Odd Fellowa Hall. of the church. Peter A. OltUnger, assistant WASHINGTON (A P )— ^President Nixon sent to Con- Hilliard St. or MTa. John Plerog, St. Francis Xavier Mothers Dance Club has announced that 8 LIS. — $1.50 18 Laurelwood Dr., Bolton. headmaster of the Rectory gresB today legislation for the post-freeze anti-inflation The Koffee Kraftera will meet Circle wUI meet Wednesday at tomorrow wUl be the last day By WnXlAM L. BYAN The admlnlstraUve board of 7:80 p.m. at the home of Mrs. for adult couples to register for School In Pomfret, will speak at 9UALITY SPEED QUEEN EQUIPMENT efforts, calling for civil as* well as criminal penalties, Wedneaday at 0:80 p.m at the the meeting, which is open to OTTAWA (AP)—Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygrin be­ Community T, 70 N. Main St. Dr. Hans 8. Menco, emer­ North United Methodist Church Richard TTemey of 48 Wedge- the fall series of square dance gan another round of activities in the Canadian capital authority to control interest and divid^ds if needed and gency department staff physi­ will meet tonight at 8 at the wood Dr. The Rev. R i ^ r t Bur­ lessons to be held Tuesdays Uie pubUc. His topic: “ Fifty sett^g up a temporary emergency court of appMds to MTa. Wilfred Liak wll inatnict Years Experience in Teaching BEtiOON LAUNDROMAT - 309 OREEN NO. today, with tighter security measures and fresh demon­ makiny com huak dolla. Mem­ cian at Manchester Memorial church. bank of the Church of the .As- from 8 to 10:30 p.m. with Earl handle wage-price cases. —------------------------------------ Hospital, last week participated sumpUon wlU officiate at a folk Johnston, club caller, as in­ Children with Learning Disabil­ strations by dozens of protesting Jews. bers are reminded to brlnf com At Paritament HIU, where -------------------------------------------------- The President asked for a economy where there are se- In the four-day Third .Annual Mass. structor. ities. one-year extension to April 80, verest economic pressures. huaka, amall atyrofoam balla, The French dub of Manches­ Keoygin was attacked but not ' _ _ __ _ wire, needle, thread, heavy Scientific Assembly of the Amer­ ter wiU have a pubUc card par­ No one woe reported injured 1978 of Oie Economic StabUlsa- iWalker said it waa not con- Bciaaora, cUppera and pine. ican College of Emergency ty tonight at 8 at Orange Hall. ‘"'any til® dem oiitiiuw b^ tlon Act, which provides Uie templated Uiat Uie Interast-dlvi- dom fighter’’ M «day. IS rabbis minority groupa whKdi allege Hoateaaea are Mra. Bmeat Oak- Physicians in Miami Beach. power to act to reg-jlate in- dend curbs wUl have to be l^outed at Kooygin and two of oppresaion by Uie Ruasians. man and Mra. William Crawley. AU co-chairmen for the VFW flatlonary forces. used. He said "by severely The W om en’s Society of thm blew rama horns. Koe- However, Uie attack on Kos- Meetinya are qpen to all inter- Auxiliary Christmas Basaar in Undersecretary of the Treas- puncturing InfUUonary ex- Christian Service of the South y ^ a p p e u ^ relaxed. y g j„ the denunclatlone of eated women. A babysitter Is November will meet tonight at ury CharU Walker said Uie one- pectaUons" the anU-lnftoUonary United Methodist Church wlU In an effort to prevent any him hy demonitratlng Ukrai- available. 8 at the Poet Home. Tlie meet­ year Ume limit In no way In- efforts "will cause Interest meet tonight at 8 In the Recep­ mora embarrassing incidents niana and Jews managed to ing Is also open to aU interested dicates the length of time that rates to decline." He said tion Hall at the church. There such as ^ JosUlng assautt the iqioUlght away from the price-wage controU will re- there already had been a "dra- Hie Feast of St. taike the members. Bvangellst will be celebrated will be an executive board a closer look, Monday. Kosygin’s motorcade Kosygin’# phrases about peace main in effect. maUc decline" in these rates. with the Holy Eucharist tonight meeting tonight at 7 :18 at the jped so swIfUy through Uie city m the world and concentrate It He said the controla will re- Meanwhile a new government at 7 In the o< 8t. Mary’s church. Repreaentatlves of the two Mounted Police con- instead on Soviet domlnaUon of main for as long as "It t ^ i to report showed the naUon’s Bplacopal Church. At 7:80, South Providence Christian aUbles were nearly bowled ethnic mlnortUee in the Soviet break the back of Inflations^ economy entering the last there will be an open meeting Center will discuss how local e rea^soiVB th at Union and Eastern Europe. expectations and to make nionths of 1971 still suffering of the liturgical committee of mission money is spent In the UOUT BOOKS In poUce court, Kosygin’s ac- MOre demonstraUona are prom- meaningful progress to bring „^th substantial slack, the church In the Guild Room South Providence mission proj­ cused asaallant, Gesa Matral, teed on Kosygin’s route acroas down the coet of living.” temporary court of ap- to discuss "Trial Use and the ect.
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